
#Region '.\Private\Add-AppFactoryApplicationBlockingProcess.ps1' 0
function Add-AppFactoryApplicationBlockingProcess{
    [Parameter()][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][int]$deferCount = 0,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output", "Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"
  $ApplicationScriptLines = [System.Collections.Generic.List[String[]]]@()
  $processes = $blockingProcess -split ","
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("`$processExist = `$false",2)) | Out-Null
    foreach ($item in $processes) {
      $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("if(Get-Process -Name `"$($item)`" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){`$processExist = `$true}",2)) | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("if ([Environment]::UserInteractive -and `$processExist) {",2)) | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("`$params = @{",3)) | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("`"CloseApps`" = `"$($blockingProcess)`"",4)) | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("`"PersistPrompt`" = `$true",4)) | Out-Null
    if ($deferCount -gt 0) {
      $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("`"AllowDefer`" = `$true",4)) | Out-Null
      $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("`"DeferTimes`" = $($deferCount)",4)) | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("}",3)) | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("Show-InstallationWelcome @params",3)) | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("}",2)) | Out-Null    
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("else {",2)) | Out-Null
    foreach ($item in $processes) {
      $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("`Get-Process -Name `"$($item)`" | Stop-Process -Force",3)) | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("}",2)) | Out-Null      
    foreach($item in $processes){
      $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("Get-Process -Name `"$($item)`" | Stop-Process -Force",2)) | Out-Null
  return @(,$ApplicationScriptLines)
#EndRegion '.\Private\Add-AppFactoryApplicationBlockingProcess.ps1' 42
#Region '.\Private\Add-AppFactoryApplicationScriptEXE.ps1' 0
function Add-AppFactoryApplicationScriptEXE{
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][Hashtable]$ApplicationInstallLines,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][String]$installer,
    [Parameter()][string]$Parameters = $null,
    [Parameter()][string]$ignoreExit = $null,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output", "Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"
  $ApplicationScriptLines = [System.Collections.Generic.List[String[]]]@()
  if($directory -ne ""){
    $executePath = "`"`$($($directory))\`$(`$installer)`""
    $executePath = "`"`$(`$installer)`""
  $execute = "Execute-Process -Path $($executePath) -Parameters `"`$(`$Parameters)`""
    $execute = "$($execute) -IgnoreExitCodes `"$($ignoreExit)`""
  $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("`$installer = `"$($installer)`"", 2)) | Out-Null
  $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("`$Parameters = `"$($Parameters)`"",2)) | Out-Null
  $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(($execute, 2)) | Out-Null
  return @(,$ApplicationScriptLines)
#EndRegion '.\Private\Add-AppFactoryApplicationScriptEXE.ps1' 28
#Region '.\Private\Add-AppFactoryApplicationScriptMSI.ps1' 0
function Add-AppFactoryApplicationScriptMSI{
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][Hashtable]$ApplicationInstallLines,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][String]$installer,
    [Parameter()][string]$Parameters = $null,
    [Parameter()][string]$mst = $null,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Install", "Uninstall")][string]$msiAction = "Install",
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output", "Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"
  $ApplicationScriptLines = [System.Collections.Generic.List[String[]]]@()
  if($directory -ne ""){
    $executePath = "`"`$($($directory))\`$(`$installer)`""
    $executePath = "`"`$(`$installer)`""
  $execute = "Execute-MSI -Action `"$($msiAction)`" -Path $($executePath) -Parameters `"/qn REBOOT=ReallySuppress`""
  $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("`$installer = `"$($installer)`"", 2)) | Out-Null
  if ($mst) {
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("`$mstInstall = `"$($mst)`"", 2)) | Out-Null
    $execute = "$($execute) -Transform `"`$($($directory))\`$(`$mstInstall)`""
  if ($Parameters) {
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("`$Parameters = `"$($Parameters)`"", 2)) | Out-Null
    $execute = "$($execute) -AddParameter `$parameters"
  $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(($execute, 2)) | Out-Null
  return @(,$ApplicationScriptLines)
#EndRegion '.\Private\Add-AppFactoryApplicationScriptMSI.ps1' 33
#Region '.\Private\Add-AppFactoryAppWIM.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to generate the lines to enter into deploy-application.ps1 for WIM based installs.
  .PARAMETER section
  If this for the start or end of the WIM process that determines if it is mounting or dismounting
  .PARAMETER ApplicationInstallLines
  The current lines that are meant to be injected into the file, so that it adds to the current object
  .PARAMETER application
  The application object that we are working for so that we can ensure that get the correct and current data

function Add-AppFactoryAppWIM{
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateSet("start","end")][string]$section,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][PSCustomObject]$application
  $ApplicationScriptLines = [System.Collections.Generic.List[String[]]]@()
  # If this to mount the WIM add the following lines
  if($section -eq "start"){
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("`$mountPath = `"C:\AFS\$($application.AppFolderName)`"",2))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("`$wimFile = Get-Childitem -Path `"`$(`$dirFiles)`" -Filter `"*.wim`"",2))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("`$wimPath = Join-Path `$dirFiles -ChildPath `$wimFile",2))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("try{",2))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("[void](New-Item -Path `$mountPath -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)",3))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("Mount-WindowsImage -ImagePath `$wimPath -Index 1 -Path `$mountPath",3))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("}",2))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("catch{",2))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("Write-Host `"ERROR: Encountered an issue mounting the .wim. Exiting Script now.`"",3))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("Write-Host `"Error Message: `$_`"",3))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("}",2))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("",2))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("",2))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("Start-Sleep -Seconds 60",2))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("try{",2))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("Dismount-WindowsImage -Path `$MountPath -Discard",3))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("Remove-Item -Path `$mountPath -Force",3))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("}",2))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("catch{",2))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("#Failed to Dismount normally. Setting up a scheduled task to unmount after next reboot (exit code 3010)",3))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("Write-Host `"ERROR: Attempting to create scheduled task CleanupWIM to dismount image at next startup`"",3))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("Write-Host `"Error Message: `$_`"",3))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("`$STAction = New-ScheduledTaskAction ``",3))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("-Execute 'Powershell.exe' ``",4))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("-Argument '-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -WindowStyle Hidden -command `"& {Get-WindowsImage -Mounted | Where-Object {`$_.MountStatus -eq ''Invalid''} | ForEach-Object {`$_ | Dismount-WindowsImage -Discard -ErrorVariable wimerr; if ([bool]`$wimerr) {`$errflag = `$true}}; If (-not `$errflag) {Clear-WindowsCorruptMountPoint; Unregister-ScheduledTask -TaskName ''CleanupWIM'' -Confirm:`$false}}`"'",4))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("`$STTrigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -AtStartup",4))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("Register-ScheduledTask ``",3))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("-Action `$STAction ``",4))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("-Trigger `$STTrigger ``",4))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("-TaskName `"CleanupWIM`" ``",4))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("-Description `"Clean up WIM Mount points that failed to dismount`" ``",4))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("-User `"NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM`" ``",4))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("-RunLevel Highest ``",4))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("-Force ",4))  | Out-Null
    $ApplicationScriptLines.Add(("}",2))  | Out-Null      
  return @(,$ApplicationScriptLines)
#EndRegion '.\Private\Add-AppFactoryAppWIM.ps1' 61
#Region '.\Private\Add-AppFactoryIntuneDeployment.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to upload the required items to the Azure Storage for the deployment files
  .PARAMETER application
  The application object that we are working for so that we can ensure that get the correct and current data
  .PARAMETER appStorageContext
  The azure storage context that has permissions to upload to the Azure Storage Account
  .PARAMETER ApplicationInstallLines
  The name of the public storage blob that we will use if the application is free for any organization
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.

function Add-AppFactoryIntuneDeployment {
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][PSCustomObject]$application,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][PSCustomObject]$appStorageContext,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][String]$AppFactoryPublicFolder,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output", "Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"
  # Generate the path for the details for the application and then read the JSON file
  $AppDataFile = Join-Path -Path $application.AppPublishFolderPath -ChildPath "App.json"
  $AppData = Get-Content -Path $AppDataFile | ConvertFrom-Json
  $ScriptDataFile = Join-Path -Path $application.AppPublishFolderPath -ChildPath "Scripts" -AdditionalChildPath $AppData.DetectionRule.ScriptFile
  $AppIconFile = Join-Path -Path $application.AppPublishFolderPath -ChildPath $AppData.PackageInformation.IconFile
  # Check what Azure Storage Containers we should be uploading the files to
  $containerUploads = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]@()
  if ((($application.PublishTo.getType()).BaseType.Name -eq "Array" -and $application.publishTo.Count -gt 0) -or (($application.PublishTo.getType()).BaseType.Name -eq "Object" -and $application.publishTo.length -gt 1)) {
    foreach ($org in $application.PublishTo) {
      $containerUploads.Add($org) | Out-Null
  else {
    $containerUploads.Add($AppFactoryPublicFolder) | Out-Null
  $appUploads = [PSCustomObject]@(
      "File" = $AppDataFile
      "Blob" = "$($application.GUID)/$($application.AppSetupVersion)/App.json"
      "File" = $application.IntunePackage
      "Blob" = "$($application.GUID)/$($application.AppSetupVersion)/$($application.IntuneAppName).intunewin"
      "File" = $AppIconFile
      "Blob" = "$($application.GUID)/$($application.AppSetupVersion)/$($AppData.PackageInformation.IconFile)"
      "File" = $ScriptDataFile
      "Blob" = "$($application.GUID)/$($application.AppSetupVersion)/detection.ps1"
  # Process the uploads for each of the files as required to each container that is required
  foreach ($container in $containerUploads) {
    if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Uploading files to storage" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    foreach ($upload in $appUploads) {
      if (Test-Path $upload.File) {
        try {
          if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Uploading <c='green'>$($upload.File)</c> to <c='green'>$($container)</c> container" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
          Set-AzStorageBlobContent @upload -Container $container -Context $appStorageContext -Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
        catch {
          throw "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Unable able to upload file: $($_.Exception.Message)"
  if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Updating versions information" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  # Add a item to the object that we can check for to see if it was actually sent
  Set-AppFactoryAppConfiguration -GUID $application.GUID -version $application.AppSetupVersion
  $application | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'Updated' -Value $true -Force  
  return $application
#EndRegion '.\Private\Add-AppFactoryIntuneDeployment.ps1' 82
#Region '.\Private\Connect-AppFactoryAzureStorage.ps1' 0
function Connect-AppFactoryAzureStorage {
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$storageContainer,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][securestring]$storageSecret,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output", "Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose" 
  begin {
    # Generate variables to connect to azure storage
    $storageVars = @{
      "StorageAccountName" = $storageContainer
      "StorageAccountKey"  = ConvertFrom-SecureString $storageSecret -AsPlainText
  process {
    try {
      if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "Creating Azure Storage Context for <c='green'>$($storageContainer)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Storage", "$($storageContainer)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
      $storageAccountContext = New-AzStorageContext @storageVars
    catch {
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "Error Encountered: $($_)" -Level "Error" -Tag "Storage" -Target "Application Factory Service"
      throw $_
  end {
    return $storageAccountContext
#EndRegion '.\Private\Connect-AppFactoryAzureStorage.ps1' 32
#Region '.\Private\Expand-7ZIpFile.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to use the 7zip portable exe to extract the files
  .PARAMETER application
  The application object that we are working for so that we can ensure that get the correct and current data
  .PARAMETER applicationName
  The name of the application that we are working with
  The path to the 7-zip file
  .PARAMETER supportFiles
  The path to the support files folder
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.

function Expand-7ZIpFile{
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][PSCustomObject]$application,
    [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$applicationName,
    [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$path,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$supportFiles,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output","Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose" 
  # 7Zip Exe
  $7ZipPath = Join-Path -Path $supportFiles -ChildPath "7zr.exe"
  # 7Zip File
  $7ZipFile = Join-Path -Path $path -ChildPath $application.appSetupName
  # Extract Directory
  $ExtractDirectory = Join-Path -Path $path -ChildPath $applicationName
  # Extract Files
  $vars = @{
    "FilePath" = $7zipPath
    "ArgumentList" = "x `"$($7ZipFile)`" -aoa -o`"$($ExtractDirectory)`""
    "Wait" = $true
  Start-Process @vars
  # Get list of files
  $files = Get-ChildItem -Path (Join-Path -Path $path -ChildPath $applicationName) | Where-Object {$_.Name -notmatch "^.*intunewin$"}
  foreach($file in $files){
    $filepath = $file.FullName
      $destination = Split-Path $file.Parent
      $destination = Split-Path $file.Directory
      Move-Item -Path $filepath -Destination $destination -Force -ErrorAction Stop
      throw "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Unable to move app file: $($_.Exception.Message)"
    Remove-Item -Path $ExtractDirectory -Force -Recurse -Confirm:$false
    throw "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Unable to cleanup $($_.Exception.Message)"
#EndRegion '.\Private\Expand-7ZIpFile.ps1' 61
#Region '.\Private\Get-AppFactoryAppVersionNormalization.ps1' 0
function Get-AppFactoryAppVersionNormalization {
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$version
  # Remove Any Hypons and Underscopes and replace with dots
  $version = ($version -replace "-",".") -replace "_","."
  # Remove any plus signs and replace with nothing
  $version = $version -replace "\+"
  # Replace any alphanumerica and replace with nothing
  $version = $version -replace "[a-zA-Z]"
  # Get the length as too long of a version number will cause issues
  $verlength = ([regex]::Matches($version, "\." )).count
  # If the length is greater than 3 then we will only look at the first four items
  if($verlength -gt 3){
    $items = $version -split "\."
    $version =  ($items[0..3] -join ".")
  return $version
#EndRegion '.\Private\Get-AppFactoryAppVersionNormalization.ps1' 22
#Region '.\Private\Get-AppFactoryAzurePSADTAppItem.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to download contacts from Azure Storage Account
  .PARAMETER application
  The application object that we are working for so that we can ensure that get the correct and current data
  .PARAMETER storageContext
  The azure storage context that has permissions to upload to the Azure Storage Account
  .PARAMETER workingFolder
  Path to the working folder for the process
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.

function Get-AppFactoryAzurePSADTAppItem {
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][PSCustomObject]$application,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][PSCustomObject]$storageContext,
    #[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$workingFolder,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output", "Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose" 
  if($null -eq $application.Version -or $application.Version -eq ""){
    $version = "1.0"
    $version = $application.version
  $AppItem = [PSCustomObject]@{
    "Version" = $version
    "URI" = $null
    "BlobName" = $null
    "Status" = "Good"
  return $AppItem
#EndRegion '.\Private\Get-AppFactoryAzurePSADTAppItem.ps1' 35
#Region '.\Private\Get-AppFactoryAzureStorageAppItem.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to download contacts from Azure Storage Account
  .PARAMETER application
  The application object that we are working for so that we can ensure that get the correct and current data
  .PARAMETER storageContext
  The azure storage context that has permissions to upload to the Azure Storage Account
  .PARAMETER workingFolder
  Path to the working folder for the process
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.

function Get-AppFactoryAzureStorageAppItem {
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][PSCustomObject]$application,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][PSCustomObject]$storageContext,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$workingFolder,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output", "Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose" 
  try {
    if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Getting Blob Items"  -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)", "AzureStorage" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    # Get a list of the blobs in the azure storage container
    $blobItems = Get-AppFactoryAzureStorageBlobContent -storageContext $storageContext -app $application -LogLevel $LogLevel
    if ($null -eq $BlobItems) {
      throw "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Could not find a setup file in container: $($application.StorageAccountContainerName)"
    if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Reading <c='green'>latest.json</c>"  -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)", "AzureStorage" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    # Read the contents of the latest.json file
    $LatestFile = $BlobItems | Where-Object { $PSItem.Name -eq "latest.json" }
    if ($null -eq $LatestFile) {
      throw "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Unable to find a latest.json file in container $($application.StorageAccountContainerName)"
    # Download and then read the latest.json file
    $LatestSetupFileDestination = Join-Path -Path $workingFolder -ChildPath "LatestFiles" -AdditionalChildPath $application.StorageAccountContainerName
    $LatestSetupFilePath = Join-Path -Path $LatestSetupFileDestination -ChildPath "latest.json"
    if (-not(Test-Path -Path $LatestSetupFileDestination)) {
      New-Item -Path $LatestSetupFileDestination -ItemType "Directory" | Out-Null
    Get-AzStorageBlobContent -Context $storageContext -Container $application.StorageAccountContainerName -Blob "latest.json" -Destination $LatestSetupFileDestination -Force | Out-Null
    if (!(Test-Path -Path $LatestSetupFilePath)) {
      throw "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Could not locate latest.json file after attempted download from storage account container"
    # Try to download the setup files that are in the latest.json file
    $LatestSetupFileContent = Get-Content -Path $LatestSetupFilePath | ConvertFrom-Json -ErrorAction Stop
    if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Found setup file details from <c='green'>latest.json</c>"  -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)", "AzureStorage" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    $BlobItem = $BlobItems | Where-Object { (([System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($PSItem.Name)) -match ".msi|.exe|.zip|.wim|.iso|.7z") -and ($PSItem.Name -like "$($LatestSetupFileContent.Version)/$($LatestSetupFileContent.SetupName)") } | Sort-Object -Property "LastModified" -Descending | Select-Object -First 1
    if ($null -eq $BlobItem) {
      throw "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Could not find blob file in container with name from latest.json: $($LatestSetupFileContent.SetupName)"
    # Construct custom object for return value
    $PSObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
      "Version"  = $LatestSetupFileContent.Version
      "URI"      = -join @($appStorageContext.BlobEndPoint, $application.StorageAccountContainerName, "/", $BlobItem.Name)
      "BlobName" = $BlobItem.Name
      "Status"   = "Good"
  catch {
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Error Occured: $($_)" -Level "Error" -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    throw $_
  # Handle return value
  return $PSObject    
#EndRegion '.\Private\Get-AppFactoryAzureStorageAppItem.ps1' 72
#Region '.\Private\Get-AppFactoryAzureStorageBlobContent.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to get a list of files from a azure storage blob
  .PARAMETER application
  The application object that we are working for so that we can ensure that get the correct and current data
  .PARAMETER storageContext
  The azure storage context that has permissions to upload to the Azure Storage Account
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.

