using namespace Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands #region Initialization $RootPath = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent . "$RootPath\Helpers\HashHelper.ps1" $script:atapReportsPath = $env:ATAPReportPath if (-not $script:atapReportsPath) { $script:atapReportsPath = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('MyDocuments') | Join-Path -ChildPath 'ATAPReports' } #endregion #region Classes class AuditTest { [string] $Id [string] $Task [hashtable[]] $Constraints [scriptblock] $Test } enum AuditInfoStatus { True False Warning None Error } class AuditInfo { [string] $Id [string] $Task [AuditInfoStatus] $Status [string] $Message } class ReportSection { [string] $Title [string] $Description [AuditInfo[]] $AuditInfos [ReportSection[]] $SubSections } class Report { [string] $Title [string] $ModuleName [string] $AuditorVersion [hashtable] $HostInformation [string[]] $BasedOn [ReportSection[]] $Sections [RSFullReport] $RSReport [FoundationReport] $FoundationReport } ################################################### ####### SYSTEM INFORMATION Classes ########## ################################################### class SystemInformation { [SoftwareInformation] $SoftwareInformation [HardwareInformation] $HardwareInformation } class SoftwareInformation { [string] $Hostname [string] $SystemUptime [string] $OperatingSystem [string] $BuildNumber [string] $OSArchitecture [string] $LicenseStatus [string] $InstallationLanguage [string] $DomainRole [string] $KernelVersion } class HardwareInformation { [string] $SystemManufacturer [string] $SystemSKU [string] $SystemModel [string] $SystemSerialnumber [string] $BiosVersion [string] $FreeDiskSpace [string] $FreePhysicalMemory } ### Begin Foundation Classes ### class FoundationReport { [ReportSection[]] $Sections } ### End Foundation Classes # RiskScore Classes enum RSEndResult { Critical High Medium Low Unknown } class RSFullReport { [RSSeverityReport] $RSSeverityReport [RSQuantityReport] $RSQuantityReport } class RSSeverityReport { [AuditInfo[]] $AuditInfos [ResultTable[]] $ResultTable [RSEndResult] $Endresult } class RSQuantityReport { } class ResultTable { [int] $Success [int] $Failed } #endregion #region helpers function IsIn-FullLanguageMode { try { $languageMode = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode if ($languageMode -eq "FullLanguage"){ return $true } } catch { return $false } # returns alternate language modes if not FullLanguage return $languageMode } function Start-ModuleTest { $moduleList = @(Get-Module -ListAvailable).Name | Select-Object -Unique $necessaryModules = @( "Microsoft.PowerShell.LocalAccounts", "Microsoft.PowerShell.Management", "Microsoft.PowerShell.Security", "Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility", "TrustedPlatformModule", "NetSecurity", "CimCmdlets", "SmbShare", "Defender", "DISM" #Modules only necessary for specific server tests #"IISAdministration", #"SQLServer", ) $missingModules = @() foreach ($module in $necessaryModules) { if ($moduleList -notcontains $module) { $missingModules += $module } } if ($missingModules.Count -gt 0) { Write-Warning "Missing module(s) found. Missing modules can lead to errors. Following modules are missing:" for ($i = 0; $i -lt $missingModules.Count; $i++) { Write-Warning $missingModules[$i] } Write-Warning "Check out this link on how to install modules:" } } function GetLicenseStatus { param( $SkipLicenseCheck ) if ($SkipLicenseCheck -eq $false) { Write-Host "Checking operating system activation status. This may take a while..." $licenseStatus = (Get-CimInstance SoftwareLicensingProduct -Filter "Name like 'Windows%'" | where { $_.PartialProductKey } | select Description, LicenseStatus -ExpandProperty LicenseStatus) switch ($licenseStatus) { "0" { $lcStatus = "Unlicensed" } "1" { $lcStatus = "Licensed" } "2" { $lcStatus = "OOBGrace" } "3" { $lcStatus = "OOTGrace" } "4" { $lcStatus = "NonGenuineGrace" } "5" { $lcStatus = "Notification" } "6" { $lcStatus = "ExtendedGrace" } } return $lcStatus } else { return "License check has been skipped." } } function IsIIS10Executable { if((Get-Module -ListAvailable IISAdministration) -eq $null) { return $false } return $true } function