function Request-ConfigurationValue { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $configName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [object] $configValue, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [System.Boolean] $withRetries = $true, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [System.Boolean] $treatEmptyDefaultAsValid = $false ) #if the file has a script - execute it: if ($null -ne $configValue.AllowedValues -and $configValue.AllowedValues.Type -eq "PSScript") { Write-InformationColored $configValue.AllowedValues.Description -ForegroundColor Yellow -InformationAction Continue $script = [System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock]::Create($configValue.AllowedValues.Script) $configValue.AllowedValues.Values = Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $script } $allowedValues = $configValue.AllowedValues.Values $hasAllowedValues = $null -ne $configValue.AllowedValues -and $null -ne $configValue.AllowedValues.Values -and $configValue.AllowedValues.Values.Length -gt 0 $defaultValue = $configValue.DefaultValue $hasDefaultValue = $null -ne $configValue.DefaultValue $hasValidator = $null -ne $configValue.Valid Write-InformationColored $configValue.Description -ForegroundColor White -InformationAction Continue if ($hasAllowedValues -and $configValue.AllowedValues.Display -eq $true) { Write-InformationColored "[allowed: $allowedValues] " -ForegroundColor Yellow -InformationAction Continue } $dataType = $configValue.DataType Write-Verbose "Data Type: $dataType" $attempt = 0 $maxAttempts = 10 do { Write-InformationColored "$($configName) " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline -InformationAction Continue if ($hasDefaultValue) { $displayDefaultValue = $defaultValue -eq "" ? "''" : $defaultValue if($configValue.Sensitive -and $defaultValue -ne "") { $displayDefaultValue = "<sensitive>" } Write-InformationColored "(default: ${displayDefaultValue}): " -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline -InformationAction Continue } else { Write-InformationColored ": " -NoNewline -InformationAction Continue } if($configValue.Sensitive) { $readValue = Read-Host -MaskInput } else { $readValue = Read-Host } if ($hasDefaultValue -and $readValue -eq "") { $configValue.Value = $configValue.defaultValue } else { $configValue.Value = $readValue } $valuesToCheck = @( $configValue.Value ) if($dataType -eq "list(string)") { $valuesToCheck = ($configValue.Value -split ",").Trim() | Where-Object {$_ -ne ''} $configValue.Value = $valuesToCheck -join "," } $isValid = $false foreach($valueToCheck in $valuesToCheck) { $isValid = $true $hasNotSpecifiedValue = ($null -eq $valueToCheck -or "" -eq $valueToCheck) -and ($valueToCheck -ne $configValue.DefaultValue) if($hasNotSpecifiedValue) { Write-InformationColored "A value must be specified for this input. It cannot be left empty." -ForegroundColor Red -InformationAction Continue $isValid = $false break } $skipValidationForEmptyDefault = $treatEmptyDefaultAsValid -and $hasDefaultValue -and (($defaultValue -eq "" -and $valueToCheck -eq "")) if(!$skipValidationForEmptyDefault) { if($hasAllowedValues) { Write-Verbose "Checking '$($valueToCheck)' against list '$($allowedValues)'" $isValid = $allowedValues.Contains($valueToCheck) if(!$isValid) { Write-InformationColored "The input value '$valueToCheck' is not valid. It must be in the allowed list: '$($allowedValues)'" -ForegroundColor Red -InformationAction Continue break } } if($hasValidator) { Write-Verbose "Checking '$($valueToCheck)' against validator '$($configValue.Valid)'" $isValid = $valueToCheck -match $configValue.Valid if(!$isValid) { Write-InformationColored "The input value '$valueToCheck' is not valid. It must match to specified regular expression: '$($configValue.Valid)'" -ForegroundColor Red -InformationAction Continue break } } } } $shouldRetry = !$isValid -and $withRetries $attempt += 1 } while ($shouldRetry -and $attempt -lt $maxAttempts) if($attempt -eq $maxAttempts) { Write-InformationColored "Max attempts reached for getting input value. Exiting..." -ForegroundColor Red -InformationAction Continue throw "Max attempts reached for getting input value. Exiting..." } } |