function Get-AppFactoryAzureStorageBlobContent{
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][PSCustomObject]$storageContext,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][PSCustomObject]$application,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output","Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"     
  # Construct array list for return value containing file names
  $blobList = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]@()
  # Get contents of specific azure blob
    $StorageBlobContents = Get-AzStorageBlob -Container $application.StorageAccountContainerName -Context $storageContext -ErrorAction Stop
    throw $_       
  # Add found files from blob to list
  if ($null -ne $StorageBlobContents) {
    foreach ($StorageBlobContent in $StorageBlobContents) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Found file <c='green'>$($StorageBlobContent.Name)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)","AzureStorage" -Target "Application Factory Service"
      $blobList.Add($StorageBlobContent) | Out-Null
  return $blobList    
#EndRegion '.\Private\Get-AppFactoryAzureStorageBlobContent.ps1' 39
#Region '.\Private\Get-AppFactoryECNOAppItem.ps1' 0
function Get-AppFactoryECNOAppItem{
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][PSCustomObject]$application,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][PSCustomObject]$documentLibrary,  
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output","Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose" 
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Looking for Sharepoint Application in folder <c='green'>$($application.StorageAccountContainerName)</c>"  -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)","Sharepoint" -Target "Application Factory Service"  
  $listItems = Get-PnPListItem -List $documentLibrary -PageSize 1000 | Where-Object {$_["FileLeafRef"] -eq "$($application.StorageAccountContainerName)"}
  if($null -eq $listItems){
    throw "[$($application.IntuneAppName)]Unable to find any items in sharepoint for app."
  # Sort so we only get the most recent version of the item if it exists more than once
  $listItems = $listItems | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FieldValues
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Found application information " -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)","Sharepoint" -Target "Application Factory Service"  
  $files = Get-PnPFolder -Url $listItems.FileRef | Get-PnPFolderItem -ItemType File | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*.7z"}
  return $files | Select-Object @{Label="Version";Expression={[Version]($_.Name -replace ".7z")}},@{Label="URI";Expression={$_.ServerRelativeUrl}},@{Label="BlobName";Expression={$null}},@{Label="Status";Expression={"Good"}} | Sort-Object -Property Version -Descending -Top 1
#EndRegion '.\Private\Get-AppFactoryECNOAppItem.ps1' 24
#Region '.\Private\Get-AppFactoryEvergreenAppItem.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to interact with the evergreen powershell module to find the installers for evergreen based installers
  .PARAMETER application
  The application object that we are working for so that we can ensure that get the correct and current data
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.

function Get-AppFactoryEvergreenAppItem{
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][PSCustomObject]$application,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output","Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"    
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Looking for Evergreen Application with AppID Filter: <c='green'>$($application.AppID)</c>"  -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)","Evergreen" -Target "Application Factory Service" 
  # Construct array list to build the dynamic filter list
  $FilterList = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]@()
  # Process known filter properties and add them to array list if present on current object
  if ($Application.FilterOptions.Architecture) {
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Architecture Filter: <c='green'>$($Application.FilterOptions.Architecture)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)","Evergreen" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    $FilterList.Add("`$PSItem.Architecture -eq ""$($Application.FilterOptions.Architecture)""") | Out-Null
  if ($Application.FilterOptions.Platform) {
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Platform Filter: <c='green'>$($Application.FilterOptions.Platform)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)","Evergreen" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    $FilterList.Add("`$PSItem.Platform -eq ""$($Application.FilterOptions.Platform)""") | Out-Null
  if ($Application.FilterOptions.Channel) {
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Channel Filter: <c='green'>$($Application.FilterOptions.Channel)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)","Evergreen" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    $FilterList.Add("`$PSItem.Channel -eq ""$($Application.FilterOptions.Channel)""") | Out-Null
  if ($Application.FilterOptions.Type) {
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Type Filter: <c='green'>$($Application.FilterOptions.Type)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)","Evergreen" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    $FilterList.Add("`$PSItem.Type -eq ""$($Application.FilterOptions.Type)""") | Out-Null
  if ($Application.FilterOptions.InstallerType) {
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] InstallerType Filter: <c='green'>$($Application.FilterOptions.InstallerType)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)","Evergreen" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    $FilterList.Add("`$PSItem.InstallerType -eq ""$($Application.FilterOptions.InstallerType)""") | Out-Null
  if ($Application.FilterOptions.Release) {
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Release Filter: <c='green'>$($Application.FilterOptions.Release)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)","Evergreen" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    $FilterList.Add("`$PSItem.Release -eq ""$($Application.FilterOptions.Release)""") | Out-Null
  if ($Application.FilterOptions.Language) {
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Language Filter: <c='green'>$($Application.FilterOptions.Language)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)","Evergreen" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    $FilterList.Add("`$PSItem.Language -eq ""$($Application.FilterOptions.Language)""") | Out-Null
  if ($Application.FilterOptions.ImageType) {
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] ImageType Filter: <c='green'>$($Application.FilterOptions.ImageType)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)","Evergreen" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    $FilterList.Add("`$PSItem.ImageType -eq ""$($Application.FilterOptions.ImageType)""") | Out-Null
  # Construct script block from filter list array
  $FilterExpression = [scriptblock]::Create(($FilterList -join " -and ")) 
  # Get the evergreen app based on dynamic filter list
  if($FilterList.Count -gt 0){
    $EvergreenApp = Get-EvergreenApp -Name $application.AppId | Where-Object -FilterScript $FilterExpression | Sort-Object Version -Descending | Select-Object -first 1
    $EvergreenApp = Get-EvergreenApp -Name $application.AppId | Sort-Object Version -Descending | Select-Object -first 1
  # Only return the top item
  $PSObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
    "Version" = $EvergreenApp.version
    "URI" = $EvergreenApp.URI
    "BlobName" = $null
    "Status" = "Good"
  return $PSObject  
#EndRegion '.\Private\Get-AppFactoryEvergreenAppItem.ps1' 88
#Region '.\Private\Get-AppFactoryInstallerECNO.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to download the app installers from a sharepoint document library
  .PARAMETER application
  The application object that we are working for so that we can ensure that get the correct and current data
  .PARAMETER AppSetupFolderPath
  The path that the app setup folders are stored in
  .PARAMETER supportFiles
  The path to the support files folder
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.

function Get-AppFactoryInstallerECNO{
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][PSCustomObject]$application,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$AppSetupFolderPath,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$supportFiles,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output","Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Downloading from Sharepoint" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)","Download" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  try {
    New-Item -Path $AppSetupFolderPath -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction "Stop" | Out-Null
  catch {
    throw "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Failed to create '$($AppSetupFolderPath)' with error message: $($_.Exception.Message)"
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Downloading setupfile <c='green'>$($application.FullPath)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)","ECNO" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    Get-PnPFile -Url $application.FullPath -AsFile -Path $AppSetupFolderPath -Filename $application.AppSetupFileName -Force
    throw "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Failed to download file with error message: $($_.Exception.Message)"
  $appName = ($application.IntuneAppName -replace "STS-","")
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Expanding Archive" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)","Download" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  # Expand 7zip file
  Expand-7ZIpFile -application $application -applicationName $appName -path $AppSetupFolderPath -supportFiles $supportFiles -LogLevel $LogLevel
  Remove-Item -Path (Join-Path -Path $AppSetupFolderPath -ChildPath $application.AppSetupFileName) -Force
  $application.AppSetupFileName = "_action.ps1"
  return $application    
#EndRegion '.\Private\Get-AppFactoryInstallerECNO.ps1' 50
#Region '.\Private\Get-AppFactoryInstallerFiles.ps1' 0
function Get-AppFactoryInstallerFiles {
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][PSCustomObject]$application,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][PSCustomObject]$appStorageContext,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][String]$workspace,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][String]$supportFiles,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output", "Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"    
  $AppSetupFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $workspace -ChildPath "Installers" -AdditionalChildPath $application.AppFolderName
  if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Attempting to download <c='green'>$($application.URI)</c> to <c='green'>$($AppSetupFolderPath)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)", "Download" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  try {
    switch ($application.AppSource) {
      "StorageAccount" {
        Get-AppFactoryInstallerStorageAccount -application $application -AppSetupFolderPath $AppSetupFolderPath -storageContext $appStorageContext -LogLevel $LogLevel
      "Sharepoint" {
        Get-AppFactoryInstallerSharepoint -application $application -AppSetupFolderPath $AppSetupFolderPath -supportFiles $supportFiles -LogLevel $LogLevel
      "ECNO" {
        $application = Get-AppFactoryInstallerECNO -application $application -AppSetupFolderPath $AppSetupFolderPath -supportFiles $supportFiles -LogLevel $LogLevel
      "PSADT" {
          Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] No Download Neccessary" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)","Download" -Target "Application Factory Service"
      default {
          Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Downloading from HTTP" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)","Download" -Target "Application Factory Service"
        Save-InstallerFile -application $application -path $AppSetupFolderPath -LogLevel $LogLevel
    # Validate setup installer was successfully downloaded
    $AppSetupFilePath = Join-Path -Path $AppSetupFolderPath -ChildPath $application.AppSetupFileName 
    if (-not (Test-Path -Path $AppSetupFilePath)  -and $application.AppSource -ne "PSADT"){
      throw "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Could not detect downloaded setup installer"
  catch {
    throw $_
  return $AppSetupFolderPath
#EndRegion '.\Private\Get-AppFactoryInstallerFiles.ps1' 49
#Region '.\Private\Get-AppFactoryInstallerSharepoint.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to download the app installers from a sharepoint document library
  .PARAMETER application
  The application object that we are working for so that we can ensure that get the correct and current data
  .PARAMETER AppSetupFolderPath
  The path that the app setup folders are stored in
  .PARAMETER supportFiles
  The path to the support files folder
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.

function Get-AppFactoryInstallerSharepoint{
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][PSCustomObject]$application,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$AppSetupFolderPath,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$supportFiles,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output","Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Downloading from Sharepoint" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)","Download" -Target "Application Factory Service"  
  try {
    New-Item -Path $AppSetupFolderPath -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction "Stop" | Out-Null
  catch {
    throw "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Failed to create '$($AppSetupFolderPath)' with error message: $($_.Exception.Message)"
  # Connect to Sharepoint
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Downloading setupfile <c='green'>$($application.FullPath)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)","Sharepoint" -Target "Application Factory Service"  
    Get-PnPFile -Url $application.FullPath -AsFile -Path $AppSetupFolderPath -Filename $application.AppSetupFileName -Force
    if($application.archiveType -like "*ZIP"){
      $currentFilename = Join-Path -Path $AppSetupFolderPath -ChildPath $application.AppSetupFileName
      $zipFile = Join-Path -Path $AppSetupFolderPath -ChildPath ($application.AppSetupFileName -replace "msi|exe|ps1","zip")
      Rename-Item -Path $currentFilename -NewName ($application.AppSetupFileName -replace "msi|exe|ps1","zip")
      Expand-Archive -Path $zipFile -DestinationPath $AppSetupFolderPath -Force
    elseif($application.archiveType -like "7Z"){
      throw "Not yet implemented"
      Remove-Item -Path $zipFile -Force
      throw "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Failed to cleanup: $($_.Exception.Message)"
    throw "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Failed to download file with error message: $($_.Exception.Message)"
#EndRegion '.\Private\Get-AppFactoryInstallerSharepoint.ps1' 56
#Region '.\Private\Get-AppFactoryInstallerStorageAccount.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to download the app installers from azure storage
  .PARAMETER application
  The application object that we are working for so that we can ensure that get the correct and current data
  .PARAMETER AppSetupFolderPath
  The path that the app setup folders are stored in
  .PARAMETER storageContext
  The azure storage context that has permissions to upload to the Azure Storage Account
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.

function Get-AppFactoryInstallerStorageAccount {
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][PSCustomObject]$application,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$AppSetupFolderPath,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][PSCustomObject]$storageContext,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output", "Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"
  # Get Azure Storage Blob Contents
  Get-StorageAccountBlobContent -storageContext $storageContext -application $application -path $AppSetupFolderPath
  # Process files if they are an archived type
  if($application.archiveType -like "*ZIP"){
    $zipFile = Join-Path -Path $AppSetupFolderPath -ChildPath ($application.AppSetupFileName -replace "msi|exe|ps1","zip")
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Expanding Archive" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)","Download" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    Expand-Archive -Path $zipFile -DestinationPath $AppSetupFolderPath -Force
      Remove-Item -Path $zipFile -Force
      throw "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Failed to cleanup: $($_.Exception.Message)"
  elseif($application.archiveType -like "7Z"){
    throw "Not yet implemented"
#EndRegion '.\Private\Get-AppFactoryInstallerStorageAccount.ps1' 41
#Region '.\Private\Get-AppFactorySharepointAppItem.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to get the details of an application installer stored in sharepoint
  .PARAMETER application
  The application object that we are working for so that we can ensure that get the correct and current data
  .PARAMETER documentLibrary
  The name of the document library that is storing the application files
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.

function Get-AppFactorySharepointAppItem{
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][PSCustomObject]$application,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][PSCustomObject]$documentLibrary,  
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output","Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose" 
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Looking for Sharepoint Application Installer for <c='green'>$($application.IntuneAppName)</c>"  -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)","Sharepoint" -Target "Application Factory Service"  
  # Get List of Files
  $name = $application.IntuneAppName -replace "STS-",""  
  $listItems = Get-PnPListItem -List $documentLibrary -PageSize 1000 | Where-Object {$_["FileLeafRef"] -like "$($name)*"}
  if($null -eq $listItems){
    throw "[$($application.IntuneAppName)]Unable to find any items in sharepoint for app."
  # Sort so we only get the most recent version of the item if it exists more than once
  $listItems = $listItems | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FieldValues
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Found application information " -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)","Sharepoint" -Target "Application Factory Service"  
  return $listItems | Select-Object @{Label="Version";Expression={$_.SoftwareVersion}},@{Label="URI";Expression={$_.FileRef}},@{Label="BlobName";Expression={$null}},@{Label="Status";Expression={"Good"}} | Sort-Object -Property Version -Descending -Top 1    
#EndRegion '.\Private\Get-AppFactorySharepointAppItem.ps1' 35
#Region '.\Private\Get-AppFactoryWinGetAppItem.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to get the details of an application installer that is acquired from winget
  .PARAMETER application
  The application object that we are working for so that we can ensure that get the correct and current data
  .PARAMETER documentLibrary
  The name of the document library that is storing the application files
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.

function Get-AppFactoryWinGetAppItem{
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][PSCustomObject]$application,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output","Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"    
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Looking for Winget Application with AppID Filter: <c='green'>$($application.AppID)</c>"  -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)","WinGet" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  # Create the argument and then run the winget cmd line
  $WinGetArguments = @("search", "$($application.AppID)")
  $WinGetStream = & "winget" $WinGetArguments | Out-String -Stream 
  # Confirm that a package was found
  foreach ($RowItem in $WinGetStream) {
    if ($RowItem -eq "No package found matching input criteria.") {
      throw "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] No package found matching specified id: $($application.AppId)"
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Found winget item" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)","WinGet" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  # Now look for the specific item and get the details and parse them out
  $WinGetArguments = @("show", "$($application.AppID)")
  $WinGetStream = & "winget" $WinGetArguments | Out-String -Stream
  $PSObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
    "Version" = ($WinGetStream | Where-Object { $PSItem -match "^Version\:.*(?<AppVersion>(\d+(\.\d+){0,3}))$" }).Replace("Version:", "").Trim()
    "URI" = (($WinGetStream | Where-Object { $PSItem -match "^.*(Download|Installer) Url\:.*$" }) -replace "(Download|Installer) Url:", "").Trim()
    "BlobName" = $null
    "Status" = "Good"
  return $PSObject  
#EndRegion '.\Private\Get-AppFactoryWinGetAppItem.ps1' 44
#Region '.\Private\Get-StorageAccountBlobContent.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to get the contents of a azure storage blob
  .PARAMETER application
  The application object that we are working for so that we can ensure that get the correct and current data
  .PARAMETER storageContext
  The azure storage context that has permissions to upload to the Azure Storage Account
  The path for the contents
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.

function Get-StorageAccountBlobContent {
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][PSCustomObject]$storageContext,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][PSCustomObject]$application,    
    [parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Specify the download path.")][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$path,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output","Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"     
  # Cleanup possible remnants
  Remove-Item -Path $Path -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
  try {
    New-Item -Path $Path -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction "Stop" | Out-Null
  catch {
    throw "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Failed to create '$($Path)' with error message: $($_.Exception.Message)"
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Downloading setupfile <c='green'>$($application.BlobName)</c>" -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)","AzureStorage" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  # Get the storage blob contents
    Get-AzStorageBlobContent -Context $storageContext -Container $application.StorageAccountContainerName -Blob $application.BlobName -Destination $Path -Force -ErrorAction "Stop" | Out-Null
    throw "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Unable to save app file: $($_.Exception.Message)"
  # Move it to the appropriate location
    Move-Item -Path "$($Path)\$($application.BlobName)" -Destination $Path -ErrorAction Stop
    Remove-Item -Path "$($Path)\$($application.AppSetupVersion)" -Recurse -ErrorAction Stop
    throw "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Failed to move item and cleanup: $($_.Exception.Message)"
#EndRegion '.\Private\Get-StorageAccountBlobContent.ps1' 47
#Region '.\Private\New-AppFactoryAppFolder.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to create a new application to be handled by the automated process
  The name of the application that we are creating
  .PARAMETER force
  Continue even if the folder already exists, overwriting the current details
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.
  Create a new application folder
  New-AppFactoryAppFolder -Name "### Name ###" -LogLevel "Output"

function New-AppFactoryAppFolder {
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][String]$Name,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output", "Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"
  # Template folder
  $templateFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath "Templates"
  # Path to the new app folder
  $appFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $script:AppFactorySourceDir -ChildPath "Apps" -AdditionalChildPath $Name
  if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($Name)] Template folder used <c='green'>$($templateFolderPath)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($Name)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($Name)] Creating application folder <c='green'>$($appFolderPath)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($Name)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  # Create New Application Folder
  try {
    if ((Test-Path $appFolderPath) -and -not $force) {
      throw "Folder Already Exists $($templateFolderPath) and force was not set"
    New-Item -Path $appFolderPath -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
  catch {
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Error Encountered: $($_)" -Level "Error" -Tag "Application", "$($Name)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    throw $_
  # Copy Template Folders for the application
  if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($Name)] Copying Template Files to <c='green'>$($appFolderPath)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($Name)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  $filesToCopy = @{
    "AppJsonFile"      = Join-Path -Path $templateFolderPath -ChildPath "Application" -AdditionalChildPath "App.json"
    "DeployAppFile"    = Join-Path -Path $templateFolderPath -ChildPath "Application" -AdditionalChildPath "Deploy-Application.ps1"
    "IconFile"         = Join-Path -Path $templateFolderPath -ChildPath "Framework" -AdditionalChildPath "Icon.png"    
  try {
    foreach ($file in $filesToCopy.GetEnumerator()) {
      Copy-Item -Path $file.value -Destination $appFolderPath -ErrorAction Stop -Force
  catch {
    Remove-Item -Path $appFolderPath -Force
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Error Encountered: $($_)" -Level "Error" -Tag "Application", "$($Name)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    throw $_
  return $appFolderPath
#EndRegion '.\Private\New-AppFactoryAppFolder.ps1' 64
#Region '.\Private\New-AppFactoryIntuneDeployment.ps1' 0
function New-AppFactoryIntuneDeployment{
  Get-Variable -Scope Script  
#EndRegion '.\Private\New-AppFactoryIntuneDeployment.ps1' 6
#Region '.\Private\New-AppFactoryIntuneWin.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to create the intune win file to upload to intune
  .PARAMETER application
  The application object that we are working for so that we can ensure that get the correct and current data
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.

