
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Common/Shared Functions, Types, and Variables

#requires -runasadministrator

#region Enums

Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
using System.Management.Automation;

public enum InstallState

public enum DeploymentType

public enum LoadBalancerType

public enum OsType

public enum VmSize

public class VirtualNetwork
    public string Name;
    public string VswitchName;
    public string IpAddressPrefix;
    public string Gateway;
    public string[] DnsServers;
    public string MacPoolName;
    public int Vlanid;
    public string VipPoolStart;
    public string VipPoolEnd;
    public string K8snodeIPPoolStart;
    public string K8snodeIPPoolEnd;

    public VirtualNetwork (
        string Name,
        string VswitchName,
        string IpAddressPrefix,
        string Gateway,
        string[] DnsServers,
        string MacPoolName,
        int Vlanid,
        string VipPoolStart,
        string VipPoolEnd,
        string K8snodeIPPoolStart,
        string K8snodeIPPoolEnd

        this.Name = Name;
        this.VswitchName = VswitchName;
        this.IpAddressPrefix = IpAddressPrefix;
        this.Gateway = Gateway;
        this.DnsServers = DnsServers;
        this.MacPoolName = MacPoolName;
        this.Vlanid = Vlanid;
        this.VipPoolStart = VipPoolStart;
        this.VipPoolEnd = VipPoolEnd;
        this.K8snodeIPPoolStart = K8snodeIPPoolStart;
        this.K8snodeIPPoolEnd = K8snodeIPPoolEnd;

    public override string ToString()
        return string.Format("{0}\n{1}\n{2}\n{3}\n{4}\n{5}\n{6}\n{7}\n{8}\n{9}",
            string.Join(",", this.DnsServers),

public class ProxySettings
    public string Name;
    public string HTTP;
    public string HTTPS;
    public string NoProxy;
    public string CertFile;
    public PSCredential Credential;

    public ProxySettings (
        PSCredential Credential,
        string Name = "",
        string HTTP = "",
        string HTTPS = "",
        string NoProxy = "",
        string CertFile = ""
        this.Name = Name;
        this.HTTP = HTTP;
        this.HTTPS = HTTPS;
        this.NoProxy = NoProxy;
        this.CertFile = CertFile;
        this.Credential = Credential;
    public override string ToString()
        return string.Format("{0}\n{1}\n{2}\n{3}\n{4}\n{5}",

public class ContainerRegistry
    public string Server;
    public PSCredential Credential;

    public ContainerRegistry (
        PSCredential Credential,
        string Server = ""
        this.Server = Server;
        this.Credential = Credential;
    public override string ToString()
        return string.Format("{0}\n{1}",

Add-Type -Language CSharp -ReferencedAssemblies "System.Numerics.dll" @"
using System;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Net;

namespace AKSHCI
    public class IPRange
        public IPAddress start, end;
        public override string ToString()
            return string.Format("{0} - {1}", start, end);
    public static class IPUtilities
        public static int CompareIpAddresses(IPAddress ipAddress1, IPAddress ipAddress2)
            byte[] ipAddress1Bytes = ipAddress1.GetAddressBytes();
            byte[] ipAddress2Bytes = ipAddress2.GetAddressBytes();
            Array.Resize<byte>(ref ipAddress1Bytes, 5); // Make sure the first byte is a 0 so BigInterger considers the number as unsigned
            Array.Resize<byte>(ref ipAddress2Bytes, 5); // Make sure the first byte is a 0 so BigInterger considers the number as unsigned
            BigInteger ipAddress1BigInt = new BigInteger(ipAddress1Bytes);
            BigInteger ipAddress2BigInt = new BigInteger(ipAddress2Bytes);
            return BigInteger.Compare(ipAddress1BigInt, ipAddress2BigInt);
        public static IPAddress GetLastIpInCidr(IPAddress ipAddressStr, int prefixLength)
            BigInteger fullMask = new BigInteger(0xFFFFFFFF);
            BigInteger mask = ((fullMask >> (prefixLength)) & fullMask);
            byte[] endAddress = mask.ToByteArray();
            Array.Resize<byte>(ref endAddress, 4);
            byte[] ipAddress = ipAddressStr.GetAddressBytes();
            if(ipAddress.Length != endAddress.Length)
                throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Address and prefix length are both expected to be IPv4 (" + ipAddress.Length + " != " + endAddress.Length + ")");
            for(int i = 0; i < ipAddress.Length; i++)
                endAddress[i] = (byte) (endAddress[i] | ipAddress[i]);

            return new IPAddress(endAddress);

        public static IPAddress ToIPAddress(BigInteger bi)
            var bytes = bi.ToByteArray();
            Array.Resize<byte>(ref bytes, 4);
            return new IPAddress(bytes);

        public static BigInteger ToBigInteger(IPAddress ip)
            var ipBytes = ip.GetAddressBytes();
            Array.Resize<byte>(ref ipBytes, ipBytes.Length + 1); // Make sure the first byte is a 0 so BigInterger considers the number as unsigned
            return new BigInteger(ipBytes);

        public static void ToRange(string CIDR, out IPAddress start, out IPAddress end)
            var s = CIDR.Split('/');
            start = IPAddress.Parse(s[0]);
            var prefixLength = int.Parse(s[1]);
            end = AKSHCI.IPUtilities.GetLastIpInCidr(start, prefixLength);

        public static bool ValidateRange(string rangeStart, string rangeEnd)
            var start = IPAddress.Parse(rangeStart);
            var startBI = ToBigInteger(start);

            var end = IPAddress.Parse(rangeEnd);
            var endBI = ToBigInteger(end);

            if (endBI < startBI)
                return false;
            return true;

        public static bool ValidateIPInCIDR(string ip, string CIDR)
            var ipaddress = IPAddress.Parse(ip);
            var ipBI = ToBigInteger(ipaddress);

            IPAddress cidrStart, cidrEnd;
            ToRange(CIDR, out cidrStart, out cidrEnd);
            var cidrStartBI = ToBigInteger(cidrStart);
            var cidrEndBI = ToBigInteger(cidrEnd);

            if ((ipBI >= cidrStartBI) && (ipBI <= cidrEndBI))
                return true;
            return false;

        public static bool ValidateRangeInCIDR(string rangeStart, string rangeEnd, string CIDR)
            if (ValidateIPInCIDR(rangeStart, CIDR) && ValidateIPInCIDR(rangeEnd, CIDR))
                return true;
            return false;

        public static IPRange[] GetVMIPPool(string vippoolStart, string vippoolEnd, string CIDR)
            var start = IPAddress.Parse(vippoolStart);
            var startBI = ToBigInteger(start);

            var end = IPAddress.Parse(vippoolEnd);
            var endBI = ToBigInteger(end);

            IPAddress cidrStart, cidrEnd;
            ToRange(CIDR, out cidrStart, out cidrEnd);
            var cidrStartBI = ToBigInteger(cidrStart);
            var cidrEndBI = ToBigInteger(cidrEnd);

            if ((startBI == cidrStartBI) && (endBI == cidrEndBI))
                throw new Exception(string.Format("The VIP pool range ({0} - {1}) is too large. There is no space to allocate IP addresses for VM's. Try decreasing the size of the VIP pool.", vippoolStart, vippoolEnd));

            if (startBI == cidrStartBI)
                var ippoolstart = ToIPAddress(endBI + 1);
                var ippoolend = ToIPAddress(cidrEndBI);
                return new IPRange[] { new IPRange{ start = ippoolstart, end = ippoolend } };
            else if (endBI == cidrEndBI)
                var ippoolstart = ToIPAddress(cidrStartBI);
                var ippoolend = ToIPAddress(startBI - 1);
                return new IPRange[] { new IPRange { start = ippoolstart, end = ippoolend } };
                var ippool1start = ToIPAddress(cidrStartBI);
                var ippool1end = ToIPAddress(startBI - 1);
                var ippool2start = ToIPAddress(endBI + 1);
                var ippool2end = ToIPAddress(cidrEndBI);
                return new IPRange[] { new IPRange { start = ippool1start, end = ippool1end }, new IPRange { start = ippool2start, end = ippool2end } };


#region Module constants

$global:AksHciModule = "AksHci"
$global:MocModule = "Moc"
$global:KvaModule = "Kva"
$global:DownloadModule = "DownloadSdk"
$global:CommonModule = "Common"

$global:configurationKeys = @{
    $global:AksHciModule =  "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\${global:AksHciModule}PS";
    $global:MocModule =  "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\${global:MocModule}PS";
    $global:KvaModule =  "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\${global:KvaModule}PS";

$global:repositoryName        = "PSGallery"
$global:repositoryNamePreview = "PSGallery"
$global:repositoryUser        = ""
$global:repositoryPass        = ""


#region VM size definitions

$global:vmSizeDefinitions =
    # Name, CPU, MemoryGB
    ([VmSize]::Default, "4", "4"),
    ([VmSize]::Standard_A2_v2, "2", "4"),
    ([VmSize]::Standard_A4_v2, "4", "8"),
    ([VmSize]::Standard_D2s_v3, "2", "8"),
    ([VmSize]::Standard_D4s_v3, "4", "16"),
    ([VmSize]::Standard_D8s_v3, "8", "32"),
    ([VmSize]::Standard_D16s_v3, "16", "64"),
    ([VmSize]::Standard_D32s_v3, "32", "128"),
    ([VmSize]::Standard_DS2_v2, "2", "7"),
    ([VmSize]::Standard_DS3_v2, "2", "14"),
    ([VmSize]::Standard_DS4_v2, "8", "28"),
    ([VmSize]::Standard_DS5_v2, "16", "56"),
    ([VmSize]::Standard_DS13_v2, "8", "56"),
    ([VmSize]::Standard_K8S_v1, "4", "2"),
    ([VmSize]::Standard_K8S2_v1, "2", "2"),
    ([VmSize]::Standard_K8S3_v1, "4", "6")
    # Dont expose GPU size until its supported
    #([VmSize]::Standard_NK6, "6", "12"),
    #([VmSize]::Standard_NV6, "6", "64"),
    #([VmSize]::Standard_NV12, "12", "128")


#region Pod names and selectors

$global:managementPods =
    ("Cloud Operator", "cloudop-system", "control-plane=controller-manager"),
    ("Cluster API core", "capi-system", ""),
    ("Bootstrap kubeadm", "capi-kubeadm-bootstrap-system", ""),
    ("Control Plane kubeadm", "capi-kubeadm-control-plane-system", ""),
    ("Cluster API core Webhook", "capi-webhook-system", ""),
    ("Bootstrap kubeadm Webhook", "capi-webhook-system", ""),
    ("Control Plane kubeadm Webhook", "capi-webhook-system", ""),
    ("AzureStackHCI Provider", "caph-system", ""),
    ("AzureStackHCI Provider Webhook", "capi-webhook-system", "")


#region Classes
class NetworkPlugin {
    [string] $Name
    static [string] $Default = "calico"

        [string] $name
        $curatedName = $name.ToLower()
        if ($curatedName -ne "flannel" -and $curatedName -ne "calico")
            throw "Invalid CNI '$curatedName'. The only supported CNIs are 'flannel' and 'calico'"
        $this.Name = $curatedName

        $this.Name = [NetworkPlugin]::Default

#region Script Constants
$global:installDirectoryName           = "AksHci"
$global:workingDirectoryName           = "AksHci"
$global:imageDirectoryName             = "AksHciImageStore"
$global:yamlDirectoryName              = "yaml"
$global:cloudConfigDirectoryName       = "wssdcloudagent"
$global:nodeConfigDirectoryName        = "wssdagent"

$global:installDirectory               = $($env:ProgramFiles + "\" + $global:installDirectoryName)
$global:defaultworkingDir              = $($env:SystemDrive + "\" + $global:workingDirectoryName)
$global:defaultStagingShare            = ""

