
<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.AddS3CJobTaggingCmdlet">
            Sets the supplied tag-set on an S3 Batch Operations job.
            A tag is a key-value pair. You can associate S3 Batch Operations tags with any job
            by sending a PUT request against the tagging subresource that is associated with the
            job. To modify the existing tag set, you can either replace the existing tag set entirely,
            or make changes within the existing tag set by retrieving the existing tag set using
            <a href="">GetJobTagging</a>,
            modify that tag set, and use this operation to replace the tag set with the one you
            modified. For more information, see <a href="">Controlling
            access and labeling jobs using tags</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            If you send this request with an empty tag set, Amazon S3 deletes the existing tag
            set on the Batch Operations job. If you use this method, you are charged for a Tier
            1 Request (PUT). For more information, see <a href="">Amazon
            S3 pricing</a>.
            For deleting existing tags for your Batch Operations job, a <a href="">DeleteJobTagging</a>
            request is preferred because it achieves the same result without incurring charges.
            A few things to consider about using tags:
            Amazon S3 limits the maximum number of tags to 50 tags per job.
            You can associate up to 50 tags with a job as long as they have unique tag keys.
            A tag key can be up to 128 Unicode characters in length, and tag values can be up
            to 256 Unicode characters in length.
            The key and values are case sensitive.
            For tagging-related restrictions related to characters and encodings, see <a href="">User-Defined
            Tag Restrictions</a> in the <i>Billing and Cost Management User Guide</i>.
            To use the <c>PutJobTagging</c> operation, you must have permission to perform the
            <c>s3:PutJobTagging</c> action.
            Related actions include:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">CreateJob</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">GetJobTagging</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">DeleteJobTagging</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.AddS3CJobTaggingCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID associated with the S3 Batch Operations job.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.AddS3CJobTaggingCmdlet.JobId">
            <para>The ID for the S3 Batch Operations job whose tags you want to replace.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.AddS3CJobTaggingCmdlet.Tag">
            <para>The set of tags to associate with the S3 Batch Operations job.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.AddS3CJobTaggingCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.PutJobTaggingResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.AddS3CJobTaggingCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.AddS3CPublicAccessBlockCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Creates or modifies the <c>PublicAccessBlock</c> configuration for an Amazon Web Services
            account. For this operation, users must have the <c>s3:PutAccountPublicAccessBlock</c>
            permission. For more information, see <a href="">
            Using Amazon S3 block public access</a>.
            Related actions include:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">GetPublicAccessBlock</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">DeletePublicAccessBlock</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.AddS3CPublicAccessBlockCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The account ID for the Amazon Web Services account whose <c>PublicAccessBlock</c>
            configuration you want to set.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.AddS3CPublicAccessBlockCmdlet.PublicAccessBlockConfiguration_BlockPublicAcl">
            <para>Specifies whether Amazon S3 should block public access control lists (ACLs) for buckets
            in this account. Setting this element to <c>TRUE</c> causes the following behavior:</para><ul><li><para><c>PutBucketAcl</c> and <c>PutObjectAcl</c> calls fail if the specified ACL is public.</para></li><li><para>PUT Object calls fail if the request includes a public ACL.</para></li><li><para>PUT Bucket calls fail if the request includes a public ACL.</para></li></ul><para>Enabling this setting doesn't affect existing policies or ACLs.</para><para>This property is not supported for Amazon S3 on Outposts.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.AddS3CPublicAccessBlockCmdlet.PublicAccessBlockConfiguration_BlockPublicPolicy">
            <para>Specifies whether Amazon S3 should block public bucket policies for buckets in this
            account. Setting this element to <c>TRUE</c> causes Amazon S3 to reject calls to PUT
            Bucket policy if the specified bucket policy allows public access. </para><para>Enabling this setting doesn't affect existing bucket policies.</para><para>This property is not supported for Amazon S3 on Outposts.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.AddS3CPublicAccessBlockCmdlet.PublicAccessBlockConfiguration_IgnorePublicAcl">
            <para>Specifies whether Amazon S3 should ignore public ACLs for buckets in this account.
            Setting this element to <c>TRUE</c> causes Amazon S3 to ignore all public ACLs on
            buckets in this account and any objects that they contain. </para><para>Enabling this setting doesn't affect the persistence of any existing ACLs and doesn't
            prevent new public ACLs from being set.</para><para>This property is not supported for Amazon S3 on Outposts.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.AddS3CPublicAccessBlockCmdlet.PublicAccessBlockConfiguration_RestrictPublicBucket">
            <para>Specifies whether Amazon S3 should restrict public bucket policies for buckets in
            this account. Setting this element to <c>TRUE</c> restricts access to buckets with
            public policies to only Amazon Web Services service principals and authorized users
            within this account.</para><para>Enabling this setting doesn't affect previously stored bucket policies, except that
            public and cross-account access within any public bucket policy, including non-public
            delegation to specific accounts, is blocked.</para><para>This property is not supported for Amazon S3 on Outposts.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.AddS3CPublicAccessBlockCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.PutPublicAccessBlockResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.AddS3CPublicAccessBlockCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.AddS3CResourceTagCmdlet">
            Creates a new Amazon Web Services resource tag or updates an existing resource tag.
            Each tag is a label consisting of a user-defined key and value. Tags can help you
            manage, identify, organize, search for, and filter resources. You can add up to 50
            Amazon Web Services resource tags for each S3 resource.
            This operation is only supported for <a href="">S3
            Storage Lens groups</a> and for <a href="">S3
            Access Grants</a>. The tagged resource can be an S3 Storage Lens group or S3 Access
            Grants instance, registered location, or grant.
            You must have the <c>s3:TagResource</c> permission to use this operation.
            For more information about the required Storage Lens Groups permissions, see <a href="">Setting
            account permissions to use S3 Storage Lens groups</a>.
            For information about S3 Tagging errors, see <a href="">List
            of Amazon S3 Tagging error codes</a>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.AddS3CResourceTagCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para> The Amazon Web Services account ID that created the S3 resource that you're trying
            to add tags to or the requester's account ID. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.AddS3CResourceTagCmdlet.ResourceArn">
            <para>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the S3 resource that you're trying to add tags to.
            The tagged resource can be an S3 Storage Lens group or S3 Access Grants instance,
            registered location, or grant.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.AddS3CResourceTagCmdlet.Tag">
            <para> The Amazon Web Services resource tags that you want to add to the specified S3 resource.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.AddS3CResourceTagCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.TagResourceResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.AddS3CResourceTagCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.ConnectS3CAccessGrantsIdentityCenterCmdlet">
            Associate your S3 Access Grants instance with an Amazon Web Services IAM Identity
            Center instance. Use this action if you want to create access grants for users or
            groups from your corporate identity directory. First, you must add your corporate
            identity directory to Amazon Web Services IAM Identity Center. Then, you can associate
            this IAM Identity Center instance with your S3 Access Grants instance.
            You must have the <c>s3:AssociateAccessGrantsIdentityCenter</c> permission to use
            this operation.
            </para></dd><dt>Additional Permissions</dt><dd><para>
            You must also have the following permissions: <c>sso:CreateApplication</c>, <c>sso:PutApplicationGrant</c>,
            and <c>sso:PutApplicationAuthenticationMethod</c>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.ConnectS3CAccessGrantsIdentityCenterCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the S3 Access Grants instance.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.ConnectS3CAccessGrantsIdentityCenterCmdlet.IdentityCenterArn">
            <para>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Web Services IAM Identity Center instance
            that you are associating with your S3 Access Grants instance. An IAM Identity Center
            instance is your corporate identity directory that you added to the IAM Identity Center.
            You can use the <a href="">ListInstances</a>
            API operation to retrieve a list of your Identity Center instances and their ARNs.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.ConnectS3CAccessGrantsIdentityCenterCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.AssociateAccessGrantsIdentityCenterResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.ConnectS3CAccessGrantsIdentityCenterCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.DisconnectS3CAccessGrantsIdentityCenterCmdlet">
            Dissociates the Amazon Web Services IAM Identity Center instance from the S3 Access
            Grants instance.
            You must have the <c>s3:DissociateAccessGrantsIdentityCenter</c> permission to use
            this operation.
            </para></dd><dt>Additional Permissions</dt><dd><para>
            You must have the <c>sso:DeleteApplication</c> permission to use this operation.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.DisconnectS3CAccessGrantsIdentityCenterCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the S3 Access Grants instance.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.DisconnectS3CAccessGrantsIdentityCenterCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.DissociateAccessGrantsIdentityCenterResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.DisconnectS3CAccessGrantsIdentityCenterCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantCmdlet">
            Get the details of an access grant from your S3 Access Grants instance.
            You must have the <c>s3:GetAccessGrant</c> permission to use this operation.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantCmdlet.AccessGrantId">
            <para>The ID of the access grant. S3 Access Grants auto-generates this ID when you create
            the access grant.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the S3 Access Grants instance.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetAccessGrantResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetAccessGrantResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantListCmdlet">
            Returns the list of access grants in your S3 Access Grants instance.
            You must have the <c>s3:ListAccessGrants</c> permission to use this operation.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantListCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the S3 Access Grants instance.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantListCmdlet.ApplicationArn">
            <para>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an Amazon Web Services IAM Identity Center application
            associated with your Identity Center instance. If the grant includes an application
            ARN, the grantee can only access the S3 data through this application. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantListCmdlet.GranteeIdentifier">
            <para>The unique identifer of the <c>Grantee</c>. If the grantee type is <c>IAM</c>, the
            identifier is the IAM Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user or role. If the grantee
            type is a directory user or group, the identifier is 128-bit universally unique identifier
            (UUID) in the format <c>a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111</c>. You can obtain this
            UUID from your Amazon Web Services IAM Identity Center instance.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantListCmdlet.GranteeType">
            <para>The type of the grantee to which access has been granted. It can be one of the following
            values:</para><ul><li><para><c>IAM</c> - An IAM user or role.</para></li><li><para><c>DIRECTORY_USER</c> - Your corporate directory user. You can use this option if
            you have added your corporate identity directory to IAM Identity Center and associated
            the IAM Identity Center instance with your S3 Access Grants instance.</para></li><li><para><c>DIRECTORY_GROUP</c> - Your corporate directory group. You can use this option
            if you have added your corporate identity directory to IAM Identity Center and associated
            the IAM Identity Center instance with your S3 Access Grants instance.</para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantListCmdlet.GrantScope">
            <para>The S3 path of the data to which you are granting access. It is the result of appending
            the <c>Subprefix</c> to the location scope.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantListCmdlet.Permission">
            <para>The type of permission granted to your S3 data, which can be set to one of the following
            values:</para><ul><li><para><c>READ</c> – Grant read-only access to the S3 data.</para></li><li><para><c>WRITE</c> – Grant write-only access to the S3 data.</para></li><li><para><c>READWRITE</c> – Grant both read and write access to the S3 data.</para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantListCmdlet.MaxResult">
            <para>The maximum number of access grants that you would like returned in the <c>List Access
            Grants</c> response. If the results include the pagination token <c>NextToken</c>,
            make another call using the <c>NextToken</c> to determine if there are more results.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantListCmdlet.NextToken">
            <para>A pagination token to request the next page of results. Pass this value into a subsequent
            <c>List Access Grants</c> request in order to retrieve the next page of results.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantListCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'AccessGrantsList'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.ListAccessGrantsResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.ListAccessGrantsResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantsInstanceCmdlet">
            Retrieves the S3 Access Grants instance for a Region in your account.
            You must have the <c>s3:GetAccessGrantsInstance</c> permission to use this operation.
            </para></dd></dl><note><para><c>GetAccessGrantsInstance</c> is not supported for cross-account access. You can
            only call the API from the account that owns the S3 Access Grants instance.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantsInstanceCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the S3 Access Grants instance.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantsInstanceCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetAccessGrantsInstanceResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetAccessGrantsInstanceResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantsInstanceForPrefixCmdlet">
            Retrieve the S3 Access Grants instance that contains a particular prefix.
            You must have the <c>s3:GetAccessGrantsInstanceForPrefix</c> permission for the caller
            account to use this operation.
            </para></dd><dt>Additional Permissions</dt><dd><para>
            The prefix owner account must grant you the following permissions to their S3 Access
            Grants instance: <c>s3:GetAccessGrantsInstanceForPrefix</c>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantsInstanceForPrefixCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The ID of the Amazon Web Services account that is making this request.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantsInstanceForPrefixCmdlet.S3Prefix">
            <para>The S3 prefix of the access grants that you would like to retrieve.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantsInstanceForPrefixCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetAccessGrantsInstanceForPrefixResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetAccessGrantsInstanceForPrefixResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantsInstanceListCmdlet">
            Returns a list of S3 Access Grants instances. An S3 Access Grants instance serves
            as a logical grouping for your individual access grants. You can only have one S3
            Access Grants instance per Region per account.
            You must have the <c>s3:ListAccessGrantsInstances</c> permission to use this operation.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantsInstanceListCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the S3 Access Grants instance.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantsInstanceListCmdlet.MaxResult">
            <para>The maximum number of access grants that you would like returned in the <c>List Access
            Grants</c> response. If the results include the pagination token <c>NextToken</c>,
            make another call using the <c>NextToken</c> to determine if there are more results.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantsInstanceListCmdlet.NextToken">
            <para>A pagination token to request the next page of results. Pass this value into a subsequent
            <c>List Access Grants Instances</c> request in order to retrieve the next page of
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantsInstanceListCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'AccessGrantsInstancesList'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.ListAccessGrantsInstancesResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.ListAccessGrantsInstancesResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantsInstanceResourcePolicyCmdlet">
            Returns the resource policy of the S3 Access Grants instance.
            You must have the <c>s3:GetAccessGrantsInstanceResourcePolicy</c> permission to use
            this operation.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantsInstanceResourcePolicyCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the S3 Access Grants instance.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantsInstanceResourcePolicyCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetAccessGrantsInstanceResourcePolicyResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetAccessGrantsInstanceResourcePolicyResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantsLocationCmdlet">
            Retrieves the details of a particular location registered in your S3 Access Grants
            You must have the <c>s3:GetAccessGrantsLocation</c> permission to use this operation.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantsLocationCmdlet.AccessGrantsLocationId">
            <para>The ID of the registered location that you are retrieving. S3 Access Grants assigns
            this ID when you register the location. S3 Access Grants assigns the ID <c>default</c>
            to the default location <c>s3://</c> and assigns an auto-generated ID to other locations
            that you register. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantsLocationCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the S3 Access Grants instance.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantsLocationCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetAccessGrantsLocationResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetAccessGrantsLocationResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantsLocationListCmdlet">
            Returns a list of the locations registered in your S3 Access Grants instance.
            You must have the <c>s3:ListAccessGrantsLocations</c> permission to use this operation.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantsLocationListCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the S3 Access Grants instance.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantsLocationListCmdlet.LocationScope">
            <para>The S3 path to the location that you are registering. The location scope can be the
            default S3 location <c>s3://</c>, the S3 path to a bucket <c>s3://&lt;bucket&gt;</c>,
            or the S3 path to a bucket and prefix <c>s3://&lt;bucket&gt;/&lt;prefix&gt;</c>. A
            prefix in S3 is a string of characters at the beginning of an object key name used
            to organize the objects that you store in your S3 buckets. For example, object key
            names that start with the <c>engineering/</c> prefix or object key names that start
            with the <c>marketing/campaigns/</c> prefix.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantsLocationListCmdlet.MaxResult">
            <para>The maximum number of access grants that you would like returned in the <c>List Access
            Grants</c> response. If the results include the pagination token <c>NextToken</c>,
            make another call using the <c>NextToken</c> to determine if there are more results.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantsLocationListCmdlet.NextToken">
            <para>A pagination token to request the next page of results. Pass this value into a subsequent
            <c>List Access Grants Locations</c> request in order to retrieve the next page of
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessGrantsLocationListCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'AccessGrantsLocationsList'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.ListAccessGrantsLocationsResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.ListAccessGrantsLocationsResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Returns configuration information about the specified access point.
            All Amazon S3 on Outposts REST API requests for this action require an additional
            parameter of <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> to be passed with the request. In addition, you
            must use an S3 on Outposts endpoint hostname prefix instead of <c>s3-control</c>.
            For an example of the request syntax for Amazon S3 on Outposts that uses the S3 on
            Outposts endpoint hostname prefix and the <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> derived by using
            the access point ARN, see the <a href="">Examples</a>
            The following actions are related to <c>GetAccessPoint</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">CreateAccessPoint</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">DeleteAccessPoint</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">ListAccessPoints</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID for the account that owns the specified access
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointCmdlet.Name">
            <para>The name of the access point whose configuration information you want to retrieve.</para><para>For using this parameter with Amazon S3 on Outposts with the REST API, you must specify
            the name and the x-amz-outpost-id as well.</para><para>For using this parameter with S3 on Outposts with the Amazon Web Services SDK and
            CLI, you must specify the ARN of the access point accessed in the format <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:&lt;Region&gt;:&lt;account-id&gt;:outpost/&lt;outpost-id&gt;/accesspoint/&lt;my-accesspoint-name&gt;</c>.
            For example, to access the access point <c>reports-ap</c> through Outpost <c>my-outpost</c>
            owned by account <c>123456789012</c> in Region <c>us-west-2</c>, use the URL encoding
            of <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:us-west-2:123456789012:outpost/my-outpost/accesspoint/reports-ap</c>.
            The value must be URL encoded. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetAccessPointResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetAccessPointResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointConfigurationForObjectLambdaCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Returns configuration for an Object Lambda Access Point.
            The following actions are related to <c>GetAccessPointConfigurationForObjectLambda</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">PutAccessPointConfigurationForObjectLambda</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointConfigurationForObjectLambdaCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The account ID for the account that owns the specified Object Lambda Access Point.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointConfigurationForObjectLambdaCmdlet.Name">
            <para>The name of the Object Lambda Access Point you want to return the configuration for.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointConfigurationForObjectLambdaCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Configuration'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetAccessPointConfigurationForObjectLambdaResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetAccessPointConfigurationForObjectLambdaResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointForObjectLambdaCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Returns configuration information about the specified Object Lambda Access Point
            The following actions are related to <c>GetAccessPointForObjectLambda</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">CreateAccessPointForObjectLambda</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">DeleteAccessPointForObjectLambda</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">ListAccessPointsForObjectLambda</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointForObjectLambdaCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The account ID for the account that owns the specified Object Lambda Access Point.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointForObjectLambdaCmdlet.Name">
            <para>The name of the Object Lambda Access Point.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointForObjectLambdaCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetAccessPointForObjectLambdaResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetAccessPointForObjectLambdaResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointListCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Returns a list of the access points that are owned by the current account that's associated
            with the specified bucket. You can retrieve up to 1000 access points per call. If
            the specified bucket has more than 1,000 access points (or the number specified in
            <c>maxResults</c>, whichever is less), the response will include a continuation token
            that you can use to list the additional access points.
            All Amazon S3 on Outposts REST API requests for this action require an additional
            parameter of <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> to be passed with the request. In addition, you
            must use an S3 on Outposts endpoint hostname prefix instead of <c>s3-control</c>.
            For an example of the request syntax for Amazon S3 on Outposts that uses the S3 on
            Outposts endpoint hostname prefix and the <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> derived by using
            the access point ARN, see the <a href="">Examples</a>
            The following actions are related to <c>ListAccessPoints</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">CreateAccessPoint</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">DeleteAccessPoint</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">GetAccessPoint</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointListCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID for the account that owns the specified access
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointListCmdlet.Bucket">
            <para>The name of the bucket whose associated access points you want to list.</para><para>For using this parameter with Amazon S3 on Outposts with the REST API, you must specify
            the name and the x-amz-outpost-id as well.</para><para>For using this parameter with S3 on Outposts with the Amazon Web Services SDK and
            CLI, you must specify the ARN of the bucket accessed in the format <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:&lt;Region&gt;:&lt;account-id&gt;:outpost/&lt;outpost-id&gt;/bucket/&lt;my-bucket-name&gt;</c>.
            For example, to access the bucket <c>reports</c> through Outpost <c>my-outpost</c>
            owned by account <c>123456789012</c> in Region <c>us-west-2</c>, use the URL encoding
            of <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:us-west-2:123456789012:outpost/my-outpost/bucket/reports</c>.
