Function Connect-AppVeyorToAzure { <# .SYNOPSIS Command to enable Azure builds. Works with both hosted AppVeyor and AppVeyor Server. .DESCRIPTION You can connect your AppVeyor account (on both hosted AppVeyor and on-premise AppVeyor Server) to your own Azure subscription for AppVeyor to instantiate build VMs in it. It has a lot of benefits like having ability to customize your build image, select desired VM size, set custom build timeout and much more. To simplify setup process for you, this command provisions necessary Azure resources, runs Hashicorp Packer to create a basic build image (based on Windows Server 2019), and puts all AppVeyor configuration together. After running this command, you should be able to start builds on Azure immediately (and optionally customize your Azure build environment later). .PARAMETER AppVeyorUrl AppVeyor URL. For hosted AppVeyor it is For Appveyor Server users it is URL of on-premise AppVeyor Server installation .PARAMETER ApiToken API key for specific account (not 'All accounts'). Hosted AppVeyor users can find it at Appveyor Server users can find it at <appveyor_server_url>/api-keys. .PARAMETER UseCurrentAzureLogin Use Azure user currently logged in PowerShell and its selected subscription. If this parameter is not set or no Azure user is already logged in PowerShell, command will ask to login to Azure and (if user has multiple subscriptions) select the subscription. It is not recommended to use this switch parameter for the first command run, and select Azure user and subscription carefully. But it can come handy if you need to re-run the command. .PARAMETER SkipDisclaimer Skip warning related to Azure resources creation and potential Azure charges. It is recommended to read the warning at least once, but it can come handy if you need to re-run the command. .PARAMETER Location Azure location (or region) where you want command to create build worker image and all additional required resources. Also AppVeyor will create build VMs in this location. Use short notation (not display name) e.g. 'westus', not 'West US'. .PARAMETER VmSize Size of Azure build VM. Use short notation (not display name) e.g. 'Standard_D2s_v3', not 'Standard D2s v3'. .PARAMETER VhdFullPath It can happen that you run the command, and it created a valid VHD, but some AppVeyor settings were not set correctly (or just you want to change them without doing it in the AppVeyor build environments UI). In this case you want to skip the most time consuming step (creating a VHD) and pass already created VHD path to this parameter. .PARAMETER CommonPrefix Command will prepend all created Azure resources names with it. Because of storage account names restrictions, is must contain only letters and numbers and be shorter than 16 symbols. Default value is 'appveyor'. .PARAMETER ImageOs Operating system of build VM image. Valid values: 'Windows', 'Linux'. Default value is 'Windows'. .PARAMETER ImageName Description to be passed to the Packer and name to be used for AppVeyor image. Default value generated is based on the value of 'ImageOs' parameter. .PARAMETER ImageTemplate If you are familiar with the Hashicorp Packer, you can replace template used by this command with another one. Default value generated is based on the value of 'ImageOs' parameter. .PARAMETER ImageFeatures Comma-separated list of feature IDs to be installed on the image. Available IDs can be found at under 'installedFeatures'. .PARAMETER ImageCustomScript Base-64 encoded text of custom sript to execute during image creation. It should not contain reboot instructions. .PARAMETER ImageCustomScriptAfterReboot Base-64 encoded text of custom sript to execute during image creation, after reboot. It is usefull for cases when custom software being installed with 'ImageCustomScript' required some additional action after computer restarted. .EXAMPLE Connect-AppVeyorToAzure Let command collect all required information. .EXAMPLE Connect-AppVeyorToAzure -AppVeyorUrl "" -ApiToken XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -Location westus -VmSize Standard_D2s_v3 -SkipDisclaimer -UseCurrentAzureLogin Run command with all required parameters, and command will ask no questions. It will create resources in Azure West US region and connect them to the hosted AppVeyor. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="AppVeyor URL`nFor hosted AppVeyor it is`nFor Appveyor Server users it is URL of on-premise AppVeyor Server installation")] [string]$AppVeyorUrl, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="API key for specific account (not 'All accounts')`nHosted AppVeyor users can find it at`nAppveyor Server users can find it at <appveyor_server_url>/api-keys")] [string]$ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$UseCurrentAzureLogin, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$SkipDisclaimer, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$Location, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$VmSize, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$VhdFullPath, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$CommonPrefix = "appveyor", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet('Windows','Linux')] [string]$ImageOs = "Windows", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$ImageName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$ImageTemplate, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$ImageFeatures, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$ImageCustomScript, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$ImageCustomScriptAfterReboot ) function ExitScript { # some cleanup? break all } $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" $StopWatch = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch $StopWatch.Start() #Sanitize input $AppVeyorUrl = $AppVeyorUrl.TrimEnd("/") #Validate AppVeyor API access $headers = ValidateAppVeyorApiAccess $AppVeyorUrl $ApiToken #Ensure required tools installed ValidateDependencies -cloudType Azure $regex =[regex] "^([A-Za-z0-9]+)$" if (-not $regex.Match($CommonPrefix).Success) { Write-Warning "'CommonPrefix' can contain only letters and numbers" ExitScript } #"artifact" is longest name postfix. #24 is storage account name limit #5 is minumum lenght of infix to be unique $maxtotallength = 24 $mininfix = 5 $maxpostfix = "artifact".Length $maxprefix = $maxtotallength - $maxpostfix - $mininfix if ($CommonPrefix.Length -ge $maxprefix){ Write-warning "Length of 'CommonPrefix' must be under $($maxprefix)" ExitScript } #Make storage account names globally unique $md5 = new-object -TypeName System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider $utf8 = new-object -TypeName System.Text.UTF8Encoding $apikeyhash = [System.BitConverter]::ToString($md5.ComputeHash($utf8.GetBytes($ApiToken))) $infix = $apikeyhash.Replace("-", "").ToLower() $maxinfix = ($maxtotallength - $CommonPrefix.Length - $maxpostfix) if ($infix.Length -gt $maxinfix){$infix = $infix.Substring(0, $maxinfix)} $azure_storage_account_premium = "$($CommonPrefix)$($infix)prem".ToLower() $azure_storage_account_standard = "$($CommonPrefix)$($infix)std".ToLower() $azure_storage_account_cache = "$($CommonPrefix)$($infix)cache".ToLower() $azure_storage_account_artifacts = "$($CommonPrefix)$($infix)artifact".ToLower() $azure_storage_container = "$($CommonPrefix)-vms" $azure_cache_storage_name = "$($CommonPrefix)-azure-cache" $azure_artifact_storage_name = "$($CommonPrefix)-azure-artifacts" $azure_resource_group_name = "$($CommonPrefix)-rg" $azure_vnet_name = "$($CommonPrefix)-vnet" $azure_subnet_name = "$($CommonPrefix)-subnet" $azure_nsg_name = "$($CommonPrefix)-nsg" $ImageName = if ($ImageName) {$ImageName} else {$ImageOs} $ImageTemplate = GetImageTemplatePath $imageTemplate $ImageTemplate = ParseImageFeaturesAndCustomScripts $ImageFeatures $ImageTemplate $ImageCustomScript $ImageCustomScriptAfterReboot $ImageOs $install_user = "appveyor" $install_password = CreatePassword #Login