
.VERSION 3.8.1
.GUID f0f4316d-f106-43b5-936d-0dd93a49be6b
.AUTHOR voytas75
.TAGS ai,psaoai,llm,project,team,gpt,ollama,azure,bing,RAG,powerHTML

#Requires -Modules PSAOAI
#Requires -Modules PSScriptAnalyzer
#Requires -Modules PowerHTML

Emulates a team of AI-powered Agents with RAG collaborating on a PowerShell project.
This script simulates a team of AI-powered Agents with RAG, each with a unique role in executing a Powershell project. User input is processed by one AI specialist, who performs their task and passes the result to the next AI Agent. This process continues until all tasks are completed, leveraging AI to enhance efficiency and accuracy in project execution.
.PARAMETER userInput
Defines the project outline as a string. This parameter can also accept input from the pipeline.
Controls whether the output should be streamed live. The default is `$true`.
Disables the Project Manager functions when used.
.PARAMETER NODocumentator
Disables the Documentator functions when used.
Disables the logging functions when used.
Disables tips.
Disables input check.
.PARAMETER VerbosePrompt
Shows prompts.
Specifies the folder where logs should be stored.
.PARAMETER DeploymentChat
Specifies the deployment chat environment variable for PSAOAI. The default is retrieved from the environment variable `PSAOAI_API_AZURE_OPENAI_CC_DEPLOYMENT`.
.PARAMETER LoadProjectStatus
Loads the project status from a specified path. Part of the 'LoadStatus' parameter set.
Specifies the maximum number of tokens to generate in the response. The default is 20480.
Specifies the LLM provider to use (e.g., ollama, LMStudio, AzureOpenAI). The default is "AzureOpenAI".
Disables the RAG (Retrieve and Generate) functionality.
System.String. You can pipe a string to the 'userInput' parameter.
The output varies depending on how each specialist processes their part of the project. Typically, text-based results are expected, which may include status messages or visual representations like graphs or color blocks related to system metrics such as RAM load, depending on the user input specification provided via the 'userInput' parameter.
PS> "Monitor CPU usage and display dynamic graph." | AIPSTeam -Stream $false
This command runs the script without streaming output live (-Stream $false) and specifies custom user input about monitoring CPU usage instead of RAM, displaying it through dynamic graphing methods rather than static color blocks.
Version: 3.8.1
Author: voytas75
Creation Date: 05.2024

    [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, HelpMessage = "Defines the project outline as a string.")]
    [string] $userInput,

    [Parameter(HelpMessage = "Controls whether the output should be streamed live. Default is `$true.")]
    [bool] $Stream = $true,
    [Parameter(HelpMessage = "Disables the RAG functionality.")]
    [switch] $NORAG,

    [Parameter(HelpMessage = "Disables the Project Manager functions when used.")]
    [switch] $NOPM,

    [Parameter(HelpMessage = "Disables the Documentator functions when used.")]
    [switch] $NODocumentator,

    [Parameter(HelpMessage = "Disables the logging functions when used.")]
    [switch] $NOLog,

    [Parameter(HelpMessage = "Disables tips.")]
    [switch] $NOTips,

    [Parameter(HelpMessage = "Disables input check.")]
    [switch] $NOUserInputCheck,

    [Parameter(HelpMessage = "Shows prompts.")]
    [switch] $VerbosePrompt,

    [Parameter(HelpMessage = "Specifies the folder where logs should be stored.")]
    [string] $LogFolder,

    [Parameter(HelpMessage = "Specifies the deployment chat environment variable for PSAOAI (AZURE OpenAI).")]
    [string] $DeploymentChat = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PSAOAI_API_AZURE_OPENAI_CC_DEPLOYMENT", "User"),

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'LoadStatus', HelpMessage = "Loads the project status from a specified path.")]
    [string] $LoadProjectStatus,

    [Parameter(HelpMessage = "Specifies the maximum number of tokens to generate in the response. Default is 20480.")]
    [int] $MaxTokens = 20480,

    [Parameter(HelpMessage = "Specifies the LLM provider to use (e.g., OpenAI, AzureOpenAI).")]
    [ValidateSet("AzureOpenAI", "ollama", "LMStudio", "OpenAI" )]
    [string]$LLMProvider = "AzureOpenAI"
$AIPSTeamVersion = "3.8.1"

#region ProjectTeamClass
The ProjectTeam class represents a team member with a specific expertise.
Each team member has a name, role, prompt, and a function to process the input. They can also log their actions, store their responses, and pass the input to the next team member.
DisplayInfo: Displays the team member's information.
DisplayHeader: Displays the team member's name and role.
ProcessInput: Processes the input and returns the response.
SetNextExpert: Sets the next team member in the workflow.
GetNextExpert: Returns the next team member in the workflow.
AddLogEntry: Adds an entry to the log.
Notify: Sends a notification (currently just displays a message).
GetMemory: Returns the team member's memory (responses).
GetLastMemory: Returns the last response from the team member's memory.
SummarizeMemory: Summarizes the team member's memory.
ProcessBySpecificExpert: Processes the input by a specific team member.

# Define the ProjectTeam class
class ProjectTeam {
    # Define class properties
    [string] $Name  # Name of the team member
    [string] $Role  # Role of the team member
    [string] $Prompt  # Prompt for the team member
    [ProjectTeam] $NextExpert  # Next expert in the workflow
    [System.Collections.ArrayList] $ResponseMemory  # Memory to store responses
    [double] $Temperature  # Temperature parameter for the response function
    [double] $TopP  # TopP parameter for the response function
    [string] $Status  # Status of the team member
    [System.Collections.ArrayList] $Log  # Log of the team member's actions
    [string] $LogFilePath  # Path to the log file
    [array] $FeedbackTeam  # Team of experts providing feedback
    [PSCustomObject] $GlobalState
    [string] $LLMProvider
    # Constructor for the ProjectTeam class
    ProjectTeam([string] $name, [string] $role, [string] $prompt, [double] $temperature, [double] $top_p, [PSCustomObject] $GlobalState) {
        $this.Name = $name
        $this.Role = $role
        $this.Prompt = $prompt
        $this.NextExpert = $null
        $this.ResponseMemory = @()
        $this.Temperature = $temperature
        $this.TopP = $top_p
        $this.Status = "Not Started"
        $this.Log = @()
        $this.GlobalState = $GlobalState
        $this.LogFilePath = "$($GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder)\$name.log"
        $this.FeedbackTeam = @()
        $this.LLMProvider = "AzureOpenAI"  # Default to AzureOpenAI, can be changed as needed

    # Method to display the team member's information
    [PSCustomObject] DisplayInfo([int] $display = 1) {
        # Create an ordered dictionary to store the information
        $info = [ordered]@{
            "Name"          = $this.Name
            "Role"          = $this.Role
            "System prompt" = $this.Prompt
            "Temperature"   = $this.Temperature
            "TopP"          = $this.TopP
            "Responses"     = $this.ResponseMemory | ForEach-Object { "[$($_.Timestamp)] $($_.Response)" }
            "Log"           = $this.Log -join ', '
            "Log File Path" = $this.LogFilePath
            "Feedback Team" = $this.FeedbackTeam
            "Next Expert"   = $this.NextExpert
            "Status"        = $this.Status
        # Create a custom object from the dictionary
        $infoObject = New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property $info

        # If display is set to 1, print the information to the console
        if ($display -eq 1) {
            Show-Header -HeaderText "Info: $($this.Name) ($($this.Role))"
            Write-Host "Name: $($infoObject.Name)"
            Write-Host "Role: $($infoObject.Role)"
            Write-Host "System prompt: $($infoObject.'System prompt')"
            Write-Host "Temperature: $($infoObject.Temperature)"
            Write-Host "TopP: $($infoObject.TopP)"
            Write-Host "Responses: $($infoObject.Responses)"
            Write-Host "Log: $($infoObject.Log)"
            Write-Host "Log File Path: $($infoObject.'Log File Path')"
            Write-Host "Feedback Team: $($infoObject.'Feedback Team')"
            Write-Host "Next Expert: $($infoObject.'Next Expert')"
            Write-Host "Status: $($infoObject.Status)"

        # Return the custom object
        return $infoObject
    # Method to process the input and generate a response
    [string] ProcessInput([string] $userinput) {
        Show-Header -HeaderText "Current Expert: $($this.Name) ($($this.Role))"
        # Log the input
        $this.AddLogEntry("Processing input:`n$userinput")
        # Update status
        $this.Status = "In Progress"
        #write-Host $script:Stream
        $response = ""
        try {
            Write-verbose $script:MaxTokens

            # Use the user-provided function to get the response
            $loopCount = 0
            $maxLoops = 5
            do {
                $response = Invoke-LLMChatCompletion -Provider $this.LLMProvider -SystemPrompt $this.Prompt -UserPrompt $userinput -Temperature $this.Temperature -TopP $this.TopP -MaxTokens $script:MaxTokens -Stream $script:GlobalState.Stream -LogFolder $script:GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder -DeploymentChat $script:DeploymentChat -ollamaModel $script:ollamaModel
                if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($response)) {
                Write-Host "Attempting to obtain a response. This process will be repeated if necessary." -ForegroundColor Yellow
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
            } while ($loopCount -lt $maxLoops)

            if (-not $script:GlobalState.Stream) {
                #write-host ($response | convertto-json -Depth 100)
                Write-Host $response -ForegroundColor White
            # Log the response
            $this.AddLogEntry("Generated response:`n$response")
            # Store the response in memory with timestamp
                    Response  = $response
                    Timestamp = Get-Date
            $feedbackSummary = ""
            if ($this.FeedbackTeam.count -gt 0) {
                # Request feedback for the response
                $feedbackSummary = $this.RequestFeedback($response)
                # Log the feedback summary
                $this.AddLogEntry("Feedback summary:`n$feedbackSummary")
            # Integrate feedback into response
            $responseWithFeedback = "$response`n`n$feedbackSummary"

            # Update status
            $this.Status = "Completed"
        catch {
            # Log the error
            # Update status
            $this.Status = "Error"
            throw $_

        # Pass to the next expert if available
        if ($null -ne $this.NextExpert) {
            return $this.NextExpert.ProcessInput($responseWithFeedback)
        else {
            return $responseWithFeedback

    [string] ProcessInput([string] $userinput, [string] $systemprompt) {
        Show-Header -HeaderText "Processing Input by $($this.Name) ($($this.Role))"
        # Log the input
        $this.AddLogEntry("Processing input:`n$userinput")
        # Update status
        $this.Status = "In Progress"
        $response = ""
        try {
            # Ensure ResponseMemory is initialized
            if ($null -eq $this.ResponseMemory) {
                $this.ResponseMemory = @()
                $this.AddLogEntry("Initialized ResponseMemory")
            # Initialize loop variables
            $loopCount = 0
            $maxLoops = 5
            # Attempt to get a response from the LLM
            do {
                Write-Verbose "Attempting to get a response from LLM. Loop count: $loopCount"
                $response = Invoke-LLMChatCompletion -Provider $this.LLMProvider -SystemPrompt $systemprompt -UserPrompt $userinput -Temperature $this.Temperature -TopP $this.TopP -MaxTokens $script:MaxTokens -Stream $script:GlobalState.Stream -LogFolder $script:GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder -DeploymentChat $script:DeploymentChat -ollamaModel $script:ollamaModel
                if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($response)) {
                    Write-Verbose "Received a valid response from LLM."
                Write-Host "Attempting to obtain a response. This process will be repeated if necessary." -ForegroundColor Yellow
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
            } while ($loopCount -lt $maxLoops)

            # Display the response if streaming is not enabled
            if (-not $script:GlobalState.Stream) {
                Write-Host $response -ForegroundColor White
            # Log the response
            $this.AddLogEntry("Generated response:`n$response")
            # Store the response in memory with timestamp
                    Response  = $response
                    Timestamp = Get-Date
            $feedbackSummary = ""
            if ($this.FeedbackTeam.count -gt 0) {
                # Request feedback for the response
                Write-Verbose "Requesting feedback for the response."
                $feedbackSummary = $this.RequestFeedback($response)
                # Log the feedback summary
                $this.AddLogEntry("Feedback summary:`n$feedbackSummary")
            # Integrate feedback into response
            $responseWithFeedback = "$response`n`n$feedbackSummary"
            # Update status
            $this.Status = "Completed"
        catch {
            # Log the error
            # Update status
            $this.Status = "Error"
            throw $_

