Function Connect-AppVeyorToDocker { <# .SYNOPSIS Command to enable Docker builds. Works with both hosted AppVeyor and AppVeyor Server. .DESCRIPTION You can connect your AppVeyor account (on both hosted AppVeyor and on-premise AppVeyor Server) to Docker for AppVeyor to instantiate build containers on it. .PARAMETER AppVeyorUrl AppVeyor URL. For hosted AppVeyor it is For Appveyor Server users it is URL of on-premise AppVeyor Server installation .PARAMETER ApiToken API key for specific account (not 'All accounts'). Hosted AppVeyor users can find it at Appveyor Server users can find it at <appveyor_server_url>/api-keys. .PARAMETER ImageOs Operating system of container image. Valid values: 'Windows', 'Linux'. .PARAMETER ImageName Description to be used for AppVeyor image. .PARAMETER ImageTemplate Docker image name. .PARAMETER ImageFeatures Optional comma-separated list of image products/tools/libraries that should be installed on top of the base image. .PARAMETER ImageCustomScriptsUrl Optional URL to a repository or gist with custom scripts that should be run during image building. .EXAMPLE Connect-AppVeyorToDocker Let command collect all required information .EXAMPLE Connect-AppVeyorToDocker -ApiToken XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -AppVeyorUrl "" -ImageOs Windows -ImageName Windows -ImageTemplate 'appveyor/build-image:minimal-nanoserver-1809' Run command with all required parameters so command will ask no questions. It will pull Docker image and configure Docker build cloud in AppVeyor. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="AppVeyor URL`nFor hosted AppVeyor it is`nFor Appveyor Server users it is URL of on-premise AppVeyor Server installation")] [string]$AppVeyorUrl, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="API key for specific account (not 'All accounts')`nHosted AppVeyor users can find it at`nAppveyor Server users can find it at <appveyor_server_url>/api-keys")] [string]$ApiToken, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateSet('Windows','Linux')] [string]$ImageOs, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ImageName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ImageTemplate, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$ImageFeatures, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$ImageCustomScript ) function ExitScript { # some cleanup? break all } $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" $StopWatch = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch $StopWatch.Start() #Sanitize input $AppVeyorUrl = $AppVeyorUrl.TrimEnd("/") #Validate AppVeyor API access $headers = ValidateAppVeyorApiAccess $AppVeyorUrl $ApiToken try { $hostName = $env:COMPUTERNAME # Windows if ($isLinux) { # Linux $hostName = (hostname) } elseif ($isMacOS) { # macOS $hostName = (hostname) } # make sure Docker is installed and available in the path Write-Host "`nEnsure Docker engine is installed and available in PATH" -ForegroundColor Cyan if (-not (Get-Command docker -ErrorAction Ignore)) { Write-Warning "Looks like Docker is not installed. Please install Docker and re-run the command." return } else { Write-Host "Docker is installed" } $isWindowsOs = (-not $isLinux -and -not $isMacOS) # ensure Docker experimental mode is enabled or Docker is in Linux mode if Linux image on Windows is selected if ($isWindowsOs -and $ImageOs -eq 'Linux') { Write-Host "`nChecking if Docker engine is in experimental or Linux mode to run Linux images on Windows" -ForegroundColor Cyan $dockerVersion = (docker version -f "{{json .}}") | ConvertFrom-Json if ($dockerVersion.Server.Os -ne 'linux' -and -not $dockerVersion.Server.Experimental) { Write-Warning "To configure Linux-based image on Windows platform the Docker should be either in experimental mode (with LCOW enabled) or switched into Linux mode (if it's Docker CE)." return } else { Write-Host "Docker engine is configured to run Linux images" } } Write-Host "`nConfiguring 'Docker' build cloud in AppVeyor" -ForegroundColor Cyan $build_cloud_name = "$hostName Docker" $hostAuthorizationToken = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString('N') $dockerImageTag = CreateSlug "appveyor-byoc-$ImageName" # base image name $baseImageName = $ImageTemplate $idx = $baseImageName.IndexOf(':') if ($idx -ne -1) { $baseImageName = $ImageTemplate.Substring(0, $idx) } $dockerImageName = "$dockerImageTag" $clouds = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$AppVeyorUrl/api/build-clouds" -Headers $headers -Method Get $cloud = $clouds | Where-Object ({$ -eq $build_cloud_name})[0] if (-not $cloud) { # check if there is a cloud already with the name "$build_cloud_name" and grab $hostAuthorizationToken from there $process_build_cloud_name = "$hostName" $processCloud = $clouds | Where-Object ({$ -eq $process_build_cloud_name})[0] if ($processCloud -and $processCloud.CloudType -eq 'Process') { Write-Host "There is an existing 'Process' cloud for that computer. Reading Host Agent authorization token from Process cloud." -ForegroundColor DarkGray $settings = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$AppVeyorUrl/api/build-clouds/$($processCloud.buildCloudId)" -Headers $headers -Method Get $hostAuthorizationToken = $settings.hostAuthorizationToken } # Add new build cloud $body = @{ cloudType = "Docker" name = $build_cloud_name hostAuthorizationToken = $hostAuthorizationToken workersCapacity = 20 settings = @{ failureStrategy = @{ jobStartTimeoutSeconds = 60 provisioningAttempts = 2 } cloudSettings = @{ general = @{ } networking = @{ } images = @(@{ name = $ImageName dockerImageName = $dockerImageName }) } } } $jsonBody = $body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$AppVeyorUrl/api/build-clouds" -Headers $headers -Body $jsonBody -Method Post | Out-Null $clouds = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$AppVeyorUrl/api/build-clouds" -Headers $headers -Method Get $cloud = $clouds | Where-Object ({$ -eq $build_cloud_name})[0] Write-Host "A new AppVeyor build cloud '$build_cloud_name' has been added." } else { Write-Host "AppVeyor cloud '$build_cloud_name' already exists." -ForegroundColor DarkGray if ($cloud.CloudType -eq 'Docker') { Write-Host "Reading Host Agent authorization token from the existing cloud." $settings = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$AppVeyorUrl/api/build-clouds/$($cloud.buildCloudId)" -Headers $headers -Method Get $hostAuthorizationToken = $settings.hostAuthorizationToken # check if the image already added $image = $settings.settings.cloudSettings.images | Where-Object ({$ -eq $ImageName})[0] if ($image) { Write-host "Image '$ImageName' is already configured on cloud settings." -ForegroundColor DarkGray $image.dockerImageName = $dockerImageName Write-Host "Updating Docker image name to $dockerImageName" } else { Write-host "Adding new '$ImageName' image to the cloud settings." Write-Host "Docker image name is $dockerImageName" $image = @{ 'name' = $ImageName 'dockerImageName' = $dockerImageName } $image = $image | ConvertTo-Json | ConvertFrom-Json $settings.settings.cloudSettings.images += $image } $jsonBody = $settings | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$AppVeyorUrl/api/build-clouds"-Headers $headers -Body $jsonBody -Method Put | Out-Null Write-Host "Cloud settings updated." } else { throw "Existing build cloud '$build_cloud_name' is not of 'Process' type." } } # pull base Docker image and then build a new (optionally) and tag Write-Host "`nPulling base Docker image $ImageTemplate" -ForegroundColor Cyan docker pull $ImageTemplate # tag image if ($ImageFeatures -or $ImageCustomScript) { # build new image Write-Host "`nBuilding a new Docker image with custom features and/or script" -ForegroundColor Cyan $tmp = $env:TEMP if ($isMacOS -or $isLinux) { $tmp = "/tmp" } # create temp dir for Dockerfile $dockerTempPath = Join-Path -Path $tmp -ChildPath ([Guid]::NewGuid().ToString('N')) New-Item $dockerTempPath -Type Directory | Out-Null $dockerfilePath = Join-Path -Path $dockerTempPath -ChildPath 'Dockerfile' $dockerfile = @() $dockerfile += "FROM $ImageTemplate" if ($ImageOs -eq 'Linux') { # build Linux image if (-not $ImageTemplate.StartsWith('appveyor/build-image')) { # full image $scriptsPath = Join-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'scripts') -ChildPath 'Ubuntu' $destPath = Join-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $dockerTempPath -ChildPath 'scripts') -ChildPath 'Ubuntu' Copy-Item $scriptsPath $destPath -Recurse if ($ImageFeatures) { $dockerfile += "ENV OPT_FEATURES=$ImageFeatures" } $dockerfile += "ENV IS_DOCKER=true" $dockerfile += "COPY ./scripts/Ubuntu ./scripts" $dockerfile += "RUN chmod +x ./scripts/ && ./scripts/" } if ($ImageCustomScript) { $customScriptPath = Join-Path -Path $dockerTempPath -ChildPath '' $decodedScript = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString(([Convert]::FromBase64String($ImageCustomScript))) [IO.File]::WriteAllText($customScriptPath, $decodedScript.Replace("`r`n", "`n")) $dockerfile += "COPY ./ ." $dockerfile += "RUN sudo chmod +x ./ && ./" } $dockerfile += "USER appveyor" $dockerfile += "CMD [ `"/bin/bash`", `"/scripts/`" ]" } else { # build Windows image if ($ImageCustomScript) { $customScriptPath = Join-Path -Path $dockerTempPath -ChildPath 'script.ps1' $decodedScript = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString(([Convert]::FromBase64String($ImageCustomScript))) [IO.File]::WriteAllText($customScriptPath, "`$ErrorActionPreference = `"Stop`"`n$decodedScript") $dockerfile += "COPY script.ps1 ." $dockerfile += "RUN pwsh -noni -ep unrestricted .\script.ps1" } } # write and build Dockerfile [IO.File]::WriteAllLines($dockerfilePath, $dockerfile) docker build -t $dockerImageName -f $dockerfilePath $dockerTempPath Remove-Item $dockerTempPath -Force -Recurse } else { # just tag existing one Write-host "No custom image has been built - just tagging '$ImageTemplate' image as '$dockerImageName'" -ForegroundColor DarkGray docker tag $ImageTemplate $dockerImageName } Write-host "`nEnsure build worker image is available for AppVeyor projects" -ForegroundColor Cyan $images = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$AppVeyorUrl/api/build-worker-images" -Headers $headers -Method Get $image = $images | Where-Object ({$ -eq $ImageName})[0] if (-not $image) { $body = @{ name = $imageName osType = $ImageOs } $jsonBody = $body | ConvertTo-Json Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$AppVeyorUrl/api/build-worker-images" -Headers $headers -Body $jsonBody -Method Post | Out-Null Write-host "AppVeyor build worker image '$ImageName' has been created." } else { Write-host "AppVeyor build worker image '$ImageName' already exists." -ForegroundColor DarkGray } # Install Host Agent InstallAppVeyorHostAgent $AppVeyorUrl $hostAuthorizationToken $StopWatch.Stop() $completed = "{0:hh}:{0:mm}:{0:ss}" -f $StopWatch.elapsed Write-Host "`nThe script successfully completed in $completed." -ForegroundColor Green #Report results and next steps PrintSummary 'Docker' $AppVeyorUrl $cloud.buildCloudId $build_cloud_name $imageName } catch { Write-Error $_ ExitScript } } |