
<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.AddIAMRAResourceTagCmdlet">
            Attaches tags to a resource.
            <para><b>Required permissions: </b><c>rolesanywhere:TagResource</c>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.AddIAMRAResourceTagCmdlet.ResourceArn">
            <para>The ARN of the resource.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.AddIAMRAResourceTagCmdlet.Tag">
            <para>The tags to attach to the resource.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.AddIAMRAResourceTagCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.TagResourceResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.AddIAMRAResourceTagCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the ResourceArn parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^ResourceArn' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.AddIAMRAResourceTagCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.DisableIAMRACrlCmdlet">
            Disables a certificate revocation list (CRL).
            <para><b>Required permissions: </b><c>rolesanywhere:DisableCrl</c>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.DisableIAMRACrlCmdlet.CrlId">
            <para>The unique identifier of the certificate revocation list (CRL).</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.DisableIAMRACrlCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Crl'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.DisableCrlResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.DisableCrlResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.DisableIAMRACrlCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the CrlId parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^CrlId' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.DisableIAMRACrlCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.DisableIAMRAProfileCmdlet">
            Disables a profile. When disabled, temporary credential requests with this profile
            <para><b>Required permissions: </b><c>rolesanywhere:DisableProfile</c>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.DisableIAMRAProfileCmdlet.ProfileId">
            <para>The unique identifier of the profile.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.DisableIAMRAProfileCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Profile'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.DisableProfileResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.DisableProfileResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.DisableIAMRAProfileCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the ProfileId parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^ProfileId' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.DisableIAMRAProfileCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.DisableIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet">
            Disables a trust anchor. When disabled, temporary credential requests specifying this
            trust anchor are unauthorized.
            <para><b>Required permissions: </b><c>rolesanywhere:DisableTrustAnchor</c>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.DisableIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet.TrustAnchorId">
            <para>The unique identifier of the trust anchor.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.DisableIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'TrustAnchor'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.DisableTrustAnchorResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.DisableTrustAnchorResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.DisableIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the TrustAnchorId parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^TrustAnchorId' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.DisableIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.EnableIAMRACrlCmdlet">
            Enables a certificate revocation list (CRL). When enabled, certificates stored in
            the CRL are unauthorized to receive session credentials.
            <para><b>Required permissions: </b><c>rolesanywhere:EnableCrl</c>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.EnableIAMRACrlCmdlet.CrlId">
            <para>The unique identifier of the certificate revocation list (CRL).</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.EnableIAMRACrlCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Crl'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.EnableCrlResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.EnableCrlResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.EnableIAMRACrlCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the CrlId parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^CrlId' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.EnableIAMRACrlCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.EnableIAMRAProfileCmdlet">
            Enables temporary credential requests for a profile.
            <para><b>Required permissions: </b><c>rolesanywhere:EnableProfile</c>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.EnableIAMRAProfileCmdlet.ProfileId">
            <para>The unique identifier of the profile.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.EnableIAMRAProfileCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Profile'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.EnableProfileResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.EnableProfileResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.EnableIAMRAProfileCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the ProfileId parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^ProfileId' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.EnableIAMRAProfileCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.EnableIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet">
            Enables a trust anchor. When enabled, certificates in the trust anchor chain are authorized
            for trust validation.
            <para><b>Required permissions: </b><c>rolesanywhere:EnableTrustAnchor</c>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.EnableIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet.TrustAnchorId">
            <para>The unique identifier of the trust anchor.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.EnableIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'TrustAnchor'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.EnableTrustAnchorResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.EnableTrustAnchorResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.EnableIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the TrustAnchorId parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^TrustAnchorId' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.EnableIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRACrlCmdlet">
            Gets a certificate revocation list (CRL).
            <para><b>Required permissions: </b><c>rolesanywhere:GetCrl</c>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRACrlCmdlet.CrlId">
            <para>The unique identifier of the certificate revocation list (CRL).</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRACrlCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Crl'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.GetCrlResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.GetCrlResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRACrlCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the CrlId parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^CrlId' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRACrlListCmdlet">
            Lists all certificate revocation lists (CRL) in the authenticated account and Amazon
            Web Services Region.
            <para><b>Required permissions: </b><c>rolesanywhere:ListCrls</c>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRACrlListCmdlet.NextToken">
            <para>A token that indicates where the output should continue from, if a previous request
            did not show all results. To get the next results, make the request again with this
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRACrlListCmdlet.PageSize">
            <para>The number of resources in the paginated list. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRACrlListCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Crls'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.ListCrlsResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.ListCrlsResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRAProfileCmdlet">
            Gets a profile.
