
#Required by functions

    This is a CLI wizard that generates a new Dialup IPSec Tunnel Config and related objects. This will be for the firewall whose public IP is static and whose end does not sit behind another NAT firewall.
    .Parameter Comments
    Optional parameter for providing comments on the tunnel. Will be recorded in the tunnel interface.
    .Parameter dhgroups
    This is the Diffie-Hellman group or groups used by the Phase 1 and Phase 2 interfaces. If providing multiple values input them in comma delimited format.
    ex: "5", "14"
    *These are the available DH Groups
    32 31 30 29 28 27
    21 20 19 18 17 16
    15 14 5 2 1
    .Parameter Ikev
    Provide the desired ike version 1 or 2
    .Parameter LANInterface
    This is the name of the lan interface/s allowed for the tunnel.
    ex: "phone vlan", "wifi vlan"
    .Parameter LocalAddressCIDRs
    This is the Address Object CIDRs that will be created for the local side of the tunnel.
    ex: "", "10.100.0/24"
    .Parameter PeerID
    This is a unique 3 numeric character long Identifier for this tunnel.
    .Parameter PFS
    Specify if PFS should be enabled on the Phase 2 interface.
    .Parameter Proposal
    This is the encryption proposal or proposals for the Phase 1 and Phase 2 interfaces. Provide in commad delimited format.
    ex: aes256-sha512, aes256-sha1
    *These are the available proposals that can be used.
    .Parameter PSK
    This is the Private Shared Key for the Phase 1 and Phase 2 interfaces.
    .Parameter RemoteAddressCIDRs
    This is the Address Object CIDRs that will be created for the remote side of the tunnel.
    ex: "", "10.100.0/24"
    .Parameter Services
    Specify the Service or services that will be applied to the Firewall Policy for this tunnel.
    ex: "RDP/3389/TCP", "piov/5060-5061/UDP"
    .Parameter TTL
    This is the Time to Live for the Phase 1 and Phase 2 proposals.
    .Parameter TunnelName
    This is the name for the VPN Tunnel. Maximum 15 Alphanumeric characters.
    .Parameter WANInterface
    This is the name of the WAN interface that the tunnel will be built on.
    .Parameter WildcardSelector
    This is a yes/no option that will determine if there should be a single phase 2 with a wildcard selector, or if there should be multiple phase 2s with specific selectors. If set to true, then the local and remote CIDR addresses will only be used when for the static routes and policies.
    For example instead of two phase twos with the specific local and remote addresses,
    $params = @{
       dhgroups = "5", "14"
       ikev = "1"
       LANInterface = "port1", "port2"
       LocalAddressCIDRs = "", "", ""
       PeerID = "187"
       PFS = "yes"
       Proposal = "aes256-sha512", "aes256-sha1"
       PSK = "dfdayb%^4356456"
       RemoteAddressCIDRs = "", "", ""
       Services = "RDP/3389/TCP", "DNS/53/UDP"
       TTL = "28800"
       TunnelName = "TestTunnel"
       WANInterface = "wan3"
       WildcardSelector = "yes"
    New-DialUPTunnelRemoteNAT @params
    This example will generate a Dial-up VPN tunnel config.
    New-SSHSession -computername
    $params = @{
       dhgroups = "5", "14"
       ikev = "1"
       LANInterface = "port1", "port2"
       LocalAddressCIDRs = "", "", ""
       PeerID = "187"
       PFS = "yes"
       Proposal = "aes256-sha512", "aes256-sha1"
       PSK = "dfdayb%^4356456"
       RemoteAddressCIDRs = "", "", ""
       Services = "RDP/3389/TCP", "DNS/53/UDP"
       TTL = "28800"
       TunnelName = "TestTunnel"
       WANInterface = "wan3"
       WildcardSelector = "yes"
    $command = New-DialUPTunnelRemoteNAT @params
    $result = Invoke-SSHCommand -Command $command -SessionId 0
    This example generates an SSH session and invokes the output of this function against that session.