        # Pass to the next expert if available
        if ($null -ne $this.NextExpert) {
            Write-Verbose "Passing response to the next expert."
            return $this.NextExpert.ProcessInput($responseWithFeedback)
        else {
            Write-Verbose "No next expert available. Returning the response with feedback."
            return $responseWithFeedback
    [string] Feedback([ProjectTeam] $AssessedExpert, [string] $Expertinput) {
        Show-Header -HeaderText "Feedback by $($this.Name) ($($this.Role)) for $($"
        # Log the input
        $this.AddLogEntry("Processing input:`n$Expertinput")
        # Update status
        $this.Status = "In Progress"
        $response = ""
        try {
            # Ensure ResponseMemory is initialized
            if ($null -eq $this.ResponseMemory) {
                $this.ResponseMemory = @()
                $this.AddLogEntry("Initialized ResponseMemory")
            # Use the user-provided function to get the response
            $loopCount = 0
            $maxLoops = 5
            do {
                $response = Invoke-LLMChatCompletion -Provider $this.LLMProvider -SystemPrompt $this.Prompt -UserPrompt $Expertinput -Temperature $this.Temperature -TopP $this.TopP -MaxTokens $script:MaxTokens -Stream $script:GlobalState.Stream -LogFolder $script:GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder -DeploymentChat $script:DeploymentChat -ollamaModel $script:ollamaModel
                if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($response)) {
                Write-Host "Attempting to obtain a response. This process will be repeated if necessary." -ForegroundColor Yellow
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
            } while ($loopCount -lt $maxLoops)

            if (-not $script:GlobalState.Stream) {
                write-Host $response -ForegroundColor White
            # Log the response
            $this.AddLogEntry("Generated feedback response:`n$response")
            # Verify the response before adding to memory
            $this.AddLogEntry("Response before adding to memory: $response")
            # Store the response in memory with timestamp
            $responseObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
                Response  = $response
                Timestamp = Get-Date
            # Log after storing
            $this.AddLogEntry("Stored response at $(Get-Date): $response")
            # Update status
            $this.Status = "Completed"
        catch {
            # Log the error
            # Update status
            $this.Status = "Error"
            throw $_
        return $response

    [void] SetNextExpert([ProjectTeam] $nextExpert) {
        $this.NextExpert = $nextExpert

    [ProjectTeam] GetNextExpert() {
        return $this.NextExpert
    [void] AddLogEntry([string] $entry) {
        $timestamp = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
        $logEntry = "[$timestamp]:`n$(Show-Header -HeaderText $entry -output)"
        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($this.LogFilePath)) {
            # Write the log entry to the file
            Add-Content -Path $this.LogFilePath -Value $logEntry

    [void] Notify([string] $message) {
        # Placeholder for a method to send notifications
        Write-Host "Notification: $message"

    [System.Collections.ArrayList] GetMemory() {
        return $this.ResponseMemory

    [PSCustomObject] GetLastMemory() {
        if ($this.ResponseMemory.Count -gt 0) {
            return $this.ResponseMemory[-1]
        else {
            return $null

    [string] SummarizeMemory() {
        $summaryPrompt = "Summarize the following memory entries:"
        $memoryEntries = $this.ResponseMemory | ForEach-Object { "[$($_.Timestamp)] $($_.Response)" }
        $fullPrompt = "$summaryPrompt`n`n$($memoryEntries -join "`n")"
        $summary = ""
        try {
            # Use the user-provided function to get the summary
            $loopCount = 0
            $maxLoops = 5
            do {
                $summary = Invoke-LLMChatCompletion -Provider $this.LLMProvider -SystemPrompt $fullPrompt -UserPrompt "" -Temperature 0.7 -TopP 0.7 -MaxTokens $script:MaxTokens -Stream $script:GlobalState.Stream -LogFolder $script:GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder -DeploymentChat $script:DeploymentChat -ollamaModel $script:ollamaModel
                if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($summary)) {
                Write-Host "Attempting to obtain a response. This process will be repeated if necessary." -ForegroundColor Yellow
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
            } while ($loopCount -lt $maxLoops)

            # Log the summary
            $this.AddLogEntry("Generated summary:`n$summary")
            return $summary
        catch {
            # Log the error
            throw $_

    [string] ProcessBySpecificExpert([ProjectTeam] $expert, [string] $userinput) {
        return $expert.ProcessInput($userinput)

    [System.Collections.ArrayList] RequestFeedback([string] $response) {
        $feedbacks = @()

        foreach ($FeedbackMember in $this.FeedbackTeam) {
            Show-Header -HeaderText "Feedback from $($FeedbackMember.Role) to $($this.Role)"
            # Send feedback request and collect feedback
            $feedback = SendFeedbackRequest -TeamMember $FeedbackMember.Role -Response $response -Prompt $FeedbackMember.Prompt -Temperature $this.Temperature -TopP $this.TopP
            if ($null -ne $feedback) {
                        Response  = $feedback
                        Timestamp = Get-Date

                $feedbacks += $feedback

        if ($feedbacks.Count -eq 0) {
            throw "No feedback received from team members."

        return $feedbacks

    [void] AddFeedbackTeamMember([ProjectTeam] $member) {
        $this.FeedbackTeam += $member

    [void] RemoveFeedbackTeamMember([ProjectTeam] $member) {
        $this.FeedbackTeam = $this.FeedbackTeam | Where-Object { $_ -ne $member }
#endregion ProjectTeamClass

#region Functions
function Test-ModuleMinVersion {
    param (

    # Function to check if a module with a minimum version is available
    $module = Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name $ModuleName | 
    Where-Object { $_.Version -ge $MinimumVersion } | 
    Select-Object -First 1

    if ($module) {
        return $true
    else {
        Write-Error "Module $ModuleName with minimum version $MinimumVersion not found."
        return $false

function SendFeedbackRequest {
    param (
        [string] $TeamMember, # The team member to send the feedback request to
        [string] $Response, # The response to be reviewed
        [string] $Prompt, # The prompt for the feedback request
        [double] $Temperature, # The temperature parameter for the LLM model
        [double] $TopP, # The TopP parameter for the LLM model
    try {
        # Main logic here
        # Define the feedback request prompt
        $Systemprompt = $prompt 
        $NewResponse = @"
Review the following response and provide your suggestions for improvement as feedback to $($ Generate a list of verification questions that could help to self-analyze.
I will tip you `$100 when your suggestions are consistent with the project description and objectives.
Think step by step. Make sure your answer is unbiased.

        # Send the feedback request to the LLM model
        $feedback = Invoke-LLMChatCompletion -Provider $this.LLMProvider -SystemPrompt $SystemPrompt -UserPrompt $NewResponse -Temperature $Temperature -TopP $TopP -MaxTokens $script:MaxTokens -Stream $GlobalState.Stream -LogFolder $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder -DeploymentChat $script:DeploymentChat -ollamaModel $script:ollamaModel

        # Return the feedback
        return $feedback
    catch [System.Exception] {
        $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function" -LogFilePath (Join-Path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "ERROR.txt")

function Get-LastMemoryFromFeedbackTeamMembers {
    param (
        [array] $FeedbackTeam
    # Initialize an empty array to store the last memories
    $lastMemories = @()
    try {
        # Iterate over each team member in the feedback team
        foreach ($FeedbackTeamMember in $FeedbackTeam) {
            # Get the last memory response from the team member
            $lastMemory = $FeedbackTeamMember.GetLastMemory().Response
            # Add the last memory to the array
            $lastMemories += $lastMemory
        # Join the last memories with a newline and return the result
        return ($lastMemories -join "`n")
    catch {
        # Get the name of the current function
        $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        # Update error handling with the error record and context
        Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function" -LogFilePath (Join-Path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "ERROR.txt")

function Add-ToGlobalResponses {
    param (
        $GlobalState, # The global state object to update
        $response  # The response to add to the global responses
    # Append the response to the GlobalResponse property of the GlobalState object
    $GlobalState.GlobalResponse += $response

function Add-ToGlobalPSDevResponses {
    param (
        $GlobalState, # The global state object to update
        $response  # The response to add to the global PSDev responses
    # Append the response to the GlobalPSDevResponse property of the GlobalState object
    $GlobalState.GlobalPSDevResponse += $response

function New-FolderAtPath {
        [string]$Path, # The path where the new folder will be created
        [string]$FolderName  # The name of the new folder to be created

    try {
        # Output verbose messages for debugging
        Write-Verbose "New-FolderAtPath: $Path"
        Write-Verbose "New-FolderAtPath: $FolderName"

        # Combine the Folder path with the folder name to get the full path
        $CompleteFolderPath = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath $FolderName.trim()

        # Output the complete folder path and its type for debugging
        Write-Verbose "New-FolderAtPath: $CompleteFolderPath"
        Write-Verbose $CompleteFolderPath.gettype()

        # Check if the folder exists, if not, create it
        if (-not (Test-Path -Path $CompleteFolderPath)) {
            New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $CompleteFolderPath -Force | Out-Null

        # Return the full path of the folder
        return $CompleteFolderPath
    catch [System.Exception] {
        # Capture the function name for error context
        $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        # Handle the error and log it
        Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function" -LogFilePath (Join-Path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "ERROR.txt")  
        return $null    

function Get-LatestVersion {
    param (
    try {
        # Find the script on PowerShell Gallery
        $scriptInfo = Find-Script -Name $scriptName -ErrorAction Stop
        # Return the latest version
        return $scriptInfo.Version
    catch [System.Exception] {
        $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function" -LogFilePath (Join-Path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "ERROR.txt")  
        return $null

function Get-CheckForScriptUpdate {
    param (
    try {
        # Retrieve the latest version of the script
        $latestScriptVersion = Get-LatestVersion -scriptName $scriptName
        if ($latestScriptVersion) {
            # Compare the current version with the latest version
            if (([version]$currentScriptVersion) -lt [version]$latestScriptVersion) {
                Write-Host " A new version ($latestScriptVersion) of $scriptName is available. You are currently using version $currentScriptVersion. " -BackgroundColor DarkYellow -ForegroundColor Blue
                write-Host "`n`n"
        else {
            Write-Warning "Failed to check for the latest version of the script."
    catch [System.Exception] {
        $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function" -LogFilePath (Join-Path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "ERROR.txt")  


function Show-Banner {
    Write-Host @'
     /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ /Retrieval-Augmented Generation
    /$$__ $$|_ $$_/| $$__ $$ /$$__ $$|__ $$________________________/
   | $$ \ $$ | $$ | $$ \ $$| $$ \__/ | $$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$/$$$$
   | $$$$$$$$ | $$ | $$$$$$$/| $$$$$$ | $$ /$$__ $$ |____ $$| $$_ $$_ $$
   | $$__ $$ | $$ | $$____/ \____ $$ | $$| $$$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$| $$ \ $$ \ $$
   | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ /$$ \ $$ | $$| $$_____/ /$$__ $$| $$ | $$ | $$
   | $$ | $$ /$$$$$$| $$ | $$$$$$/ | $$| $$$$$$$| $$$$$$$| $$ | $$ | $$
   |__/ |__/|______/|__/ \______/ |__/ \_______/ \_______/|__/ |__/ |__/
   AI PowerShell Team with RAG powered by PSAOAI Module
                                                                     LM Studio
                                                                     AZURE Bing Web

    Write-Host @'
        This PowerShell script simulates a team of AI Agents working together on a PowerShell project. Each Agent has a
        unique role and contributes to the project in a sequential manner. The script processes user input, performs
        various tasks, and generates outputs such as code, documentation, and analysis reports. The application utilizes
        Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) to enhance its power and leverage Azure OpenAI, Ollama, or LM Studio to generate the output.
 -ForegroundColor Blue
    Write-Host @'
        "You never know what you're gonna get with an AI, just like a box of chocolates. You might get a whiz-bang algorithm that
        writes you a symphony in five minutes flat, or you might get a dud that can't tell a cat from a couch. But hey, that's
        the beauty of it all, you keep feedin' it data and see what kind of miraculous contraption it spits out next."
                                                                     ~ Who said that? You never know with these AIs these days...
                                                                      ...maybe it was Skynet or maybe it was just your toaster :)
 -ForegroundColor DarkYellow

function Export-AndWritePowerShellCodeBlocks {
    # Define the regular expression pattern to match PowerShell code blocks
    $pattern = '(?si)' + [regex]::Escape($StartDelimiter) + '(.*?)' + [regex]::Escape($EndDelimiter)
    $codeBlock_ = ""
    try {
        # Process the entire input string at once
        if ($InputString -match $pattern) {
            $matches_ = [regex]::Matches($InputString, $pattern)
            foreach ($match in $matches_) {
                $codeBlock = $match.Groups[1].Value.Trim()
                $codeBlock_ += "# exported $(get-date)`n $codeBlock`n`n"
            if ($OutputFilePath) {
                $codeBlock_ | Out-File -FilePath $OutputFilePath -Append -Encoding UTF8
                if (Test-path $OutputFilePath) {
                    Write-Information "++ Code block exported and written to file: $OutputFilePath" -InformationAction Continue
                    return $OutputFilePath
                else {
                    throw "!! Error saving file $OutputFilePath"
                    return $false
            else {
                Write-Verbose "++ Code block exported"
                return $codeBlock_
        else {
            Write-Information "-- No code block found in the input string." -InformationAction Continue
            return $false
    catch [System.Exception] {
        $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function" -LogFilePath (Join-Path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "ERROR.txt")  
    return $false

function Invoke-CodeWithPSScriptAnalyzer {

    try {
        # Check if PSScriptAnalyzer module is installed
        if (-not (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name PSScriptAnalyzer)) {
            throw "PSScriptAnalyzer module is not installed. Install it using: 'Install-Module -Name PSScriptAnalyzer'"

        # Import PSScriptAnalyzer module
        Import-Module -Name PSScriptAnalyzer -ErrorAction Stop

        # Check if file exists
        if ($FilePath -and -not (Test-Path -Path $FilePath)) {
            throw "File '$FilePath' does not exist."

        # Run PSScriptAnalyzer on the file or script block
        if ($FilePath) {
            $analysisResults = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path $FilePath -Severity Warning, Error
        elseif ($ScriptBlock) {
            $analysisResults = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -ScriptDefinition $ScriptBlock -Severity Warning, Error
        else {
            throw "No FilePath or ScriptBlock provided for analysis."

        # Display the analysis results
        if ($analysisResults.Count -eq 0) {
            Write-Information "++ No Warning, Error issues found by PSScriptAnalyzer." -InformationAction Continue
            return $false
        else {
            Write-Information "++ PSScriptAnalyzer found the following Warning, Error issues:" -InformationAction Continue
            return $analysisResults
        return $false
    catch [System.Exception] {
        $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function" -LogFilePath (Join-Path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "ERROR.txt")  
    return $false

function Show-Header {
    if (-not $output) {
        Write-Host "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
        Write-Host $HeaderText
        Write-Host "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    else {

function Get-SourceCodeAnalysis {

    function Get-AnalyzeLine {
        param (
        $totalLines = $Lines.Count
        $comments = ($Lines | Select-String "#" | Measure-Object).Count
        $blanks = ($Lines | Where-Object { $_ -match "^\s*$" } | Measure-Object).Count
        $codeLines = $totalLines - ($comments + $blanks)
        return [PSCustomObject]@{
            TotalLines = $totalLines
            CodeLines  = $codeLines
            Comments   = $comments
            Blanks     = $blanks
    try {
        if ($FilePath) {
            if (Test-Path $FilePath -PathType Leaf) {
                $lines = Get-Content $FilePath
                $analysis = Get-AnalyzeLine -Lines $lines
                Write-Output "$FilePath : $($analysis.CodeLines) lines of code, $($analysis.Comments) comments, $($analysis.Blanks) blank lines"
            else {
                Write-Error "File '$FilePath' does not exist."
        elseif ($CodeBlock) {
            $lines = $CodeBlock -split "`r?`n"
            $analysis = Get-AnalyzeLine -Lines $lines
            Write-Output "Code Block : $($analysis.CodeLines) lines of code, $($analysis.Comments) comments, $($analysis.Blanks) blank lines"
        else {
            Write-Error "No FilePath or CodeBlock provided for analysis."
    catch [System.Exception] {
        $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function" -LogFilePath (Join-Path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "ERROR.txt")  

function Get-CyclomaticComplexity {
        Calculates the cyclomatic complexity of a PowerShell script or code block, including both functions and top-level code.
        This function analyzes the provided PowerShell script file or code block to calculate the cyclomatic complexity of each function defined within it, as well as the complexity of any code outside functions.
        The cyclomatic complexity score is interpreted as follows:
        1: The code has a single execution path with no control flow statements (e.g., if, else, while, etc.). This typically means the code is simple and straightforward.
        2 or 3: Code with moderate complexity, having a few conditional paths or loops.
        4-7: More complex code, with multiple decision points and/or nested control structures.
        Above 7: Indicates higher complexity, which can make the code harder to test and maintain.
    .PARAMETER FilePath
        The path to the PowerShell script file to be analyzed.
    .PARAMETER CodeBlock
        A string containing the PowerShell code block to be analyzed.
        Get-CyclomaticComplexity -FilePath "C:\Scripts\MyScript.ps1"
        $code = @"
        if ($true) { Write-Output "True" }
        else { Write-Output "False" }
        function Test {
            if ($true) { Write-Output "True" }
            else { Write-Output "False" }
        Get-CyclomaticComplexity -CodeBlock $code
        Helper: gpt4o
        Date: 2024-06-21


    # Initialize tokens array
    $tokens = @()

    if ($FilePath) {
        if (Test-Path $FilePath -PathType Leaf) {
            # Parse the script file
            $ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput((Get-Content -Path $FilePath -Raw), [ref]$tokens, [ref]$null)
        else {
            Write-Error "File '$FilePath' does not exist."
    elseif ($CodeBlock) {
        # Parse the code block
        $ast = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseInput($CodeBlock, [ref]$tokens, [ref]$null)
    else {
        Write-Error "No FilePath or CodeBlock provided for analysis."

    # Identify and loop through all function definitions
    $functions = $ast.FindAll({ $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.FunctionDefinitionAst] }, $true)

    # Initialize total complexity for the script
    $totalComplexity = 1

    # Initialize an array to store complexity data
    $complexityData = @()

    # Calculate complexity for functions
    foreach ($function in $functions) {
        $functionComplexity = 1
        # Filter tokens that belong to the current function
        $functionTokens = $tokens | Where-Object { $_.Extent.StartOffset -ge $function.Extent.StartOffset -and $_.Extent.EndOffset -le $function.Extent.EndOffset }

        foreach ($token in $functionTokens) {
            if ($token.Kind -in 'If', 'ElseIf', 'Catch', 'While', 'For', 'Switch') {

        # Add function complexity to the array
        $complexityData += [PSCustomObject]@{
            Name        = $function.Name
            Complexity  = $functionComplexity
            Description = Get-ComplexityDescription -complexity $functionComplexity

    # Calculate complexity for top-level code (code outside of functions)
    $globalTokens = $tokens | Where-Object {
        $global = $true
        foreach ($function in $functions) {
            if ($_.Extent.StartOffset -ge $function.Extent.StartOffset -and $_.Extent.EndOffset -le $function.Extent.EndOffset) {
                $global = $false

    foreach ($token in $globalTokens) {
        if ($token.Kind -in 'If', 'ElseIf', 'Catch', 'While', 'For', 'Switch') {

    # Add global complexity to the array
    $complexityData += [PSCustomObject]@{
        Name        = "Global (code outside of functions)"
        Complexity  = $totalComplexity
        Description = Get-ComplexityDescription -complexity $totalComplexity

    # Sort the complexity data by Complexity in descending order and output
    $complexityData | Sort-Object -Property Complexity -Descending | Format-Table -AutoSize

# Helper function to get complexity description
function Get-ComplexityDescription {
    param (
    switch ($complexity) {
        1 { "The code has a single execution path with no control flow statements. This typically means the code is simple and straightforward." }
        { $_ -in 2..3 } { "Code with moderate complexity, having a few conditional paths or loops." }
        { $_ -in 4..7 } { "More complex code, with multiple decision points and/or nested control structures." }
        default { "Indicates higher complexity, which can make the code harder to test and maintain." }

function Get-FeedbackPrompt {
    param (

    $FeedbackUserprompt = @"
Your task is write review of the Powershell code.
Description and objectives:
The code:
Show paragraph style review with your suggestions for improvement of the code to Powershell Developer. Think step by step, make sure your answer is unbiased. Use reliable sources like official documentation, research papers from reputable institutions, or widely used textbooks. Possibly join a list of verification questions that could help to analyze.

    $FeedbackUserprompt = @"
Based on the following user requirements and existing PowerShell code, prepare comprehensive guidelines for a PowerShell developer to improve or extend the script:
User Requirements:
Current PowerShell Code:
Please analyze these requirements and the existing code, then create detailed guidelines that will enable the PowerShell developer to effectively implement improvements or extensions to the script. Consider the following in your analysis:
1. How well the current code meets the user requirements
2. Areas of the code that need improvement or refactoring
3. New functionalities that need to be added
4. Any potential issues or limitations in the current implementation
5. Opportunities to enhance performance, readability, or maintainability
Your guidelines should provide a clear roadmap for enhancing the existing script to fully meet the user's needs while adhering to PowerShell best practices.

    return $FeedbackUserprompt

function Set-FeedbackAndGenerateResponse {
    param (

        [PSCustomObject] $GlobalState
    try {
        # Generate the feedback prompt using the provided description and code
        $feedbackPrompt = Get-FeedbackPrompt -description $GlobalState.UserInput -code $GlobalState.LastPSDevCode

        # If RAG (Retrieve and Generate) is enabled, append RAG data to the feedback prompt
        if ($GlobalState.RAG) {
            $RAGresponse = Invoke-RAG -userInput $feedbackPrompt -prompt "Analyze the provided text and present key information, thoughts, and questions." -RAGAgent $Reviewer
            if ($RAGresponse) {
                $feedbackPrompt += "`n`n###RAG data###`n````````text`n$RAGresponse`n````````"

        # If a tip amount is specified, append a note about the tip to the feedback prompt
        if ($tipAmount) {
            $feedbackPrompt += "`n`nNote: There is `$$tipAmount tip for this task."

        # Get feedback from the reviewer
        $feedback = $Reviewer.Feedback($Recipient, $feedbackPrompt)

        # Add the feedback to global responses
        Add-ToGlobalResponses -GlobalState $GlobalState -response $feedback

        # Generate the response based on the feedback
        #$responsePrompt = "Modify Powershell code with suggested improvements and optimizations based on $($Reviewer.Name) review. The previous version of the code has been shared below after the feedback block.`n`n````````text`n" + $($Reviewer.GetLastMemory().Response) + "`n`````````n`nHere is previous version of the code:`n`n``````powershell`n$($GlobalState.LastPSDevCode)`n```````n`nShow the new version of PowerShell code. Think step by step. Make sure your answer is unbiased. Use reliable sources like official documentation, research papers from reputable institutions, or widely used textbooks."

        $responsePrompt = @"
Your task is to write next version of PowerShell code based on the following requirements and guidelines. Please follow these steps:
1. Analyze the requirements in the $($Reviewer.Name)'s guidelines provided below.
2. Plan the structure of your PowerShell script.
3. Write the PowerShell code that meets the requirements.
4. Add appropriate error handling and logging.
5. Include comments explaining complex parts of the code.
6. Add version notes to document the code changes.
7. Perform a self-review of your code for efficiency and adherence to best practices.
Please format your response as follows:
1. Script Purpose: (Brief description of what the script does)
2. Input Parameters: (List of input parameters, if any)
3. Output: (Description of what the script returns or produces)
4. PowerShell Code: (The actual code, properly formatted and commented)
5. Usage Example: (A brief example of how to use the script)
6. Self-Review Notes: (Any observations or potential improvements you've identified)
$($Reviewer.Name) Guidelines:
Current version of the PowerShell code:

        # If a tip amount is specified, include it in the response prompt
        if ($tipAmount) {
            $responsePrompt += "`n`nI will tip you `$$tipAmount for the correct code."