function New-AppFactoryIntuneWin{
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][PSCustomObject]$application,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output","Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Creating Intune App File"  -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service" 
  # Get Application config file and read it
  $AppDataFile = Join-Path -Path $application.AppPublishFolderPath -ChildPath "App.json"
  $AppData = Get-Content -Path $AppDataFile | ConvertFrom-Json
  # Get the source and output folders and then create intune win file
  $SourceFolder = Join-Path -Path $application.AppPublishFolderPath -ChildPath $AppData.PackageInformation.SourceFolder
  $OutputFolder = Join-Path -Path $application.AppPublishFolderPath -ChildPath $AppData.PackageInformation.OutputFolder
  $IntuneAppPackage = New-IntuneWin32AppPackage -SourceFolder $SourceFolder -SetupFile $AppData.PackageInformation.SetupFile -OutputFolder $OutputFolder -Force
  if(-not $IntuneAppPackage){
    throw "Error creating application file"
  # Confirm the file was created and then rename and cleanup
  $AppFileName = Join-Path -Path $OutputFolder -ChildPath "$($application.IntuneAppName).intunewin"
  Remove-Item -Path $AppFileName -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
  Rename-Item -Path $IntuneAppPackage.Path -NewName "$($application.IntuneAppName).intunewin" -Force
  $application | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'IntunePackage' -Value $AppFileName -Force
  return $application
#EndRegion '.\Private\New-AppFactoryIntuneWin.ps1' 36
#Region '.\Private\New-AppFactoryPackageFolder.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to create the files for an application package
  .PARAMETER application
  The application object that we are working for so that we can ensure that get the correct and current data
  .PARAMETER AppsPublishRootPath
  Root path for where the publish folders will be used from
  .PARAMETER AppFactoryWorkspace
  Where is the workspace to perform process actions
  .PARAMETER AppFactorySourceDir
  The source directory of the process
  .PARAMETER FrameworkPath
  Where the framework files are stored
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.

function New-AppFactoryPackageFolder {
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][PSCustomObject]$application,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$AppsPublishRootPath,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$AppFactoryWorkspace,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$AppFactorySourceDir,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$AppFactoryTemplateDir,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output", "Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"
  # Get the path to where the folder should be, clean up any previous and create it
  $AppPublishFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $AppsPublishRootPath -ChildPath $application.AppFolderName
  if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Creating app package folder <C='green'>$($AppPublishFolderPath)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  Remove-Item -Path $AppPublishFolderPath -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
  try {
    New-Item -Path $AppPublishFolderPath -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction "Stop" | Out-Null
  catch {
    throw "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Failed to create '$($AppPublishFolderPath)' with error message: $($_.Exception.Message)"
  if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Copying framework files" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  # Copy the framework files to the new folder
  try {
    Copy-Item -Path "$($AppFactoryTemplateDir)\Framework\*" -Destination $AppPublishFolderPath -Recurse -Force -Confirm:$false
  catch {
    throw "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Unable to copy template files: $($_.Exception.Message)"
  # Where the files for the installer should be stored, create the folder
  $AppsPublishSourceFilesPath = Join-Path -Path $AppsPublishRootPath -ChildPath $application.AppFolderName -AdditionalChildPath "source", "files"
  New-Item -Path $AppsPublishSourceFilesPath -ItemType "Directory" -Force -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
  if($application.AppSource -ne "PSADT"){
    $AppInstallerDestinationPath = Join-Path -Path $AppPublishFolderPath -ChildPath "Source" -AdditionalChildPath "Files"
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Copying application files" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target  "Application Factory Service"
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Source path: <c='green'>$($application.AppSetupFolderPath)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target  "Application Factory Service"
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Destination path: <c='green'>$($AppInstallerDestinationPath)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target  "Application Factory Service"
    Copy-Item -Path "$($application.AppSetupFolderPath)\*" -Destination $AppInstallerDestinationPath -Force -Confirm:$false -Recurse
  # Update deploy-application.ps1 in the publish folder
  Update-DeployApplication -application $application -AppFactoryWorkspace $AppFactoryWorkspace -AppFactorySourceDir $AppFactorySourceDir -LogLevel $LogLevel
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Copying Icon File" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  $iconPath = Join-Path -Path $AppFactorySourceDir -ChildPath "Apps" -AdditionalChildPath  $application.AppFolderName,"Icon.png"
  $iconDestination = Join-Path -Path $AppPublishFolderPath -ChildPath "Icon.png"
  Copy-Item -Path $iconPath -Destination $iconDestination -Force -Confirm:$false
  # Update app.json in the publish folder
  Update-AppJSON -application $application -AppFactoryWorkspace $AppFactoryWorkspace -AppFactorySourceDir $AppFactorySourceDir -LogLevel $LogLevel
  $AppRootFolderPackagePath = Join-Path -Path $AppPublishFolderPath -ChildPath "Package"
  if (-not(Test-Path -Path $AppRootFolderPackagePath)) {
    New-Item -Path $AppRootFolderPackagePath -ItemType "Directory" -Force -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
  $application | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'AppPublishFolderPath' -Value $AppPublishFolderPath -Force
  return $application  
#EndRegion '.\Private\New-AppFactoryPackageFolder.ps1' 78
#Region '.\Private\Save-InstallerFile.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to downloaded files for the package
  .PARAMETER application
  The application object that we are working for so that we can ensure that get the correct and current data
  .PARAMETER application
  The path to store the data
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.

function Save-InstallerFile {
  param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][PSCustomObject]$application,
    [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$path,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output","Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose" 
  # Ensure we are using TLS 1.2
  [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
  # Create path if it doesn't exist
  if (-not(Test-Path -Path $path -PathType "Container")) {
    try {
      New-Item -Path $path -ItemType "Container" -ErrorAction "Stop" | Out-Null
    catch [System.Exception] {
      throw "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Failed to create '$($Path)' with error message: $($_.Exception.Message)"
  # Download installer file
  try {
    $OutFilePath = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath $application.AppSetupFileName
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Downloading setupfile <c='green'>$($application.URI)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)","Download" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $application.URI -OutFile $OutFilePath -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction "Stop"
  catch [System.Exception] {
    throw "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Failed to download file from '$($application.URI)' with error message: $($_.Exception.Message)"
#EndRegion '.\Private\Save-InstallerFile.ps1' 40
#Region '.\Private\Set-AppFactoryDeploymentScriptLines.ps1' 0
function Set-AppFactoryDeploymentScriptLines {
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][System.Collections.Generic.List[String[]]]$ScriptLines,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][String]$Script,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateSet("Install", "Uninstall")][String]$section,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output", "Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"
  try {
    if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Reading application deployment file located at <c='green'>$($ApplicationDeploymentFilePath)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    $ApplicationDeploymentFile = Get-Content -Path $Script -Raw
  catch {
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Error Encountered: $($_)" -Level "Error" -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    throw $_   
    if($section -eq "install"){
      $startingLine = ([Regex]::Match($ApplicationDeploymentFile,"###INSTALLTYPE:(NONE|None|MSI|EXE|POWERSHELL|ECNO|CUSTOM)###").Value)
      $startingLine = ([Regex]::Match($ApplicationDeploymentFile,"###UNINSTALLTYPE:(NONE|None|MSI|EXE|NAME|GUID|ECNO|CUSTOM)###").Value)
    $startingLine = $ScriptLines[0][0]  
  $endingLine = $ScriptLines[-1][0]
  $lines = [System.Collections.Generic.List[String[]]]@()
  foreach($line in $ScriptLines){
    $addTabs = ""
    for($i = 0; $i -lt $line[1]; $i++){
      $addTabs = "$($addTabs)`t"
  $top = $ApplicationDeploymentFile.Split($startingLine)
  $bottom = $top[1].Split($endingLine)
  $bottomLines = $bottom[1].split("`n")
  $bottomLength = $bottomLines.Count 
  $outputFile =  [System.Collections.Generic.List[String[]]]@() 
  $outputFile.Add($top[0].TrimEnd()) | Out-Null
  $outputFile.Add("`t`t") | Out-Null
  foreach($line in $lines){
    $outputFile.Add($line) | Out-Null
  $outputFile.Add($($bottomLines[1..$bottomLength] -join "`n").TrimEnd())
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Writing application deployment file <c='green'>$($ApplicationDeploymentFilePath)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","Install","$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    $outputFile | Set-Content -Path $ApplicationDeploymentFilePath -Force  
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Error Encountered: $($_)" -Level "Error" -Tag "Application", "$($Name)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    throw $_     
#EndRegion '.\Private\Set-AppFactoryDeploymentScriptLines.ps1' 63
#Region '.\Private\Update-AppJSON.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to update the App.JSON file for the application
  .PARAMETER application
  The application object that we are working for so that we can ensure that get the correct and current data
  .PARAMETER AppFactoryWorkspace
  Workspace directory to work with
  .PARAMETER AppFactorySourceDir
  Source directory for configuration items
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.

function Update-AppJSON{
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][PSCustomObject]$application,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][String]$AppFactoryWorkspace,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][String]$AppFactorySourceDir,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output","Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"  
  $AppsPublishRootPath = Join-Path -Path $AppFactoryWorkspace -ChildPath "Publish"
  $AppPackageFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $AppFactorySourceDir -ChildPath "Apps" -AdditionalChildPath $application.AppFolderName
  $AppPublishFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $AppsPublishRootPath -ChildPath $application.AppFolderName 
  $AppInstallerPath = Join-Path -Path $AppPublishFolderPath -ChildPath "Source" -AdditionalChildPath "Files",$application.AppSetupFileName
  $AppFilePath = Join-Path -Path $AppFactorySourceDir -ChildPath "Apps" -AdditionalChildPath $application.AppFolderName,"App.json"
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Reading <c='green'>$($AppFilePath)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    # Read file and update hardcoded variables with specific variable value from app details
    $AppFileContent = Get-Content -Path $AppFilePath | ConvertFrom-Json  
    throw "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Unable to read file: $($_.Exception.Message)"
  # Update version specific property values
  $AppFileContent.Information.DisplayName = $application.IntuneAppName
  $AppFileContent.Information.AppVersion = $application.AppSetupVersion.toString()
  $AppFileContent.Information.Publisher = $application.AppPublisher 
  $AppFileContent.Information.InformationURL = $application.InformationURL
  $AppFileContent.Information.PrivacyURL = $application.PrivacyURL
  foreach ($DetectionRuleItem in $AppFileContent.DetectionRule) {
    switch ($DetectionRuleItem.Type) {
      "MSI" {
          Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Retrieving MSI metadata" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
        $ProductCode = Get-MSIMetaData -Path $AppInstallerPath -Property "ProductCode"
        $ProductCode = ($ProductCode -as [string]).Trim()  
          Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Product Code: $($ProductCode)" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
        $ProductVersion = Get-MSIMetaData -Path $AppInstallerPath -Property "ProductVersion"
        $ProductVersion = ($ProductVersion -as [string]).Trim()
        # Normalize App Version Numbers
        $ProductVersion = (Get-AppFactoryAppVersionNormalization -version $ProductVersion).ToString()
          Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Product Version: $($ProductVersion)" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
        # Update App.json detection rule with MSI meta data for ProductCode
        if ($null -ne $ProductCode) {
          $DetectionRuleItem.ProductCode = $ProductCode
        else {
          throw "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Failed to retrieve MSI meta data value for ProductCode: $($_.Exception.Message)"
        # Update App.json detection rule with MSI meta data for ProductVersion
        if ($null -ne $ProductVersion) {
          $DetectionRuleItem.ProductVersion = $ProductVersion
        else {
          throw "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Failed to retrieve MSI meta data value for ProductVersion: $($_.Exception.Message)"
      "Registry" {
        if ($DetectionRuleItem.KeyPath -match "(\#{3})PRODUCTCODE(\#{3})") {
            Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Retrieving MSI metadata" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
          $ProductCode = Get-MSIMetaData -Path $AppInstallerPath -Property "ProductCode"
          $ProductCode = ($ProductCode -as [string]).Trim()  
            Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Product Code: $($ProductCode)" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
          if ($null -ne $ProductCode) {
            $DetectionRuleItem.KeyPath = $DetectionRuleItem.KeyPath -replace "###PRODUCTCODE###", ($ProductCode -as [string]).Trim()
          else {
            throw "[APPLICATION: <c='green'>$($application.IntuneAppName)</c>] Failed to retrieve MSI meta data value for ProductVersion: $($_.Exception.Message)"
        switch ($DetectionRuleItem.DetectionMethod) {
          "VersionComparison" {
            $DetectionRuleItem.Value = $application.AppSetupVersion.toString()
          "StringComparison" {
            $DetectionRuleItem.Value = $application.AppSetupVersion.toString()
      "File" {
        switch ($DetectionRuleItem.DetectionMethod) {
          "Version" {
            $DetectionRuleItem.VersionValue = $application.AppSetupVersion.toString()
      "Script" {
        # Create the Scripts folder in the app package folder in the publish root folder
        $AppPublishScriptsFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $AppPublishFolderPath -ChildPath "Scripts"
        if (-not(Test-Path -Path $AppPublishScriptsFolderPath)) {
          New-Item -Path $AppPublishScriptsFolderPath -ItemType "Directory" -Force -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
        # Construct the detection script file path from the app package folder and destination path for copy operation
        $AppDetectionScriptFile = Join-Path -Path $AppPackageFolderPath -ChildPath $AppFileContent.DetectionRule.ScriptFile
        $AppDetectionScriptFileDestinationPath = Join-Path -Path $AppPublishScriptsFolderPath -ChildPath $AppFileContent.DetectionRule.ScriptFile 
          Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Copying detection script" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
          Copy-Item -Path $AppDetectionScriptFile -Destination $AppDetectionScriptFileDestinationPath -Force -Confirm:$false
          throw "[APPLICATION: <c='green'>$($application.IntuneAppName)</c>] Unable to copy detection script: $($_.Exception.Message)"
        $AppDetectionScriptFileContent = Get-Content -Path $AppDetectionScriptFileDestinationPath
        $AppDetectionScriptFileContent = $AppDetectionScriptFileContent -replace "###VERSION###", $application.AppSetupVersion.toString()
        # Update detection script file in app package folder in publish folder root
          Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Writing out detection script"-Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
          Out-File -InputObject $AppDetectionScriptFileContent -FilePath $AppDetectionScriptFileDestinationPath -Encoding "utf8" -Force -Confirm:$false
          throw "[APPLICATION: <c='green'>$($application.IntuneAppName)</c>] Unable to write out detection script: $($_.Exception.Message)"
  # Save changes made to App.json in app package folder in publish root folder
  $AppFileDestinationPath = Join-Path -Path $AppPublishFolderPath -ChildPath "App.json"
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Writing out App.JSON file"-Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    Out-File -InputObject ($AppFileContent | ConvertTo-Json -depth 5) -FilePath $AppFileDestinationPath -Encoding "utf8" -Force -Confirm:$false  
    throw "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Unable to write out file: $($_.Exception.Message)"
#EndRegion '.\Private\Update-AppJSON.ps1' 153
#Region '.\Private\Update-DeployApplication.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to update the Deploy-Application.ps1 file for the application
  .PARAMETER application
  The application object that we are working for so that we can ensure that get the correct and current data
  .PARAMETER AppFactoryWorkspace
  Workspace directory to work with
  .PARAMETER AppFactorySourceDir
  Source directory for configuration items
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.

function Update-DeployApplication{
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][PSCustomObject]$application,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][String]$AppFactoryWorkspace,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][String]$AppFactorySourceDir,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output","Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"  
  $AppsPublishRootPath = Join-Path -Path $AppFactoryWorkspace -ChildPath "Publish"
  $AppFilePath = Join-Path -Path $AppFactorySourceDir -ChildPath "Apps" -AdditionalChildPath $application.AppFolderName,"Deploy-Application.ps1"  
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Reading <c='green'>$($AppFilePath)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    # Read file and update hardcoded variables with specific variable value from app details
    $AppFileContent = Get-Content -Path $AppFilePath
    throw "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Unable to read file: $($_.Exception.Message)"
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Substituting placeholders" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  $AppFileContent = $AppFileContent -replace "###INTUNEAPPNAME###", $application.IntuneAppName
  $AppFileContent = $AppFileContent -replace "###APPPUBLISHER###", $application.AppPublisher
  $AppFileContent = $AppFileContent -replace "###VERSION###", $application.AppSetupVersion
  $AppFileContent = $AppFileContent -replace "###DATETIME###", (Get-Date).ToShortDateString()
  $AppFileContent = $AppFileContent -replace "###SETUPFILENAME###", $($application.AppSetupFileName)  
  $AppsPublishSourcePath = Join-Path -Path $AppsPublishRootPath -ChildPath "$($application.AppFolderName)\Source" -AdditionalChildPath "Deploy-Application.ps1"
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Writing out file" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  Out-File -InputObject $AppFileContent -FilePath $AppsPublishSourcePath -Encoding "utf8" -Force -Confirm:$false   
#EndRegion '.\Private\Update-DeployApplication.ps1' 47
#Region '.\Public\Add-AppFactoryPackageFolder.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to process through the application list and prepare the package folder
  .PARAMETER applicationList
  The collection of the applications that we will be acting on
  .PARAMETER multithread
  Show we proceed single threaded or multithreaded
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.

