function Get-Fun { Get-IntroFun Write-Host "Fun Functions" -Foregroundcolor green Write-Host "Get-CloseEncounters ..Get Close Encounters" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Get-Creed ..Gets the powershell creed" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Get-Emote ..Gets a Kaomoji" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Get-Excuse ..Gets a joke" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Get-ImperialMarch ..Get Imperial March" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Get-MissionImpossible ..Get Mission Impossible" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Get-Mario ..Get Mario" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Get-Tetris ..Get Tetris" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Get-Weather ..Get The Weather" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Invoke-EjectTray ..Invokes cd tray being ejected" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host "Invoke-Speak ..Invokes the windows speech synthesizer" -Foregroundcolor cyan Write-Host " " } |