$global:nodeAgentBinary                = "wssdagent.exe"
$global:cloudAgentBinary               = "wssdcloudagent.exe"
$global:nodeCtlBinary                  = "nodectl.exe"
$global:cloudCtlBinary                 = "mocctl.exe"
$global:kubectlBinary                  = "kubectl.exe"
$global:kvactlBinary                   = "kvactl.exe"
$global:cloudOperatorYaml              = "cloud-operator.yaml"

$global:nodeAgentFullPath              = [io.Path]::Combine($global:installDirectory, $global:nodeAgentBinary)
$global:cloudAgentFullPath             = [io.Path]::Combine($global:installDirectory, $global:cloudAgentBinary)
$global:nodeCtlFullPath                = [io.Path]::Combine($global:installDirectory, $global:nodeCtlBinary)
$global:cloudCtlFullPath               = [io.Path]::Combine($global:installDirectory, $global:cloudCtlBinary)
$global:kubeCtlFullPath                = [io.Path]::Combine($global:installDirectory, $global:kubectlBinary)
$global:kvaCtlFullPath                 = [io.Path]::Combine($global:installDirectory, $global:kvactlBinary)

$script:psConfigKeyName                = "psconfig"
$script:psConfigJson                   = "psconfig.json"
$global:psConfigDirectoryRoot          = $($env:USERPROFILE)
$global:mocMetadataRoot                = $($env:USERPROFILE + "\.wssd")
$global:mocMetadataDirectory           = [io.Path]::Combine($global:mocMetadataRoot, "mocctl" )
$global:kvaMetadataDirectory           = [io.Path]::Combine($global:mocMetadataRoot, "kvactl" )
$global:accessFileLocation             = [io.Path]::Combine($global:mocMetadataDirectory, "cloudconfig")

$global:defaultCloudConfigLocation     = $($env:SystemDrive + "\programdata\" + $global:cloudConfigDirectoryName)
$global:defaultNodeConfigLocation      = $($env:SystemDrive + "\programdata\" + $global:nodeConfigDirectoryName)

$global:defaultTargetK8Version         = "v1.20.7"
$global:defaultMgmtReplicas            = 1

$global:defaultMgmtControlPlaneVmSize  = [VmSize]::Standard_A4_v2
$global:defaultControlPlaneVmSize      = [VmSize]::Standard_A4_v2
$global:defaultLoadBalancerVmSize      = [VmSize]::Standard_A4_v2
$global:defaultWorkerVmSize            = [VmSize]::Standard_K8S3_v1

$global:defaultNodePoolName            = "nodepool1"
$global:defaultWorkerNodeCount         = 1
$global:defaultWorkerNodeOS            = [OsType]::Linux

$global:defaultNodeAgentPort       = 45000
$global:defaultNodeAuthorizerPort  = 45001

$global:defaultCloudAgentPort      = 55000
$global:defaultCloudAuthorizerPort = 65000

$global:defaultVipPoolName    = "clusterVipPool"
$global:defaultMacPoolStart   = ""
$global:defaultMacPoolEnd     = ""
$global:defaultVlanID         = 0

$global:failoverCluster         = $null
$global:cloudAgentAppName       = "ca"

$global:cloudName               = "moc-cloud"
$global:defaultCloudLocation    = "MocLocation"
$global:cloudGroupPrefix        = "clustergroup"
$global:cloudStorageContainer   = "MocStorageContainer"
$global:cloudMacPool            = "MocMacPool"

$global:defaultPodCidr         = ""
$global:mgmtClusterCidr        = ""
$global:mgmtControlPlaneCidr   = ""

$global:workloadPodCidr        = ""
$global:workloadServiceCidr    = ""

$global:defaultProxyExemptions = "localhost,,.svc,,,"
$global:credentialKey          = (24,246,163,38,50,244,215,218,223,10,65,98,19,1,149,106,190,141,144,180,157,135,211,143)

$global:clusterNameRegex       = "^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9]$"

$global:defaultLogLineCount = 500000

$global:operatorTokenValidity = 60
$global:addonTokenValidity = 60
$global:certificateValidityFactor = 1.0

# Temporary until cross-platform signing is available
$global:expectedAuthResponse = @{
    "Status" = "Valid";
    "SignatureType" = "Authenticode";
    "StatusMessage" = ""


#region User Configuration and Defaults

#region Configuration Functions

function Set-VNetConfiguration
    param (
        [String] $module,
        [VirtualNetwork] $vnet
    Set-ConfigurationValue -name "vnetName" -value $vnet.Name -module $module
    Set-ConfigurationValue -name "vswitchName" -value $vnet.VswitchName -module $module
    Set-ConfigurationValue -name "ipaddressprefix" -value $vnet.IpAddressPrefix -module $module
    Set-ConfigurationValue -name "gateway" -value $vnet.Gateway -module $module
    Set-ConfigurationValue -name "dnsservers" -value ($vnet.DnsServers -join ",") -module $module
    Set-ConfigurationValue -name "macpoolname" -value $vnet.MacPoolName -module $module
    Set-ConfigurationValue -name "vlanid" -value $vnet.Vlanid -module $module
    Set-ConfigurationValue -name "vnetvippoolstart" -value $vnet.VipPoolStart -module $module
    Set-ConfigurationValue -name "vnetvippoolend" -value $vnet.VipPoolEnd -module $module
    Set-ConfigurationValue -name "k8snodeippoolstart" -value $vnet.K8snodeIPPoolStart -module $module
    Set-ConfigurationValue -name "k8snodeippoolend" -value $vnet.K8snodeIPPoolEnd -module $module        


function Get-VNetConfiguration
    param (
        [String] $module
    $vnet_name = Get-ConfigurationValue -name "vnetName" -module $module
    $vnet_vswitchname = Get-ConfigurationValue -name "vswitchName" -module $module
    $vnet_ipaddressprefix = Get-ConfigurationValue -name "ipaddressprefix" -module $module
    $vnet_gateway = Get-ConfigurationValue -name "gateway" -module $module
    $vnet_dnsservers = (Get-ConfigurationValue -name "dnsservers" -module $module) -split ","
    $vnet_macpoolname = Get-ConfigurationValue -name "macpoolname" -module $module
    $vnet_vlanid = Get-ConfigurationValue -name "vlanid" -module $module
    $vnet_vippoolstart = Get-ConfigurationValue -name "vnetvippoolstart" -module $module
    $vnet_vippoolend = Get-ConfigurationValue -name "vnetvippoolend" -module $module
    $vnet_k8snodeippoolstart = Get-ConfigurationValue -name "k8snodeippoolstart" -module $module
    $vnet_k8snodeippoolend = Get-ConfigurationValue -name "k8snodeippoolend" -module $module

    return [VirtualNetwork]::new($vnet_name, $vnet_vswitchname, $vnet_ipaddressprefix, $vnet_gateway, $vnet_dnsservers, $vnet_macpoolname, $vnet_vlanid, $vnet_vippoolstart, $vnet_vippoolend, $vnet_k8snodeippoolstart, $vnet_k8snodeippoolend)

function New-VirtualNetwork
        A wrapper around [VirutalNetwork]::new that Validates parameters before returning a VirtualNetwork object

    .PARAMETER name
        The name of the vnet

    .PARAMETER vswitchName
        The name of the vswitch

    .PARAMETER MacPoolName
        The name of the mac pool

        The VLAN ID for the vnet

    .PARAMETER ipaddressprefix
        The address prefix to use for static IP assignment

    .PARAMETER gateway
        The gateway to use when using static IP

    .PARAMETER dnsservers
        The dnsservers to use when using static IP

    .PARAMETER vippoolstart
        The starting ip address to use for the vip pool.
        The vip pool addresses will be used by the k8s API server and k8s services'

    .PARAMETER vippoolend
        The ending ip address to use for the vip pool.
        The vip pool addresses will be used by the k8s API server and k8s services

    .PARAMETER k8snodeippoolstart
        The starting ip address to use for VM's in the cluster.

    .PARAMETER k8snodeippoolend
        The ending ip address to use for VM's in the cluster.

        VirtualNetwork object

        New-VirtualNetwork -name External -vswitchname External -vippoolstart -vippoolend
        New-VirtualNetwork -name "defaultswitch" -vswitchname "Default Switch" -ipaddressprefix -gateway -dnsservers, -vippoolstart -vippoolend

    param (
        [string] $name,

        [string] $vswitchName,

        [String] $MacPoolName = $global:cloudMacPool,

        [int] $vlanID = $global:defaultVlanID,

        [String] $ipaddressprefix,

        [String] $gateway,

        [String[]] $dnsservers,

        [String] $vippoolstart,

        [String] $vippoolend,

        [String] $k8snodeippoolstart,

        [String] $k8snodeippoolend

    Test-ValidNetworkName -Name $name | Out-Null

    if ($dnsservers)
        foreach ($dns in $dnsservers)
                Test-ValidEndpoint -endpoint $dns
                throw ("$dnsservers is not a valid list of ip addresses. Please enter a valid list of ip addresses: E.g. -dnsservers,")

    if ($ipaddressprefix -or $gateway -or $dnsservers -or $k8snodeippoolstart -or $k8snodeippoolend)
        if (-not $ipaddressprefix -or -not $gateway -or -not $dnsservers -or -not $k8snodeippoolstart -or -not $k8snodeippoolend)
            throw "ipaddressprefix, gateway, dnsservers, k8snodeippoolstart, and k8snodeippoolend must all be specified to use a static ip configuration"

    if ($ipaddressprefix)
        Test-ValidCIDR -CIDR $ipaddressprefix

    Test-ValidPool -PoolStart $vippoolstart -PoolEnd $vippoolend -CIDR $ipaddressprefix

    if ($k8snodeippoolstart -and $k8snodeippoolend)
        Test-ValidPool -PoolStart $k8snodeippoolstart -PoolEnd $k8snodeippoolend -CIDR $ipaddressprefix
    return [VirtualNetwork]::new($name, $vswitchname, $ipaddressprefix, $gateway, $dnsservers, $MacPoolName, $vlanID, $vippoolstart, $vippoolend, $k8snodeippoolstart, $k8snodeippoolend)

#region configuration
function Save-ConfigurationDirectory
        Saves the workingDir of configuration in registry.
        Handles multinode as well.
    .PARAMETER WorkingDir
        WorkingDir to be persisted
    .PARAMETER moduleName
        Name of the module

    param (
        [string] $moduleName,
        [String] $WorkingDir

    $configDir = [io.Path]::Combine($WorkingDir, "." + $moduleName)
    Write-Status "Saving Configuration Directory [$configDir]" -moduleName $moduleName

    if (Test-MultiNodeDeployment)
        # *. If Multinode, replicate this across all nodes
        Get-ClusterNode -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object {
            Invoke-Command -ComputerName $_.Name -ScriptBlock  {
                $regPath = $args[0]
                $regKey = $args[1]
                $regValue = $args[2]

                if (!(Test-Path ($regPath)))
                    New-Item -Path $regPath | Out-Null
                Set-ItemProperty -Path $regPath -Name $regKey  -Value $regValue  -Force | Out-Null
            } -ArgumentList @($global:configurationKeys[$moduleName], $script:psConfigKeyName, $configDir)
        # *. If Standalone, store it locally
        if (!(Test-Path ($global:configurationKeys[$moduleName])))
            New-Item -Path $global:configurationKeys[$moduleName] | Out-Null

        Set-ItemProperty -Path $global:configurationKeys[$moduleName] -Name $script:psConfigKeyName  -Value $configDir -Force | Out-Null

function Set-SecurePermissionFolder
        Initialize folder with appropriate permissions
        path of config folder.