            The value must be URL encoded. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointListCmdlet.MaxResult">
            <para>The maximum number of access points that you want to include in the list. If the specified
            bucket has more than this number of access points, then the response will include
            a continuation token in the <c>NextToken</c> field that you can use to retrieve the
            next page of access points.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointListCmdlet.NextToken">
            <para>A continuation token. If a previous call to <c>ListAccessPoints</c> returned a continuation
            token in the <c>NextToken</c> field, then providing that value here causes Amazon
            S3 to retrieve the next page of results.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointListCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'AccessPointList'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.ListAccessPointsResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.ListAccessPointsResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointPolicyCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Returns the access point policy associated with the specified access point.
            The following actions are related to <c>GetAccessPointPolicy</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">PutAccessPointPolicy</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">DeleteAccessPointPolicy</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointPolicyCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The account ID for the account that owns the specified access point.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointPolicyCmdlet.Name">
            <para>The name of the access point whose policy you want to retrieve.</para><para>For using this parameter with Amazon S3 on Outposts with the REST API, you must specify
            the name and the x-amz-outpost-id as well.</para><para>For using this parameter with S3 on Outposts with the Amazon Web Services SDK and
            CLI, you must specify the ARN of the access point accessed in the format <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:&lt;Region&gt;:&lt;account-id&gt;:outpost/&lt;outpost-id&gt;/accesspoint/&lt;my-accesspoint-name&gt;</c>.
            For example, to access the access point <c>reports-ap</c> through Outpost <c>my-outpost</c>
            owned by account <c>123456789012</c> in Region <c>us-west-2</c>, use the URL encoding
            of <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:us-west-2:123456789012:outpost/my-outpost/accesspoint/reports-ap</c>.
            The value must be URL encoded. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointPolicyCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Policy'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetAccessPointPolicyResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetAccessPointPolicyResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointPolicyForObjectLambdaCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Returns the resource policy for an Object Lambda Access Point.
            The following actions are related to <c>GetAccessPointPolicyForObjectLambda</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">DeleteAccessPointPolicyForObjectLambda</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">PutAccessPointPolicyForObjectLambda</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointPolicyForObjectLambdaCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The account ID for the account that owns the specified Object Lambda Access Point.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointPolicyForObjectLambdaCmdlet.Name">
            <para>The name of the Object Lambda Access Point.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointPolicyForObjectLambdaCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Policy'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetAccessPointPolicyForObjectLambdaResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetAccessPointPolicyForObjectLambdaResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointPolicyStatusCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Indicates whether the specified access point currently has a policy that allows public
            access. For more information about public access through access points, see <a href="">Managing
            Data Access with Amazon S3 access points</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointPolicyStatusCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The account ID for the account that owns the specified access point.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointPolicyStatusCmdlet.Name">
            <para>The name of the access point whose policy status you want to retrieve.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointPolicyStatusCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'PolicyStatus'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetAccessPointPolicyStatusResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetAccessPointPolicyStatusResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointPolicyStatusForObjectLambdaCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Returns the status of the resource policy associated with an Object Lambda Access
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointPolicyStatusForObjectLambdaCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The account ID for the account that owns the specified Object Lambda Access Point.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointPolicyStatusForObjectLambdaCmdlet.Name">
            <para>The name of the Object Lambda Access Point.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointPolicyStatusForObjectLambdaCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'PolicyStatus'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetAccessPointPolicyStatusForObjectLambdaResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetAccessPointPolicyStatusForObjectLambdaResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointsForObjectLambdaListCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Returns some or all (up to 1,000) access points associated with the Object Lambda
            Access Point per call. If there are more access points than what can be returned in
            one call, the response will include a continuation token that you can use to list
            the additional access points.
            The following actions are related to <c>ListAccessPointsForObjectLambda</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">CreateAccessPointForObjectLambda</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">DeleteAccessPointForObjectLambda</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">GetAccessPointForObjectLambda</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointsForObjectLambdaListCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The account ID for the account that owns the specified Object Lambda Access Point.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointsForObjectLambdaListCmdlet.MaxResult">
            <para>The maximum number of access points that you want to include in the list. The response
            may contain fewer access points but will never contain more. If there are more than
            this number of access points, then the response will include a continuation token
            in the <c>NextToken</c> field that you can use to retrieve the next page of access
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointsForObjectLambdaListCmdlet.NextToken">
            <para>If the list has more access points than can be returned in one call to this API, this
            field contains a continuation token that you can provide in subsequent calls to this
            API to retrieve additional access points.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CAccessPointsForObjectLambdaListCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'ObjectLambdaAccessPointList'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.ListAccessPointsForObjectLambdaResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.ListAccessPointsForObjectLambdaResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CBucketCmdlet">
            Gets an Amazon S3 on Outposts bucket. For more information, see <a href="">
            Using Amazon S3 on Outposts</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            If you are using an identity other than the root user of the Amazon Web Services account
            that owns the Outposts bucket, the calling identity must have the <c>s3-outposts:GetBucket</c>
            permissions on the specified Outposts bucket and belong to the Outposts bucket owner's
            account in order to use this action. Only users from Outposts bucket owner account
            with the right permissions can perform actions on an Outposts bucket.
            If you don't have <c>s3-outposts:GetBucket</c> permissions or you're not using an
            identity that belongs to the bucket owner's account, Amazon S3 returns a <c>403 Access
            Denied</c> error.
            The following actions are related to <c>GetBucket</c> for Amazon S3 on Outposts:
            All Amazon S3 on Outposts REST API requests for this action require an additional
            parameter of <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> to be passed with the request. In addition, you
            must use an S3 on Outposts endpoint hostname prefix instead of <c>s3-control</c>.
            For an example of the request syntax for Amazon S3 on Outposts that uses the S3 on
            Outposts endpoint hostname prefix and the <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> derived by using
            the access point ARN, see the <a href="">Examples</a>
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">PutObject</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">CreateBucket</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">DeleteBucket</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CBucketCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the Outposts bucket.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CBucketCmdlet.Bucket">
            <para>Specifies the bucket.</para><para>For using this parameter with Amazon S3 on Outposts with the REST API, you must specify
            the name and the x-amz-outpost-id as well.</para><para>For using this parameter with S3 on Outposts with the Amazon Web Services SDK and
            CLI, you must specify the ARN of the bucket accessed in the format <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:&lt;Region&gt;:&lt;account-id&gt;:outpost/&lt;outpost-id&gt;/bucket/&lt;my-bucket-name&gt;</c>.
            For example, to access the bucket <c>reports</c> through Outpost <c>my-outpost</c>
            owned by account <c>123456789012</c> in Region <c>us-west-2</c>, use the URL encoding
            of <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:us-west-2:123456789012:outpost/my-outpost/bucket/reports</c>.
            The value must be URL encoded. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CBucketCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetBucketResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetBucketResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CBucketLifecycleConfigurationCmdlet">
            This action gets an Amazon S3 on Outposts bucket's lifecycle configuration. To get
            an S3 bucket's lifecycle configuration, see <a href="">GetBucketLifecycleConfiguration</a>
            in the <i>Amazon S3 API Reference</i>.
            Returns the lifecycle configuration information set on the Outposts bucket. For more
            information, see <a href="">Using
            Amazon S3 on Outposts</a> and for information about lifecycle configuration, see <a href="">
            Object Lifecycle Management</a> in <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            To use this action, you must have permission to perform the <c>s3-outposts:GetLifecycleConfiguration</c>
            action. The Outposts bucket owner has this permission, by default. The bucket owner
            can grant this permission to others. For more information about permissions, see <a href="">Permissions
            Related to Bucket Subresource Operations</a> and <a href="">Managing
            Access Permissions to Your Amazon S3 Resources</a>.
            All Amazon S3 on Outposts REST API requests for this action require an additional
            parameter of <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> to be passed with the request. In addition, you
            must use an S3 on Outposts endpoint hostname prefix instead of <c>s3-control</c>.
            For an example of the request syntax for Amazon S3 on Outposts that uses the S3 on
            Outposts endpoint hostname prefix and the <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> derived by using
            the access point ARN, see the <a href="">Examples</a>
            </para><para><c>GetBucketLifecycleConfiguration</c> has the following special error:
            Error code: <c>NoSuchLifecycleConfiguration</c></para><ul><li><para>
            Description: The lifecycle configuration does not exist.
            HTTP Status Code: 404 Not Found
            SOAP Fault Code Prefix: Client
            The following actions are related to <c>GetBucketLifecycleConfiguration</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">PutBucketLifecycleConfiguration</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">DeleteBucketLifecycleConfiguration</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CBucketLifecycleConfigurationCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the Outposts bucket.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CBucketLifecycleConfigurationCmdlet.Bucket">
            <para>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the bucket.</para><para>For using this parameter with Amazon S3 on Outposts with the REST API, you must specify
            the name and the x-amz-outpost-id as well.</para><para>For using this parameter with S3 on Outposts with the Amazon Web Services SDK and
            CLI, you must specify the ARN of the bucket accessed in the format <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:&lt;Region&gt;:&lt;account-id&gt;:outpost/&lt;outpost-id&gt;/bucket/&lt;my-bucket-name&gt;</c>.
            For example, to access the bucket <c>reports</c> through Outpost <c>my-outpost</c>
            owned by account <c>123456789012</c> in Region <c>us-west-2</c>, use the URL encoding
            of <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:us-west-2:123456789012:outpost/my-outpost/bucket/reports</c>.
            The value must be URL encoded. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CBucketLifecycleConfigurationCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Rules'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetBucketLifecycleConfigurationResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetBucketLifecycleConfigurationResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CBucketPolicyCmdlet">
            This action gets a bucket policy for an Amazon S3 on Outposts bucket. To get a policy
            for an S3 bucket, see <a href="">GetBucketPolicy</a>
            in the <i>Amazon S3 API Reference</i>.
            Returns the policy of a specified Outposts bucket. For more information, see <a href="">Using
            Amazon S3 on Outposts</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            If you are using an identity other than the root user of the Amazon Web Services account
            that owns the bucket, the calling identity must have the <c>GetBucketPolicy</c> permissions
            on the specified bucket and belong to the bucket owner's account in order to use this
            Only users from Outposts bucket owner account with the right permissions can perform
            actions on an Outposts bucket. If you don't have <c>s3-outposts:GetBucketPolicy</c>
            permissions or you're not using an identity that belongs to the bucket owner's account,
            Amazon S3 returns a <c>403 Access Denied</c> error.
            As a security precaution, the root user of the Amazon Web Services account that owns
            a bucket can always use this action, even if the policy explicitly denies the root
            user the ability to perform this action.
            For more information about bucket policies, see <a href="">Using
            Bucket Policies and User Policies</a>.
            All Amazon S3 on Outposts REST API requests for this action require an additional
            parameter of <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> to be passed with the request. In addition, you
            must use an S3 on Outposts endpoint hostname prefix instead of <c>s3-control</c>.
            For an example of the request syntax for Amazon S3 on Outposts that uses the S3 on
            Outposts endpoint hostname prefix and the <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> derived by using
            the access point ARN, see the <a href="">Examples</a>
            The following actions are related to <c>GetBucketPolicy</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">GetObject</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">PutBucketPolicy</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">DeleteBucketPolicy</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CBucketPolicyCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the Outposts bucket.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CBucketPolicyCmdlet.Bucket">
            <para>Specifies the bucket.</para><para>For using this parameter with Amazon S3 on Outposts with the REST API, you must specify
            the name and the x-amz-outpost-id as well.</para><para>For using this parameter with S3 on Outposts with the Amazon Web Services SDK and
            CLI, you must specify the ARN of the bucket accessed in the format <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:&lt;Region&gt;:&lt;account-id&gt;:outpost/&lt;outpost-id&gt;/bucket/&lt;my-bucket-name&gt;</c>.
            For example, to access the bucket <c>reports</c> through Outpost <c>my-outpost</c>
            owned by account <c>123456789012</c> in Region <c>us-west-2</c>, use the URL encoding
            of <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:us-west-2:123456789012:outpost/my-outpost/bucket/reports</c>.
            The value must be URL encoded. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CBucketPolicyCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Policy'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetBucketPolicyResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetBucketPolicyResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CBucketReplicationCmdlet">
            This operation gets an Amazon S3 on Outposts bucket's replication configuration. To
            get an S3 bucket's replication configuration, see <a href="">GetBucketReplication</a>
            in the <i>Amazon S3 API Reference</i>.
            Returns the replication configuration of an S3 on Outposts bucket. For more information
            about S3 on Outposts, see <a href="">Using
            Amazon S3 on Outposts</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>. For information about
            S3 replication on Outposts configuration, see <a href="">Replicating
            objects for S3 on Outposts</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            It can take a while to propagate <c>PUT</c> or <c>DELETE</c> requests for a replication
            configuration to all S3 on Outposts systems. Therefore, the replication configuration
            that's returned by a <c>GET</c> request soon after a <c>PUT</c> or <c>DELETE</c> request
            might return a more recent result than what's on the Outpost. If an Outpost is offline,
            the delay in updating the replication configuration on that Outpost can be significant.
            This action requires permissions for the <c>s3-outposts:GetReplicationConfiguration</c>
            action. The Outposts bucket owner has this permission by default and can grant it
            to others. For more information about permissions, see <a href="">Setting
            up IAM with S3 on Outposts</a> and <a href="">Managing
            access to S3 on Outposts bucket</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            All Amazon S3 on Outposts REST API requests for this action require an additional
            parameter of <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> to be passed with the request. In addition, you
            must use an S3 on Outposts endpoint hostname prefix instead of <c>s3-control</c>.
            For an example of the request syntax for Amazon S3 on Outposts that uses the S3 on
            Outposts endpoint hostname prefix and the <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> derived by using
            the access point ARN, see the <a href="">Examples</a>
            If you include the <c>Filter</c> element in a replication configuration, you must
            also include the <c>DeleteMarkerReplication</c>, <c>Status</c>, and <c>Priority</c>
            elements. The response also returns those elements.
            For information about S3 on Outposts replication failure reasons, see <a href="">Replication
            failure reasons</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            The following operations are related to <c>GetBucketReplication</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">PutBucketReplication</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">DeleteBucketReplication</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CBucketReplicationCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the Outposts bucket.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CBucketReplicationCmdlet.Bucket">
            <para>Specifies the bucket to get the replication information for.</para><para>For using this parameter with Amazon S3 on Outposts with the REST API, you must specify
            the name and the x-amz-outpost-id as well.</para><para>For using this parameter with S3 on Outposts with the Amazon Web Services SDK and
            CLI, you must specify the ARN of the bucket accessed in the format <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:&lt;Region&gt;:&lt;account-id&gt;:outpost/&lt;outpost-id&gt;/bucket/&lt;my-bucket-name&gt;</c>.
            For example, to access the bucket <c>reports</c> through Outpost <c>my-outpost</c>
            owned by account <c>123456789012</c> in Region <c>us-west-2</c>, use the URL encoding
            of <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:us-west-2:123456789012:outpost/my-outpost/bucket/reports</c>.
            The value must be URL encoded. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CBucketReplicationCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'ReplicationConfiguration'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetBucketReplicationResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetBucketReplicationResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CBucketTaggingCmdlet">
            This action gets an Amazon S3 on Outposts bucket's tags. To get an S3 bucket tags,
            see <a href="">GetBucketTagging</a>
            in the <i>Amazon S3 API Reference</i>.
            Returns the tag set associated with the Outposts bucket. For more information, see
            <a href="">Using
            Amazon S3 on Outposts</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            To use this action, you must have permission to perform the <c>GetBucketTagging</c>
            action. By default, the bucket owner has this permission and can grant this permission
            to others.
            </para><para><c>GetBucketTagging</c> has the following special error:
            Error code: <c>NoSuchTagSetError</c></para><ul><li><para>
            Description: There is no tag set associated with the bucket.
            All Amazon S3 on Outposts REST API requests for this action require an additional
            parameter of <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> to be passed with the request. In addition, you
            must use an S3 on Outposts endpoint hostname prefix instead of <c>s3-control</c>.
            For an example of the request syntax for Amazon S3 on Outposts that uses the S3 on
            Outposts endpoint hostname prefix and the <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> derived by using
            the access point ARN, see the <a href="">Examples</a>
            The following actions are related to <c>GetBucketTagging</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">PutBucketTagging</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">DeleteBucketTagging</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CBucketTaggingCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the Outposts bucket.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CBucketTaggingCmdlet.Bucket">
            <para>Specifies the bucket.</para><para>For using this parameter with Amazon S3 on Outposts with the REST API, you must specify
            the name and the x-amz-outpost-id as well.</para><para>For using this parameter with S3 on Outposts with the Amazon Web Services SDK and
            CLI, you must specify the ARN of the bucket accessed in the format <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:&lt;Region&gt;:&lt;account-id&gt;:outpost/&lt;outpost-id&gt;/bucket/&lt;my-bucket-name&gt;</c>.
            For example, to access the bucket <c>reports</c> through Outpost <c>my-outpost</c>
            owned by account <c>123456789012</c> in Region <c>us-west-2</c>, use the URL encoding
            of <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:us-west-2:123456789012:outpost/my-outpost/bucket/reports</c>.
            The value must be URL encoded. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CBucketTaggingCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'TagSet'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetBucketTaggingResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetBucketTaggingResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CBucketVersioningCmdlet">
            This operation returns the versioning state for S3 on Outposts buckets only. To return
            the versioning state for an S3 bucket, see <a href="">GetBucketVersioning</a>
            in the <i>Amazon S3 API Reference</i>.
            Returns the versioning state for an S3 on Outposts bucket. With S3 Versioning, you
            can save multiple distinct copies of your objects and recover from unintended user
            actions and application failures.
            If you've never set versioning on your bucket, it has no versioning state. In that
            case, the <c>GetBucketVersioning</c> request does not return a versioning state value.
            For more information about versioning, see <a href="">Versioning</a>
            in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            All Amazon S3 on Outposts REST API requests for this action require an additional
            parameter of <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> to be passed with the request. In addition, you
            must use an S3 on Outposts endpoint hostname prefix instead of <c>s3-control</c>.
            For an example of the request syntax for Amazon S3 on Outposts that uses the S3 on
            Outposts endpoint hostname prefix and the <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> derived by using
            the access point ARN, see the <a href="">Examples</a>
            The following operations are related to <c>GetBucketVersioning</c> for S3 on Outposts.
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">PutBucketVersioning</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">PutBucketLifecycleConfiguration</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">GetBucketLifecycleConfiguration</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CBucketVersioningCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the S3 on Outposts bucket.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CBucketVersioningCmdlet.Bucket">
            <para>The S3 on Outposts bucket to return the versioning state for.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CBucketVersioningCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetBucketVersioningResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetBucketVersioningResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CCallerAccessGrantListCmdlet">
            Use this API to list the access grants that grant the caller access to Amazon S3 data
            through S3 Access Grants. The caller (grantee) can be an Identity and Access Management
            (IAM) identity or Amazon Web Services Identity Center corporate directory identity.
            You must pass the Amazon Web Services account of the S3 data owner (grantor) in the
            request. You can, optionally, narrow the results by <c>GrantScope</c>, using a fragment
            of the data's S3 path, and S3 Access Grants will return only the grants with a path
            that contains the path fragment. You can also pass the <c>AllowedByApplication</c>
            filter in the request, which returns only the grants authorized for applications,
            whether the application is the caller's Identity Center application or any other application
            (<c>ALL</c>). For more information, see <a href="">List
            the caller's access grants</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            You must have the <c>s3:ListCallerAccessGrants</c> permission to use this operation.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CCallerAccessGrantListCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the S3 Access Grants instance.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CCallerAccessGrantListCmdlet.AllowedByApplication">
            <para>If this optional parameter is passed in the request, a filter is applied to the results.
            The results will include only the access grants for the caller's Identity Center application
            or for any other applications (<c>ALL</c>).</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CCallerAccessGrantListCmdlet.GrantScope">
            <para>The S3 path of the data that you would like to access. Must start with <c>s3://</c>.