            <para><b>Required permissions: </b><c>rolesanywhere:GetProfile</c>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRAProfileCmdlet.ProfileId">
            <para>The unique identifier of the profile.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRAProfileCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Profile'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.GetProfileResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.GetProfileResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRAProfileCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the ProfileId parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^ProfileId' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRAProfileListCmdlet">
            Lists all profiles in the authenticated account and Amazon Web Services Region.
            <para><b>Required permissions: </b><c>rolesanywhere:ListProfiles</c>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRAProfileListCmdlet.NextToken">
            <para>A token that indicates where the output should continue from, if a previous request
            did not show all results. To get the next results, make the request again with this
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRAProfileListCmdlet.PageSize">
            <para>The number of resources in the paginated list. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRAProfileListCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Profiles'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.ListProfilesResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.ListProfilesResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRAResourceTagCmdlet">
            Lists the tags attached to the resource.
            <para><b>Required permissions: </b><c>rolesanywhere:ListTagsForResource</c>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRAResourceTagCmdlet.ResourceArn">
            <para>The ARN of the resource.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRAResourceTagCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Tags'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.ListTagsForResourceResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.ListTagsForResourceResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRAResourceTagCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the ResourceArn parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^ResourceArn' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRASubjectCmdlet">
            Gets a <i>subject</i>, which associates a certificate identity with authentication
            attempts. The subject stores auditing information such as the status of the last authentication
            attempt, the certificate data used in the attempt, and the last time the associated
            identity attempted authentication.
            <para><b>Required permissions: </b><c>rolesanywhere:GetSubject</c>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRASubjectCmdlet.SubjectId">
            <para>The unique identifier of the subject. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRASubjectCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Subject'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.GetSubjectResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.GetSubjectResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRASubjectCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the SubjectId parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^SubjectId' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRASubjectListCmdlet">
            Lists the subjects in the authenticated account and Amazon Web Services Region.
            <para><b>Required permissions: </b><c>rolesanywhere:ListSubjects</c>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRASubjectListCmdlet.NextToken">
            <para>A token that indicates where the output should continue from, if a previous request
            did not show all results. To get the next results, make the request again with this
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRASubjectListCmdlet.PageSize">
            <para>The number of resources in the paginated list. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRASubjectListCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Subjects'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.ListSubjectsResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.ListSubjectsResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet">
            Gets a trust anchor.
            <para><b>Required permissions: </b><c>rolesanywhere:GetTrustAnchor</c>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet.TrustAnchorId">
            <para>The unique identifier of the trust anchor.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'TrustAnchor'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.GetTrustAnchorResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.GetTrustAnchorResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the TrustAnchorId parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^TrustAnchorId' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRATrustAnchorListCmdlet">
            Lists the trust anchors in the authenticated account and Amazon Web Services Region.
            <para><b>Required permissions: </b><c>rolesanywhere:ListTrustAnchors</c>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRATrustAnchorListCmdlet.NextToken">
            <para>A token that indicates where the output should continue from, if a previous request
            did not show all results. To get the next results, make the request again with this
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRATrustAnchorListCmdlet.PageSize">
            <para>The number of resources in the paginated list. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.GetIAMRATrustAnchorListCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'TrustAnchors'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.ListTrustAnchorsResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.ListTrustAnchorsResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.ImportIAMRACrlCmdlet">
            Imports the certificate revocation list (CRL). A CRL is a list of certificates that
            have been revoked by the issuing certificate Authority (CA).In order to be properly
            imported, a CRL must be in PEM format. IAM Roles Anywhere validates against the CRL
            before issuing credentials.
            <para><b>Required permissions: </b><c>rolesanywhere:ImportCrl</c>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.ImportIAMRACrlCmdlet.CrlData">
            <para>The x509 v3 specified certificate revocation list (CRL).</para>
            <para>The cmdlet will automatically convert the supplied parameter of type string, string[], System.IO.FileInfo or System.IO.Stream to byte[] before supplying it to the service.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.ImportIAMRACrlCmdlet.Enabled">
            <para>Specifies whether the certificate revocation list (CRL) is enabled.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.ImportIAMRACrlCmdlet.Name">
            <para>The name of the certificate revocation list (CRL).</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.ImportIAMRACrlCmdlet.Tag">
            <para>A list of tags to attach to the certificate revocation list (CRL).</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.ImportIAMRACrlCmdlet.TrustAnchorArn">
            <para>The ARN of the TrustAnchor the certificate revocation list (CRL) will provide revocation
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.ImportIAMRACrlCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Crl'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.ImportCrlResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.ImportCrlResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.ImportIAMRACrlCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.NewIAMRAProfileCmdlet">
            Creates a <i>profile</i>, a list of the roles that Roles Anywhere service is trusted
            to assume. You use profiles to intersect permissions with IAM managed policies.
