function Get-TerraformTool { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$version = "latest", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$toolsPath = ".\terraform" ) if($version -eq "latest") { $version = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "").Content | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -ExpandProperty current_version } $commandDetails = Get-Command -Name terraform -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if($commandDetails) { Write-InformationColored "Terraform already installed in $($commandDetails.Path), checking version" -ForegroundColor Green -InformationAction Continue $installedVersion = terraform version -json | ConvertFrom-Json Write-InformationColored "Installed version of Terraform: $($installedVersion.terraform_version) on $($installedVersion.platform)" -ForegroundColor Green -InformationAction Continue if($installedVersion.terraform_version -eq $version) { Write-InformationColored "Installed version of Terraform matches required version $version, skipping install" -ForegroundColor Green -InformationAction Continue return } } $unzipdir = Join-Path -Path $toolsPath -ChildPath "terraform_$version" if (Test-Path $unzipdir) { Write-InformationColored "Terraform $version already installed, adding to Path." -ForegroundColor Green -InformationAction Continue if($os -eq "windows") { $env:PATH = "$($unzipdir);$env:PATH" } else { $env:PATH = "$($unzipdir):$env:PATH" } return } $osArchitecture = Get-OSArchitecture $zipfilePath = "$" $url = "$($version)/terraform_$($version)_$($osArchitecture.osAndArchitecture).zip" if(!(Test-Path $toolsPath)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $toolsPath| Out-String | Write-Verbose } Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile "$zipfilePath" | Out-String | Write-Verbose Expand-Archive -Path $zipfilePath -DestinationPath $unzipdir $toolFileName = "terraform" if($osArchitecture.os -eq "windows") { $toolFileName = "$($toolFileName).exe" } $toolFilePath = Join-Path -Path $unzipdir -ChildPath $toolFileName if($osArchitecture.os -ne "windows") { $isExecutable = $(test -x $toolFilePath; 0 -eq $LASTEXITCODE) if(!($isExecutable)) { chmod +x $toolFilePath } } if($osArchitecture.os -eq "windows") { $env:PATH = "$($unzipdir);$env:PATH" } else { $env:PATH = "$($unzipdir):$env:PATH" } Remove-Item $zipfilePath Write-InformationColored "Installed Terraform version $version" -ForegroundColor Green -InformationAction Continue } |