Test-ArrayEqual { [OutputType([bool])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowNull()] [AllowEmptyCollection()] [array] $Array1, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [AllowNull()] [AllowEmptyCollection()] [array] $Array2 ) if ($null -eq $Array1) { $Array1 = @() } if ($null -eq $Array2) { $Array2 = @() } if ($Array1.Count -ne $Array2.Count) { return $false } foreach ($a in $Array1) { if ($a -notin $Array2) { return $false } } return $true } function Get-LicenseStatus { $licenseStatus = (Get-CimInstance SoftwareLicensingProduct -Filter "Name like 'Windows%'" | where { $_.PartialProductKey } | select Description, LicenseStatus -ExpandProperty LicenseStatus) switch ($licenseStatus) { "0" { $lcStatus = "Unlicensed" } "1" { $lcStatus = "Licensed" } "2" { $lcStatus = "OOBGrace" } "3" { $lcStatus = "OOTGrace" } "4" { $lcStatus = "NonGenuineGrace" } "5" { $lcStatus = "Notification" } "6" { $lcStatus = "ExtendedGrace" } } return $lcStatus } # Get domain role # 0 {"Standalone Workstation"} # 1 {"Member Workstation"} # 2 {"Standalone Server"} # 3 {"Member Server"} # 4 {"Backup Domain Controller"} # 5 {"Primary Domain Controller"} function Get-DomainRole { $domainRole = (Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_ComputerSystem).DomainRole switch ($domainRole) { 0 { $result = "Standalone Workstation" } 1 { $result = "Member Workstation" } 2 { $result = "Standalone Server" } 3 { $result = "Member Server" } 4 { $result = "Backup Domain Controller" } 5 { $result = "Primary Domain Controller" } } return $result } function checkReportNameWithOSSystem { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [string] $ReportName ) # helpers function handleReportNameDiscrepancy { param ( [Parameter()] [string] $ReportName, [Parameter()] [string] $OsName, [Parameter()] [bool] $ShouldBeStandAlone = $False ) if ($ShouldBeStandAlone -eq $True) { Write-Host "You chose the Reportname $ReportName but the operating system is domain-joined. Be aware that a different report type could affect the result." } else { Write-Host "You chose the Reportname $ReportName but the operating system is $OsName. Be aware that a different report type could affect the result." } Write-Host "" Write-Host "Choose one of the following options:" Write-Host "[1] Continue [2] Exit Script" -ForegroundColor Yellow $in = Read-Host switch ($in) { 1 { Write-Host "You chose to continue" return $ReportName } 2 { Write-Host "You chose to exit the script" return "Exit" } default { Write-Host "Your input was invalid, call Save-ATAPHtmlReport again with your desired report" return "Exit" } } } function returnSuitingReportName { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [string] $ReportName, [Parameter()] [string] $OsName, [Parameter()] [string] $OsType, [Parameter()] [bool] $ShouldBeStandAlone = $False ) ### # similarity check function isOsNameSimilarToType { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [string] $OsName, [Parameter()] [string] $OsType ) if ($OsName -match $OsType) { return $true } return $false } if (-not(isOsNameSimilarToType -OsName $osName -OsType $osType)) { return handleReportNameDiscrepancy -ReportName $ReportName -OsName $osName } ### # should be standalone if ($ShouldBeStandAlone -eq $True) { function IsDomainedJoined { if ((Get-CimInstance win32_computersystem).partofdomain) { return $true } return $false } $isDomainJoined = IsDomainedJoined if ($isDomainJoined -eq $True) { return handleReportNameDiscrepancy -ReportName $ReportName -OsName $osName -ShouldBeStandAlone $True } } return $ReportName } #helpers end try { $osName = (Get-ComputerInfo OsName).OsName if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($osName)) { return $ReportName # return initial ReportName and skip comparison } function Get-OsType { switch ($ReportName) { "Microsoft Windows Server 2022" { return "Microsoft Windows Server 2022" } "Microsoft Windows Server 2019" { return "Microsoft Windows Server 2019" } "Microsoft Windows Server 2016" { return "Microsoft Windows Server 2016" } "Microsoft Windows Server 2012" { return "Microsoft Windows Server 2012" } "Microsoft Windows 11" { return "Microsoft Windows 11" } "Microsoft Windows 11 Stand-alone" { return "Microsoft Windows 11" } "Microsoft Windows 10" { return "Microsoft Windows 10" } "Microsoft Windows 10 Stand-alone" { return "Microsoft Windows 10" } "Microsoft Windows 10 GDPR" { return "Microsoft Windows 10" } "Microsoft Windows 10 BSI" { return "Microsoft Windows 10" } "Microsoft Windows 7" { return "Microsoft Windows 7" } } } $osType = Get-OsType switch ($ReportName) { "Microsoft Windows Server 2022" { return returnSuitingReportName -ReportName $ReportName -OsName $osName -OsType $osType } "Microsoft Windows Server 2019" { return returnSuitingReportName -ReportName $ReportName -OsName $osName -OsType $osType } "Microsoft Windows Server 2016" { return returnSuitingReportName -ReportName $ReportName -OsName $osName -OsType $osType } "Microsoft Windows Server 2012" { return returnSuitingReportName -ReportName $ReportName -OsName $osName -OsType $osType } "Microsoft Windows 11" { return returnSuitingReportName -ReportName $ReportName -OsName $osName -OsType $osType } "Microsoft Windows 11 Stand-alone" { return returnSuitingReportName -ReportName $ReportName -OsName $osName -OsType $osType -ShouldBeStandAlone $True } "Microsoft Windows 10" { return returnSuitingReportName -ReportName $ReportName -OsName $osName -OsType $osType } "Microsoft Windows 10 Stand-alone" { return returnSuitingReportName -ReportName $ReportName -OsName $osName -OsType $osType -ShouldBeStandAlone $True } "Microsoft Windows 10 GDPR" { return returnSuitingReportName -ReportName $ReportName -OsName $osName -OsType $osType } "Microsoft Windows 10 BSI" { return returnSuitingReportName -ReportName $ReportName -OsName $osName -OsType $osType } "Microsoft Windows 7" { return returnSuitingReportName -ReportName $ReportName -OsName $osName -OsType $osType } } return $ReportName } catch { return $ReportName } } ### begin Foundation functions ### function Get-FoundationReport { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([FoundationReport])] $Sections = @( [ReportSection] @{ Title = "Security Base Data" SubSections = @( [ReportSection] @{ Title = 'Platform Security' AuditInfos = Test-AuditGroup "SBD - Platform Security" } [ReportSection] @{ Title = 'Windows Base Security' AuditInfos = Test-AuditGroup "SBD - Windows Base Security" } [ReportSection] @{ Title = 'PowerShell Security' AuditInfos = Test-AuditGroup "SBD - PowerShell Security" } [ReportSection] @{ Title = 'Connectivity Security' AuditInfos = Test-AuditGroup "SBD - Connectivity Security" } [ReportSection] @{ Title = 'Application Control' AuditInfos = Test-AuditGroup "SBD - Application Control" } ) } ) return ([FoundationReport]@{ Sections = $Sections }) } # region for RiskScore functions # function that calls all RiskScore-Subfunctions and generates the RSFullReport function Get-RSFullReport { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([RSFullReport])] $severity = Get-RSSeverityReport return ([RSFullReport]@{ RSSeverityReport = $severity }) } # function to generate RiskSeverityReport function Get-RSSeverityReport { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([RSSeverityReport])] # Initialization [AuditInfo[]]$tests = Test-AuditGroup "RSSeverityTests" # gather results of tests and save it in resultTable $resultTable = [ResultTable]::new() foreach ($test in $tests) { if ($test.AuditInfoStatus -EQ "True") { $resultTable.Success += 1 } if ($test.AuditInfostatus -ne "True") { $resultTable.Failed += 1 } } return ([RSSeverityReport]@{ AuditInfos = $tests ResultTable = $resultTable Endresult = Get-RSSeverityEndResult($resultTable) }) } # helper for EndResult of RiskScoreSeverity function Get-RSSeverityEndResult { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([RSEndResult])] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ResultTable[]] $resultTable ) $result = "Unknown" $f = $resultTable.Failed if ($f -eq 0) { $result = "Low" } if ($f -ge 1) { $result = "Critical" } return $result } #endregion <# .SYNOPSIS Tests a single AuditGroup. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet tests a single AuditGroup from folder "AuditGroups". All tests are printed on the console. Can be combined to create own report. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Test-AuditGroup "Google Chrome-CIS-2.0.0#RegistrySettings" This runs tests defined in the AuditGroup file called 'Google Chrome-CIS-2.0.0#RegistrySettings'. .PARAMETER GroupName The name of the AuditGroup. #> function Test-AuditGroup { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([AuditInfo[]])] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $GroupName ) #Windows OS if ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform -ne 'Unix') { $tests = . "$RootPath\AuditGroups\$($GroupName).ps1" } #Linux OS else { $tests = . "$RootPath/AuditGroups/$($GroupName).ps1" } $i = 1 foreach ($test in $tests) { [int]$p = $i++ / $tests.Count * 100 Write-Progress -Activity "Testing Report for '$GroupName'" -Status "Progress:" -PercentComplete $p Write-Verbose "Testing $($test.Id)" $message = "Test not implemented yet." $status = [AuditInfoStatus]::None #if audit test contains datatype "Constraints", proceed if ($test.Constraints) { $DomainRoleConstraint = $test.Constraints | Where-Object Property -EQ "DomainRole" #get domain role of system $currentRole = Get-DomainRole #get domain roles, which are listed in AuditTest $domainRoles = $DomainRoleConstraint.Values if ($currentRole -notin $domainRoles) { $roleValue = (Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_ComputerSystem).DomainRole switch ($roleValue) { 0 { $message = 'Not applicable. This audit does not apply to Standalone Workstation.' $status = [AuditInfoStatus]::None } 1 { $message = 'Not applicable. This audit does not apply to Member Workstation.' $status = [AuditInfoStatus]::None } 2 { $message = 'Not applicable. This audit does not apply to Standalone Server.' $status = [AuditInfoStatus]::None } 3 { $message = 'Not applicable. This audit does not apply to Member Server.' $status = [AuditInfoStatus]::None } 4 { $message = 'Not applicable. This audit does not apply to Backup Domain Controller.' $status = [AuditInfoStatus]::None } 5 { $message = 'Not applicable. This audit does not apply to Primary Domain Controller.' $status = [AuditInfoStatus]::None } } Write-Output ([AuditInfo]@{ Id = $test.Id Task = $test.Task Message = $message Status = $status }) continue } } #Windows OS if ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform -ne 'Unix') { $role = Get-Wmiobject -Class 'Win32_computersystem' -ComputerName $env:computername | Select-Object domainrole if ($test.Task -match "(DC only)") { if ($role.domainRole -ne 4 -and $role.domainRole -ne 5) { $message = 'Not applicable. This audit does not apply to Member Server systems.' $status = [AuditInfoStatus]::None Write-Output ([AuditInfo]@{ Id = $test.Id Task = $test.Task Message = $message Status = $status }) continue } } } try { $innerResult = & $test.Test if ($null -ne $innerResult) { $message = $innerResult.Message $status = [AuditInfoStatus]$innerResult.Status } } catch { Write-Error $_ $message = "An error occured!" $status = [AuditInfoStatus]::Error } Write-Output ([AuditInfo]@{ Id = $test.Id Task = $test.Task Message = $message Status = $status }) } } <# .SYNOPSIS Get an audit resource. .DESCRIPTION A resource provides abstration over an existing system resource. It is used by AuditTests. .PARAMETER Name The name of the resource. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-AuditResource -Name "WindowsSecurityPolicy" Gets the WindowsSecurityPolicy resource. #> function Get-AuditResource { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Name ) #Windows OS if ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform -ne 'Unix') { if ($null -eq $script:loadedResources) { return & "$RootPath\Resources\$($Name).ps1" } if (-not $script:loadedResources.ContainsKey($Name)) { $script:loadedResources[$Name] = (& "$RootPath\Resources\$($Name).ps1") } } #Linuxs OS else { if ($null -eq $script:loadedResources) { return & "$RootPath/Resources/$($Name).ps1" } if (-not $script:loadedResources.ContainsKey($Name)) { $script:loadedResources[$Name] = (& "$RootPath/Resources/$($Name).ps1") } } return $script:loadedResources[$Name] } <# .SYNOPSIS Get all reports. .DESCRIPTION Find the reports installed on the system. .PARAMETER ReportName The name of the report. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-ATAPReport Gets all reports. #> function Get-ATAPReport { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [string] $ReportName = "*" ) #Windows OS if ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform -ne 'Unix') { return Get-ChildItem "$RootPath\Reports\$ReportName.ps1" | Select-Object -Property BaseName } #Linux OS return Get-ChildItem "$RootPath/Reports/$ReportName.ps1" | Select-Object -Property BaseName } <# .SYNOPSIS Invokes an ATAPReport .DESCRIPTION Long description .EXAMPLE PS C:\> ATAPReport -ReportName "Google Chrome" This runs the report and outputs the logical report data. .PARAMETER ReportName The name of the report. .OUTPUTS Logical report data. #> function Invoke-ATAPReport { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Alias('RN')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $ReportName ) $script:loadedResources = @{} # Load the module manifest #Windows OS try { if ([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform -ne 'Unix') { $moduleInfo = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path "$RootPath\ATAPAuditor.psd1" [string]$ReportName = checkReportNameWithOSSystem -ReportName $ReportName try { if ($ReportName -eq "Exit") { throw } } catch { Write-Host "Script halted: Exiting..." break } [Report]$report = (& "$RootPath\Reports\$ReportName.ps1") $report.RSReport = Get-RSFullReport $report.FoundationReport = Get-FoundationReport } #Linux OS else { $moduleInfo = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path "$RootPath/ATAPAuditor.psd1" [Report]$report = (& "$RootPath/Reports/$ReportName.ps1") } } catch [System.Management.Automation.CommandNotFoundException] { Write-Host "Either your input for -Reportname is faulty or the report does not resolve due to a bug. Please report this bug with the following errormessage: 1. ErrorException: $_ 2. PositionMessage: $($_.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage) 3. ReportName: $ReportName" break } $report.AuditorVersion = $moduleInfo.ModuleVersion return $report } <# .SYNOPSIS The Audit Test Automation Package creates transparents reports about hardening compliance status .DESCRIPTION The Audit Test Automation Package gives you the ability to get an overview about the compliance status of several systems. You can easily create HTML-reports and have a transparent overview over compliance and non-compliance of explicit setttings and configurations in comparison to industry standards and hardening guides. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Save-ATAPHtmlReport -ReportName "Microsoft Windows 10 Complete" -RiskScore -Path C:\Temp\report.html This runs the 'Microsoft Windows 10 Complete' report, adding RiskScore to it and stores the resulting html file under C:\Temp using the file name report.html .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Save-ATAPHtmlReport -ReportName "Microsoft Windows 10 BSI" -RiskScore -Path C:\Temp This runs the 'Microsoft Windows 10 BSI' report, adding RiskScore to it and stores the resulting html file under C:\Temp using the standard naming convention for file names <ReportName_Date_Time>.html .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Save-ATAPHtmlReport -ReportName "Microsoft Windows Server 2022" -Path C:\Temp This runs the 'Microsoft Windows Server 2022' report, without adding RiskScore to it and stores the resulting html file under C:\Temp using the standard naming convention for file names <ReportName_Date_Time>.html .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Save-ATAPHtmlReport -ReportName "Google Chrome" This runs the 'Google Chrome' report and stores the resulting html file (by default) under ~\Documents\ATAPReports .