            You can optionally pass only the beginning characters of a path, and S3 Access Grants
            will search for all applicable grants for the path fragment. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CCallerAccessGrantListCmdlet.MaxResult">
            <para>The maximum number of access grants that you would like returned in the <c>List Caller
            Access Grants</c> response. If the results include the pagination token <c>NextToken</c>,
            make another call using the <c>NextToken</c> to determine if there are more results.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CCallerAccessGrantListCmdlet.NextToken">
            <para>A pagination token to request the next page of results. Pass this value into a subsequent
            <c>List Caller Access Grants</c> request in order to retrieve the next page of results.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CCallerAccessGrantListCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'CallerAccessGrantsList'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.ListCallerAccessGrantsResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.ListCallerAccessGrantsResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CDataAccessCmdlet">
            Returns a temporary access credential from S3 Access Grants to the grantee or client
            application. The <a href="">temporary
            credential</a> is an Amazon Web Services STS token that grants them access to the
            S3 data.
            You must have the <c>s3:GetDataAccess</c> permission to use this operation.
            </para></dd><dt>Additional Permissions</dt><dd><para>
            The IAM role that S3 Access Grants assumes must have the following permissions specified
            in the trust policy when registering the location: <c>sts:AssumeRole</c>, for directory
            users or groups <c>sts:SetContext</c>, and for IAM users or roles <c>sts:SetSourceIdentity</c>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CDataAccessCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the S3 Access Grants instance.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CDataAccessCmdlet.DurationSecond">
            <para>The session duration, in seconds, of the temporary access credential that S3 Access
            Grants vends to the grantee or client application. The default value is 1 hour, but
            the grantee can specify a range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) up to 43200 seconds
            (12 hours). If the grantee requests a value higher than this maximum, the operation
            fails. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CDataAccessCmdlet.Permission">
            <para>The type of permission granted to your S3 data, which can be set to one of the following
            values:</para><ul><li><para><c>READ</c> – Grant read-only access to the S3 data.</para></li><li><para><c>WRITE</c> – Grant write-only access to the S3 data.</para></li><li><para><c>READWRITE</c> – Grant both read and write access to the S3 data.</para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CDataAccessCmdlet.Privilege">
            <para>The scope of the temporary access credential that S3 Access Grants vends to the grantee
            or client application. </para><ul><li><para><c>Default</c> – The scope of the returned temporary access token is the scope of
            the grant that is closest to the target scope.</para></li><li><para><c>Minimal</c> – The scope of the returned temporary access token is the same as
            the requested target scope as long as the requested scope is the same as or a subset
            of the grant scope. </para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CDataAccessCmdlet.Target">
            <para>The S3 URI path of the data to which you are requesting temporary access credentials.
            If the requesting account has an access grant for this data, S3 Access Grants vends
            temporary access credentials in the response.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CDataAccessCmdlet.TargetType">
            <para>The type of <c>Target</c>. The only possible value is <c>Object</c>. Pass this value
            if the target data that you would like to access is a path to an object. Do not pass
            this value if the target data is a bucket or a bucket and a prefix. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CDataAccessCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetDataAccessResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetDataAccessResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CJobCmdlet">
            Retrieves the configuration parameters and status for a Batch Operations job. For
            more information, see <a href="">S3
            Batch Operations</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            To use the <c>DescribeJob</c> operation, you must have permission to perform the <c>s3:DescribeJob</c>
            Related actions include:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">CreateJob</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">ListJobs</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">UpdateJobPriority</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">UpdateJobStatus</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CJobCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID associated with the S3 Batch Operations job.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CJobCmdlet.JobId">
            <para>The ID for the job whose information you want to retrieve.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CJobCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Job'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.DescribeJobResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.DescribeJobResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CJobListCmdlet">
            Lists current S3 Batch Operations jobs as well as the jobs that have ended within
            the last 90 days for the Amazon Web Services account making the request. For more
            information, see <a href="">S3
            Batch Operations</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            To use the <c>ListJobs</c> operation, you must have permission to perform the <c>s3:ListJobs</c>
            Related actions include:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">CreateJob</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">DescribeJob</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">UpdateJobPriority</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">UpdateJobStatus</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CJobListCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID associated with the S3 Batch Operations job.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CJobListCmdlet.JobStatus">
            <para>The <c>List Jobs</c> request returns jobs that match the statuses listed in this element.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CJobListCmdlet.MaxResult">
            <para>The maximum number of jobs that Amazon S3 will include in the <c>List Jobs</c> response.
            If there are more jobs than this number, the response will include a pagination token
            in the <c>NextToken</c> field to enable you to retrieve the next page of results.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CJobListCmdlet.NextToken">
            <para>A pagination token to request the next page of results. Use the token that Amazon
            S3 returned in the <c>NextToken</c> element of the <c>ListJobsResult</c> from the
            previous <c>List Jobs</c> request.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CJobListCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Jobs'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.ListJobsResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.ListJobsResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CJobTaggingCmdlet">
            Returns the tags on an S3 Batch Operations job.
            To use the <c>GetJobTagging</c> operation, you must have permission to perform the
            <c>s3:GetJobTagging</c> action. For more information, see <a href="">Controlling
            access and labeling jobs using tags</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            Related actions include:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">CreateJob</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">PutJobTagging</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">DeleteJobTagging</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CJobTaggingCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID associated with the S3 Batch Operations job.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CJobTaggingCmdlet.JobId">
            <para>The ID for the S3 Batch Operations job whose tags you want to retrieve.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CJobTaggingCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Tags'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetJobTaggingResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetJobTaggingResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CMultiRegionAccessPointCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Returns configuration information about the specified Multi-Region Access Point.
            This action will always be routed to the US West (Oregon) Region. For more information
            about the restrictions around working with Multi-Region Access Points, see <a href="">Multi-Region
            Access Point restrictions and limitations</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            The following actions are related to <c>GetMultiRegionAccessPoint</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">CreateMultiRegionAccessPoint</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">DeleteMultiRegionAccessPoint</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">DescribeMultiRegionAccessPointOperation</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">ListMultiRegionAccessPoints</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CMultiRegionAccessPointCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID for the owner of the Multi-Region Access Point.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CMultiRegionAccessPointCmdlet.Name">
            <para>The name of the Multi-Region Access Point whose configuration information you want
            to receive. The name of the Multi-Region Access Point is different from the alias.
            For more information about the distinction between the name and the alias of an Multi-Region
            Access Point, see <a href="">Rules
            for naming Amazon S3 Multi-Region Access Points</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CMultiRegionAccessPointCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'AccessPoint'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetMultiRegionAccessPointResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetMultiRegionAccessPointResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CMultiRegionAccessPointListCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Returns a list of the Multi-Region Access Points currently associated with the specified
            Amazon Web Services account. Each call can return up to 100 Multi-Region Access Points,
            the maximum number of Multi-Region Access Points that can be associated with a single
            This action will always be routed to the US West (Oregon) Region. For more information
            about the restrictions around working with Multi-Region Access Points, see <a href="">Multi-Region
            Access Point restrictions and limitations</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            The following actions are related to <c>ListMultiRegionAccessPoint</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">CreateMultiRegionAccessPoint</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">DeleteMultiRegionAccessPoint</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">DescribeMultiRegionAccessPointOperation</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">GetMultiRegionAccessPoint</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CMultiRegionAccessPointListCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID for the owner of the Multi-Region Access Point.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CMultiRegionAccessPointListCmdlet.MaxResult">
            <para>Not currently used. Do not use this parameter.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CMultiRegionAccessPointListCmdlet.NextToken">
            <para>Not currently used. Do not use this parameter.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CMultiRegionAccessPointListCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'AccessPoints'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.ListMultiRegionAccessPointsResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.ListMultiRegionAccessPointsResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CMultiRegionAccessPointOperationCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Retrieves the status of an asynchronous request to manage a Multi-Region Access Point.
            For more information about managing Multi-Region Access Points and how asynchronous
            requests work, see <a href="">Using
            Multi-Region Access Points</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            The following actions are related to <c>GetMultiRegionAccessPoint</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">CreateMultiRegionAccessPoint</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">DeleteMultiRegionAccessPoint</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">GetMultiRegionAccessPoint</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">ListMultiRegionAccessPoints</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CMultiRegionAccessPointOperationCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID for the owner of the Multi-Region Access Point.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CMultiRegionAccessPointOperationCmdlet.RequestTokenARN">
            <para>The request token associated with the request you want to know about. This request
            token is returned as part of the response when you make an asynchronous request. You
            provide this token to query about the status of the asynchronous action.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CMultiRegionAccessPointOperationCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'AsyncOperation'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.DescribeMultiRegionAccessPointOperationResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.DescribeMultiRegionAccessPointOperationResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CMultiRegionAccessPointPolicyCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Returns the access control policy of the specified Multi-Region Access Point.
            This action will always be routed to the US West (Oregon) Region. For more information
            about the restrictions around working with Multi-Region Access Points, see <a href="">Multi-Region
            Access Point restrictions and limitations</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            The following actions are related to <c>GetMultiRegionAccessPointPolicy</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">GetMultiRegionAccessPointPolicyStatus</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">PutMultiRegionAccessPointPolicy</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CMultiRegionAccessPointPolicyCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID for the owner of the Multi-Region Access Point.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CMultiRegionAccessPointPolicyCmdlet.Name">
            <para>Specifies the Multi-Region Access Point. The name of the Multi-Region Access Point
            is different from the alias. For more information about the distinction between the
            name and the alias of an Multi-Region Access Point, see <a href="">Rules
            for naming Amazon S3 Multi-Region Access Points</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CMultiRegionAccessPointPolicyCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Policy'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetMultiRegionAccessPointPolicyResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetMultiRegionAccessPointPolicyResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CMultiRegionAccessPointPolicyStatusCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Indicates whether the specified Multi-Region Access Point has an access control policy
            that allows public access.
            This action will always be routed to the US West (Oregon) Region. For more information
            about the restrictions around working with Multi-Region Access Points, see <a href="">Multi-Region
            Access Point restrictions and limitations</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            The following actions are related to <c>GetMultiRegionAccessPointPolicyStatus</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">GetMultiRegionAccessPointPolicy</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">PutMultiRegionAccessPointPolicy</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CMultiRegionAccessPointPolicyStatusCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID for the owner of the Multi-Region Access Point.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CMultiRegionAccessPointPolicyStatusCmdlet.Name">
            <para>Specifies the Multi-Region Access Point. The name of the Multi-Region Access Point
            is different from the alias. For more information about the distinction between the
            name and the alias of an Multi-Region Access Point, see <a href="">Rules
            for naming Amazon S3 Multi-Region Access Points</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CMultiRegionAccessPointPolicyStatusCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Established'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetMultiRegionAccessPointPolicyStatusResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetMultiRegionAccessPointPolicyStatusResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CMultiRegionAccessPointRouteCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Returns the routing configuration for a Multi-Region Access Point, indicating which
            Regions are active or passive.
            To obtain routing control changes and failover requests, use the Amazon S3 failover
            control infrastructure endpoints in these five Amazon Web Services Regions:
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CMultiRegionAccessPointRouteCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID for the owner of the Multi-Region Access Point.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CMultiRegionAccessPointRouteCmdlet.Mrap">
            <para>The Multi-Region Access Point ARN.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CMultiRegionAccessPointRouteCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetMultiRegionAccessPointRoutesResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetMultiRegionAccessPointRoutesResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CPublicAccessBlockCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Retrieves the <c>PublicAccessBlock</c> configuration for an Amazon Web Services account.
            For more information, see <a href="">
            Using Amazon S3 block public access</a>.
            Related actions include:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">DeletePublicAccessBlock</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">PutPublicAccessBlock</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CPublicAccessBlockCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The account ID for the Amazon Web Services account whose <c>PublicAccessBlock</c>
            configuration you want to retrieve.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CPublicAccessBlockCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'PublicAccessBlockConfiguration'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetPublicAccessBlockResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetPublicAccessBlockResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CRegionalBucketListCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Returns a list of all Outposts buckets in an Outpost that are owned by the authenticated
            sender of the request. For more information, see <a href="">Using
            Amazon S3 on Outposts</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            For an example of the request syntax for Amazon S3 on Outposts that uses the S3 on
            Outposts endpoint hostname prefix and <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> in your request, see
            the <a href="">Examples</a>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CRegionalBucketListCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the Outposts bucket.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CRegionalBucketListCmdlet.OutpostId">
            <para>The ID of the Outposts resource.</para><note><para>This ID is required by Amazon S3 on Outposts buckets.</para></note>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CRegionalBucketListCmdlet.MaxResult">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CRegionalBucketListCmdlet.NextToken">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CRegionalBucketListCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'RegionalBucketList'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.ListRegionalBucketsResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.ListRegionalBucketsResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CResourceTagCmdlet">
            This operation allows you to list all the Amazon Web Services resource tags for a
            specified resource. Each tag is a label consisting of a user-defined key and value.
            Tags can help you manage, identify, organize, search for, and filter resources.
            You must have the <c>s3:ListTagsForResource</c> permission to use this operation.
            This operation is only supported for <a href="">S3
            Storage Lens groups</a> and for <a href="">S3
            Access Grants</a>. The tagged resource can be an S3 Storage Lens group or S3 Access
            Grants instance, registered location, or grant.
            For more information about the required Storage Lens Groups permissions, see <a href="">Setting
            account permissions to use S3 Storage Lens groups</a>.
            For information about S3 Tagging errors, see <a href="">List
            of Amazon S3 Tagging error codes</a>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CResourceTagCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para> The Amazon Web Services account ID of the resource owner. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CResourceTagCmdlet.ResourceArn">
            <para> The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the S3 resource that you want to list the tags
            for. The tagged resource can be an S3 Storage Lens group or S3 Access Grants instance,
            registered location, or grant. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CResourceTagCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Tags'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.ListTagsForResourceResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.ListTagsForResourceResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Gets the Amazon S3 Storage Lens configuration. For more information, see <a href="">Assessing
            your storage activity and usage with Amazon S3 Storage Lens </a> in the <i>Amazon
            S3 User Guide</i>. For a complete list of S3 Storage Lens metrics, see <a href="">S3
            Storage Lens metrics glossary</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            To use this action, you must have permission to perform the <c>s3:GetStorageLensConfiguration</c>
            action. For more information, see <a href="">Setting
            permissions to use Amazon S3 Storage Lens</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The account ID of the requester.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.ConfigId">
            <para>The ID of the Amazon S3 Storage Lens configuration.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'StorageLensConfiguration'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetStorageLensConfigurationResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetStorageLensConfigurationResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CStorageLensConfigurationListCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Gets a list of Amazon S3 Storage Lens configurations. For more information about S3
            Storage Lens, see <a href="">Assessing
            your storage activity and usage with Amazon S3 Storage Lens </a> in the <i>Amazon
            S3 User Guide</i>.
            To use this action, you must have permission to perform the <c>s3:ListStorageLensConfigurations</c>
            action. For more information, see <a href="">Setting
            permissions to use Amazon S3 Storage Lens</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CStorageLensConfigurationListCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The account ID of the requester.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CStorageLensConfigurationListCmdlet.NextToken">
            <para>A pagination token to request the next page of results.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CStorageLensConfigurationListCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'StorageLensConfigurationList'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.ListStorageLensConfigurationsResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.ListStorageLensConfigurationsResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CStorageLensConfigurationTaggingCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Gets the tags of Amazon S3 Storage Lens configuration. For more information about
            S3 Storage Lens, see <a href="">Assessing
            your storage activity and usage with Amazon S3 Storage Lens </a> in the <i>Amazon
            S3 User Guide</i>.
            To use this action, you must have permission to perform the <c>s3:GetStorageLensConfigurationTagging</c>
            action. For more information, see <a href="">Setting
            permissions to use Amazon S3 Storage Lens</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CStorageLensConfigurationTaggingCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The account ID of the requester.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CStorageLensConfigurationTaggingCmdlet.ConfigId">
            <para>The ID of the Amazon S3 Storage Lens configuration.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CStorageLensConfigurationTaggingCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Tags'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetStorageLensConfigurationTaggingResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetStorageLensConfigurationTaggingResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet">
            Retrieves the Storage Lens group configuration details.
            To use this operation, you must have the permission to perform the <c>s3:GetStorageLensGroup</c>
            action. For more information about the required Storage Lens Groups permissions, see
            <a href="">Setting
            account permissions to use S3 Storage Lens groups</a>.
            For information about Storage Lens groups errors, see <a href="">List
            of Amazon S3 Storage Lens error codes</a>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para> The Amazon Web Services account ID associated with the Storage Lens group that you're
            trying to retrieve the details for. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.Name">
            <para> The name of the Storage Lens group that you're trying to retrieve the configuration
            details for. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'StorageLensGroup'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetStorageLensGroupResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.GetStorageLensGroupResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CStorageLensGroupListCmdlet">
            Lists all the Storage Lens groups in the specified home Region.
            To use this operation, you must have the permission to perform the <c>s3:ListStorageLensGroups</c>
            action. For more information about the required Storage Lens Groups permissions, see
            <a href="">Setting
            account permissions to use S3 Storage Lens groups</a>.
            For information about Storage Lens groups errors, see <a href="">List
            of Amazon S3 Storage Lens error codes</a>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CStorageLensGroupListCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para> The Amazon Web Services account ID that owns the Storage Lens groups. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CStorageLensGroupListCmdlet.NextToken">
            <para>The token for the next set of results, or <c>null</c> if there are no more results.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.GetS3CStorageLensGroupListCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'StorageLensGroupList'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.ListStorageLensGroupsResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.ListStorageLensGroupsResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessGrantCmdlet">
            Creates an access grant that gives a grantee access to your S3 data. The grantee can
            be an IAM user or role or a directory user, or group. Before you can create a grant,
            you must have an S3 Access Grants instance in the same Region as the S3 data. You
            can create an S3 Access Grants instance using the <a href="">CreateAccessGrantsInstance</a>.
            You must also have registered at least one S3 data location in your S3 Access Grants
            instance using <a href="">CreateAccessGrantsLocation</a>.
            You must have the <c>s3:CreateAccessGrant</c> permission to use this operation.
            </para></dd><dt>Additional Permissions</dt><dd><para>
            For any directory identity - <c>sso:DescribeInstance</c> and <c>sso:DescribeApplication</c></para><para>
            For directory users - <c>identitystore:DescribeUser</c></para><para>
            For directory groups - <c>identitystore:DescribeGroup</c></para></dd></dl>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessGrantCmdlet.AccessGrantsLocationId">
            <para>The ID of the registered location to which you are granting access. S3 Access Grants
            assigns this ID when you register the location. S3 Access Grants assigns the ID <c>default</c>
            to the default location <c>s3://</c> and assigns an auto-generated ID to other locations
            that you register. </para><para>If you are passing the <c>default</c> location, you cannot create an access grant
            for the entire default location. You must also specify a bucket or a bucket and prefix
            in the <c>Subprefix</c> field. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessGrantCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the S3 Access Grants instance.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessGrantCmdlet.ApplicationArn">
            <para>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an Amazon Web Services IAM Identity Center application
            associated with your Identity Center instance. If an application ARN is included in
            the request to create an access grant, the grantee can only access the S3 data through
            this application. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessGrantCmdlet.Grantee_GranteeIdentifier">
            <para>The unique identifier of the <c>Grantee</c>. If the grantee type is <c>IAM</c>, the
            identifier is the IAM Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user or role. If the grantee
            type is a directory user or group, the identifier is 128-bit universally unique identifier
            (UUID) in the format <c>a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111</c>. You can obtain this
            UUID from your Amazon Web Services IAM Identity Center instance.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessGrantCmdlet.Grantee_GranteeType">
            <para>The type of the grantee to which access has been granted. It can be one of the following
            values:</para><ul><li><para><c>IAM</c> - An IAM user or role.</para></li><li><para><c>DIRECTORY_USER</c> - Your corporate directory user. You can use this option if
            you have added your corporate identity directory to IAM Identity Center and associated
            the IAM Identity Center instance with your S3 Access Grants instance.</para></li><li><para><c>DIRECTORY_GROUP</c> - Your corporate directory group. You can use this option
            if you have added your corporate identity directory to IAM Identity Center and associated
            the IAM Identity Center instance with your S3 Access Grants instance.</para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessGrantCmdlet.Permission">
            <para>The type of access that you are granting to your S3 data, which can be set to one
            of the following values:</para><ul><li><para><c>READ</c> – Grant read-only access to the S3 data.</para></li><li><para><c>WRITE</c> – Grant write-only access to the S3 data.</para></li><li><para><c>READWRITE</c> – Grant both read and write access to the S3 data.</para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessGrantCmdlet.S3PrefixType">
            <para>The type of <c>S3SubPrefix</c>. The only possible value is <c>Object</c>. Pass this
            value if the access grant scope is an object. Do not pass this value if the access
            grant scope is a bucket or a bucket and a prefix. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessGrantCmdlet.AccessGrantsLocationConfiguration_S3SubPrefix">
            <para>The <c>S3SubPrefix</c> is appended to the location scope creating the grant scope.
