
function New-ALZEnvironment {
    Deploys an accelerator according to the supplied inputs.
    This function is used to deploy accelerators consisting or bootstrap and optionally starter modules. The accelerators are designed to simplify and speed up configuration of common Microsoft patterns, such as CI / CD for Azure Landing Zones.
    .PARAMETER output
    The target directory for the accelerator artefacts. Depending on the choice and type of accelerlerator, this may be an intermediate stage or the final result of the accelerator.
    .PARAMETER iac
    The type of infrastructure as code that the accelerator implements. For example bicep or terraform.
    .PARAMETER bootstrap
    The accelerator bootstrap type to deploy.
    .PARAMETER alzIacProvider
    The IaC provider to use for the ALZ environment.
    .PARAMETER inputs
    A json or yaml file containing user input. This will cause the tool to by-pass requesting user input for the inputs supplied in the file. This is useful for automation or defining the inputs up front.
    .PARAMETER autoApprove
    Automatically approve the bootstrap deployment. This is useful for automation scenarios.
    .PARAMETER destroy
    Setting this will case the bootstrap to be destroyed. This is useful for cleaning up test environments.
    Deploy-Accelerator -o "."
    Deploy-Accelerator -o "." -i "bicep" -b "alz_github"

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "The target directory for the accelerator output. Defaults to current folder.")]
        [string] $targetDirectory = ".",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "The specific bootstrap module release version to download. Defaults to latest.")]
        [string] $bootstrapRelease = "latest",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "The specific starter module release version tom download. Defaults to latest.")]
        [string] $starterRelease = "latest",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "The infrastructure as code type to target. Supported options are 'bicep', 'terrform' or 'local'. You will be prompted to enter this if not supplied.")]
        [string] $iac = "",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "The bootstrap module to deploy. You will be prompted to enter this if not supplied.")]
        [string] $bootstrap = "",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "The inputs in json or yaml format. This is optional and used to automate or pre-prepare the accelerator inputs.")]
        [string] $userInputOverridePath = "",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Determines whether to deploy the bootstrap without prompting for approval. This is used for automation.")]
        [switch] $autoApprove,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Determines that this run is to destroup the bootstrap. This is used to cleanup experiments.")]
        [switch] $destroy,

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "The bootstrap modules reposiotry url. This can be overridden for custom modules.")]
        $bootstrapModuleUrl = "",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "The bootstrap config file path within the bootstrap module. This can be overridden for custom modules.")]
        $bootstrapConfigPath = ".config/ALZ-Powershell.config.json",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "The folder that containes the bootstrap modules in the bootstrap repo. This can be overridden for custom modules.")]
        $bootstrapSourceFolder = ".",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Used to override the bootstrap folder location. This can be used to provide a folder locally in restricted environments.")]
        $bootstrapModuleOverrideFolderPath = "",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Used to override the starter folder location. This can be used to provide a folder locally in restricted environments.")]
        $starterModuleOverrideFolderPath = "",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "The starter module repository url for bicep when running in legacy mode.")]
        $bicepLegacyUrl = "",

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Whether to skip checks that involve internet connection. The can allow running in restricted environments.")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Whether to use legacy local mode for Bicep.")]
        $bicepLegacyMode = $true # Note this is set to true to act as a feature flag while the Bicep bootstrap is developed. It will be switched to false once it is all working.

    $ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"

    Write-InformationColored "Getting ready to deploy the accelerator with you..." -ForegroundColor Green -InformationAction Continue

    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Accelerator setup", "modify")) {
        # Get User Inputs from the -inputs file
        $userInputOverrides = $null
        if($userInputOverridePath -ne "") {
            $userInputOverrides = Get-ALZConfig -configFilePath $userInputOverridePath

        # Get the IAC type if not specified
        if($iac -eq "") {
            $iac = Request-SpecialInput -type "iac" -userInputOverrides $userInputOverrides

        # Setup the Bicep flag
        $isLegacyBicep = $false
        if($iac -eq "bicep") {
            $isLegacyBicep = $bicepLegacyMode -eq $true

        if($isLegacyBicep) {
            Write-Verbose "We are running in legacy Bicep mode"

            Write-Verbose "We are running in modern mode"

        # Check and install Terraform CLI if needed
        if(!$isLegacyBicep) {
            if($skipInternetChecks) {
                Write-InformationColored "Skipping Terraform tool check as you used the skipInternetCheck parameter. Please ensure you have the most recent version of Terraform installed" -ForegroundColor Yellow -InformationAction Continue
            } else {
                Write-InformationColored "Checking you have the latest version of Terraform installed..." -ForegroundColor Green -NewLineBefore -InformationAction Continue
                $toolsPath = Join-Path -Path $targetDirectory -ChildPath ".tools"
                Get-TerraformTool -version "latest" -toolsPath $toolsPath

        # Download the bootstrap modules
        $bootstrapReleaseTag = "local"
        $bootstrapPath = $bootstrapModuleOverrideFolderPath
        $bootstrapTargetFolder = "bootstrap"

        if($bootstrapModuleOverrideFolderPath -eq "" -and !$isLegacyBicep) {
            $versionAndPath = $null

            Write-InformationColored "Checking and Downloading the bootstrap module..." -ForegroundColor Green -NewLineBefore -InformationAction Continue

            if($skipInternetChecks) {
                $versionAndPath = Get-ExistingLocalRelease -targetDirectory $targetDirectory -targetFolder $bootstrapTargetFolder
            } else {
                $versionAndPath = New-FolderStructure `
                    -targetDirectory $targetDirectory `
                    -url $bootstrapModuleUrl `
                    -release $bootstrapRelease `
                    -targetFolder $bootstrapTargetFolder `
                    -sourceFolder $bootstrapSourceFolder
            $bootstrapReleaseTag = $versionAndPath.releaseTag
            $bootstrapPath = $versionAndPath.path

