
function Test-Tooling {
    $checkResults = @()
    $hasFailure = $false

    # Check if PowerShell is the correct version
    Write-Verbose "Checking PowerShell version"
    $powerShellVersionTable = $PSVersionTable
    $powerShellVersion = $powerShellVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString()
    if ($powerShellVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 7) {
        $checkResults += @{
            message = "PowerShell version $powerShellVersion is not supported. Please upgrade to PowerShell 7.4 or higher. Either switch to the `pwsh` prompt or follow the instructions here:"
            result  = "Failure"
        $hasFailure = $true
    } elseif ($powerShellVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 7 -and $powerShellVersionTable.PSVersion.Minor -lt 4) {
        $checkResults += @{
            message = "PowerShell version $powerShellVersion is not supported. Please upgrade to PowerShell 7.4 or higher. Either switch to the `pwsh` prompt or follow the instructions here:"
            result  = "Failure"
        $hasFailure = $true
    } else {
        $checkResults += @{
            message = "PowerShell version $powerShellVersion is supported."
            result  = "Success"

    # Check if Git is installed
    Write-Verbose "Checking Git installation"
    $gitPath = Get-Command git -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($gitPath) {
        $checkResults += @{
            message = "Git is installed."
            result  = "Success"
    } else {
        $checkResults += @{
            message = "Git is not installed. Follow the instructions here:"
            result  = "Failure"
        $hasFailure = $true

    # Check if Azure CLI is installed
    Write-Verbose "Checking Azure CLI installation"
    $azCliPath = Get-Command az -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if ($azCliPath) {
        $checkResults += @{
            message = "Azure CLI is installed."
            result  = "Success"
    } else {
        $checkResults += @{
            message = "Azure CLI is not installed. Follow the instructions here:"
            result  = "Failure"
        $hasFailure = $true

    # Check if Azure CLI is logged in
    Write-Verbose "Checking Azure CLI login status"
    $azCliAccount = $(az account show -o json) | ConvertFrom-Json
    if ($azCliAccount) {
        $checkResults += @{
            message = "Azure CLI is logged in. Tenant ID: $($azCliAccount.tenantId), Subscription: $($ ($($"
            result  = "Success"
    } else {
        $checkResults += @{
            message = "Azure CLI is not logged in. Please login to Azure CLI using 'az login -t `"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}`"', replacing the empty GUID with your tenant ID."
            result  = "Failure"
        $hasFailure = $true

    # Check if latest ALZ module is installed
    Write-Verbose "Checking ALZ module version"
    $alzModuleCurrentVersion = Get-InstalledModule -Name ALZ
    $alzModuleLatestVersion = Find-Module -Name ALZ
    if ($alzModuleCurrentVersion.Version -lt $alzModuleLatestVersion.Version) {
        $checkResults += @{
            message = "ALZ module is not the latest version. Your version: $($alzModuleCurrentVersion.Version), Latest version: $($alzModuleLatestVersion.Version). Please update to the latest version using 'Update-Module ALZ'."
            result  = "Failure"
        $hasFailure = $true
    } else {
        $checkResults += @{
            message = "ALZ module is the latest version ($($alzModuleCurrentVersion.Version))."
            result  = "Success"

    Write-Verbose "Showing check results"
    $checkResults | ForEach-Object {[PSCustomObject]$_} | Format-Table -Property @{
        Label = "Check Result"; Expression = {
            switch ($_.result) {
                'Success' { $color = "92"; break }
                'Failure' { $color = "91"; break }
                default { $color = "0" }
            $e = [char]27
    }, @{ Label = "Check Details"; Expression = {$_.message} }  -AutoSize -Wrap

    if($hasFailure) {
        Write-InformationColored "Accelerator software requirements have no been met, please review and install the missing software." -ForegroundColor Red -InformationAction Continue
        Write-InformationColored "Cannot continue with Deployment..." -ForegroundColor Red -InformationAction Continue
        throw "Accelerator software requirements have no been met, please review and install the missing software."