            Use this field to narrow the scope of the grant to a subset of the location scope.
            This field is required if the location scope is the default location <c>s3://</c>
            because you cannot create a grant for all of your S3 data in the Region and must narrow
            the scope. For example, if the location scope is the default location <c>s3://</c>,
            the <c>S3SubPrefx</c> can be a &lt;bucket-name&gt;/*, so the full grant scope path
            would be <c>s3://&lt;bucket-name&gt;/*</c>. Or the <c>S3SubPrefx</c> can be <c>&lt;bucket-name&gt;/&lt;prefix-name&gt;*</c>,
            so the full grant scope path would be or <c>s3://&lt;bucket-name&gt;/&lt;prefix-name&gt;*</c>.</para><para>If the <c>S3SubPrefix</c> includes a prefix, append the wildcard character <c>*</c>
            after the prefix to indicate that you want to include all object key names in the
            bucket that start with that prefix. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessGrantCmdlet.Tag">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services resource tags that you are adding to the access grant. Each
            tag is a label consisting of a user-defined key and value. Tags can help you manage,
            identify, organize, search for, and filter resources. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessGrantCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.CreateAccessGrantResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.CreateAccessGrantResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessGrantCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessGrantsInstanceCmdlet">
            Creates an S3 Access Grants instance, which serves as a logical grouping for access
            grants. You can create one S3 Access Grants instance per Region per account.
            You must have the <c>s3:CreateAccessGrantsInstance</c> permission to use this operation.
            </para></dd><dt>Additional Permissions</dt><dd><para>
            To associate an IAM Identity Center instance with your S3 Access Grants instance,
            you must also have the <c>sso:DescribeInstance</c>, <c>sso:CreateApplication</c>,
            <c>sso:PutApplicationGrant</c>, and <c>sso:PutApplicationAuthenticationMethod</c>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessGrantsInstanceCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the S3 Access Grants instance.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessGrantsInstanceCmdlet.IdentityCenterArn">
            <para>If you would like to associate your S3 Access Grants instance with an Amazon Web Services
            IAM Identity Center instance, use this field to pass the Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
            of the Amazon Web Services IAM Identity Center instance that you are associating with
            your S3 Access Grants instance. An IAM Identity Center instance is your corporate
            identity directory that you added to the IAM Identity Center. You can use the <a href="">ListInstances</a>
            API operation to retrieve a list of your Identity Center instances and their ARNs.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessGrantsInstanceCmdlet.Tag">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services resource tags that you are adding to the S3 Access Grants
            instance. Each tag is a label consisting of a user-defined key and value. Tags can
            help you manage, identify, organize, search for, and filter resources. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessGrantsInstanceCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.CreateAccessGrantsInstanceResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.CreateAccessGrantsInstanceResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessGrantsInstanceCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessGrantsLocationCmdlet">
            The S3 data location that you would like to register in your S3 Access Grants instance.
            Your S3 data must be in the same Region as your S3 Access Grants instance. The location
            can be one of the following:
            The default S3 location <c>s3://</c></para></li><li><para>
            A bucket - <c>S3://&lt;bucket-name&gt;</c></para></li><li><para>
            A bucket and prefix - <c>S3://&lt;bucket-name&gt;/&lt;prefix&gt;</c></para></li></ul><para>
            When you register a location, you must include the IAM role that has permission to
            manage the S3 location that you are registering. Give S3 Access Grants permission
            to assume this role <a href="">using
            a policy</a>. S3 Access Grants assumes this role to manage access to the location
            and to vend temporary credentials to grantees or client applications.
            You must have the <c>s3:CreateAccessGrantsLocation</c> permission to use this operation.
            </para></dd><dt>Additional Permissions</dt><dd><para>
            You must also have the following permission for the specified IAM role: <c>iam:PassRole</c></para></dd></dl>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessGrantsLocationCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the S3 Access Grants instance.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessGrantsLocationCmdlet.IAMRoleArn">
            <para>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role for the registered location. S3 Access
            Grants assumes this role to manage access to the registered location. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessGrantsLocationCmdlet.LocationScope">
            <para>The S3 path to the location that you are registering. The location scope can be the
            default S3 location <c>s3://</c>, the S3 path to a bucket <c>s3://&lt;bucket&gt;</c>,
            or the S3 path to a bucket and prefix <c>s3://&lt;bucket&gt;/&lt;prefix&gt;</c>. A
            prefix in S3 is a string of characters at the beginning of an object key name used
            to organize the objects that you store in your S3 buckets. For example, object key
            names that start with the <c>engineering/</c> prefix or object key names that start
            with the <c>marketing/campaigns/</c> prefix.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessGrantsLocationCmdlet.Tag">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services resource tags that you are adding to the S3 Access Grants
            location. Each tag is a label consisting of a user-defined key and value. Tags can
            help you manage, identify, organize, search for, and filter resources.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessGrantsLocationCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.CreateAccessGrantsLocationResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.CreateAccessGrantsLocationResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessGrantsLocationCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessPointCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Creates an access point and associates it with the specified bucket. For more information,
            see <a href="">Managing
            Data Access with Amazon S3 Access Points</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            S3 on Outposts only supports VPC-style access points.
            For more information, see <a href="">
            Accessing Amazon S3 on Outposts using virtual private cloud (VPC) only access points</a>
            in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            All Amazon S3 on Outposts REST API requests for this action require an additional
            parameter of <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> to be passed with the request. In addition, you
            must use an S3 on Outposts endpoint hostname prefix instead of <c>s3-control</c>.
            For an example of the request syntax for Amazon S3 on Outposts that uses the S3 on
            Outposts endpoint hostname prefix and the <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> derived by using
            the access point ARN, see the <a href="">Examples</a>
            The following actions are related to <c>CreateAccessPoint</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">GetAccessPoint</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">DeleteAccessPoint</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">ListAccessPoints</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessPointCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID for the account that owns the specified access
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessPointCmdlet.PublicAccessBlockConfiguration_BlockPublicAcl">
            <para>Specifies whether Amazon S3 should block public access control lists (ACLs) for buckets
            in this account. Setting this element to <c>TRUE</c> causes the following behavior:</para><ul><li><para><c>PutBucketAcl</c> and <c>PutObjectAcl</c> calls fail if the specified ACL is public.</para></li><li><para>PUT Object calls fail if the request includes a public ACL.</para></li><li><para>PUT Bucket calls fail if the request includes a public ACL.</para></li></ul><para>Enabling this setting doesn't affect existing policies or ACLs.</para><para>This property is not supported for Amazon S3 on Outposts.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessPointCmdlet.PublicAccessBlockConfiguration_BlockPublicPolicy">
            <para>Specifies whether Amazon S3 should block public bucket policies for buckets in this
            account. Setting this element to <c>TRUE</c> causes Amazon S3 to reject calls to PUT
            Bucket policy if the specified bucket policy allows public access. </para><para>Enabling this setting doesn't affect existing bucket policies.</para><para>This property is not supported for Amazon S3 on Outposts.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessPointCmdlet.Bucket">
            <para>The name of the bucket that you want to associate this access point with.</para><para>For using this parameter with Amazon S3 on Outposts with the REST API, you must specify
            the name and the x-amz-outpost-id as well.</para><para>For using this parameter with S3 on Outposts with the Amazon Web Services SDK and
            CLI, you must specify the ARN of the bucket accessed in the format <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:&lt;Region&gt;:&lt;account-id&gt;:outpost/&lt;outpost-id&gt;/bucket/&lt;my-bucket-name&gt;</c>.
            For example, to access the bucket <c>reports</c> through Outpost <c>my-outpost</c>
            owned by account <c>123456789012</c> in Region <c>us-west-2</c>, use the URL encoding
            of <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:us-west-2:123456789012:outpost/my-outpost/bucket/reports</c>.
            The value must be URL encoded. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessPointCmdlet.BucketAccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID associated with the S3 bucket associated with this
            access point.</para><para>For same account access point when your bucket and access point belong to the same
            account owner, the <c>BucketAccountId</c> is not required. For cross-account access
            point when your bucket and access point are not in the same account, the <c>BucketAccountId</c>
            is required. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessPointCmdlet.PublicAccessBlockConfiguration_IgnorePublicAcl">
            <para>Specifies whether Amazon S3 should ignore public ACLs for buckets in this account.
            Setting this element to <c>TRUE</c> causes Amazon S3 to ignore all public ACLs on
            buckets in this account and any objects that they contain. </para><para>Enabling this setting doesn't affect the persistence of any existing ACLs and doesn't
            prevent new public ACLs from being set.</para><para>This property is not supported for Amazon S3 on Outposts.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessPointCmdlet.Name">
            <para>The name you want to assign to this access point.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessPointCmdlet.PublicAccessBlockConfiguration_RestrictPublicBucket">
            <para>Specifies whether Amazon S3 should restrict public bucket policies for buckets in
            this account. Setting this element to <c>TRUE</c> restricts access to buckets with
            public policies to only Amazon Web Services service principals and authorized users
            within this account.</para><para>Enabling this setting doesn't affect previously stored bucket policies, except that
            public and cross-account access within any public bucket policy, including non-public
            delegation to specific accounts, is blocked.</para><para>This property is not supported for Amazon S3 on Outposts.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessPointCmdlet.VpcConfiguration_VpcId">
            <para>If this field is specified, this access point will only allow connections from the
            specified VPC ID.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessPointCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'AccessPointArn'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.CreateAccessPointResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.CreateAccessPointResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessPointCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessPointForObjectLambdaCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Creates an Object Lambda Access Point. For more information, see <a href="">Transforming
            objects with Object Lambda Access Points</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            The following actions are related to <c>CreateAccessPointForObjectLambda</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">DeleteAccessPointForObjectLambda</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">GetAccessPointForObjectLambda</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">ListAccessPointsForObjectLambda</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessPointForObjectLambdaCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID for owner of the specified Object Lambda Access
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessPointForObjectLambdaCmdlet.Configuration_AllowedFeature">
            <para>A container for allowed features. Valid inputs are <c>GetObject-Range</c>, <c>GetObject-PartNumber</c>,
            <c>HeadObject-Range</c>, and <c>HeadObject-PartNumber</c>.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessPointForObjectLambdaCmdlet.Configuration_CloudWatchMetricsEnabled">
            <para>A container for whether the CloudWatch metrics configuration is enabled.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessPointForObjectLambdaCmdlet.Name">
            <para>The name you want to assign to this Object Lambda Access Point.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessPointForObjectLambdaCmdlet.Configuration_SupportingAccessPoint">
            <para>Standard access point associated with the Object Lambda Access Point.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessPointForObjectLambdaCmdlet.Configuration_TransformationConfiguration">
            <para>A container for transformation configurations for an Object Lambda Access Point.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessPointForObjectLambdaCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'ObjectLambdaAccessPointArn'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.CreateAccessPointForObjectLambdaResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.CreateAccessPointForObjectLambdaResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CAccessPointForObjectLambdaCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CBucketCmdlet">
            This action creates an Amazon S3 on Outposts bucket. To create an S3 bucket, see <a href="">Create
            Bucket</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 API Reference</i>.
            Creates a new Outposts bucket. By creating the bucket, you become the bucket owner.
            To create an Outposts bucket, you must have S3 on Outposts. For more information,
            see <a href="">Using
            Amazon S3 on Outposts</a> in <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            Not every string is an acceptable bucket name. For information on bucket naming restrictions,
            see <a href="">Working
            with Amazon S3 Buckets</a>.
            S3 on Outposts buckets support:
            LifecycleConfigurations for deleting expired objects
            For a complete list of restrictions and Amazon S3 feature limitations on S3 on Outposts,
            see <a href="">
            Amazon S3 on Outposts Restrictions and Limitations</a>.
            For an example of the request syntax for Amazon S3 on Outposts that uses the S3 on
            Outposts endpoint hostname prefix and <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> in your API request,
            see the <a href="">Examples</a>
            The following actions are related to <c>CreateBucket</c> for Amazon S3 on Outposts:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">PutObject</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">GetBucket</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">DeleteBucket</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">CreateAccessPoint</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">PutAccessPointPolicy</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CBucketCmdlet.ACL">
            <para>The canned ACL to apply to the bucket.</para><note><para>This is not supported by Amazon S3 on Outposts buckets.</para></note>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CBucketCmdlet.Bucket">
            <para>The name of the bucket.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CBucketCmdlet.GrantFullControl">
            <para>Allows grantee the read, write, read ACP, and write ACP permissions on the bucket.</para><note><para>This is not supported by Amazon S3 on Outposts buckets.</para></note>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CBucketCmdlet.GrantRead">
            <para>Allows grantee to list the objects in the bucket.</para><note><para>This is not supported by Amazon S3 on Outposts buckets.</para></note>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CBucketCmdlet.GrantReadACP">
            <para>Allows grantee to read the bucket ACL.</para><note><para>This is not supported by Amazon S3 on Outposts buckets.</para></note>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CBucketCmdlet.GrantWrite">
            <para>Allows grantee to create, overwrite, and delete any object in the bucket.</para><note><para>This is not supported by Amazon S3 on Outposts buckets.</para></note>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CBucketCmdlet.GrantWriteACP">
            <para>Allows grantee to write the ACL for the applicable bucket.</para><note><para>This is not supported by Amazon S3 on Outposts buckets.</para></note>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CBucketCmdlet.CreateBucketConfiguration_LocationConstraint">
            <para>Specifies the Region where the bucket will be created. If you are creating a bucket
            on the US East (N. Virginia) Region (us-east-1), you do not need to specify the location.
            </para><note><para>This is not supported by Amazon S3 on Outposts buckets.</para></note>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CBucketCmdlet.ObjectLockEnabledForBucket">
            <para>Specifies whether you want S3 Object Lock to be enabled for the new bucket.</para><note><para>This is not supported by Amazon S3 on Outposts buckets.</para></note>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CBucketCmdlet.OutpostId">
            <para>The ID of the Outposts where the bucket is being created.</para><note><para>This ID is required by Amazon S3 on Outposts buckets.</para></note>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CBucketCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.CreateBucketResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.CreateBucketResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CBucketCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet">
            This operation creates an S3 Batch Operations job.
            You can use S3 Batch Operations to perform large-scale batch actions on Amazon S3
            objects. Batch Operations can run a single action on lists of Amazon S3 objects that
            you specify. For more information, see <a href="">S3
            Batch Operations</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            For information about permissions required to use the Batch Operations, see <a href="">Granting
            permissions for S3 Batch Operations</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            Related actions include:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">DescribeJob</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">ListJobs</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">UpdateJobPriority</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">UpdateJobStatus</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">JobOperation</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.S3PutObjectCopy_AccessControlGrant">
            <note><para>This functionality is not supported by directory buckets.</para></note>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID that creates the job.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.ManifestOutputLocation_Bucket">
            <para>The bucket ARN the generated manifest should be written to.</para><note><para><b>Directory buckets</b> - Directory buckets aren't supported as the buckets to store
            the generated manifest.</para></note>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.Report_Bucket">
            <para>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the bucket where specified job-completion report
            will be stored.</para><note><para><b>Directory buckets</b> - Directory buckets aren't supported as a location for Batch
            Operations to store job completion reports.</para></note>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.S3PutObjectCopy_BucketKeyEnabled">
            <para>Specifies whether Amazon S3 should use an S3 Bucket Key for object encryption with
            server-side encryption using Amazon Web Services KMS (SSE-KMS). Setting this header
            to <c>true</c> causes Amazon S3 to use an S3 Bucket Key for object encryption with
            SSE-KMS.</para><para>Specifying this header with an <i>Copy</i> action doesn’t affect <i>bucket-level</i>
            settings for S3 Bucket Key.</para><note><para><b>Directory buckets</b> - S3 Bucket Keys aren't supported, when you copy SSE-KMS
            encrypted objects from general purpose buckets to directory buckets, from directory
            buckets to general purpose buckets, or between directory buckets, through <a href="">the
            Copy operation in Batch Operations</a>. In this case, Amazon S3 makes a call to KMS
            every time a copy request is made for a KMS-encrypted object.</para></note>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.S3PutObjectRetention_BypassGovernanceRetention">
            <para>Indicates if the action should be applied to objects in the Batch Operations job even
            if they have Object Lock <c> GOVERNANCE</c> type in place.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.NewObjectMetadata_CacheControl">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.AccessControlPolicy_CannedAccessControlList">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.S3PutObjectCopy_CannedAccessControlList">
            <note><para>This functionality is not supported by directory buckets.</para></note>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.S3PutObjectCopy_ChecksumAlgorithm">
            <para>Indicates the algorithm that you want Amazon S3 to use to create the checksum. For
            more information, see <a href="">
            Checking object integrity</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.ClientRequestToken">
            <para>An idempotency token to ensure that you don't accidentally submit the same request
            twice. You can use any string up to the maximum length.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.ConfirmationRequired">
            <para>Indicates whether confirmation is required before Amazon S3 runs the job. Confirmation
            is only required for jobs created through the Amazon S3 console.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.NewObjectMetadata_ContentDisposition">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.NewObjectMetadata_ContentEncoding">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.NewObjectMetadata_ContentLanguage">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.NewObjectMetadata_ContentLength">
            <para><i>This member has been deprecated.</i></para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.NewObjectMetadata_ContentMD5">
            <para><i>This member has been deprecated.</i></para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.NewObjectMetadata_ContentType">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.Filter_CreatedAfter">
            <para>If provided, the generated manifest includes only source bucket objects that were
            created after this time.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.Filter_CreatedBefore">
            <para>If provided, the generated manifest includes only source bucket objects that were
            created before this time.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.Description">
            <para>A description for this job. You can use any string within the permitted length. Descriptions
            don't need to be unique and can be used for multiple jobs.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.Owner_DisplayName">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.Filter_EligibleForReplication">
            <para>Include objects in the generated manifest only if they are eligible for replication
            according to the Replication configuration on the source bucket.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.Report_Enabled">
            <para>Indicates whether the specified job will generate a job-completion report.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.S3JobManifestGenerator_EnableManifestOutput">
            <para>Determines whether or not to write the job's generated manifest to a bucket.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.Location_ETag">
            <para>The ETag for the specified manifest object.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.S3JobManifestGenerator_ExpectedBucketOwner">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID that owns the bucket the generated manifest is
            written to. If provided the generated manifest bucket's owner Amazon Web Services
            account ID must match this value, else the job fails.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.ManifestOutputLocation_ExpectedManifestBucketOwner">
            <para>The Account ID that owns the bucket the generated manifest is written to.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.S3InitiateRestoreObject_ExpirationInDay">
            <para>This argument specifies how long the S3 Glacier or S3 Glacier Deep Archive object
            remains available in Amazon S3. S3 Initiate Restore Object jobs that target S3 Glacier
            and S3 Glacier Deep Archive objects require <c>ExpirationInDays</c> set to 1 or greater.</para><para>Conversely, do <i>not</i> set <c>ExpirationInDays</c> when creating S3 Initiate Restore
            Object jobs that target S3 Intelligent-Tiering Archive Access and Deep Archive Access
            tier objects. Objects in S3 Intelligent-Tiering archive access tiers are not subject
            to restore expiry, so specifying <c>ExpirationInDays</c> results in restore request
            failure.</para><para>S3 Batch Operations jobs can operate either on S3 Glacier and S3 Glacier Deep Archive
            storage class objects or on S3 Intelligent-Tiering Archive Access and Deep Archive
            Access storage tier objects, but not both types in the same job. If you need to restore
            objects of both types you <i>must</i> create separate Batch Operations jobs. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.Spec_Field">
            <para>If the specified manifest object is in the <c>S3BatchOperations_CSV_20180820</c> format,
            this element describes which columns contain the required data.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.Spec_Format">
            <para>Indicates which of the available formats the specified manifest uses.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.Report_Format">
            <para>The format of the specified job-completion report.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.LambdaInvoke_FunctionArn">
            <para>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the Lambda function that the specified job will
            invoke on every object in the manifest.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.S3InitiateRestoreObject_GlacierJobTier">
            <para>S3 Batch Operations supports <c>STANDARD</c> and <c>BULK</c> retrieval tiers, but
            not the <c>EXPEDITED</c> retrieval tier.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.AccessControlList_Grant">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.NewObjectMetadata_HttpExpiresDate">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.Owner_ID">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.LambdaInvoke_InvocationSchemaVersion">
            <para>Specifies the schema version for the payload that Batch Operations sends when invoking
            an Lambda function. Version <c>1.0</c> is the default. Version <c>2.0</c> is required
            when you use Batch Operations to invoke Lambda functions that act on directory buckets,
            or if you need to specify <c>UserArguments</c>. For more information, see <a href="">Automate
            object processing in Amazon S3 directory buckets with S3 Batch Operations and Lambda</a>
            in the <i>Amazon Web Services Storage Blog</i>.</para><important><para>Ensure that your Lambda function code expects <c>InvocationSchemaVersion</c><b>2.0</b>
            and uses bucket name rather than bucket ARN. If the <c>InvocationSchemaVersion</c>
            does not match what your Lambda function expects, your function might not work as
            expected.</para></important><note><para><b>Directory buckets</b> - To initiate Amazon Web Services Lambda function to perform
            custom actions on objects in directory buckets, you must specify <c>2.0</c>.</para></note>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.SSEKMS_KeyId">
            <para>Specifies the ID of the Amazon Web Services Key Management Service (Amazon Web Services
            KMS) symmetric encryption customer managed key to use for encrypting generated manifest
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.ManifestOutputLocation_ManifestFormat">
            <para>The format of the generated manifest.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.ManifestOutputLocation_ManifestPrefix">
            <para>Prefix identifying one or more objects to which the manifest applies.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.KeyNameConstraint_MatchAnyPrefix">
            <para>If provided, the generated manifest includes objects where the specified string appears
            at the start of the object key string. Each KeyNameConstraint filter accepts an array
            of strings with a length of 1 string.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.Filter_MatchAnyStorageClass">
            <para>If provided, the generated manifest includes only source bucket objects that are stored
            with the specified storage class.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.KeyNameConstraint_MatchAnySubstring">
            <para>If provided, the generated manifest includes objects where the specified string appears
            anywhere within the object key string. Each KeyNameConstraint filter accepts an array
            of strings with a length of 1 string.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.KeyNameConstraint_MatchAnySuffix">
            <para>If provided, the generated manifest includes objects where the specified string appears
            at the end of the object key string. Each KeyNameConstraint filter accepts an array
            of strings with a length of 1 string.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.S3PutObjectCopy_MetadataDirective">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.Retention_Mode">
            <para>The Object Lock retention mode to be applied to all objects in the Batch Operations
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.S3PutObjectCopy_ModifiedSinceConstraint">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.S3PutObjectCopy_NewObjectTagging">
            <para>Specifies a list of tags to add to the destination objects after they are copied.