function Add-AppFactoryPackageFolder {
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]$applicationList,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output", "Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"  
  # Create a list to store the results of the process
  $applications = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]@()  
  # The require application paths used during the scripts
  $AppsPublishRootPath = Join-Path -Path $script:AppFactoryWorkspace -ChildPath "Publish"  
  if (-not $multithread.IsPresent) {
    foreach ($application in $applicationList) {
      try {
        $app = New-AppFactoryPackageFolder -application $application -AppsPublishRootPath $AppsPublishRootPath -AppFactoryWorkspace $script:AppFactoryWorkspace -AppFactorySourceDir $script:AppFactorySourceDir -AppFactoryTemplateDir $script:AppFactorySupportTemplateFolder -LogLevel $LogLevel
      catch {
        throw $_
  else {
    # Create a syncronized hashtable to be used between the threads
    $applist = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})
    # Process through the applicationList that are currently in the process
    if ($script:LocalModulePath) {
      $modulePath = $script:LocalModulePath
    else {
      $modulePath = (Get-module ApplicationFactoryService).path
    $applicationList | Foreach-Object -Parallel {
      Import-Module -Name $using:modulePath -Force
      $application = $_
      $dict = $using:applist
      $script:AppFactoryLogging = $script:global:AppFactoryLogging
      $AppsPublishRootPath = $using:AppsPublishRootPath
      $script:AppFactoryWorkspace = $using:script:AppFactoryWorkspace
      $script:AppFactorySourceDir = $using:script:AppFactorySourceDir
      $script:AppFactorySupportTemplateFolder = $using:script:AppFactorySupportTemplateFolder
      $LogLevel = $using:LogLevel
      try {
        $app = New-AppFactoryPackageFolder -application $application -AppsPublishRootPath $AppsPublishRootPath -AppFactoryWorkspace $script:AppFactoryWorkspace -AppFactorySourceDir $script:AppFactorySourceDir -AppFactoryTemplateDir $script:AppFactorySupportTemplateFolder -LogLevel $LogLevel
        # If no error, add it to the collection as good status
        $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{
          "Status"      = "Good"
          "Application" = $app 
          "Error"       = $null
        $dict.add($application.GUID, $obj)
      catch {
        # If error, add it to the collection as fail status
        $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{
          "Status"               = "Fail"
          "AppPublishFolderPath" = $null
          "Error"                = $_
        $dict.add($application.GUID, $obj)
    # Only add the items that had good status to the collection for the process
    foreach ($item in $applist.GetEnumerator()) {
      if ($item.Value.status -eq "Good") {
        $applications.Add($item.Value.Application) | Out-Null
  return $applications
#EndRegion '.\Public\Add-AppFactoryPackageFolder.ps1' 83
#Region '.\Public\Compare-AppFactoryAppVersions.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to look at applications in the process, and what their newest version are and compare the results
  .PARAMETER applicationList
  The collection of the applications that we will be acting on
  .PARAMETER appVersions
  An collection of the expected app versions based on their newest version
  .PARAMETER force
  If we should proceed with the repackage even if the current version is already packaged
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.

function Compare-AppFactoryAppVersions {
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]$applicationList,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][System.Collections.Hashtable]$appVersions,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output", "Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"  
  # Create blank list to store the applications that we will be moving forward with.
  $applications = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]@()
  # Loop through application list, removing those that are not required to be updated
  foreach ($application in $applicationList) {
    $version = $appVersions.$($application.GUID)
    if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
      if ($null -eq $application.Version) { $reportVersion = "Not Packaged" }
      else { $reportVersion = $application.Version }
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Checking current version <c='red'>$($reportVersion)</c> against new version <c='green'>$($version.version)</c>"  -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service" 
    $version.version = Get-AppFactoryAppVersionNormalization -version $version.version
    # Set the default to false, and implicitly have to add to true to move on
    $packageApplication = $false
    if ($null -eq $application.Version -or $application.Version -eq "" -or [System.Version]$version.version -gt [System.Version]$application.Version) {
      if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] <c='green'>Newer version exists for application</c>"   -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)", "WinGet" -Target "Application Factory Service" 
      $packageApplication = $true
    elseif ($force -eq $true) {
      if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] <c='yellow'>Newer version does not exist for application, but flagged for override</c>"   -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)", "WinGet" -Target "AppFactory"
      $packageApplication = $true
    # If we are meant to package, add a number of items to the object so that we have the required details
    if ($packageApplication) {
      $application | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'AppSetupVersion' -Value $version.Version
      $application | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'URI' -Value $version.URI
      $application | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'FullPath' -Value $version.URI
      $application | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'BlobName' -Value $(if ($null -ne $version.BlobName) { $version.BlobName } else { [string]::Empty })      
      $applications.Add($application) | Out-Null
    else {
      if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "<c='yellow'>[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Latest version of application is already published</c>"   -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)", "WinGet" -Target "AppFactory"      
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "<c='yellow'>[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Removing from application list</c>"   -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)", "WinGet" -Target "AppFactory"
  # Return the list of applications
  return $applications  
#EndRegion '.\Public\Compare-AppFactoryAppVersions.ps1' 66
#Region '.\Public\Get-AppFactoryApp.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet returns a list of applications that are part of the packaging process
  .PARAMETER appSource
  This is a filtering parameter for specific appsources
  The unique identifier for the application that we want to work with
  .PARAMETER IntuneAppName
  The unique name of the application that we want to work with
  This is a filtering parameter for specific AppID
  .PARAMETER AppPublisher
  This is a filtering parameter for specific application publisher
  .PARAMETER AppFolderName
  This is a filtering parameter for specific application folder
  .PARAMETER StorageAccountContainerName
  This is a filtering parameter for specific application azure storage container
  .PARAMETER archiveType
  This is a filtering parameter for specific application archive types
  .PARAMETER publishTo
  This is a filtering parameter for specific organization
  .PARAMETER public
  This is a filtering parameter for all public applications
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.
  Get a list of all applications
  Get a list of specific application sources
  Get-AppFactoryApp -appSource "### Application Source ###"
  Get a list of applications based on GUID
  Get-AppFactoryApp -GUID "### GUID ###"
  Get a list of applications based on AppID
  Get-AppFactoryApp -AppID "### AppID ###"
  Get a list of applications based on Application Publisher
  Get-AppFactoryApp -AppPublisher "### Publisher ###"
  Get a list of applications based on Application Folder Name
  Get-AppFactoryApp -AppFolderName "### Folder Name ###"
  Get a list of applications based on Storage Account Container Name
  Get-AppFactoryApp -StorageAccountContainerName "### Container Name ###"
  Get a list of applications based on Archive Type
  Get-AppFactoryApp -archiveType "### Archive Type ###"
  Get a list of applications based on Publish To
  Get-AppFactoryApp -publishTo "### Organization ###"
  Get a list of all public applications
  Get-AppFactoryApp -public
  Get a list of all application with logging enabled
  Get-AppFactoryApp -LogLevel "Output"

function Get-AppFactoryApp{
  [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'All')]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'GUID')][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$GUID,
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'IntuneAppName')][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$IntuneAppName,
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AppID')][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$AppID,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output","Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"  
  # Get the path to where the application configs are stored
  $applicationFolders = Join-Path -Path $script:AppFactorySourceDir -ChildPath "Apps"
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Getting Applications at path <c='green'>$($applicationFolders)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  # Get a list of all the configuration files for the applications
  $ApplicationConfigFiles = Get-Childitem -Path $applicationFolders -Recurse -Filter "config.json"
  # Create an empty array to store the application objects
  $applicaitonList =  [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]@()
  # Perform any needed filtering based on passed variables
  foreach($file in $ApplicationConfigFiles){
    $json = Get-Content $file.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json
    # If specific parameters are passed, filter the list of applications based on those parameters
    if($GUID -and $json.GUID -ne $GUID){continue}
    if($appSource -and $json.appSource -ne $appSource){continue}
    if($IntuneAppName -and $json.IntuneAppName -notlike "$($IntuneAppName)"){continue}
    if($AppID -and $json.AppID -ne $AppID){continue}
    if($AppPublisher -and $json.AppPublisher -ne $AppPublisher){continue}
    if($AppFolderName -and $json.AppFolderName -ne $AppFolderName){continue}
    if($StorageAccountContainerName -and $json.StorageAccountContainerName -ne $StorageAccountContainerName){continue}
    if($archiveType -and $json.archiveType -ne $archiveType){continue}
    if($publishTo -and $publishTo -notin $json.publishTo){continue}
    if($public -and $json.publishTo.count -ne 0){continue}
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "Reading Application: <c='green'>$($json.IntuneAppName) ($($json.GUID))</c>"-Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($json.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    $applicaitonList.Add($json) | Out-Null
  # Return the application list
  return $applicaitonList
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-AppFactoryApp.ps1' 109
#Region '.\Public\Get-AppFactoryAppConfiguration.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to return the application configuration for a specific application
  The unique identifier for the application that we want to work with
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.

function Get-AppFactoryAppConfiguration{
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$GUID,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output","Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"
  # Get the application that we are working with
  $application = Get-AppFactoryApp -GUID $GUID -LogLevel $LogLevel
  if (-not ($application)) {
    throw "Application with GUID $($GUID) does not exist."   
  # Read the configuration file for the application and then return it
  $ApplicationJSONPath = Join-Path -Path $script:AppFactorySourceDir -ChildPath "Apps" -AdditionalChildPath $application.AppFolderName,"App.json"
  $ApplicationJSON    = Get-Content -Path $ApplicationJSONPath | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 5 
  return $ApplicationJSON
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-AppFactoryAppConfiguration.ps1' 26
#Region '.\Public\Get-AppFactoryAppInstall.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to return the application install configuration
  The unique identifier for the application that we want to work with
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.

function Get-AppFactoryAppInstall {
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$GUID,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output", "Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"  
  # Get the application that we will be working with
  $application = Get-AppFactoryApp -GUID $GUID -LogLevel $LogLevel
  if (-not ($application)) {
    throw "Application with GUID $($GUID) does not exist."   
  # Read the deploy-application.ps1 file
  $ApplicationDeploymentFilePath = Join-Path -Path $script:AppFactorySourceDir -ChildPath "Apps" -AdditionalChildPath $application.AppFolderName, "Deploy-Application.ps1"
  try {
    if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Reading application deployment file" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    $ApplicationDeploymentFile = Get-Content -Path $ApplicationDeploymentFilePath
  catch {
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Error Encountered: $($_)" -Level "Error" -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    throw $_   
  # Filter out to determine what type of the install is
  $type = ([Regex]::Match($ApplicationDeploymentFile, "#{3}INSTALLTYPE:(.+?)#{3}")).groups[1].value
  # Find if we have any processes that we check for at the beginning of the process
  $preStart = [Regex]::Match($ApplicationDeploymentFile, "###INSTALL:PRESTART###(.*)###INSTALL:PREEND###").groups[1].value
  $postStart = [Regex]::Match($ApplicationDeploymentFile, "###INSTALL:POSTSTART###(.*)###INSTALL:POSTEND###").groups[1].value
  $mainSection = [Regex]::Match($ApplicationDeploymentFile, "###INSTALLCMDSTART###(.*)###INSTALLCMDEND###").groups[1].value
  $beginstopProcess = ([Regex]::Matches($preStart, "(Get-Process -Name `"(.+?)`" | Stop-Process -Force)").Groups.Value | Where-Object { $_ -notlike "Get-Process*" -and $_ -notlike "*Stop-Process -Force" -and $_ -ne "" } | Sort-Object -Unique) -join ","
  $afterstopProcess = ([Regex]::Matches($postStart, "(Get-Process -Name `"(.+?)`" | Stop-Process -Force)").Groups.Value | Where-Object { $_ -notlike "Get-Process*" -and $_ -notlike "*Stop-Process -Force" -and $_ -ne "" } | Sort-Object -Unique) -join ","
  $installer = [Regex]::Match($mainSection, "\`$installer = `"(.+?)`"").groups[1].value
  if([Regex]::Match($mainSection, "\`$Parameters = `"`"").Success){
    $Parameters = ""
    $Parameters = [Regex]::Match($mainSection, "\`$Parameters = `"(.+?)`"").groups[1].value
  $ignoreExit = [Regex]::Match($mainSection, "-IgnoreExitCodes `"(.+?)`"").groups[1].value
  $mst = [Regex]::Match($mainSection, "\`$mstInstall = `"(.+?)`"").groups[1].value
  if ($type -eq "CUSTOM") {
    $startLine = $ApplicationDeploymentFile | Select-String -Pattern "###INSTALLCMDSTART###"
    $endLine = $ApplicationDeploymentFile | Select-String -Pattern "###INSTALLCMDEND###"
    $script = $ApplicationDeploymentFile[($ApplicationDeploymentFile.indexOf($startLine) + 1) .. ($ApplicationDeploymentFile.indexOf($endLine) - 1)]
  $installCommands = @{
    Type             = $type
    beginstopProcess = $beginstopProcess
    afterstopProcess = $afterstopProcess
    installer        = $installer
    Parameters       = $Parameters 
    ignoreExit       = $ignoreExit
    WIM              = [Regex]::Match($mainSection, "Mount-WindowsImage -ImagePath \`$wimPath").Success
    mst              = $mst
    script           = $script
  return $installCommands
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-AppFactoryAppInstall.ps1' 68
#Region '.\Public\Get-AppFactoryAppOrgConfig.ps1' 0
function Get-AppFactoryAppOrgConfig{
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$orgGUID,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$appGUID
  $configFile = Join-Path -Path $script:AppFactorySourceDir -ChildPath "DSBConfigurations" -AdditionalChildPath $orgGUID,"$($appGUID).json"
  if(-not (Test-Path $configFile)){
    return $false
  $config = Get-Content -Path $configFile | ConvertFrom-JSON
  return $config
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-AppFactoryAppOrgConfig.ps1' 14
#Region '.\Public\Get-AppFactoryAppUninstall.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to return the application uninstall configuration
  The unique identifier for the application that we want to work with
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.

function Get-AppFactoryAppUninstall {
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$GUID,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output", "Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"  
  # Get the application that we will be working with
  $application = Get-AppFactoryApp -GUID $GUID -LogLevel $LogLevel
  if (-not ($application)) {
    throw "Application with GUID $($GUID) does not exist."   
  # Read the deploy-application.ps1 file
  $ApplicationDeploymentFilePath = Join-Path -Path $script:AppFactorySourceDir -ChildPath "Apps" -AdditionalChildPath $application.AppFolderName, "Deploy-Application.ps1"
  try {
    if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Reading application deployment file" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    $ApplicationDeploymentFile = Get-Content -Path $ApplicationDeploymentFilePath
  catch {
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Error Encountered: $($_)" -Level "Error" -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    throw $_   
  # Filter out to determine what type of the install is
  $type = ([Regex]::Match($ApplicationDeploymentFile, "#{3}UNINSTALLTYPE:(.+?)#{3}")).groups[1].value
  # Find if we have any processes that we check for at the beginning of the process
  $preStart = [Regex]::Match($ApplicationDeploymentFile, "###UNINSTALL:PRESTART###(.*)###UNINSTALL:PREEND###").groups[1].value
  $postStart = [Regex]::Match($ApplicationDeploymentFile, "###UNINSTALL:POSTSTART###(.*)###UNINSTALL:POSTEND###").groups[1].value
  $mainSection = [Regex]::Match($ApplicationDeploymentFile, "###UNINSTALLCMDSTART###(.*)###UNINSTALLCMDEND###").groups[1].value
  $beginstopProcess = ([Regex]::Matches($preStart, "(Get-Process -Name `"(.+?)`" | Stop-Process -Force)").Groups.Value | Where-Object { $_ -notlike "Get-Process*" -and $_ -notlike "*Stop-Process -Force" -and $_ -ne "" } | Sort-Object -Unique) -join ","
  $afterstopProcess = ([Regex]::Matches($postStart, "(Get-Process -Name `"(.+?)`" | Stop-Process -Force)").Groups.Value | Where-Object { $_ -notlike "Get-Process*" -and $_ -notlike "*Stop-Process -Force" -and $_ -ne "" } | Sort-Object -Unique) -join ","
  $installer = [Regex]::Match($mainSection, "\`$installer = `"(.+?)`"").groups[1].value
  if ([Regex]::Match($mainSection, "\`$Parameters = `"`"").Success) {
    $Parameters = ""
  else {
    $Parameters = [Regex]::Match($mainSection, "\`$Parameters = `"(.+?)`"").groups[1].value
  $ignoreExit = [Regex]::Match($mainSection, "-IgnoreExitCodes `"(.+?)`"").groups[1].value
  $name = [Regex]::Match($mainSection, "Remove-MSIApplications -Name `"(.+?)`"").groups[1].value
  $MSIGUID = [Regex]::Match($mainSection, "Execute-MSI -Action `"Uninstall`" -Path `"(.+?)`"").groups[1].value
  if ($type -eq "CUSTOM") {
    $startLine = $ApplicationDeploymentFile | Select-String -Pattern "###UNINSTALLCMDSTART###"
    $endLine = $ApplicationDeploymentFile | Select-String -Pattern "###UNINSTALLCMDEND###"
    $script = $ApplicationDeploymentFile[($ApplicationDeploymentFile.indexOf($startLine) + 1) .. ($ApplicationDeploymentFile.indexOf($endLine) - 1)]
  $uninstallCommands = @{
    Type             = $type
    beginstopProcess = $beginstopProcess
    afterstopProcess = $afterstopProcess
    installer        = $installer
    Parameters       = $Parameters 
    ignoreExit       = $ignoreExit
    WIM              = [Regex]::Match($mainSection, "Mount-WindowsImage -ImagePath \`$wimPath").Success
    Name             = $name
    MSIGUID          = $MSIGUID
    dirFiles         = [Regex]::Match($mainSection, "\`$\(\`$dirFiles\)").Success
    script           = $script
  return   $uninstallCommands
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-AppFactoryAppUninstall.ps1' 70
#Region '.\Public\Get-AppFactoryInstaller.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to download the app installers that we will be packaging from their appropriate sources
  .PARAMETER applicationList
  The collection of the applications that we will be acting on
  .PARAMETER multithread
  Show we proceed single threaded or multithreaded
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.