to Azure and select subscription Write-host "`nSelecting Azure user and subscription..." -ForegroundColor Cyan $contenxt = Get-AzContext if (-not $contenxt) { Login-AzAccount | Out-Null } elseif (-not $UseCurrentAzureLogin) { Write-host "You are currently logged in to Azure as $($contenxt.Account)" Write-Warning "Add '-UseCurrentAzureLogin' switch parameter to use currently logged in Azure user and skip this dialog next time." $relogin = Read-Host "Enter 1 if you want continue or 2 to re-login to Azure" if ($relogin -eq 1) { Write-host "Using Azure user '$($contenxt.Account)'" -ForegroundColor DarkGray } elseif ($relogin -eq 2) {Login-AzAccount | Out-Null} else { Write-Warning "Invalid input. Enter either 1 or 2." ExitScript } } else { Write-host "Using Azure account '$($contenxt.Account)'" -ForegroundColor DarkGray } if ($context.Subscription -and $UseCurrentAzureLogin) { Write-host "Using subscription '$($contenxt.Subscription.Name)'" -ForegroundColor DarkGray $azure_subscription_id = $contenxt.Subscription.Id $azure_tenant_id = $contenxt.Subscription.TenantId } else { $subs = Get-AzSubscription $subs = $subs | ? {$_.State -eq "Enabled"} if (-not $subs -or $subs.Count -eq 0) { Write-Warning "No Azure subscriptions enabled. Please login to the Azure portal and create or enable one. If this does not help, please run 'Logout-AzAccount' and try again." ExitScript } if ($subs.Count -gt 1) { Write-host "There is more than one enabled subscription under your account" for ($i = 1; $i -le $subs.Count; $i++) {"Select $i for $($subs[$i - 1].name)"} $subscription_number = Read-Host "Enter your selection" $selected_subscription = $subs[$subscription_number - 1] Write-host "Using subscription '$($'" -ForegroundColor DarkGray Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId $selected_subscription.Id | Out-Null $azure_subscription_id = $selected_subscription.Id $azure_tenant_id = $selected_subscription.TenantId } else { Write-host "Using subscription '$($subs[0].name)'" -ForegroundColor DarkGray Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId $subs[0].Id | Out-Null $azure_subscription_id = $subs[0].Id $azure_tenant_id = $subs[0].TenantId } } if (-not $SkipDisclaimer) { Write-Warning "`nThis command will create Azure resources such as storage accounts, containers, virtual networks and subnets in subscription '$((Get-AzContext).Subscription.Name)'. Also, it will run Hashicorp Packer which will create its own temporary Azure resources and leave VHD blob in the storage account created by this command for future use by AppVeyor build VMs. Please note that charges for cloud VMs and other cloud resources will be applied directly to your Azure subscription bill. `n`nIf subscription '$((Get-AzContext).Subscription.Name)' contains production resources, you might consider to create a separate subscription and run this command against it. Additionally, a separate subscription is better to distinguish Azure bills for CI machines from other Azure bills. `n`nPress Enter to continue or Ctrl-C to exit the command. Use '-SkipDisclaimer' switch parameter to skip this message next time." $disclaimer = Read-Host } try { #Select location Write-host "`nSelecting location..." -ForegroundColor Cyan $locations = Get-AzLocation if ($Location) { $Location_full = ($locations | ? {$_.Location -eq $Location}).DisplayName if (-not $Location_full) { # Full name passed $Location = ($locations | ? {$_.DisplayName -eq $Location}).Location $Location_full = ($locations | ? {$_.Location -eq $Location}).DisplayName } } else { for ($i = 1; $i -le $locations.Count; $i++) {"Select $i for $($locations[$i - 1].DisplayName)"} Write-Warning "Add '-Location' parameter to skip this dialog next time." $location_number = Read-Host "Enter your selection" if (-not $location_number) { Write-Warning "No Azure location selected." ExitScript } $selected_location = $locations[$location_number - 1] $Location = $selected_location.Location $Location_full = $selected_location.DisplayName } Write-host "Using location '$($Location_full)'" -ForegroundColor DarkGray #Get or create resource group Write-host "`nGetting or creating Azure resource group..." -ForegroundColor Cyan $rg = Get-AzResourceGroup -Name $azure_resource_group_name -ErrorAction Ignore if (-not $rg) { $rg = New-AzResourceGroup -Name $azure_resource_group_name -Location $Location } elseif ($rg.Location -ne $Location) { $current_location = ($locations | ? {$_.Location -eq $rg.Location}).DisplayName Write-Warning "Resource group $($azure_resource_group_name) exists in location '$current_location' which is different from the location you chose ('$Location_full')" $changelocation = Read-Host "Enter 1 to use '$current_location' or 2 to delete resource group $($azure_resource_group_name) from '$current_location' and re-create it in '$Location_full'" if ($changelocation -eq 1) { $Location = $rg.Location $Location_full = ($locations | ? {$_.Location -eq $rg.Location}).DisplayName } elseif ($changelocation -eq 2) { $recreate = Read-Host "Please type '$($azure_resource_group_name)' if you are sure to delete the resource group $($azure_resource_group_name) with all nested resources" if ($recreate -eq $azure_resource_group_name){ Remove-AzResourceGroup -Name $azure_resource_group_name -Force | Out-Null $rg = New-AzResourceGroup -Name $azure_resource_group_name -Location $Location } else { Write-Warning "Please consider whether you need to change a location or re-create a resource group and start over. ALternatively, you can use 'CommonPrefix' parameter to form alternative resource group name." ExitScript } } else { Write-Warning "Invalid input. Enter either 1 or 2." ExitScript } } Write-host "Using resource group '$($azure_resource_group_name)' in location '$($Location_full)'" -ForegroundColor DarkGray Write-host "`nGetting or creating Azure AD service principal $service_principal_name..." -ForegroundColor Cyan $build_cloud_name = "Azure $Location_full $VmSize" $service_principal_name = $(CreateSlug($build_cloud_name)) + "sp" $azure_client = GetOrCreateServicePrincipal $service_principal_name $build_cloud_name $headers #Select VM size Write-host "`nSelecting VM size..." -ForegroundColor Cyan if (-not $VmSize) { $vmsizes = Get-AzVMSize -Location $Location for ($i = 1; $i -le $vmsizes.Count; $i++) {"Select $i for $($vmsizes[$i - 1].Name) ($($vmsizes[$i - 1].NumberOfCores) Cores, $($vmsizes[$i - 1].MemoryInMB) Mb)"} if ($ImageOs -eq "Windows") {Write-Warning "Please use VM size which supports Premium storage (at least DS-series!)"} if ($ImageOs -eq "Linux") {Write-Warning "Minimum recommended is 'Standard_D2_v3'"} Write-Warning "Add '-VmSize' parameter to skip this dialog next time." $location_number = Read-Host "Enter your selection" $selected_vmsize = $vmsizes[$location_number - 1] $VmSize = $selected_vmsize.Name } Write-host "Using VM size '$($VmSize)'" -ForegroundColor DarkGray #Get or create storage accounts Write-host "`nGetting or creating Azure storage accounts..." -ForegroundColor Cyan function CreateStorageAccount ($azure_storage_account_name, $sku_name) { $sa = Get-AzStorageAccount -Name $azure_storage_account_name -ResourceGroupName $azure_resource_group_name -ErrorAction Ignore if (-not $sa) { $sacreatecount = 0 try { $sacreatecount++ $sa = New-AzStorageAccount -Name $azure_storage_account_name -ResourceGroupName $azure_resource_group_name -Location $Location -SkuName $sku_name -Kind Storage } catch { if ($sacreatecount -ge 3) { Write-Warning "Unable to create storage account '$($azure_storage_account_name)'. Error: $($error[0].Exception.Message)" ExitScript } } } Write-host "Using storage account '$($azure_storage_account_name)' (SKU: $($sku_name))" -ForegroundColor DarkGray } # Select storage account supported by VM size $nonPremiumSizes = @( "Standard_D2_v3", "Standard_D4_v3", "Standard_D8_v3", "Standard_D16_v3", "Standard_D32_v3", "Standard_D48_v3", "Standard_D64_v3", "Standard_D2a_v3", "Standard_D4a_v3", "Standard_D8a_v3", "Standard_D16a_v3", "Standard_D32a_v3", "Standard_D48a_v3", "Standard_D64a_v3", "Standard_D1_v2", "Standard_D2_v2", "Standard_D3_v2", "Standard_D4_v2", "Standard_D5_v2", "Standard_A1_v2", "Standard_A2_v2", "Standard_A4_v2", "Standard_A8_v2", "Standard_A2m_v2", "Standard_A4m_v2", "Standard_A8m_v2", "Standard_E2_v3", "Standard_E4_v3", "Standard_E8_v3", "Standard_E16_v3", "Standard_E20_v3", "Standard_E32_v3", "Standard_E48_v3", "Standard_E64_v3", "Standard_E64i_v3", "Standard_E2a_v3", "Standard_E4a_v3", "Standard_E8a_v3", "Standard_E16a_v3", "Standard_E32a_v3", "Standard_E48a_v3", "Standard_E64a_v3", "Standard_D11_v2", "Standard_D12_v2", "Standard_D13_v2", "Standard_D14_v2", "Standard_D15_v2", "Standard_NC6", "Standard_NC12", "Standard_NC24", "Standard_NC24r", "Standard_NV6", "Standard_NV12", "Standard_NV24", "Standard_H8", "Standard_H16", "Standard_H8m", "Standard_H16m", "Standard_H16r", "Standard_H16mr", "Standard_F1", "Standard_F2", "Standard_F4", "Standard_F8", "Standard_F16", "A0\Basic_A0", "A1\Basic_A1", "A2\Basic_A2", "A3\Basic_A3", "A4\Basic_A4", "Standard_A0", "Standard_A1", "Standard_A2", "Standard_A3", "Standard_A4", "Standard_A5", "Standard_A6", "Standard_A7", "Standard_A8", "Standard_A9", "Standard_A10", "Standard_A11", "Standard_D1", "Standard_D2", "Standard_D3", "Standard_D4", "Standard_D11", "Standard_D12", "Standard_D13", "Standard_D14", "Standard_G1", "Standard_G2", "Standard_G3", "Standard_G4", "Standard_G5" ) $azure_storage_account = $azure_storage_account_premium $sku_name = "Premium_LRS" if ($nonPremiumSizes | ? {$_ -eq $VmSize}) { #VM size does not support Premium storage $azure_storage_account = $azure_storage_account_standard $sku_name = "Standard_LRS" } CreateStorageAccount -azure_storage_account_name $azure_storage_account -sku_name $sku_name CreateStorageAccount -azure_storage_account_name $azure_storage_account_cache -sku_name Standard_LRS CreateStorageAccount -azure_storage_account_name $azure_storage_account_artifacts -sku_name Standard_LRS #Get or create vnet Write-host "`nGetting or creating Azure virtual network..." -ForegroundColor Cyan $vnet = Get-AzVirtualNetwork -Name $azure_vnet_name -ResourceGroupName $azure_resource_group_name -ErrorAction Ignore if (-not $vnet) { $subnet = New-AzVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name $azure_subnet_name -AddressPrefix '' $vnet = New-AzVirtualNetwork -Name $azure_vnet_name -ResourceGroupName $azure_resource_group_name -Location $Location -AddressPrefix "" -Subnet $subnet } elseif (-not $vnet.Subnets -or $vnet.Subnets.Count -eq 0) { Write-Warning "Existing virtual network '$($azure_vnet_name)' does not have any subnet defined" ExitScript } elseif (-not ($vnet.Subnets | ? {$_.Name -eq $azure_subnet_name})) { Write-Warning "Existing virtual network '$($azure_vnet_name)' does not have subnet called $($azure_subnet_name), using existing subnet." $azure_subnet_name = $vnet.Subnets[0] } Write-host "Using virtual network '$($azure_vnet_name)' and subnet $($azure_subnet_name)" -ForegroundColor DarkGray #Get or create nsg Write-host "`nGetting or creating Azure network security group..." -ForegroundColor Cyan $nsg = Get-AzNetworkSecurityGroup -Name $azure_nsg_name -ResourceGroupName $azure_resource_group_name -ErrorAction Ignore if (-not $nsg) { $nsg = New-AzNetworkSecurityGroup -Name $azure_nsg_name -ResourceGroupName $azure_resource_group_name -Location $Location } Write-host "Using virtual network '$($azure_nsg_name)'" -ForegroundColor DarkGray $remoteaccessport = if ($ImageOs -eq "Windows") {3389} elseif ($ImageOs -eq "Linux") {22} $remoteaccessname = if ($ImageOs -eq "Windows") {"RDP"} elseif ($ImageOs -eq "Linux") {"SSH"} $remoteaccessrulepriority = if ($ImageOs -eq "Windows") {100} elseif ($ImageOs -eq "Linux") {101} $remoteaccesrulesname = "$($remoteaccessname)-in" Write-host "`nAllowing $($remoteaccessname) access to build VMs..." -ForegroundColor Cyan if (-not ($nsg.SecurityRules | ? {$_.DestinationPortRange -eq $remoteaccessport -and $_.Direction -eq "Inbound" -and $_.Access -eq "Allow"})) { $nsg | Add-AzNetworkSecurityRuleConfig -Name $remoteaccesrulesname -Description "Allow $($remoteaccessname)" -Access Allow -Protocol Tcp -Direction Inbound -Priority $remoteaccessrulepriority -SourceAddressPrefix Internet -SourcePortRange * -DestinationAddressPrefix * -DestinationPortRange $remoteaccessport | Set-AzNetworkSecurityGroup | Out-Null Write-host "Created inbound rule to allow TCP $($remoteaccessport) ($($remoteaccessname))" -ForegroundColor DarkGray } else {Write-host "Inbound rule to allow TCP $($remoteaccessport) ($($remoteaccessname)) already exist in network security group '$($azure_nsg_name)'" -ForegroundColor DarkGray} #Run Packer to create an image if (-not $VhdFullPath) { $packerPath = GetPackerPath $packerManifest = "$(CreateTempFolder)/packer-manifest.json" Write-host "`nRunning Packer to create a basic build VM image..." -ForegroundColor Cyan Write-Warning "Add '-VhdFullPath' parameter with VHD URL value if you want to skip Packer build and reuse existing VHD. It must be in '$($azure_storage_account)' storage account." function RunPacker { $date_mark=Get-Date -UFormat "%Y%m%d%H%M%S" $env:PACKER_LOG=1 $env:PACKER_LOG_PATH="$env:USERPROFILE\packer-$date_mark.log" & $packerPath build '--only=azure-arm' ` -var "azure_subscription_id=$azure_subscription_id" ` -var "azure_tenant_id=$azure_tenant_id" ` -var "azure_client_id=$($azure_client.azure_client_id)" ` -var "azure_client_secret=$($azure_client.azure_client_secret)" ` -var "azure_location=$Location" ` -var "azure_resource_group_name=$azure_resource_group_name" ` -var "azure_storage_account=$azure_storage_account" ` -var "install_password=$install_password" ` -var "install_user=$install_user" ` -var "azure_vm_size=$VmSize" ` -var "build_agent_mode=Azure" ` -var "image_description=$ImageName" ` -var "datemark=$date_mark" ` -var "packer_manifest=$packerManifest" ` -var "OPT_FEATURES=$ImageFeatures" ` $ImageTemplate } $count = 1 do { if ($count -gt 1) { Write-host "Waiting 30 seconds before next retry..." (1..30) | % {Write-Host "." -NoNewline; sleep 1} } Write-Host "`n`nPacker progress:`n" $start = Get-Date RunPacker $count++ } while (-not (test-path $packerManifest) -and $count -le 3 -and ((Get-Date) - $start).TotalMinutes -lt 5) #Get VHD path if (-not (test-path $packerManifest)) { Write-Warning "Packer build failed." ExitScript } Write-host "`nGetting VHD path..." -ForegroundColor Cyan $manifest = Get-Content -Path $packerManifest | ConvertFrom-Json $VhdFullPath = $manifest.builds[0].artifact_id $vhd_path = $VhdFullPath.Replace("https://$($azure_storage_account)", "") Remove-Item $packerManifest -Force -ErrorAction Ignore Remove-Item $packerPath -Force -ErrorAction Ignore Write-host "Build image VHD created by Packer and available at '$($VhdFullPath)'" -ForegroundColor DarkGray Write-Host "Default build VM credentials: User: 'appveyor', Password: '$($install_password)'. Normally you do not need this password as it will be reset to a random string when the build starts. However you can use it if you need to create and update a VM from the Packer-created VHD manually" -ForegroundColor DarkGray } else { Write-host "Using VHD path '$($VhdFullPath)'" -ForegroundColor DarkGray $vhd_path = $VhdFullPath.Replace("https://$($azure_storage_account)", "") $storagekey = (Get-AzStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName $azure_resource_group_name -Name $azure_storage_account)[0].Value $storagecontext = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName $azure_storage_account -StorageAccountKey $storagekey if ($vhd_path.IndexOf("/") -eq 0) { Write-Warning "Invalid '-VhdFullPath' value." ExitScript } $storagecontainername = $vhd_path.Substring(0, $vhd_path.IndexOf("/")) $storageblobname = $vhd_path.Substring($vhd_path.IndexOf("/") + 1) $storageblob = Get-AzStorageBlob -Context $storagecontext -Container $storagecontainername -Blob $storageblobname -ErrorAction Ignore if (-not $storageblob) { Write-Warning "Unable to find storage blob '$($storageblobname)' in container '$($storagecontainername)', storage account '$($azure_storage_account)'" ExitScript } } #Create or update build cache storage settings Write-host "`nCreating or updating build cache storage settings on AppVeyor..." -ForegroundColor Cyan $storagekeycache = (Get-AzStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName $azure_resource_group_name -Name $azure_storage_account_cache)[0].Value $buildcaches = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($AppVeyorUrl)/api/build-caches" -Headers $headers -Method Get $buildcache = $buildcaches | ? ({$ -eq $azure_cache_storage_name})[0] if (-not $buildcache) { $body = @{ name = $azure_cache_storage_name cacheType = "Azure" settings = @{ accountName = $azure_storage_account_cache accountAccessKey = $storagekeycache } } $jsonBody = $body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($AppVeyorUrl)/api/build-caches" -Headers $headers -Body $jsonBody -Method Post | Out-Null Write-host "AppVeyor build cache storage '$($azure_cache_storage_name)' has been created." -ForegroundColor DarkGray } else { $settings = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($AppVeyorUrl)/api/build-caches/$($buildcache.buildCacheId)" -Headers $headers -Method Get $ = $azure_cache_storage_name $settings.cacheType = "Azure" $settings.settings.accountName = $azure_storage_account_cache $settings.settings.accountAccessKey = $storagekeycache $jsonBody = $settings | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($AppVeyorUrl)/api/build-caches"-Headers $headers -Body $jsonBody -Method Put | Out-Null Write-host "AppVeyor build cache storage '$($azure_cache_storage_name)' has been updated." -ForegroundColor DarkGray } #Create or update artifacts storage settings Write-host "`nCreating or updating artifacts storage settings on AppVeyor..." -ForegroundColor Cyan $storagekeyartifacts = (Get-AzStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName $azure_resource_group_name -Name $azure_storage_account_artifacts)[0].Value $artifactstorages = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($AppVeyorUrl)/api/artifact-storages" -Headers $headers -Method Get $artifactstorage = $artifactstorages | ? ({$ -eq $azure_artifact_storage_name})[0] if (-not $artifactstorage) { $body = @{ name = $azure_artifact_storage_name storageType = "Azure" settings = @{ accountName = $azure_storage_account_artifacts accountAccessKey = $storagekeyartifacts } } $jsonBody = $body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($AppVeyorUrl)/api/artifact-storages" -Headers $headers -Body $jsonBody -Method Post | Out-Null Write-host "AppVeyor artifacts storage '$($azure_artifact_storage_name)' has been created." -ForegroundColor DarkGray } else { $settings = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($AppVeyorUrl)/api/artifact-storages/$($artifactstorage.artifactStorageId)" -Headers $headers -Method Get $ = $azure_artifact_storage_name $settings.storageType = "Azure" $settings.settings.accountName = $azure_storage_account_artifacts $settings.settings.accountAccessKey = $storagekeyartifacts $jsonBody = $settings | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($AppVeyorUrl)/api/artifact-storages"-Headers $headers -Body $jsonBody -Method Put | Out-Null Write-host "AppVeyor artifacts storage '$($azure_artifact_storage_name)' has been updated." -ForegroundColor DarkGray } #Create or update cloud $clouds = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($AppVeyorUrl)/api/build-clouds" -Headers $headers -Method Get $cloud = $clouds | ? ({$ -eq $build_cloud_name})[0] if (-not $cloud) { Write-host "`nCreating build environment on AppVeyor..." -ForegroundColor Cyan $body = @{ name = $build_cloud_name cloudType = "Azure" workersCapacity = 20 settings = @{ artifactStorageName = $azure_artifact_storage_name buildCacheName = $azure_cache_storage_name failureStrategy = @{ jobStartTimeoutSeconds = 300 provisioningAttempts = 3 } cloudSettings = @{ azureAccount =@{ clientId = $($azure_client.azure_client_id) clientSecret = $($azure_client.azure_client_secret) tenantId = $azure_tenant_id subscriptionId = $azure_subscription_id } vmConfiguration = @{ location = $Location_full vmSize = $VmSize diskStorageAccountName = $azure_storage_account diskStorageContainer = $azure_storage_container vmResourceGroup = $azure_resource_group_name } networking = @{ assignPublicIPAddress = $true placeBehindAzureLoadBalancer = $false virtualNetworkName = $azure_vnet_name subnetName = $azure_subnet_name securityGroupName = $azure_nsg_name } images = @(@{ name = $ImageName vhdPathOrImage = $vhd_path }) } } } $jsonBody = $body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($AppVeyorUrl)/api/build-clouds" -Headers $headers -Body $jsonBody -Method Post | Out-Null $clouds = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($AppVeyorUrl)/api/build-clouds" -Headers $headers -Method Get $cloud = $clouds | ? ({$ -eq $build_cloud_name})[0] Write-host "AppVeyor build environment '$($build_cloud_name)' has been created." -ForegroundColor DarkGray } else { Write-host "`nUpdating build environment on AppVeyor..." -ForegroundColor Cyan $settings = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($AppVeyorUrl)/api/build-clouds/$($cloud.buildCloudId)" -Headers $headers -Method Get $ = $build_cloud_name $settings.cloudType = "Azure" $settings.workersCapacity = 20 if (-not $settings.settings.artifactStorageName ) { $settings.settings | Add-Member NoteProperty "artifactStorageName" $azure_artifact_storage_name -force } else { $settings.settings.artifactStorageName = $azure_artifact_storage_name } if (-not $settings.settings.buildCacheName ) { $settings.settings | Add-Member NoteProperty "buildCacheName" $azure_cache_storage_name -force } else { $settings.settings.buildCacheName = $azure_cache_storage_name } $settings.settings.failureStrategy.jobStartTimeoutSeconds = 300 $settings.settings.failureStrategy.provisioningAttempts = 3 $settings.settings.cloudSettings.azureAccount.tenantId = $azure_tenant_id $settings.settings.cloudSettings.azureAccount.subscriptionId = $azure_subscription_id $settings.settings.cloudSettings.vmConfiguration.location = $Location $settings.settings.cloudSettings.vmConfiguration.vmSize = $VmSize $settings.settings.cloudSettings.vmConfiguration.diskStorageAccountName = $azure_storage_account $settings.settings.cloudSettings.vmConfiguration.diskStorageContainer = $azure_storage_container $settings.settings.cloudSettings.vmConfiguration.vmResourceGroup = $azure_resource_group_name $settings.settings.cloudSettings.networking.assignPublicIPAddress = $true $settings.settings.cloudSettings.networking.placeBehindAzureLoadBalancer = $false $settings.settings.cloudSettings.networking.virtualNetworkName = $azure_vnet_name $settings.settings.cloudSettings.networking.subnetName = $azure_subnet_name $settings.settings.cloudSettings.networking.securityGroupName = $azure_nsg_name if ($settings.settings.cloudSettings.images | ? {$ -eq $ImageName}) { ($settings.settings.cloudSettings.images | ? {$ -eq $ImageName}).vhdPathOrImage = $vhd_path } else { $new_image = @{ 'name' = $ImageName 'vhdPathOrImage' = $vhd_path } $new_image = $new_image | ConvertTo-Json | ConvertFrom-Json $settings.settings.cloudSettings.images += $new_image } $jsonBody = $settings | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($AppVeyorUrl)/api/build-clouds"-Headers $headers -Body $jsonBody -Method Put | Out-Null Write-host "AppVeyor build environment '$($build_cloud_name)' has been updated." -ForegroundColor DarkGray } SetBuildWorkerImage $headers $ImageName $ImageOs $StopWatch.Stop() $completed = "{0:hh}:{0:mm}:{0:ss}" -f $StopWatch.elapsed Write-Host "`nCompleted in $completed." #Report results and next steps PrintSummary 'Azure VMs' $AppVeyorUrl $cloud.buildCloudId $build_cloud_name $imageName } catch { Write-Warning "Command exited with error: $($_.Exception)" ExitScript } } |