            If <c>NewObjectTagging</c> is not specified, the tags of the source objects are copied
            to destination objects by default.</para><note><para><b>Directory buckets</b> - Tags aren't supported by directory buckets. If your source
            objects have tags and your destination bucket is a directory bucket, specify an empty
            tag set in the <c>NewObjectTagging</c> field to prevent copying the source object
            tags to the directory bucket.</para></note>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.Location_ObjectArn">
            <para>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a manifest object.</para><important><para>When you're using XML requests, you must replace special characters (such as carriage
            returns) in object keys with their equivalent XML entity codes. For more information,
            see <a href="">
            XML-related object key constraints</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.</para></important>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.S3PutObjectCopy_ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus">
            <para>The legal hold status to be applied to all objects in the Batch Operations job.</para><note><para>This functionality is not supported by directory buckets.</para></note>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.S3PutObjectCopy_ObjectLockMode">
            <para>The retention mode to be applied to all objects in the Batch Operations job.</para><note><para>This functionality is not supported by directory buckets.</para></note>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.S3PutObjectCopy_ObjectLockRetainUntilDate">
            <para>The date when the applied object retention configuration expires on all objects in
            the Batch Operations job.</para><note><para>This functionality is not supported by directory buckets.</para></note>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.Filter_ObjectReplicationStatus">
            <para>If provided, the generated manifest includes only source bucket objects that have
            one of the specified Replication statuses.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.Filter_ObjectSizeGreaterThanByte">
            <para>If provided, the generated manifest includes only source bucket objects whose file
            size is greater than the specified number of bytes.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.Filter_ObjectSizeLessThanByte">
            <para>If provided, the generated manifest includes only source bucket objects whose file
            size is less than the specified number of bytes.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.Location_ObjectVersionId">
            <para>The optional version ID to identify a specific version of the manifest object.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.Report_Prefix">
            <para>An optional prefix to describe where in the specified bucket the job-completion report
            will be stored. Amazon S3 stores the job-completion report at <c>&lt;prefix&gt;/job-&lt;job-id&gt;/report.json</c>.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.Priority">
            <para>The numerical priority for this job. Higher numbers indicate higher priority.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.S3PutObjectCopy_RedirectLocation">
            <para>If the destination bucket is configured as a website, specifies an optional metadata
            property for website redirects, <c>x-amz-website-redirect-location</c>. Allows webpage
            redirects if the object copy is accessed through a website endpoint.</para><note><para>This functionality is not supported by directory buckets.</para></note>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.Report_ReportScope">
            <para>Indicates whether the job-completion report will include details of all tasks or only
            failed tasks.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.NewObjectMetadata_RequesterCharged">
            <para><i>This member has been deprecated.</i></para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.S3PutObjectCopy_RequesterPay">
            <note><para>This functionality is not supported by directory buckets.</para></note>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.Retention_RetainUntilDate">
            <para>The date when the applied Object Lock retention will expire on all objects set by
            the Batch Operations job.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.RoleArn">
            <para>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that
            Batch Operations will use to run this job's action on every object in the manifest.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.Operation_S3DeleteObjectTagging">
            <para>Directs the specified job to execute a DELETE Object tagging call on every object
            in the manifest.</para><note><para>This functionality is not supported by directory buckets.</para></note>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.Operation_S3ReplicateObject">
            <para>Directs the specified job to invoke <c>ReplicateObject</c> on every object in the
            job's manifest.</para><note><para>This functionality is not supported by directory buckets.</para></note>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.S3JobManifestGenerator_SourceBucket">
            <para>The ARN of the source bucket used by the ManifestGenerator.</para><note><para><b>Directory buckets</b> - Directory buckets aren't supported as the source buckets
            used by <c>S3JobManifestGenerator</c> to generate the job manifest.</para></note>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.NewObjectMetadata_SSEAlgorithm">
            <para>The server-side encryption algorithm used when storing objects in Amazon S3.</para><para><b>Directory buckets </b> - For directory buckets, there are only two supported options
            for server-side encryption: server-side encryption with Amazon S3 managed keys (SSE-S3)
            (<c>AES256</c>) and server-side encryption with KMS keys (SSE-KMS) (<c>KMS</c>). For
            more information, see <a href="">Protecting
            data with server-side encryption</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>. For <a href="">the
            Copy operation in Batch Operations</a>, see <a href="">S3CopyObjectOperation</a>.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.S3PutObjectCopy_SSEAwsKmsKeyId">
            <para>Specifies the KMS key ID (Key ID, Key ARN, or Key Alias) to use for object encryption.
            If the KMS key doesn't exist in the same account that's issuing the command, you must
            use the full Key ARN not the Key ID.</para><note><para><b>Directory buckets</b> - If you specify <c>SSEAlgorithm</c> with <c>KMS</c>, you
            must specify the <c> SSEAwsKmsKeyId</c> parameter with the ID (Key ID or Key ARN)
            of the KMS symmetric encryption customer managed key to use. Otherwise, you get an
            HTTP <c>400 Bad Request</c> error. The key alias format of the KMS key isn't supported.
            To encrypt new object copies in a directory bucket with SSE-KMS, you must specify
            SSE-KMS as the directory bucket's default encryption configuration with a KMS key
            (specifically, a <a href="">customer
            managed key</a>). The <a href="">Amazon
            Web Services managed key</a> (<c>aws/s3</c>) isn't supported. Your SSE-KMS configuration
            can only support 1 <a href="">customer
            managed key</a> per directory bucket for the lifetime of the bucket. After you specify
            a customer managed key for SSE-KMS as the bucket default encryption, you can't override
            the customer managed key for the bucket's SSE-KMS configuration. Then, when you specify
            server-side encryption settings for new object copies with SSE-KMS, you must make
            sure the encryption key is the same customer managed key that you specified for the
            directory bucket's default encryption configuration. </para></note>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.ManifestEncryption_SSES3">
            <para>Specifies the use of SSE-S3 to encrypt generated manifest objects.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.LegalHold_Status">
            <para>The Object Lock legal hold status to be applied to all objects in the Batch Operations
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.S3PutObjectCopy_StorageClass">
            <para>Specify the storage class for the destination objects in a <c>Copy</c> operation.</para><note><para><b>Directory buckets </b> - This functionality is not supported by directory buckets.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.Tag">
            <para>A set of tags to associate with the S3 Batch Operations job. This is an optional parameter.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.S3PutObjectTagging_TagSet">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.S3PutObjectCopy_TargetKeyPrefix">
            <para>Specifies the folder prefix that you want the objects to be copied into. For example,
            to copy objects into a folder named <c>Folder1</c> in the destination bucket, set
            the <c>TargetKeyPrefix</c> property to <c>Folder1</c>.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.S3PutObjectCopy_TargetResource">
            <para>Specifies the destination bucket Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the batch copy operation.</para><ul><li><para><b>General purpose buckets</b> - For example, to copy objects to a general purpose
            bucket named <c>destinationBucket</c>, set the <c>TargetResource</c> property to <c>arn:aws:s3:::destinationBucket</c>.</para></li><li><para><b>Directory buckets</b> - For example, to copy objects to a directory bucket named
            <c>destinationBucket</c> in the Availability Zone identified by the AZ ID <c>usw2-az1</c>,
            set the <c>TargetResource</c> property to <c>arn:aws:s3express:<i>region</i>:<i>account_id</i>:/bucket/<i>destination_bucket_base_name</i>--<i>usw2-az1</i>--x-s3</c>.
            A directory bucket as a destination bucket can be in Availability Zone or Local Zone.
            </para><note><para>Copying objects across different Amazon Web Services Regions isn't supported when
            the source or destination bucket is in Amazon Web Services Local Zones. The source
            and destination buckets must have the same parent Amazon Web Services Region. Otherwise,
            you get an HTTP <c>400 Bad Request</c> error with the error code <c>InvalidRequest</c>.</para></note></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.S3PutObjectCopy_UnModifiedSinceConstraint">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.LambdaInvoke_UserArgument">
            <para>Key-value pairs that are passed in the payload that Batch Operations sends when invoking
            an Lambda function. You must specify <c>InvocationSchemaVersion</c><b>2.0</b> for
            <c>LambdaInvoke</c> operations that include <c>UserArguments</c>. For more information,
            see <a href="">Automate
            object processing in Amazon S3 directory buckets with S3 Batch Operations and Lambda</a>
            in the <i>Amazon Web Services Storage Blog</i>.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.NewObjectMetadata_UserMetadata">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'JobId'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.CreateJobResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.CreateJobResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CJobCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CMultiRegionAccessPointCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Creates a Multi-Region Access Point and associates it with the specified buckets.
            For more information about creating Multi-Region Access Points, see <a href="">Creating
            Multi-Region Access Points</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            This action will always be routed to the US West (Oregon) Region. For more information
            about the restrictions around working with Multi-Region Access Points, see <a href="">Multi-Region
            Access Point restrictions and limitations</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            This request is asynchronous, meaning that you might receive a response before the
            command has completed. When this request provides a response, it provides a token
            that you can use to monitor the status of the request with <c>DescribeMultiRegionAccessPointOperation</c>.
            The following actions are related to <c>CreateMultiRegionAccessPoint</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">DeleteMultiRegionAccessPoint</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">DescribeMultiRegionAccessPointOperation</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">GetMultiRegionAccessPoint</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">ListMultiRegionAccessPoints</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CMultiRegionAccessPointCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID for the owner of the Multi-Region Access Point.
            The owner of the Multi-Region Access Point also must own the underlying buckets.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CMultiRegionAccessPointCmdlet.PublicAccessBlock_BlockPublicAcl">
            <para>Specifies whether Amazon S3 should block public access control lists (ACLs) for buckets
            in this account. Setting this element to <c>TRUE</c> causes the following behavior:</para><ul><li><para><c>PutBucketAcl</c> and <c>PutObjectAcl</c> calls fail if the specified ACL is public.</para></li><li><para>PUT Object calls fail if the request includes a public ACL.</para></li><li><para>PUT Bucket calls fail if the request includes a public ACL.</para></li></ul><para>Enabling this setting doesn't affect existing policies or ACLs.</para><para>This property is not supported for Amazon S3 on Outposts.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CMultiRegionAccessPointCmdlet.PublicAccessBlock_BlockPublicPolicy">
            <para>Specifies whether Amazon S3 should block public bucket policies for buckets in this
            account. Setting this element to <c>TRUE</c> causes Amazon S3 to reject calls to PUT
            Bucket policy if the specified bucket policy allows public access. </para><para>Enabling this setting doesn't affect existing bucket policies.</para><para>This property is not supported for Amazon S3 on Outposts.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CMultiRegionAccessPointCmdlet.PublicAccessBlock_IgnorePublicAcl">
            <para>Specifies whether Amazon S3 should ignore public ACLs for buckets in this account.
            Setting this element to <c>TRUE</c> causes Amazon S3 to ignore all public ACLs on
            buckets in this account and any objects that they contain. </para><para>Enabling this setting doesn't affect the persistence of any existing ACLs and doesn't
            prevent new public ACLs from being set.</para><para>This property is not supported for Amazon S3 on Outposts.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CMultiRegionAccessPointCmdlet.Details_Name">
            <para>The name of the Multi-Region Access Point associated with this request.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CMultiRegionAccessPointCmdlet.Details_Region">
            <para>The buckets in different Regions that are associated with the Multi-Region Access
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CMultiRegionAccessPointCmdlet.PublicAccessBlock_RestrictPublicBucket">
            <para>Specifies whether Amazon S3 should restrict public bucket policies for buckets in
            this account. Setting this element to <c>TRUE</c> restricts access to buckets with
            public policies to only Amazon Web Services service principals and authorized users
            within this account.</para><para>Enabling this setting doesn't affect previously stored bucket policies, except that
            public and cross-account access within any public bucket policy, including non-public
            delegation to specific accounts, is blocked.</para><para>This property is not supported for Amazon S3 on Outposts.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CMultiRegionAccessPointCmdlet.ClientToken">
            <para>An idempotency token used to identify the request and guarantee that requests are
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CMultiRegionAccessPointCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'RequestTokenARN'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.CreateMultiRegionAccessPointResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.CreateMultiRegionAccessPointResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CMultiRegionAccessPointCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet">
            Creates a new S3 Storage Lens group and associates it with the specified Amazon Web
            Services account ID. An S3 Storage Lens group is a custom grouping of objects based
            on prefix, suffix, object tags, object size, object age, or a combination of these
            filters. For each Storage Lens group that you’ve created, you can also optionally
            add Amazon Web Services resource tags. For more information about S3 Storage Lens
            groups, see <a href="">Working
            with S3 Storage Lens groups</a>.
            To use this operation, you must have the permission to perform the <c>s3:CreateStorageLensGroup</c>
            action. If you’re trying to create a Storage Lens group with Amazon Web Services resource
            tags, you must also have permission to perform the <c>s3:TagResource</c> action. For
            more information about the required Storage Lens Groups permissions, see <a href="">Setting
            account permissions to use S3 Storage Lens groups</a>.
            For information about Storage Lens groups errors, see <a href="">List
            of Amazon S3 Storage Lens error codes</a>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para> The Amazon Web Services account ID that the Storage Lens group is created from and
            associated with. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_And_MatchObjectSize_BytesGreaterThan">
            <para> Specifies the minimum object size in Bytes. The value must be a positive number,
            greater than 0 and less than 5 TB. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_MatchObjectSize_BytesGreaterThan">
            <para> Specifies the minimum object size in Bytes. The value must be a positive number,
            greater than 0 and less than 5 TB. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_Or_MatchObjectSize_BytesGreaterThan">
            <para> Specifies the minimum object size in Bytes. The value must be a positive number,
            greater than 0 and less than 5 TB. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_And_MatchObjectSize_BytesLessThan">
            <para> Specifies the maximum object size in Bytes. The value must be a positive number,
            greater than the minimum object size and less than 5 TB. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_MatchObjectSize_BytesLessThan">
            <para> Specifies the maximum object size in Bytes. The value must be a positive number,
            greater than the minimum object size and less than 5 TB. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_Or_MatchObjectSize_BytesLessThan">
            <para> Specifies the maximum object size in Bytes. The value must be a positive number,
            greater than the minimum object size and less than 5 TB. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_And_MatchObjectAge_DaysGreaterThan">
            <para> Specifies the maximum object age in days. Must be a positive whole number, greater
            than the minimum object age and less than or equal to 2,147,483,647. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_MatchObjectAge_DaysGreaterThan">
            <para> Specifies the maximum object age in days. Must be a positive whole number, greater
            than the minimum object age and less than or equal to 2,147,483,647. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_Or_MatchObjectAge_DaysGreaterThan">
            <para> Specifies the maximum object age in days. Must be a positive whole number, greater
            than the minimum object age and less than or equal to 2,147,483,647. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_And_MatchObjectAge_DaysLessThan">
            <para> Specifies the minimum object age in days. The value must be a positive whole number,
            greater than 0 and less than or equal to 2,147,483,647. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_MatchObjectAge_DaysLessThan">
            <para> Specifies the minimum object age in days. The value must be a positive whole number,
            greater than 0 and less than or equal to 2,147,483,647. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_Or_MatchObjectAge_DaysLessThan">
            <para> Specifies the minimum object age in days. The value must be a positive whole number,
            greater than 0 and less than or equal to 2,147,483,647. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_And_MatchAnyPrefix">
            <para> Contains a list of prefixes. At least one prefix must be specified. Up to 10 prefixes
            are allowed. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_MatchAnyPrefix">
            <para> Contains a list of prefixes. At least one prefix must be specified. Up to 10 prefixes
            are allowed. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_Or_MatchAnyPrefix">
            <para> Filters objects that match any of the specified prefixes. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_And_MatchAnySuffix">
            <para> Contains a list of suffixes. At least one suffix must be specified. Up to 10 suffixes
            are allowed. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_MatchAnySuffix">
            <para> Contains a list of suffixes. At least one suffix must be specified. Up to 10 suffixes
            are allowed. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_Or_MatchAnySuffix">
            <para> Filters objects that match any of the specified suffixes. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_And_MatchAnyTag">
            <para> Contains the list of object tags. At least one object tag must be specified. Up to
            10 object tags are allowed. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_MatchAnyTag">
            <para> Contains the list of S3 object tags. At least one object tag must be specified. Up
            to 10 object tags are allowed. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_Or_MatchAnyTag">
            <para> Filters objects that match any of the specified S3 object tags. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Name">
            <para> Contains the name of the Storage Lens group. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_StorageLensGroupArn">
            <para> Contains the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Storage Lens group. This property
            is read-only. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.Tag">
            <para> The Amazon Web Services resource tags that you're adding to your Storage Lens group.
            This parameter is optional. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.CreateStorageLensGroupResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.NewS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessGrantCmdlet">
            Deletes the access grant from the S3 Access Grants instance. You cannot undo an access
            grant deletion and the grantee will no longer have access to the S3 data.
            You must have the <c>s3:DeleteAccessGrant</c> permission to use this operation.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessGrantCmdlet.AccessGrantId">
            <para>The ID of the access grant. S3 Access Grants auto-generates this ID when you create
            the access grant.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessGrantCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the S3 Access Grants instance.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessGrantCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.DeleteAccessGrantResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessGrantCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessGrantsInstanceCmdlet">
            Deletes your S3 Access Grants instance. You must first delete the access grants and
            locations before S3 Access Grants can delete the instance. See <a href="">DeleteAccessGrant</a>
            and <a href="">DeleteAccessGrantsLocation</a>.