function Get-AppFactoryInstaller {
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]$applicationList,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output", "Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"    
  # Create list to store results of the process
  $applications = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]@()
  # Connect to Azure Storage Context
  $appStorageContext = Connect-AppFactoryAzureStorage -storageContainer $script:AppFactoryInstallersContainer -storageSecret $script:AppFactoryInstallersSecret -LogLevel $LogLevel
  # Details to conect to Sharepoint if required
  $pfxPath = Join-Path -Path $script:AppFactoryLocalSupportFiles -ChildPath $script:AppFactorySharepointCertificate
  $sharepointConfig = @{
    "url"                 = $script:AppFactorySharrepointURL
    "CertificatePath"     = $pfxPath
    "CertificatePassword" = $script:AppFactorySharepointCertificateSecret.Password
    "ClientId"            = $script:AppFactorySharepointClientID
    "Tenant"              = $script:AppFactorySharepointTenant
  if (-not $multithread.IsPresent) {
    try { Connect-PnPOnline @sharepointConfig }
    catch {}    
    foreach ($application in $applicationList) {
      try {
        $AppSetupFolderPath = Get-AppFactoryInstallerFiles -application $application -appStorageContext $appStorageContext -workspace $script:AppFactoryWorkspace -supportFiles $script:AppFactorySupportFiles -LogLevel $LogLevel
        $application | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'AppSetupFolderPath' -Value $AppSetupFolderPath
        $applications.add($application) | Out-Null
      catch {
        if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
          Write-PSFMessage -Message "<c='yellow'>[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Unable to download application files</c>"   -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)", "Error" -Target "Application Factory Service"    
          Write-PSFMessage -Message "<c='yellow'>[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Removing from application list</c>"   -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)", "Error" -Target "Application Factory Service"
          Write-PSFMessage -Message "Error Encountered: $($_)" -Level "Error" -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)", "Error" -Target "Application Factory Service"
        throw $_
  else {
    $applist = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})
    if ($script:LocalModulePath) {
      $modulePath = $script:LocalModulePath
    else {
      $modulePath = (Get-module ApplicationFactoryService).path
    $applicationList | Foreach-Object -Parallel {
      Import-Module -Name $using:modulePath -Force
      $application = $_
      $dict = $using:applist
      $appStorageContext = $using:appStorageContext
      $LogLevel = $using:LogLevel
      $script:AppFactoryLogging = $using:script:AppFactoryLogging
      $script:AppFactoryWorkspace = $using:script:AppFactoryWorkspace
      $script:AppFactorySupportFiles = $using:script:AppFactorySupportFiles
      if ($application.AppSource -eq "Sharepoint") {
        Connect-PnPOnline @using:sharepointConfig
      try {
        $AppSetupFolderPath = Get-AppFactoryInstallerFiles -application $application -appStorageContext $appStorageContext -workspace $script:AppFactoryWorkspace -supportFiles $script:AppFactorySupportFiles -LogLevel $LogLevel
        $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{
          "Status"             = "Downloaded"
          "Error"              = ""
          "AppSetupFolderPath" = $AppSetupFolderPath 
        $dict.add($application.GUID, $obj)        
      catch {
        if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
          Write-PSFMessage -Message "<c='yellow'>[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Unable to download application files</c>"   -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)", "Error" -Target "AppFactory"      
          Write-PSFMessage -Message "<c='yellow'>[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Removing from application list</c>"   -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)", "Error" -Target "AppFactory"
    foreach ($item in $applist.GetEnumerator()) {
      if ($item.Value.status -eq "Downloaded") {
        $index = $applicationList.guid.indexOf($item.key)
        $application = $applicationList[$index]
        $application | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'AppSetupFolderPath' -Value $item.Value.AppSetupFolderPath
        $applications.Add($application) | Out-Null
  return $applications
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-AppFactoryInstaller.ps1' 98
#Region '.\Public\Get-AppFactoryOrganization.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to list out the organizations that are configured
  The unique identifer for the specific organization
  Get an organization based on the name
  .PARAMETER Contact
  Get organizations that have a specific contact
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.
  Get all organizations
  Get specific organization by GUID
    Get-AppFactoryOrganization -GUID "### GUID ###"
  Get specific organization by Name
    Get-AppFactoryOrganization -Name "### Organization Name ###"
  Get specific organization by Contact
    Get-AppFactoryOrganization -Contact "### Contact Name ###"

function Get-AppFactoryOrganization {
  [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'All')]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'GUID')][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$GUID,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Name')][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$Name,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Contacts')][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$Contact,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output", "Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"
  # Organization Folder Path
  $orgainizationFolder = Join-Path -Path $script:AppFactorySourceDir -ChildPath "Organizations"
  if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Reading organization files in path $($orgainizationFolder)" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Organizations" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  # Get list of organizational configuration files
  $organizationConfigs = Get-Childitem -Path $orgainizationFolder
  # Create list that we will return with the organizational configurations
  $orgList = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]@()
  foreach ($file in $organizationConfigs) {
    # Read the organizational file
    $json = Get-Content $file.FullName | ConvertFrom-Json
    if ($GUID -and $json.GUID -ne $GUID) { continue }
    # If Name is set, match the name variable.
    if ($Name -and $json.Name -notlike "$($Name)") { continue }
    # If Contact is set, match entries that have that contact
    if ($Contact -and $Json.Contacts.indexOf($contact) -eq -1) { continue }
    if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "Reading organization file $($file)" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Organizations", "$($json.Name)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    # Add the path to the file for specific organization
    $json | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name "FileName" -Value $file.Name
    $orgList.Add($json) | Out-Null
  # Return the organiation list
  return $orgList
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-AppFactoryOrganization.ps1' 62
#Region '.\Public\Get-AppFactoryOrganizationsAppList.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to list out the applications that are available to a specific organization.
  .PARAMETER organization
  The unique identifer for the specific organization
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.

function Get-AppFactoryOrganizationsAppList{
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$organization,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output","Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"
  # Blank List for the Apps
  $applicaitonList =  [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]@()
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Getting Applications for $($organization)" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","Organization" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  # Read DSB Configuration Files
  $dsbConfigPath = Join-Path -Path $script:AppFactorySourceDir -ChildPath "DSBConfigurations" -AdditionalChildPath $organization
  $dsbConfigFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $dsbConfigPath -File -Filter "*.json" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
  # Get all applications that are set as public i.e. no specific organization
  $publicApps = Get-AppFactoryApp -public -LogLevel $LogLevel
  foreach($app in $publicApps){
    if($null -eq $app.Version){continue}
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "Adding application to app list: <c='green'>$($app.IntuneAppName) ($($app.GUID))</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","Organization" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    $appConfigFile = $dsbConfigFiles | Where-Object {$ -eq "$($app.GUID).json"}
      $obj = Get-Content -Path $appConfigFile | ConvertFrom-JSON -Depth 5
      $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "GUID" -Value $app.GUID
      $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "IntuneAppName" -Value $app.IntuneAppName
      $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "AppVersion" -Value $app.version
      $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "container" -Value $script:AppFactoryPublicFolder
      $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{
        "AddToIntune"             = $false
        "AvailableAssignments"    = @()
        "AvailableExceptions"     = @()
        "RequiredAssignments"     = @()
        "RequiredExceptions"      = @()
        "UninstallAssignments"    = @()
        "UninstallExceptions"     = @()
        "UnassignPrevious"        = $true
        "CopyPrevious"            = $true
        "KeepPrevious"            = 0
        "foreground"              = $false
        "filters"                 = ""
        "espprofiles"             = @()
        "container"               = $script:AppFactoryPublicFolder
        "GUID"                    = $app.GUID
        "IntuneAppName"           = $app.IntuneAppName
        "AppVersion"              = $app.version
        "InteractiveInstall"      = $false
        "InteractiveUninstall"    = $false
    $applicaitonList.Add($obj) | Out-Null  
  # Get all applications that are set to be published to a specific organization
  $orgApps = Get-AppFactoryApp -publishTo $organization
  foreach($app in $orgApps){
    if($null -eq $app.Version){continue}
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "Adding application to app list: <c='green'>$($app.IntuneAppName) ($($app.GUID))</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","Organization" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    $appConfigFile = $dsbConfigFiles | Where-Object {$ -eq "$($app.GUID).json"}
      $obj = Get-Content -Path $appConfigFile | ConvertFrom-JSON -Depth 5
      $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "GUID" -Value $app.GUID
      $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "IntuneAppName" -Value $app.IntuneAppName
      $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "AppVersion" -Value $app.version    
      $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "container" -Value "organization"
      $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{
        "AddToIntune"             = $false
        "AvailableAssignments"    = @()
        "AvailableExceptions"     = @()
        "RequiredAssignments"     = @()
        "RequiredExceptions"      = @()
        "UninstallAssignments"    = @()
        "UninstallExceptions"     = @()
        "UnassignPrevious"        = $true
        "CopyPrevious"            = $true
        "KeepPrevious"            = 0
        "foreground"              = $false
        "filters"                 = ""
        "espprofiles"             = @()
        "container"               = "organization"
        "GUID"                    = $app.GUID
        "IntuneAppName"           = $app.IntuneAppName
        "AppVersion"              = $app.version    
        "InteractiveInstall"      = $false
        "InteractiveUninstall"    = $false            
    $applicaitonList.Add($obj) | Out-Null  
  return $applicaitonList
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-AppFactoryOrganizationsAppList.ps1' 106
#Region '.\Public\Get-AppFactorySASToken.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to generate a time bound SAS token for a specific organization to download application files
  The unique identifer for the specific organization
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.

function Get-AppFactorySASToken{
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$GUID,
    [Parameter()][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][int]$hours = 2,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output","Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"
  # Create expiry time
  $SASExpiry = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().AddHours($hours)
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Getting SAS for $($GUID) to access applications files" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Organization","Azure Storage","SAS","$($GUID)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "SAS Token will expire at $($SASExpiry)" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Organization","Azure Storage","SAS","$($GUID)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Connecting to Azure Storage"  -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","AzureStorage" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  # Generate azure storage context
  $appStorageContext = Connect-AppFactoryAzureStorage -storageContainer $script:AppFactoryDeploymentsContainer -storageSecret $script:AppFactoryDeploymentsSecret -LogLevel $LogLevel
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Creating SAS Tokens"  -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","AzureStorage" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  # Store the details for the connectivity and return it
  $SASTokens = @{
    "StoragePath" = "https://$($script:AppFactoryDeploymentsContainer)"
    "PublicContainerName" = $script:AppFactoryPublicFolder
    "OrganizationContainerName" = $GUID
    "public" = New-AzStorageContainerSASToken -Context $appStorageContext -Name $script:AppFactoryPublicFolder -Permission r  -ExpiryTime $SASExpiry
    "organization" = New-AzStorageContainerSASToken -Context $appStorageContext -Name $GUID -Permission r -ExpiryTime $SASExpiry    
  return $SASTokens
#EndRegion '.\Public\Get-AppFactorySASToken.ps1' 39
#Region '.\Public\Import-EcnoSharepointApp.ps1' 0
function Import-EcnoSharepointApp {
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$applicationName,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$sharepointFolder,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output", "Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"  
  try {
    $pfxPath = Join-Path -Path $script:AppFactoryLocalSupportFiles -ChildPath $script:AppFactorySharepointCertificate
    $sharepointConfig = @{
      "url"                 = $script:AppFactorySharrepointURL
      "CertificatePath"     = $pfxPath
      "CertificatePassword" = $script:AppFactorySharepointCertificateSecret.Password
      "ClientId"            = $script:AppFactorySharepointClientID
      "Tenant"              = $script:AppFactorySharepointTenant
    try { Connect-PnPOnline @sharepointConfig }
    catch { throw $_ }        
    if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($applicationName)] Looking for Sharepoint Application Installer for <c='green'>$($applicationName)</c>"  -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)", "Sharepoint" -Target "Application Factory Service"  
    $application = [PSCustomObject]@{
      IntuneAppName               = $applicationName
      StorageAccountContainerName = $sharepointFolder
      AppSource                   = "ECNO"
      AppFolderName               = $applicationName
      AppSetupFileName            = "$($applicationName).zip"
    $AppSetupFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $script:AppFactoryWorkspace -ChildPath "Installers" -AdditionalChildPath $application.AppFolderName
    Remove-Item -Path $AppSetupFolderPath -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    $AppItem = Get-AppFactoryECNOAppItem -application $application -documentLibrary $script:AppFactorySharepointDocumentLibrary -LogLevel $LogLevel
    $application | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'AppSetupVersion' -Value $AppItem.Version
    $application | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'URI' -Value $AppItem.URI
    $application | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'FullPath' -Value $AppItem.URI
    $application | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'BlobName' -Value $(if ($null -ne $AppItem.BlobName) { $AppItem.BlobName } else { [string]::Empty })      
    $application = Get-AppFactoryInstallerECNO -application $application -AppSetupFolderPath $AppSetupFolderPath -supportFiles $script:AppFactorySupportFiles -LogLevel $LogLevel
    # Read App Configuration
    $configFile = Join-Path -Path $AppSetupFolderPath -ChildPath "_win32app.txt"
    $file = Get-Content -Path $configFile
    $publisherName = $file[45].trim()
    $informationURL = $file[53].trim()
    $privacyURL = $file[55].trim()
    $Description = $file[43].trim()
    $Notes = $file[61].trim()
    # Items for the App Creation
    $appCreation = @{
      Name                 = $applicationName
      Publisher            = $publisherName
      AppSource            = "ECNO"
      InformationURL       = $informationURL
      PrivacyURL           = $privacyURL
      storageContainerName = $sharepointFolder
      appSetupName         = "$($application.AppSetupVersion.tostring()).7z"
    $applicationInfoUpdate = @{
      Description                    = $Description
      InstallExperience              = "system"
      DeviceRestartBehavior          = "suppress"
      AllowAvailableUninstall        = $true
      MinimumSupportedWindowsRelease = "W10_1607"
      Architecture                   = "x64"
      Notes                          = $Notes
      Owner                          = ""
    $iconFolder = Join-Path -Path $AppSetupFolderPath -ChildPath "osi"
    $icon = Get-ChildItem -Path $iconFolder -Filter "*.png" -Recurse
    $scriptFile = Join-Path -Path $AppSetupFolderPath -ChildPath "_detect.ps1"
    $appDestination = Join-Path -Path $script:AppFactorySourceDir -ChildPath "Apps" -AdditionalChildPath $applicationName
    New-AppFactoryApp @AppCreation
    $application = Get-AppFactoryApp -IntuneAppName "STS-$($appCreation.Name)"
    Set-AppFactoryAppConfiguration -GUID $application.GUID @applicationInfoUpdate
    Set-AppFactoryAppInstall -GUID $application.GUID -Type "ECNO"
    Set-AppFactoryAppUninstall -GUID $application.GUID -Type "ECNO"
    Set-AppFactoryAppDetectionRule -GUID $application.GUID -Type "Script"
    Remove-Item -Path "$($appDestination)\Icon.png" -Force
    Copy-Item -Path $icon.FullName -Destination $appDestination -Force
    Copy-Item -Path $scriptFile -Destination $appDestination -Force
    Rename-Item -Path "$($appDestination)\$($icon.Name)" -NewName "Icon.png" -Force
    Rename-Item -Path "$($appDestination)\_detect.ps1" -NewName "detection.ps1" -Force
  catch {
    throw "[$($applicationName)] Failed to download file with error message: $($_.Exception.Message)"
  Create an application that is based on an ECNO install
  New-AppFactoryApp @parameters

#EndRegion '.\Public\Import-EcnoSharepointApp.ps1' 89
#Region '.\Public\New-AppFactoryApp.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to create a new application to be handled by the automated process
  The name of the application that we are creating
  .PARAMETER AppSource
  The source for the application files that will be used
  .PARAMETER InformationURL
  The URL for more info for the application
  The URL for privacy information for the application
  .PARAMETER publishTo
  The list of organizations that this should be published to if not public
  .PARAMETER force
  Continue even if the folder already exists, overwriting the current details
  .PARAMETER archiveType
  If the download for the installer is in a archive of some form
  .PARAMETER filterOptions
  Filter options for evergreen based applications
  .PARAMETER appSetupName
  The application setup name that is used to run the install
  .PARAMETER storageContainerName
  The storage container holding the installer files for azure based installs
  The application id used in evergreen and winget install process
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.
  Create a new application that is based on an azure storage account
  $parameters = @{
    Name = "### Name ###"
    Publisher = "### Publisher ###"
    AppSource = "StorageAccount"
    InformationURL = "### URL ###"
    PrivacyURL = "### URL ###"
    appSetupName = "### Setup Name ###"
    storageContainerName = "### Container Name ###"
    LogLevel = "Output"
  New-AppFactoryApp @parameters
  Create a new application that is based on a sharepoint folder
  $parameters = @{
    Name = "### Name ###"
    Publisher = "### Publisher ###"
    AppSource = "Sharepoint"
    InformationURL = "### URL ###"
    PrivacyURL = "### URL ###"
    appSetupName = "### Setup Name ###"
    LogLevel = "Output"
  New-AppFactoryApp @parameters
  Create a new application that is based on a evergreen source
  $parameters = @{
    Name = "### Name ###"
    Publisher = "### Publisher ###"
    AppSource = "Evergreen"
    InformationURL = "### URL ###"
    PrivacyURL = "### URL ###"
    filterOptions = @{}
    appID = "### App ID ###"
    appSetupName = "### Setup Name ###"
    LogLevel = "Output"
  New-AppFactoryApp @parameters
  Create a new application that is based on a winget source
  $parameters = @{
    Name = "### Name ###"
    Publisher = "### Publisher ###"
    AppSource = "Winget"
    InformationURL = "### URL ###"
    PrivacyURL = "### URL ###"
    appID = "### App ID ###"
    appSetupName = "### Setup Name ###"
    LogLevel = "Output"
  New-AppFactoryApp @parameters
  Create a new application that is based on PSADT
  $parameters = @{
    Name = "### Name ###"
    Publisher = "### Publisher ###"
    AppSource = "PSADT"
    InformationURL = "### URL ###"
    PrivacyURL = "### URL ###"
    LogLevel = "Output"
  New-AppFactoryApp @parameters
  Create an application that is based on an ECNO install
  $parameters = @{
    Name = "### Name ###"
    Publisher = "### Publisher ###"
    AppSource = "ECNO"
    InformationURL = "### URL ###"
    PrivacyURL = "### URL ###"
    storageContainerName = "### Folder Name ###"
    LogLevel = "Output"
  New-AppFactoryApp @parameters

function New-AppFactoryApp {
  [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'PSADT')]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][String]$Name,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][String]$Publisher,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateSet("StorageAccount", "Sharepoint", "Winget", "Evergreen", "PSADT", "ECNO")][String]$AppSource,
    [Parameter()][String[]]$publishTo = @(),
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("WIM", "7Z", "ZIP", "MSIZIP", "EXEZIP", "PSZIP", $null)][string]$archiveType = $null,
    [Parameter()][Hashtable]$filterOptions = @{},
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'AzureStorage')]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Sharepoint')]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'WingetEvergreen')]
    [string]$appSetupName = $null,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ECNO')]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'AzureStorage')]
    [string]$storageContainerName = $null,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'WingetEvergreen')]
    [string]$appID = $null,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output", "Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"
  if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($Name)] Creating application" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($Name)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  # Create the package folders for the application we are creating
  $appFolderPath = New-AppFactoryAppFolder -Name $name -LogLevel $LogLevel -Force $force
  # Create the application configuration file for the application we are creating
  $ApplicationConfig = [PSCustomObject]@{
    "GUID"                        = (New-GUID).Guid
    "IntuneAppName"               = "STS-$($Name)"
    "AppPublisher"                = $Publisher
    "InformationURL"              = $InformationURL
    "PrivacyURL"                  = $PrivacyURL
    "AppSource"                   = $AppSource
    "AppID"                       = $appID
    "AppFolderName"               = $Name
    "AppSetupFileName"            = $appSetupName
    "StorageAccountContainerName" = $storageContainerName
    "archiveType"                 = $archiveType
    "FilterOptions"               = $filterOptions
    "publishTo"                   = $publishTo
    "version"                     = $null
  # Create the configuration for the application
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($Name)] Writing default app configuration" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($Name)" -Target "AppFactory" 
    $ApplicationConfigFile = Join-Path -Path $appFolderPath -ChildPath "config.json"
    $ApplicationConfig | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath $ApplicationConfigFile
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Error Encountered: $($_)" -Level "Error" -Tag "Application", "$($Name)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    throw $_ 
#EndRegion '.\Public\New-AppFactoryApp.ps1' 164
#Region '.\Public\New-AppFactoryIntuneFile.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to create a new application to be handled by the automated process
  .PARAMETER applicationList
  The collection of the applications that we will be acting on
  .PARAMETER multithread
  Show we proceed single threaded or multithreaded
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.

