. "$PSScriptRoot\common.ps1" $started = Get-Date # download SSL certificates [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', "$env:temp\cacert.pem") $env:SSL_CERT_FILE = "$env:temp\cacert.pem" if (-not $env:INSTALL_LATEST_ONLY) { $rubies = @( @{ "version" = "Ruby 1.9.3-p551" "install_path" = "C:\Ruby193" "download_url" = "" "devkit_url" = "" "devkit_paths" = @("C:/Ruby193") "install_psych" = "true" "dontUpdateRubygems" = $true #"rubygemsUpdate" = $true } @{ "version" = "Ruby 2.0.0-p648" "install_path" = "C:\Ruby200" "download_url" = "" "devkit_url" = "" "devkit_paths" = @("C:/Ruby200") "install_psych" = "true" "rubygemsUpdate" = $true } @{ "version" = "Ruby 2.0.0-p648 (x64)" "install_path" = "C:\Ruby200-x64" "download_url" = "" "install_psych" = "true" "rubygemsUpdate" = $true } @{ "version" = "Ruby 2.2.6" "install_path" = "C:\Ruby22" "download_url" = "" "rubygemsUpdate" = $true } @{ "version" = "Ruby 2.2.6 (x64)" "install_path" = "C:\Ruby22-x64" "download_url" = "" "rubygemsUpdate" = $true } @{ "version" = "Ruby 2.1.9" "install_path" = "C:\Ruby21" "download_url" = "" "rubygemsUpdate" = $true } @{ "version" = "Ruby 2.1.9 (x64)" "install_path" = "C:\Ruby21-x64" "download_url" = "" "rubygemsUpdate" = $true } @{ "version" = "Ruby 2.3.3" "install_path" = "C:\Ruby23" "download_url" = "" "devkit_url" = "" "devkit_paths" = @("C:/Ruby200", "C:/Ruby21", "C:/Ruby22", "C:/Ruby23") "bundlerV2" = $true } @{ "version" = "Ruby 2.3.3 (x64)" "install_path" = "C:\Ruby23-x64" "download_url" = "" "devkit_url" = "" "devkit_paths" = @("C:/Ruby200-x64", "C:/Ruby21-x64", "C:/Ruby22-x64", "C:/Ruby23-x64") "bundlerV2" = $true } @{ "version" = "Ruby 2.4.10-1" "install_path" = "C:\Ruby24" "download_url" = "" "devkit_url" = "" "devkit_paths" = @() "bundlerV2" = $true } @{ "version" = "Ruby 2.4.10-1 (x64)" "install_path" = "C:\Ruby24-x64" "download_url" = "" "devkit_url" = "" "devkit_paths" = @() "bundlerV2" = $true } @{ "version" = "Ruby 2.5.8-1" "install_path" = "C:\Ruby25" "download_url" = "" "devkit_url" = "" "devkit_paths" = @() "bundlerV2" = $true } @{ "version" = "Ruby 2.5.8-1 (x64)" "install_path" = "C:\Ruby25-x64" "download_url" = "" "devkit_url" = "" "devkit_paths" = @() "bundlerV2" = $true } @{ "version" = "Ruby 2.6.6-1" "install_path" = "C:\Ruby26" "download_url" = "" "devkit_url" = "" "devkit_paths" = @() "bundlerV2" = $true } @{ "version" = "Ruby 2.6.6-1 (x64)" "install_path" = "C:\Ruby26-x64" "download_url" = "" "devkit_url" = "" "devkit_paths" = @() "bundlerV2" = $true } ) } else { $rubies = @() } $rubies = $rubies + @( @{ "version" = "Ruby 2.7.1-1" "install_path" = "C:\Ruby27" "download_url" = "" "devkit_url" = "" "devkit_paths" = @() "bundlerV2" = $true } @{ "version" = "Ruby 2.7.1-1 (x64)" "install_path" = "C:\Ruby27-x64" "download_url" = "" "devkit_url" = "" "devkit_paths" = @() "bundlerV2" = $true } ) function UpdateRubyPath($rubyPath) { $env:path = ($env:path -split ';' | Where-Object { -not $_.contains('\Ruby') }) -join ';' $env:path = "$rubyPath;$env:path" } function GetUninstallString($productName) { $x64items = @(Get-ChildItem "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall") ($x64items + @(Get-ChildItem "HKLM:SOFTWARE\wow6432node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall") ` | ForEach-object { Get-ItemProperty Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\Registry::$_ } ` | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -and $_.DisplayName -eq $productName } ` | Select UninstallString).UninstallString } function Get-FileNameFromUrl($url) { $fileName = $url.Trim('/') $idx = $fileName.LastIndexOf('/') if($idx -ne -1) { $fileName = $fileName.substring($idx + 1) $idx = $fileName.IndexOf('?') if($idx -ne -1) { $fileName = $fileName.substring(0, $idx) } } return $fileName } function Install-Ruby($ruby) { Write-Host "Installing $($ruby.version)" -ForegroundColor Cyan if($ruby.download_url.contains('')) { ######################### ## ## New 2.4 installer ## ######################### # uninstall existing $rubyUninstallPath = "$ruby.install_path\unins000.exe" if([IO.File]::Exists($rubyUninstallPath)) { Write-Host " Uninstalling previous Ruby 2.4..." -ForegroundColor Gray "`"$rubyUninstallPath`" /silent" | out-file "$env:temp\uninstall-ruby.cmd" -Encoding ASCII & "$env:temp\uninstall-ruby.cmd" del "$env:temp\uninstall-ruby.cmd" Start-Sleep -s 5 } if(Test-Path $ruby.install_path) { Write-Host " Deleting $($ruby.install_path)" -ForegroundColor Gray Remove-Item $ruby.install_path -Force -Recurse } $exePath = "$($env:TEMP)\rubyinstaller.exe" Write-Host " Downloading $($ruby.version) from $($ruby.download_url)" -ForegroundColor Gray (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($ruby.download_url, $exePath) Write-Host "Installing..." -ForegroundColor Gray cmd /c start /wait $exePath /verysilent /dir="$($ruby.install_path.replace('\', '/'))" /tasks="noassocfiles,nomodpath,noridkinstall" del $exePath Write-Host "Installed" -ForegroundColor Green # setup Ruby UpdateRubyPath "$($ruby.install_path)\bin" Write-Host "ruby --version" -ForegroundColor Gray cmd /c ruby --version Write-Host "gem --version" -ForegroundColor Gray cmd /c gem --version # list installed gems Write-Host "gem list --local" -ForegroundColor Gray cmd /c gem list --local } else { ######################### ## ## Old installer ## ######################### # delete if exists if(Test-Path $ruby.install_path) { Write-Host " Deleting $($ruby.install_path)" -ForegroundColor Gray Remove-Item $ruby.install_path -Force -Recurse } # create temp directory for all downloads $tempPath = Join-Path ([IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) ([IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName()) New-Item $tempPath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null $distFileName = Get-FileNameFromUrl $ruby.download_url $distName = [IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($distFileName) $distLocalFileName = (Join-Path $tempPath $distFileName) # download archive to a temp Write-Host " Downloading $($ruby.version) from $($ruby.download_url)" -ForegroundColor Gray (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($ruby.download_url, $distLocalFileName) # extract archive to C:\ Write-Host " Extracting Ruby files..." -ForegroundColor Gray cmd /c 7z x $distLocalFileName -o"C:\" | Out-Null # rename Rename-Item "C:\$distName" $ruby.install_path # setup Ruby UpdateRubyPath "$($ruby.install_path)\bin" Write-Host "ruby --version" -ForegroundColor Gray cmd /c ruby --version Write-Host "gem --version" -ForegroundColor Gray cmd /c gem --version # list installed gems Write-Host "gem list --local" -ForegroundColor Gray cmd /c gem list --local # download DevKit if($ruby.devkit_url) { Write-Host " Downloading DevKit from $($ruby.devkit_url)" -ForegroundColor Gray $devKitFileName = Get-FileNameFromUrl $ruby.devkit_url $devKitLocalFileName = (Join-Path $tempPath $devKitFileName) (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($ruby.devkit_url, $devKitLocalFileName) # extract DevKit $devKitPath = (Join-Path $ruby.install_path 