function Request-AITChatCompletion { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a chat completion using the specified model and input in the AI Toolkit API. .DESCRIPTION The Request-AITChatCompletion cmdlet sends a POST request to the AI Toolkit API to create a chat completion using the specified model and input. It includes various parameters with defaults to fine-tune the AI's response. .PARAMETER Model The name of the model to use for the chat completion. .PARAMETER Message The input message for the chat completion. .PARAMETER Temperature The sampling temperature for generating the completion. Higher values result in more random outputs. Default is 0.7. .PARAMETER MaxToken The maximum number of tokens to generate in the completion. Default is 100. .PARAMETER TopP The cumulative probability threshold for token sampling. Default is 1.0. .PARAMETER FrequencyPenalty The penalty factor for repeated tokens. Default is 0.0. .PARAMETER PresencePenalty The penalty factor for new tokens not present in the input. Default is 0.0. .PARAMETER NoStream Indicates whether to disable streaming of the response. By default, streaming is enabled. .PARAMETER Raw Returns the raw API response instead of parsed content. Raw is only for non-streaming requests. .EXAMPLE Request-AITChatCompletion -Model mistral-7b-v02-int4-cpu -Message "Hello, how are you?" This command creates a chat completion using the mistral-7b-v02-int4-cpu model with the input message "Hello, how are you?" using default parameter settings. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$Model = $script:mountedmodel, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$Message, [double]$Temperature = 0.7, [int]$MaxToken = 100, [double]$TopP = 1.0, [double]$FrequencyPenalty = 0.0, [double]$PresencePenalty = 0.0, [switch]$NoStream, [switch]$Raw ) process { Write-Verbose "Starting Request-AITChatCompletion" if (-not $Model) { Write-Error "No model is currently loaded. Use the Mount-AITModel cmdlet to load a model." return } Write-Verbose "Using model: $Model" $endpoint = "$script:AIToolkitBaseUrl/v1/chat/completions" Write-Verbose "Endpoint: $endpoint" $requestBody = @{ model = $Model messages = @( @{ role = "user" content = $Message } ) temperature = $Temperature max_tokens = $MaxToken top_p = $TopP frequency_penalty = $FrequencyPenalty presence_penalty = $PresencePenalty stream = (-not $NoStream) } try { $splat = @{ Uri = $endpoint Method = "POST" Body = ($requestBody | ConvertTo-Json) ContentType = "application/json" } Write-Verbose "Sending request to AI Toolkit API" if ($NoStream) { Write-Progress -Activity "Requesting AI Chat Completion" -Status "Sending request..." $response = Invoke-RestMethod @splat Write-Progress -Activity "Requesting AI Chat Completion" -Status "Complete" if ($Raw) { return $response } else { # This is a simplified parsing. Adjust based on your actual response structure. if ($response.choices -and $response.choices.Count -gt 0) { return $response.choices[0].message.content } else { Write-Warning "Unexpected response structure" return $response } } } else { $responseStream = Invoke-WebRequest @splat -UseBasicParsing -ErrorAction Stop -TimeoutSec 0 $reader = [System.IO.StreamReader]::new($responseStream.RawContentStream) $responseBuilder = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new() while (-not $reader.EndOfStream) { $line = $reader.ReadLine() if ($line.StartsWith("data: ")) { $data = $line.Substring(6) if ($data -eq "[DONE]") { break } try { $jsonData = $data | ConvertFrom-Json $content = $jsonData.choices[0].delta.content if ($content) { Write-Host $content -NoNewline $null = $responseBuilder.Append($content) } } catch { Write-Error "Failed to parse JSON: $_" } } } return $responseBuilder.ToString() } } catch { throw $PSItem } finally { Write-Progress -Activity "Requesting AI Chat Completion" -Completed } } } |