Function Connect-AppVeyorToHyperV { <# .SYNOPSIS Command to enable Hyper-V builds. Works with both hosted AppVeyor and AppVeyor Server. .DESCRIPTION You can connect your AppVeyor account (on both hosted AppVeyor and on-premise AppVeyor Server) to Hyper-V host for AppVeyor to instantiate build VMs on it. .PARAMETER AppVeyorUrl AppVeyor URL. For hosted AppVeyor it is For Appveyor Server users it is URL of on-premise AppVeyor Server installation .PARAMETER ApiToken API key for specific account (not 'All accounts'). Hosted AppVeyor users can find it at Appveyor Server users can find it at <appveyor_server_url>/api-keys. .PARAMETER SkipDisclaimer Skip warning related to computer configration changes. It is recommended to read the warning at least once, but it can come handy if you need to re-run the command. .PARAMETER CpuCores Number of CPU cores for build VMs. .PARAMETER RamMb Memory (in megabytes) for build VMs. .PARAMETER DiskSize Disk Size (in gigabytes) for build VMs. .PARAMETER ImagesDirectory Directory to keep build VM images. .PARAMETER VmsDirectory Directory to create build VMs. .PARAMETER PackerTempDirectory Temp directory for Packer VMs. .PARAMETER SubnetId AppVeyor will create Virtual switch and subnet to use with build VMs and manage build VMs IP configuration in that subnet. Default value is .PARAMETER SubnetMask Subnet mask to be used with build VMs. Default value is .PARAMETER MasterIPAddress IP address to be assigned to master VM created by Packer. Default value is .PARAMETER DefaultGateway IP address to assign to Virtual Switch NIC, which will be default gateway for VMs. Default value is .PARAMETER StartIPAddress Address from which AppVeyor will start assigning IPs to VMs. It is importand to ensure it is not conflicting with MasterIPAddress and DefaultGateway, but still in the same subnet (check SubnetMask parameter) and them. .PARAMETER DnsServers DNS server to assign to build VMs NIC. .PARAMETER VhdPath Path existing build VM VHD (in case you prefer to skip Packer build and use existing VHD). .PARAMETER CommonPrefix Command will prepend all created resources (like Hyper-V virtual swith or firewall rule) it creates and with it. .PARAMETER ImageOs Operating system of build VM image. Valid values: 'Windows', 'Linux'. Default value is 'Windows'. .PARAMETER UpdateWindows Update Windows before creating a master VHD. .PARAMETER IsoUrl ISO from which to install master VM. Can be URK, local and UNC path. Default it Windows Server 2019 Evaluation. .PARAMETER IsoChecksum SHA256 checksum of installation ISO file. Needed only if IsoUrl parameter specified. .PARAMETER ProductKey Enter your product key if you are using retail or volume license ISOs. .PARAMETER AVMAKey To benefit from Automatic virtual machine activation enter respective AVMA Key which can be found at You still need retail or volume license ISO and ProductKey for initial installation to use AVMA. .PARAMETER ImageName Description to be passed to Packer and name to be used for AppVeyor image. Default value generated is based on the value of 'ImageOs' parameter. .PARAMETER ImageTemplate If you are familiar with the Hashicorp Packer, you can replace template used by this command with another one. Default value is '.\minimal-windows-server.json'. .PARAMETER ImageFeatures Comma-separated list of feature IDs to be installed on the image. Available IDs can be found at under 'installedFeatures'. .PARAMETER ImageCustomScript Base-64 encoded text of custom sript to execute during image creation. It should not contain reboot instructions. .PARAMETER ImageCustomScriptAfterReboot Base-64 encoded text of custom sript to execute during image creation, after reboot. It is usefull for cases when custom software being installed with 'ImageCustomScript' required some additional action after computer restarted. .PARAMETER CloneVM VM name to use as a base for a new VM from. .PARAMETER ImageUser Username inside the image. .PARAMETER ImagePassword User password inside the image. .PARAMETER PackerCustomArgs Extra args for Packer. .EXAMPLE Connect-AppVeyorToHyperV Let command collect all required information .EXAMPLE Connect-AppVeyorToHyperV -ApiToken XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -AppVeyorUrl "" -CpuCores 2 -RamMb 2048 -ImageOs "Windows" Run command with all required parameters so command will ask no questions. It will create build VM image and configure Hyper-V build cloud in AppVeyor. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="AppVeyor URL`nFor hosted AppVeyor it is`nFor Appveyor Server users it is URL of on-premise AppVeyor Server installation")] [string]$AppVeyorUrl, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="API key for specific account (not 'All accounts')`nHosted AppVeyor users can find it at`nAppveyor Server users can find it at <appveyor_server_url>/api-keys")] [string]$ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$SkipDisclaimer, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$CpuCores = 2, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$RamMb = 4096, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$DiskSize = 60, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$ImagesDirectory, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$VmsDirectory, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$PackerTempDirectory, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$SubnetId = "", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$SubnetMask = "", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$MasterIPAddress = "", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$DefaultGateway = "", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$StartIPAddress = "", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$DnsServers = ";", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$PreheatedVMs = 2, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$VhdPath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$CommonPrefix = "appveyor", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet('Windows','Linux')] [string]$ImageOs = "Windows", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$UpdateWindows, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$IsoUrl, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$IsoChecksum, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$ProductKey, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$AVMAKey, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$ImageName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$ImageTemplate, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$ImageFeatures, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$ImageCustomScript, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$ImageCustomScriptAfterReboot, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$CloneVM, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$ImageUser, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$ImagePassword, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$PackerCustomArgs ) function ExitScript { # some cleanup? break all } $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" $StopWatch = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch $StopWatch.Start() #Sanitize input $AppVeyorUrl = $AppVeyorUrl.TrimEnd("/") #Validate AppVeyor API access $headers = ValidateAppVeyorApiAccess $AppVeyorUrl $ApiToken EnsureElevatedModeOnWindows #Ensure required tools installed ValidateDependencies -cloudType HyperV $regex =[regex] "^([A-Za-z0-9]+)$" if (-not $regex.Match($CommonPrefix).Success) { Write-Warning "'CommonPrefix' can contain only letters and numbers" ExitScript } if (-not $SkipDisclaimer) { Write-Warning "`nThis command will create Hyper-V resources such as virtual switch and related subnet and NAT. For Linux VMs it will also create a new firewall rule. Also, it will run Hashicorp Packer which will create its own temporary Hyper-V resources and leave VHD for future use by AppVeyor build VMs.`n`nIf this server contains production resources you might consider using separate one.