
    Describes the parameters that can be used with Dataverse request cmdlets.
    Dataverse provides a set of optional parameters or request header values a
    developer of a client application can use to modify the behavior of
    individual requests.
    The following list displays the common parameters.
    - BypassPowerAutomateFlows
    - BypassSynchronousLogic
    - FailOnDuplicateDetection
    - Partition
    - SharedTag
    - Solution
Request parameter descriptions
    When bulk data operations occur that trigger flows, Dataverse creates system
    jobs to execute the flows. When the number of system jobs is very large, it
    may cause performance issues for the system. If this occurs, you can choose
    to bypass triggering the flows by using the parameter.
    Type: System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter
    Parameter Sets: (All)
    Required: False
    Position: Named
    Default value: None
    Accept pipeline input: False
    Accept wildcard characters: False
    Synchronous logic must be applied during the transaction and can
    significantly impact performance of individual operations. When performing
    bulk operations, the additional time for these individual operations can
    increase the time required. Use the parameter when you want to improve
    performance while performing bulk data operations.
    Type: System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter
    Parameter Sets: (All)
    Required: False
    Position: Named
    Default value: None
    Accept pipeline input: False
    Accept wildcard characters: False
    If you want to have Dataverse throw an error when a new record you create or
    a record you update matches the duplicate detection rules for another
    Type: System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter
    Parameter Sets: (All)
    Required: False
    Position: Named
    Default value: None
    Accept pipeline input: False
    Accept wildcard characters: False
    When using elastic tables with a partitioning strategy, you can pass a
    unique string value with the partitionid to access non-relational table
    data within a storage partition.
    Type: System.String
    Parameter Sets: (All)
    Required: False
    Position: Named
    Default value: None
    Accept pipeline input: False
    Accept wildcard characters: False
    Use the parameter to include a shared variable value that is accessible
    within a plug-in. This extra information allows a plug-in to apply logic
    that depends on the client application.
    Type: System.String
    Parameter Sets: (All)
    Required: False
    Position: Named
    Default value: None
    Accept pipeline input: False
    Accept wildcard characters: False
    When you perform data operations on a solution component, you can associate
    it with a solution by specifying the solution unique name.
    Type: System.String
    Parameter Sets: (All)
    Required: False
    Position: Named
    Default value: None
    Accept pipeline input: False
    Accept wildcard characters: False
    Use optional parameters