function New-AppFactoryIntuneFile {
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]$applicationList,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output", "Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"  
  # List of objects and their status through the process
  $applications = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]@()
  if (-not $multithread.IsPresent) {
    foreach ($application in $applicationList) {
      try {
        $app = New-AppFactoryIntuneWin -application $application -LogLevel $LogLevel
      catch {
        throw $_
  else {
    # Generate intune application file
    $applist = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{}) 
    if ($script:LocalModulePath) {
      $modulePath = $script:LocalModulePath
    else {
      $modulePath = (Get-module ApplicationFactoryService).path
    $applicationList | Foreach-Object -Parallel {
      Import-Module -Name $using:modulePath -Force
      try {
        $application = $_
        $dict = $using:applist
        $script:AppFactoryLogging = $using:script:AppFactoryLogging
        $LogLevel = $using:LogLevel
        $app = New-AppFactoryIntuneWin -application $application -LogLevel $LogLevel 
        $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{
          "Status"      = "Good"
          "Application" = $app 
          "Error"       = $null
        $dict.add($application.GUID, $obj)        
      catch {
        $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{
          "Status"               = "Fail"
          "AppPublishFolderPath" = $null
          "Error"                = $_
        $dict.add($application.GUID, $obj)
    foreach ($item in $applist.GetEnumerator()) {
      if ($item.Value.status -eq "Good") {
        $applications.Add($item.Value.Application) | Out-Null
  return $applications
#EndRegion '.\Public\New-AppFactoryIntuneFile.ps1' 73
#Region '.\Public\New-AppFactoryOrganization.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to create a new organization
  The name of the organization
  .PARAMETER contactList
  The list of contacts for the organization
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.
  Create a new organization
    New-AppFactoryOrganization -name "### Organization Name ###"
  Create a new organization with contacts
    New-AppFactoryOrganization -name "### Organization Name ###" -contactList "### Contact 1 ###", "### Contact 2 ###"

function New-AppFactoryOrganization {
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$name,
    [Parameter()][string[]]$contactList = @(),
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output", "Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"      
  # Generate a unique GUID for organization
  $GUID = (New-GUID).Guid
  # Create the Organization file to write out
  $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{
    "GUID"     = $GUID
    "Name"     = $name
    "Contacts" = $contactList
  # Path for the new organization file
  $orgFile = Join-Path -Path $script:AppFactorySourceDir -ChildPath "Organizations" -AdditionalChildPath "$($name).json"
  # Organization File Path
  if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Creating organization GUID: <c='green'>$($GUID)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Organizations", "$($Name)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Organization file path: <c='green'>$($orgFile)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Organizations", "$($Name)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  # First write out the organization json
  try {
    if (Test-Path -Path $orgFile) {
      throw "Organization already exists with this name."
    $obj | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath $orgFile -Force
  catch {
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Error Encountered: $($_)" -Level "Error" -Tag "Organizations" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    throw $_
  # Create Azure Storage Container to store organization specific applications
  try {
    if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "Creating organization storage container $($GUID)" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Organizations", "$($Name)" -Target "AppFactory"
    $orgStorageContainerContext = Connect-AppFactoryAzureStorage -storageContainer $script:AppFactoryDeploymentsContainer -storageSecret $script:AppFactoryDeploymentsSecret
    New-AzStorageContainer -Name $GUID -Permission Off -Context $orgStorageContainerContext | Out-Null
  catch {
    Remove-Item -Path $orgFile -Force
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Error Encountered: $($_)" -Level "Error" -Tag "Organizations" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    throw $_
#EndRegion '.\Public\New-AppFactoryOrganization.ps1' 66
#Region '.\Public\Publish-AppFactoryApp.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to publish the files that were created for the deployment
  .PARAMETER applicationList
  The collection of the applications that we will be acting on
  .PARAMETER multithread
  Show we proceed single threaded or multithreaded
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.

function Publish-AppFactoryApp{
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]$applicationList,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output","Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"  
  # Create list for application status
  $applications = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]@()
  # Create azure storage context to use during the process
  $appStorageContext = Connect-AppFactoryAzureStorage -storageContainer $script:AppFactoryDeploymentsContainer -storageSecret $script:AppFactoryDeploymentsSecret -LogLevel $LogLevel
  foreach($application in $applicationList){
      $app = Add-AppFactoryIntuneDeployment -application $application -appStorageContext $appStorageContext -AppFactoryPublicFolder $script:AppFactoryPublicFolder -LogLevel $LogLevel
      if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Published update for application" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
      throw $_
      if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Failed to update application" -Level "Error" -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  return $applications
#EndRegion '.\Public\Publish-AppFactoryApp.ps1' 39
#Region '.\Public\Remove-AppFactoryApp.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to remove an application from the process of packaging
  The unique identifier for the application that we want to work with
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.

function Remove-AppFactoryApp{
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$GUID,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output","Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"
  #Get App Factory Information
  $application = Get-AppFactoryApp -GUID $GUID -LogLevel $LogLevel  
  if(-not ($application)){
    throw "Application with GUID $($GUID) does not exist." 
  # Get the application folder
  $ApplicationFolder = Join-Path -Path $script:AppFactorySourceDir -ChildPath "Apps" -AdditionalChildPath $application.AppFolderName
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($app.IntuneAppName)] Removing Configuration Files at path $($ApplicationFolder)" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  # Remove the folder
    Remove-Item -Path $ApplicationFolder -Recurse -Force | Out-Null
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Error Encountered: $($_)" -Level "Error" -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    throw $_  
#EndRegion '.\Public\Remove-AppFactoryApp.ps1' 34
#Region '.\Public\Remove-AppFactoryOrganization.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to remove an organization from the process of packaging
  The unique identifier for the organization that we want to work with
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.
  Remove an organization
    Remove-AppFactoryOrganization -GUID "### GUID ###"

function Remove-AppFactoryOrganization{
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$GUID,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output","Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"  
  # Get Org Configuration Files
  $organization = Get-AppFactoryOrganization -GUID $GUID -LogLevel $LogLevel
  if ($null -eq $organization) {
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Error Encountered: Organization not found." -Level "Error" -Tag "Organizations" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    throw "Organization not found." 
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($organization.Name)] Removing organization GUID: <c='green'>$($GUID)</c> with name <c='green'>$($organization.Name)</c>)" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Organizations","$($organization.Name)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    $orgStorageContainerContext = Connect-AppFactoryAzureStorage -storageContainer $script:AppFactoryDeploymentsContainer -storageSecret $script:AppFactoryDeploymentsSecret
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($organization.Name)] Removing Azure Container" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Organizations","$($organization.Name)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    # Remove Azure Storage Container
    Remove-AzStorageContainer -Name $GUID -Context $orgStorageContainerContext -Force -ErrorAction Stop 
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($organization.Name)] Removing configuration file" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Organizations","$($organization.Name)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    # Remove Configuration File.
    $fileName = Join-Path -Path $script:AppFactorySourceDir -ChildPath "Organizations" -AdditionalChildPath $organization.fileName
    Remove-Item -Path $fileName -Force
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Error Encountered: $($_)" -Level "Error" -Tag "Organizations" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    throw $_
#EndRegion '.\Public\Remove-AppFactoryOrganization.ps1' 48
#Region '.\Public\Remove-AppFactoryWorkspaceFiles.ps1' 0
function Remove-AppFactoryWorkspaceFiles{
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output","Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"  
  Write-PSFMessage -Message "[Application Factory Service] Cleaning up workspace folders <c='green'>$($script:AppFactoryWorkspace)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Organizations","$($organization.Name)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  if(Test-Path -Path $script:AppFactoryWorkspace){
    Remove-Item -Path $script:AppFactoryWorkspace -Force -Recurse
#EndRegion '.\Public\Remove-AppFactoryWorkspaceFiles.ps1' 11
#Region '.\Public\Set-AppFactoryAppConfiguration.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to update the confirmation files for an application
  The unique identifier for the application that we want to work with
  .PARAMETER Description
  The description of the application
  Any notes for the application
  Who is the owner of the application
  .PARAMETER InstallExperience
  Who is the owner of the application
  .PARAMETER DeviceRestartBehavior
  What the device should do on restart
  .PARAMETER AllowAvailableUninstall
  If should be available to uninstall in company portal if installed as available
  .PARAMETER MinimumSupportedWindowsRelease
  Minimum version of windows supported
  .PARAMETER Architecture
  Required OS architecture
  .PARAMETER IntuneAppName
  Application name
  .PARAMETER AppPublisher
  Application Publisher of the application
  .PARAMETER InformationURL
  Info URL for more application information
  Privacy URL for more application privacy information
  .PARAMETER AppSource
  Where the application files are being sourced from
  AppID used in winget and evergreen processes
  .PARAMETER AppSetupFileName
  The setup file that will be run as part of the install
  .PARAMETER StorageAccountContainerName
  The storage container that the installers are stored in for azure based process
  .PARAMETER archiveType
  If the file downloaded is an archive and needs to be treated as such
  .PARAMETER FilterOptions
  Filter options for evergreen applications
  .PARAMETER publishTo
  What organizations should be published for
  .PARAMETER version
  Version of the application
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.

function Set-AppFactoryAppConfiguration {
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$GUID,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("system", "user")][string]$InstallExperience,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("suppress", "force", "basedOnReturnCode", "allow")][string]$DeviceRestartBehavior,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("true", "false")][string]$AllowAvailableUninstall,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("W10_1607", "W10_1703", "W10_1709", "W10_1809", "W10_1909", "W10_2004", "W10_20H2", "W10_21H1", "W10_21H2", "W10_22H2", "W11_21H2", "W11_22H2")][string]$MinimumSupportedWindowsRelease,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("All", "x64", "x86")][string]$Architecture,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("StorageAccount", "Evergreen", "PSADT", "Sharepoint", "Winget","ECNO")][string]$AppSource,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("WIM", "7Z", "ZIP", "MSIZIP", "EXEZIP", "PSZIP", $null)][string]$archiveType,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output", "Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"  
  # Check if the application that we are trying to update actually exist
  $application = Get-AppFactoryApp -GUID $GUID -LogLevel $LogLevel
  if (-not ($application)) {
    throw "Application with GUID $($GUID) does not exist."
  # Get Config File paths that might need to be updated
  $ApplicationJSONPath = Join-Path -Path $script:AppFactorySourceDir -ChildPath "Apps" -AdditionalChildPath $application.AppFolderName, "App.json"
  $ApplicationConfigPath = Join-Path -Path $script:AppFactorySourceDir -ChildPath "Apps" -AdditionalChildPath $application.AppFolderName, "Config.json"
  if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Reading current <c='green'>$($ApplicationJSONPath)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Reading current <c='green'>$($ApplicationConfigPath)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  try {
    $ApplicationJSON = Get-Content -Path $ApplicationJSONPath | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 5
    $ApplicationConfig = Get-Content -Path $ApplicationConfigPath | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 5
  catch {
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Error Encountered: $($_)" -Level "Error" -Tag "Organizations" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    throw $_    
  # What files have we updated
  $ApplicationJSONUpdated = $false
  $ApplicationConfigUpdated = $false
  switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys) {
    "Description" {
      if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($app.IntuneAppName)] Updating - Description - <c='green'>$($Description)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
      $ApplicationJSON.Information.Description = $Description
      $ApplicationJSONUpdated = $true
    "Notes" {
      if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($app.IntuneAppName)] Updating - Notes - <c='green'>$($Notes)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
      $ApplicationJSON.Information.Notes = $Notes
      $ApplicationJSONUpdated = $true      
    "Owner" {
      if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($app.IntuneAppName)] Updating - Owner - <c='green'>$($Owner)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
      $ApplicationJSON.Information.Owner = $Owner
      $ApplicationJSONUpdated = $true        
    "InstallExperience" {
      if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($app.IntuneAppName)] Updating - Install Experience - <c='green'>$($InstallExperience)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
      $ApplicationJSON.Program.InstallExperience = $InstallExperience
      $ApplicationJSONUpdated = $true          
    "DeviceRestartBehavior" {
      if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($app.IntuneAppName)] Updating - Device Restart Behaviour - <c='green'>$($DeviceRestartBehavior)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
      $ApplicationJSON.Program.DeviceRestartBehavior = $DeviceRestartBehavior
      $ApplicationJSONUpdated = $true        
    "AllowAvailableUninstall" {
      if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($app.IntuneAppName)] Updating - Allow Available Uninstall - <c='green'>$($AllowAvailableUninstall)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
      $ApplicationJSON.Program.AllowAvailableUninstall = $AllowAvailableUninstall
      $ApplicationJSONUpdated = $true        
    "MinimumSupportedWindowsRelease" {
      if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($app.IntuneAppName)] Updating - Minimum Supported WIndows - <c='green'>$($MinimumSupportedWindowsRelease)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
      $ApplicationJSON.RequirementRule.MinimumSupportedWindowsRelease = $MinimumSupportedWindowsRelease
      $ApplicationJSONUpdated = $true          
    "Architecture" {
      if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($app.IntuneAppName)] Updating - Architecture - <c='green'>$($Architecture)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
      $ApplicationJSON.RequirementRule.Architecture = $Architecture
      $ApplicationJSONUpdated = $true        
    "IntuneAppName" {
      if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($app.IntuneAppName)] Updating - IntuneAppName - <c='green'>$($IntuneAppName)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
      $ApplicationConfig.IntuneAppName = $IntuneAppName
      $ApplicationConfigUpdated = $true           
    "AppPublisher" {
      if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($app.IntuneAppName)] Updating - AppPublisher - <c='green'>$($AppPublisher)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
      $ApplicationConfig.AppPublisher = $AppPublisher
      $ApplicationConfigUpdated = $true           
    "InformationURL" {
      if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($app.IntuneAppName)] Updating - InformationURL - <c='green'>$($InformationURL)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
      $ApplicationConfig.InformationURL = $InformationURL
      $ApplicationConfigUpdated = $true        
    "PrivacyURL" {
      if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($app.IntuneAppName)] Updating - PrivacyURL - <c='green'>$($PrivacyURL)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
      $ApplicationConfig.PrivacyURL = $PrivacyURL
      $ApplicationConfigUpdated = $true         
    "AppSource" {
      if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($app.IntuneAppName)] Updating - AppSource - <c='green'>$($AppSource)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
      $ApplicationConfig.AppSource = $AppSource
      $ApplicationConfigUpdated = $true           
    "AppID" {
      if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($app.IntuneAppName)] Updating - AppID - <c='green'>$($AppID)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
      $ApplicationConfig.AppID = $AppID
      $ApplicationConfigUpdated = $true        
    "AppSetupFileName" {
      if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($app.IntuneAppName)] Updating - AppSetupFileName - <c='green'>$($AppSetupFileName)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
      $ApplicationConfig.AppSetupFileName = $AppSetupFileName
      $ApplicationConfigUpdated = $true       
    "StorageAccountContainerName" {
      if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($app.IntuneAppName)] Updating - StorageAccountContainerName - <c='green'>$($StorageAccountContainerName)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
      $ApplicationConfig.StorageAccountContainerName = $StorageAccountContainerName
      $ApplicationConfigUpdated = $true       
    "archiveType" {
      if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($app.IntuneAppName)] Updating - archiveType - <c='green'>$($archiveType)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
      $ApplicationConfig.archiveType = $archiveType
      $ApplicationConfigUpdated = $true       
    "FilterOptions" {
      if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($app.IntuneAppName)] Updating - FilterOptions - <c='green'>$($FilterOptions)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
      $ApplicationConfig.FilterOptions = $FilterOptions
      $ApplicationConfigUpdated = $true      
    "publishTo" {
      if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($app.IntuneAppName)] Updating - publishTo - <c='green'>$($publishTo)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
      $ApplicationConfig.publishTo = $publishTo
      $ApplicationConfigUpdated = $true
    "version" {
      if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($app.IntuneAppName)] Updating - version - <c='green'>$($version)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
      $ApplicationConfig.version = $version
      $ApplicationConfigUpdated = $true
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($app.IntuneAppName)] Updating App.JSON file $($ApplicationJSONPath)" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
      $ApplicationJSON | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath $ApplicationJSONPath
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($app.IntuneAppName)] Updating Config.JSON file $($ApplicationConfigPath)" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
      $ApplicationConfig | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File -FilePath $ApplicationConfigPath
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Error Encountered: $($_)" -Level "Error" -Tag "Application", "$($Name)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    throw $_    
#EndRegion '.\Public\Set-AppFactoryAppConfiguration.ps1' 259
#Region '.\Public\Set-AppFactoryAppDetectionRule.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to update the detection rule for an application
  The unique identifier for the application that we want to work with
  The type of detection that we will be doing
  .PARAMETER ProductVersionOperator
  How we should be comparing the product version
  .PARAMETER DetectionMethod
  How we should be checking for key
  The last part of the uninstall registry key path if not replaced automatically during process
  .PARAMETER ValueName
  The key that we will be looking for
  .PARAMETER DetectionType
  Should the key exist or not exist
  .PARAMETER Check32BitOn64System
  If this should be checked 32 bit on a 64 bit OS
  .PARAMETER EnforceSignatureCheck
  If the script should be signed to run
  If this should be checked 32 bit on a 64 bit OS
  .PARAMETER Operator
  How we should be comparing the product version
  .PARAMETER ScriptFile
  The name of the script file used for detection
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.
  Create a detection rule that is checking for a specific version based on the MSI product code
  $params = @{
    GUID = "### GUID ###"
    Type = "Registry"
    ProductVersionOperator = "greaterThanOrEqual"
    DetectionMethod = "VersionComparison"
    LogLevel = "Output"
  Set-AppFactoryAppDetectionRule @params
  Create a detection rule that is looking for the existance of a specific registry value
  $params = @{
    GUID = "### GUID ###"
    Type = "Registry"
    DetectionMethod = "Existence"
    KeyPath = "### KEY ###"
    ValueName = "### VALUE ###"
    DetectionType = "exists"
    LogLevel = "Output"
  Set-AppFactoryAppDetectionRule @params
  Create a detection rule that is based on the existance of a MSI
  $params = @{
    GUID = "### GUID ###"
    Type = "MSI"
    ProductVersionOperator = "notConfigured"
    DetectionMethod = "Existence"
    LogLevel = "Output"
  Set-AppFactoryAppDetectionRule @params