        # Configure the starter module path
        $starterFolder = "starter"

        $starterModuleTargetFolder = $starterFolder
        if($iac -eq "bicep") {
            if($isLegacyBicep) {
                $starterFolder = "."
            $starterModuleTargetFolder = "$starterFolder/upstream-releases"

        # Setup the variables for bootstrap and starter modules
        $hasStarterModule = $false
        $starterModuleUrl = $bicepLegacyUrl
        $starterModuleSourceFolder = "."
        $starterReleaseTag = "local"
        $starterPipelineFolder = "local"

        $bootstrapDetails = $null
        $validationConfig = $null
        $inputConfig = $null

        if(!$isLegacyBicep) {
            # Get the bootstap configuration
            $bootstrapConfigPath = Join-Path $bootstrapPath $bootstrapConfigPath
            $bootstrapConfig = Get-ALZConfig -configFilePath $bootstrapConfigPath
            $validationConfig = $bootstrapConfig.validators

            # Get the available bootstrap modules
            $bootstrapModules = $bootstrapConfig.bootstrap_modules

            # Request the bootstrap type if not already specified
            if($bootstrap -eq "") {
                $bootstrap = Request-SpecialInput -type "bootstrap" -bootstrapModules $bootstrapModules -userInputOverrides $userInputOverrides

            # Get the bootstrap details and validate it exists (use alias for legacy values)
            $bootstrapDetails = $bootstrapModules.PsObject.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $bootstrap -or $bootstrap -in $_.Value.aliases }
            if($null -eq $bootstrapDetails) {
                Write-InformationColored "The bootstrap type '$bootstrap' that you have selected does not exist. Please try again with a valid bootstrap type..." -ForegroundColor Red -InformationAction Continue

            # Get the starter modules for the selected bootstrap if it has any
            $bootstrapStarterModule = $bootstrapDetails.Value.PSObject.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq  "starter_modules" }

            if($null -ne $bootstrapStarterModule) {
                # If the bootstrap has starter modules, get the details and url
                $hasStarterModule = $true
                $starterModules = $bootstrapConfig.PSObject.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "starter_modules" }
                $starterModuleType = $bootstrapStarterModule.Value
                $starterModuleDetails = $starterModules.Value.PSObject.Properties | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $starterModuleType }
                if($null -eq $starterModuleDetails) {
                    Write-InformationColored "The starter modules '$($starterModuleType)' for the bootstrap type '$bootstrap' that you have selected does not exist. This could be an issue with your custom configuration, please check and try again..." -ForegroundColor Red -InformationAction Continue

                $starterModuleUrl = $starterModuleDetails.Value.$iac.url
                $starterModuleSourceFolder = $starterModuleDetails.Value.$iac.module_path
                $starterPipelineFolder = $starterModuleDetails.Value.$iac.pipeline_folder

            # Get the bootstrap interface user input config
            $inputConfigFilePath = Join-Path -Path $bootstrapPath -ChildPath $bootstrapDetails.Value.interface_config_file
            Write-Verbose "Interface config path $inputConfigFilePath"
            $inputConfig = Get-ALZConfig -configFilePath $inputConfigFilePath

        # Download the starter modules
        $starterReleaseTag = "local"
        $starterPath = $starterModuleOverrideFolderPath

        if($starterModuleOverrideFolderPath -eq "" -and ($hasStarterModule -or $isLegacyBicep)) {
            $versionAndPath = $null

            Write-InformationColored "Checking and Downloading the starter module..." -ForegroundColor Green -NewLineBefore -InformationAction Continue

            if($skipInternetChecks) {
                $versionAndPath = Get-ExistingLocalRelease -targetDirectory $targetDirectory -targetFolder $starterModuleTargetFolder
            } else {
                $versionAndPath = New-FolderStructure `
                    -targetDirectory $targetDirectory `
                    -url $starterModuleUrl `
                    -release $starterRelease `
                    -targetFolder $starterModuleTargetFolder `
                    -sourceFolder $starterModuleSourceFolder

            $starterReleaseTag = $versionAndPath.releaseTag
            $starterPath = $versionAndPath.path

        # Run the bicep parameter setup if the iac is Bicep
        if ($iac -eq "bicep") {
            $bootstrapLegacy = $bootstrap.ToLower().Replace("alz_", "")

            $targetPath = Join-Path $targetDirectory $starterFolder
            New-ALZEnvironmentBicep `
                -targetDirectory $targetPath `
                -upstreamReleaseVersion $starterReleaseTag `
                -upstreamReleaseFolderPath $starterPath `
                -vcs $bootstrapLegacy `

        # Run the bootstrap
        if(!$isLegacyBicep) {
            $bootstrapTargetPath = Join-Path $targetDirectory $bootstrapTargetFolder
            $starterTargetPath = Join-Path $targetDirectory $starterFolder

            New-Bootstrap `
                -iac $iac `
                -bootstrapDetails $bootstrapDetails `
                -validationConfig $validationConfig `
                -inputConfig $inputConfig `
                -bootstrapTargetPath $bootstrapTargetPath `
                -bootstrapRelease $bootstrapReleaseTag `
                -hasStarter:$hasStarterModule `
                -starterTargetPath $starterTargetPath `
                -starterPipelineFolder $starterPipelineFolder `
                -starterRelease $starterReleaseTag `
                -userInputOverrides $userInputOverrides `
                -autoApprove:$autoApprove.IsPresent `

    $ProgressPreference = "Continue"


New-Alias -Name "Deploy-Accelerator" -Value "New-ALZEnvironment"