            <para><b>Required permissions: </b><c>rolesanywhere:CreateProfile</c>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.NewIAMRAProfileCmdlet.AcceptRoleSessionName">
            <para>Used to determine if a custom role session name will be accepted in a temporary credential
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.NewIAMRAProfileCmdlet.DurationSecond">
            <para> Used to determine how long sessions vended using this profile are valid for. See
            the <c>Expiration</c> section of the <a href="">CreateSession
            API documentation</a> page for more details. In requests, if this value is not provided,
            the default value will be 3600. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.NewIAMRAProfileCmdlet.Enabled">
            <para>Specifies whether the profile is enabled.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.NewIAMRAProfileCmdlet.ManagedPolicyArn">
            <para>A list of managed policy ARNs that apply to the vended session credentials. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.NewIAMRAProfileCmdlet.Name">
            <para>The name of the profile.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.NewIAMRAProfileCmdlet.RequireInstanceProperty">
            <para>Specifies whether instance properties are required in temporary credential requests
            with this profile. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.NewIAMRAProfileCmdlet.RoleArn">
            <para>A list of IAM roles that this profile can assume in a temporary credential request.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.NewIAMRAProfileCmdlet.SessionPolicy">
            <para>A session policy that applies to the trust boundary of the vended session credentials.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.NewIAMRAProfileCmdlet.Tag">
            <para>The tags to attach to the profile.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.NewIAMRAProfileCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Profile'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.CreateProfileResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.CreateProfileResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.NewIAMRAProfileCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.NewIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet">
            Creates a trust anchor to establish trust between IAM Roles Anywhere and your certificate
            authority (CA). You can define a trust anchor as a reference to an Private Certificate
            Authority (Private CA) or by uploading a CA certificate. Your Amazon Web Services
            workloads can authenticate with the trust anchor using certificates issued by the
            CA in exchange for temporary Amazon Web Services credentials.
            <para><b>Required permissions: </b><c>rolesanywhere:CreateTrustAnchor</c>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.NewIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet.SourceData_AcmPcaArn">
            <para> The root certificate of the Private Certificate Authority specified by this ARN is
            used in trust validation for temporary credential requests. Included for trust anchors
            of type <c>AWS_ACM_PCA</c>. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.NewIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet.Enabled">
            <para>Specifies whether the trust anchor is enabled.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.NewIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet.Name">
            <para>The name of the trust anchor.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.NewIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet.NotificationSetting">
            <para>A list of notification settings to be associated to the trust anchor.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.NewIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet.Source_SourceType">
            <para>The type of the trust anchor. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.NewIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet.Tag">
            <para>The tags to attach to the trust anchor.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.NewIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet.SourceData_X509CertificateData">
            <para>The PEM-encoded data for the certificate anchor. Included for trust anchors of type
            <c>CERTIFICATE_BUNDLE</c>. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.NewIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'TrustAnchor'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.CreateTrustAnchorResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.CreateTrustAnchorResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.NewIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.RemoveIAMRAAttributeMappingCmdlet">
            Delete an entry from the attribute mapping rules enforced by a given profile.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.RemoveIAMRAAttributeMappingCmdlet.CertificateField">
            <para>Fields (x509Subject, x509Issuer and x509SAN) within X.509 certificates.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.RemoveIAMRAAttributeMappingCmdlet.ProfileId">
            <para>The unique identifier of the profile.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.RemoveIAMRAAttributeMappingCmdlet.Specifier">
            <para>A list of specifiers of a certificate field; for example, CN, OU, UID from a Subject.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.RemoveIAMRAAttributeMappingCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Profile'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.DeleteAttributeMappingResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.DeleteAttributeMappingResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.RemoveIAMRAAttributeMappingCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the ProfileId parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^ProfileId' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.RemoveIAMRAAttributeMappingCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.RemoveIAMRACrlCmdlet">
            Deletes a certificate revocation list (CRL).
            <para><b>Required permissions: </b><c>rolesanywhere:DeleteCrl</c>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.RemoveIAMRACrlCmdlet.CrlId">
            <para>The unique identifier of the certificate revocation list (CRL).</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.RemoveIAMRACrlCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Crl'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.DeleteCrlResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.DeleteCrlResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.RemoveIAMRACrlCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the CrlId parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^CrlId' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.RemoveIAMRACrlCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.RemoveIAMRAProfileCmdlet">
            Deletes a profile.