        # Get the response from the recipient
        $response = $Recipient.ProcessInput($responsePrompt)

        return $response
    catch [System.Exception] {
        # Handle any exceptions that occur during the process
        $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function" -LogFilePath (Join-Path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "ERROR.txt")  

function Update-GlobalStateWithResponse {
    param (
        [string] $response,
        [PSCustomObject] $GlobalState

    try {
        # Update the global response with the new response
        $GlobalState.GlobalPSDevResponse += $response

        # Add the new response to global responses
        Add-ToGlobalResponses -GlobalState $GlobalState -response $response

        # Save the new version of the code to a file
        $_savedFile = Export-AndWritePowerShellCodeBlocks -InputString $response -OutputFilePath $(join-path $GlobalState.teamDiscussionDataFolder "TheCode_v$($GlobalState.fileVersion).ps1") -StartDelimiter '```powershell' -EndDelimiter '```'

        if ((Test-Path -Path $_savedFile) -and $_savedFile) {
            # Update the last code and file version
            $GlobalState.lastPSDevCode = Get-Content -Path $_savedFile -Raw
            $GlobalState.fileVersion += 1

            # Output the saved file path for verbose logging
            Write-Verbose $_savedFile
        else {
            Write-Warning "!! The code does not exist. Unable to update the last code and file version."
    catch [System.Exception] {
        $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function" -LogFilePath (Join-Path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "ERROR.txt")  

# Refactor Invoke-ProcessFeedbackAndResponse to use the new functions
function Invoke-ProcessFeedbackAndResponse {
    param (


        [PSCustomObject] $GlobalState
    try {
        # Measure the time taken to process feedback and generate a response
        $stopwatch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()

        # Process feedback and generate a response
        if ($null -eq $tipAmount) {
            $response = Set-FeedbackAndGenerateResponse -Reviewer $Reviewer -Recipient $Recipient -GlobalState $GlobalState
        else {
            $response = Set-FeedbackAndGenerateResponse -Reviewer $Reviewer -Recipient $Recipient -tipAmount $tipAmount -GlobalState $GlobalState

        if ($response) {
            # Update the global state with the new response
            Update-GlobalStateWithResponse -response $response -GlobalState $GlobalState

        Write-Information "++ Time taken to process feedback and generate response: $($stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds) seconds" -InformationAction Continue
    catch [System.Exception] {
        $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function" -LogFilePath (Join-Path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "ERROR.txt")  

# Refactor Save-AndUpdateCode to use the new function
function Save-AndUpdateCode {
    param (
        [string] $response,
        [PSCustomObject] $GlobalState
    try {
        # Update the global state with the new response
        Update-GlobalStateWithResponse -response $response -GlobalState $GlobalState
    catch [System.Exception] {
        $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function" -LogFilePath (Join-Path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "ERROR.txt")  

function Save-AndUpdateCode2 {
    Saves the updated code to a file and updates the last code and file version.
    This function takes the response string, saves it to a file with a versioned filename,
    updates the last code content, increments the file version, and logs the saved file path.
    .PARAMETER response
    The response string containing the updated code to be saved.
    .PARAMETER GlobalState
    Save-AndUpdateCode -response $response -lastCode ([ref]$lastCode) -fileVersion ([ref]$fileVersion) -teamDiscussionDataFolder "C:\TeamData"

    param (
        [string] $response, # The updated code to be saved
        [PSCustomObject] $GlobalState
    try {
        # Save the response to a versioned file
        $_savedFile = Export-AndWritePowerShellCodeBlocks -InputString $response -OutputFilePath $(join-path $GlobalState.teamDiscussionDataFolder "TheCode_v$($GlobalState.fileVersion).ps1") -StartDelimiter '```powershell' -EndDelimiter '```'
        if (Test-Path -Path $_savedFile) {
            # Update the last code content with the saved file content
            $GlobalState.lastPSDevCode = Get-Content -Path $_savedFile -Raw 
            # Increment the file version number
            $GlobalState.fileVersion += 1
            # Log the saved file path for verbose output
            Write-Verbose $_savedFile
        else {
            Write-Error "The file $_savedFile does not exist."
    catch [System.Exception] {
        $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function" -LogFilePath (Join-Path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "ERROR.txt")  


function Invoke-AnalyzeCodeWithPSScriptAnalyzer {
    Analyzes PowerShell code using PSScriptAnalyzer and processes the results.
    This function takes an input string containing PowerShell code, analyzes it using PSScriptAnalyzer, and processes any issues found.
    It updates the last version of the code and the global response with the analysis results.
    .PARAMETER InputString
    The PowerShell code to be analyzed.
    .PARAMETER TeamDiscussionDataFolder
    The folder where team discussion data and code versions are stored.
    .PARAMETER FileVersion
    A reference to the variable holding the current file version number.
    .PARAMETER lastPSDevCode
    A reference to the variable holding the last version of the PowerShell code.
    .PARAMETER GlobalPSDevResponse
    A reference to the variable holding the global response from the PowerShell developer.
    Invoke-AnalyzeCodeWithPSScriptAnalyzer -InputString $code -TeamDiscussionDataFolder "C:\TeamData" -FileVersion ([ref]$fileVersion) -lastPSDevCode ([ref]$lastPSDevCode) -GlobalPSDevResponse ([ref]$globalResponse)

    param (
        [string] $InputString, # The PowerShell code to be analyzed
        [object] $role,
        [PSCustomObject] $GlobalState

    # Display header for code analysis
    Show-Header -HeaderText "Code analysis by PSScriptAnalyzer"
    try {
        # Log the last memory response from the PowerShell developer
        Write-Verbose "getlastmemory PSDev: $InputString"
        # Export the PowerShell code blocks from the input string
        $_exportedCode = Export-AndWritePowerShellCodeBlocks -InputString $InputString -StartDelimiter '```powershell' -EndDelimiter '```'
        # Update the last PowerShell developer code with the exported code when not false
        if ($null -ne $_exportedCode -and $_exportedCode -ne $false) {
            $GlobalState.lastPSDevCode = $_exportedCode
            Write-Verbose "_exportCode, lastPSDevCode: $($GlobalState.lastPSDevCode)"
        # Analyze the code using PSScriptAnalyzer
        $issues = Invoke-CodeWithPSScriptAnalyzer -ScriptBlock $GlobalState.lastPSDevCode
        # Output the issues found by PSScriptAnalyzer
        if ($issues) {
            Write-Output ($issues | Select-Object line, message | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap)
        # If issues were found, process them
        if ($issues) {
            foreach ($issue in $issues) {
                $issueText += $issue.message + " (line: $($issue.Line); rule: $($issue.Rulename))`n"
            # Create a prompt message to address the issues found
            $promptMessage = "You must address issues found in PSScriptAnalyzer report."
            $promptMessage += "`n`nPSScriptAnalyzer report, issues:`n``````text`n$issueText`n```````n`n"
            $promptMessage += "The code:`n``````powershell`n$($GlobalState.lastPSDevCode)`n```````n`nShow the new version of the code where issues are solved."
            # Reset issues and issueText variables
            $issues = ""
            $issueText = ""
            # Process the input with the PowerShell developer
            $powerShellDeveloperResponce = $role.ProcessInput($promptMessage)
            if ($powerShellDeveloperResponce) {
                # Update the global response with the new response
                #$GlobalState.GlobalPSDevResponse += $powerShellDeveloperResponce
                Add-ToGlobalPSDevResponses $GlobalState $powerShellDeveloperResponce
                Add-ToGlobalResponses $GlobalState $powerShellDeveloperResponce
                # Save the new version of the code to a file
                $_savedFile = Export-AndWritePowerShellCodeBlocks -InputString $powerShellDeveloperResponce -OutputFilePath $(Join-Path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "TheCode_v$($GlobalState.FileVersion).ps1") -StartDelimiter '```powershell' -EndDelimiter '```'
                Write-Verbose $_savedFile
                if ($null -ne $_savedFile -and $_savedFile -ne $false) {
                    # Update the last code and file version
                    $GlobalState.lastPSDevCode = Get-Content -Path $_savedFile -Raw 
                    $GlobalState.FileVersion += 1
                    Write-Verbose $GlobalState.lastPSDevCode
                else {
                    Write-Information "-- No valid file to update the last code and file version."
        # Log the last PowerShell developer code
        Write-Verbose $GlobalState.lastPSDevCode
    catch [System.Exception] {
        $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function" -LogFilePath (Join-Path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "ERROR.txt")  

function Save-ProjectState {
    param (
        [string]$FilePath, # Path to save the project state
        [PSCustomObject] $GlobalState  # Global state object containing project details
    try {
        # Export the project state to a file in XML format
        $GlobalState | Export-Clixml -Path $FilePath
    catch [System.Exception] {
        # Handle any exceptions that occur during the save process
        $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function" -LogFilePath (Join-Path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "ERROR.txt")  

function Get-ProjectState {
    param (
    try {
        # Check if the specified file path exists
        if (Test-Path -Path $FilePath) {
            # Import the project state from the XML file
            $projectState = Import-Clixml -Path $FilePath
            if ($null -eq $projectState.LLMProvider) {
                $projectState.LLMProvider = "AzureOpenAI"
            # Return the updated GlobalState object
            return $projectState
        else {
            # Inform the user that the project state file was not found
            Write-Host "-- Project state file not found."
    catch [System.Exception] {
        # Handle any exceptions that occur during the process
        $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function" -LogFilePath (Join-Path (split-path -Path $FilePath -Parent) "ERROR.txt")  

function Update-ErrorHandling {
    param (



    # Provide suggestions based on the error type
    $suggestions = switch -Regex ($ErrorRecord.Exception.Message) {
        "PSScriptAnalyzer" {
            "Ensure the PSScriptAnalyzer module is installed and up-to-date. Use 'Install-Module -Name PSScriptAnalyzer' or 'Update-Module -Name PSScriptAnalyzer'."
        "PSAOAI" {
            "Check the PSAOAI module installation and the deployment environment variable. Ensure the API key and endpoint are correctly configured."
        "UnauthorizedAccessException" {
            "Check the file permissions and ensure you have the necessary access rights to the file or directory."
        "IOException" {
            "Ensure the file path is correct and the file is not being used by another process."
        "(403)" {
            "I recommend checking your API key, permissions, and any other relevant settings. You might also want to consult the Azure documentation or seek assistance from the Azure support team."
        '(429)' {
            "Too many requests have been made to the server in a short period. Implement rate limiting or exponential backoff in your requests. Consider reviewing the API's rate limit guidelines and ensure your application adheres to them."
        default {
            "Refer to the error message and stack trace for more details. Consult the official documentation or seek help from the community."