            If you have associated an IAM Identity Center instance with your S3 Access Grants
            instance, you must first dissassociate the Identity Center instance from the S3 Access
            Grants instance before you can delete the S3 Access Grants instance. See <a href="">AssociateAccessGrantsIdentityCenter</a>
            and <a href="">DissociateAccessGrantsIdentityCenter</a>.
            You must have the <c>s3:DeleteAccessGrantsInstance</c> permission to use this operation.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessGrantsInstanceCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the S3 Access Grants instance.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessGrantsInstanceCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.DeleteAccessGrantsInstanceResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessGrantsInstanceCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessGrantsInstanceResourcePolicyCmdlet">
            Deletes the resource policy of the S3 Access Grants instance. The resource policy
            is used to manage cross-account access to your S3 Access Grants instance. By deleting
            the resource policy, you delete any cross-account permissions to your S3 Access Grants
            You must have the <c>s3:DeleteAccessGrantsInstanceResourcePolicy</c> permission to
            use this operation.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessGrantsInstanceResourcePolicyCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the S3 Access Grants instance.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessGrantsInstanceResourcePolicyCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.DeleteAccessGrantsInstanceResourcePolicyResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessGrantsInstanceResourcePolicyCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessGrantsLocationCmdlet">
            Deregisters a location from your S3 Access Grants instance. You can only delete a
            location registration from an S3 Access Grants instance if there are no grants associated
            with this location. See <a href="">Delete
            a grant</a> for information on how to delete grants. You need to have at least one
            registered location in your S3 Access Grants instance in order to create access grants.
            You must have the <c>s3:DeleteAccessGrantsLocation</c> permission to use this operation.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessGrantsLocationCmdlet.AccessGrantsLocationId">
            <para>The ID of the registered location that you are deregistering from your S3 Access Grants
            instance. S3 Access Grants assigned this ID when you registered the location. S3 Access
            Grants assigns the ID <c>default</c> to the default location <c>s3://</c> and assigns
            an auto-generated ID to other locations that you register. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessGrantsLocationCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the S3 Access Grants instance.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessGrantsLocationCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.DeleteAccessGrantsLocationResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessGrantsLocationCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessPointCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Deletes the specified access point.
            All Amazon S3 on Outposts REST API requests for this action require an additional
            parameter of <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> to be passed with the request. In addition, you
            must use an S3 on Outposts endpoint hostname prefix instead of <c>s3-control</c>.
            For an example of the request syntax for Amazon S3 on Outposts that uses the S3 on
            Outposts endpoint hostname prefix and the <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> derived by using
            the access point ARN, see the <a href="">Examples</a>
            The following actions are related to <c>DeleteAccessPoint</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">CreateAccessPoint</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">GetAccessPoint</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">ListAccessPoints</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessPointCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID for the account that owns the specified access
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessPointCmdlet.Name">
            <para>The name of the access point you want to delete.</para><para>For using this parameter with Amazon S3 on Outposts with the REST API, you must specify
            the name and the x-amz-outpost-id as well.</para><para>For using this parameter with S3 on Outposts with the Amazon Web Services SDK and
            CLI, you must specify the ARN of the access point accessed in the format <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:&lt;Region&gt;:&lt;account-id&gt;:outpost/&lt;outpost-id&gt;/accesspoint/&lt;my-accesspoint-name&gt;</c>.
            For example, to access the access point <c>reports-ap</c> through Outpost <c>my-outpost</c>
            owned by account <c>123456789012</c> in Region <c>us-west-2</c>, use the URL encoding
            of <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:us-west-2:123456789012:outpost/my-outpost/accesspoint/reports-ap</c>.
            The value must be URL encoded. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessPointCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.DeleteAccessPointResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessPointCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessPointForObjectLambdaCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Deletes the specified Object Lambda Access Point.
            The following actions are related to <c>DeleteAccessPointForObjectLambda</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">CreateAccessPointForObjectLambda</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">GetAccessPointForObjectLambda</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">ListAccessPointsForObjectLambda</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessPointForObjectLambdaCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The account ID for the account that owns the specified Object Lambda Access Point.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessPointForObjectLambdaCmdlet.Name">
            <para>The name of the access point you want to delete.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessPointForObjectLambdaCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.DeleteAccessPointForObjectLambdaResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessPointForObjectLambdaCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessPointPolicyCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Deletes the access point policy for the specified access point.
            All Amazon S3 on Outposts REST API requests for this action require an additional
            parameter of <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> to be passed with the request. In addition, you
            must use an S3 on Outposts endpoint hostname prefix instead of <c>s3-control</c>.
            For an example of the request syntax for Amazon S3 on Outposts that uses the S3 on
            Outposts endpoint hostname prefix and the <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> derived by using
            the access point ARN, see the <a href="">Examples</a>
            The following actions are related to <c>DeleteAccessPointPolicy</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">PutAccessPointPolicy</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">GetAccessPointPolicy</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessPointPolicyCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The account ID for the account that owns the specified access point.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessPointPolicyCmdlet.Name">
            <para>The name of the access point whose policy you want to delete.</para><para>For using this parameter with Amazon S3 on Outposts with the REST API, you must specify
            the name and the x-amz-outpost-id as well.</para><para>For using this parameter with S3 on Outposts with the Amazon Web Services SDK and
            CLI, you must specify the ARN of the access point accessed in the format <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:&lt;Region&gt;:&lt;account-id&gt;:outpost/&lt;outpost-id&gt;/accesspoint/&lt;my-accesspoint-name&gt;</c>.
            For example, to access the access point <c>reports-ap</c> through Outpost <c>my-outpost</c>
            owned by account <c>123456789012</c> in Region <c>us-west-2</c>, use the URL encoding
            of <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:us-west-2:123456789012:outpost/my-outpost/accesspoint/reports-ap</c>.
            The value must be URL encoded. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessPointPolicyCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.DeleteAccessPointPolicyResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessPointPolicyCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessPointPolicyForObjectLambdaCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Removes the resource policy for an Object Lambda Access Point.
            The following actions are related to <c>DeleteAccessPointPolicyForObjectLambda</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">GetAccessPointPolicyForObjectLambda</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">PutAccessPointPolicyForObjectLambda</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessPointPolicyForObjectLambdaCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The account ID for the account that owns the specified Object Lambda Access Point.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessPointPolicyForObjectLambdaCmdlet.Name">
            <para>The name of the Object Lambda Access Point you want to delete the policy for.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessPointPolicyForObjectLambdaCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.DeleteAccessPointPolicyForObjectLambdaResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CAccessPointPolicyForObjectLambdaCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CBucketCmdlet">
            This action deletes an Amazon S3 on Outposts bucket. To delete an S3 bucket, see <a href="">DeleteBucket</a>
            in the <i>Amazon S3 API Reference</i>.
            Deletes the Amazon S3 on Outposts bucket. All objects (including all object versions
            and delete markers) in the bucket must be deleted before the bucket itself can be
            deleted. For more information, see <a href="">Using
            Amazon S3 on Outposts</a> in <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            All Amazon S3 on Outposts REST API requests for this action require an additional
            parameter of <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> to be passed with the request. In addition, you
            must use an S3 on Outposts endpoint hostname prefix instead of <c>s3-control</c>.
            For an example of the request syntax for Amazon S3 on Outposts that uses the S3 on
            Outposts endpoint hostname prefix and the <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> derived by using
            the access point ARN, see the <a href="">Examples</a>
            </para><para><b>Related Resources</b></para><ul><li><para><a href="">CreateBucket</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">GetBucket</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">DeleteObject</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CBucketCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The account ID that owns the Outposts bucket.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CBucketCmdlet.Bucket">
            <para>Specifies the bucket being deleted.</para><para>For using this parameter with Amazon S3 on Outposts with the REST API, you must specify
            the name and the x-amz-outpost-id as well.</para><para>For using this parameter with S3 on Outposts with the Amazon Web Services SDK and
            CLI, you must specify the ARN of the bucket accessed in the format <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:&lt;Region&gt;:&lt;account-id&gt;:outpost/&lt;outpost-id&gt;/bucket/&lt;my-bucket-name&gt;</c>.
            For example, to access the bucket <c>reports</c> through Outpost <c>my-outpost</c>
            owned by account <c>123456789012</c> in Region <c>us-west-2</c>, use the URL encoding
            of <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:us-west-2:123456789012:outpost/my-outpost/bucket/reports</c>.
            The value must be URL encoded. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CBucketCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.DeleteBucketResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CBucketCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CBucketLifecycleConfigurationCmdlet">
            This action deletes an Amazon S3 on Outposts bucket's lifecycle configuration. To
            delete an S3 bucket's lifecycle configuration, see <a href="">DeleteBucketLifecycle</a>
            in the <i>Amazon S3 API Reference</i>.
            Deletes the lifecycle configuration from the specified Outposts bucket. Amazon S3
            on Outposts removes all the lifecycle configuration rules in the lifecycle subresource
            associated with the bucket. Your objects never expire, and Amazon S3 on Outposts no
            longer automatically deletes any objects on the basis of rules contained in the deleted
            lifecycle configuration. For more information, see <a href="">Using
            Amazon S3 on Outposts</a> in <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            To use this operation, you must have permission to perform the <c>s3-outposts:PutLifecycleConfiguration</c>
            action. By default, the bucket owner has this permission and the Outposts bucket owner
            can grant this permission to others.
            All Amazon S3 on Outposts REST API requests for this action require an additional
            parameter of <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> to be passed with the request. In addition, you
            must use an S3 on Outposts endpoint hostname prefix instead of <c>s3-control</c>.
            For an example of the request syntax for Amazon S3 on Outposts that uses the S3 on
            Outposts endpoint hostname prefix and the <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> derived by using
            the access point ARN, see the <a href="">Examples</a>
            For more information about object expiration, see <a href="">Elements
            to Describe Lifecycle Actions</a>.
            Related actions include:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">PutBucketLifecycleConfiguration</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">GetBucketLifecycleConfiguration</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CBucketLifecycleConfigurationCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The account ID of the lifecycle configuration to delete.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CBucketLifecycleConfigurationCmdlet.Bucket">
            <para>Specifies the bucket.</para><para>For using this parameter with Amazon S3 on Outposts with the REST API, you must specify
            the name and the x-amz-outpost-id as well.</para><para>For using this parameter with S3 on Outposts with the Amazon Web Services SDK and
            CLI, you must specify the ARN of the bucket accessed in the format <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:&lt;Region&gt;:&lt;account-id&gt;:outpost/&lt;outpost-id&gt;/bucket/&lt;my-bucket-name&gt;</c>.
            For example, to access the bucket <c>reports</c> through Outpost <c>my-outpost</c>
            owned by account <c>123456789012</c> in Region <c>us-west-2</c>, use the URL encoding
            of <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:us-west-2:123456789012:outpost/my-outpost/bucket/reports</c>.
            The value must be URL encoded. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CBucketLifecycleConfigurationCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.DeleteBucketLifecycleConfigurationResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CBucketLifecycleConfigurationCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CBucketPolicyCmdlet">
            This action deletes an Amazon S3 on Outposts bucket policy. To delete an S3 bucket
            policy, see <a href="">DeleteBucketPolicy</a>
            in the <i>Amazon S3 API Reference</i>.
            This implementation of the DELETE action uses the policy subresource to delete the
            policy of a specified Amazon S3 on Outposts bucket. If you are using an identity other
            than the root user of the Amazon Web Services account that owns the bucket, the calling
            identity must have the <c>s3-outposts:DeleteBucketPolicy</c> permissions on the specified
            Outposts bucket and belong to the bucket owner's account to use this action. For more
            information, see <a href="">Using
            Amazon S3 on Outposts</a> in <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            If you don't have <c>DeleteBucketPolicy</c> permissions, Amazon S3 returns a <c>403
            Access Denied</c> error. If you have the correct permissions, but you're not using
            an identity that belongs to the bucket owner's account, Amazon S3 returns a <c>405
            Method Not Allowed</c> error.
            As a security precaution, the root user of the Amazon Web Services account that owns
            a bucket can always use this action, even if the policy explicitly denies the root
            user the ability to perform this action.
            For more information about bucket policies, see <a href="">Using
            Bucket Policies and User Policies</a>.
            All Amazon S3 on Outposts REST API requests for this action require an additional
            parameter of <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> to be passed with the request. In addition, you
            must use an S3 on Outposts endpoint hostname prefix instead of <c>s3-control</c>.
            For an example of the request syntax for Amazon S3 on Outposts that uses the S3 on
            Outposts endpoint hostname prefix and the <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> derived by using
            the access point ARN, see the <a href="">Examples</a>
            The following actions are related to <c>DeleteBucketPolicy</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">GetBucketPolicy</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">PutBucketPolicy</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CBucketPolicyCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The account ID of the Outposts bucket.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CBucketPolicyCmdlet.Bucket">
            <para>Specifies the bucket.</para><para>For using this parameter with Amazon S3 on Outposts with the REST API, you must specify
            the name and the x-amz-outpost-id as well.</para><para>For using this parameter with S3 on Outposts with the Amazon Web Services SDK and
            CLI, you must specify the ARN of the bucket accessed in the format <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:&lt;Region&gt;:&lt;account-id&gt;:outpost/&lt;outpost-id&gt;/bucket/&lt;my-bucket-name&gt;</c>.
            For example, to access the bucket <c>reports</c> through Outpost <c>my-outpost</c>
            owned by account <c>123456789012</c> in Region <c>us-west-2</c>, use the URL encoding
            of <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:us-west-2:123456789012:outpost/my-outpost/bucket/reports</c>.
            The value must be URL encoded. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CBucketPolicyCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.DeleteBucketPolicyResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CBucketPolicyCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CBucketReplicationCmdlet">
            This operation deletes an Amazon S3 on Outposts bucket's replication configuration.
            To delete an S3 bucket's replication configuration, see <a href="">DeleteBucketReplication</a>
            in the <i>Amazon S3 API Reference</i>.
            Deletes the replication configuration from the specified S3 on Outposts bucket.
            To use this operation, you must have permissions to perform the <c>s3-outposts:PutReplicationConfiguration</c>
            action. The Outposts bucket owner has this permission by default and can grant it
            to others. For more information about permissions, see <a href="">Setting
            up IAM with S3 on Outposts</a> and <a href="">Managing
            access to S3 on Outposts buckets</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            It can take a while to propagate <c>PUT</c> or <c>DELETE</c> requests for a replication
            configuration to all S3 on Outposts systems. Therefore, the replication configuration
            that's returned by a <c>GET</c> request soon after a <c>PUT</c> or <c>DELETE</c> request
            might return a more recent result than what's on the Outpost. If an Outpost is offline,
            the delay in updating the replication configuration on that Outpost can be significant.
            All Amazon S3 on Outposts REST API requests for this action require an additional
            parameter of <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> to be passed with the request. In addition, you
            must use an S3 on Outposts endpoint hostname prefix instead of <c>s3-control</c>.
            For an example of the request syntax for Amazon S3 on Outposts that uses the S3 on
            Outposts endpoint hostname prefix and the <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> derived by using
            the access point ARN, see the <a href="">Examples</a>
            For information about S3 replication on Outposts configuration, see <a href="">Replicating
            objects for S3 on Outposts</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            The following operations are related to <c>DeleteBucketReplication</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">PutBucketReplication</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">GetBucketReplication</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CBucketReplicationCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the Outposts bucket to delete the replication
            configuration for.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CBucketReplicationCmdlet.Bucket">
            <para>Specifies the S3 on Outposts bucket to delete the replication configuration for.</para><para>For using this parameter with Amazon S3 on Outposts with the REST API, you must specify
            the name and the x-amz-outpost-id as well.</para><para>For using this parameter with S3 on Outposts with the Amazon Web Services SDK and
            CLI, you must specify the ARN of the bucket accessed in the format <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:&lt;Region&gt;:&lt;account-id&gt;:outpost/&lt;outpost-id&gt;/bucket/&lt;my-bucket-name&gt;</c>.
            For example, to access the bucket <c>reports</c> through Outpost <c>my-outpost</c>
            owned by account <c>123456789012</c> in Region <c>us-west-2</c>, use the URL encoding
            of <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:us-west-2:123456789012:outpost/my-outpost/bucket/reports</c>.
            The value must be URL encoded. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CBucketReplicationCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.DeleteBucketReplicationResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CBucketReplicationCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CBucketTaggingCmdlet">
            This action deletes an Amazon S3 on Outposts bucket's tags. To delete an S3 bucket
            tags, see <a href="">DeleteBucketTagging</a>
            in the <i>Amazon S3 API Reference</i>.
            Deletes the tags from the Outposts bucket. For more information, see <a href="">Using
            Amazon S3 on Outposts</a> in <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            To use this action, you must have permission to perform the <c>PutBucketTagging</c>
            action. By default, the bucket owner has this permission and can grant this permission
            to others.
            All Amazon S3 on Outposts REST API requests for this action require an additional
            parameter of <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> to be passed with the request. In addition, you
            must use an S3 on Outposts endpoint hostname prefix instead of <c>s3-control</c>.
            For an example of the request syntax for Amazon S3 on Outposts that uses the S3 on
            Outposts endpoint hostname prefix and the <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> derived by using
            the access point ARN, see the <a href="">Examples</a>
            The following actions are related to <c>DeleteBucketTagging</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">GetBucketTagging</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">PutBucketTagging</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CBucketTaggingCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the Outposts bucket tag set to be removed.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CBucketTaggingCmdlet.Bucket">
            <para>The bucket ARN that has the tag set to be removed.</para><para>For using this parameter with Amazon S3 on Outposts with the REST API, you must specify
            the name and the x-amz-outpost-id as well.</para><para>For using this parameter with S3 on Outposts with the Amazon Web Services SDK and
            CLI, you must specify the ARN of the bucket accessed in the format <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:&lt;Region&gt;:&lt;account-id&gt;:outpost/&lt;outpost-id&gt;/bucket/&lt;my-bucket-name&gt;</c>.
            For example, to access the bucket <c>reports</c> through Outpost <c>my-outpost</c>
            owned by account <c>123456789012</c> in Region <c>us-west-2</c>, use the URL encoding
            of <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:us-west-2:123456789012:outpost/my-outpost/bucket/reports</c>.
            The value must be URL encoded. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CBucketTaggingCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.DeleteBucketTaggingResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CBucketTaggingCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CJobTaggingCmdlet">
            Removes the entire tag set from the specified S3 Batch Operations job.
            To use the <c>DeleteJobTagging</c> operation, you must have permission to perform
            the <c>s3:DeleteJobTagging</c> action. For more information, see <a href="">Controlling
            access and labeling jobs using tags</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            Related actions include:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">CreateJob</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">GetJobTagging</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">PutJobTagging</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CJobTaggingCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID associated with the S3 Batch Operations job.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CJobTaggingCmdlet.JobId">
            <para>The ID for the S3 Batch Operations job whose tags you want to delete.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CJobTaggingCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.DeleteJobTaggingResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CJobTaggingCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CMultiRegionAccessPointCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Deletes a Multi-Region Access Point. This action does not delete the buckets associated
            with the Multi-Region Access Point, only the Multi-Region Access Point itself.
            This action will always be routed to the US West (Oregon) Region. For more information
            about the restrictions around working with Multi-Region Access Points, see <a href="">Multi-Region
            Access Point restrictions and limitations</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            This request is asynchronous, meaning that you might receive a response before the
            command has completed. When this request provides a response, it provides a token
            that you can use to monitor the status of the request with <c>DescribeMultiRegionAccessPointOperation</c>.
            The following actions are related to <c>DeleteMultiRegionAccessPoint</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">CreateMultiRegionAccessPoint</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">DescribeMultiRegionAccessPointOperation</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">GetMultiRegionAccessPoint</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">ListMultiRegionAccessPoints</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CMultiRegionAccessPointCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID for the owner of the Multi-Region Access Point.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CMultiRegionAccessPointCmdlet.Details_Name">
            <para>The name of the Multi-Region Access Point associated with this request.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CMultiRegionAccessPointCmdlet.ClientToken">
            <para>An idempotency token used to identify the request and guarantee that requests are
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CMultiRegionAccessPointCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'RequestTokenARN'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.DeleteMultiRegionAccessPointResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.DeleteMultiRegionAccessPointResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CMultiRegionAccessPointCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CPublicAccessBlockCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Removes the <c>PublicAccessBlock</c> configuration for an Amazon Web Services account.