    param (

    $acl = Get-Acl $Path
    $accessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("BUILTIN\Administrators","FullControl","ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
    $acl | Set-Acl $Path

function Set-SecurePermissionFile
        Initialize file with appropriate permissions
        path of file.

    param (

    # ACL the yaml so that it is only readable by administrator
    $acl = Get-Acl $Path
    $accessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule("BUILTIN\Administrators","FullControl","Allow")
    $acl | Set-Acl $Path

function Reset-ConfigurationDirectory
        Cleanup workingDir info in registry that has been saved
    .PARAMETER moduleName
        Name of the module

    param (
        [string] $moduleName
    Write-Status "Resetting Configuration Directory" -moduleName $moduleName
    if (Test-MultiNodeDeployment)
        # *. If Multinode, remove this across all nodes
        Get-ClusterNode -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object {
            Invoke-Command -ComputerName $_.Name -ScriptBlock  {
                $regPath = $args[0]
                Remove-Item -Path $regPath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
            } -ArgumentList @($global:configurationKeys[$moduleName])
        # *. If Standalone, remove it locally
        Remove-Item -Path $global:configurationKeys[$moduleName] -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
function Get-ConfigurationDirectory
        Gets the Working Directory of configuration from the registry
    .PARAMETER moduleName
        Name of the module

    param (
        [string] $moduleName
    # 1. If the psconfig path is available, try to use it.
    $regVal = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $global:configurationKeys[$moduleName] -Name $script:psConfigKeyName  -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($regVal)
        return $regVal
    # 2. If not, use the default path
    return [io.Path]::Combine($global:psConfigDirectoryRoot, "." + $moduleName)

function Get-ConfigurationFile
        Get the configuration file to be used for persisting configurations
    .PARAMETER moduleName
        Name of the module

    param (
        [string] $moduleName
    $configFile = [io.Path]::Combine((Get-ConfigurationDirectory -moduleName $moduleName), $script:psConfigJson)
    # Write-Status "Configuration file for $moduleName => [$configFile]"
    return $configFile

function Test-Configuration
        Tests if a configuration exists
    .PARAMETER moduleName
        Name of the module

    param (
        [string] $moduleName
    # Write-Status "Testing Configuration for $moduleName"
    return Test-Path -Path (Get-ConfigurationFile -moduleName $moduleName)

function Reset-Configuration
        Resets the configuration
        Resets also the configuration info that persisted in registry.
        Does a double cleanup so the one in working dir as well as user directory is removed
    .PARAMETER moduleName
        Name of the module

    param (
        [string] $moduleName
    Write-Status "Resetting Configuration"  -moduleName $moduleName
    # 1. Remove the shared configuration
    if (Test-Configuration -moduleName $moduleName)
        Remove-Item -Path (Get-ConfigurationDirectory -moduleName $moduleName) -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    Reset-ConfigurationDirectory -moduleName $moduleName

    # 2. Remove the local configuration, if any
    if (Test-Configuration -moduleName $moduleName)
        Remove-Item -Path (Get-ConfigurationDirectory -moduleName $moduleName) -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    $global:config[$moduleName] = @{}

function Save-Configuration
        saves a configuration to persisted storage
    .PARAMETER moduleName
        Name of the module

    param (
        [string] $moduleName
    $configFile = Get-ConfigurationFile -moduleName $moduleName
    $configDir = [IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($configFile)
    if (!(Test-Path $configDir))
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $configDir | Out-Null

    Write-Status "Saving Configuration for $moduleName => $configFile" -moduleName $moduleName

    ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $global:config[$moduleName] | Out-File -FilePath $configFile

function Import-Configuration
        Loads a configuration from persisted storage
    .PARAMETER moduleName
        Name of the module

    param (
        [string] $moduleName
    # Write-Status "Importing Configuration for $moduleName"

    $tmp = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject (Get-Content (Get-ConfigurationFile -moduleName $moduleName) -Raw)
    $global:config[$moduleName] = @{}
    $tmp.psobject.Properties | ForEach-Object  { $global:config[$moduleName][$_.Name] = $_.Value}

function Set-ConfigurationValue
        Persists a configuration value to the registry
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the configuration value

    .PARAMETER moduleName
        Name of the module

    .PARAMETER value
        Value to be persisted

    param (
        [String] $name,
        [String] $module,
        [Object] $value

    $global:config[$module][$name] = $value
    Save-Configuration -moduleName $module

function Get-ConfigurationValue
        Retrieves a configuration value from the registry
    .PARAMETER type
        The expected type of the value being retrieved

    .PARAMETER module
        module of the module
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the configuration value

    param (
        [Type] $type = [System.String],
        [String] $module,
        [String] $name

    $value = $null
    if  (Test-Configuration -moduleName $module)
        Import-Configuration -moduleName $module
        $value = $global:config[$module][$name]

        "Boolean"            { if (!$value) {$value = 0} return [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($value) }
        "UInt32"             { if (!$value) {$value = 0} return [System.Convert]::ToUInt32($value) }
        "VmSize"             { if (!$value) {$value = 0} return [Enum]::Parse([VmSize], $value, $true) }
        "DeploymentType"     { if (!$value) {$value = 0} return [Enum]::Parse([DeploymentType], $value, $true) }
        "InstallState"       { if (!$value) {$value = 0} return [Enum]::Parse([InstallState], $value, $true) }
        "LoadBalancerType"   { if (!$value) {$value = 0} return [Enum]::Parse([LoadBalancerType], $value, $true) }
        Default              { if (!$value) {$value = ""} return $value }


function ConvertTo-SystemVersion
        Converts a string representation of a version to a System.Version object.

    .PARAMETER Version
        The version string to be converted.

    param (
        [String] $Version

    $converted = $null
    if ([System.Version]::TryParse($Version, [ref] $converted))
        return $converted

    throw $("Unable to convert string '$Version' to a System Version object")

function Compare-Versions
        Compares two string versions and returns an indication of their relative values. The comparison
        is performed by compariing the major version numbers for equality (per SemVer specification).

        The return value is a signed integer that indicates the relative values of the two objects:

        Less than zero - Version has a major version lower than the ComparisonVersion.
        Zero - The two major versions are the same (i.e. they are compatible).
        Greater than zero - Version has a newer major version than the ComparisonVersion.

    .PARAMETER Version
        The current version number.

    .PARAMETER ComparisonVersion
        A version number to be compared with the CurrentVersion.


    param (
        [String] $Version,
        [String] $ComparisonVersion

    $current = ConvertTo-SystemVersion -Version $Version
    $comparison = ConvertTo-SystemVersion -Version $ComparisonVersion

    if ($current.Major -eq $comparison.Major)
        return 0

    if ($current.Major -lt $comparison.Major)
        return -1

    return 1

function Test-IsProductInstalled()
        Tests if the desired product/module is installed (or installing). Note that we consider some
        failed states (e.g. UninstallFailed) to represent that the product is still installed, albeit
        in a unknown/failed state.

    .PARAMETER moduleName
        The module name to test for installation state

    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when writing progress

    param (
        [String] $moduleName,

        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $moduleName -status $("Verifying product installation state")

    $currentState = Get-InstallState -module $moduleName
    if (-not $currentState)
        return $false

        $([InstallState]::NotInstalled) { return $false }
        $([InstallState]::InstallFailed) { return $false }

    return $true

function Get-InstallState
        Returns the installation state for a product/module. May return $null.
    .PARAMETER moduleName
        The module name to query

    param (
        [String] $moduleName

    $state = Get-ConfigurationValue -module $moduleName -name "InstallState" -type ([Type][InstallState])
    if (-not $state)
        $state = [InstallState]::NotInstalled

    Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName $("Installation state is: $state")
    return $state

function Test-ValidEndpoint
        Validates that an endpoint is a valid ip address
        This function exists to validate that a endpoint is a valid ip address. If the enpoint is not a valid ip address, it throws.
    .PARAMETER endpoint
        A string representing an IP address

    param (
        [String] $endpoint

    if (-not [ipaddress]::TryParse($endpoint,[ref]$null))
        throw ("$endpoint is not a valid ip address. Please enter a valid ip address in the form")

function Test-ValidK8sObjectName
        Validates the format of a name that will be used as the name of a kubernetes object
        This function exists so that multiple other functions can re-use the same validation rather
        than us repeating it all over the script (ValidatePattern does not allow variables to be
        used for the regex string as it must be a constant). We throw to provide a more specific
        error message to the caller.
        The name of an k8s object
        Currently we are only using k8s names for clusters and networks

    param (
        [String] $Name,
        [String] $Type

    if (-not ($Name -cmatch $clusterNameRegex))
        throw $("'$Name' is not a valid $Type name. Names must be lower-case and match the regex pattern: '$clusterNameRegex'")

    return $true

function Test-ValidClusterName
        Validates the format of a cluster name.
        This function exists so that multiple other functions can re-use the same validation rather
        than us repeating it all over the script (ValidatePattern does not allow variables to be
        used for the regex string as it must be a constant). We throw to provide a more specific
        error message to the caller.
        A cluster name

    param (
        [String] $Name
    return Test-ValidK8sObjectName -Name $Name -Type "cluster"

function Test-ValidNetworkName
        Validates the format of a network name.
        This function exists so that multiple other functions can re-use the same validation rather
        than us repeating it all over the script (ValidatePattern does not allow variables to be
        used for the regex string as it must be a constant). We throw to provide a more specific
        error message to the caller.
        A network name

    param (
        [String] $Name
    return Test-ValidK8sObjectName -Name $Name -Type "network"

function Test-ValidNodePoolName
        Validates the format of a node pool name.

        This function exists so that multiple other functions can re-use the same validation rather
        than us repeating it all over the script (ValidatePattern does not allow variables to be
        used for the regex string as it must be a constant). We throw to provide a more specific
        error message to the caller.

        A node pool name

    param (
        [String] $Name
    return Test-ValidK8sObjectName -Name $Name -Type "nodepool"

function Test-ForUpdates
        Check if a module is up to date and provide the option to update it.

    .PARAMETER moduleName
        The name of the module.

    .PARAMETER repositoryName
        Powershell repository name.

    .PARAMETER repositoryUser
        Powershell repository username.

    .PARAMETER repositoryPass
        Powershell repository password.

    param (
        [String] $moduleName,
        [String] $repositoryName,
        [String] $repositoryUser,
        [String] $repositoryPass

    if ($global:config[$moduleName]["skipUpdates"])

    Write-Status $("Check module updates") -moduleName $moduleName

    $proxyParameters = @{}
    $proxyConfig = Get-ProxyConfiguration -moduleName $moduleName

    if ($proxyConfig.HTTPS)
        $proxyParameters.Add("Proxy", $proxyConfig.HTTPS)
    elseif ($proxyConfig.HTTP)
        $proxyParameters.Add("Proxy", $proxyConfig.HTTP)

    if ($proxyConfig.Credential)
        $proxyParameters.Add("ProxyCredential", $proxyConfig.Credential)

    $current = Get-InstalledModule -Name "PowershellGet" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if (($null -eq $current) -or ($current.version -lt 1.6.0))
        Write-SubStatus "PowershellGet is too old and needs to be updated. Updating now...`n" -moduleName $moduleName

        $parameters = @{
            Name = "PowershellGet"
            Force = $true
            Confirm = $false
            SkipPublisherCheck = $true
        $parameters += $proxyParameters
        Install-Module @parameters

        Write-SubStatus "PowershellGet was updated. This window *must* now be closed. Please re-run the script to continue." -moduleName $moduleName
        exit 0

    $patToken = $repositoryPass | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
    $repositoryCreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($repositoryUser, $patToken)

    $current = Get-InstalledModule -Name $moduleName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    # TODO: Skip alpha/preview updates for now
    if ($current.Repository -ieq $global:repositoryNamePreview)
        Write-SubStatus "Your current version is a pre-release. Updates will be skipped.`n" -moduleName $moduleName

    $parameters = @{
        Name = $moduleName
        Repository = $repositoryName
        Credential = $repositoryCreds
        ErrorAction = "SilentlyContinue"
    $parameters += $proxyParameters

    $latest = Find-Module @parameters
    if (($null -eq $current) -or ($null -eq $latest))
        Write-SubStatus "Warning: Unable to check for updates" -moduleName $moduleName

    Write-SubStatus $("Installed module version is "+$current.version) -moduleName $moduleName
    Write-SubStatus $("Latest module version is "+$latest.version) -moduleName $moduleName

    if ([System.Version]$current.version -ge [System.Version]$latest.version)
        Write-SubStatus "You are already up to date" -moduleName $moduleName

    Write-SubStatus $("A newer version of "+$moduleName+" is available!") -moduleName $moduleName

    $title    = 'Recommended update'
    $question = "Do you want to update to the latest version of the module/binaries? If you choose 'Yes' then we will perform a full cleanup of your deployment before applying the updates.`n"
    $choices  = '&Yes', '&No'

    $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $question, $choices, 0)
    if ($decision -eq 0)
        Write-Status "Installing updates" -moduleName $moduleName

        $parameters = @{
            Name = $moduleName
            Credential = $repositoryCreds
            Force = $true
        $parameters += $proxyParameters
        Update-Module @parameters

        $current = Get-InstalledModule -Name $moduleName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Write-SubStatus $("Installed module version is now "+$current.version+"`n") -moduleName $moduleName

        if ([System.Version]$current.version -ge [System.Version]$latest.version)
            Write-SubStatus $("Removing older versions of the module...`n") -moduleName $moduleName
            Get-InstalledModule -Name $moduleName -AllVersions | Where-Object {$_.Version -ne $current.Version} | Uninstall-Module -Force -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue

            Write-SubStatus "The update was successful! This window *must* now be closed. Please re-run the script to continue." -moduleName $moduleName
            exit 0

        throw $("The update operation was not successful. Your installed module version ("+$current.version+") is still older than the latest version ("+$latest.version+").")

function Initialize-Environment
        Executes steps to prepare the environment for operations. This includes checking
        to ensure that the module is up to date and that a configuration is present.

    .PARAMETER moduleName
        The name of the module.

    .PARAMETER repositoryName
        Powershell repository name.

    .PARAMETER repositoryUser
        Powershell repository username.

    .PARAMETER repositoryPass
        Powershell repository password.

    .PARAMETER checkForUpdates
        Should the script check for updates before proceeding to prepare the environment.

    .PARAMETER createIfNotPresent
        Should the script create a new deployment configuration if one is not present.

    param (
        [String] $moduleName,
        [String] $repositoryName = $global:repositoryName,
        [String] $repositoryUser = $global:repositoryUser,
        [String] $repositoryPass = $global:repositoryPass,

    Initialize-ProxyEnvironment -moduleName $moduleName

    if ($checkForUpdates.IsPresent)
        Test-ForUpdates -moduleName $moduleName -repositoryName $repositoryName -repositoryUser $repositoryUser -repositoryPass $repositoryPass

function Get-FirewallRules
        Obtains the firewall rules needed for agent communication

    $firewallRules =
        ("wssdagent GRPC server port", "TCP", $global:config[$global:MocModule]["nodeAgentPort"]),
        ("wssdagent GRPC authentication port", "TCP", $global:config[$global:MocModule]["nodeAgentAuthorizerPort"]),
        ("wssdcloudagent GRPC server port", "TCP", $global:config[$global:MocModule]["cloudAgentPort"]),
        ("wssdcloudagent GRPC authentication port", "TCP", $global:config[$global:MocModule]["cloudAgentAuthorizerPort"])
    return $firewallRules

#region General helper functions

function Write-StatusWithProgress
        Outputs status to progress and to console
    .PARAMETER status
        The status message

    .PARAMETER activity
        The progress activity

    .PARAMETER percentage
        The progress percentage. 100% will output progress completion

    .PARAMETER moduleName
        The module name. Will become a prefix for console output

    param (
        [String] $status = "",
        [String] $activity = "Status",
        [Int] $percentage = -1,
        [Switch] $completed,
        [String] $moduleName

    # Propagate verbose preference across modules from the caller, if not explicitly specified
    if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Verbose'))
        $script:VerbosePreference = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue('VerbosePreference')

    $message = $status
    if ($moduleName)
        $eventmessage = $("$activity - $message")
        $message = $("$moduleName - $message")
        Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Information -eventId 1 -message $eventmessage

    Write-Progress -Activity $activity -Status $message -PercentComplete $percentage -Completed:$completed.IsPresent
    Write-Status -msg $status -moduleName $moduleName

function Write-Status
        Outputs status to the console with a prefix for readability
    .PARAMETER msg
        The message/object to output

    .PARAMETER moduleName
        The module name. Will be used as a prefix

    param (

    # Propagate verbose preference across modules from the caller, if not explicitly specified
    if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Verbose'))
        $script:VerbosePreference = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue('VerbosePreference')

    if ($msg)
        $time = Get-Date -DisplayHint Time
        Write-Verbose "[$time] [$moduleName] $msg`n"

function Write-SubStatus
        Outputs sub-status to the console with a indent for readability
    .PARAMETER msg
        The message/object to output

    .PARAMETER moduleName
        The module name. Will be used as a prefix

    .PARAMETER indentChar
        Char to use as the indent/bulletpoint of the status message

    param (
        [String]$indentChar = "`t`t"

    # Propagate verbose preference across modules from the caller, if not explicitly specified
    if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Verbose'))
        $script:VerbosePreference = $PSCmdlet.GetVariableValue('VerbosePreference')

    Write-Status -msg $($indentChar + $msg) -moduleName $moduleName

function GetDefaultLinuxNodepoolName
        Gets the Default Linux Nodepool name.
    .PARAMETER clusterName
        Cluster Name.

    param (

    # GA build named the default nodepools as $Name-default-linux-nodepool
    # fallback if $clusterName-linux is not found.
    $linuxNodepool = Invoke-Kubectl -ignoreError -arguments $("get akshcinodepools/$clusterName-default-linux-nodepool -o json") | ConvertFrom-Json
    if ($null -eq $linuxNodepool)
        return "$clusterName-linux"

    return "$clusterName-default-linux-nodepool"

function GetDefaultWindowsNodepoolName
        Gets the Default Windows Nodepool Name

    .PARAMETER clusterName
        Cluster Name.

    param (

    # GA build named the default nodepools as $Name-default-windows-nodepool
    # fallback if $clusterName-windows is not found.
    $windowsNodepool = Invoke-Kubectl -ignoreError -arguments $("get akshcinodepools/$clusterName-default-windows-nodepool -o json") | ConvertFrom-Json
    if ($null -eq $windowsNodepool)
        return "$clusterName-windows"

    return "$clusterName-default-windows-nodepool"

function Test-Process
        Test if a process is running.
    .PARAMETER processName
        The process name to test.

    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node to test on.

    param (

    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $nodeName -ScriptBlock  {
        $processName = $args[0]
        $process = Get-Process -Name $processName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            throw $("$processName is not running on " + ($env:computername))
    } -ArgumentList $processName

function Test-LocalFilePath
        Returns true if the path appears to be local. False otherwise.
    .PARAMETER path
        Path to be tested.


    $path = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($path)
    $clusterStorage = Join-Path -Path $([System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%systemdrive%")) -ChildPath 'clusterstorage'

    if($path.StartsWith('\\') -or $path.ToLower().StartsWith($clusterStorage.ToLower()))
        return $false

    return $true

function Stop-AllProcesses
        Kill all instance of the given process name.

    param (
    Get-Process -Name $processName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object {
        $_ | Stop-Process -Force

function Copy-FileLocal
        Copies a file locally.

    .PARAMETER source
        File source.

    .PARAMETER destination
        File destination.

    param (
    Write-SubStatus "Copying $source to $destination " -moduleName $global:CommonModule
    Copy-Item -Path $source -Destination $destination

function Copy-FileToRemoteNode
        Copies a file to a remote node.

    .PARAMETER source
        File source.

    .PARAMETER destination
        File destination.

    .PARAMETER remoteNode
        The remote node to copy to.

    param (

    $remotePath = "\\$remoteNode\" + ($destination).Replace(":", "$")
    Write-SubStatus "Copying $source to $remotePath " -moduleName $global:CommonModule
    $remoteDir = [IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($remotePath)
    if (!(Test-Path $remoteDir))
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $remoteDir | Out-Null

    Copy-Item -Path $source -Destination $remotePath

function Test-ForWindowsFeatures
        Installs any missing required OS features.

    .PARAMETER features
        The features to check for.

    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node to execute on.

    param (

    Write-Status "Check for required OS features on $nodeName" -moduleName $global:MocModule
    $nodeEditionName = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $nodeName -ScriptBlock {
        return (get-itemproperty "hklm:\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion").editionid

    if (-not ($nodeEditionName -match 'server'))
        throw "This product is only supported on server editions"

    $remoteRebootRequired = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $nodeName -ScriptBlock {
        $rebootRequired = $false
        foreach($feature in $args[0])
            write-verbose $(" - Checking the status of feature '$feature'") 

            $wf = Get-WindowsFeature -Name "$feature" 
            if ($null -eq $wf)
                throw $("Windows feature '$feature' does not seem to be present in this OS version and therefore cannot be enabled.")

            if ($wf.InstallState -ine "Installed")
                write-verbose $(" - Installing missing feature '$feature' ...")

                $result = Install-WindowsFeature -Name "$feature" -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
                if ($result.RestartNeeded)
                    $rebootRequired = $true

        return $rebootRequired
    } -ArgumentList (, $features)

    if ($remoteRebootRequired)
        Write-Status $("OS features were installed and a reboot is required to complete the installation") -moduleName $global:MocModule
        Read-Host $("Press enter when you are ready to reboot $nodeName ...")
        Restart-Computer -ComputerName $nodeName -Force

function Enable-Remoting
        Enables powershell remoting on the local machine.

    Write-Status "Enabling powershell remoting..." -moduleName $global:MocModule

    Enable-PSRemoting -Force -Confirm:$false
    winrm quickconfig -q -force

function Get-HostRoutingInfo
        Obtains the host routing information.

    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node to execute on.

    param (
    return Invoke-Command -ComputerName $nodeName -ScriptBlock {
        $oldProgressPreference = $global:progressPreference
        $global:progressPreference = 'silentlyContinue'
        $computerName = ""
        $routingInfo = Test-NetConnection -DiagnoseRouting -ComputerName $computerName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        $global:progressPreference = $oldProgressPreference

        if (!$routingInfo -or !$routingInfo.RouteDiagnosticsSucceeded)
            throw $("Unable to obtain host routing. Connectivity test to $computerName failed.")

        return $routingInfo 

function Get-HostAdapterName
        Obtains the name of the best host network adapter. Uses routing to determine the host interface name to return.

    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node to execute on.

    param (

    $routingInfo = Get-HostRoutingInfo -nodeName $nodeName
    return $routingInfo.OutgoingInterfaceAlias

function Get-HostIp
        Obtains the hosts IP address. Uses routing to determine the best host IPv4 address to use.

    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node to execute on.

    param (

    $routingInfo = Get-HostRoutingInfo -nodeName $nodeName
    return $routingInfo.SelectedSourceAddress.IPv4Address

function Test-Binary
        A basic sanity test to make sure that this system is ready to deploy kubernetes.

    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node to execute on.

    .PARAMETER binaryName
        Binary to check.

    param (

    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $nodeName -ScriptBlock {
        if ( !(Get-Command $args -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue )) {
            throw $("Expected binary $args is missing.")
    } -ArgumentList $binaryName

function Get-CloudFqdn
        Determines the right FQDN to use for cloudagent based on the type of deployment and script args

    return $global:config[$global:MocModule]["cloudFqdn"]

function Get-SshPublicKey
        Get the SSH Public Key that is configured to be used by the deployment

    return $global:config[$global:MocModule]["sshPublicKey"]

function Get-SshPrivateKey
        Get the SSH Private Key that is configured to be used by the deployment

    return $global:config[$global:MocModule]["sshPrivateKey"]

function ConvertTo-ArgString {
        Takes a dictionary of parameters and converts them to a string representation.

        Convert-ParametersToString is designed for powershell Cmdlet arguments.
        However this one is for binaries. It doesn't add "-" in front parameter names
        and joins the value by comma if its an array.

    .PARAMETER argDictionary
        Dictionary of arguments (e.g. obtained from $PSBoundParameters).

    .PARAMETER boolFlags
        List of boolean flags to be passed

    .PARAMETER separator
        Separates flag and value; default: " " (single space)

    param (
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $argDictionary,
        [string[]] $boolFlags,
        [string] $separator = " "

    [string[]] $argsList = @()

    if ($argDictionary)
        foreach ($key in $argDictionary.Keys) {
            $argsList += ('{0}{1}"{2}"' -f $key, $separator, $($argDictionary[$key] -join ","))

    if ($boolFlags)
        $argsList += $boolFlags

    return $argsList -join " "

#region invoke methods
function Invoke-CommandLine
        Executes a command and optionally ignores errors.

    .PARAMETER command
        Comamnd to execute.

    .PARAMETER arguments
        Arguments to pass to the command.

    .PARAMETER ignoreError
        Optionally, ignore errors from the command (don't throw).

    .PARAMETER showOutput
        Optionally, show live output from the executing command.

    .PARAMETER showOutputAsProgress
        Optionally, show output from the executing command as progress bar updates.

    .PARAMETER progressActivity
        The activity name to display when showOutputAsProgress was requested.

    .PARAMETER moduleName
        The calling module name to show in output logging.

    param (

    try {
        if ($showOutputAsProgress.IsPresent)
            $result = (& $command $arguments.Split(" ") | ForEach-Object { $status = $_ -replace "`t"," - "; Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $progressActivity -moduleName $moduleName -Status $status }) 2>&1
        elseif ($showOutput.IsPresent)
            $result = (& $command $arguments.Split(" ") | Out-Default) 2>&1
            $result = (& $command $arguments.Split(" ") 2>&1)
    catch {
        if ($ignoreError.IsPresent)
    $out = $result | Where-Object {$_.gettype().Name -ine "ErrorRecord"}  # On a non-zero exit code, this may contain the error
    #$outString = ($out | Out-String).ToLowerInvariant()

        $err = $result | Where-Object {$_.gettype().Name -eq "ErrorRecord"}
        $errMessage = "$command $arguments returned a non zero exit code $LASTEXITCODE [$err]"
        if ($ignoreError.IsPresent)
            $ignoreMessage = "[IGNORED ERROR] $errMessage"
            Write-Status -msg $ignoreMessage -moduleName $moduleName
            Write-ModuleEventLog -moduleName $moduleName -entryType Warning -eventId 2 -message $errMessage
        throw $errMessage
    return $out

function Invoke-Kubectl
        Executes a kubectl command.

    .PARAMETER kubeconfig
        The kubeconfig file to use. Defaults to the management kubeconfig.

    .PARAMETER arguments
        Arguments to pass to the command.

    .PARAMETER ignoreError
        Optionally, ignore errors from the command (don't throw).

    .PARAMETER showOutput
        Optionally, show live output from the executing command.

    param (
        [string] $kubeconfig = $global:config[$global:KvaModule]["kubeconfig"],
        [string] $arguments,
        [switch] $ignoreError,
        [switch] $showOutput

    return Invoke-CommandLine -command $global:kubeCtlFullPath -arguments $("--kubeconfig=""$kubeconfig"" $arguments") -showOutput:$showOutput.IsPresent -ignoreError:$ignoreError.IsPresent -moduleName $global:KvaModule

function Invoke-MocShowCommand
        Executes a cloudagent command either against a local cloudagent (single node deployment) or a cluster generic
        service (multi-node/cluster deployments).

    .PARAMETER arguments
        Arguments to pass to cloud ctl.

    .PARAMETER ignoreError
        Optionally, ignore errors from the command (don't throw).

    param (
        [ValidateSet("tsv", "csv", "yaml", "json")]
        [string]$output = "json"

    $arguments += " --output $output"
    $out = Invoke-MocCommand -arguments $arguments -ignoreError:$ignoreError.IsPresent
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($out))
    return $out | ConvertFrom-Json
function Invoke-MocListCommand
        Executes a cloudagent command either against a local cloudagent (single node deployment) or a cluster generic
        service (multi-node/cluster deployments).

    .PARAMETER arguments
        Arguments to pass to cloud ctl.

    .PARAMETER ignoreError
        Optionally, ignore errors from the command (don't throw).

    param (
        [ValidateSet("tsv", "csv", "yaml", "json")]
        [string]$output = "json",

    $arguments += " --output $output"
    if ($filter)
        $arguments += " --query ""$filter"""
    $out = Invoke-MocCommand -arguments $arguments -ignoreError:$ignoreError.IsPresent 
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($out) -or $out -like "No *")
    Write-Verbose "$out"
    return $out | ConvertFrom-Json
function Invoke-MocCommand
        Executes a cloudagent command either against a local cloudagent (single node deployment) or a cluster generic
        service (multi-node/cluster deployments).

    .PARAMETER arguments
        Arguments to pass to cloud ctl.

    .PARAMETER ignoreError
        Optionally, ignore errors from the command (don't throw).

    .PARAMETER argDictionary
        Dictionary of arguments (e.g. obtained from $PSBoundParameters).

    .PARAMETER boolFlags
        List of boolean flags to be passed

    param (
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $argDictionary,
        [string[]] $boolFlags

    if (-not (Get-Command $global:cloudCtlFullPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
        throw $("Unable to find command "+$global:cloudCtlFullPath)

    $cloudFqdn = Get-CloudFqdn

    $cmdArgs = "--cloudFqdn $cloudFqdn $arguments"
    if ($global:config[$global:MocModule]["insecure"])
        $cmdArgs += " --debug" 

    $argString = ConvertTo-ArgString -argDictionary $argDictionary -boolFlags $boolFlags

    if ($argString)
        $cmdArgs += " " + $argString

    $response = Invoke-CommandLine -Command $global:cloudCtlFullPath -Arguments $cmdArgs -ignoreError:$ignoreError -moduleName $global:MocModule
    Write-Status $response -moduleName $global:MocModule

    return $response

function Invoke-NodeCommand
        Executes a nodeagent command.

    .PARAMETER arguments
        Arguments to pass to node ctl.

    param (

    if (-not (Get-Command $global:nodeCtlFullPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
        throw $("Unable to find command "+$global:nodeCtlFullPath)

    $cmdArgs = "$arguments"
    if ($global:config[$global:MocModule]["insecure"])
        $cmdArgs += " --debug" 

    Invoke-CommandLine -Command $global:nodeCtlFullPath -Arguments $cmdArgs -moduleName $global:MocModule

function Invoke-MocLogin
        Provisions the Script to have access to node ctl

    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node to execute on.

    param (
    Invoke-MocCommand $(" security login --loginpath ""$loginYaml"" --identity")

#end region

function Compress-Directory

        Util for zipping folders

    .PARAMETER ZipFilename
        output zip file name

    .PARAMETER SourceDir
        directory to compress

    param (


    if (Test-Path $ZipFilename) 

        $title    = 'ZipFile already exists'
        $question = "Do you want to overwrite it?`n"
        $choices  = '&Yes', '&No'

        $decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $question, $choices, 0)
        if ($decision -eq 0) 
            Remove-Item -Path $ZipFilename -Force
            throw [System.IO.IOException] "file already exists"


   Add-Type -Assembly System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
   $compressionLevel = [System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel]::Optimal
   [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory($SourceDir,$ZipFilename, $compressionLevel, $false)



#region Resource limit helper functions

function Convert-ParametersToString
        Takes a dictionary of parameters and converts them to a string representation.

    .PARAMETER argDictionary
        Dictionary of arguments (e.g. obtained from $PSBoundParameters).

    .PARAMETER stripAsJob
        Optionally remove 'AsJob' if it's included in the argDictionary.

    param (
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $argDictionary,
        [Switch] $stripAsJob

    $strArgs = ""
    foreach ($key in $argDictionary.Keys)
        if (($key -ieq "AsJob") -and ($stripAsJob.IsPresent))

        $seperator = " "
        $val = $argDictionary[$key]
        if (($val -eq $true) -or ($val -eq $false))
            $seperator = ":$"
        $strArgs += " -$key$seperator$val"

    return $strArgs


#region prechecks

function Test-HCIRegistration
       Check the SKU of node and if HCI substrate then check the registration status of the node

    $osResult = Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/CimV2 -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem -Property OperatingSystemSKU
    # Check if the substrate is HCI
    if ($osResult.OperatingSystemSKU -eq 406)
        #Check if the HCI node is registered else throw error
        $regStatus = (Get-AzureStackHCI).RegistrationStatus
        if ($regStatus -ine "Registered")
            throw "HCI cluster node ($env:computername) is not registered, registrationStatus is $regStatus"

function Test-ClusterHealth
       Check if cluster node and cluster network are up

   #Check the ClusterNode
   Get-ClusterNode -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object {
       if ($_.State -ine "Up") 
          throw  "Cluster node $_ is not Up. Its current state is $($_.State)."
   Get-ClusterNetwork -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object {
       if ($_.State -ine "Up") 
          throw  "Cluster network $_ is not Up.Its current state is $($_.State)."


#region Asynchronous job helpers

function Get-BackgroundJob
        Returns a background job by name (supports wildcards and may return multiple jobs)
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the job(s).

    param (
        [String] $name
    return Get-Job -Name $name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

function New-BackgroundJob
        Creates a new background job.
    .PARAMETER name
        Name of the job.

    .PARAMETER cmdletName
        Cmdlet to execute as a job

    .PARAMETER argDictionary
        Argument dictionary to pass to the job cmdlet.

    .PARAMETER scheduledJob
        Optionally, use a scheduled job instead of a regular job. This allows the job to execute fully in the background
        and be accessible cross-session. Note that less progress information is available while this type of job is

    .PARAMETER allowDuplicateJobs
        Optionally, allow a new job to be created even if a job with the same name already exists and is still executing.

    param (
        [String] $name,

        [String] $cmdletName,

        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $argDictionary,

        [Switch] $scheduledJob,

        [Switch] $allowDuplicateJobs

    if (-not $allowDuplicateJobs.IsPresent)
        $jobs = Get-BackgroundJob -name $name
        foreach ($job in $jobs)
            if (($job.State -ieq "Completed") -or ($job.State -ieq "Failed"))
            throw $("A job with the name '$name' already exists and has not yet completed or failed. Please wait or remove it using Remove-Job.")

    $strArgs = Convert-ParametersToString($argDictionary) -stripAsJob

    if ($scheduledJob.IsPresent)
        if (-not $strArgs)
            # Always pass at least one arg
            $strArgs = '-Verbose:$false'
        $options = New-ScheduledJobOption -RunElevated -HideInTaskScheduler
        return Register-ScheduledJob -Name $name -ScheduledJobOption $options -RunNow -ScriptBlock {
            #$VerbosePreference = "continue"
            Invoke-Expression $("$p1 $p2")
        } -ArgumentList $cmdletName,$strArgs
        return Start-Job -Name $name -ScriptBlock { Invoke-Expression $("$using:cmdletName $using:strArgs") }


#region Wait for resource functions

function Wait-ForCloudAgentEndpoint
        Waits for the cloudagent generic service VIP/FQDN to be functional (i.e. wait for DNS to propogate).