    # Capture detailed error information
    $errorDetails = [ordered]@{
        Timestamp         = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
        ErrorMessage      = $ErrorRecord.Exception.Message
        ExceptionType     = $ErrorRecord.Exception.GetType().FullName
        ErrorContext      = $ErrorContext
        Suggestions       = $Suggestions
        ScriptFullName    = $MyInvocation.ScriptName
        LineNumber        = $MyInvocation.ScriptLineNumber
        StackTrace        = $ErrorRecord.ScriptStackTrace
        UserName          = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name
        MachineName       = $env:COMPUTERNAME
        PowerShellVersion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString()

    } | ConvertTo-Json

    # Display the error details and suggestions
    #Write-Host "-- Error: $($ErrorRecord.Exception.Message)"
    Write-Host "-- Context: $ErrorContext" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Write-Host "-- Suggestions: $suggestions" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    Write-Host "-- Error: $($ErrorRecord.Exception.Message)" -ForegroundColor Yellow

    # Log the error details if LogFilePath is provided
    if ($LogFilePath) {
        $errorDetails | Out-File -FilePath $LogFilePath -Append -Force
        if (Test-Path -Path $LogFilePath) {
            Write-Host "-- Error details have been saved to the file: $LogFilePath" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        else {
            Write-Host "-- The specified log file path does not exist: $LogFilePath" -ForegroundColor Red

function Invoke-LLMChatCompletion {
    param (

    try {
        # Check if verbose prompts are enabled and display them
        if ($GlobalState.VerbosePrompt) {
            Write-Host "System Prompt: $SystemPrompt" -ForegroundColor DarkMagenta
            Write-Host "User Prompt: $UserPrompt" -ForegroundColor DarkMagenta

        # Switch between different LLM providers based on the provider parameter
        switch ($Provider) {
            "ollama" {
                # Verbose message for invoking Ollama model
                Write-Verbose "Invoking Ollama model completion function."
                # Invoke the Ollama model completion function
                $response = Invoke-AIPSTeamOllamaCompletion -SystemPrompt $SystemPrompt -UserPrompt $UserPrompt -Temperature $Temperature -TopP $TopP -ollamaModel $ollamamodel -Stream $Stream
                return $response
            "LMStudio" {
                # Verbose message for invoking LMStudio model
                Write-Verbose "Invoking LMStudio chat completion function."
                # Handle streaming for LMStudio provider
                # Invoke the LMStudio chat completion function
                $response = Invoke-AIPSTeamLMStudioChatCompletion -SystemPrompt $SystemPrompt -UserPrompt $UserPrompt -Temperature $Temperature -TopP $TopP -Stream $Stream -ApiKey $script:lmstudioApiKey -endpoint $script:lmstudioApiBase -Model $script:LMStudioModel
                return $response
            "OpenAI" {
                # Verbose message for unsupported LLM provider
                Write-Verbose "Unsupported LLM provider: $Provider."
                # Throw an exception for unsupported LLM provider
                throw "-- Unsupported LLM provider: $Provider. This provider is not implemented yet."
            "AzureOpenAI" {
                # Verbose message for invoking Azure OpenAI model
                Write-Verbose "Invoking Azure OpenAI chat completion function."
                # Invoke the Azure OpenAI chat completion function
                $response = Invoke-AIPSTeamAzureOpenAIChatCompletion -SystemPrompt $SystemPrompt -UserPrompt $UserPrompt -Temperature $Temperature -TopP $TopP -Stream $Stream -LogFolder $LogFolder -Deployment $DeploymentChat -MaxTokens $MaxTokens
                return $response
            default {
                # Verbose message for unknown LLM provider
                Write-Verbose "Unknown LLM provider: $Provider."
                # Throw an exception for unknown LLM provider
                throw "!! Unknown LLM provider: $Provider"
    catch {
        # Log the error and rethrow it with additional context
        $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        $errorMessage = "Error in ${functionName}: $_"
        Write-Error $errorMessage
        Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function" -LogFilePath (Join-Path $LogFolder "ERROR.txt")
        throw $_

function Invoke-AIPSTeamAzureOpenAIChatCompletion {
    param (

    try {
        # Log the input parameters for debugging purposes
        Write-Verbose "SystemPrompt: $SystemPrompt"
        Write-Verbose "UserPrompt: $UserPrompt"
        Write-Verbose "Temperature: $Temperature"
        Write-Verbose "TopP: $TopP"
        Write-Verbose "MaxTokens: $MaxTokens"
        Write-Verbose "Stream: $Stream"
        Write-Verbose "LogFolder: $LogFolder"
        Write-Verbose "Deployment: $Deployment"

        # Notify the start of the Azure OpenAI process
        Write-Host "++ Initiating Azure OpenAI process for deployment: $Deployment..."
        if ($Stream) {
            Write-Host "++ Streaming mode enabled." -ForegroundColor Blue

        # Invoke the Azure OpenAI chat completion function
        $response = PSAOAI\Invoke-PSAOAIChatCompletion -SystemPrompt $SystemPrompt -usermessage $UserPrompt -Temperature $Temperature -TopP $TopP -LogFolder $LogFolder -Deployment $Deployment -User "AIPSTeam" -Stream $Stream -simpleresponse -OneTimeUserPrompt

        if ($Stream) {
            Write-Host "++ Streaming completed." -ForegroundColor Blue
        Write-Host "++ Azure OpenAI process initiated successfully for deployment: $Deployment."

        # Check if the response is null or empty
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($response)) {
            $errorMessage = "The response from Azure OpenAI API is null or empty."
            Write-Error $errorMessage
            throw $errorMessage

        # Log the successful response
        Write-Verbose "Azure OpenAI API response received successfully."

        return $response
    catch {
        # Log the error and rethrow it with additional context
        $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        $errorMessage = "Error in ${functionName}: $_"
        Write-Error $errorMessage
        Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function" -LogFilePath (Join-Path $LogFolder "ERROR.txt")
        throw $_

function Invoke-AIPSTeamOllamaCompletion {
    param (

    # Define options for the Ollama API call
    $ollamaOptions = [pscustomobject]@{
        temperature = $Temperature
        top_p       = $TopP

    # Construct the JSON payload for the Ollama API request
    $ollamaJson = [pscustomobject]@{
        model   = $ollamaModel
        prompt  = $SystemPrompt + "`n" + $UserPrompt
        options = $ollamaOptions
        stream  = $Stream
    } | ConvertTo-Json

    # Ensure the Ollama endpoint ends with a '/'
    if (-not $script:ollamaEndpoint.EndsWith('/')) {
        $script:ollamaEndpoint += '/'
    Write-Verbose "Constructed JSON payload for Ollama API: $ollamaJson"

    # Define the URL for the Ollama API endpoint
    $url = "$($script:ollamaEndpoint)api/generate"
    Write-Verbose "Ollama API endpoint URL: $url"

    # Notify the user that the Ollama model is processing
    Write-Host "++ Ollama model ($ollamaModel) is processing your request..."

    # Check if streaming is enabled and handle accordingly
    if ($Stream) {
        # Initialize HttpClientHandler with specific configurations for streaming
        $httpClientHandler = [System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler]::new()
        $httpClientHandler.AllowAutoRedirect = $false
        $httpClientHandler.UseCookies = $false
        $httpClientHandler.AutomaticDecompression = [System.Net.DecompressionMethods]::GZip -bor [System.Net.DecompressionMethods]::Deflate
        # Create HttpClient using the handler
        $httpClient = [System.Net.Http.HttpClient]::new($httpClientHandler)
        # Prepare the content of the HTTP request
        $content = [System.Net.Http.StringContent]::new($ollamaJson, [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8, "application/json")
        # Create and configure the HTTP request message
        $request = New-Object System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage ([System.Net.Http.HttpMethod]::Post, $url)
        $request.Content = $content
        # Send the HTTP request and read the headers of the response
        $response = $httpClient.SendAsync($request, [System.Net.Http.HttpCompletionOption]::ResponseHeadersRead).Result
        # Stream the response using StreamReader
        $reader = [System.IO.StreamReader]::new($response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().Result)
        # Initialize variable to accumulate the response text
        $completeText = ""
        Write-Host "++ Streaming" -ForegroundColor Blue

        # Read and process each line of the response stream
        while ($null -ne ($line = $reader.ReadLine()) -or (-not $reader.EndOfStream)) {
            try {
                $line = ($line | ConvertFrom-Json)
            catch {
                Write-Error "Error parsing JSON: $_"
            if (-not $line.done) {
                $delta = $line.response
                $completeText += $delta
                Write-Host $delta -NoNewline -ForegroundColor White
        Write-Host ""
        $completeText += "`n"
        # Output the complete streamed text
        if ($VerbosePreference -eq "Continue") {
            Write-Host "++ Streaming completed. Full text: $completeText" -ForegroundColor DarkBlue
        else {
            Write-Host "++ Streaming completed." -ForegroundColor Blue

        # Clean up resources

        $response = $completeText
    else {
        # Send a non-streaming HTTP POST request and parse the response
        $response = Invoke-WebRequest -Method POST -Body $ollamaJson -Uri $url -UseBasicParsing
        $response = $response.Content | ConvertFrom-Json | Select-Object -ExpandProperty response

    # Log the interaction details
    $logEntry = @{
        Timestamp    = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
        SystemPrompt = $SystemPrompt
        UserPrompt   = $UserPrompt
        Response     = $response
    } | ConvertTo-Json

    Write-Host "++ Ollama model ($ollamaModel) has successfully processed your request."

    return $response.Trim('"')

function Invoke-AIPSTeamLMStudioChatCompletion {
    param (
        [int]$timeoutSec = 240,
    $response = ""

    # Define headers for the HTTP request
    $headers = @{
        "Content-Type"  = "application/json"
        "Authorization" = "Bearer $ApiKey"

    # Construct the JSON body for the request
    $bodyJSON = [ordered]@{
        'model'       = $Model
        'messages'    = @(
                'role'    = 'system'
                'content' = $SystemPrompt
                'role'    = 'user'
                'content' = $UserPrompt
        'temperature' = $Temperature
        'top_p'       = $TopP
        'stream'      = $Stream
        'max_tokens'  = $GlobalState.maxtokens
    } | ConvertTo-Json

    Write-Verbose "Request Body JSON: $bodyJSON"

    # Inform the user that the request is being processed
    $InfoText = "++ LM Studio" + $(if ($Model) { " model ($Model)" } else { "" }) + " is processing your request..."
    Write-Host $InfoText

    $url = "$($endpoint)chat/completions"

    # Check if streaming is enabled and handle accordingly
    if ($Stream) {
        # Create an instance of HttpClientHandler and disable buffering
        $httpClientHandler = [System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler]::new()
        $httpClientHandler.AllowAutoRedirect = $false
        $httpClientHandler.UseCookies = $false
        $httpClientHandler.AutomaticDecompression = [System.Net.DecompressionMethods]::GZip -bor [System.Net.DecompressionMethods]::Deflate
        # Create an instance of HttpClient
        $httpClient = [System.Net.Http.HttpClient]::new($httpClientHandler)
        # Set the required headers
        $httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("api-key", $ApiKey)
        # Set the timeout for the HttpClient
        $httpClient.Timeout = New-TimeSpan -Seconds $timeoutSec
        # Create the HttpContent object with the request body
        $content = [System.Net.Http.StringContent]::new($bodyJSON, [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8, "application/json")
        $request = New-Object System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage ([System.Net.Http.HttpMethod]::Post, $url)
        $request.Content = $content
        # Send the HTTP POST request asynchronously with HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead
        $response = $httpClient.SendAsync($request, [System.Net.Http.HttpCompletionOption]::ResponseHeadersRead).Result
        # Ensure the request was successful
        if (-not $response.IsSuccessStatusCode) {
            Write-Host "-- Response was not successful: $($response.StatusCode) - $($response.ReasonPhrase)"
        # Get the response stream
        $stream_ = $response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync().Result
        $reader = [System.IO.StreamReader]::new($stream_)
        Write-Host "++ Streaming." -ForegroundColor Blue

        # Initialize the completeText variable
        $completeText = ""
        while ($null -ne ($line = $reader.ReadLine()) -or (-not $reader.EndOfStream)) {
            # Check if the line starts with "data: " and is not "data: [DONE]"
            if ($line.StartsWith("data: ") -and $line -ne "data: [DONE]") {
                # Extract the JSON part from the line
                $jsonPart = $line.Substring(6)    
                if ($completeText.EndsWith('+')) {
                    $completeText = $completeText.Substring(0, $completeText.Length - 1)
                try {
                    # Parse the JSON part
                    $parsedJson = $jsonPart | ConvertFrom-Json
                    # Extract the text and append it to the complete text - Chat Completion
                    $delta = $parsedJson.choices[0].delta.content
                    $completeText += $delta
                    Write-Host $delta -NoNewline -ForegroundColor White
                catch {
                    Write-Error "Error parsing JSON: $_"
        Write-Host ""
        $completeText += "`n"
        if ($VerbosePreference -eq "Continue") {
            Write-Verbose "Streaming completed. Full text: $completeText"
        else {
            Write-Host "++ Streaming completed." -ForegroundColor Blue
        # Clean up

        $response = $completeText
    else {
        # Send a non-streaming HTTP POST request and parse the response
        $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($endpoint)chat/completions" -Headers $headers -Method POST -Body $bodyJSON -TimeoutSec $timeoutSec
        $response = $($response.Choices[0].message.content).trim()

    # Log the prompt and response to the log file
    $logEntry = @{
        Timestamp    = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
        SystemPrompt = $SystemPrompt
        UserPrompt   = $UserPrompt
        Response     = $response
    } | ConvertTo-Json
    # Log the summary
    $InfoText = "++ LM Studio" + $(if ($Model) { " model ($Model)" } else { "" }) + " has successfully processed your request."
    Write-Host $InfoText

    return $response

function Invoke-BingWebSearch {
    param (
        [string]$query, # The search query

        [string]$language = "en-US", # The language for the search results
        [int]$count  # The number of search results to return

    # Ensure the API key is provided, prompt the user if not
    while ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($apiKey) -or [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($apiKey)) {
        $apiKey = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter your AZURE Bing API key"
        if ($apiKey) {
            [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_BING_API_KEY", $apiKey, "User")
            Write-Verbose "API key set successfully."