            <para><b>Required permissions: </b><c>rolesanywhere:DeleteProfile</c>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.RemoveIAMRAProfileCmdlet.ProfileId">
            <para>The unique identifier of the profile.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.RemoveIAMRAProfileCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Profile'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.DeleteProfileResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.DeleteProfileResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.RemoveIAMRAProfileCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the ProfileId parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^ProfileId' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.RemoveIAMRAProfileCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.RemoveIAMRAResourceTagCmdlet">
            Removes tags from the resource.
            <para><b>Required permissions: </b><c>rolesanywhere:UntagResource</c>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.RemoveIAMRAResourceTagCmdlet.ResourceArn">
            <para>The ARN of the resource.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.RemoveIAMRAResourceTagCmdlet.TagKey">
            <para>A list of keys. Tag keys are the unique identifiers of tags. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.RemoveIAMRAResourceTagCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The cmdlet doesn't have a return value by default.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.UntagResourceResponse).
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.RemoveIAMRAResourceTagCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the ResourceArn parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^ResourceArn' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.RemoveIAMRAResourceTagCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.RemoveIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet">
            Deletes a trust anchor.
            <para><b>Required permissions: </b><c>rolesanywhere:DeleteTrustAnchor</c>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.RemoveIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet.TrustAnchorId">
            <para>The unique identifier of the trust anchor.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.RemoveIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'TrustAnchor'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.DeleteTrustAnchorResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.DeleteTrustAnchorResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.RemoveIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the TrustAnchorId parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^TrustAnchorId' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.RemoveIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.ResetIAMRANotificationSettingCmdlet">
            Resets the <i>custom notification setting</i> to IAM Roles Anywhere default setting.
            <para><b>Required permissions: </b><c>rolesanywhere:ResetNotificationSettings</c>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.ResetIAMRANotificationSettingCmdlet.NotificationSettingKey">
            <para>A list of notification setting keys to reset. A notification setting key includes
            the event and the channel. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.ResetIAMRANotificationSettingCmdlet.TrustAnchorId">
            <para>The unique identifier of the trust anchor.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.ResetIAMRANotificationSettingCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'TrustAnchor'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.ResetNotificationSettingsResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.ResetNotificationSettingsResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.ResetIAMRANotificationSettingCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the TrustAnchorId parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^TrustAnchorId' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.ResetIAMRANotificationSettingCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.UpdateIAMRACrlCmdlet">
            Updates the certificate revocation list (CRL). A CRL is a list of certificates that
            have been revoked by the issuing certificate authority (CA). IAM Roles Anywhere validates
            against the CRL before issuing credentials.
            <para><b>Required permissions: </b><c>rolesanywhere:UpdateCrl</c>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.UpdateIAMRACrlCmdlet.CrlData">
            <para>The x509 v3 specified certificate revocation list (CRL).</para>
            <para>The cmdlet will automatically convert the supplied parameter of type string, string[], System.IO.FileInfo or System.IO.Stream to byte[] before supplying it to the service.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.UpdateIAMRACrlCmdlet.CrlId">
            <para>The unique identifier of the certificate revocation list (CRL).</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.UpdateIAMRACrlCmdlet.Name">
            <para>The name of the Crl.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.UpdateIAMRACrlCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Crl'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.UpdateCrlResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.UpdateCrlResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.UpdateIAMRACrlCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the CrlId parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^CrlId' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.UpdateIAMRACrlCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.UpdateIAMRAProfileCmdlet">
            Updates a <i>profile</i>, a list of the roles that IAM Roles Anywhere service is trusted
            to assume. You use profiles to intersect permissions with IAM managed policies.
