AdfsClaimDescription .DESCRIPTION The AdfsClaimDescription Dsc resource manages claim descriptions in the Federation Service. .PARAMETER Name Key - String Specifies a friendly name for the claim description. .PARAMETER ClaimType Required - String Specifies the claim type URN or URI of the claim. .PARAMETER IsAccepted Write - Boolean Indicates whether the claim is published in federation metadata as a claim that the Federation Service accepts. .PARAMETER IsOffered Write - Boolean Indicates whether the claim is published in federation metadata as a claim that the Federation Service offers. .PARAMETER IsRequired Write - Boolean Indicates whether the claim is published in federation metadata as a claim that the Federation Service requires. .PARAMETER Notes Write - String Specifies text that describes the purpose of the claim description. .PARAMETER ShortName Write - String Specifies a short name for the claim description. .PARAMETER Ensure Write - String Allowed values: Present, Absent Specifies whether the claim description should be present or absent. Default value is 'Present'. .EXAMPLE 1 This configuration will add the claim description named Role for a custom claim that has the specified claim type. Configuration AdfsClaimDescription_Config { Import-DscResource -ModuleName AdfsDsc Node localhost { AdfsClaimDescription ClaimDescription { Name = 'Role' ClaimType = "https://contoso.com/role" IsAccepted = $true IsOffered = $true IsRequired = $false Notes = 'The role of the Contoso user' ShortName = 'contosorole' } } } |