function Set-AppFactoryAppDetectionRule{
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$GUID,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateSet("MSI","Registry","Script")][string]$Type,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("notConfigured","equal","notEqual","greaterThanOrEqual","greaterThan","lessThanOrEqual","lessThan")][string]$ProductVersionOperator = "notConfigured",
    [Parameter()][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$KeyPath = "###PRODUCTCODE###",
    [Parameter()][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$ValueName = "DisplayVersion",
    [Parameter()][switch]$Check32BitOn64System = $false,
    [Parameter()][Switch]$EnforceSignatureCheck = $false,
    [Parameter()][Switch]$RunAs32Bit = $false,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("notConfigured","equal","notEqual","greaterThanOrEqual","greaterThan","lessThanOrEqual","lessThan")][string]$Operator = "greaterThanOrEqual",
    [Parameter()][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$ScriptFile = "detection.ps1",
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output","Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"
  # Check if the application that we are trying to update actually exist
  $application = Get-AppFactoryApp -GUID $GUID -LogLevel $LogLevel
  if (-not ($application)) {
    throw "Application with GUID $($GUID) does not exist."
  # Create a object with the details for the detection type
  $detectionRule = [PSCustomObject]@{
    "Type"                    = $Type
  # Depending on the type, set the appropriate details
      $detectionRule | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name "ProductCode" -Value "<replaced_by_pipeline>"
      $detectionRule | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name "ProductVersionOperator" -Value $ProductVersionOperator
      if($ProductVersionOperator -ne "notConfigured"){
        $detectionRule | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name "ProductVersion" -Value "<replaced_by_pipeline>"
      $detectionRule | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name "DetectionMethod" -Value $DetectionMethod
      $detectionRule | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name "KeyPath" -Value "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\$($KeyPath)"
      $detectionRule | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name "ValueName" -Value $ValueName
        $detectionRule | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name "DetectionType" -Value $DetectionType
        $detectionRule | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name "Operator" -Value $Operator
        $detectionRule | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name "Value" -Value "<replaced_by_pipeline>"
      $detectionRule | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name "Check32BitOn64System" -Value "$($Check32BitOn64System.IsPresent)"
      $detectionRule | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name "ScriptFile" -Value $ScriptFile
      $detectionRule | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name "EnforceSignatureCheck" -Value "$($EnforceSignatureCheck.IsPresent)"
      $detectionRule | Add-Member -MemberType "NoteProperty" -Name "RunAs32Bit" -Value "$($RunAs32Bit.IsPresent)"
  # Write out the details to the configuration
  $application = Get-AppFactoryApp -GUID $GUID -LogLevel $LogLevel
  $applicationJSONfile = Join-Path -Path $script:AppFactorySourceDir -ChildPath "Apps" -AdditionalChildPath $application.AppFolderName,"App.json"
  $applicationJSON = Get-Content -Path $applicationJSONfile | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 5
  $applicationJSON.DetectionRule = ,$detectionRule
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Updating - Detection Rule" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    $applicationJSON | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 | Out-File -FilePath $applicationJSONfile
    throw $_
#EndRegion '.\Public\Set-AppFactoryAppDetectionRule.ps1' 134
#Region '.\Public\Set-AppFactoryAppInstall.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to update the install commands in deploy-application.ps1
  The unique identifier for the application that we want to work with
  The type of installation that we will be using for this application
  If custom script, the contents for the script file
  .PARAMETER Parameters
  Any parameters used by the command line
  The name of the exe that will be used, if not substituted
  The name of the msi that will be used, if not substituted
  The mst file if required
  .PARAMETER beginstopProcess
  Process to stop at the beginning of an install
  .PARAMETER afterstopProcess
  Process to stop after the install
  .PARAMETER ignoreExit
  If there are exit codes we should ignore
  If this is run from a WIM file
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.

function Set-AppFactoryAppInstall {
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$GUID,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateSet("Custom", "PowerShell", "ECNO", "EXE", "MSI")][string]$Type,
    [Parameter()][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$installer = "###SETUPFILENAME###",
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output", "Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"
  # Get application that we will be working with
  $application = Get-AppFactoryApp -GUID $GUID -LogLevel $LogLevel
  if (-not ($application)) {
    throw "Application with GUID $($GUID) does not exist."   
  # Create a collection for the lines that we will add to the deploy-application.ps1
  $ApplicationInstallLines = @{
    "PreInstall"  = [System.Collections.Generic.List[String[]]]@()
    "Install"     = [System.Collections.Generic.List[String[]]]@()
    "PostInstall" = [System.Collections.Generic.List[String[]]]@()
  # Depending on the type of install, will depend on the lines that we need to add
  $installType = $Type.ToUpper()
  $installerPath = "`$dirFiles"
  if ($WIM) {
    $installerPath = "`$MountPath"
  $ApplicationInstallLines.Install.Add(("###INSTALLTYPE:$($installType)###", 2)) | Out-Null
  $ApplicationInstallLines.Install.Add(("###INSTALLCMDSTART###", 2)) | Out-Null 
  if ($WIM) {
    foreach ($line in $(Add-AppFactoryAppWIM -section "start" -application $application)) {
  $commonParams = @{
    ApplicationInstallLines = $ApplicationInstallLines
    directory               = $installerPath
    installer               = $installer
    Parameters              = $Parameters
    LogLevel                = $LogLevel
  switch ($Type) {
    "MSI" {
      foreach ($line in $(Add-AppFactoryApplicationScriptMSI @commonParams -mst $mst)) {
    "EXE" {
      foreach ($line in $(Add-AppFactoryApplicationScriptEXE @commonParams -ignoreExit $ignoreExit)) {
    "Custom" {
      $ApplicationInstallLines.Install.Add(($script, 2)) | Out-Null
    "PowerShell" {
      $ApplicationInstallLines.Install.Add(("Execute-Process -Path `"powershell.exe`" -Parameters `"-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File `"`"`$($($installerPath))\$($script)`"`"`"", 2)) | Out-Null
    "ECNO" {
      $ApplicationInstallLines.Install.Add(("Push-Location $($installerPath)", 2)) | Out-Null
      $ApplicationInstallLines.Install.Add(("Start-Process -FilePath powershell.exe -ArgumentList `"-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File _action.ps1 install`" -NoNewWindow -Wait", 2)) | Out-Null
      $ApplicationInstallLines.Install.Add(("Pop-Location", 2)) | Out-Null
  if ($WIM) {
    foreach ($line in $(Add-AppFactoryAppWIM -section "end" -application $application)) {
  $ApplicationInstallLines.Install.Add(("###INSTALLCMDEND###", 2)) | Out-Null
  # Any pre-install processes that need to happen
  $ApplicationInstallLines.PreInstall.Add(("###INSTALL:PRESTART###", 2)) | Out-Null
  if ($beginstopProcess) {
    $params = @{
      interactive     = $true
      blockingProcess = $beginstopProcess
      deferCount      = 3
      LogLevel        = $LogLevel
    foreach ($line in $(Add-AppFactoryApplicationBlockingProcess @params)) {
  $ApplicationInstallLines.PreInstall.Add(("###INSTALL:PREEND###", 2)) | Out-Null
  # Any post install process that need to happen
  $ApplicationInstallLines.PostInstall.Add(("###INSTALL:POSTSTART###", 2)) | Out-Null
  if ($afterstopProcess) {
    $params = @{
      interactive     = $false
      blockingProcess = $afterstopProcess
      LogLevel        = $LogLevel
    foreach ($line in $(Add-AppFactoryApplicationBlockingProcess @params)) {
  $ApplicationInstallLines.PostInstall.Add(("###INSTALL:POSTEND###", 2)) | Out-Null  
  # Get and read the current deployment file
  $ApplicationDeploymentFilePath = Join-Path -Path $script:AppFactorySourceDir -ChildPath "Apps" -AdditionalChildPath $application.AppFolderName, "Deploy-Application.ps1"  

  # Update the deployment file with the pre-install steps
  $common = @{
    Script   = $ApplicationDeploymentFilePath
    LogLevel = $LogLevel
    section  = "install"
  if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Processing Pre Install Script Lines" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  Set-AppFactoryDeploymentScriptLines @common -ScriptLines $ApplicationInstallLines.PreInstall -LogLevel $LogLevel
  if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Processing Post Install Script Lines" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  Set-AppFactoryDeploymentScriptLines @common -ScriptLines $ApplicationInstallLines.PostInstall -LogLevel $LogLevel
  if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Processing Install Script Lines" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  Set-AppFactoryDeploymentScriptLines @common -main -ScriptLines $ApplicationInstallLines.Install -LogLevel $LogLevel
#EndRegion '.\Public\Set-AppFactoryAppInstall.ps1' 153
#Region '.\Public\Set-AppFactoryAppOrgConfig.ps1' 0
function Set-AppFactoryAppOrgConfig{
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$orgGUID,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$appGUID,
    [Parameter()][bool]$AddToIntune = $false,
    [Parameter()][string[]]$AvailableAssignments = @(),
    [Parameter()][string[]]$AvailableExceptions = @(),
    [Parameter()][string[]]$RequiredAssignments = @(),
    [Parameter()][string[]]$RequiredExceptions = @(),
    [Parameter()][string[]]$UninstallAssignments = @(),
    [Parameter()][string[]]$UninstallExceptions = @(),
    [Parameter()][bool]$UnassignPrevious = $true,
    [Parameter()][bool]$CopyPrevious = $true,
    [Parameter()][int]$KeepPrevious = 0,
    [Parameter()][bool]$foreground = $false,
    [Parameter()][hashtable]$filters = @{},
    [Parameter()][string[]]$espprofiles = @(),
    [Parameter()][bool]$InteractiveInstall = $false,
    [Parameter()][bool]$InteractiveUninstall = $false
  $configFile = Join-Path -Path $script:AppFactorySourceDir -ChildPath "DSBConfigurations" -AdditionalChildPath $orgGUID,"$($appGUID).json"
  $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{
    "AddToIntune"           = $AddToIntune
    "AvailableAssignments"  = $AvailableAssignments
    "AvailableExceptions"   = $AvailableExceptions
    "RequiredAssignments"   = $RequiredAssignments
    "RequiredExceptions"    = $RequiredExceptions
    "UninstallAssignments"  = $UninstallAssignments
    "UninstallExceptions"   = $UninstallExceptions
    "UnassignPrevious"      = $UnassignPrevious
    "CopyPrevious"          = $CopyPrevious
    "KeepPrevious"          = $KeepPrevious
    "foreground"            = $foreground
    "filters"               = $filters
    "espprofiles"           = $espprofiles 
    "InteractiveInstall"    = $InteractiveInstall
    "InteractiveUninstall"  = $InteractiveUninstall       
  $obj | ConvertTo-JSON -Depth 5 | Out-File $configFile
#EndRegion '.\Public\Set-AppFactoryAppOrgConfig.ps1' 42
#Region '.\Public\Set-AppFactoryAppUninstall.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to update the uninstall commands in deploy-application.ps1
  The unique identifier for the application that we want to work with
  The type of installation that we will be using for this application
  If custom script, the contents for the script file
  .PARAMETER Parameters
  Any parameters used by the command line
  The name of the exe that will be used, if not substituted
  The GUID for the MSI that is to be removed
  .PARAMETER stopProcess
  Process to stop at the beginning of an uninstall
  .PARAMETER dirFiles
  If should be run from the dir files folder
  .PARAMETER ignoreExit
  If there are exit codes we should ignore
  If this is run from a WIM file
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.

function Set-AppFactoryAppUninstall {
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$GUID,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateSet("None", "MSI", "EXE", "Name", "GUID", "ECNO", "Custom")][string]$Type,
    [Parameter()][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$installer = "###SETUPFILENAME###",
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output", "Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose" 
  $application = Get-AppFactoryApp -GUID $GUID -LogLevel $LogLevel
  if (-not ($application)) {
    throw "Application with GUID $($GUID) does not exist."   
  # Create a collection for the lines that we will add to the deploy-application.ps1
  $ApplicationUninstallLines = @{
    "PreUninstall"  = [System.Collections.Generic.List[String[]]]@()
    "Uninstall"     = [System.Collections.Generic.List[String[]]]@()
    "PostUninstall" = [System.Collections.Generic.List[String[]]]@()
  # Depending on the type of install, will depend on the lines that we need to add
  $uninstallType = $Type.ToUpper()
  $installerPath = ""
  if ($dirFiles.IsPresent) {
    $installerPath = "`$dirFiles"
  if ($WIM) {
    $installerPath = "`$MountPath"
  $ApplicationUninstallLines.Uninstall.Add(("###UNINSTALLTYPE:$($uninstallType)###", 2)) | Out-Null
  $ApplicationUninstallLines.Uninstall.Add(("###UNINSTALLCMDSTART###", 2)) | Out-Null
  if ($WIM) {
    foreach ($line in $(Add-AppFactoryAppWIM -section "start" -application $application)) {
  $commonParams = @{
    ApplicationInstallLines = $ApplicationUninstallLines
    directory               = $installerPath
    installer               = $installer
    Parameters              = $Parameters
    LogLevel                = $LogLevel
  switch ($Type) {
    "EXE" {
      foreach ($line in $(Add-AppFactoryApplicationScriptEXE @commonParams -ignoreExit $ignoreExit)) {
    "MSI" {
      foreach ($line in $(Add-AppFactoryApplicationScriptMSI @commonParams -msiAction "Uninstall")) {
      $ApplicationUninstallLines.Uninstall.Add(("Remove-MSIApplications -Name `"$($Name)`"", 2)) | Out-Null
      $ApplicationUninstallLines.Uninstall.Add(("Execute-MSI -Action `"Uninstall`" -Path `"$($MSIGUID)`"", 2)) | Out-Null
      $ApplicationUninstallLines.Uninstall.Add(("Push-Location $($installerPath)", 2)) | Out-Null
      $ApplicationUninstallLines.Uninstall.Add(("Start-Process -FilePath powershell.exe -ArgumentList `"-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File _action.ps1 remove`" -NoNewWindow -Wait", 2)) | Out-Null
      $ApplicationUninstallLines.Uninstall.Add(("Pop-Location", 2)) | Out-Null
      $ApplicationUninstallLines.Uninstall.Add(($script, 2)) | Out-Null

  if ($WIM) {
    foreach ($line in $(Add-AppFactoryAppWIM -section "end" -application $application)) {
  $ApplicationUninstallLines.Uninstall.Add(("###UNINSTALLCMDEND###", 2)) | Out-Null
  # Any pre-install processes that need to happen
  $ApplicationUninstallLines.PreUninstall.Add(("###UNINSTALL:PRESTART###", 2)) | Out-Null
  if ($beginstopProcess) {
    $params = @{
      interactive     = $true
      blockingProcess = $beginstopProcess
      deferCount      = 3
      LogLevel        = $LogLevel
    foreach ($line in $(Add-AppFactoryApplicationBlockingProcess @params)) {
  $ApplicationUninstallLines.PreUninstall.Add(("###UNINSTALL:PREEND###", 2)) | Out-Null
  # Any post install process that need to happen
  $ApplicationUninstallLines.PostUninstall.Add(("###UNINSTALL:POSTSTART###", 2)) | Out-Null
  if ($afterstopProcess) {
    $params = @{
      interactive     = $false
      blockingProcess = $afterstopProcess
      LogLevel        = $LogLevel
    foreach ($line in $(Add-AppFactoryApplicationBlockingProcess @params)) {
  $ApplicationUninstallLines.PostUninstall.Add(("###UNINSTALL:POSTEND###", 2)) | Out-Null 
  # Get and read the current deployment file
  $ApplicationDeploymentFilePath = Join-Path -Path $script:AppFactorySourceDir -ChildPath "Apps" -AdditionalChildPath $application.AppFolderName, "Deploy-Application.ps1"  

