
      Approve a specific request
      Approve a specific request by providing the request Id
      The Id for the request that you want to approve
    .PARAMETER ApprovedBy
      Add the approver information to the audit logging. This has to be an email address that matches a portal user, otherwise it will be ignored
      PS C:\> Approve-ABRRequest -Id 1234567
      Approve request with Id 1234567
      PS C:\> Approve-ABRRequest -Id 1234567 -ApprovedBy 'John.Doe@company.tld'
      Approve request with Id 1234567 and add the e-mail address John.Doe@company.tld to the audit logging for this approval
      PS C:\> Get-ABRRequest -Id 1234567 | Approve-ABRRequest -ApprovedBy 'John.Doe@company.tld'
      Approve a request by using pipeline support

Function Approve-ABRRequest
  [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Id')]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)]

    [Parameter(Position = 1)]
    $ApprovedBy = $Script:ABR_API_User

    $URL = '/requests'
    $Headers = @{}

    If ($Id -gt 0)
      $URL += '/{0}' -f $Id

    If (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ApprovedBy))
      $Headers.Add('approvedby', $ApprovedBy)

    $InvokeABRRequest_Splat = @{
      Method = 'Put'
      URI    = $URL

    If ($Headers.Count -gt 0)
      $InvokeABRRequest_Splat.Add('Headers', $Headers)

    Invoke-ABRRequest @InvokeABRRequest_Splat