
Gets hosts defined in Ansible Tower.

.PARAMETER Description
Optional description of this host.

.PARAMETER InsightsSystemId
Red Hat Insights host unique identifier.

The value used by the remote inventory source to uniquely identify the host

Name of this host.

.PARAMETER Variables
Host variables in JSON or YAML format.

The ID of a specific AnsibleHost to get

.PARAMETER AnsibleTower
The Ansible Tower instance to run against. If no value is passed the command will run against $Global:DefaultAnsibleTower.

function Get-AnsibleHost {
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidGlobalVars", "Global:DefaultAnsibleTower")]









        $AnsibleTower = $Global:DefaultAnsibleTower
    process {
        $Filter = @{}
        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Description")) {
            if($Description.Contains("*")) {
                $Filter["description__iregex"] = $Description.Replace("*", ".*")
            } else {
                $Filter["description"] = $Description

        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("InsightsSystemId")) {
            if($InsightsSystemId.Contains("*")) {
                $Filter["insights_system_id__iregex"] = $InsightsSystemId.Replace("*", ".*")
            } else {
                $Filter["insights_system_id"] = $InsightsSystemId

        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("InstanceId")) {
            if($InstanceId.Contains("*")) {
                $Filter["instance_id__iregex"] = $InstanceId.Replace("*", ".*")
            } else {
                $Filter["instance_id"] = $InstanceId

        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Inventory")) {
            switch($Inventory.GetType().Fullname) {
                "AnsibleTower.Inventory" {
                    $Filter["inventory"] = $Inventory.Id
                "System.Int32" {
                    $Filter["inventory"] = $Inventory
                "System.String" {
                    $Filter["inventory__name"] = $Inventory
                default {
                    Write-Error "Unknown type passed as -Inventory ($_). Supported values are String, Int32, and AnsibleTower.Inventory." -ErrorAction Stop

        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Group")) {
            switch($Inventory.GetType().Fullname) {
                "AnsibleTower.Group" {
                    $Filter["groups__id"] = $Group.id
                "System.Int32" {
                    $Filter["group__id"] = $Group
                "System.String" {
                    $Filter["groups__name"] = $Group
                default {
                    Write-Error "Unknown type passed as -Inventory ($_). Suppored values are String, Int32, and AnsibleTower.Inventory." -ErrorAction Stop

        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("LastJob")) {
            switch($LastJob.GetType().Fullname) {
                "AnsibleTower.Job" {
                    $Filter["last_job"] = $LastJob.Id
                "System.Int32" {
                    $Filter["last_job"] = $LastJob
                "System.String" {
                    $Filter["last_job__name"] = $LastJob
                default {
                    Write-Error "Unknown type passed as -LastJob ($_). Supported values are String, Int32, and AnsibleTower.Job." -ErrorAction Stop

        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Name")) {
            if($Name.Contains("*")) {
                $Filter["name__iregex"] = $Name.Replace("*", ".*")
            } else {
                $Filter["name"] = $Name

        if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Variables")) {
            if($Variables.Contains("*")) {
                $Filter["variables__iregex"] = $Variables.Replace("*", ".*")
            } else {
                $Filter["variables"] = $Variables

        if($id) {
            $Return = Invoke-GetAnsibleInternalJsonResult -ItemType "hosts" -Id $Id -AnsibleTower $AnsibleTower
        } else {
            $Return = Invoke-GetAnsibleInternalJsonResult -ItemType "hosts" -Filter $Filter -AnsibleTower $AnsibleTower

        if(!($Return)) {
        foreach($ResultObject in $Return) {
            $JsonString = $ResultObject | ConvertTo-Json
            $AnsibleObject = [AnsibleTower.JsonFunctions]::ParseTohost($JsonString)
            $AnsibleObject.AnsibleTower = $AnsibleTower
            $CacheKey = "hosts/$($AnsibleObject.Id)"
            Write-Debug "[Get-AnsibleHost] Caching $($AnsibleObject.Url) as $CacheKey"
            $AnsibleTower.Cache.Add($CacheKey, $AnsibleObject, $Script:CachePolicy) > $null
            #Add to cache before filling in child objects to prevent recursive loop
            $AnsibleObject = Add-RelatedObject -InputObject $AnsibleObject -ItemType "hosts" -RelatedType "groups" -RelationProperty "Groups" -RelationCommand (Get-Command Get-AnsibleGroup) -PassThru
            Write-Output $AnsibleObject
            $AnsibleObject = $Null