.NOTES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code generated by: SAPIEN Technologies, Inc., PowerShell Studio 2023 v5.8.232 Generated on: 05-Oct-23 18:34 Generated by: chixus Organization: CHXOFT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .DESCRIPTION Script generated by PowerShell Studio 2023 #> <# .SYNOPSIS Adobe GenP tool handling .DESCRIPTION Download, install, update, start Adobe GenP. .PARAMETER GetVersion Get version of installed GenP on your PC .PARAMETER GetOnlineVersion Get latest version on the web. .PARAMETER Update Update to latest version, if there is no new version nothing will happend. .PARAMETER Uninstall Uninstall and completly delete GenP from PC. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Start-GenP .NOTES © 2023. All rights reserved. #> function Start-GenP { [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'None', SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] [OutputType([Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeMemoryMappedFileHandle])] param ( [switch]$GetVersion, [switch]$GetOnlineVersion, [switch]$Update, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$Uninstall ) function Invoke-FileDNL { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1, HelpMessage = 'Provide correct URL like')] [uri]$URL, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2, HelpMessage = 'Enter filename to search on website, you can use wilcards like: file*name*.jpg')] [SupportsWildcards()] [string]$Filename, [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Enter full download path to folder.')] [string]$Path, [switch]$GetLink, [switch]$ListFoundedFiles, [Parameter(HelpMessage = 'Enter full alternate filename with exstension.')] [string]$NewFileName, [switch]$SearchWebLink ) function Get-ValidLink { [OutputType([string])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [system.Uri]$Uri ) if ($Uri.IsAbsoluteUri) { if (!(Test-WebLink -Uri $Uri)) { return } } else { $test = Test-WebLink -Uri $Uri -GetLink if (!$test) { return } else { $Uri = $test } } return $Uri.AbsoluteUri } function Test-WebLink { [OutputType([bool])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [System.Uri]$Uri, [Parameter(DontShow = $true)] [switch]$GetLink ) $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' function Get-UriParentLeafQualifier { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([hashtable])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$UriTest ) $UriQualifier = Split-Path -Path $UriTest -Qualifier -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $UriLeaf = Split-Path -Path $UriTest -Leaf -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $UriParent = Split-Path -Path $UriTest -Parent -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($UriParent -eq '') { $UriParent = $null } if ($UriParent) { if ($UriParent) { $UriParentTest = $UriParent.Split('*\*')[0] } if ($UriLeaf -eq $UriParentTest) { $UriLeaf = $null } if ($UriParent -clike '*\\*') { $UriParent = $UriParent.Split('\')[2] } if (($UriParent -clike '*\*') -or ($UriParent -like '*\')) { $UriParent = $UriParent.Split('\')[0] } } else { $UriParent = $UriLeaf; $UriLeaf = $null } if ($UriLeaf) { $RestOfLeaf = $UriTest -split $UriLeaf; $UriLeaf = $UriLeaf + $RestOfLeaf[1] } $Hashtable = @{ UriQualifier = $UriQualifier UriParent = $UriParent UriLeaf = $UriLeaf } return $Hashtable } function Test-NotFoundError { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Collections.ArrayList], [System.Boolean])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$URL, [switch]$ShowQuerry ) BEGIN { $queries = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList function Test-Website { param ( [string]$Site ) try { $request = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Site } catch [System.Net.WebException] { if ([int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -eq 404) { $request = [PSCustomObject]@{ Site = $site; ReturnCode = [int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode } } else { $request = [PSCustomObject]@{ Site = $site; ReturnCode = 'another_thing' } } } catch { $request = [PSCustomObject]@{ Site = $site; ReturnCode = 'request_failure' } } if ($request.StatusCode) { $response = $request.StatusCode } else { $response = $request.ReturnCode } return [PSCustomObject]@{ Site = $Site; Response = $response } } } PROCESS { $404Test = Test-Website -Site $URL $queries.Add($404Test) | Out-Null if ($ShowQuerry) { $queries } } END { if ($queries.Response -eq 404) { return [boolean]$false } else { return [boolean]$true } } } if ($Uri.AbsoluteUri) { $TestOK = Test-NotFoundError -URL $Uri; if ($TestOK -eq [boolean]$true) { return [bool]$true } } elseif (!$Uri.PathAndQuery) { $TempUri = Get-UriParentLeafQualifier -UriTest $Uri $UriQualifier = $TempUri.UriQualifier $UriParent = $TempUri.UriParent $UriLeaf = $TempUri.UriLeaf } else { $UriParent = $Uri.Authority; $UriLeaf = $Uri.LocalPath } $TestDNS = Resolve-DnsName -Name $UriParent -Type ANY -QuickTimeout if (!($TestDNS)) { return [bool]$false } $Resolve = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $UriParent -UseBasicParsing -TimeoutSec 5 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).BaseResponse.ResponseUri.AbsoluteUri if (!($Resolve)) { return [bool]$false } else { $UriQualifier = $UriQualifier = $Uri.Scheme } $URLexist = Test-NotFoundError -URL $Resolve if (!($URLexist)) { return [bool]$false } if ($UriQualifier) { $UriTest = Join-Path -Path $UriParent -ChildPath $UriLeaf } if ($UriQualifier) { $right = Split-Path -Path $Resolve -Qualifier; if ($UriQualifier -ne $right) { $Link = "$right\\$UriTest" } } else { $Link = "$Resolve$UriLeaf" } $Err404TestPassed = Test-NotFoundError -URL $Link if (!$Err404TestPassed) { return [bool]$false } if ($GetLink) { return $Link } else { return [bool]$true } } function Get-UrlStatusCode { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [uri]$TestURL ) try { (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $TestURL -UseBasicParsing -DisableKeepAlive -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).StatusCode } catch [Net.WebException] { [int]$_.Exception.Response.StatusCode } } if (($Filename -eq "*") -or ($Filename -eq "*.*")) { return Write-Warning 'Cannot provide only wildcard.' } if (($GetLink) -and ([System.Management.Automation.WildcardPattern]::ContainsWildcardCharacters($Filename))) { return Write-Warning '-GetLink switch must be used with exact filename without wildcards.' } if ($Filename.Substring(0, 1) -ne "*") { $Filename = "*" + $Filename } if (!$Path) { $Path = Get-Location } $DownloadWebPage = (Invoke-WebRequest $URL).AllElements $FilesFinded = $DownloadWebPage.href -like $Filename if (!$FilesFinded) { return Write-Warning "No files found like $Filename" } $FileSelection = Split-Path -Path $FilesFinded -Leaf if ($FilesFinded.Count -gt 1) { $WEBPath = $FilesFinded.Split([Environment]::NewLine) | Select-Object -First 1 } else { $WEBPath = $FilesFinded } $WEBPath = Get-ValidLink -Uri "$WEBPath" $statusCode = Get-UrlStatusCode -TestURL $WEBPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (($statusCode -eq 0) -or (!$statusCode)) { $WEBPath = "$URL" + $WEBPath $statusCode = Get-UrlStatusCode -TestURL $WEBPath if (($statusCode -eq 0) -or (!$statusCode)) { return Write-Error "Cannot find download link for searched file on the $URL" -Category InvalidResult } } if ($NewFileName) { $Filename = $NewFileName } else { $Filename = Split-Path $WEBPath -Leaf } $FullFilePath = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath $Filename if ($GetLink -and $ListFoundedFiles) { Write-Warning "-GetLink switch should be used without -ListFoundedFiles switch." } if ($GetLink -and (!$ListFoundedFiles)) { $CleanPath = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $WEBPath -MaximumRedirection 0 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $WEBPath = $CleanPath.Headers.Values | Select-String -SimpleMatch $Filename return $WEBPath } elseif ($ListFoundedFiles) { return $FileSelection } if ($SearchWebLink) { return $WEBPath } else { Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $WEBPath -OutFile $FullFilePath -Method Get; return Write-Output "Download path: $FullFilePath" } } function Open-GenP { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNull()] [string]$Path2EXE ) $EXE = Resolve-Path -Path $Path2EXE Start-Process -FilePath $EXE -WindowStyle Normal -Wait } function Get-LatestGenP { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$FolderPath, [switch]$GetVersion ) $ProgressPreference = 'Continue' if ($GetVersion) { if ($FolderPath) { return Write-Error -Message 'Cannot define path for getting version' } $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' } else { if (!$FolderPath) { return Write-Error -Message 'Path not defined!' } } $Counter = 6 $ActDown = "DOwnloading latest GenP to $FolderPath" $ActOnst = "Installing GenP to $FolderPath" Write-Progress -Activity $ActDown -Status 'Getting weblink to file' -PercentComplete (($counter/12) * 100); $Counter++ [System.Uri]$DownloadLink = ((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '').Links.href -clike '*GenP-*.7z*')[0] Write-Progress -Activity $ActDown -Status "Downloading from $DowloadLik" -PercentComplete (($counter/12) * 100); $Counter++ [system.String]$FileName = ($DownloadLink -split ('/')) -clike '*.7z' -join '' $ver = (($FileName -split '-') -clike '*.7z') -replace '.7z', '' if ($GetVersion) { return $ver } Write-Progress -Activity $ActOnst -Status 'Downloading' -PercentComplete (($counter/12) * 100); $Counter++ $GenP7z = Resolve-Path -Path ((Invoke-FileDNL -URL $DownloadLink -Filename $FileName -Path $env:TEMP) -replace 'Download path: ', '') Write-Progress -Activity $ActOnst -Status 'Installing' -PercentComplete (($counter/12) * 100); $Counter++ Expand-7Zip -ArchiveFileName $GenP7z -TargetPath $FolderPath Write-Progress -Activity $ActOnst -Status 'Deleting installation' -PercentComplete (($counter/12) * 100); $Counter++ Remove-Item -Path $GenP7z -Force Write-Output "GenP version $ver installed at $FolderPath" Write-Progress -Activity $ActOnst -Status 'Installation finished' -PercentComplete (($counter/12) * 100) -Completed } $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' $Path = "$env:ProgramData\GenP" $GenPexe = "$Path\Release\AdobeGenP.exe" if (!(Test-Path -Path $Path -PathType Container)) { if ($Update) { Write-Warning -Message 'GenP not installed.' } $Path = Resolve-Path -Path (New-Item -Path $env:ProgramData -ItemType Directory -Name 'GenP' -Force) Write-Warning -Message "GenP folder $Path does not exist, getting latest GenP" Get-LatestGenP -FolderPath $Path } else { $Path = Resolve-Path -Path (New-Item -Path $env:ProgramData -ItemType Directory -Name 'GenP' -Force) } if (!(Test-Path -Path $GenPexe -PathType Leaf)) { if ($Update) { Write-Warning -Message 'GenP not installed.' } Write-Warning -Message "GenP exeutable not found, getting latest GenP" Get-LatestGenP -FolderPath $Path } if ($Uninstall) { Remove-Item -Path $Path -Recurse -Force return Write-Output "GenP uninstalled, removed folder: $Path" } if ($GetVersion) { return ((((Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Depth 5 -Include '*.AU3')[0]) -replace '.AU3', '') -split '-')[1] } if ($GetOnlineVersion) { return Get-LatestGenP -GetVersion } if ($Update) { $Latest = (Get-LatestGenP -GetVersion) $Current = ((((Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Depth 5 -Include '*.AU3')[0]) -replace '.AU3', '') -split '-')[1] if ($Latest -gt $Current) { Write-Output 'New version available:' Write-Output -InputObject $Latest Write-Output 'Current version:' Write-Output -InputObject $Current Write-Output 'Updating to latest version' Remove-Item -Path $Path -Recurse -Force Get-LatestGenP -FolderPath $Path return Write-Output 'Adobe GenP updated.' } else { Write-Output 'No update availabe.' Write-Output 'Current version:' Write-Output -InputObject $Current Write-Output 'Online version:' return Write-Output -InputObject $Latest } } Open-GenP -Path2EXE $GenPexe } |