
.VERSION 1.1.0
.GUID 15cfc452-2c60-428e-9a06-1fc3bd4e9f9f
.AUTHOR Dieter Koch
.COPYRIGHT (c) 2021-2023 Dieter Koch
    Initial release
    Added pipeline support. Set defaut value to current date/time for parameter 'DateTime'

Contains a function to convert a local date/time to miliseconds since 1970 or milliseconds since 1601 or ticks since 1601.

function ConvertFrom-ALHDateTime {
    Converts a local date/time to miliseconds since 1970 or milliseconds since 1601 or ticks since 1601.
    Converts a local date/time to miliseconds since 1970 or milliseconds since 1601 or ticks since 1601.
    .PARAMETER DateTime
    Date to convert. Defaults to current date/time.
    DateTime MillisecondsSince1970 MillisecondsSince1601 TicksSince1601
    -------- --------------------- --------------------- --------------
    11.11.2022 21:14:49 1668201289484 13312674889484 133126748894840000
    This example shows how to convert the current date/time to MillisecondsSince1970, MillisecondsSince1601 and TicksSince1601.
    ConvertFrom-ALHDateTime -DateTime "11.11.2011 11:11:11"
    DateTime MillisecondsSince1970 MillisecondsSince1601 TicksSince1601
    -------- --------------------- --------------------- --------------
    11.11.2011 11:11:00 1321009860000 12965483460000 129654834600000000
    This example shows how to convert a date as string to MillisecondsSince1970, MillisecondsSince1601 and TicksSince1601.
    Note that in this example PowerShell automatically casts the String value to a DateTime value. Use this carefully to make sure the
    date/time format matches your local date time format.
    Author: Dieter Koch

        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
        $DateTime = @(, (Get-Date))

    begin {
        $DT1970 = Get-Date -Date "1970-01-01T00:00:00"
        $DT1601 = Get-Date -Date "1601-01-01T00:00:00"

    process {
        foreach ($DateTimeElement in $DateTime) {
            try {
                [int64]$MillisecondsSince1970 = ($DateTimeElement - $DT1970).TotalMilliseconds
                [int64]$MillisecondsSince1601 = ($DateTimeElement - $DT1601).TotalMilliseconds
            catch {

            $DateTimeConverted = [PSCustomObject]@{
                DateTime              = $DateTimeElement
                MillisecondsSince1970 = $MillisecondsSince1970
                MillisecondsSince1601 = $MillisecondsSince1601
                TicksSince1601        = $MillisecondsSince1601 * 10000


#region EndOfScript
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# created with help of
