# culture='en-US' ConvertFrom-StringData @' SearchDomainController = Searching for a domain controller in the domain '{0}'. (WFADD0001) RestartWasRequested = A restart was requested when no domain controller was found. Restart number {0} of a total of {1}. (WFADD0003) DomainInDesiredState = Domain '{0}' is in the desired state. (WFADD0006) DomainNotInDesiredState = Domain '{0}' is not in the desired state. (WFADD0007) FoundDomainController = Found domain controller. (WFADD0009) NoDomainController = No domain controller was found. (WFADD0010) ImpersonatingCredentials = Impersonating the credentials '{0}' when looking for a domain controller. (WFADD0011) SearchInSiteOnly = Limiting the search scope for a domain controller to the site '{0}'. (WFADD0012) TestConfiguration = Determining the current state of the Active Directory domain '{0}'. (WFADD0013) BackgroundJobFinished = The background job finished running. (WFADD0014) BackgroundJobFailed = The background job failed while searching for the domain controller. Returning the result of the background job. (WFADD0015) TimeoutReached = The background job did not completed before the timeout period. (WFADD0016) WaitingForDomain = Waiting for a domain '{0}' is available or until the timeout of {1} seconds has been reached. (WFADD0017) StartBackgroundJob = Starting background job that will be searching for the domain controller. (WFADD0018) WaitBackgroundJob = Waiting for the background job to finish, or timeout. (WFADD0019) BackgroundJobSuccessful = The background job completed successfully. (WFADD0020) StartOutputBackgroundJob = --- Start of result from background job. (WFADD0021) EndOutputBackgroundJob = --- End of result from background job. (WFADD0022) RemoveBackgroundJob = Removing the background job. (WFADD0023) '@ |