
#Write-Warning -Object "Running $PSCommandPath"
$ModulePath = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$ModuleName = (Split-Path -Leaf $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -Replace ".Tests.ps1"
$ModuleManifest = Resolve-Path "$ModulePath\$ModuleName.psd1"
#Remove-Module -Name AKPT
#Import-Module -Name .\Modules\AKPT
#Uninstall-Module -Name AKPT -Force

Describe "DescribeName" {
    Context 'Basic Module Testing' {
        $scripts = Get-ChildItem $ModulePath -Include *.ps1, *.psm1, *.psd1 -Recurse -Exclude *.Tests.ps1
        $testCase = $scripts | Foreach-Object {
                FilePath = $_.FullName
                FileName = $_.Name
        It "Script <FileName> should be valid powershell" -TestCases $testCase {
            param($FilePath, $FileName )

            $FilePath | Should Exist

            $contents = Get-Content -Path $FilePath -ErrorAction Stop
            $errors = $null
            $null = [System.Management.Automation.PSParser]::Tokenize($contents, [ref]$errors)
            $errors.Count | Should Be 0

        It "Module '$moduleName' can import cleanly" {
            {Import-Module (Join-Path $ModulePath "$moduleName.psm1") -force } | Should Not Throw
    Context 'Manifest Testing' {
        It 'Valid Module Manifest' {
                $Script:Manifest = Test-ModuleManifest -Path $ModuleManifest -ErrorAction Stop -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
            } | Should Not Throw
        It 'Valid Manifest Name' {
            $Script:Manifest.Name | Should be $ModuleName
        It 'Generic Version Check' {
            $Script:Manifest.Version -as [Version] | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
        It 'Valid Manifest Description' {
            $Script:Manifest.Description | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
        It 'Valid Manifest Root Module' {
            $Script:Manifest.RootModule | Should Be "$ModuleName.psm1"
        It 'Valid Manifest GUID' {
            $Script:Manifest.Guid | Should be 'a0937110-6265-4dff-b670-1b319edeebad'
        It 'No Format File' {
            $Script:Manifest.ExportedFormatFiles | Should BeNullOrEmpty

    Context 'Exported Functions' {

        $ExportedFunctions = (Get-ChildItem -Path "$ModulePath\*.ps1" -Exclude *.Tests.ps1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name) -replace '\.ps1$'
        $testCase = $ExportedFunctions | Foreach-Object -Process {@{FunctionName = $_}}
        It "Function <FunctionName> should be in manifest" -TestCases $testCase {
            $ManifestFunctions = $Manifest.ExportedFunctions.Keys
            $FunctionName -in $ManifestFunctions | Should Be $true
        It 'Proper Number of Functions Exported compared to Manifest' {
            $ExportedCount = Get-Command -Module $ModuleName -CommandType Function | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count
            $ManifestCount = $Manifest.ExportedFunctions.Count
            $ExportedCount | Should be $ManifestCount
        It 'Proper Number of Functions Exported compared to Files' {
            $ExportedCount = Get-Command -Module $ModuleName -CommandType Function | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count
            $FileCount = Get-ChildItem -Path "$ModulePath\*.ps1" -Exclude *.Tests.ps1 | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count
            $ExportedCount | Should be $FileCount

    Context 'Exported Aliases' {
        It 'Proper Number of Aliases Exported compared to Manifest' {
            $ExportedCount = Get-Command -Module $ModuleName -CommandType Alias | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count
            $ManifestCount = $Manifest.ExportedAliases.Count
            $ExportedCount | Should be $ManifestCount
        It 'Proper Number of Aliases Exported compared to Files' {
            $AliasCount = Get-ChildItem -Path "$ModulePath\*.ps1" -Exclude *.Tests.ps1 | Select-String "New-Alias" | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count
            $ManifestCount = $Manifest.ExportedAliases.Count
            $AliasCount  | Should be $ManifestCount

Describe "$ModuleName ScriptAnalyzer" -Tag 'Compliance' {
    $PSScriptAnalyzerSettings = @{
        Severity    = @('Error', 'Warning')
        ExcludeRule = @('PSUseSingularNouns')
    # Test all functions with PSScriptAnalyzer
    $ScriptAnalyzerErrors = @()
    $ScriptAnalyzerErrors += Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path "$ModulePath" @PSScriptAnalyzerSettings
    # Get a list of all internal and Exported functions
    $ExportedFunctions = Get-ChildItem -Path "$ModulePath" -Filter *.ps1 | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
    $AllFunctions = $ExportedFunctions | Sort-Object
    $FunctionsWithErrors = $ScriptAnalyzerErrors.ScriptName | Sort-Object -Unique
    if ($ScriptAnalyzerErrors) {
        $testCase = $ScriptAnalyzerErrors | Foreach-Object {
                RuleName   = $_.RuleName
                ScriptName = $_.ScriptName
                Message    = $_.Message
                Severity   = $_.Severity
                Line       = $_.Line
        # Compare those with not successful
        $FunctionsWithoutErrors = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $AllFunctions -DifferenceObject $FunctionsWithErrors  | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InputObject
        Context 'ScriptAnalyzer Testing' {
            It "Function <ScriptName> should not use <Message> on line <Line>" -TestCases $testCase {
                $ScriptName | Should BeNullOrEmpty
    } else {
        # Everything was perfect, let's show that as well
        $FunctionsWithoutErrors = $AllFunctions

    # Show good functions in the test, the more green the better
    Context 'Successful ScriptAnalyzer Testing' {
        $testCase = $FunctionsWithoutErrors | Foreach-Object {
                ScriptName = $_
        It "Function <ScriptName> has no ScriptAnalyzerErrors" -TestCases $testCase {
            $ScriptName | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty