.VERSION 1.0 .GUID 7f0faed7-7563-483a-856e-55554761f4b2 .AUTHOR .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT .TAGS .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES .PRIVATEDATA #> <# .SYNOPSIS Adds the Policies and Initiatives to configure VM's for VM Insights Preview .Description This script adds the Policies and Initiatives for VM Insights preview to your current subscription or the subscription specified for -SubscriptionId Note: This script can be re-run if changes are made to the Policies. However if changes are made to the parameters, you will need to delete the Policies/Initiative first. .PARAMETER UseLocalPolicies <Optional> Load the policies from a local folder instead of .PARAMETER SubscriptionId <Optional> SubscriptionId to add the Policies/Initiatives to .PARAMETER ManagementGroupId <Optional> Management Group Id to add the Policies/Initiatives to .PARAMETER Approve <Optional> Gives the approval to add the Policies/Initiatives without any prompt .EXAMPLE .\Add-VMInsightsPolicy.ps1 .LINK This script is posted to and further documented at the following location: #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(mandatory = $false)][switch]$UseLocalPolicies, [Parameter(mandatory = $false)][string]$SubscriptionId, [Parameter(mandatory = $false)][string]$ManagementGroupId, [Parameter(mandatory = $false)][switch]$Approve ) # TODO: Remove the branch once this is in master # # Take policies from here unless run with -UseLocalPolicies $gitHubSource = "" if ($UseLocalPolicies) { $gitHubSource = "" } $vmInsightsInitiativePoliciesJson = @" [ { "name": "deploy-loganalytics-windows-vm-preview", "displayName": "Deploy Log Analytics Agent for Windows VMs - Preview", "description": "-", "policy": "deploy-loganalytics-windows-vm.rules.json", "parameter": "deploy-loganalytics-vm.parameters.json" }, { "name": "deploy-loganalytics-linux-vm-preview", "displayName": "Deploy Log Analytics Agent for Linux VMs - Preview", "description": "-", "policy": "deploy-loganalytics-linux-vm.rules.json", "parameter": "deploy-loganalytics-vm.parameters.json" }, { "name": "deploy-dependencyagent-windows-vm-preview", "displayName": "Deploy Dependency Agent for Windows VMs - Preview", "description": "-", "policy": "deploy-dependencyagent-windows-vm.rules.json" }, { "name": "deploy-dependencyagent-linux-vm-preview", "displayName": "Deploy Dependency Agent for Linux VMs - Preview", "description": "-", "policy": "deploy-dependencyagent-linux-vm.rules.json" }, { "name": "audit-loganalytics-vm-os-notinscope-preview", "displayName": "VMs not in OS scope of Log Analytics Agent deployment policy - Preview", "description": "The VM has no Log Analytics agent, and the OS of the VM does not match a well known Azure Image SKU that is supported. Check documentation if OS is supported, and if so duplicate policy and update to bring in scope.", "policy": "audit-loganalytics-vm-os-notinscope.json" }, { "name": "audit-dependencyagent-vm-os-notinscope-preview", "displayName": "VMs not in OS scope of Dependency Agent deployment policy - Preview", "description": "The VM has no Dependency Agent, and the OS of the VM does not match a well known Azure Image SKU that is supported. Check documentation if OS is supported, and if so duplicate policy and update to bring in scope.", "policy": "audit-dependencyagent-vm-os-notinscope.json" } ] "@ $vmInsightsStandalonePoliciesJson = @" [ { "name": "audit-loganalytics-mismatch-vm-preview", "displayName": "Log Analytics VM extension is configured for mismatched Workspace - Preview", "description": "-", "policy": "audit-loganalytics-mismatch-vm.rules.json", "parameter": "audit-loganalytics-mismatch-vm.parameters.json" } ] "@ $vmInsightsInitiativeJson = @" { "name": "vminsights-initiative-preview", "displayName": "Enable VM Insights for VMs - Preview", "description": "-" } "@ $logAnalyticsParameterJson = @" "parameters": { "logAnalytics": { "value": "[parameters('logAnalytics_1')]" } } "@ $vmInsightsParametersJson = @" { "logAnalytics_1": { "type": "String", "metadata": { "displayName": "Log Analytics workspace", "description": "Select Log Analytics workspace from dropdown list. If this workspace is outside of the scope of the assignment you must manually grant 'Log Analytics Contributor' permissions (or similar) to the policy assignment's principal ID.", "strongType": "omsWorkspace" } } } "@ $category = @" { "category": "Monitoring" } "@ $vmInsightsInitiativePolicies = $vmInsightsInitiativePoliciesJson | ConvertFrom-Json $vmInsightsStandalonePolicies = $vmInsightsStandalonePoliciesJson | ConvertFrom-Json $vmInsightsInitiative = $vmInsightsInitiativeJson | ConvertFrom-Json function Add-PolicyDefinition { <# .SYNOPSIS Adds the policies. By default adds to the current subscription. If ManagementGroupName is specified adds to that. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][psobject]$Policies, [Parameter(mandatory = $false)][string]$ManagementGroupId ) $managementGroupIdParameter = @{} if ($ManagementGroupId) { $managementGroupIdParameter."ManagementGroupName" = $ManagementGroupId } foreach ($policy in $Policies) { $parameter = @{} if ($policy.parameter) { $parameter."Parameter" = $gitHubSource + $policy.parameter Write-Verbose("Policy Parameter: " + $parameter."Parameter") } Write-Verbose("Adding Policy: " + $gitHubSource + $policy.policy) New-AzureRmPolicyDefinition ` -Name $ ` -DisplayName $policy.displayName ` -Description $policy.description ` -Policy ($gitHubSource + $policy.policy) ` -Metadata $category ` @parameter ` @managementGroupIdParameter ` -ApiVersion 2018-05-01 } } # # First make sure authenticed, select to the WorkspaceSubscriptionId if supplied # $account = Get-AzureRmContext if ($null -eq $account.Account) { Write-Output("Account Context not found, please login") if ($SubscriptionId) { Connect-AzureRmAccount -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId } else { Connect-AzureRmAccount } } elseif ($SubscriptionId) { if ($account.Subscription.SubscriptionId -eq $SubscriptionId) { Write-Output("Subscription: $SubscriptionId is already selected.") } else { Write-Output("Changing to subscription: $SubscriptionId") $account = Set-AzureRmContext -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionId } } if ($ManagementGroupId) { Write-Output("Policies and Initiatives for VM Insights will be added to Management Group Id: `n" ` + $ManagementGroupId) } else { Write-Output("Policies and Initiatives for VM Insights will be added to subscription: `n" ` + $account.Subscription.Name + " ( " + $account.Subscription.SubscriptionId + " )") } if ($Approve -eq $true -or !$PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("All") -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldContinue("Continue?", "")) { Write-Output "" } else { Write-Output "You selected No - exiting" return } # # Add the Policies # Add-PolicyDefinition -Policies $vmInsightsInitiativePolicies -ManagementGroupId $ManagementGroupId Add-PolicyDefinition -Policies $vmInsightsStandalonePolicies -ManagementGroupId $ManagementGroupId # # Add the Initiative # $managementGroupIdParameter = @{} if ($ManagementGroupId) { $managementGroupIdParameter."ManagementGroupName" = $ManagementGroupId } $vmInsightsDefinition = "[" foreach ($policy in $vmInsightsInitiativePolicies) { $policyDefinitionId = (Get-AzureRmPolicyDefinition -Name $ @managementGroupIdParameter | Select-Object -ExpandProperty PolicyDefinitionId) $vmInsightsDefinition += '{ "policyDefinitionId": "' + $policyDefinitionId + '"' if ($policy.parameter) { $vmInsightsDefinition += ',' + $logAnalyticsParameterJson } $vmInsightsDefinition += '},' } $vmInsightsDefinition = $vmInsightsDefinition.TrimEnd(",") $vmInsightsDefinition += "]" Write-Verbose($vmInsightsDefinition) New-AzureRmPolicySetDefinition ` -Name $ ` -DisplayName $vmInsightsInitiative.displayName ` -Description $vmInsightsInitiative.description ` -PolicyDefinition $vmInsightsDefinition ` -Parameter $vmInsightsParametersJson ` -Metadata $category ` @managementGroupIdParameter ` -ApiVersion 2018-05-01 |