    .PARAMETER sleepDuration
        Duration to sleep for between attempts
    .PARAMETER timeout
        Duration until timeout of waiting

    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [int]$timeout=3600, #seconds in a hour
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -status $("Waiting for cloudagent API endpoint to be accessible...") -moduleName $global:MocModule
    Write-SubStatus $("Warning: this depends on DNS propogation and can take between 10-30 minutes in some environments...`n") -moduleName $global:MocModule

    $endpoint = Get-CloudFqdn

    ## Start the timer
    $timer = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()

    while(($timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -lt $timeout))
        Write-SubStatus $("Testing cloudagent endpoint: $endpoint") -moduleName $global:MocModule
        $location = $null

        try {
            if (-Not ($global:config[$global:MocModule]["insecure"]))
                try {
                    Invoke-MocLogin -loginYaml $($global:config[$global:MocModule]["mocLoginYAML"]) | Out-Null
                } catch {
                    Write-Verbose -Message $_
            $location = Get-MocLocation
        } catch {
            Write-Verbose -Message $_

        if ($null -ne $location)
            Write-SubStatus $("Cloudagent VIP is working.") -moduleName $global:MocModule
            return $true

        Sleep $sleepDuration

    return $false

function Wait-ForMocRole
        Waits for MOC role to be available.

    .PARAMETER roleName
        Name of role to wait on

    .PARAMETER sleepDuration
        Duration to sleep for between attempts

    .PARAMETER timeout
        Duration until timeout of waiting

    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when updating progress

    param (
        [string]$roleName = $global:defaultCloudLocation,
        [int]$timeout=120, #seconds
        [String]$activity = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name

    Write-StatusWithProgress -activity $activity -moduleName $global:MocModule -status $("Waiting for MOC role $roleName to be available...")

    ## Start the timer
    $timer = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()

    while(($timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -lt $timeout))
        try {
            Get-MocRole -name $roleName | Out-Null
        } catch {
            # When role is not found, exception is thrown
            if (-not ($_.Exception.Message -like "*Not Found*")) {
                Write-SubStatus -moduleName $moduleName  $("Warning: " + $_.Exception.Message)
            Start-Sleep $sleepDuration

        return $true

    return $false


function Get-FailoverCluster
        Safe wrapper around checking for the presence of a failover cluster.

    # Check if failover cluster powershell module was installed
    # and only run Get-Cluster in that case
    if (Get-Command "Get-Cluster" -errorAction SilentlyContinue)
        return Get-Cluster -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    return $null

function Get-KubernetesGalleryImageName 
        Returns the appropriate gallery image name based on kubernetes versions

    .PARAMETER k8sVersion
        Kubernetes version

    .PARAMETER imageType
        Image Type

    param (
        [ValidateSet("Windows", "Linux")]

    $tmpVersion = ($k8sVersion.TrimStart("v").Replace('.', '-'))

    switch ($imageType)
        "Windows" {  return "Windows_k8s"   }
        "Linux"   {  return "Linux_k8s_"   + $tmpVersion   }

function Test-MultiNodeDeployment
        Returns true if the script believes this is a multi-node deployment. False otherwise.

    $failoverCluster = Get-FailoverCluster
    return ($nil -ne $failoverCluster)

function Get-Ipv4MaskFromPrefix
        Transforms an IP prefix length to an IPv4 net mask.

    .PARAMETER PrefixLength
        Length of the prefix

    param (
        [int] $PrefixLength

    Add-Type -Language CSharp -ReferencedAssemblies "System.Numerics.dll" @"
using System;
using System.Numerics;

namespace AKSHCI
    public static class Ipv4MaskCompute
        public static byte[] GetIpv4MaskFromPrefix(int prefixLength)
            BigInteger fullMask = new BigInteger(0xFFFFFFFF);
            BigInteger mask = ((fullMask << (32 - prefixLength)) & fullMask);
            return mask.ToByteArray();
    if ($PrefixLength -lt 0)
        throw "Invalid prefix length $PrefixLength"
    if ($PrefixLength -eq 0)
        return ""
    if ($PrefixLength -gt 32)
        throw "Invalid prefix length $PrefixLength"

    $maskArray = [AKSHCI.Ipv4MaskCompute]::GetIpv4MaskFromPrefix($PrefixLength)
    return "$($maskArray[3]).$($maskArray[2]).$($maskArray[1]).$($maskArray[0])"

function Get-ClusterNetworkPrefixForIp
        Returns the cluster network prefix length associated with the given IP, or $null if not found.

    .PARAMETER IpAddress
        Find the cluster network associated with this IP address

    param (
        [System.Net.IPAddress] $IpAddress
    $v4Networks = (Get-ClusterNetwork -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.Ipv4Addresses.Count -gt 0 })

    foreach($v4Network in $v4Networks) {
        for($i = 0; $i -lt $v4Network.Ipv4Addresses.Count; $i++) {
            [System.Net.IPAddress]$ipv4 = $null
            $clusIpv4 = $v4Network.Ipv4Addresses[$i]
            if (-Not [System.Net.IPAddress]::TryParse($clusIpv4, [ref] $ipv4))
                Write-Warning "Ignoring failover cluster network IPAddress '$clusIpv4' as it couldn't be parsed as an IP address."
            $lastIp = [AKSHCI.IPUtilities]::GetLastIpInCidr($ipv4, $v4Network.Ipv4PrefixLengths[$i])
            if([AKSHCI.IPUtilities]::CompareIpAddresses($ipAddress, $ipv4) -ge 0 -AND [AKSHCI.IPUtilities]::CompareIpAddresses($ipAddress, $lastIp) -le 0)
                return $v4Network.Ipv4PrefixLengths[$i]

    throw "Could not create the failover cluster generic role. No cluster network could be found for IP '$IpAddress'"

function Add-FailoverClusterGenericRole
        Creates a generic service role in failover cluster (similar to Add-ClusterGenericServiceRole), but allows for fine tuning network configuration.

    .PARAMETER staticIpCidr
        Static IP and network prefix, using the CIDR format (Example:
    .PARAMETER serviceDisplayName
        Display name of the service (Example: "WSSD cloud agent service")

    .PARAMETER clusterGroupName
        Name of the cluster group (Example: ca-2f87825b-a4af-473f-8a33-8e3bdd5f9b61)

    .PARAMETER serviceName
        Name of the service binary (Example: wssdcloudagent)
    .PARAMETER serviceParameters
        Service start parameters (Example: --fqdn

    param (
        [string] $staticIpCidr,
        [string] $serviceDisplayName,
        [string] $clusterGroupName,
        [string] $serviceName,
        [string] $serviceParameters

    Add-ClusterGroup -Name $clusterGroupName -GroupType GenericService -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
    $dnsName = Add-ClusterResource -Name "$clusterGroupName" -ResourceType "Network Name" -Group $clusterGroupName -ErrorAction Stop
    $dnsName | Set-ClusterParameter -Multiple @{"Name"="$clusterGroupName";"DnsName"="$clusterGroupName"} -ErrorAction Stop

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($staticIpCidr))
        $networkList = Get-ClusterNetwork -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.Role -eq "ClusterAndClient" }

        foreach ($network in $networkList)
            $IPResourceName = "IPv4 Address on $($network.Address)"
            $IPAddress = Add-ClusterResource -Name $IPResourceName -ResourceType "IP Address" -Group $clusterGroupName -ErrorAction Stop
            $IPAddress | Set-ClusterParameter -Multiple @{"Network"=$network;"EnableDhcp"=1} -ErrorAction Stop

            Add-ClusterResourceDependency -Resource "$clusterGroupName" -Provider $IPResourceName -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
        $staticIpCidrArray = $staticIpCidr.Split("/") #Split a string of format x.x.x.x/pp to an array of x.x.x.x and pp
        if ($staticIpCidrArray.Length -eq 1)
            $prefixLength = Get-ClusterNetworkPrefixForIp -IpAddress $staticIpCidrArray[0]
            $prefixLength = $staticIpCidrArray[1]

        $subnetMask = Get-Ipv4MaskFromPrefix -PrefixLength $prefixLength

        $IPResourceName = "IPv4 Address $($staticIpCidrArray[0])"
        $IPAddress = Add-ClusterResource -Name $IPResourceName -ResourceType "IP Address" -Group $clusterGroupName -ErrorAction Stop
        $IPAddress | Set-ClusterParameter -Multiple @{"Address"=$staticIpCidrArray[0];"SubnetMask"=$subnetMask;"EnableDhcp"=0} -ErrorAction Stop
        Add-ClusterResourceDependency -Resource "$clusterGroupName" -Provider $IPResourceName -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null

    $ServiceConfig = Add-ClusterResource -Name $serviceDisplayName -ResourceType "Generic Service" -Group $clusterGroupName -ErrorAction Stop
    Add-ClusterResourceDependency -Resource $serviceDisplayName -Provider "$clusterGroupName" -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null

    $ServiceConfig | Set-ClusterParameter -Multiple @{"ServiceName"=$serviceName;"StartupParameters"=$serviceParameters;"UseNetworkName"=1} -ErrorAction Stop

    #Start the resources in order - IP resource, Service and then start the Resource Group
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($staticIpCidr))
        $ClusterResourceIP = (Get-ClusterGroup -Name $clusterGroupName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Get-ClusterResource -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.ResourceType -eq "IP Address" } ) | Out-Null
        foreach ($IPresource in $ClusterResourceIP)
            #Setting IP address first.
            try {
                Start-ClusterResource -Cluster $clusterGroupName -InputObject $IPresource -ErrorAction Stop
            } catch [Exception] {
                throw "Failed to set IP address '$($IPresource.Name)' for '$clusterGroupName'. Make sure the failover cluster networks are healthy, on DHCP network and, the DHCP on the underlying network is able to lease an IP address. Exception caught is: '$($_.Exception.Message.ToString())'"
        #Setting IP address first.
        try {
            Start-ClusterResource -Cluster $clusterGroupName -InputObject $IPAddress -ErrorAction Stop
        } catch [Exception] {
            throw "Failed to set IP address $($staticIpCidrArray[0]) with Subnet Mask $subnetMask for '$clusterGroupName'. Make sure the provided IP address is valid and the failover cluster networks are healthy. Exception caught is: '$($_.Exception.Message.ToString())'"

    #Start the service .
    try {
        Start-ClusterResource -Cluster $clusterGroupName -InputObject $ServiceConfig  -ErrorAction Stop
    } catch [Exception] {
        throw "Failed to start '$serviceName' for '$clusterGroupName'. This typically indicates an issue happened while registering the resource name as a computer object with the domain controller and/or the DNS server. Please check the domain controller and DNS logs for related error messages. Exception caught is: '$($_.Exception.Message.ToString())'"

    # Start the cluster group and wait at most 5 minutes for it to come online
    try {
        Start-ClusterGroup -Name $clusterGroupName -Wait 300 -ErrorAction Stop
    } catch [Exception] {
        throw "The cloud agent service failed to start for '$clusterGroupName'. Please check the event viewer for additional information. Exception caught is: '$($_.Exception.Message.ToString())'"