            For more information, see <a href="">
            Using Amazon S3 block public access</a>.
            Related actions include:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">GetPublicAccessBlock</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">PutPublicAccessBlock</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CPublicAccessBlockCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The account ID for the Amazon Web Services account whose <c>PublicAccessBlock</c>
            configuration you want to remove.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CPublicAccessBlockCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.DeletePublicAccessBlockResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CPublicAccessBlockCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CResourceTagCmdlet">
            This operation removes the specified Amazon Web Services resource tags from an S3
            resource. Each tag is a label consisting of a user-defined key and value. Tags can
            help you manage, identify, organize, search for, and filter resources.
            This operation is only supported for <a href="">S3
            Storage Lens groups</a> and for <a href="">S3
            Access Grants</a>. The tagged resource can be an S3 Storage Lens group or S3 Access
            Grants instance, registered location, or grant.
            You must have the <c>s3:UntagResource</c> permission to use this operation.
            For more information about the required Storage Lens Groups permissions, see <a href="">Setting
            account permissions to use S3 Storage Lens groups</a>.
            For information about S3 Tagging errors, see <a href="">List
            of Amazon S3 Tagging error codes</a>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CResourceTagCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para> The Amazon Web Services account ID that owns the resource that you're trying to remove
            the tags from. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CResourceTagCmdlet.ResourceArn">
            <para> The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the S3 resource that you're trying to remove the
            tags from. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CResourceTagCmdlet.TagKey">
            <para> The array of tag key-value pairs that you're trying to remove from of the S3 resource.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CResourceTagCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.UntagResourceResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CResourceTagCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Deletes the Amazon S3 Storage Lens configuration. For more information about S3 Storage
            Lens, see <a href="">Assessing
            your storage activity and usage with Amazon S3 Storage Lens </a> in the <i>Amazon
            S3 User Guide</i>.
            To use this action, you must have permission to perform the <c>s3:DeleteStorageLensConfiguration</c>
            action. For more information, see <a href="">Setting
            permissions to use Amazon S3 Storage Lens</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The account ID of the requester.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.ConfigId">
            <para>The ID of the S3 Storage Lens configuration.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.DeleteStorageLensConfigurationResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CStorageLensConfigurationTaggingCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Deletes the Amazon S3 Storage Lens configuration tags. For more information about
            S3 Storage Lens, see <a href="">Assessing
            your storage activity and usage with Amazon S3 Storage Lens </a> in the <i>Amazon
            S3 User Guide</i>.
            To use this action, you must have permission to perform the <c>s3:DeleteStorageLensConfigurationTagging</c>
            action. For more information, see <a href="">Setting
            permissions to use Amazon S3 Storage Lens</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CStorageLensConfigurationTaggingCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The account ID of the requester.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CStorageLensConfigurationTaggingCmdlet.ConfigId">
            <para>The ID of the S3 Storage Lens configuration.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CStorageLensConfigurationTaggingCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.DeleteStorageLensConfigurationTaggingResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CStorageLensConfigurationTaggingCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet">
            Deletes an existing S3 Storage Lens group.
            To use this operation, you must have the permission to perform the <c>s3:DeleteStorageLensGroup</c>
            action. For more information about the required Storage Lens Groups permissions, see
            <a href="">Setting
            account permissions to use S3 Storage Lens groups</a>.
            For information about Storage Lens groups errors, see <a href="">List
            of Amazon S3 Storage Lens error codes</a>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para> The Amazon Web Services account ID used to create the Storage Lens group that you're
            trying to delete. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.Name">
            <para> The name of the Storage Lens group that you're trying to delete. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.DeleteStorageLensGroupResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.RemoveS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.SubmitS3CMultiRegionAccessPointRouteCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Submits an updated route configuration for a Multi-Region Access Point. This API operation
            updates the routing status for the specified Regions from active to passive, or from
            passive to active. A value of <c>0</c> indicates a passive status, which means that
            traffic won't be routed to the specified Region. A value of <c>100</c> indicates an
            active status, which means that traffic will be routed to the specified Region. At
            least one Region must be active at all times.
            When the routing configuration is changed, any in-progress operations (uploads, copies,
            deletes, and so on) to formerly active Regions will continue to run to their final
            completion state (success or failure). The routing configurations of any Regions that
            aren’t specified remain unchanged.
            Updated routing configurations might not be immediately applied. It can take up to
            2 minutes for your changes to take effect.
            To submit routing control changes and failover requests, use the Amazon S3 failover
            control infrastructure endpoints in these five Amazon Web Services Regions:
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.SubmitS3CMultiRegionAccessPointRouteCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID for the owner of the Multi-Region Access Point.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.SubmitS3CMultiRegionAccessPointRouteCmdlet.Mrap">
            <para>The Multi-Region Access Point ARN.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.SubmitS3CMultiRegionAccessPointRouteCmdlet.RouteUpdate">
            <para>The different routes that make up the new route configuration. Active routes return
            a value of <c>100</c>, and passive routes return a value of <c>0</c>.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.SubmitS3CMultiRegionAccessPointRouteCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.SubmitMultiRegionAccessPointRoutesResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.SubmitS3CMultiRegionAccessPointRouteCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CAccessGrantsLocationCmdlet">
            Updates the IAM role of a registered location in your S3 Access Grants instance.
            You must have the <c>s3:UpdateAccessGrantsLocation</c> permission to use this operation.
            </para></dd><dt>Additional Permissions</dt><dd><para>
            You must also have the following permission: <c>iam:PassRole</c></para></dd></dl>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CAccessGrantsLocationCmdlet.AccessGrantsLocationId">
            <para>The ID of the registered location that you are updating. S3 Access Grants assigns
            this ID when you register the location. S3 Access Grants assigns the ID <c>default</c>
            to the default location <c>s3://</c> and assigns an auto-generated ID to other locations
            that you register. </para><para>The ID of the registered location to which you are granting access. S3 Access Grants
            assigned this ID when you registered the location. S3 Access Grants assigns the ID
            <c>default</c> to the default location <c>s3://</c> and assigns an auto-generated
            ID to other locations that you register. </para><para>If you are passing the <c>default</c> location, you cannot create an access grant
            for the entire default location. You must also specify a bucket or a bucket and prefix
            in the <c>Subprefix</c> field. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CAccessGrantsLocationCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the S3 Access Grants instance.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CAccessGrantsLocationCmdlet.IAMRoleArn">
            <para>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role for the registered location. S3 Access
            Grants assumes this role to manage access to the registered location. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CAccessGrantsLocationCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.UpdateAccessGrantsLocationResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.UpdateAccessGrantsLocationResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CAccessGrantsLocationCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CJobPriorityCmdlet">
            Updates an existing S3 Batch Operations job's priority. For more information, see
            <a href="">S3
            Batch Operations</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            To use the <c>UpdateJobPriority</c> operation, you must have permission to perform
            the <c>s3:UpdateJobPriority</c> action.
            Related actions include:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">CreateJob</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">ListJobs</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">DescribeJob</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">UpdateJobStatus</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CJobPriorityCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID associated with the S3 Batch Operations job.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CJobPriorityCmdlet.JobId">
            <para>The ID for the job whose priority you want to update.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CJobPriorityCmdlet.Priority">
            <para>The priority you want to assign to this job.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CJobPriorityCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.UpdateJobPriorityResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.UpdateJobPriorityResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CJobPriorityCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CJobStatusCmdlet">
            Updates the status for the specified job. Use this operation to confirm that you want
            to run a job or to cancel an existing job. For more information, see <a href="">S3
            Batch Operations</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            To use the <c>UpdateJobStatus</c> operation, you must have permission to perform the
            <c>s3:UpdateJobStatus</c> action.
            Related actions include:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">CreateJob</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">ListJobs</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">DescribeJob</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">UpdateJobStatus</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CJobStatusCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID associated with the S3 Batch Operations job.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CJobStatusCmdlet.JobId">
            <para>The ID of the job whose status you want to update.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CJobStatusCmdlet.RequestedJobStatus">
            <para>The status that you want to move the specified job to.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CJobStatusCmdlet.StatusUpdateReason">
            <para>A description of the reason why you want to change the specified job's status. This
            field can be any string up to the maximum length.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CJobStatusCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.UpdateJobStatusResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.UpdateJobStatusResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CJobStatusCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet">
            Updates the existing Storage Lens group.
            To use this operation, you must have the permission to perform the <c>s3:UpdateStorageLensGroup</c>
            action. For more information about the required Storage Lens Groups permissions, see
            <a href="">Setting
            account permissions to use S3 Storage Lens groups</a>.
            For information about Storage Lens groups errors, see <a href="">List
            of Amazon S3 Storage Lens error codes</a>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para> The Amazon Web Services account ID of the Storage Lens group owner. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_And_MatchObjectSize_BytesGreaterThan">
            <para> Specifies the minimum object size in Bytes. The value must be a positive number,
            greater than 0 and less than 5 TB. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_MatchObjectSize_BytesGreaterThan">
            <para> Specifies the minimum object size in Bytes. The value must be a positive number,
            greater than 0 and less than 5 TB. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_Or_MatchObjectSize_BytesGreaterThan">
            <para> Specifies the minimum object size in Bytes. The value must be a positive number,
            greater than 0 and less than 5 TB. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_And_MatchObjectSize_BytesLessThan">
            <para> Specifies the maximum object size in Bytes. The value must be a positive number,
            greater than the minimum object size and less than 5 TB. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_MatchObjectSize_BytesLessThan">
            <para> Specifies the maximum object size in Bytes. The value must be a positive number,
            greater than the minimum object size and less than 5 TB. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_Or_MatchObjectSize_BytesLessThan">
            <para> Specifies the maximum object size in Bytes. The value must be a positive number,
            greater than the minimum object size and less than 5 TB. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_And_MatchObjectAge_DaysGreaterThan">
            <para> Specifies the maximum object age in days. Must be a positive whole number, greater
            than the minimum object age and less than or equal to 2,147,483,647. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_MatchObjectAge_DaysGreaterThan">
            <para> Specifies the maximum object age in days. Must be a positive whole number, greater
            than the minimum object age and less than or equal to 2,147,483,647. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_Or_MatchObjectAge_DaysGreaterThan">
            <para> Specifies the maximum object age in days. Must be a positive whole number, greater
            than the minimum object age and less than or equal to 2,147,483,647. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_And_MatchObjectAge_DaysLessThan">
            <para> Specifies the minimum object age in days. The value must be a positive whole number,
            greater than 0 and less than or equal to 2,147,483,647. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_MatchObjectAge_DaysLessThan">
            <para> Specifies the minimum object age in days. The value must be a positive whole number,
            greater than 0 and less than or equal to 2,147,483,647. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_Or_MatchObjectAge_DaysLessThan">
            <para> Specifies the minimum object age in days. The value must be a positive whole number,
            greater than 0 and less than or equal to 2,147,483,647. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_And_MatchAnyPrefix">
            <para> Contains a list of prefixes. At least one prefix must be specified. Up to 10 prefixes
            are allowed. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_MatchAnyPrefix">
            <para> Contains a list of prefixes. At least one prefix must be specified. Up to 10 prefixes
            are allowed. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_Or_MatchAnyPrefix">
            <para> Filters objects that match any of the specified prefixes. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_And_MatchAnySuffix">
            <para> Contains a list of suffixes. At least one suffix must be specified. Up to 10 suffixes
            are allowed. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_MatchAnySuffix">
            <para> Contains a list of suffixes. At least one suffix must be specified. Up to 10 suffixes
            are allowed. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_Or_MatchAnySuffix">
            <para> Filters objects that match any of the specified suffixes. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_And_MatchAnyTag">
            <para> Contains the list of object tags. At least one object tag must be specified. Up to
            10 object tags are allowed. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_MatchAnyTag">
            <para> Contains the list of S3 object tags. At least one object tag must be specified. Up
            to 10 object tags are allowed. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Filter_Or_MatchAnyTag">
            <para> Filters objects that match any of the specified S3 object tags. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.Name">
            <para> The name of the Storage Lens group that you want to update. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_Name">
            <para> Contains the name of the Storage Lens group. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.StorageLensGroup_StorageLensGroupArn">
            <para> Contains the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Storage Lens group. This property
            is read-only. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.UpdateStorageLensGroupResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.UpdateS3CStorageLensGroupCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CAccessGrantsInstanceResourcePolicyCmdlet">
            Updates the resource policy of the S3 Access Grants instance.
            You must have the <c>s3:PutAccessGrantsInstanceResourcePolicy</c> permission to use
            this operation.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CAccessGrantsInstanceResourcePolicyCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the S3 Access Grants instance.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CAccessGrantsInstanceResourcePolicyCmdlet.Organization">
            <para>The Organization of the resource policy of the S3 Access Grants instance.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CAccessGrantsInstanceResourcePolicyCmdlet.Policy">
            <para>The resource policy of the S3 Access Grants instance that you are updating.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CAccessGrantsInstanceResourcePolicyCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is '*'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.PutAccessGrantsInstanceResourcePolicyResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.PutAccessGrantsInstanceResourcePolicyResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CAccessGrantsInstanceResourcePolicyCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CAccessPointConfigurationForObjectLambdaCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Replaces configuration for an Object Lambda Access Point.
            The following actions are related to <c>PutAccessPointConfigurationForObjectLambda</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">GetAccessPointConfigurationForObjectLambda</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CAccessPointConfigurationForObjectLambdaCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The account ID for the account that owns the specified Object Lambda Access Point.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CAccessPointConfigurationForObjectLambdaCmdlet.Configuration_AllowedFeature">
            <para>A container for allowed features. Valid inputs are <c>GetObject-Range</c>, <c>GetObject-PartNumber</c>,
            <c>HeadObject-Range</c>, and <c>HeadObject-PartNumber</c>.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CAccessPointConfigurationForObjectLambdaCmdlet.Configuration_CloudWatchMetricsEnabled">
            <para>A container for whether the CloudWatch metrics configuration is enabled.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CAccessPointConfigurationForObjectLambdaCmdlet.Name">
            <para>The name of the Object Lambda Access Point.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CAccessPointConfigurationForObjectLambdaCmdlet.Configuration_SupportingAccessPoint">
            <para>Standard access point associated with the Object Lambda Access Point.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CAccessPointConfigurationForObjectLambdaCmdlet.Configuration_TransformationConfiguration">
            <para>A container for transformation configurations for an Object Lambda Access Point.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CAccessPointConfigurationForObjectLambdaCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.PutAccessPointConfigurationForObjectLambdaResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CAccessPointConfigurationForObjectLambdaCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CAccessPointPolicyCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Associates an access policy with the specified access point. Each access point can
            have only one policy, so a request made to this API replaces any existing policy associated
            with the specified access point.
            All Amazon S3 on Outposts REST API requests for this action require an additional
            parameter of <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> to be passed with the request. In addition, you
            must use an S3 on Outposts endpoint hostname prefix instead of <c>s3-control</c>.
            For an example of the request syntax for Amazon S3 on Outposts that uses the S3 on
            Outposts endpoint hostname prefix and the <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> derived by using
            the access point ARN, see the <a href="">Examples</a>
            The following actions are related to <c>PutAccessPointPolicy</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">GetAccessPointPolicy</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">DeleteAccessPointPolicy</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CAccessPointPolicyCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID for owner of the bucket associated with the specified
            access point.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CAccessPointPolicyCmdlet.Name">
            <para>The name of the access point that you want to associate with the specified policy.</para><para>For using this parameter with Amazon S3 on Outposts with the REST API, you must specify
            the name and the x-amz-outpost-id as well.</para><para>For using this parameter with S3 on Outposts with the Amazon Web Services SDK and
            CLI, you must specify the ARN of the access point accessed in the format <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:&lt;Region&gt;:&lt;account-id&gt;:outpost/&lt;outpost-id&gt;/accesspoint/&lt;my-accesspoint-name&gt;</c>.
            For example, to access the access point <c>reports-ap</c> through Outpost <c>my-outpost</c>
            owned by account <c>123456789012</c> in Region <c>us-west-2</c>, use the URL encoding
            of <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:us-west-2:123456789012:outpost/my-outpost/accesspoint/reports-ap</c>.
            The value must be URL encoded. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CAccessPointPolicyCmdlet.Policy">
            <para>The policy that you want to apply to the specified access point. For more information
            about access point policies, see <a href="">Managing
            data access with Amazon S3 access points</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CAccessPointPolicyCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.PutAccessPointPolicyResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CAccessPointPolicyCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CAccessPointPolicyForObjectLambdaCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Creates or replaces resource policy for an Object Lambda Access Point. For an example
            policy, see <a href="">Creating
            Object Lambda Access Points</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            The following actions are related to <c>PutAccessPointPolicyForObjectLambda</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">DeleteAccessPointPolicyForObjectLambda</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">GetAccessPointPolicyForObjectLambda</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CAccessPointPolicyForObjectLambdaCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The account ID for the account that owns the specified Object Lambda Access Point.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CAccessPointPolicyForObjectLambdaCmdlet.Name">
            <para>The name of the Object Lambda Access Point.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CAccessPointPolicyForObjectLambdaCmdlet.Policy">
            <para>Object Lambda Access Point resource policy document.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CAccessPointPolicyForObjectLambdaCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.PutAccessPointPolicyForObjectLambdaResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CAccessPointPolicyForObjectLambdaCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketLifecycleConfigurationCmdlet">
            This action puts a lifecycle configuration to an Amazon S3 on Outposts bucket. To
            put a lifecycle configuration to an S3 bucket, see <a href="">PutBucketLifecycleConfiguration</a>
            in the <i>Amazon S3 API Reference</i>.
            Creates a new lifecycle configuration for the S3 on Outposts bucket or replaces an
            existing lifecycle configuration. Outposts buckets only support lifecycle configurations
            that delete/expire objects after a certain period of time and abort incomplete multipart
            All Amazon S3 on Outposts REST API requests for this action require an additional
            parameter of <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> to be passed with the request. In addition, you
            must use an S3 on Outposts endpoint hostname prefix instead of <c>s3-control</c>.
            For an example of the request syntax for Amazon S3 on Outposts that uses the S3 on
            Outposts endpoint hostname prefix and the <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> derived by using
            the access point ARN, see the <a href="">Examples</a>
            The following actions are related to <c>PutBucketLifecycleConfiguration</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">GetBucketLifecycleConfiguration</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">DeleteBucketLifecycleConfiguration</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketLifecycleConfigurationCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the Outposts bucket.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketLifecycleConfigurationCmdlet.Bucket">
            <para>The name of the bucket for which to set the configuration.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketLifecycleConfigurationCmdlet.LifecycleConfiguration_Rule">
            <para>A lifecycle rule for individual objects in an Outposts bucket. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketLifecycleConfigurationCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.PutBucketLifecycleConfigurationResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketLifecycleConfigurationCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketPolicyCmdlet">
            This action puts a bucket policy to an Amazon S3 on Outposts bucket. To put a policy
            on an S3 bucket, see <a href="">PutBucketPolicy</a>
            in the <i>Amazon S3 API Reference</i>.
            Applies an Amazon S3 bucket policy to an Outposts bucket. For more information, see
            <a href="">Using
            Amazon S3 on Outposts</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            If you are using an identity other than the root user of the Amazon Web Services account
            that owns the Outposts bucket, the calling identity must have the <c>PutBucketPolicy</c>
            permissions on the specified Outposts bucket and belong to the bucket owner's account
            in order to use this action.
            If you don't have <c>PutBucketPolicy</c> permissions, Amazon S3 returns a <c>403 Access
            Denied</c> error. If you have the correct permissions, but you're not using an identity
            that belongs to the bucket owner's account, Amazon S3 returns a <c>405 Method Not
            Allowed</c> error.
             As a security precaution, the root user of the Amazon Web Services account that owns
            a bucket can always use this action, even if the policy explicitly denies the root
            user the ability to perform this action.
            For more information about bucket policies, see <a href="">Using
            Bucket Policies and User Policies</a>.
            All Amazon S3 on Outposts REST API requests for this action require an additional
            parameter of <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> to be passed with the request. In addition, you
            must use an S3 on Outposts endpoint hostname prefix instead of <c>s3-control</c>.