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Save-ATAPHtmlReport -ReportName "Ubuntu 20.04" This runs the 'Ubuntu 20.04' report and stores the resulting html file (by default) under ~\Documents\ATAPReports .PARAMETER ReportName Determine, which OS shall be tested. .PARAMETER Path The path where the result html document should be stored. .PARAMETER RiskScore Add a RiskScore-Matrix to report (works only on Windows OS) .PARAMETER MITRE Add a MITRE ATT&CK headmap to report (works only on Windows OS) .PARAMETER Force If the parent directory doesn't exist it will be created. .OUTPUTS None. #> function Save-ATAPHtmlReport { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Alias('RN')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $ReportName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $Path = ($script:atapReportsPath | Join-Path -ChildPath "$($ReportName)_$(Get-Date -UFormat %Y%m%d_%H%M%S).html"), [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $RiskScore, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $SkipLicenseCheck, # [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] # [switch] # $MITRE, [Parameter()] [switch] $Force ) if ([Environment]::Is64BitProcess -eq $false) { Write-Host "Please use 64-bit version of PowerShell in order to use AuditTAP. Closing..." -ForegroundColor red return; } if (($languagemode = IsIn-FullLanguageMode) -ne $true) { if ($languagemode -eq $false) { Write-Host "The current language mode could not be determined. Ensure that AuditTAP is run in `"FullLanguage`" mode. For further information, contact your administrator. Closing..." -ForegroundColor red } else { Write-Host "The current language mode is `"$languagemode`". Ensure that AuditTAP is run in `"FullLanguage`" mode. For further information, contact your administrator. Closing..." -ForegroundColor red } return } $parent = $path if ($Path -match ".html") { $parent = Split-Path -Path $Path } #if input path is not default one if ($parent -ne $script:atapReportsPath) { $pathCheck = Test-Path -Path $parent -PathType Container #if path doesn't exist if ($pathCheck -eq $False) { if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($parent) -and -not (Test-Path $parent)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $parent -Force | Out-Null Write-Warning "Could not find Path. Path will be created: $parent" } else { Write-Warning "Could not find Path. Report will be created inside default path: $($script:atapReportsPath)" $Path = $($script:atapReportsPath) } } } Write-Verbose "OS-Check" $isUnix = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Platform -eq 'Unix' if ($isUnix) { [SystemInformation] $SystemInformation = (& "$PSScriptRoot\Helpers\ReportUnixOS.ps1") } else { [SystemInformation] $SystemInformation = (& "$PSScriptRoot\Helpers\ReportWindowsOS.ps1") Start-ModuleTest if($ReportName -eq "Microsoft IIS10") { $isIIS10Executable = IsIIS10Executable if($isIIS10Executable -eq $false) { Write-Warning "IIS10 Report not executable! IISAdministration module not available. Please install this module and try again. Exiting..." return; } } Write-Verbose "PS-Check" $psVersion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion #PowerShell Major version not 5.* if (($psVersion.Major -ne 5)) { Write-Warning "ATAPAuditor is only compatible with PowerShell Version 5.1. Your version is $psVersion. Do you want to open a Powershell 5? Y/N" $in = Read-Host switch ($in) { Y { Start Powershell; return } N { Write-Warning "Stopping Script..."; return } default { Write-Warning "You did not choose Y nor N. Stopping Script..."; return } } } #PowerShell version not 5.1 if (($psVersion.Major -eq 5) -and ($psVersion.Minor -eq 0)) { Write-Warning "ATAPAuditor is only compatible with PowerShell Version 5.1. Your version is $psVersion. You need to upgrade to a higher Windows version!" return; } } $report = Invoke-ATAPReport -ReportName $ReportName #hashes for each recommendation if (!$isUnix) { $SystemInformation.SoftwareInformation.LicenseStatus = GetLicenseStatus $SkipLicenseCheck } $hashtable_sha256 = GenerateHashTable $report $report | Get-ATAPHtmlReport -Path $Path -RiskScore:$RiskScore -MITRE:$MITRE -hashtable_sha256:$hashtable_sha256 -LicenseStatus:$LicenseStatus -SystemInformation:$SystemInformation } New-Alias -Name 'shr' -Value Save-ATAPHtmlReport $completer = { param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters) Get-ChildItem "$RootPath\Reports\*.ps1" ` | Select-Object -ExpandProperty BaseName ` | ForEach-Object { "`"$_`"" } ` | Where-Object { $_ -like "*$wordToComplete*" } }.GetNewClosure() Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Save-ATAPHtmlReport -ParameterName ReportName -ScriptBlock $completer Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName shr -ParameterName ReportName -ScriptBlock $completer |