using module .\AWS.SAML.Browser.psm1 using module .\AWS.SAML.Settings.psm1 using module .\AWS.SAML.Utils.psm1 using module .\AWS.SAML.Profile.psm1 <# .SYNOPSIS Get AWS STS credentials for using in the CLI from a SAML based login. .DESCRIPTION Get AWS STS credentials for using in the CLI from a SAML based login. .EXAMPLE C:\PS> Login-AWSSAML .PARAMETER InitURL The SAML Login Initiation URL. If not passed you will be prompted and it will be saved for future use. .PARAMETER Browser Choose the browser to handle the login process. Options: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, IE Default: Chrome #> function New-AWSSAMLLogin { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact='Low')] [Alias('Login-AWSSAML','las')] param( [String]$InitURL, [ValidateSet('Chrome', 'Firefox', 'Edge', 'IE')] [String]$Browser = 'Chrome', [Switch]$NoBrowserProfile, [Alias('Profile')] [String]$ProfileName ) if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess('AWS SAML', 'login')) { if([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($InitURL)){ $InitURL = Get-AWSSAMLURL } # Start Browser for Login $driver = Start-Browser -InitURL $InitURL -Browser $Browser -NoProfile:$NoBrowserProfile # Get SAML Assertion $samlAssertion = Get-SAMLAssertion -Driver $driver # Get Selected Role $consoleData = Get-ConsoleData -Driver $driver # Close Browser $Driver.quit() # Get Role Details from SAML $arns = Get-SAMLRole -Assertion $samlAssertion -AccountID $consoleData.AccountID -Role $consoleData.Role # Get STS Credentials with SAML $sts = Use-STSRoleWithSAML -PrincipalArn $arns.PrincipalArn -RoleArn $arns.RoleArn -SAMLAssertion $samlAssertion # Store Credentials for use if($ProfileName){ # Store in Profile Set-AWSProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName -AccessKeyId $sts.Credentials.AccessKeyId -SecretAccessKey $sts.Credentials.SecretAccessKey -SessionToken $sts.Credentials.SessionToken }else{ # Store in Environment Variable Add-AWSSTSCred -STS $sts } # Output Console Data return [PSCustomObject]@{ Account = $consoleData.Alias AccountID = $consoleData.AccountID User = $consoleData.Name Role = $consoleData.Role Expires = $sts.Credentials.Expiration } } } |