
.DESCRIPTION Debugger for hosts with no own debugger.
.VERSION 1.0.0
.AUTHOR Roman Kuzmin
.COPYRIGHT (c) Roman Kuzmin
.TAGS Debug
.GUID e187060e-ad39-425c-a6e3-b1e1e92ab59d

    Adds a script debugger to PowerShell.
    Author: Roman Kuzmin
    This script is designed for PowerShell runspaces which do not have their
    own debuggers, e.g. Visual Studio NuGet console ("Package Manager Host"),
    the default runspace host ("Default Host"), and etc. But it can be used
    instead of build-in debuggers as well.
    The script should be called once at any moment when debugging is needed.
    In order to restore the original debugger invoke Restore-Debugger. This
    function is defined by Add-Debugger.
    For output of debug commands the script uses Out-Host or a file with a
    separate console started for watching its tail.
    For input the GUI input box is used for typing PowerShell and debugger
    commands. Use the switch ReadHost in order to use Read-Host instead.
.Parameter Path
        Specifies the output file used instead of Out-Host.
        A separate console is opened for watching its tail.
.Parameter ReadHost
        Tells to use Read-Host for input instead of the GUI input box.
    How to debug terminating errors in a bare runspace. Use cases:
    - In .NET the similar code is typical for invoking PowerShell.
    - In PowerShell BeginInvoke() makes sense for background jobs.
    $ps = [PowerShell]::Create()
    $null = $ps.AddScript({
        # add debugger with file output
        Add-Debugger.ps1 $env:TEMP\debug.log
        # enable debugging on terminating errors
        $null = Set-PSBreakpoint -Variable StackTrace -Mode Write
        # from now on the debugger dialog is shown on failures
        # and a separate PowerShell output console is started
    $ps.Invoke() # or BeginInvoke()

    [int]$XPos = -1,
    [int]$YPos = -1

# Restore another debugger by its Restore-Debugger.
if ((Test-Path Variable:\_Debugger) -and (Get-Variable _Debugger).Description -ne 'Add-Debugger.ps1') {

# Removes and gets debugger handlers.
function global:Remove-Debugger {
    $instance = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.Runspace]::DefaultRunspace.Debugger
    $type = [System.Management.Automation.Debugger]
    $e = $type.GetEvent('DebuggerStop')
    $v = $type.GetField('DebuggerStop', ([System.Reflection.BindingFlags]'NonPublic, Instance')).GetValue($instance)
    if ($v) {
        $handlers = $v.GetInvocationList()
        foreach($handler in $handlers) {
            $e.RemoveEventHandler($instance, $handler)

# Restores original debugger handlers.
function global:Restore-Debugger {
    if (!(Test-Path Variable:\_Debugger)) {return}
    $null = Remove-Debugger
    if ($_Debugger.Handlers) {
        foreach($handler in $_Debugger.Handlers) {
    Remove-Variable _Debugger -Scope Global -Force

# Add the debugger and data once
if (!(Test-Path Variable:\_Debugger)) {
    $null = New-Variable -Name _Debugger -Scope Global -Description Add-Debugger.ps1 -Option ReadOnly -Value @{
        History = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
        Handlers = Remove-Debugger
        DefaultContext = 0
        Context = [ref]0
        Action = '?'
        XPos = $XPos
        YPos = $YPos
    [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.Runspace]::DefaultRunspace.Debugger.add_DebuggerStop({. Invoke-DebuggerStop})

# Writes debugger output.
if ($Path) {
    $_Debugger.Path = $PSCmdlet.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($Path)
    $_Debugger.Watch = $true
    function global:Write-Debugger($Data)
        [System.IO.File]::AppendAllText($_Debugger.Path, ($Data | Out-String), [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode)
        if ($_Debugger.Watch) {
            $_Debugger.Watch = $false
            Watch-Debugger $_Debugger.Path
else {
    $_Debugger.Path = $null
    function global:Write-Debugger($Data)
        $Data | Out-Host

# Reads debugger input.
if ($ReadHost) {
    function global:Read-Debugger(
        Read-Host $Prompt
else {
    Add-Type -AssemblyName Microsoft.VisualBasic
    function global:Read-Debugger(
        [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::InputBox($Prompt, $Title, $Default, $_Debugger.XPos, $_Debugger.YPos)

# Starts an external file viewer.
function global:Watch-Debugger($Path)
    $Path = $Path.Replace("'", "''")
    $me = Get-Process -Id $PID
    $app = if ($me.Name -eq 'pwsh') {$me.Path} else {'powershell.exe'}
    Start-Process $app "-NoProfile -Command Get-Content -LiteralPath '$Path' -Wait -ErrorAction 0"

# Writes the current invocation info.
function global:Write-DebuggerInfo(
    # write position message
    if ($_ = $InvocationInfo.PositionMessage) {
        Write-Debugger ($_.Trim())

    # done?
    $file = $InvocationInfo.ScriptName
    if ($Context -le 0 -or !$file -or !(Test-Path -LiteralPath $file)) {return}

    # write file lines
    $markIndex = $InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber - 1
    Write-DebuggerFile $file ($markIndex - $Context) (2 * $Context + 1) $markIndex

# Writes the specified file lines.
function global:Write-DebuggerFile(
    # amend negative start
    if ($LineIndex -lt 0) {
        $LineCount += $LineIndex
        $LineIndex = 0

    # content lines
    $lines = @(Get-Content -LiteralPath $Path -TotalCount ($LineIndex + $LineCount) -Force -ErrorAction 0)

    # leading spaces
    $space = ($lines[$LineIndex .. -1] | .{process{
        if ($_ -match '^(\s*)\S') {
            ($matches[1] -replace "`t", ' ').Length
    }} | Measure-Object -Minimum).Minimum