    # Ensure the endpoint is provided, prompt the user if not
    while ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($endpoint) -or [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($endpoint)) {
        $endpoint = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter the AZURE Bing Web Search Endpoint"
        if ($endpoint) {
            [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_BING_SEARCH_ENDPOINT", $endpoint, "User")
            Write-Verbose "Endpoint set successfully."
    # Define the headers for the API request
    $headers = @{
        "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key" = $apiKey
        "Pragma"                    = "no-cache"
    Write-Verbose "Headers defined for the API request."

    # If the query length is greater than the maximum allowed, truncate it
    $maxqueryLength = 120
    if ($query.Length -gt $maxqueryLength) {
        Write-Host "Query length is greater than $maxqueryLength characters. Truncating the query."
        $query = $query.Substring(0, $maxqueryLength)
        Write-Verbose "Query truncated to $maxqueryLength characters."
    # Define the parameters for the API request
    $params = @{
        "q"     = $query
        "mkt"   = $language
        "count" = $count
    Write-Verbose "Parameters defined for the API request."

    # Ensure the endpoint is provided, prompt the user if not
    while ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Endpoint)) {
        $Endpoint = Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter the AZURE Bing Web Search Endpoint"
    [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_BING_SEARCH_ENDPOINT", $Endpoint, "User")
    $endpoint += "v7.0/search"
    Write-Verbose "Final endpoint set to $endpoint."
    # Disable the Expect100Continue behavior to avoid delays in sending data
    [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::Expect100Continue = $false
    Write-Verbose "Expect100Continue behavior disabled."
    # Disable the Nagle algorithm to improve performance for small data packets
    [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::UseNagleAlgorithm = $false
    Write-Verbose "Nagle algorithm disabled."
    # Set the security protocol to TLS 1.2 for secure communication
    [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
    Write-Verbose "Security protocol set to TLS 1.2."
    try {
        # Make the API request to Bing Search
        Write-Verbose "Making API request to Bing Search."
        Write-Host "++ Status: Initiating Bing Search API request..." -ForegroundColor Cyan
        $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $endpoint -Headers $headers -Method Get -Body $params

        # Check if the response contains web pages
        if ($null -eq $response.webPages.value) {
            Write-Warning "No web pages found for the query: $query"
            Write-Host "++ Status: No web pages found for the query: $query" -ForegroundColor Yellow
            return $null
        # Display the status for the user
        Write-Host "++ Status: Bing Search API request completed successfully." -ForegroundColor Green
        Write-Host "++ Status: Number of web pages found: $($response.webPages.value.Count)" -ForegroundColor Green

        Write-Verbose "API request successful. Returning search results."

        # Return the search results
        return $response.webPages.value
    catch [System.Net.WebException] {
        # Handle web exceptions (e.g., network issues)
        Write-Warning "Network error occurred during Bing search: $_"
        $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function" -LogFilePath (Join-Path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "ERROR.txt")
        Throw $_
    catch [System.Exception] {
        # Handle all other exceptions
        Write-Warning "An error occurred during Bing search: $_"
        $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function" -LogFilePath (Join-Path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "ERROR.txt")
        Throw $_

function Remove-StringDirtyData {
    param (

    Write-Verbose "Starting to clean the input string."

    # Remove leading and trailing whitespace
    Write-Verbose "Removing leading and trailing whitespace."
    $cleanedString = $inputString.Trim()

    # Remove multiple spaces and replace with a single space
    Write-Verbose "Replacing multiple spaces with a single space."
    $cleanedString = $cleanedString -replace '\s+', ' '

    # Remove any non-printable characters
    Write-Verbose "Removing non-printable characters."
    $cleanedString = $cleanedString -replace '[^\x20-\x7E]', ''

    # Remove &nbsp; entities
    Write-Verbose "Removing &nbsp; entities."
    $cleanedString = $cleanedString -replace '&nbsp;', ' '

    # Remove HTML tags
    Write-Verbose "Removing HTML tags."
    $cleanedString = $cleanedString -replace '<[^>]*>', ''

    # Decode HTML entities
    Write-Verbose "Decoding HTML entities."
    $cleanedString = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::HtmlDecode($cleanedString)
    # Remove URLs (optional)
    Write-Verbose "Removing URLs."
    $cleanedString = $cleanedString -replace 'http[s]?://\S+', ''

    # Remove empty lines
    Write-Verbose "Removing empty lines."
    $cleanedString = $cleanedString -replace '^\s*$\n', ''

    # Convert the string to an array of lines
    Write-Verbose "Converting the string to an array of lines."
    $lines = $cleanedString -split "`n"

    # Remove empty lines
    Write-Verbose "Removing empty lines from the array of lines."
    $lines = $lines | Where-Object { $_.Trim() -ne "" }

    # Join the lines back into a single string
    Write-Verbose "Joining the lines back into a single string."
    $cleanedString = $lines -join "`n"

    #region Cleaning RAG Raw Data
    # This section is responsible for cleaning raw data obtained from RAG (Retrieve and Generate) processes.
    # The goal is to ensure that the text is free from artifacts, irregular spacing, and formatting issues
    # that may have resulted from HTML removal or other preprocessing steps.
    # The cleaned text should be readable, well-formatted, and maintain its original structure and meaning.
    # The cleaning process involves removing HTML entities, excessive blank lines, and other artifacts,
    # as well as correcting spacing issues, standardizing quotation marks, and ensuring proper capitalization.
    # The cleaned text is then processed by an LLM (Language Learning Model) to further refine and ensure
    # the quality of the output.
    #endregion Cleaning RAG Raw Data
    Write-Host "++ Cleaning RAG Raw Data: Ensuring the text is free from artifacts, irregular spacing, and formatting issues." -ForegroundColor Cyan
    # Define the LLM system prompt for cleaning the string
    $LLMSystemPrompt = @"
You are an expert text processor specializing in cleaning and formatting web content. Your task is to process text that originally came from HTML but has already had its HTML tags removed. The text still contains artifacts, irregular spacing, meta content, sidebar content or formatting issues from the HTML removal process. Your goal is to produce clean, readable text.
In your processing you must:
1. Remove all HTML entities (e.g., &nbsp;, &amp;, &#39;) and replace them with their corresponding characters. Use a comprehensive list of HTML entities for reference.
2. Normalize line breaks:
   - Reduce multiple consecutive blank lines to a single blank line for paragraph separation.
   - Preserve intentional line breaks for structured content like addresses, poetry, or code snippets.
   - Remove unnecessary line breaks within paragraphs, joining split sentences.
3. Clean up HTML artifacts:
   - Remove any remaining HTML tags, including partial or malformed tags.
   - Eliminate stray brackets, braces, or other syntax-related characters that don't belong in plain text.
4. Standardize spacing:
   - Ensure single spaces after punctuation marks (periods, commas, colons, etc.).
   - Remove extra spaces between words.
   - Eliminate leading or trailing spaces on each line.
5. Normalize quotation marks and apostrophes:
   - Use straight quotes (' and ") consistently throughout the text.
   - Ensure apostrophes are used correctly for contractions and possessives.
6. Correct capitalization:
   - Capitalize the first letter of each sentence.
   - Preserve intentional capitalization for proper nouns, acronyms, and titles.
7. Remove redundancies:
   - Eliminate repeated words or phrases that likely resulted from improper tag removal or formatting issues.
   - Be cautious not to remove intentional repetition for emphasis or stylistic purposes.
8. Format lists consistently:
   - Identify and standardize bulleted and numbered lists.
   - Ensure consistent indentation and formatting for list items.
   - Convert HTML list structures to plain text equivalents if necessary.
9. Correct spelling and encoding errors:
   - Fix obvious spelling mistakes, especially those resulting from character encoding issues.
   - Be cautious with proper nouns or specialized terminology.
10. Standardize punctuation:
    - Use consistent em-dashes, en-dashes, and hyphens.
    - Ensure correct usage of semicolons, colons, and other punctuation marks.
11. Preserve or convert special formatting:
    - Maintain emphasis (bold, italic) using plain text conventions (e.g., *asterisks* or _underscores_) if appropriate for the output format.
    - Convert simple tables to a readable plain text format if encountered.
12. Handle URLs and email addresses:
    - Ensure hyperlinks are visible and properly formatted in plain text.
    - Preserve the integrity of email addresses and web URLs.
13. Normalize number and date formats:
    - Standardize numerical representations (e.g., consistent use of commas or periods for thousands separators).
    - Use a consistent date format throughout the document.
14. Remove or replace non-printable characters:
    - Eliminate null characters, form feeds, and other control characters.
    - Replace tabs with appropriate spacing.
15. Final consistency check:
    - Ensure overall consistency in formatting choices throughout the document.
    - Verify that the cleaning process hasn't introduced new errors or inconsistencies.

    # Define the user prompt with the input string
    $LLMUserPrompt = @"
Web content:
Present the cleaned text only, maintaining its original structure and meaning as much as possible.

    # Invoke the LLM to clean the string
    try {
        Write-Verbose "Invoking LLM to clean the string."

        # Invoke the LLMChatCompletion function with the necessary parameters
        $CleanedString = Invoke-LLMChatCompletion -Provider $GlobalState.LLMProvider `
            -SystemPrompt $LLMSystemPrompt `
            -UserPrompt $LLMUserPrompt `
            -Temperature 0.1 `
            -TopP 0.1 `
            -MaxTokens $GlobalState.MaxTokens `
            -Stream $false `
            -LogFolder $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder `
            -DeploymentChat $script:DeploymentChat `
            -ollamaModel $script:ollamaModel

        Write-Host "++ Cleaning RAG Raw Data: Finished." -ForegroundColor Cyan
        return $CleanedString
    catch {
        $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function" -LogFilePath (Join-Path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "ERROR.txt")
        Write-Host "-- An error occurred while invoking the LLM to clean the string." -ForegroundColor DarkYellow

function Invoke-RAG {
    param (
        [int]$MaxCount = 2
    $RAGResponse = $null
    $ShortenedUserInput = ""
    try {
        Write-Verbose "Starting Invoke-RAG function."

        # Define the system prompt for the RAG agent
        $RAGSystemPrompt = @"
You are a Web Search Query Manager. Your task is to suggest the best query for the Azure Bing Web Search API based on the user's input. To create an effective query, summarize the given text and follow these best practices:
1. Use specific keywords: Choose concise and precise terms that clearly define the search intent to increase result relevance.
2. Utilize advanced operators: Leverage operators like 'AND', 'OR', and 'NOT' to refine queries. Use 'site:' for domain-specific searches.
3. Remove quotation marks or other special characters from the beginning and end of the query.
Your response should be a short, optimized Web query with a few terms based on the user's input.
Examples of well-formed queries:
- 'Powershell, code review, script parsing OR analyzing'
- 'Powershell code AND psscriptanalyzer'
- 'Powershell AND azure data logger AND event log'
You must respond with the optimized query only ready to be invoked in search engine.

        Write-Verbose "RAG system prompt defined."

        # Create an optimized web search query based on the following text
        $RAGUserPrompt = @"
User input:

        # Process the user input with the RAG agent and trim the result
        $ShortenedUserInput = ($RAGAgent.ProcessInput($RAGUserPrompt, $RAGSystemPrompt)).trim()

        Write-Verbose "RAG agent processed the input and returned a shortened user input."