Function New-DialUPTunnelRemoteNAT {

    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Provide the DH Group or Groups in space delimeted format for the Phase 1 and Phase 2 proposals.")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Provide the desired ike version")]
        [ValidateSet('1', '2')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Specify the Lan Interface Name")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Provide an array of CIDR Addresses that will be used by this Tunnel. ex: """", """"")]
        [ValidateScript( {
                if ($_ -match '^[0-9]{1,3}[.]{1}[0-9]{1,3}[.]{1}[0-9]{1,3}[.]{1}[0-9]{1,3}[/]{1}[0-9]{1,2}$') {
                else {
                    throw "$_ is an invalid pattern. You must provide a proper CIDR format. ex:"
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Specify a unique 3 digit numeric peer ID to use for the tunnel.")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Specify if PFS should be enabled")]
        [ValidateSet('yes', 'no')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string[]]$Proposal,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Specify the Private Key for the Tunnel")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Provide an array of CIDR Addresses that will be used by this Tunnel. ex: """", """"")]
        [ValidateScript( {
                if ($_ -match '^[0-9]{1,3}[.]{1}[0-9]{1,3}[.]{1}[0-9]{1,3}[.]{1}[0-9]{1,3}[/]{1}[0-9]{1,2}$') {
                else {
                    throw "$_ is an invalid pattern. You must provide a proper CIDR format. ex:"
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Specify services in the following format. ex: ""RDP/3389/TCP"", ""piov/5060-5061/UDP""")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Provide the Phase 1 and Phase 2 Time to Live.")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Provide a VPN Tunnel Name with a maximum 15 AlphaNumeric characters.")]
        [ValidateLength(1, 15)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Provide the name of the public interface for this tunnel.")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Provide a description for the tunnel")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Yes or No option for specifying if a wildcard selector should be used for the Phase 2 proposals.")]
        [ValidateSet('yes', 'no')]

    begin {
        $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
        #Processing array parameters to single line entries for their respective config lines
        $dhgroups = $dhgroups -join " "
        $Proposal = $Proposal -join " "
        $IntQuotes = foreach ($int in $LANInterface) {
        $LANInterface = $IntQuotes -join " "

    process {
        #Create Local Address Objects
        [int]$max = $LocalAddressCIDRs.Count
        $script:LocalAddressObjects = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $max; $i++) {
                Name = "VPN_" + $TunnelName + "_Local_" + $i
                CIDR = $LocalAddressCIDRs[$i]

        $ConfLocalAddressObjects = Foreach ($AddressObject in $script:LocalAddressObjects) {
            New-AddressObjectTunnel -AddressName $AddressObject.Name -CIDR $AddressObject.CIDR

        #Create Remote Address Objects
        [int]$max = $RemoteAddressCIDRs.Count
        $script:RemoteAddressObjects = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $max; $i++) {
                Name = "VPN_" + $TunnelName + "_Remote_" + $i
                CIDR = $RemoteAddressCIDRs[$i]

        $ConfRemoteAddressObjects = Foreach ($AddressObject in $script:RemoteAddressObjects) {
            New-AddressObjectTunnel -AddressName $AddressObject.Name -CIDR $AddressObject.CIDR

        #Create Local Address Group
        $LocNames = ($script:LocalAddressObjects).name -join " "
        $LocalGroupName = "vpn_" + "$TunnelName" + "_Local"
        $ConfLocalAddressGroups = New-AddressGroup -AddressNames $LocNames -GroupName $LocalGroupName

        #Create Remote Address Group
        $RemNames = ($script:RemoteAddressObjects).name -join " "
        $RemoteGroupName = "vpn_" + "$TunnelName" + "_Remote"
        $ConfRemoteAddressGroups = New-AddressGroup -AddressNames $RemNames -GroupName $RemoteGroupName

        #Create Phase 1 Proposal
        if ($Comments) {
            $params = @{
                RemoteNat  = $true
                TunnelName = $TunnelName
                Interface  = $WanInterface
                Proposal   = $Proposal
                PeerID     = $PeerID
                dhgroups   = $dhgroups
                PSK        = $PSK
                ikev       = $ikev
                comments   = $Comments
        else {
            $params = @{
                RemoteNat  = $true
                TunnelName = $TunnelName
                Interface  = $WanInterface
                Proposal   = $Proposal
                PeerID     = $PeerID
                dhgroups   = $dhgroups
                PSK        = $PSK
                ikev       = $ikev
        $Phase1 = New-P2PPhase1InterfaceDialUp @params

