. "$PSScriptRoot\common.ps1" # # Upgrading PIP: # # $pipVersion = "20.0.2" function UpdatePythonPath($pythonPath) { $env:path = ($env:path -split ';' | Where-Object { -not $_.contains('\Python') }) -join ';' $env:path = "$pythonPath;$env:path" } function GetUninstallString($productName) { $x64items = @(Get-ChildItem "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall") $x64userItems = @(Get-ChildItem "HKCU:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall") ($x64items + $x64userItems + @(Get-ChildItem "HKLM:SOFTWARE\wow6432node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall") ` | ForEach-object { Get-ItemProperty Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::$_ } ` | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -and $_.DisplayName -eq $productName } ` | Select UninstallString).UninstallString } function UninstallPython($pythonName) { $uninstallCommand = (GetUninstallString $pythonName) if($uninstallCommand) { Write-Host "Uninstalling $pythonName..." -NoNewline if($uninstallCommand.contains('/modify')) { $uninstallCommand = $uninstallCommand.replace('/modify', '') cmd /c start /wait "`"$uninstallCommand`"" /quiet /uninstall } elseif ($uninstallCommand.contains('/uninstall')) { $uninstallCommand = $uninstallCommand.replace('/uninstall', '') cmd /c start /wait "`"$uninstallCommand`"" /uninstall } else { $uninstallCommand = $uninstallCommand.replace('MsiExec.exe /I{', '/x{').replace('MsiExec.exe /X{', '/x{') cmd /c start /wait msiexec.exe $uninstallCommand /quiet } Write-Host "done" } } function UpdatePip($pythonPath) { Write-Host "Installing virtualenv for $pythonPath..." -ForegroundColor Cyan UpdatePythonPath "$pythonPath;$pythonPath\scripts" Start-ProcessWithOutput "python -m pip install --upgrade pip==$pipVersion" -IgnoreExitCode Start-ProcessWithOutput "pip --version" -IgnoreExitCode Start-ProcessWithOutput "pip install virtualenv" -IgnoreExitCode } [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 # Write-Host "Downloading" -ForegroundColor Cyan # $pipPath = "$env:TEMP\" # (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', $pipPath) Write-Host "Downloading v2.6..." -ForegroundColor Cyan $pipPath26 = "$env:TEMP\" (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', $pipPath26) Write-Host "Downloading v3.3..." -ForegroundColor Cyan $pipPath33 = "$env:TEMP\" (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', $pipPath33) Write-Host "Downloading v3.4..." -ForegroundColor Cyan $pipPath34 = "$env:TEMP\" (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', $pipPath34) function InstallPythonMSI($version, $platform, $targetPath) { $urlPlatform = "" if ($platform -eq 'x64') { $urlPlatform = ".amd64" } Write-Host "Installing Python $version $platform to $($targetPath)..." -ForegroundColor Cyan $downloadUrl = "$version/python-$version$urlPlatform.msi" Write-Host "Downloading $($downloadUrl)..." $msiPath = "$env:TEMP\python-$version.msi" (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($downloadUrl, $msiPath) Write-Host "Installing..." cmd /c start /wait msiexec /i "$msiPath" /passive ALLUSERS=1 TARGETDIR="$targetPath" Remove-Item $msiPath Start-ProcessWithOutput "$targetPath\python.exe --version" Write-Host "Installed Python $version" -ForegroundColor Green } function InstallPythonEXE($version, $platform, $targetPath) { $urlPlatform = "" if ($platform -eq 'x64') { $urlPlatform = "-amd64" } Write-Host "Installing Python $version $platform to $($targetPath)..." -ForegroundColor Cyan $downloadUrl = "$version/python-$version$urlPlatform.exe" Write-Host "Downloading $($downloadUrl)..." $exePath = "$env:TEMP\python-$version.exe" (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($downloadUrl, $exePath) Write-Host "Installing..." cmd /c start /wait $exePath /quiet TargetDir="$targetPath" Shortcuts=0 Include_launcher=1 InstallLauncherAllUsers=1 