  # Update the deployment file with the pre-install steps
  $common = @{
    Script   = $ApplicationDeploymentFilePath
    LogLevel = $LogLevel
    section  = "Uninstall"
  if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Processing Pre Install Script Lines" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  Set-AppFactoryDeploymentScriptLines @common -ScriptLines $ApplicationUninstallLines.PreUninstall -LogLevel $LogLevel
  if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Processing Post Install Script Lines" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  Set-AppFactoryDeploymentScriptLines @common -ScriptLines $ApplicationUninstallLines.PostUninstall -LogLevel $LogLevel 
  if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Processing Install Script Lines" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  Set-AppFactoryDeploymentScriptLines @common -main -ScriptLines $ApplicationUninstallLines.Uninstall -LogLevel $LogLevel
#EndRegion '.\Public\Set-AppFactoryAppUninstall.ps1' 159
#Region '.\Public\Set-AppFactoryOrganization.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to update the details of an organization
  The unique identifier for the organization that we want to work with
    .PARAMETER name
  The name of the organization
  .PARAMETER contactList
  The list of contacts for the organization
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.
  Update an organizations name
    Set-AppFactoryOrganization -GUID "### GUID ###" -Name "### Organization Name ###"
  Update an organization cotacts
    Set-AppFactoryOrganization -GUID "### GUID ###" -contactList "### Contact 1 ###", "### Contact 2 ###"

function Set-AppFactoryOrganization {
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$GUID,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output", "Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"  
  # Get Org Configuration Files
  $organization = Get-AppFactoryOrganization -GUID $GUID -LogLevel $LogLevel
  if ($null -eq $organization) {
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Error Encountered: Organization not found." -Level "Error" -Tag "Organizations" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    throw "Organization not found." 
  # Flag to know if we actually updated anything
  $changed = $false
  # If Contact List is Set to Be Updated
  if($contactList.Count -gt 0){
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($organization.Name)] Updating Contact List - <c='green'>$($contactList)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Organizations","ContactList","$($organization.Name)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
      $organization.Contacts = $contactList
      $organization.Contacts = @()
    $changed = $true
  # If Name is set to be updated
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($organization.Name)] Updating Name - <c='green'>$($Name)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Organizations","Name","$($organization.Name)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    $organization.Name = $Name
    $changed = $true
  # If something has been changed, lets do some updates
    # Get Current Path of Organization File
    $fileName = Join-Path -Path $script:AppFactorySourceDir -ChildPath "Organizations" -AdditionalChildPath $organization.FileName
    # Remove the filename property since we will be writing out the configuration
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($organization.Name)] Saving configuration file" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Organizations","$($organization.Name)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
      $organization | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 3 | Out-File $fileName
          Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($organization.Name)] Renmaing configuration file" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Organizations","$($organization.Name)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
        Rename-Item -Path $fileName -NewName "$($Name).json" -Force
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "Error Encountered: $($_)" -Level "Error" -Tag "Organizations" -Target "Application Factory Service"
      throw $_   
#EndRegion '.\Public\Set-AppFactoryOrganization.ps1' 82
#Region '.\Public\Start-AppFactory.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to set all the required variables and settings for the process
  Where the application configuration files are stored
  .PARAMETER configuration
  The name of the configuration file if not the default
  .PARAMETER LocalModule
  If we should load the module from a local source vs installed module
  .PARAMETER EnableLogging
  If logging should be enabled with PSFramework
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.
  Start Application Factory with the default configuration file and no logging
    Start-AppFactory -Path "### PATH TO PROCESS FILES ###"
  Start Application Factory with a different configuration file and logging enabled
    Start-AppFactory -Path "### PATH TO PROCESS FILES ###" -configuration "### CONFIGURATION JSON FILE NAME ###" -EnableLogging
  Start Application Factory with a local module loaded for testing
    Start-AppFactory -Path "### PATH TO PROCESS FILES ###" -LocalModule "### PATH TO LOCAL MODULE ###"

function Start-AppFactory {
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'console')][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$Path,
    [Parameter()][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$configuration = "Configuration.json",
    [Parameter()][string]$LocalModule = $null,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output", "Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"
  # Set if we should be logging with the PSFramework Module
  $script:AppFactoryLogging = $EnableLogging.IsPresent
  # Should we be loading a local module to use for the processes (mainly used for testing multithreading)
  $script:LocalModulePath = $LocalModule
  # Determine what the Source Directory we aer using is
  $script:AppFactorySourceDir = $Path 
  # Where are the supporting files stored
  $script:AppFactorySupportFiles = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath "SupportFiles"
  $script:AppFactorySupportTemplateFolder = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath "Templates"
  $script:AppFactoryLocalSupportFiles = Join-Path -Path $script:AppFactorySourceDir -ChildPath "SupportFiles"
  $script:AppFactoryWorkspace = Join-Path -Path $script:AppFactorySourceDir -ChildPath "Workspace"
  # Setup Logging Configuration
  if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
    $AppFactoryLogDir = Join-Path -Path $script:AppFactorySourceDir -ChildPath "Logs"
    # Name for the log file to be used
    $logFile = "$($AppFactoryLogDir)\AppFactory-%Date%.csv"   
    $paramSetPSFLoggingProvider = @{
      Name         = "logfile"
      InstanceName = "AppFactory"
      FilePath     = $logFile
      Enabled      = $true
      Wait         = $true
    Set-PSFLoggingProvider @paramSetPSFLoggingProvider 
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Logging Configured" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Setup" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Log File: <c='green'>$($logFile)</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Setup" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Reading Configuration File" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Setup" -Target "Application Factory Service"     
  # Where is the configuration folder
  $script:AppFactoryConfigDir = Join-Path -Path $script:AppFactorySourceDir -ChildPath "Configurations"
  # What is the path to the configuration file
  $AFConfigFile = Join-Path $script:AppFactoryconfigDir -ChildPath $configuration
  # Read the configuration file into an object
  $configDetails = Get-Content -Path $AFConfigFile -ErrorAction Stop | ConvertFrom-JSON
  $script:AppFactoryInstallersContainer = $
  $script:AppFactoryInstallersSecret = Get-Secret -Vault $configDetails.keyVault -Name $
  $script:AppFactoryDeploymentsContainer = $
  $script:AppFactoryDeploymentsSecret = Get-Secret -Vault $configDetails.keyVault -Name $
  $script:AppFactoryPublicFolder = $configDetails.publicContainer
  $script:AppFactorySharepointTenant = $configDetails.sharepoint.tenant
  $script:AppFactorySharepointClientID = $configDetails.sharepoint.clientId
  $script:AppFactorySharrepointURL = $configDetails.sharepoint.url
  $script:AppFactorySharepointCertificate = $configDetails.sharepoint.certificateFile
  $script:AppFactorySharepointCertificateSecret = Get-Secret -Vault $configDetails.keyVault -Name $configDetails.sharepoint.certificateSecret
  $script:AppFactorySharepointVersionField = $configDetails.sharepoint.versionField
  $script:AppFactorySharepointDocumentLibrary = $configDetails.sharepoint.documentLibrary  
  if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Loaded variables for the Application Factory Service" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Setup" -Target "Application Factory Service"
#EndRegion '.\Public\Start-AppFactory.ps1' 84
#Region '.\Public\Start-AppFactoryProcess.ps1' 0
function Start-AppFactoryProcess {
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'console')][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$Path,
    [Parameter()][string]$LocalModule = $null,
    [Parameter()][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string]$configuration = "Configuration.json",
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output", "Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"
  $processparams = @{
    "Path"          = $Path
    "configuration" = $configuration
    "LocalModule"   = $LocalModule
    "EnableLogging" = $EnableLogging
    "LogLevel"      = $LogLevel
  $multithreadParam = @{
    "multithread" = $multithread
  Start-AppFactory @processparams
  try {
    # Get Applications
    $applicationList = Get-AppFactoryApp -LogLevel $LogLevel
    Write-Host "There are $($applicationList.count) applications configured in AppFactory" -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host "Getting the latest version number for each application in the process" -ForegroundColor Green
    $appVersions = Test-AppFactoryAppNewVersion -LogLevel $LogLevel -applicationList $applicationList @multithreadParam
    $applicationList = Compare-AppFactoryAppVersions -LogLevel $LogLevel -applicationList $applicationList -appVersions $appVersions
    Write-Host "There are $($applicationList.count) apps that require an update." -ForegroundColor Green
    if ($applicationList.count -eq 0) {
    $applicationList = Test-AppFactoryFiles -LogLevel $LogLevel -applicationList $applicationList
    Write-Host "There are $($applicationList.count) apps that are ready to download files." -ForegroundColor Green
    $applicationList = Get-AppFactoryInstaller -LogLevel $LogLevel -applicationList $applicationList @multithreadParam
    Write-Host "Successfully downloaded files for $($applicationList.count) applications." -ForegroundColor Green
    $applicationList = Add-AppFactoryPackageFolder -LogLevel $LogLevel -applicationList $applicationList @multithreadParam
    Write-Host "Successfully created publishing files for $($applicationList.count) applications." -ForegroundColor Green
    $applicationList = New-AppFactoryIntuneFile -LogLevel $LogLevel -applicationList $applicationList @multithreadParam
    Write-Host "Successfully created intune application files for $($applicationList.count) applications." -ForegroundColor Green
    $applicationList = Publish-AppFactoryApp -LogLevel $LogLevel -applicationList $applicationList
    foreach($application in $applicationList){
      Write-Host "Application Published: $($application.IntuneAppName)" -ForegroundColor Green
  catch {
    throw $_
#EndRegion '.\Public\Start-AppFactoryProcess.ps1' 51
#Region '.\Public\Test-AppFactoryAppNewVersion.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to get all the current versions of the applications in the process
  .PARAMETER applicationList
  The collection of the applications that we will be acting on
  .PARAMETER force
  If we should continue either way
  .PARAMETER multithread
  Show we proceed single threaded or multithreaded
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.

function Test-AppFactoryAppNewVersion {
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]$applicationList,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output", "Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"
  $applications = [hashtable]::Synchronized(@{})
  if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
    Write-PSFMessage -Message "Connecting to Azure Storage"  -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "AzureStorage" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  $appStorageContext = Connect-AppFactoryAzureStorage -storageContainer $script:AppFactoryInstallersContainer -storageSecret $script:AppFactoryInstallersSecret -LogLevel $LogLevel
  $psadtStorageContext = Connect-AppFactoryAzureStorage -storageContainer $script:AppFactoryDeploymentsContainer -storageSecret $script:AppFactoryDeploymentsSecret -LogLevel $LogLevel
  $pfxPath = Join-Path -Path $script:AppFactoryLocalSupportFiles -ChildPath $script:AppFactorySharepointCertificate
  $sharepointConfig = @{
    "url"                 = $script:AppFactorySharrepointURL
    "CertificatePath"     = $pfxPath
    "CertificatePassword" = $script:AppFactorySharepointCertificateSecret.Password
    "ClientId"            = $script:AppFactorySharepointClientID
    "Tenant"              = $script:AppFactorySharepointTenant
  if (-not $multithread.IsPresent) {
    try { Connect-PnPOnline @sharepointConfig }
    catch {}
    foreach ($application in $applicationList) {
      $AppItem = $null
      if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Checking for new version in <c='green'>$($application.AppSource)</c>"  -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
      try {
        switch ($application.AppSource) {
          "Winget" { $AppItem = Get-AppFactoryWinGetAppItem -application $application -LogLevel $LogLevel }
          "Evergreen" { $AppItem = Get-AppFactoryEvergreenAppItem -application $application -LogLevel $LogLevel }
          "StorageAccount" { $AppItem = Get-AppFactoryAzureStorageAppItem -application $application -storageContext $appStorageContext -workingfolder $script:AppFactoryWorkspace  -LogLevel $LogLevel }
          "Sharepoint" { $AppItem = Get-AppFactorySharepointAppItem -application $application -documentLibrary $script:AppFactorySharepointDocumentLibrary -LogLevel $LogLevel }
          "ECNO" { $AppItem = Get-AppFactoryECNOAppItem -application $application -documentLibrary $script:AppFactorySharepointDocumentLibrary -LogLevel $LogLevel }
          "PSADT" { $AppItem = Get-AppFactoryAzurePSADTAppItem -application $application -storageContext $psadtStorageContext  -LogLevel $LogLevel }
        $applications.Add($application.GUID, $AppItem)
      catch {
        $AppItem = [PSCustomObject]@{
          "Version"  = $version
          "URI"      = $null
          "BlobName" = $null
          "Status"   = "Error $($_)"
        $applications.Add($application.GUID, $AppItem)
        if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
          Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Error getting version $($_)" -Level "Error" -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  else {
    if ($script:LocalModulePath) {
      $modulePath = $script:LocalModulePath
    else {
      $modulePath = (Get-module ApplicationFactoryService).path
    $applicationList | Foreach-Object -Parallel {
      Import-Module -Name $using:modulePath -Force
      $application = $_
      $applications = $using:applications
      $appStorageContext = $using:appStorageContext
      $psadtStorageContext = $using:psadtStorageContext
      $script:AppFactoryLogging = $using:script:AppFactoryLogging
      $script:AppFactoryWorkspace = $using:script:AppFactoryWorkspace
      $script:AppFactorySharepointDocumentLibrary = $using:script:AppFactorySharepointDocumentLibrary
      $AppItem = $null
      $LogLevel = $using:LogLevel
      if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Checking for new version in <c='green'>$($application.AppSource)</c>"  -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "AppFactory"
      if ($application.AppSource -in @("Sharepoint", "ECNO")) {
        try { Connect-PnPOnline @using:sharepointConfig }
        catch {}        
      try {
        switch ($application.AppSource) {
          "Winget" { $AppItem = Get-AppFactoryWinGetAppItem -application $application -LogLevel $LogLevel }
          "Evergreen" { $AppItem = Get-AppFactoryEvergreenAppItem -application $application -LogLevel $LogLevel }
          "StorageAccount" { $AppItem = Get-AppFactoryAzureStorageAppItem -application $application -storageContext $appStorageContext -workingfolder $script:AppFactoryWorkspace  -LogLevel $LogLevel }
          "Sharepoint" { 
            $AppItem = Get-AppFactorySharepointAppItem -application $application -documentLibrary $script:AppFactorySharepointDocumentLibrary -LogLevel $LogLevel
          "ECNO" {
            $AppItem = Get-AppFactoryECNOAppItem -application $application -documentLibrary $script:AppFactorySharepointDocumentLibrary -LogLevel $LogLevel
          "PSADT" { $AppItem = Get-AppFactoryAzurePSADTAppItem -application $application -storageContext $psadtStorageContext  -LogLevel $LogLevel }
        $applications.Add($application.GUID, $AppItem)
      catch {
        $AppItem = [PSCustomObject]@{
          "Version"  = $version
          "URI"      = $null
          "BlobName" = $null
          "Status"   = "Error $($_)"
        $applications.Add($application.GUID, $AppItem)
        if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
          Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Error getting version $($_)" -Level "Error" -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
  return $applications
#EndRegion '.\Public\Test-AppFactoryAppNewVersion.ps1' 125
#Region '.\Public\Test-AppFactoryFiles.ps1' 0
  This cmdlet is designed to confirm everything in the config files needed is present
  .PARAMETER applicationList
  The collection of the applications that we will be acting on
  If logging is enabled, what level of logging do we want, default is verbose.

function Test-AppFactoryFiles {
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][PSCustomObject]$applicationList,
    [Parameter()][ValidateSet("Output", "Verbose")][string]$LogLevel = "Verbose"
  # Create blank list to store the applications that we will be moving forward with.
  $applications = [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]@()  
  # What files should exist
  $AppFileNames = @("Deploy-Application.ps1", "Icon.png", "App.json")
  # Loop through each of the applications
  foreach ($application in $applicationList) {
    # Should the application be skipped
    $skip = $false
    # Where should the files exist
    $AppPackageFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $script:AppFactorySourceDir -ChildPath "Apps" -AdditionalChildPath $application.AppFolderName
    if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
      Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Checking to ensure that all the appropriate files are present for the application at path <c='green'>$($($AppPackageFolderPath))</c>."  -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    # Check for the required files
    foreach ($AppFileName in $AppFileNames) {
      $AppFileNamePath = Join-Path -Path $AppPackageFolderPath -ChildPath $AppFileName
      if (-not(Test-Path -Path $AppFileNamePath)) {
        $skip = $true
        if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
          Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] File Not Found $($AppFileNamePath). Skipping Application." -Level "Error" -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)", "Error" -Target "Application Factory Service"
      if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
        Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] <c='green'>$($AppFileName)</c> found"  -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
      if ($AppFileName -eq "App.json") {
        # Get Content of App.Json
        $AppFileContent = Get-Content -Path $AppFileNamePath | ConvertFrom-Json
        # If there are no detection rules
        if ($AppFileContent.DetectionRule.Count -eq 0) {
          $skip = $true
          if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Could not find any detection rule defined, ensure App.json contains atleast one detection rule element. Skipping Application." -Level "Error" -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)", "Error" -Target "Application Factory Service"
        # If there are rules, and set to script confirm Script File Exists
        if ($AppFileContent.DetectionRule.Count -eq 1) {
          if ($AppFileContent.DetectionRule.Type -like "Script") {
            $DetectionScriptFilePath = Join-Path -Path $AppPackageFolderPath -ChildPath $AppFileContent.DetectionRule.ScriptFile
            if (-not(Test-Path -Path $DetectionScriptFilePath)) {
              $skip = $true
              if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
                Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Could not detect given detection script file in app folder. Skipping Application." -Level "Error" -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)", "Error" -Target "Application Factory Service"
        if ($AppFileContent.DetectionRule.Count -ge 2) {
          if ("Script" -in $AppFileContent.DetectionRule.Type) {
            $skip = $true
            if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
              Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Multiple detection rule types are defined, where at least one of them are of type 'Script', which is not a supported configuration in Intune. Skipping Application." -Level "Error" -Tag "Application", "$($application.IntuneAppName)", "Error" -Target "Application Factory Service"
        if ($script:AppFactoryLogging) {
          Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] <c='green'>Detection rule appears to be configured correctly</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
        $content = Get-Content -Path $AppFileNamePath
        if($content -match "^.*`"<<.*>>`".*$"){
          $skip = $true
            Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] Not all fields that need to configure in App.JSON have been updated. Skipping Application." -Level "Error" -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)","Error" -Target "Application Factory Service"
          Write-PSFMessage -Message "[$($application.IntuneAppName)] <c='green'>All fields in App.json appear to be configured correctly</c>" -Level $LogLevel -Tag "Application","$($application.IntuneAppName)" -Target "Application Factory Service"
    if(-not $skip){
      $applications.Add($application) | Out-Null
  return $applications
#EndRegion '.\Public\Test-AppFactoryFiles.ps1' 92