        Write-Host ">> RAG is active. Enhancing AI Agent data..." -ForegroundColor Green

        # Check if the shortened user input is not empty
        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ShortenedUserInput)) {
            Write-Verbose "Shortened user input is not empty. Proceeding with web search."

            try {
                # Define the log file path for storing the query
                $LogFilePath = Join-Path -Path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder -ChildPath "azurebingqueries.log"
                Write-Verbose "Log file path defined: $LogFilePath"

                # Append the shortened user input to the log file with a date prefix in professional log style
                $DatePrefix = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
                $LogEntry = "$DatePrefix - Query: $ShortenedUserInput"
                Add-Content -Path $LogFilePath -Value $LogEntry
                Write-Verbose "Log entry added: $LogEntry"

                # Perform the web search using the shortened user input
                $WebResults = Invoke-BingWebSearch -query $ShortenedUserInput -count $MaxCount -apiKey ([System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_BING_API_KEY", "User")) -endpoint ([System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_BING_SEARCH_ENDPOINT", "User"))
                Write-Verbose "Web search performed with query: $ShortenedUserInput"
            catch {
                Write-Error "Error occurred during web search or logging: $_"
                throw $_
        else {
            # Throw an error if the query is empty
            Write-Error "The query is empty. Unable to perform web search."
            throw "The query is empty. Unable to perform web search."

        # Check if web results are returned
        if ($WebResults) {
            Write-Verbose "Web results returned. Extracting and cleaning text content."

            try {
                # Extract and clean text content from the web results
                $WebResultsText = ($WebResults | ForEach-Object {
                        $HtmlContent = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $_.url
                        $TextContent = ($HtmlContent.Content | PowerHTML\ConvertFrom-HTML).innerText
                ) -join "`n`n"
                Write-Verbose "Text content extracted and cleaned from web results."
            catch {
                Write-Error "Error occurred while extracting or cleaning web results: $_"
                throw $_
        else {
            Write-Verbose "No web results returned."

        # Process the cleaned web results text with the project manager's input processing function
        $RAGuserinput = @"
Please analyze the following text through the lens of this description: '$userinput'
Text to analyze:
$($(Remove-StringDirtyData -inputString $webResultsText).trim())
Provide your analysis in the following format:
1. Key Information: List the most important facts or points from the text, relevant to the given description.
2. Insights: Offer any notable thoughts or interpretations based on the text and context.
3. Questions: Generate relevant questions that arise from the analysis, which could lead to further exploration of the topic.
Ensure your response is focused and directly related to the provided description.

        $RAGresponse = $RAGAgent.ProcessInput($RAGuserinput, $prompt)
        if ($RAGresponse) {
            Write-Host "++ RAG is active. The AI Agent has been successfully updated with the latest data." -ForegroundColor Green
        # Return the response generated by the project manager
        return $RAGresponse
    catch {
        # Log the error and rethrow it
        #$this.AddLogEntry("Error in Invoke-RAG:`n$_")
        #throw $_
        $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function" -LogFilePath (Join-Path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "ERROR.txt")
        #Write-Warning $_
        Write-Host "-- No RAG data available to augment." -ForegroundColor DarkYellow

function Get-Ollama {
    Checks the status of Ollama installation, process, and running models.
    This function performs several checks related to Ollama:
    1. Verifies if Ollama is installed and available in the system PATH.
    2. Checks if the Ollama process is currently running.
    3. Retrieves and displays information about the models currently running in Ollama.
    Author: Voytas75
    Date: 2024.07.10

    # Check if Ollama is installed
    $ollamaPath = Test-OllamaInstalled
    if (-not $ollamaPath) {
        Write-Host "-- Ollama is not installed or not in PATH."
        return $false
    Write-Host "++ Ollama is installed at: $ollamaPath"

    # Check if Ollama is running
    $ollamaProcess = Test-OllamaRunning
    if (-not $ollamaProcess) {
        Write-Host "-- Ollama is not currently running."
        return Start-OllamaInNewConsole
    if ($ollamaProcess.Count -gt 1) {
        Write-Host "++ Multiple Ollama processes are running with PID(s): $($ollamaProcess.Id -join ', ')"
    else {
        Write-Host "++ Ollama is running with PID: $($ollamaProcess.Id)"

    # Check what model is running
    try {
    catch {
        Write-Host "-- Failed to retrieve model information from /api/tags: $_"
        return $false

    # Additional check for running model information
    try {
        # Example usage of Test-OllamaRunningModel and Start-OllamaModel
        # Test-OllamaRunningModel checks if any model is running
        # Start-OllamaModel starts a model if none is running
        return Start-OllamaModel
    catch {
        Write-Host "-- Failed to retrieve additional model information from /api/ps: $_"

function Get-OllamaModels {
        Lists all available models in the local Ollama repository.
        This function retrieves and lists all models available in the local Ollama repository by making a GET request to the /api/tags endpoint.
        Author: voytas75
        Date: 2024.07.10

    try {
        # Make a GET request to the /api/tags endpoint to retrieve model information
        $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($script:ollamaEndpoint)api/tags" -Method Get
        if ($response.models) {
            Write-Host "++ Models:"
            # Iterate through each model and output its name and size
            $response.models | ForEach-Object {
                $sizeInGB = [math]::Round($_.size / 1GB, 2)
                Write-Host "- $($ (Size: $sizeInGB GB)"
        else {
            Write-Host "-- No models in local repository."
            return $false
    catch {
        Write-Host "-- Failed to retrieve model information from /api/tags: $_"
        return $false

function Start-OllamaInNewConsole {
        Starts Ollama in a new minimized console window.
        This function starts the Ollama application in a new minimized console window using the Start-Process cmdlet.
        It ensures that Ollama is installed and available in the system PATH before attempting to start it.
        Author: voytas75
        Date: 2024.07.10

    # Check if Ollama is installed
    $ollamaPath = Get-Command ollama -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    if (-not $ollamaPath) {
        #Write-Host "Ollama is not installed or not in PATH."
        return $false

    # Start Ollama in a new minimized console window
    try {
        Start-Process -FilePath "cmd.exe" -ArgumentList "/k", "$ollamaPath start" -WindowStyle Minimized
        Write-Host "++ Ollama has been started in a new minimized console window."
        return $true
    catch {
        Write-Host "-- Failed to start Ollama in a new minimized console window: $_"
        return $false

function Test-OllamaRunningModel {
    Tests if any models are currently running in Ollama and retrieves their information.
    This function checks if any models are currently running in Ollama by making a GET request to the /api/ps endpoint.
    If models are running, it outputs their names and sizes. If no models are running, it provides instructions on how to start a model.
    Author: Voytas75
    Date: 2024.07.10

    try {
        # Make a GET request to the /api/ps endpoint to retrieve running model information
        $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($script:ollamaEndpoint)api/ps" -Method Get
        if ($response.models) {
            if (-not $NOInfo) {
                Write-Host "++ Ollama is running the following models: " -NoNewline
            # Iterate through each model and output its name and size
            $script:ollamaModels = $response.models
            $ollamaRunningModels = @()
            foreach ($model in $script:ollamaModels) {
                if (-not $NOInfo) {
                    $sizeInGB = [math]::Round($model.size / 1GB, 2)
                    $ollamaRunningModels += "$($ (Size: $sizeInGB GB)"
            Write-Host $($ollamaRunningModels -join ',')

            # Choose and return the first model
            $firstModel = $script:ollamaModels[0]
            $script:ollamamodel = $
            $env:OLLAMA_MODEL = $script:ollamamodel
            [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('OLLAMA_MODEL', $firstModel.Name, 'User')
            return $firstModel.Name
        else {
            if (-not $NOInfo) {
                Write-Host "-- No models are currently running in Ollama."
            #Write-Host "To run a model in Ollama, use the following command:"
            #Write-Host "ollama run <model-name>"
            return $false
    catch {
        Write-Host "-- Failed to retrieve model information from Ollama: $_"

function Start-OllamaModel {
    Starts a model in Ollama if no model is currently running.
    This function checks if Ollama is installed and available in the system PATH.
    It then verifies if any model is currently running in Ollama. If no model is running,
    it prompts the user to select a model from the available models and starts it.
    Author: Voytas75
    Date: 2024.07.10

    # Get the path of the Ollama executable
    #$ollamaPath = (Get-Command ollama -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Source
    $ollamaPath = Test-OllamaInstalled
    if (-not $ollamaPath) {
        Write-Host "-- Ollama is not found in PATH. Make sure it's installed and in your system PATH."
        #return $false
        # ollama can be run on remote computer

    try {
        # Check if any model is currently running
        $runningModel = Test-OllamaRunningModel -NOInfo
        if ($runningModel) {
            Write-Host "++ Model '$runningModel' is already running."
            [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('OLLAMA_MODEL', $runningModel, 'user')
            $script:ollamaModel = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('OLLAMA_MODEL', 'user')
            return $script:ollamaModel

        # Make a GET request to the /api/tags endpoint to retrieve available models
        $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($script:ollamaEndpoint)api/tags" -Method Get
        if ($response.models) {
            #Write-Host "Available Models:"
            # List available models
            $models = $response.models | ForEach-Object { $ }
            #$models | ForEach-Object { Write-Host "- $_" }

            # Check if the environment variable 'ollama_model' is set
            if ([System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('OLLAMA_MODEL', 'user')) {
                #$ModelName = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('OLLAMA_MODEL','user')
                if ($models -notcontains [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('OLLAMA_MODEL', 'user')) {
                    Write-Host "-- Invalid model name specified in environment variable 'ollama_model'. Please select a model from the list."
                    [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('OLLAMA_MODEL', '', 'user')
                    $ModelName = [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('OLLAMA_MODEL', '', 'user')
            $script:ollamaModel = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('OLLAMA_MODEL', 'user')
            $ModelName = $script:ollamaModel
            # If 'ollama_model' is not set or invalid, prompt the user to select a model
            if (-not $ModelName) {
                do {
                    $ModelName = Read-Host "Please enter the name of the model you want to start"
                    if ($models -notcontains $ModelName) {
                        Write-Host "-- Invalid model name. Please select a model from the list."
                        $ModelName = $null
                } while (-not $ModelName)

            # Start the selected model using a new PowerShell process
            #Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList "-NoExit", "-Command", "& '$ollamaPath' run $ModelName"
            Write-Host "++ Starting with $ModelName"
            Start-Process -FilePath "cmd.exe" -ArgumentList "/k", "$ollamaPath run $ModelName" -WindowStyle Minimized
            [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('OLLAMA_MODEL', $ModelName, 'user')
            $script:ollamaModel = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('OLLAMA_MODEL', 'user')
            return $ModelName
        else {
            Write-Host "-- No models are currently available."
    catch {
        Write-Host "-- Failed to retrieve model information from /api/tags: $_"
function Test-OllamaInstalled {
        Tests if Ollama is installed and available in the system PATH.
        This function checks if the 'ollama' executable is available in the system PATH.
        It returns $true if Ollama is installed, and $false otherwise.
        Returns $true if Ollama is installed, otherwise $false.
        Author: voytas75
        Date: 2024.07.10

    param ()

    try {
        $ollamaPath = Get-Command ollama -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if ($ollamaPath) {
            #Write-Host "Ollama is installed at: $($ollamaPath.Source)"
            return $ollamaPath.Source
        else {
            #Write-Host "Ollama is not installed or not in PATH."
            return $false
    catch {
        Write-Host "-- An error occurred while checking for Ollama installation: $_"
        return $false

function Test-OllamaAPI {
        Tests if the Ollama API is currently accessible.
        This function sends a request to the Ollama API endpoint to check if it is accessible and responding.
        It returns $true if the API is accessible, and $false otherwise.
        Returns $true if the Ollama API is accessible, otherwise $false.
        Author: voytas75
        Date: 2024.07.10

    param (
        [string]$apiEndpoint = "$($script:ollamaEndpoint)"

    try {
        $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $apiEndpoint -Method Get -ErrorAction Stop
        if ($response -eq "Ollama is running") {
            #Write-Host "++ Ollama API is accessible."
            return $true
        else {
            Write-Host "-- Ollama API is not accessible or returned an unexpected status."
            return $false
    catch {
        Write-Host "-- An error occurred while checking the Ollama API: $_"
        return $false

function Test-OllamaRunning {
        Tests if the Ollama process is currently running.
        This function checks if the 'ollama' process is currently running on the system.
        It returns $true if the process is running, and $false otherwise.
        Returns $true if the Ollama process is running, otherwise $false.
        Author: voytas75
        Date: 2024.07.10

    param ()

    try {
        $ollamaProcess = Get-Process ollama -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        if ($ollamaProcess) {
            return $ollamaProcess
        else {
            return $false
    catch {
        Write-Host "-- An error occurred while checking if Ollama is running: $_"
        return $false

function Set-EnvOllamaModel {
    param ($model)
    $env:OLLAMA_MODEL = $model
    $script:ollamaModel = $model
    [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('OLLAMA_MODEL', $model, 'User')

function Test-EnsureOllamaModelRunning {
    param ($attempts = 10, $delay = 2)
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $attempts; $i++) {
        $runningModel = Test-OllamaRunningModel
        if ($runningModel) {
            Set-EnvOllamaModel -model $runningModel
            return $true
        Start-Sleep -Seconds $delay
    return $false

function Test-NeedForMoreInfo {
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [double]$positiveLimit = 0.5

    try {
        Write-Verbose "Defining the system prompt and user prompt for the LLM."
        # Define the system prompt and user prompt for the LLM
        $systemPrompt = @"
You are an AI assistant tasked with evaluating user inputs for completeness and clarity. Your job is to determine if more information or context is needed to fully understand or address the user's input for Powershell project.
For user input, respond with a single number between 0,00 and 1,00, where:
0,00 = No additional information or context needed
1,00 = Significant additional information or context needed
Use decimal values between 0,00 and 1,00 to indicate varying degrees of need for more information.
Example 1: 0,25 = Minimal additional information needed
Example 2: 0,5 = Moderate amount of additional information needed
Example 3: 0,75 = Substantial additional information needed
Consider factors such as:
- Clarity of the request or statement
- Specificity of the information provided
- Presence of ambiguous terms or concepts
- Completeness of the context
Provide only the numerical score without any explanation or additional text.

