function Grant-AnsibleRole { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidGlobalVars", "Global:DefaultAnsibleTower")] param( [Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=$true)] [object]$Team, [Parameter(Position=2,Mandatory=$true)] [object]$Role, [switch]$Force, $AnsibleTower = $Global:DefaultAnsibleTower ) process { switch ($Team.GetType().Fullname) { "AnsibleTower.Team" { $AnsibleTower = $Team.AnsibleTower } "System.Int32" { $Team = Get-AnsibleTeam -Id $Team -AnsibleTower $AnsibleTower } "System.String" { $TeamSearch = @{} if($Team.Contains("/")) { $TeamSearch["Organization"] = $Team.Split("/")[0] $TeamSearch["Name"] = $Team.Split("/")[1] } else { $TeamSearch["Name"] = $Team } $Team = Get-AnsibleTeam @TeamSearch -AnsibleTower $AnsibleTower if($Team.Count -gt 1) { $TeamList = ($Team | ForEach-Object { "$($_.organization)/$($_.Name)" }) -join ", " if(!$Force -and !$PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue("Grant role to multiple teams? (Use -Force to bypass prompt)", "Multiple teams found: $TeamList")) { return } } } default { Write-Error -Message "Unknown type passed as -Team ($Team). Supported values are String, Int32, and AnsibleTower.Team." -ErrorAction Stop return } } if(!$Team) { Write-Error -Message "No team was located using the specified search parameter." -ErrorAction Stop return } switch ($Role.GetType().Fullname) { "AnsibleTower.Role" { # Nothing needed } "System.Int32" { $Role = Get-AnsibleRole -Id $Role -AnsibleTower $AnsibleTower } "System.String" { $Role = Get-AnsibleRole -Team $TeamId -Name $Role -AnsibleTower $AnsibleTower } default { Write-Error "Unknown type passed as -Role ($Role). Supported values are String, Int32, and AnsibleTower.Role." -ErrorAction Stop return } } if(!$Role) { Write-Error -Message "No role was located using the specified search parameter." -ErrorAction Stop return } $Team | ForEach-Object { $ThisTeam = $_ $Role | ForEach-Object { $ThisRole = $_ if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$($ThisRole.Resource_type)/$($ThisRole.resource_name)", "Grant $($ThisRole.Name) to $($ThisTeam.Organization)/$($ThisTeam.Name)")) { Invoke-PostAnsibleInternalJsonResult -ItemType teams -ItemId $ThisTeam.Id -ItemSubItem roles -InputObject @{ id = $ThisRole.Id } -AnsibleTower $AnsibleTower } } } } } |