`n`nPress Enter to continue or Ctrl-C to exit the command. Use '-SkipDisclaimer' switch parameter to skip this message next time." $disclaimer = Read-Host } $ImageName = if ($ImageName) {$ImageName} else {$ImageOs} $ImageTemplate = GetImageTemplatePath $imageTemplate $ImageTemplate = ParseImageFeaturesAndCustomScripts $ImageFeatures $ImageTemplate $ImageCustomScript $ImageCustomScriptAfterReboot $ImageOs $install_user = "appveyor" if ($ImageUser) { $install_user = $ImageUser } $install_password = CreatePassword if ($ImagePassword) { $install_password = $ImagePassword } #Temporary template parent folder $ParentFolder = Split-Path $ImageTemplate -Parent $MaskCidr = Convert-IpAddressToMaskLength $SubnetMask if ($imageOs -eq "Windows") { $autounattendPath = Join-Path $ParentFolder "hyper-v\Windows\answer_files\2019\Autounattend.xml" if ($UpdateWindows) { $autounattendWithUpdatePath = Join-Path $ParentFolder "hyper-v\Windows\answer_files\2019\Autounattend-withupdate.xml" Remove-Item $autounattendPath -force Copy $autounattendWithUpdatePath $autounattendPath } [xml]$autounattend = Get-Content $autounattendPath $MicrosoftWindowsShellSetup = $autounattend.unattend.settings.component | ? {$ -eq "Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup"} # set password to randomly generated $MicrosoftWindowsShellSetup.Autologon.password.Value = $install_password $MicrosoftWindowsShellSetup.UserAccounts.AdministratorPassword.Value = $install_password $MicrosoftWindowsShellSetup.UserAccounts.LocalAccounts.LocalAccount.Password.Value = $install_password # set up IP configuration ($MicrosoftWindowsShellSetup.FirstLogonCommands.SynchronousCommand | ? {$_.Description -eq "Assign IP behind NAT"}).CommandLine = ` "cmd.exe /c powershell -Command `"New-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias Ethernet -IPAddress $MasterIPAddress -AddressFamily IPv4 -PrefixLength $MaskCidr -DefaultGateway $DefaultGateway`"" $DnsFormatted =""; $DnsServers.Split(@(',', ';')) | % {$DnsFormatted += "'$($_.Trim())', "}; $DnsFormatted = $DnsFormatted.Trim(@(',', ' ')); $DnsFormatted = "@($DnsFormatted)" ($MicrosoftWindowsShellSetup.FirstLogonCommands.SynchronousCommand | ? {$_.Description -eq "Set DNS"}).CommandLine = ` "cmd.exe /c powershell -Command `"Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceAlias Ethernet -ServerAddresses $DnsFormatted`"" # custom license key if ($ProductKey) { $key = $autounattend.CreateNode([System.Xml.XmlNodeType]::Element , "Key", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend") $MicrosoftWindowsSetup = $autounattend.unattend.settings.component | ? {$ -eq "Microsoft-Windows-Setup"} $MicrosoftWindowsSetup.UserData.ProductKey.AppendChild($key) | out-null $MicrosoftWindowsSetup.UserData.ProductKey.Key = $ProductKey } $autounattend.Save($autounattendPath) #bake iso $FileName="$ParentFolder/iso/minimal-windows-server.iso"; $Files=@( "$ParentFolder/hyper-v/Windows/answer_files/2019/Autounattend.xml", "$ParentFolder/hyper-v/Windows/scripts/disable-screensaver.ps1", "$ParentFolder/hyper-v/Windows/scripts/disable-winrm.ps1", "$ParentFolder/hyper-v/Windows/scripts/enable-winrm.ps1", "$ParentFolder/hyper-v/Windows/scripts/microsoft-updates.bat", "$ParentFolder/hyper-v/Windows/scripts/unattend.xml", "$ParentFolder/hyper-v/Windows/scripts/shutdown_vm.bat", "$ParentFolder/hyper-v/Windows/scripts/win-updates.ps1" ) New-IsoFile -Path $FileName -Source $Files -Force -Media "CDR" } elseif ($imageOs -eq "Linux") { $createAccountDirective = "`n # Create appveyor user account. d-i passwd/user-fullname string appveyor d-i passwd/username string appveyor d-i passwd/user-password password $install_password d-i passwd/user-password-again password $install_password d-i user-setup/allow-password-weak boolean true d-i user-setup/encrypt-home boolean false d-i passwd/user-default-groups appveyor sudo " [System.IO.File]::AppendAllText("$ParentFolder/http/preseed.cfg", $createAccountDirective) } # sanitize ISO URL if needed (more reliable than escape backslashes in local/unc paths). if ($IsoUrl) { $PathInfo = [System.Uri]($IsoUrl) if ($PathInfo.IsFile -or $PathInfo.IsUnc) { $IsoUrl = $PathInfo.AbsoluteUri } } if ($IsoUrl -and $IsoChecksum) { $iso_checksum_type = 'sha256' } elseif ($IsoUrl) { $iso_checksum_type = 'none' } if (-not $ImagesDirectory) { $ImagesDirectory = Join-Path $env:SystemDrive "$CommonPrefix-Images" } $output_directory = Join-Path $ImagesDirectory $(New-Guid) if (-not $VmsDirectory) { $VmsDirectory = Join-Path $env:SystemDrive "$CommonPrefix-VMs" } if ($PackerTempDirectory -and -not (Test-Path $PackerTempDirectory)) { New-Item $PackerTempDirectory -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } #TODO scenario if subnet is occuped (to get existing subnets: gwmi -computer . -class "win32_networkadapterconfiguration" | % {$_.ipsubnet}) $natSwitch = "$CommonPrefix-NAT-Switch" $natNetwork = "$CommonPrefix-NAT-Network" $HttpPortMin = "9990" $HttpPortMax = "9999" $FirewalRuleName = "$CommonPrefix-packer-inbound" Write-host "`nGetting or creating virtual switch $natSwitch..." -ForegroundColor Cyan if (-not (Get-VMSwitch $natSwitch -ErrorAction Ignore)) { New-VMSwitch -SwitchName $natSwitch -SwitchType Internal | out-null New-NetIPAddress -IPAddress $DefaultGateway -PrefixLength $MaskCidr -InterfaceAlias "vEthernet ($natSwitch)" | out-null New-NetNAT -Name $natNetwork -InternalIPInterfaceAddressPrefix $SubnetId/$MaskCidr | out-null } if ($imageOs -eq "Linux") { Write-host "`nGetting or creating inbound firewall rule '$FirewalRuleName' to allow access to Packer HTTP server on ports $HttpPortMin-$HttpPortMax..." -ForegroundColor Cyan if (-not (Get-NetFirewallRule -Name $FirewalRuleName -ErrorAction Ignore)) { New-NetFirewallRule -Name $FirewalRuleName -DisplayName $FirewalRuleName -Enabled True -Direction Inbound -Action Allow -LocalAddress $DefaultGateway -RemoteAddress $MasterIPAddress -LocalPort "$HttpPortMin-$HttpPortMax" -Protocol TCP | out-null Write-host "`Firewall rule '$FirewalRuleName' created." -ForegroundColor DarkGray } else { Write-host "`Using existing firewall rule '$FirewalRuleName'." -ForegroundColor DarkGray } } try { #Run Packer to create an VHD if (-not $VhdPath) { $packerPath = if ($imageOs -eq "Windows") {$(GetPackerPath -prerelease)} else {$(GetPackerPath)} $packerManifest = "$(CreateTempFolder)/packer-manifest.json" Write-host "`nRunning Packer to create a basic build VM VHD..." -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Warning "Add '-VhdPath' parameter with if you want to to skip Packer build and and reuse existing VHD." Write-Host "`n`nPacker progress:`n" $date_mark=Get-Date -UFormat "%Y%m%d%H%M%S" $env:PACKER_LOG=1 $env:PACKER_LOG_PATH="$env:USERPROFILE\packer-$date_mark.log" $packerBuilder = 'hyperv-iso' if ($CloneVM) { $packerBuilder = 'hyperv-vmcx' } $packerArgs = @('build', "--only=$packerBuilder", "-var `"install_password=$install_password`"", "-var `"install_user=$install_user`"", "-var `"build_agent_mode=HyperV`"", "-var `"disk_size=$($DiskSize * 1024)`"", "-var `"hyperv_switchname=$natSwitch`"", "-var `"output_directory=$output_directory`"", "-var `"datemark=$date_mark`"", "-var `"packer_manifest=$packerManifest`"", "-var `"OPT_FEATURES=$ImageFeatures`"", "-var `"host_ip_addr=$MasterIPAddress`"", "-var `"host_ip_mask=$SubnetMask`"", "-var `"host_ip_gw=$DefaultGateway`"", "-var `"http_port_min=$HttpPortMin`"", "-var `"http_port_max=$HttpPortMax`"", "-var `"avma_key=$AVMAKey`"", "-var `"cpus=$CpuCores`"", "-var `"memory=$RamMb`"", "-var `"packer_temp_dir=$PackerTempDirectory`"") if ($IsoUrl) { $packerArgs += @("-var `"iso_url=$IsoUrl`"") } if ($IsoChecksum) { $packerArgs += @("-var `"iso_checksum=$IsoChecksum`"") } if ($iso_checksum_type) { $packerArgs += @("-var `"iso_checksum_type=$iso_checksum_type`"") } if ($CloneVM) { $packerArgs += @("-var `"clone_vm_name=$CloneVM`"") } if ($PackerCustomArgs) { $packerArgs += $PackerCustomArgs } $packerArgs += $ImageTemplate cmd /c "`"$packerPath`" $($packerArgs -join ' ')" #Get VHD path if (-not (test-path $packerManifest)) { Write-Warning "Packer build failed." ExitScript } Write-host "`nGetting VHD path..." -ForegroundColor Cyan $manifest = Get-Content -Path $packerManifest | ConvertFrom-Json $VhdPath = Join-Path (Join-Path $output_directory "Virtual Hard Disks") $(($manifest.builds[0].files | ? {$ -like "*.vhdx"}).name) Write-host "Build image VHD created by Packer. VHD path: '$($VhdPath)'" -ForegroundColor DarkGray Write-Host "Default build VM credentials: User: 'appveyor', Password: '$($install_password)'. Normally you do not need this password as it will be reset to a random string when the build starts. However you can use it if you need to create and update a VM from the Packer-created VHD manually" -ForegroundColor DarkGray } else { Write-host "`nSkipping VHD creation with Packer..." -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-host "Using exiting VHD path '$($VhdPath)'" -ForegroundColor DarkGray } #Create or update cloud $build_cloud_name = $env:COMPUTERNAME $hostAuthorizationToken = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString('N') $clouds = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($AppVeyorUrl)/api/build-clouds" -Headers $headers -Method Get $cloud = $clouds | ? ({$ -eq $build_cloud_name})[0] if (-not $cloud) { Write-host "`nCreating build environment on AppVeyor..." -ForegroundColor Cyan $body = @{ name = $build_cloud_name cloudType = "HyperV" workersCapacity = 20 hostAuthorizationToken = $hostAuthorizationToken settings = @{ artifactStorageName = $null buildCacheName = $null failureStrategy = @{ jobStartTimeoutSeconds = 300 provisioningAttempts = 3 } cloudSettings = @{ vmConfiguration =@{ generation = "2" cpuCores = [int]$($CpuCores) ramMb = [int]$RamMb directory = $VmsDirectory } networking = @{ useDHCP = $false virtualSwitchName = $natSwitch dnsServers = $DnsServers subnetMask = $SubnetMask startIPAddress = $StartIPAddress defaultGateway = $DefaultGateway } provisioning = @{ preheatedVMs = $PreheatedVMs } images = @{ list = @(@{ isDefault = $true name = $ImageName vhdPath = $VhdPath osType = $ImageOs }) } } } } $jsonBody = $body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($AppVeyorUrl)/api/build-clouds" -Headers $headers -Body $jsonBody -Method Post | Out-Null $clouds = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($AppVeyorUrl)/api/build-clouds" -Headers $headers -Method Get $cloud = $clouds | ? ({$ -eq $build_cloud_name})[0] Write-host "AppVeyor build environment '$($build_cloud_name)' has been created." -ForegroundColor DarkGray } else { Write-Host "AppVeyor cloud '$build_cloud_name' already exists." -ForegroundColor DarkGray if ($cloud.CloudType -eq 'HyperV') { Write-Host "Updating image in the existing cloud..." $settings = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$AppVeyorUrl/api/build-clouds/$($cloud.buildCloudId)" -Headers $headers -Method Get if ($settings.settings.cloudSettings.images.list | ? {$ -eq $ImageName}) { ($settings.settings.cloudSettings.images.list | ? {$ -eq $ImageName}).vhdPath = $VhdPath } else { $new_image = @{ isDefault = $false name = $ImageName vhdPath = $VhdPath osType = $ImageOs } } $new_image = $new_image | ConvertTo-Json | ConvertFrom-Json $settings.settings.cloudSettings.images.list += $new_image $jsonBody = $settings | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($AppVeyorUrl)/api/build-clouds"-Headers $headers -Body $jsonBody -Method Put | Out-Null Write-host "AppVeyor build environment '$($build_cloud_name)' has been updated." -ForegroundColor DarkGray Write-Host "Using Host Agent authorization token from the existing cloud." $hostAuthorizationToken = $settings.hostAuthorizationToken } else { throw "Existing build cloud '$build_cloud_name' is not of 'HyperV' type." } } SetBuildWorkerImage $headers $ImageName $ImageOs # Install Host Agent InstallAppVeyorHostAgent $AppVeyorUrl $hostAuthorizationToken $StopWatch.Stop() $completed = "{0:hh}:{0:mm}:{0:ss}" -f $StopWatch.elapsed Write-Host "`nThe script successfully completed in $completed." -ForegroundColor Green #Report results and next steps PrintSummary 'this Hyper-V machine VMs' $AppVeyorUrl $cloud.buildCloudId $build_cloud_name $imageName } catch { Write-Warning "Command exited with error: $($_.Exception)" ExitScript } } |