.DESCRIPTION Filter out 2003 servers and upgrade VMwaretools on all servers that are not up to date. Does not reboot the VM's. .PARAMETER Unmanaged Specifies if vmtools should be installd on VM's that don't have them installed. .EXAMPLE Update-VMTools Upgrades only tools that are installed an require it. Specify a path for a log file. .EXAMPLE Update-VMTools -Unmanaged Include unmanaged VM's .NOTES Requires the VMware.PowerCLI Module .Link #> Function Update-VMTools { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch]$Unmanaged ) #Set Error Action to ignore errors $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' #Filter Out 2003 Servers $No2003VMs = Get-VM | Where-Object { $_.Guest -notlike '*2003*' } #Disclaimer Write-Host "Some VMs will fail to upgrade. Use Get-VMTools to see which VM's fail" -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host " " if ($Unmanaged) { #Get VM's that require tools upgrades $OutofDateVMs = Get-VM $No2003VMs | ForEach-Object { Get-View $ } | Where-Object { $_.Guest.ToolsVersionStatus -like 'guestToolsNeedUpgrade' -or $_.Guest.ToolsVersionStatus -like 'guestToolsNotInstalled' } | Select-Object name, @{Name = 'ToolsVersion'; Expression = { $ } }, @{Name = 'ToolStatus'; Expression = { $_.Guest.ToolsVersionStatus } } #Update Tools with no Reboot ForEach ($VM in $OutOfDateVMs) { Write-Host "Upgrading VMWareTools On: " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline Write-Host $ -ForegroundColor Cyan Update-Tools -NoReboot -VM $VM.Name } } else { #Get VM's that require tools upgrades and filter unmanaged VM's $OutofDateVMs = Get-VM $No2003VMs | ForEach-Object { Get-View $ } | Where-Object { $_.Guest.ToolsVersionStatus -like 'guestToolsNeedUpgrade' } | Select-Object name, @{Name = 'ToolsVersion'; Expression = { $ } }, @{Name = 'ToolStatus'; Expression = { $_.Guest.ToolsVersionStatus } } #Update Tools with no Reboot ForEach ($VM in $OutOfDateVMs) { Write-Host "Upgrading VMWareTools On: " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline Write-Host $ -ForegroundColor Cyan Update-Tools -NoReboot -VM $VM.Name } } } |