function Request-ALZEnvironmentConfig { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [object] $configurationParameters, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $respectOrdering, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [PSCustomObject] $userInputOverrides = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [PSCustomObject] $userInputDefaultOverrides = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [System.Boolean] $treatEmptyDefaultAsValid = $false, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $autoApprove, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [PSCustomObject] $computedInputs = $null ) <# .SYNOPSIS This function uses a template configuration to prompt for and return a user specified/modified configuration object. .EXAMPLE Request-ALZEnvironmentConfig .EXAMPLE Request-ALZEnvironmentConfig -alzIacProvider "bicep" .OUTPUTS System.Object. The resultant configuration values. #> $configurations = $configurationParameters.PsObject.Properties $hasInputOverrides = $false if($userInputOverrides -ne $null) { $hasInputOverrides = $true } $hasDefaultOverrides = $false if($userInputDefaultOverrides -ne $null) { $hasDefaultOverrides = $true $useDefaults = "" if($hasInputOverrides) { Write-InformationColored "We found you have cached values from a previous run, but have also supplied inputs." -ForegroundColor Yellow -InformationAction Continue if($autoApprove) { $useDefaults = "skip" } else { $useDefaults = Read-Host "Would you like to use the cached values or use the inputs you have supplied intead? Enter 'use' to use the cached value or just hit 'enter' to use your inputs. (use/skip)" } if($useDefaults.ToLower() -eq "use") { $userInputOverrides = $userInputDefaultOverrides } } else { Write-InformationColored "We found you have cached values from a previous run." -ForegroundColor Yellow -InformationAction Continue if($autoApprove) { $useDefaults = "use" } else { $useDefaults = Read-Host "Would you like to use these values or see each of them to validate and change them? Enter 'use' to use the cached value or just hit 'enter' to see and validate each value. (use/verify)" } } if($useDefaults.ToLower() -eq "use") { $userInputOverrides = $userInputDefaultOverrides } } if($respectOrdering) { $configurations = $configurationParameters.PSObject.Properties | Sort-Object { $_.Value.Order } } if($null -ne $computedInputs) { Write-Verbose $computedInputs } foreach ($configurationValue in $configurations) { $computedInput = $null if($null -ne $computedInputs) { $computedInput = $computedInputs.PsObject.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $configurationValue.Name } } if($null -ne $computedInput) { $configurationValue.Value.Value = $computedInput.Value.Value continue } if ($configurationValue.Value.Type -eq "UserInput") { # Check for and add cached as default if($hasDefaultOverrides) { $defaultOverride = $userInputDefaultOverrides.PsObject.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $configurationValue.Name } if($null -ne $defaultOverride) { if(!($configurationValue.Value.PSObject.Properties.Name -match "DefaultValue")) { $configurationValue.Value | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "DefaultValue" -NotePropertyValue $defaultOverride.Value } else { $configurationValue.Value.DefaultValue = $defaultOverride.Value } } } # Check for and use override if($hasInputOverrides) { $userInputOverride = $userInputOverrides.PsObject.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $configurationValue.Name } if($null -ne $userInputOverride) { $configurationValue.Value.Value = $userInputOverride.Value } else { Request-ConfigurationValue -configName $configurationValue.Name -configValue $configurationValue.Value -treatEmptyDefaultAsValid $treatEmptyDefaultAsValid } } else { Request-ConfigurationValue -configName $configurationValue.Name -configValue $configurationValue.Value -treatEmptyDefaultAsValid $treatEmptyDefaultAsValid } } } return $configurationParameters } |