'DevKit') Write-Host " Extracting DevKit to $devKitPath..." -ForegroundColor Gray cmd /c 7z x $devKitLocalFileName -o"$devKitPath" | Out-Null # create config.yml $configYamlPath = (Join-Path $devKitPath 'config.yml') New-Item $configYamlPath -ItemType File | Out-Null Add-Content $configYamlPath "---`n" for($i = 0; $i -lt $ruby.devkit_paths.Count; $i++) { Add-Content $configYamlPath "- $($ruby.devkit_paths[$i])`n" } # install DevKit Write-Host " Installing DevKit..." -ForegroundColor Gray $origPath = (pwd).Path cd $devKitPath cmd /c ruby dk.rb install cd $origPath } } # delete temp path if($tempPath) { Write-Host " Cleaning up..." -ForegroundColor Gray Remove-Item $tempPath -Force -Recurse } Write-Host " Done!" -ForegroundColor Green } function Update-Ruby($ruby) { Write-Host "Updating $($ruby.version)" -ForegroundColor Cyan UpdateRubyPath "$($ruby.install_path)\bin" if ($ruby.install_psych) { Write-Host "gem install psych -v 2.2.4" -ForegroundColor Gray Start-ProcessWithOutput "gem install psych -v 2.2.4 --no-rdoc" } elseif ($ruby.update_psych) { Write-Host "gem update psych" -ForegroundColor Gray Start-ProcessWithOutput "gem update psych" } if (-not $ruby.dontUpdateRubygems) { if ($ruby.rubygemsUpdate) { # Ruby < 2.3 Write-Host "gem install rubygems-update -v `"~>2.7`" --no-rdoc" -ForegroundColor Gray cmd /c gem install rubygems-update -v `"~>2.7`" --no-rdoc Write-Host "update_rubygems" -ForegroundColor Gray & "$($ruby.install_path)\bin\ruby.exe" "$($ruby.install_path)\bin\update_rubygems" --silent } else { # Ruby > 2.3 Write-Host "gem update --system" -ForegroundColor Gray cmd /c gem update --system } } # cleanup old gems Write-Host "gem cleanup" -ForegroundColor Gray cmd /c gem cleanup # list installed gems Write-Host "gem list --local" -ForegroundColor Gray cmd /c gem list --local # install bundler v1.x package Write-Host "gem install bundler -v `"~>1.17`" --force" -ForegroundColor Gray cmd /c gem install bundler -v `"~>1.17`" --force # install bundler v2.x package if ($ruby.bundlerV2) { Write-Host "gem install bundler --force" -ForegroundColor Gray cmd /c gem install bundler --force } # fix "bundler" executable Write-Host "fix bundler.bat" Copy-Item -Path "$($ruby.install_path)\bin\bundle" -Destination "$($ruby.install_path)\bin\bundler" -Force Copy-Item -Path "$($ruby.install_path)\bin\bundle.bat" -Destination "$($ruby.install_path)\bin\bundler.bat" -Force Write-Host " Done!" -ForegroundColor Green } # save current directory for($i = 0; $i -lt $rubies.Count; $i++) { Install-Ruby $rubies[$i] } for($i = 0; $i -lt $rubies.Count; $i++) { Update-Ruby $rubies[$i] } # Fix bundler.bat # @("Ruby193","Ruby200","Ruby200-x64","Ruby21","Ruby21-x64","Ruby22","Ruby22-x64","Ruby23","Ruby23-x64","Ruby24","Ruby24-x64") | % { Copy-Item "C:\$_\bin\bundle.bat" -Destination "C:\$_\bin\bundler.bat" -Force; Copy-Item "C:\$_\bin\bundle" -Destination "C:\$_\bin\bundler" -Force } # print summary for($i = 0; $i -lt $rubies.Count; $i++) { $ruby = $rubies[$i] UpdateRubyPath "$($ruby.install_path)\bin" Write-Host "$($ruby.version)" -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Host " ruby --version: $(cmd /c ruby --version)" Write-Host " gem --version: $(cmd /c gem --version)" Write-Host " gem list bundler --local: $(cmd /c gem list bundler --local)" Write-Host " bundle --version: $(cmd /c bundle --version)" Write-Host " bundler --version: $(cmd /c bundler --version)" } if (-not $env:INSTALL_LATEST_ONLY) { Add-Path 'C:\Ruby193\bin' } else { Add-Path 'C:\Ruby27\bin' } ((Get-Date) - $started) |