Include_debug=1 Remove-Item $exePath Start-ProcessWithOutput "$targetPath\python.exe --version" Write-Host "Installed Python $version" -ForegroundColor Green } if (-not $env:INSTALL_LATEST_ONLY) { # Python 2.6.6 $python26 = (GetUninstallString 'Python 2.6.6') if($python26) { Write-Host 'Python 2.6.6 already installed' } else { InstallPythonMSI "2.6.6" "x64" "$env:SystemDrive\Python26-x64" InstallPythonMSI "2.6.6" "x86" "$env:SystemDrive\Python26" # install pip for python 2.6 Write-Host "Installing pip for 2.6..." -ForegroundColor Cyan # Python 2.6 UpdatePythonPath "$env:SystemDrive\Python26" Start-ProcessWithOutput "python $pipPath26" -IgnoreExitCode # Python 2.6 x64 UpdatePythonPath "$env:SystemDrive\Python26-x64" Start-ProcessWithOutput "python $pipPath26" -IgnoreExitCode } } # Python 2.7.18 $python27 = (GetUninstallString 'Python 2.7.18') if($python27) { Write-Host 'Python 2.7.18 already installed' } else { UninstallPython "Python 2.7.14" UninstallPython "Python 2.7.14 (64-bit)" UninstallPython "Python 2.7.15" UninstallPython "Python 2.7.15 (64-bit)" UninstallPython "Python 2.7.16" UninstallPython "Python 2.7.16 (64-bit)" UninstallPython "Python 2.7.18" UninstallPython "Python 2.7.18 (64-bit)" InstallPythonMSI "2.7.18" "x64" "$env:SystemDrive\Python27-x64" InstallPythonMSI "2.7.18" "x86" "$env:SystemDrive\Python27" } UpdatePip "$env:SystemDrive\Python27" UpdatePip "$env:SystemDrive\Python27-x64" if (-not $env:INSTALL_LATEST_ONLY) { # Python 3.3.5 $python33 = (GetUninstallString 'Python 3.3.5') if($python33) { Write-Host 'Python 3.3.5 already installed' } else { InstallPythonMSI "3.3.5" "x64" "$env:SystemDrive\Python33-x64" InstallPythonMSI "3.3.5" "x86" "$env:SystemDrive\Python33" # install pip for python 3.3 Write-Host "Installing pip for 3.3.5..." -ForegroundColor Cyan # Python 3.3 UpdatePythonPath "$env:SystemDrive\Python33" Start-ProcessWithOutput "python $pipPath33" -IgnoreExitCode # Python 3.3 x64 UpdatePythonPath "$env:SystemDrive\Python33-x64" Start-ProcessWithOutput "python $pipPath33" -IgnoreExitCode } UpdatePip "$env:SystemDrive\Python33" UpdatePip "$env:SystemDrive\Python33-x64" } if (-not $env:INSTALL_LATEST_ONLY) { # Python 3.4.4 $python34 = (GetUninstallString 'Python 3.4.4') if($python34) { Write-Host 'Python 3.4.4 already installed' } else { UninstallPython "Python 3.4.3" UninstallPython "Python 3.4.3 (64-bit)" InstallPythonMSI "3.4.4" "x64" "$env:SystemDrive\Python34-x64" InstallPythonMSI "3.4.4" "x86" "$env:SystemDrive\Python34" # install pip for python 3.4 Write-Host "Installing pip for 3.4..." -ForegroundColor Cyan # Python 3.4 UpdatePythonPath "$env:SystemDrive\Python34" Start-ProcessWithOutput "python $pipPath34" -IgnoreExitCode # Python 3.4 x64 UpdatePythonPath "$env:SystemDrive\Python34-x64" Start-ProcessWithOutput "python $pipPath34" -IgnoreExitCode } UpdatePip "$env:SystemDrive\Python34" UpdatePip "$env:SystemDrive\Python34-x64" } if (-not $env:INSTALL_LATEST_ONLY) { # Python 3.5.4 $python35 = (GetUninstallString 'Python 3.5.4 (32-bit)') if($python35) { Write-Host 'Python 3.5.4 already installed' } else { UninstallPython "Python 3.5.3 (32-bit)" UninstallPython "Python 3.5.3 (64-bit)" InstallPythonEXE "3.5.4" "x64" "$env:SystemDrive\Python35-x64" InstallPythonEXE "3.5.4" "x86" "$env:SystemDrive\Python35" } UpdatePip "$env:SystemDrive\Python35" UpdatePip "$env:SystemDrive\Python35-x64" } if (-not $env:INSTALL_LATEST_ONLY) { # Python 3.6.8 x64 $python36_x64 = (GetUninstallString 'Python 3.6.8 (64-bit)') if($python36_x64) { Write-Host 'Python 3.6.8 x64 already installed' } else { UninstallPython "Python 3.6.6 (64-bit)" UninstallPython "Python 3.6.7 (64-bit)" InstallPythonEXE "3.6.8" "x64" "$env:SystemDrive\Python36-x64" } # Python 3.6.8 $python36 = (GetUninstallString 'Python 3.6.8 (32-bit)') if($python36) { Write-Host 'Python 3.6.8 already installed' } else { UninstallPython "Python 3.6.6 (32-bit)" UninstallPython "Python 3.6.7 (32-bit)" InstallPythonEXE "3.6.8" "x86" "$env:SystemDrive\Python36" } UpdatePip "$env:SystemDrive\Python36" UpdatePip "$env:SystemDrive\Python36-x64" } if (-not $env:INSTALL_LATEST_ONLY) { # Python 3.7.9 x64 $python37_x64 = (GetUninstallString 'Python 3.7.9 (64-bit)') if($python37_x64) { Write-Host 'Python 3.7.9 x64 already installed' } else { UninstallPython "Python 3.7.0 (64-bit)" UninstallPython "Python 3.7.5 (64-bit)" UninstallPython "Python 3.7.7 (64-bit)" UninstallPython "Python 3.7.8 (64-bit)" InstallPythonEXE "3.7.9" "x64" "$env:SystemDrive\Python37-x64" } # Python 3.7.9 $python37 = (GetUninstallString 'Python 3.7.9 (32-bit)') if($python37) { Write-Host 'Python 3.7.9 already installed' } else { UninstallPython "Python 3.7.0 (32-bit)" UninstallPython "Python 3.7.5 (32-bit)" UninstallPython "Python 3.7.7 (32-bit)" UninstallPython "Python 3.7.8 (32-bit)" InstallPythonEXE "3.7.9" "x86" "$env:SystemDrive\Python37" } UpdatePip "$env:SystemDrive\Python37" UpdatePip "$env:SystemDrive\Python37-x64" } # Python 3.8.6 x64 $python38_x64 = (GetUninstallString 'Python 3.8.6 (64-bit)') if($python38_x64) { Write-Host 'Python 3.8.6 x64 already installed' } else { UninstallPython "Python 3.8.0 (64-bit)" UninstallPython "Python 3.8.2 (64-bit)" UninstallPython "Python 3.8.5 (64-bit)" InstallPythonEXE "3.8.6" "x64" "$env:SystemDrive\Python38-x64" } # Python 3.8.6 $python38 = (GetUninstallString 'Python 3.8.6 (32-bit)') if($python38) { Write-Host 'Python 3.8.6 already installed' } else { UninstallPython "Python 3.8.0 (32-bit)" UninstallPython "Python 3.8.2 (32-bit)" UninstallPython "Python 3.8.5 (32-bit)" InstallPythonEXE "3.8.6" "x86" "$env:SystemDrive\Python38" } UpdatePip "$env:SystemDrive\Python38" UpdatePip "$env:SystemDrive\Python38-x64" # Python 3.9.0 x64 $python39_x64 = (GetUninstallString 'Python 3.9.0 (64-bit)') if($python39_x64) { Write-Host 'Python 3.9.0 x64 already installed' } else { #UninstallPython "Python 3.8.5 (64-bit)" InstallPythonEXE "3.9.0" "x64" "$env:SystemDrive\Python39-x64" } # Python 3.9.0 $python39 = (GetUninstallString 'Python 3.9.0 (32-bit)') if($python39) { Write-Host 'Python 3.9.0 already installed' } else { #UninstallPython "Python 3.8.5 (32-bit)" InstallPythonEXE "3.9.0" "x86" "$env:SystemDrive\Python39" } UpdatePip "$env:SystemDrive\Python39" UpdatePip "$env:SystemDrive\Python39-x64" if (-not $env:INSTALL_LATEST_ONLY) { Add-Path C:\Python27 Add-Path C:\Python27\Scripts } else { Add-Path C:\Python39 Add-Path C:\Python39\Scripts } # restore .py file mapping # cmd /c ftype Python.File="C:\Windows\py.exe" "`"%1`"" %* # check default python Write-Host "Default Python installed:" -ForegroundColor Cyan $r = (cmd /c python.exe --version 2>&1) $r.Exception # py.exe Write-Host "Py.exe installed:" -ForegroundColor Cyan $r = (py.exe --version) $r function CheckPython($path) { if (Test-Path "$path\python.exe") { Start-ProcessWithOutput "$path\python.exe --version" } else { throw "python.exe is missing in $path" } if (Test-Path "$path\Scripts\pip.exe") { Start-ProcessWithOutput "$path\Scripts\pip.exe --version" Start-ProcessWithOutput "$path\Scripts\virtualenv.exe --version" } else { Write-Host "pip.exe is missing in $path" -ForegroundColor Red } } if (-not $env:INSTALL_LATEST_ONLY) { CheckPython 'C:\Python26' CheckPython 'C:\Python26-x64' } CheckPython 'C:\Python27' CheckPython 'C:\Python27-x64' if (-not $env:INSTALL_LATEST_ONLY) { CheckPython 'C:\Python33' CheckPython 'C:\Python33-x64' CheckPython 'C:\Python34' CheckPython 'C:\Python34-x64' CheckPython 'C:\Python35' CheckPython 'C:\Python35-x64' CheckPython 'C:\Python36' CheckPython 'C:\Python36-x64' CheckPython 'C:\Python37' CheckPython 'C:\Python37-x64' CheckPython 'C:\Python38' CheckPython 'C:\Python38-x64' } CheckPython 'C:\Python39' CheckPython 'C:\Python39-x64' |