    # write lines with a mark
    Write-Debugger ''
    do {
        if (($line = $lines[$LineIndex]) -match '^(\s*)(\S.*)') {
            $line = ($matches[1] -replace "`t", ' ').Substring($space) + $matches[2]
        $mark = if ($LineIndex -eq $MarkIndex) {'=>'} else {' '}
        Write-Debugger ('{0,4} {1} {2}' -f ($LineIndex + 1), $mark, $line)
    while(++$LineIndex -lt $lines.Length)
    Write-Debugger ''

# Processes DebuggerStop events.
function global:Invoke-DebuggerStop
    # write breakpoints
    if ($_.Breakpoints) {&{
        Write-Debugger ''
        foreach($b in $_.Breakpoints) {
            if ($b -is [System.Management.Automation.VariableBreakpoint] -and $b.Variable -eq 'StackTrace') {
                Write-Debugger 'TERMINATING ERROR BREAKPOINT'
            else {
                Write-Debugger "Hit $b"

    # write debug location
    Write-DebuggerInfo $_.InvocationInfo $_Debugger.DefaultContext
    Write-Debugger ''

    # REPL
    $_Debugger.e = $_
    for() {
        ### prompt
        $_Debugger.Action = Read-Debugger "Enter PowerShell and debug commands.`nUse h or ? for help" Debugger $_Debugger.Action
        $_Debugger.Action = if ($null -eq $_Debugger.Action) {''} else {$_Debugger.Action.Trim()}
        Write-Debugger "DBG> $($_Debugger.Action)"

        ### Continue
        if (!$_Debugger.Action -or $_Debugger.Action -eq 'c' -or $_Debugger.Action -eq 'Continue') {
            $_Debugger.e.ResumeAction = 'Continue'

        ### StepInto
        if ($_Debugger.Action -eq 's' -or $_Debugger.Action -eq 'StepInto') {
            $_Debugger.e.ResumeAction = 'StepInto'

        ### StepOver
        if ($_Debugger.Action -eq 'v' -or $_Debugger.Action -eq 'StepOver') {
            $_Debugger.e.ResumeAction = 'StepOver'

        ### StepOut
        if ($_Debugger.Action -eq 'o' -or $_Debugger.Action -eq 'StepOut') {
            $_Debugger.e.ResumeAction = 'StepOut'

        ### Quit
        if ($_Debugger.Action -eq 'q' -or $_Debugger.Action -eq 'Quit') {
            $_Debugger.e.ResumeAction = 'Stop'

        ### Detach
        if ($_Debugger.Action -eq 'd' -or $_Debugger.Action -eq 'Detach') {
            if ($_Debugger.Handlers) {
                Write-Debugger 'd, Detach - not supported in this environment.'

            $_Debugger.e.ResumeAction = 'Continue'

        ### history
        if ($_Debugger.Action -eq 'r') {
            Write-Debugger $_Debugger.History

        ### stack
        if ($_Debugger.Action -ceq 'k') {
            Write-Debugger (Get-PSCallStack | Format-Table Command, Location, Arguments -AutoSize)
        if ($_Debugger.Action -ceq 'K') {
            Write-Debugger (Get-PSCallStack | Format-List)

        ### <number>
        if ([int]::TryParse($_Debugger.Action, $_Debugger.Context)) {
            Write-DebuggerInfo $_Debugger.e.InvocationInfo $_Debugger.Context.Value
            if ($_Debugger.Action[0] -eq "+") {
                $_Debugger.DefaultContext = $_Debugger.Context.Value

        ### watch
        if ($_Debugger.Action -eq 'w') {
            if ($_Debugger.Path) {
                Watch-Debugger $_Debugger.Path
            else {
                Write-Debugger 'Debugger output file is not used.'

        ### help
        if ($_Debugger.Action -eq '?' -or $_Debugger.Action -eq 'h') {
            Write-Debugger (@(
                ' s, StepInto Step to the next statement into functions, scripts, etc.'
                ' v, StepOver Step to the next statement over functions, scripts, etc.'
                ' o, StepOut Step out of the current function, script, etc.'
                ' c, Continue Continue operation (also on empty input).'

                if (!$_Debugger.Handlers) {
                    ' d, Detach Continue operation and detach the debugger.'

                ' q, Quit Stop operation and exit the debugger.'
                ' ?, h Write this help message.'
                ' k Write call stack (Get-PSCallStack).'
                ' K Write detailed call stack using Format-List.'
                ' <n> Write debug location in context of <n> lines.'
                ' +<n> Set location context preference to <n> lines.'
                ' k <s> <n> Write source at stack <s> in context of <n> lines.'
                ' w Restart watching the debugger output file.'
                ' r Write last PowerShell commands invoked on debugging.'
                ' <command> Invoke any PowerShell <command> and write its output.'
            ) -join [System.Environment]::NewLine)

        ### stack <s> <n>
        Set-Alias k debug_stack
        function debug_stack([Parameter()][int]$s, [int]$n) {
            $stack = @(Get-PSCallStack)
            if ($s -ge $stack.Count) {
                Write-Debugger 'Out of range of the call stack.'
            $1 = $stack[$s]
            if (!($file = $1.ScriptName)) {
                Write-Debugger 'The caller has no script file.'
            if ($n -le 0) {$n = 5}
            $markIndex = $1.ScriptLineNumber - 1
            Write-Debugger $file
            Write-DebuggerFile $file ($markIndex - $n) (2 * $n + 1) $markIndex

        ### invoke command
        try {
            $null = $_Debugger.History.Add($_Debugger.Action)
            Write-Debugger (.([scriptblock]::Create($_Debugger.Action)))
        catch {
            Write-Debugger $(if ($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptName -like '*\Add-Debugger.ps1') {$_.ToString()} else {$_})