    # Make sure the cluster group is not in the pending state. Wait for up to 5 minutes for the transition to happen
    $caGroupState = (Get-ClusterGroup -Name $clusterGroupName -ErrorAction Stop).State
    $waitStart = [DateTime]::get_Now()
    while ($caGroupState -eq [Microsoft.FailoverClusters.PowerShell.ClusterGroupState]::Pending)
        if (([DateTime]::get_Now() - $waitStart) -ge [Timespan]::FromMinutes(5))
            $failedResources = [String]::Join(", ", (Get-ClusterGroup -Name $clusterGroupName -ErrorAction Stop | Get-ClusterResource -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object { $_.State -ne [Microsoft.FailoverClusters.PowerShell.ClusterResourceState]::Online }).Name)
            Remove-ClusterGroup -Name $clusterGroupName -RemoveResources -Force -ErrorAction Stop
            throw "Timed out while trying to start the cloud agent generic service in failover cluster. The cluster resource group is in the '$caGroupState' state. Resources in 'failed' or 'pending' states: '$failedResources'"
        Start-Sleep 1
        $caGroupState = (Get-ClusterGroup -Name $clusterGroupName -ErrorAction Stop).State

    # Perform a final validation
    $caGroupState = (Get-ClusterGroup -Name $clusterGroupName -ErrorAction Stop).State
    if ($caGroupState -ne [Microsoft.FailoverClusters.PowerShell.ClusterGroupState]::Online)
        $failedResources = [String]::Join(", ", (Get-ClusterGroup -Name $clusterGroupName -ErrorAction Stop | Get-ClusterResource -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object { $_.State -ne [Microsoft.FailoverClusters.PowerShell.ClusterResourceState]::Online }).Name)
        Remove-ClusterGroup -Name $clusterGroupName -RemoveResources -Force -ErrorAction Stop
        throw "Failed to start the cloud agent generic service in failover cluster. The cluster resource group is in the '$caGroupState' state. Resources in 'failed' or 'pending' states: '$failedResources'"

function Get-TargetCapiClusters
        Returns all CapiCluster resources

    $tmpClusters = @()
    Get-CapiClusters | ForEach-Object {
        if ($null -eq $ {
            $tmpClusters += ($_)
    return $tmpClusters

function Get-CapiClusters
        Returns all AksHciCluster resources

    Write-Status $("Retrieving clusters") -moduleName $global:KvaModule

    $capiClusters = Invoke-Kubectl -arguments $("get akshciclusters -o json") | ConvertFrom-Json
    if ($null -eq $capiClusters)
        throw $("No cluster information was found.")

    $clusters = @()
    foreach($capiCluster in $capiClusters.items)
        $clusters += Get-CapiCluster -Name $

    return $clusters

function Get-CapiCluster
        Returns the requested CapiCluster resource

        Name of the cluster

    param (

    Write-Status $("Retrieving configuration for workload cluster '$Name'") -moduleName $global:KvaModule

        $capiCluster = Invoke-Kubectl -arguments $("get akshciclusters/$Name -o json") | ConvertFrom-Json
        # Filter Not Found exception
        if (($_.Exception.Message -like "*not found*")) 
            throw [System.Exception]::new("A workload cluster with the name '$Name' was not found.", $_.Exception)
        throw $_

    $nodePools = Invoke-Kubectl -ignoreError -arguments $("get akshcinodepools -l$Name -o json") | ConvertFrom-Json

    Write-SubStatus "Successfully retrieved cluster information." -moduleName $global:KvaModule

    $cniConfig = $capiCluster.spec.clusterConfiguration.cniConfiguration.configuration
    $primaryNetworkPlugin = [NetworkPlugin]::Default

    if (-Not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($cniConfig))
        if ($cniConfig.Contains(':'))
            $primaryNetworkPlugin = $cniConfig.Substring(0, $cniConfig.IndexOf(':')) # only keep the cni name, remove the version
            $primaryNetworkPlugin = $cniConfig

    # For ease, calculate default linux and windows nodepool replica counts + VmSizes and append them as a member of the returned object
    $linuxWorkerReplicas = 0
    $linuxWorkerVmSize = [VmSize]::Default
    $windowsWorkerReplicas = 0
    $windowsWorkerVmSize = [VmSize]::Default

    if ($null -ne $nodePools)
        $linuxNodePools = ($nodePools.items | Where-Object { $_.spec.infrastructureProfile.osProfile.osType -eq "Linux" })
        foreach ($np in $linuxNodePools)
            if ("replicas" -in $np.spec.PSObject.Properties.Name)
                $linuxWorkerReplicas += $np.spec.replicas

        $windowsNodePools = ($nodePools.items | Where-Object { $_.spec.infrastructureProfile.osProfile.osType -eq "Windows" })
        foreach ($np in $windowsNodePools)
            if ("replicas" -in $np.spec.PSObject.Properties.Name)
                $windowsWorkerReplicas += $np.spec.replicas

    if ($null -ne $nodePools)
        $capiCluster | Add-Member -NotePropertyName nodepools -NotePropertyValue $nodePools
    $capiCluster | Add-Member -NotePropertyName linuxWorkerReplicas -NotePropertyValue $linuxWorkerReplicas
    $capiCluster | Add-Member -NotePropertyName linuxWorkerVmSize -NotePropertyValue $linuxWorkerVmSize
    $capiCluster | Add-Member -NotePropertyName windowsWorkerReplicas -NotePropertyValue $windowsWorkerReplicas
    $capiCluster | Add-Member -NotePropertyName windowsWorkerVmSize -NotePropertyValue $windowsWorkerVmSize
    $capiCluster | Add-Member -NotePropertyName primaryNetworkPlugin -NotePropertyValue $primaryNetworkPlugin

    return $capiCluster

#region Logging and Monitoring

#region Cleanup Functions

function Install-Binaries
        Copies AksHci binaries to a node

    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node to execute on.
    .PARAMETER module
        The module

    param (
        [Hashtable] $binariesMap

    Write-Status "Installing $module binaries on Node $nodeName" -moduleName $module

    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $nodeName -ScriptBlock {
        $path = $args[0]

        New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $path
        $envPath = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH")
        if($envPath -notlike $("*$path*"))
            [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", "$envPath;$path")
            [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", "$envPath;$path", "Machine")
    } -ArgumentList $global:installDirectory | out-null

    $binariesMap.Keys | foreach-object {
        Copy-FileToRemoteNode -source $([io.Path]::Combine($global:config[$module]["installationPackageDir"], $_)) -remoteNode $nodeName -destination $binariesMap[$_]

function Uninstall-Binaries
        Copies AksHci binaries to a node

    .PARAMETER nodeName
        The node to execute on.
    .PARAMETER module
        The module

    param (
        [Hashtable] $binariesMap

    Write-Status "Uninstalling $module binaries on Node $nodeName" -moduleName $module

    Invoke-Command -ComputerName $nodeName -ScriptBlock {
        $binaries = $args[0]

        $binaries.Keys | Foreach-Object {
            Remove-Item -Path $binaries[$_] -force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    } -ArgumentList $binariesMap | out-null


#region Catalog helpers

function Get-Catalog
        Get the Catalog for AksHci. This would include a set of product release versions
    .PARAMETER moduleName
        Module name

    param (

    $cacheFile = $global:config[$moduleName]["manifestCache"]
    if ((Test-Path $cacheFile)) {
        return (Get-Content $cacheFile | ConvertFrom-Json)

    $provider = Get-DownloadProvider -module $moduleName

    $downloadParams = @{
        Name = $global:config[$moduleName]["catalog"]
        Audience = $global:config[$moduleName]["ring"]
        Provider = $provider

    if ($global:config[$moduleName]["useStagingShare"])
        $downloadParams.Add("Endpoint", $global:config[$moduleName]["stagingShare"])

    $catalog = Get-DownloadSdkCatalog @downloadParams

    $cacheFile = $global:config[$moduleName]["manifestCache"]
    $catalogJson = $catalog | ConvertTo-Json -depth 100
    Set-Content -path $cacheFile -value $catalogJson -encoding UTF8
    return $catalog

function Get-LatestCatalog
        Get the latest catalog for AksHci by clearing the cache and redownloading the latest

    .PARAMETER moduleName
        Module name

    param (
        [String] $moduleName

    # Clean the catalog cache, so we download the latest
    Clear-CatalogCache -moduleName $moduleName

    return Get-Catalog -moduleName $moduleName

function Clear-CatalogCache
        Removes any cached copy of the catalog
    .PARAMETER moduleName
        Module name

    $cacheFile = $global:config[$moduleName]["manifestCache"]
    if ((Test-Path $cacheFile)) {
        Remove-Item $cacheFile -Force
    # Sometimes this path wouldnt exist. Try to initialize it here
    $dirPath = [io.Path]::GetDirectoryName($cacheFile)
    if (!(Test-Path $dirPath)) {
        New-Item -ItemType Directory -force -Path $dirPath

function Get-ProductRelease
        Gets the Product Release manifest for the specified Version

    .PARAMETER version
        The requested release version

    .PARAMETER moduleName
        The module name

    param (
        [String] $version,

        [String] $moduleName

    $catalog = Get-Catalog -moduleName $moduleName
    foreach($productRelease in $catalog.ProductStreamRefs[0].ProductReleases)
        if ($productRelease.Version -ieq $version)
            return $productRelease

    throw "A release with version $version was NOT FOUND"

function Get-ProductReleasesUptoVersion
        Get all of the Product Release Manifests up to the specified Version

    .PARAMETER version
        Requested version

    param (


    # Assumption here is that the ordering of values in catalog release stream is latest at top.
    $releaseList = @()
    $catalog = Get-Catalog -moduleName $moduleName
    foreach($productRelease in $catalog.ProductStreamRefs[0].ProductReleases)
        $releaseList += $productRelease
        if ($productRelease.Version -ieq $version)

    if ($releaseList.Count -eq 0) {
        throw "$version is NOT FOUND"

    return $releaseList

function Get-LatestRelease
        Get the latest release of AksHci by refreshing the catalog and returning the latest release
        from the updated catalog

    .PARAMETER moduleName
        Module name

    param (
        [String] $moduleName

    $catalog = Get-LatestCatalog -moduleName $moduleName
    if (-not $catalog)
        throw $("The latest release catalog could not be retrieved at this time. Please retry later")

    return $catalog.ProductStreamRefs[0].ProductReleases[0]

function Get-ReleaseDownloadParameters

    .PARAMETER name
        Release name to be downloaded

    .PARAMETER version
        Release version to be downloaded

    .PARAMETER destination
        The destination for the download

    .PARAMETER parts
        How many download parts to use (concurrency)

    .PARAMETER moduleName
        The module name

    param (
        [String] $name,

        [String] $version,

        [String] $destination,

        [Int] $parts = 1,

        [String] $moduleName

    $provider = Get-DownloadProvider -module $moduleName

    $downloadParams = @{
        Provider = $provider
        Name = $name
        Version = $version
        Destination = $destination
        Parts = $parts

    if ($global:config[$moduleName]["useStagingShare"])
        $downloadParams.Add("Endpoint", $global:config[$moduleName]["stagingShare"])
        $downloadParams.Add("CatalogName", $global:config[$moduleName]["catalog"])
        $downloadParams.Add("Audience", $global:config[$moduleName]["ring"])

    return $downloadParams

function Get-DownloadProvider
        Returns an appropriate download provider based on the current module configuration
    .PARAMETER moduleName
        Module name

    param (

    if ($global:config[$moduleName]["useStagingShare"])
        $endpoint = $($global:config[$moduleName]["stagingShare"])
        if ($endpoint.StartsWith("http"))
            return "http"
        elseif ($endpoint.StartsWith("//") -or $endpoint.StartsWith("\\") -or $endpoint.Contains(":"))
            return "local"
            throw "Unsupported staging share endpoint: $endpoint"

    return "sfs"

function Get-TargetClusterKubernetesVersions
        Get the Kubernetes Versions used for the target clusters
    .PARAMETER Version

    try {
        $tmp = Get-TargetClusterKubernetesReferences
        return $tmp.Keys
    } catch {
        # Workaround
        return @()

function Get-TargetClusterKubernetesReferences
        Get the Kubernetes Versions used for the target clusters

    $k8sversionsInUse = @{}
    Get-TargetCapiClusters | ForEach-Object {
        $tmp = $_
        $k8sversion = $tmp.spec.clusterConfiguration.kubernetesVersion
        if (!$k8sversionsInUse.ContainsKey($k8sversion))
            $k8sversionsInUse += @{$k8sversion = @();}
        # Add references to the target cluster name
        $k8sversionsInUse[$k8sversion] += ($tmp.metadata.Name)
    return $k8sversionsInUse


#region File download helpers

function Test-AuthenticodeBinaries
        Validates binary integrity via authenticode

    .PARAMETER workingDir
        Location of the binaries to be tested

    .PARAMETER binaries
        The list of binaries to be tested

    param (
        [string] $workingDir,

        [string[]] $binaries

    Write-Status "Verifying Authenticode binaries" -moduleName $global:DownloadModule

    $workingDir = $workingDir -replace "\/", "\"
    foreach ($binary in $binaries)
        $name = $("$workingDir/$binary") -replace "\/", "\"
        Write-SubStatus $("Checking signature for binary: $name") -moduleName $global:DownloadModule

        $auth = Get-AuthenticodeSignature -FilePath $name
        if (($global:expectedAuthResponse.status -ne $auth.status) -or ($global:expectedAuthResponse.SignatureType -ne $auth.SignatureType))
            throw $("Binary $name failed authenticode verification. Expected status=$($global:expectedAuthResponse.status) and type=$($global:expectedAuthResponse.SignatureType) but received status=$($auth.status) and type=$($auth.SignatureType)")

        Write-SubStatus "Verified Signature for $name" -moduleName $global:DownloadModule


#region EventLog

function New-ModuleEventLog
        Tests if the desired product/module is installed (or installing). Note that we consider some
        failed states (e.g. UninstallFailed) to represent that the product is still installed, albeit
        in a unknown/failed state.

    .PARAMETER moduleName
        The module name

    param (
        [String] $moduleName
    New-EventLog -LogName "AKSHCI" -Source $moduleName -ErrorAction Ignore

function Write-ModuleEventLog
        Tests if the desired product/module is installed (or installing). Note that we consider some
        failed states (e.g. UninstallFailed) to represent that the product is still installed, albeit
        in a unknown/failed state.

    .PARAMETER moduleName
        The module name to test for installation state

    .PARAMETER message
        The message that has to be logged

    .PARAMETER activity
        Activity name to use when writing progress

    param (
        [String] $moduleName,

        [String] $message,

        [System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType] $entryType,
        [int] $eventId
    $start = 0
    $end = 32760
    $tmpMessage = $message

    # Try to trim down the message if its too big
    if ($message.Length -gt $end)
        $tmpMessage = $message.Substring($start, $end)

    Write-EventLog -LogName "AKSHCI" -Source $moduleName -EventID $eventId -EntryType $entryType -Message $tmpMessage


#region Validation functions

function Test-ValidCIDR
        This function validates that CIDR is valid by checking:
        1. That the CIDR notation is correct (IP/prefix)
        2. That the IP is valid.
        3. That the prefix length is between 1 and 30

        The CIDR in the form IP/prefixlength. E.g.

    param (
        [string] $CIDR

    $x = $CIDR.Split('/')
    if ($x.Length -ne 2) {
        throw "Invalid CIDR ($CIDR). CIDR should be of the form"
    $ip = $x[0]
    $prefix = [int]::Parse($x[1])

    Test-ValidEndpoint -endpoint $ip

    # The minimum prefix length is /30 (which leaves 2 usable ip addresses. 1 for mgmt cluster VM, 1 for mgmt k8s VIP)
    if (($prefix -lt 1) -or ($prefix -gt 30)) {
        throw "Invalid prefix length ($prefix). The prefix must be between 1 and 30."

function Test-ValidPool
        This function validates that the pool start/end are valid by checking:
        1. That the pool start/end are valid ip addresses
        2. That the pool end comes after or is equal (1 IP) to the pool start.
        3. If CIDR is also given, it validates the range is within the CIDR.

    .PARAMETER PoolStart
        The starting ip address of the pool

    .PARAMETER PoolEnd
        The ending ip address of the pool

        The CIDR from where the pool should come from.
        Note that if CIDR is given, it is expected to have already been validated.

    param (
        [string] $PoolStart,
        [string] $PoolEnd,
        [string] $CIDR

    Test-ValidEndpoint -endpoint $PoolStart
    Test-ValidEndpoint -endpoint $PoolEnd

    $valid = [AKSHCI.IPUtilities]::ValidateRange($PoolStart, $PoolEnd)
    if (-not $valid) {
        throw "Invalid range $PoolStart - $PoolEnd"
    if ($CIDR) {
        $valid = [AKSHCI.IPUtilities]::ValidateRangeInCIDR($PoolStart, $PoolEnd, $CIDR)
        if (-not $valid) {
            throw "Range $PoolStart - $PoolEnd is not in $CIDR"


#region Proxy server functions

function Set-ProxyConfiguration
        Sets the proxy server configuration for a module

    .PARAMETER proxySettings
        Proxy server settings

    .PARAMETER moduleName
        The module name

    param (
        [ProxySettings] $proxySettings,

        [String] $moduleName

    $http = ""
    $https = ""
    $noProxy = ""
    $certFile = ""
    $user = ""
    $pass = ""

    if ($proxySettings)
        $http = $proxySettings.HTTP
        $https = $proxySettings.HTTPS
        $noProxy = $proxySettings.NoProxy
        $certFile = $proxySettings.CertFile

        Test-ProxyConfiguration -http $http -https $https -certFile $certFile

        if ($proxySettings.Credential.Username)
            $user = $proxySettings.Credential.UserName
        if ($proxySettings.Credential.Password)
            $pass = $proxySettings.Credential.Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString -Key $global:credentialKey

    Set-ConfigurationValue -name "proxyServerUsername" -value $user -module $moduleName
    Set-ConfigurationValue -name "proxyServerPassword" -value $pass -module $moduleName
    Set-ConfigurationValue -name "proxyServerHTTP" -value $http -module $moduleName
    Set-ConfigurationValue -name "proxyServerHTTPS" -value $https -module $moduleName
    Set-ConfigurationValue -name "proxyServerNoProxy" -value $noProxy -module $moduleName
    Set-ConfigurationValue -name "proxyServerCertFile" -value $certFile -module $moduleName

    Initialize-ProxyEnvironment -moduleName $moduleName

function Initialize-ProxyEnvironment
        Applies proxy settings to the current process environment

    .PARAMETER moduleName
        The module name

    param (
        [String] $moduleName

    $proxySettings = Get-ProxyConfiguration -moduleName $moduleName
    if ($proxySettings.HTTP -or $proxySettings.HTTPS)
        Set-DownloadSdkProxy -Http "$($proxySettings.HTTP)" -Https "$($proxySettings.HTTPS)" -NoProxy "$($proxySettings.NoProxy)"

function Get-ProxyConfiguration
        Returns a custom PSObject containing the complete HTTP, HTTPS, NoProxy, and CertFile setting strings

    .PARAMETER moduleName
        The module name

    param (
        [String] $moduleName

    $proxyHTTP = ""
    $proxyHTTPS = ""
    $proxyCertName = ""
    $proxyCertContentB64 = ""

    if ($global:config[$moduleName]["proxyServerHTTP"])
        $proxyHTTP = Get-ProxyWithCredentials -proxyServer $($global:config[$moduleName]["proxyServerHTTP"]) -proxyUsername $($global:config[$moduleName]["proxyServerUsername"]) -proxyPass $($global:config[$moduleName]["ProxyServerPassword"])

    if ($global:config[$moduleName]["proxyServerHTTPS"])
        $proxyHTTPS = Get-ProxyWithCredentials -proxyServer $($global:config[$moduleName]["proxyServerHTTPS"]) -proxyUsername $($global:config[$moduleName]["proxyServerUsername"]) -proxyPass $($global:config[$moduleName]["ProxyServerPassword"])

    if (($global:config[$moduleName]["proxyServerCertFile"]) -and (Test-Path $global:config[$moduleName]["proxyServerCertFile"]))
        $content = Get-Content -Encoding Byte -Path $global:config[$moduleName]["proxyServerCertFile"]
        if ($content)
            $proxyCertName = "proxy-cert.crt"
            $proxyCertContentB64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String($content)

    $proxyConfig = [ordered]@{
        'HTTP' = $proxyHTTP;
        'HTTPS' = $proxyHTTPS;
        'NoProxy' = $global:config[$moduleName]["proxyServerNoProxy"];
        'CertPath' = $global:config[$moduleName]["proxyServerCertFile"];
        'CertName' = $proxyCertName; 
        'CertContent' = $proxyCertContentB64

    if ($($global:config[$moduleName]["proxyServerUsername"]) -and $($global:config[$moduleName]["ProxyServerPassword"]))
        $securePass = $($global:config[$moduleName]["ProxyServerPassword"]) | ConvertTo-SecureString -Key $global:credentialKey
        $credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $($global:config[$moduleName]["proxyServerUsername"]), $securePass

        $proxyConfig.Add("Credential", $credential)

    $result = @()
    $result += New-Object -TypeName PsObject -Property $proxyConfig

    return $result

function Get-ProxyWithCredentials
        Returns a complete proxy string with credentials in the URI format (e.g.

    .PARAMETER proxyServer
        Proxy server string URI

    .PARAMETER proxyUsername
        Proxy server username

    .PARAMETER proxyPass
        Proxy server password (this is a secure string representation, not plaintext)

    param (
        [String] $proxyServer,

        [String] $proxyUsername,

        [String] $proxyPass

    $uri = Test-ValidProxyServer -proxyServer $proxyServer
    $proxyString = $($uri.Scheme + "://")

    if ($proxyUsername -and $proxyPass)
        $securePass = $proxyPass | ConvertTo-SecureString -Key $global:credentialKey
        $credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $proxyUsername, $securePass
        $proxyString += $($credential.UserName + ":" + $credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password + "@")

    $proxyString += $uri.Authority

    return $proxyString    

function Test-ProxyConfiguration
        Validates the provided proxy server configuration. On failure, would throw.

    .PARAMETER http
        HTTP proxy server configuration

    .PARAMETER https
        HTTPS proxy server configuration

    .PARAMETER certFile
        Path to a CA certificate file used to establish trust with a HTTPS proxy server

    param (
        [String] $http,

        [String] $https,

        [String] $certFile

    if ($http)
        Test-ValidProxyServer -proxyServer $http | Out-Null

    if ($https)
        Test-ValidProxyServer -proxyServer $https | Out-Null

    if ($certFile)
        if (-not (Test-Path $certFile))
            throw $("The proxy server certificate file '$certFile' was not found")

function Test-ValidProxyServer
        Validates the provided proxy server string
    .PARAMETER proxyServer
        Proxy server string in absolute URI format (e.g.

    param (
        [String] $proxyServer

    $uri = $null
    $result = [System.URI]::TryCreate($proxyServer, [System.UriKind]::Absolute, [ref]$uri)
    if (-not $result)
        throw $("The proxy server string '" + $proxyServer + "' is not a valid absolute URI (e.g.")

        $([System.URI]::UriSchemeHttp) {
        $([System.URI]::UriSchemeHttps) {
        Default {
            throw $("The proxy server string '" + $proxyServer + "' does not use a support URI scheme (e.g. http or https)")

    return $uri


# SIG # Begin signature block
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# QEwVASlJRy+8ZsndWPzgc0Blj/1nrmL7aTU3EIfGFF9lpK3eGilXpbtx/cIX9F8=
# SIG # End signature block