            For an example of the request syntax for Amazon S3 on Outposts that uses the S3 on
            Outposts endpoint hostname prefix and the <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> derived by using
            the access point ARN, see the <a href="">Examples</a>
            The following actions are related to <c>PutBucketPolicy</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">GetBucketPolicy</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">DeleteBucketPolicy</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketPolicyCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the Outposts bucket.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketPolicyCmdlet.Bucket">
            <para>Specifies the bucket.</para><para>For using this parameter with Amazon S3 on Outposts with the REST API, you must specify
            the name and the x-amz-outpost-id as well.</para><para>For using this parameter with S3 on Outposts with the Amazon Web Services SDK and
            CLI, you must specify the ARN of the bucket accessed in the format <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:&lt;Region&gt;:&lt;account-id&gt;:outpost/&lt;outpost-id&gt;/bucket/&lt;my-bucket-name&gt;</c>.
            For example, to access the bucket <c>reports</c> through Outpost <c>my-outpost</c>
            owned by account <c>123456789012</c> in Region <c>us-west-2</c>, use the URL encoding
            of <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:us-west-2:123456789012:outpost/my-outpost/bucket/reports</c>.
            The value must be URL encoded. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketPolicyCmdlet.ConfirmRemoveSelfBucketAccess">
            <para>Set this parameter to true to confirm that you want to remove your permissions to
            change this bucket policy in the future.</para><note><para>This is not supported by Amazon S3 on Outposts buckets.</para></note>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketPolicyCmdlet.Policy">
            <para>The bucket policy as a JSON document.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketPolicyCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.PutBucketPolicyResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketPolicyCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketReplicationCmdlet">
            This action creates an Amazon S3 on Outposts bucket's replication configuration. To
            create an S3 bucket's replication configuration, see <a href="">PutBucketReplication</a>
            in the <i>Amazon S3 API Reference</i>.
            Creates a replication configuration or replaces an existing one. For information about
            S3 replication on Outposts configuration, see <a href="">Replicating
            objects for S3 on Outposts</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            It can take a while to propagate <c>PUT</c> or <c>DELETE</c> requests for a replication
            configuration to all S3 on Outposts systems. Therefore, the replication configuration
            that's returned by a <c>GET</c> request soon after a <c>PUT</c> or <c>DELETE</c> request
            might return a more recent result than what's on the Outpost. If an Outpost is offline,
            the delay in updating the replication configuration on that Outpost can be significant.
            Specify the replication configuration in the request body. In the replication configuration,
            you provide the following information:
            The name of the destination bucket or buckets where you want S3 on Outposts to replicate
            The Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that S3 on Outposts can assume to replicate
            objects on your behalf
            Other relevant information, such as replication rules
            A replication configuration must include at least one rule and can contain a maximum
            of 100. Each rule identifies a subset of objects to replicate by filtering the objects
            in the source Outposts bucket. To choose additional subsets of objects to replicate,
            add a rule for each subset.
            To specify a subset of the objects in the source Outposts bucket to apply a replication
            rule to, add the <c>Filter</c> element as a child of the <c>Rule</c> element. You
            can filter objects based on an object key prefix, one or more object tags, or both.
            When you add the <c>Filter</c> element in the configuration, you must also add the
            following elements: <c>DeleteMarkerReplication</c>, <c>Status</c>, and <c>Priority</c>.
            Using <c>PutBucketReplication</c> on Outposts requires that both the source and destination
            buckets must have versioning enabled. For information about enabling versioning on
            a bucket, see <a href="">Managing
            S3 Versioning for your S3 on Outposts bucket</a>.
            For information about S3 on Outposts replication failure reasons, see <a href="">Replication
            failure reasons</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            </para><para><b>Handling Replication of Encrypted Objects</b></para><para>
            Outposts buckets are encrypted at all times. All the objects in the source Outposts
            bucket are encrypted and can be replicated. Also, all the replicas in the destination
            Outposts bucket are encrypted with the same encryption key as the objects in the source
            Outposts bucket.
            To create a <c>PutBucketReplication</c> request, you must have <c>s3-outposts:PutReplicationConfiguration</c>
            permissions for the bucket. The Outposts bucket owner has this permission by default
            and can grant it to others. For more information about permissions, see <a href="">Setting
            up IAM with S3 on Outposts</a> and <a href="">Managing
            access to S3 on Outposts buckets</a>.
            To perform this operation, the user or role must also have the <c>iam:CreateRole</c>
            and <c>iam:PassRole</c> permissions. For more information, see <a href="">Granting
            a user permissions to pass a role to an Amazon Web Services service</a>.
            All Amazon S3 on Outposts REST API requests for this action require an additional
            parameter of <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> to be passed with the request. In addition, you
            must use an S3 on Outposts endpoint hostname prefix instead of <c>s3-control</c>.
            For an example of the request syntax for Amazon S3 on Outposts that uses the S3 on
            Outposts endpoint hostname prefix and the <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> derived by using
            the access point ARN, see the <a href="">Examples</a>
            The following operations are related to <c>PutBucketReplication</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">GetBucketReplication</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">DeleteBucketReplication</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketReplicationCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the Outposts bucket.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketReplicationCmdlet.Bucket">
            <para>Specifies the S3 on Outposts bucket to set the configuration for.</para><para>For using this parameter with Amazon S3 on Outposts with the REST API, you must specify
            the name and the x-amz-outpost-id as well.</para><para>For using this parameter with S3 on Outposts with the Amazon Web Services SDK and
            CLI, you must specify the ARN of the bucket accessed in the format <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:&lt;Region&gt;:&lt;account-id&gt;:outpost/&lt;outpost-id&gt;/bucket/&lt;my-bucket-name&gt;</c>.
            For example, to access the bucket <c>reports</c> through Outpost <c>my-outpost</c>
            owned by account <c>123456789012</c> in Region <c>us-west-2</c>, use the URL encoding
            of <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:us-west-2:123456789012:outpost/my-outpost/bucket/reports</c>.
            The value must be URL encoded. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketReplicationCmdlet.ReplicationConfiguration_Role">
            <para>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that
            S3 on Outposts assumes when replicating objects. For information about S3 replication
            on Outposts configuration, see <a href="">Setting
            up replication</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketReplicationCmdlet.ReplicationConfiguration_Rule">
            <para>A container for one or more replication rules. A replication configuration must have
            at least one rule and can contain an array of 100 rules at the most. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketReplicationCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.PutBucketReplicationResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketReplicationCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketTaggingCmdlet">
            This action puts tags on an Amazon S3 on Outposts bucket. To put tags on an S3 bucket,
            see <a href="">PutBucketTagging</a>
            in the <i>Amazon S3 API Reference</i>.
            Sets the tags for an S3 on Outposts bucket. For more information, see <a href="">Using
            Amazon S3 on Outposts</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            Use tags to organize your Amazon Web Services bill to reflect your own cost structure.
            To do this, sign up to get your Amazon Web Services account bill with tag key values
            included. Then, to see the cost of combined resources, organize your billing information
            according to resources with the same tag key values. For example, you can tag several
            resources with a specific application name, and then organize your billing information
            to see the total cost of that application across several services. For more information,
            see <a href="">Cost
            allocation and tagging</a>.
            Within a bucket, if you add a tag that has the same key as an existing tag, the new
            value overwrites the old value. For more information, see <a href="">
            Using cost allocation in Amazon S3 bucket tags</a>.
            To use this action, you must have permissions to perform the <c>s3-outposts:PutBucketTagging</c>
            action. The Outposts bucket owner has this permission by default and can grant this
            permission to others. For more information about permissions, see <a href="">
            Permissions Related to Bucket Subresource Operations</a> and <a href="">Managing
            access permissions to your Amazon S3 resources</a>.
            </para><para><c>PutBucketTagging</c> has the following special errors:
            Error code: <c>InvalidTagError</c></para><ul><li><para>
            Description: The tag provided was not a valid tag. This error can occur if the tag
            did not pass input validation. For information about tag restrictions, see <a href="">
            User-Defined Tag Restrictions</a> and <a href="">
            Amazon Web Services-Generated Cost Allocation Tag Restrictions</a>.
            Error code: <c>MalformedXMLError</c></para><ul><li><para>
            Description: The XML provided does not match the schema.
            Error code: <c>OperationAbortedError </c></para><ul><li><para>
            Description: A conflicting conditional action is currently in progress against this
            resource. Try again.
            Error code: <c>InternalError</c></para><ul><li><para>
            Description: The service was unable to apply the provided tag to the bucket.
            All Amazon S3 on Outposts REST API requests for this action require an additional
            parameter of <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> to be passed with the request. In addition, you
            must use an S3 on Outposts endpoint hostname prefix instead of <c>s3-control</c>.
            For an example of the request syntax for Amazon S3 on Outposts that uses the S3 on
            Outposts endpoint hostname prefix and the <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> derived by using
            the access point ARN, see the <a href="">Examples</a>
            The following actions are related to <c>PutBucketTagging</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">GetBucketTagging</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">DeleteBucketTagging</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketTaggingCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the Outposts bucket.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketTaggingCmdlet.Bucket">
            <para>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the bucket.</para><para>For using this parameter with Amazon S3 on Outposts with the REST API, you must specify
            the name and the x-amz-outpost-id as well.</para><para>For using this parameter with S3 on Outposts with the Amazon Web Services SDK and
            CLI, you must specify the ARN of the bucket accessed in the format <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:&lt;Region&gt;:&lt;account-id&gt;:outpost/&lt;outpost-id&gt;/bucket/&lt;my-bucket-name&gt;</c>.
            For example, to access the bucket <c>reports</c> through Outpost <c>my-outpost</c>
            owned by account <c>123456789012</c> in Region <c>us-west-2</c>, use the URL encoding
            of <c>arn:aws:s3-outposts:us-west-2:123456789012:outpost/my-outpost/bucket/reports</c>.
            The value must be URL encoded. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketTaggingCmdlet.Tagging_TagSet">
            <para>A collection for a set of tags.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketTaggingCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.PutBucketTaggingResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketTaggingCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketVersioningCmdlet">
            This operation sets the versioning state for S3 on Outposts buckets only. To set the
            versioning state for an S3 bucket, see <a href="">PutBucketVersioning</a>
            in the <i>Amazon S3 API Reference</i>.
            Sets the versioning state for an S3 on Outposts bucket. With S3 Versioning, you can
            save multiple distinct copies of your objects and recover from unintended user actions
            and application failures.
            You can set the versioning state to one of the following:
            </para><ul><li><para><b>Enabled</b> - Enables versioning for the objects in the bucket. All objects added
            to the bucket receive a unique version ID.
            </para></li><li><para><b>Suspended</b> - Suspends versioning for the objects in the bucket. All objects
            added to the bucket receive the version ID <c>null</c>.
            If you've never set versioning on your bucket, it has no versioning state. In that
            case, a <a href="">
            GetBucketVersioning</a> request does not return a versioning state value.
            When you enable S3 Versioning, for each object in your bucket, you have a current
            version and zero or more noncurrent versions. You can configure your bucket S3 Lifecycle
            rules to expire noncurrent versions after a specified time period. For more information,
            see <a href="">
            Creating and managing a lifecycle configuration for your S3 on Outposts bucket</a>
            in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            If you have an object expiration lifecycle configuration in your non-versioned bucket
            and you want to maintain the same permanent delete behavior when you enable versioning,
            you must add a noncurrent expiration policy. The noncurrent expiration lifecycle configuration
            will manage the deletes of the noncurrent object versions in the version-enabled bucket.
            For more information, see <a href="">Versioning</a>
            in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            All Amazon S3 on Outposts REST API requests for this action require an additional
            parameter of <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> to be passed with the request. In addition, you
            must use an S3 on Outposts endpoint hostname prefix instead of <c>s3-control</c>.
            For an example of the request syntax for Amazon S3 on Outposts that uses the S3 on
            Outposts endpoint hostname prefix and the <c>x-amz-outpost-id</c> derived by using
            the access point ARN, see the <a href="">Examples</a>
            The following operations are related to <c>PutBucketVersioning</c> for S3 on Outposts.
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">GetBucketVersioning</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">PutBucketLifecycleConfiguration</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">GetBucketLifecycleConfiguration</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketVersioningCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID of the S3 on Outposts bucket.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketVersioningCmdlet.Bucket">
            <para>The S3 on Outposts bucket to set the versioning state for.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketVersioningCmdlet.MFA">
            <para>The concatenation of the authentication device's serial number, a space, and the value
            that is displayed on your authentication device.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketVersioningCmdlet.VersioningConfiguration_MFADelete">
            <para>Specifies whether MFA delete is enabled or disabled in the bucket versioning configuration
            for the S3 on Outposts bucket.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketVersioningCmdlet.VersioningConfiguration_Status">
            <para>Sets the versioning state of the S3 on Outposts bucket.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketVersioningCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.PutBucketVersioningResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CBucketVersioningCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CMultiRegionAccessPointPolicyCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Associates an access control policy with the specified Multi-Region Access Point.
            Each Multi-Region Access Point can have only one policy, so a request made to this
            action replaces any existing policy that is associated with the specified Multi-Region
            Access Point.
            This action will always be routed to the US West (Oregon) Region. For more information
            about the restrictions around working with Multi-Region Access Points, see <a href="">Multi-Region
            Access Point restrictions and limitations</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            The following actions are related to <c>PutMultiRegionAccessPointPolicy</c>:
            </para><ul><li><para><a href="">GetMultiRegionAccessPointPolicy</a></para></li><li><para><a href="">GetMultiRegionAccessPointPolicyStatus</a></para></li></ul>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CMultiRegionAccessPointPolicyCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The Amazon Web Services account ID for the owner of the Multi-Region Access Point.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CMultiRegionAccessPointPolicyCmdlet.Details_Name">
            <para>The name of the Multi-Region Access Point associated with the request.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CMultiRegionAccessPointPolicyCmdlet.Details_Policy">
            <para>The policy details for the <c>PutMultiRegionAccessPoint</c> request.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CMultiRegionAccessPointPolicyCmdlet.ClientToken">
            <para>An idempotency token used to identify the request and guarantee that requests are
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CMultiRegionAccessPointPolicyCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'RequestTokenARN'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.PutMultiRegionAccessPointPolicyResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.S3Control.Model.PutMultiRegionAccessPointPolicyResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CMultiRegionAccessPointPolicyCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Puts an Amazon S3 Storage Lens configuration. For more information about S3 Storage
            Lens, see <a href="">Working
            with Amazon S3 Storage Lens</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>. For a complete
            list of S3 Storage Lens metrics, see <a href="">S3
            Storage Lens metrics glossary</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
            To use this action, you must have permission to perform the <c>s3:PutStorageLensConfiguration</c>
            action. For more information, see <a href="">Setting
            permissions to use Amazon S3 Storage Lens</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The account ID of the requester.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.S3BucketDestination_AccountId">
            <para>The account ID of the owner of the S3 Storage Lens metrics export bucket.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.AwsOrg_Arn">
            <para>A container for the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Web Services organization.
            This property is read-only and follows the following format: <c> arn:aws:organizations:<i>us-east-1</i>:<i>example-account-id</i>:organization/<i>o-ex2l495dck</i></c></para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.S3BucketDestination_Arn">
            <para>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the bucket. This property is read-only and follows
            the following format: <c> arn:aws:s3:<i>us-east-1</i>:<i>example-account-id</i>:bucket/<i>your-destination-bucket-name</i></c></para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.Exclude_Bucket">
            <para>A container for the S3 Storage Lens bucket excludes.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.Include_Bucket">
            <para>A container for the S3 Storage Lens bucket includes.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.ConfigId">
            <para>The ID of the S3 Storage Lens configuration.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.SelectionCriteria_Delimiter">
            <para>A container for the delimiter of the selection criteria being used.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.SelectionCriteria_Exclude">
            <para> Indicates which Storage Lens group ARNs to exclude from the Storage Lens group aggregation.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.S3BucketDestination_Format">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.StorageLensConfiguration_Id">
            <para>A container for the Amazon S3 Storage Lens configuration ID.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.SelectionCriteria_Include">
            <para> Indicates which Storage Lens group ARNs to include in the Storage Lens group aggregation.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.StorageLensConfiguration_AccountLevel_ActivityMetrics_IsEnabled">
            <para>A container that indicates whether activity metrics are enabled.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.StorageLensConfiguration_AccountLevel_AdvancedCostOptimizationMetrics_IsEnabled">
            <para>A container that indicates whether advanced cost-optimization metrics are enabled.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.StorageLensConfiguration_AccountLevel_AdvancedDataProtectionMetrics_IsEnabled">
            <para>A container that indicates whether advanced data-protection metrics are enabled.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.StorageLensConfiguration_BucketLevel_ActivityMetrics_IsEnabled">
            <para>A container that indicates whether activity metrics are enabled.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.StorageLensConfiguration_BucketLevel_AdvancedCostOptimizationMetrics_IsEnabled">
            <para>A container that indicates whether advanced cost-optimization metrics are enabled.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.StorageLensConfiguration_BucketLevel_AdvancedDataProtectionMetrics_IsEnabled">
            <para>A container that indicates whether advanced data-protection metrics are enabled.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.StorageLensConfiguration_BucketLevel_DetailedStatusCodesMetrics_IsEnabled">
            <para>A container that indicates whether detailed status code metrics are enabled.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.StorageMetrics_IsEnabled">
            <para>A container for whether prefix-level storage metrics are enabled.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.StorageLensConfiguration_AccountLevel_DetailedStatusCodesMetrics_IsEnabled">
            <para>A container that indicates whether detailed status code metrics are enabled.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.CloudWatchMetrics_IsEnabled">
            <para>A container that indicates whether CloudWatch publishing for S3 Storage Lens metrics
            is enabled. A value of <c>true</c> indicates that CloudWatch publishing for S3 Storage
            Lens metrics is enabled.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.StorageLensConfiguration_IsEnabled">
            <para>A container for whether the S3 Storage Lens configuration is enabled.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.SSEKMS_KeyId">
            <para>A container for the ARN of the SSE-KMS encryption. This property is read-only and
            follows the following format: <c> arn:aws:kms:<i>us-east-1</i>:<i>example-account-id</i>:key/<i>example-9a73-4afc-8d29-8f5900cef44e</i></c></para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.SelectionCriteria_MaxDepth">
            <para>The max depth of the selection criteria</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.SelectionCriteria_MinStorageBytesPercentage">
            <para>The minimum number of storage bytes percentage whose metrics will be selected.</para><note><para>You must choose a value greater than or equal to <c>1.0</c>.</para></note>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.S3BucketDestination_OutputSchemaVersion">
            <para>The schema version of the export file.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.S3BucketDestination_Prefix">
            <para>The prefix of the destination bucket where the metrics export will be delivered.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.Exclude_Region">
            <para>A container for the S3 Storage Lens Region excludes.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.Include_Region">
            <para>A container for the S3 Storage Lens Region includes.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.Encryption_SSES3">
            The service has not provided documentation for this parameter; please refer to the service's API reference documentation for the latest available information.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.StorageLensConfiguration_StorageLensArn">
            <para>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the S3 Storage Lens configuration. This property
            is read-only and follows the following format: <c> arn:aws:s3:<i>us-east-1</i>:<i>example-account-id</i>:storage-lens/<i>your-dashboard-name</i></c></para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.Tag">
            <para>The tag set of the S3 Storage Lens configuration.</para><note><para>You can set up to a maximum of 50 tags.</para></note>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.PutStorageLensConfigurationResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationTaggingCmdlet">
            This operation is not supported by directory buckets.
            Put or replace tags on an existing Amazon S3 Storage Lens configuration. For more
            information about S3 Storage Lens, see <a href="">Assessing
            your storage activity and usage with Amazon S3 Storage Lens </a> in the <i>Amazon
            S3 User Guide</i>.
            To use this action, you must have permission to perform the <c>s3:PutStorageLensConfigurationTagging</c>
            action. For more information, see <a href="">Setting
            permissions to use Amazon S3 Storage Lens</a> in the <i>Amazon S3 User Guide</i>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationTaggingCmdlet.AccountId">
            <para>The account ID of the requester.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationTaggingCmdlet.ConfigId">
            <para>The ID of the S3 Storage Lens configuration.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationTaggingCmdlet.Tag">
            <para>The tag set of the S3 Storage Lens configuration.</para><note><para>You can set up to a maximum of 50 tags.</para></note>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationTaggingCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.S3Control.Model.PutStorageLensConfigurationTaggingResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.S3C.WriteS3CStorageLensConfigurationTaggingCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.