            <para><b>Required permissions: </b><c>rolesanywhere:UpdateProfile</c>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.UpdateIAMRAProfileCmdlet.AcceptRoleSessionName">
            <para>Used to determine if a custom role session name will be accepted in a temporary credential
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.UpdateIAMRAProfileCmdlet.DurationSecond">
            <para> Used to determine how long sessions vended using this profile are valid for. See
            the <c>Expiration</c> section of the <a href="">CreateSession
            API documentation</a> page for more details. In requests, if this value is not provided,
            the default value will be 3600. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.UpdateIAMRAProfileCmdlet.ManagedPolicyArn">
            <para>A list of managed policy ARNs that apply to the vended session credentials. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.UpdateIAMRAProfileCmdlet.Name">
            <para>The name of the profile.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.UpdateIAMRAProfileCmdlet.ProfileId">
            <para>The unique identifier of the profile.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.UpdateIAMRAProfileCmdlet.RoleArn">
            <para>A list of IAM roles that this profile can assume in a temporary credential request.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.UpdateIAMRAProfileCmdlet.SessionPolicy">
            <para>A session policy that applies to the trust boundary of the vended session credentials.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.UpdateIAMRAProfileCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Profile'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.UpdateProfileResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.UpdateProfileResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.UpdateIAMRAProfileCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the ProfileId parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^ProfileId' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.UpdateIAMRAProfileCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.UpdateIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet">
            Updates a trust anchor. You establish trust between IAM Roles Anywhere and your certificate
            authority (CA) by configuring a trust anchor. You can define a trust anchor as a reference
            to an Private Certificate Authority (Private CA) or by uploading a CA certificate.
            Your Amazon Web Services workloads can authenticate with the trust anchor using certificates
            issued by the CA in exchange for temporary Amazon Web Services credentials.
            <para><b>Required permissions: </b><c>rolesanywhere:UpdateTrustAnchor</c>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.UpdateIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet.SourceData_AcmPcaArn">
            <para> The root certificate of the Private Certificate Authority specified by this ARN is
            used in trust validation for temporary credential requests. Included for trust anchors
            of type <c>AWS_ACM_PCA</c>. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.UpdateIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet.Name">
            <para>The name of the trust anchor.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.UpdateIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet.Source_SourceType">
            <para>The type of the trust anchor. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.UpdateIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet.TrustAnchorId">
            <para>The unique identifier of the trust anchor.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.UpdateIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet.SourceData_X509CertificateData">
            <para>The PEM-encoded data for the certificate anchor. Included for trust anchors of type
            <c>CERTIFICATE_BUNDLE</c>. </para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.UpdateIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'TrustAnchor'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.UpdateTrustAnchorResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.UpdateTrustAnchorResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.UpdateIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the TrustAnchorId parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^TrustAnchorId' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.UpdateIAMRATrustAnchorCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.WriteIAMRAAttributeMappingCmdlet">
            Put an entry in the attribute mapping rules that will be enforced by a given profile.
            A mapping specifies a certificate field and one or more specifiers that have contextual
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.WriteIAMRAAttributeMappingCmdlet.CertificateField">
            <para>Fields (x509Subject, x509Issuer and x509SAN) within X.509 certificates.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.WriteIAMRAAttributeMappingCmdlet.MappingRule">
            <para>A list of mapping entries for every supported specifier or sub-field.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.WriteIAMRAAttributeMappingCmdlet.ProfileId">
            <para>The unique identifier of the profile.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.WriteIAMRAAttributeMappingCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'Profile'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.PutAttributeMappingResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.PutAttributeMappingResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.WriteIAMRAAttributeMappingCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the ProfileId parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^ProfileId' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.WriteIAMRAAttributeMappingCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.
        <member name="T:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.WriteIAMRANotificationSettingCmdlet">
            Attaches a list of <i>notification settings</i> to a trust anchor.
            A notification setting includes information such as event name, threshold, status
            of the notification setting, and the channel to notify.
            </para><para><b>Required permissions: </b><c>rolesanywhere:PutNotificationSettings</c>.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.WriteIAMRANotificationSettingCmdlet.NotificationSetting">
            <para>A list of notification settings to be associated to the trust anchor.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.WriteIAMRANotificationSettingCmdlet.TrustAnchorId">
            <para>The unique identifier of the trust anchor.</para>
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.WriteIAMRANotificationSettingCmdlet.Select">
            Use the -Select parameter to control the cmdlet output. The default value is 'TrustAnchor'.
            Specifying -Select '*' will result in the cmdlet returning the whole service response (Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.PutNotificationSettingsResponse).
            Specifying the name of a property of type Amazon.IAMRolesAnywhere.Model.PutNotificationSettingsResponse will result in that property being returned.
            Specifying -Select '^ParameterName' will result in the cmdlet returning the selected cmdlet parameter value.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.WriteIAMRANotificationSettingCmdlet.PassThru">
            Changes the cmdlet behavior to return the value passed to the TrustAnchorId parameter.
            The -PassThru parameter is deprecated, use -Select '^TrustAnchorId' instead. This parameter will be removed in a future version.
        <member name="P:Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.IAMRA.WriteIAMRANotificationSettingCmdlet.Force">
            This parameter overrides confirmation prompts to force
            the cmdlet to continue its operation. This parameter should always
            be used with caution.