        #Create Phase 2 Proposals
        switch ($WildcardSelector) {
            'yes' {
                $params = @{
                    dhgroups         = $dhgroups
                    PFS              = $PFS
                    PhaseName        = $TunnelName + " Wildcard P2"
                    Proposal         = $Proposal
                    TTL              = $TTL
                    TunnelName       = $TunnelName
                    WildcardSelector = $WildcardSelector
                $Phase2 = New-P2PPhase2Interface @params
            'no' {
                [int]$localcount = $script:LocalAddressObjects.count
                [int]$remotecount = $script:RemoteAddressObjects.count
                [int]$Script:PhaseCount = 0

                $Phase2 = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $localcount; $i++) {
                    [string[]]$locals = ($script:LocalAddressObjects).name
                    [string[]]$sourceaddressname = $locals[$i]
                    for ($ii = 0; $ii -lt $remotecount; $ii++) {
                        [string[]]$remotes = ($script:RemoteAddressObjects).name
                        $params = @{
                            DestinationAddressName = [string[]]$remotes[$ii]
                            dhgroups               = $dhgroups
                            PFS                    = $PFS
                            PhaseName              = $TunnelName + " P2 " + $Script:PhaseCount
                            Proposal               = $Proposal
                            SourceAddressName      = $sourceaddressname
                            TTL                    = $TTL
                            TunnelName             = $TunnelName
                            WildcardSelector       = $WildcardSelector
                        New-P2PPhase2Interface @params

        #Create Static Routes
        $StaticRoute = New-StaticRouteDialupTunnel -DestinationAddressName $RemoteGroupName

        #Create Services
        $Service = if ($services) {

            foreach ($service in $services) {
                $split = $service -split "/"

                if ($split[2] -eq 'TCP') {
                    $Params = @{
                        ServiceName  = [string]"vpn_" + $tunnelname + [string]"_" + $split[0]
                        TCPPortRange = $split[1]

                if ($split[2] -eq 'UDP') {
                    $Params = @{
                        ServiceName  = [string]"vpn_" + $tunnelname + [string]"_" + $split[0]
                        UDPPortRange = $split[1]
                New-ServiceObject @Params

        #Create Service Groups
        $ServiceGroup = if ($services) {
            $proc = $services -split "/"
            [int]$count = $proc.count
            $svcs = for ($i = 0; $i -lt $count) {
                [string]"vpn_" + $tunnelname + [string]"_" + $proc[$i]
                $i = $i + [int]3
            $svcresult = $svcs -join " "
            $svcgroupname = "vpn_" + $tunnelname
            New-ServiceGroup -ServiceGroupName $svcgroupname -Members $svcresult

        #Create Firewall Policies
        if ($null -eq $svcresult) {
            $svcgroupname = [string]"ALL"
        $FirewallPolicy = New-FirewallPolicyTunnel -TunnelName $TunnelName -SourceInterfaceName $LANInterface -SourceAddress $LocalGroupName -DestinationAddress $RemoteGroupName -service $svcgroupname

    end {
        $mv = (Get-Module admintoolbox.fortiwizard).version
        $mv1 = $mv.major
        $mv2 = $mv.Minor
        $mv3 = $
        $modversion = [string]$mv1 + [string]"." + [string]$mv2 + [string]"." + [string]$mv3
        Write-Output "#####################################################################################"
        Write-Output "# Tunnel config generated using Admintoolbox.FortiWizard module by TheTaylorLee"
        Write-Output "#"
        Write-Output "#"
        Write-Output "# Created using module version $ModVersion"
        Write-Output "# Warning: If the distance value for the default route is configured to a value higher than 15, setting add route to enable will result in overriding default routes. For this reason it is set to disabled when creating this config file. If that is not desired modify the phase 1 configuration."
        Write-Output "#####################################################################################"
        Write-Output $ConfLocalAddressObjects
        Write-Output $ConfRemoteAddressObjects
        Write-Output $ConfLocalAddressGroups
        Write-Output $ConfRemoteAddressGroups
        Write-Output $Phase1
        Write-Output $Phase2
        Write-Output $StaticRoute
        Write-Output $Service
        Write-Output $ServiceGroup
        Write-Output $FirewallPolicy

        $ErrorActionPreference = 'continue'