        $userPrompt = "User input: $userInput"

        Write-Verbose "Sending the prompt to the LLM."
        # Send the prompt to the LLM
        #$response = Invoke-LLMChatCompletion -Provider "AzureOpenAI" -SystemPrompt $systemPrompt -UserPrompt $userPrompt -Temperature 0.7 -TopP 1.0 -MaxTokens 50 -Stream $false -LogFolder "C:\Logs" -DeploymentChat "default"
        [string]$response = (Invoke-LLMChatCompletion -Provider $script:GlobalState.LLMProvider -SystemPrompt $systemPrompt -UserPrompt $userPrompt -Temperature 0.7 -TopP 1 -MaxTokens 10 -Stream $false -LogFolder $script:GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder -DeploymentChat $script:DeploymentChat -ollamaModel $script:ollamaModel).trim()
        Write-Verbose "LLM Response: '$response'"
        if ($response -match '\.') {
            $response = $response -replace '\.', ','

        Write-Verbose "Validating and parsing the response from the LLM."
        # Validate and parse the response
        [double]$parsedValue = 0.00
        if (-not [double]::TryParse($response, [ref]$parsedValue)) {
            throw "Invalid response received from LLM. Expected a numeric value but got: '$response'. Please check the LLM configuration and input."

        Write-Verbose "Determining if more information is needed based on the response."
        # Determine if more information is needed and return true or false
        $needMoreInfo = $parsedValue
        return $needMoreInfo -ge $positiveLimit
    catch {
        $functionName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
        Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "$functionName function" -LogFilePath (Join-Path $script:GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "ERROR.txt")
        return $false
#endregion Functions

#region Setting Up
# Save the original UI culture to restore it later
$originalCulture = [Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture

# Set the current UI culture to 'en-US' for consistent behavior
[void]([Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::CreateSpecificCulture('en-US'))

# Check if the PSAOAI module version is at least 0.3.2
if ( Test-ModuleMinVersion -ModuleName PSAOAI -MinimumVersion "0.3.2" ) {
    # Import the PSAOAI module forcefully
    [void](Import-module -name PSAOAI -Force)
else {
    # Display a warning message if the required module version is not installed
    Write-Warning "-- You need to install/update PSAOAI module version >= 0.3.2. Use: 'Install-Module PSAOAI' or 'Update-Module PSAOAI'"

# Disable RAG (Retrieve and Generate) functionality if the NORAG switch is set
$RAG = $true
if ($NORAG) {
    $RAG = $false

if (-not $LoadProjectStatus) {
    # Define a state management object
    $GlobalState = [PSCustomObject]@{
        TeamDiscussionDataFolder = $null
        GlobalResponse           = @()
        FileVersion              = 1
        LastPSDevCode            = ""
        GlobalPSDevResponse      = @()
        OrgUserInput             = ""
        UserInput                = ""
        LogFolder                = ""
        MaxTokens                = $MaxTokens
        VerbosePrompt            = $VerbosePrompt
        NOTips                   = $NOTips
        NOLog                    = $NOLog
        NODocumentator           = $NODocumentator
        NOPM                     = $NOPM
        RAG                      = $RAG
        Stream                   = $Stream
        LLMProvider              = $LLMProvider
    $GlobalState.LogFolder = $LogFolder

# Disabe PSAOAI importing banner
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PSAOAI_BANNER", "0", "User")
$env:PSAOAI_BANNER = "0"


# Check if the UserInput parameter is not provided
if (-not $UserInput) {
    if (-not $LoadProjectStatus) {
        # Prompt the user to enter the PowerShell project description
        $UserInput = Read-Host "Please enter the PowerShell project description"
        # Store the user input in the GlobalState object
        $GlobalState.UserInput = $UserInput

#region ollama
if ($GlobalState.LLMProvider -eq 'ollama' -and (-not $LoadProjectStatus)) {
    $script:ollamaEndpoint = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('OLLAMA_ENDPOINT', 'user')
    if (-not $script:ollamaEndpoint.EndsWith('/')) {
        $script:ollamaEndpoint += '/'

    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($script:ollamaEndpoint)) {
        $defaultEndpoint = 'http://localhost:11434/'
        try {
            $script:ollamaEndpoint = $defaultEndpoint
            $env:OLLAMA_ENDPOINT = $defaultEndpoint
            [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('OLLAMA_ENDPOINT', $defaultEndpoint, 'user')
            if ([System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('OLLAMA_ENDPOINT', 'user')) {
                Write-Host "++ Environment variable 'OLLAMA_ENDPOINT' was set successfully ('$defaultEndpoint'). Set it manually if you need a non-default value: [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('OLLAMA_ENDPOINT', '<your-ollama-api-endpoint>', 'user')" -ForegroundColor Green
        # If setting the variable failed, display an error message
        catch {
            Write-Warning "-- Failed to set environment variable 'OLLAMA_ENDPOINT'."

    if (Test-OllamaAPI) {
        Write-Host "++ Ollama API is reachable."
        # Check if Ollama is running with a model
        $runningModelOllama = Test-OllamaRunningModel
        if ($runningModelOllama) {
            Write-Host "++ Ollama is running with model: $runningModelOllama"
            Set-EnvOllamaModel -model $runningModelOllama
        else {
            Write-Host "-- No models are currently running in Ollama. Please check your Ollama configuration."
    else {
        Write-Warning "-- Ollama API is not reachable. Please check your Ollama installation and configuration."
    Write-Host "If you want to change the model, please delete the OLLAMA_MODEL environment variable or set it to your desired value." -ForegroundColor Magenta
#endregion ollama

#region LMStudio
# Check if the LLM provider is 'lmstudio'
if ($GlobalState.LLMProvider -eq 'lmstudio' -and (-not $LoadProjectStatus)) {
    # Retrieve the LM Studio API key from the environment variables
    $script:lmstudioApiKey = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('OPENAI_API_KEY', 'user')
    # Retrieve the LM Studio API base URL from the environment variables
    $script:lmstudioApiBase = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('OPENAI_API_BASE', 'user')
    $env:OPENAI_API_KEY = $script:lmstudioApiKey
    $env:OPENAI_API_BASE = $script:lmstudioApiBase
    # If the API key is not set, use the default value 'lm-studio' and set it in the environment variables
    if (-not $script:lmstudioApiKey) {
        $script:lmstudioApiKey = 'lm-studio'
        $env:OPENAI_API_KEY = $script:lmstudioApiKey
        [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('OPENAI_API_KEY', $script:lmstudioApiKey, 'user')
        Write-Verbose "++ Default LM Studio API key set to 'lm-studio'"

    # If the API base URL is not set, use the default value 'http://localhost:1234/v1' and set it in the environment variables
    if (-not $script:lmstudioApiBase) {
        $script:lmstudioApiBase = 'http://localhost:1234/v1'
        $env:OPENAI_API_BASE = $script:lmstudioApiBase
        [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('OPENAI_API_BASE', $script:lmstudioApiBase, 'user')
        Write-Verbose "++ Default LM Studio API base set to 'http://localhost:1234/v1'"

    # Ensure the LMStudio endpoint ends with a '/'
    if (-not $script:lmstudioApiBase.EndsWith('/')) {
        $script:lmstudioApiBase += '/'

    try {
        $LMStudioServerResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $script:lmstudioApiBase
        if ($LMStudioServerResponse.statuscode -eq "200") {
            Write-Host "++ LM Studio server is running." -ForegroundColor Green
        else {
            Write-Host "-- LM Studio server not running." -ForegroundColor Yellow
    catch [System.Net.WebException] {
        Write-Warning "LM Studio server is not running or not reachable. Please ensure the server is up and running at $($script:lmstudioApiBase)."
        Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "LM Studio server is not running or not reachable"
        Throw $_
    catch {
        Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorContext "LM Studio server is not running or not reachable"-ErrorRecord $_
    # Test lm-studio for model
    try {
        $LMStudioModelResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$($script:lmstudioApiBase)models" -Method GET
        if ($ -eq 0) {
            Write-Host "-- No models loaded. Please load a model in LM Studio first."
        elseif ($ -gt 1) {
            Write-Host "++ LM Studio is running in Multi Model Session. Only one model can be chosen. Choosing the first one."
        if ($[0].id) {
            $script:LMStudioModel = $[0].id
    catch [System.Net.WebException] {
        Write-Warning "LM Studio server is not running or not reachable. Please ensure the server is up and running at $($script:lmstudioApiBase)."
        Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "LM Studio server is not running or not reachable"
        Throw $_
    catch {
        Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorContext "LM Studio server is not running or not reachable" -ErrorRecord $_
        #Throw $_.Exception.Message

#endregion LMStudio

$scriptname = "AIPSTeam"
if ($LoadProjectStatus) {
    # Check if the provided path is a directory
    if (Test-Path -Path $LoadProjectStatus -PathType Container) {
        # Get all XML files in the specified directory
        $xmlFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $LoadProjectStatus -Filter *.xml
        foreach ($file in $xmlFiles) {
            # Prompt the user to select a file to use as the project status
            $useFile = Read-Host "Do you want to use the file '$($file.FullName)' as the project status? (yes/no)"
            if ($useFile -eq 'yes') {
                # Set the selected file as the project status file
                $LoadProjectStatus = $file.FullName
    try {
        # Load the project state from the specified file
        $GlobalState = Get-ProjectState -FilePath $LoadProjectStatus
        Write-Information "++ Project state loaded successfully from $LoadProjectStatus" -InformationAction Continue
        # Output verbose information about the loaded project state
        Write-Verbose "`$GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder: $($GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder)"
        Write-Verbose "`$GlobalState.FileVersion: $($GlobalState.FileVersion)"
        Write-Verbose "`$GlobalState.LastPSDevCode: $($GlobalState.LastPSDevCode)"
        Write-Verbose "`$GlobalState.GlobalPSDevResponse: $($GlobalState.GlobalPSDevResponse)"
        Write-Verbose "`$GlobalState.GlobalResponse: $($GlobalState.GlobalResponse)"
        Write-Verbose "`$GlobalState.OrgUserInput: $($GlobalState.OrgUserInput)"
        Write-Verbose "`$GlobalState.UserInput: $($GlobalState.UserInput)"
        Write-Verbose "`$GlobalState.LogFolder: $($GlobalState.LogFolder)"
        Write-Verbose "`$GlobalState.MaxTokens: $($GlobalState.MaxTokens)"
        Write-Verbose "`$GlobalState.VerbosePrompt: $($GlobalState.VerbosePrompt)"
        Write-Verbose "`$GlobalState.NOTips: $($GlobalState.NOTips)"
        Write-Verbose "`$GlobalState.NOLog: $($GlobalState.NOLog)"
        Write-Verbose "`$GlobalState.NODocumentator: $($GlobalState.NODocumentator)"
        Write-Verbose "`$GlobalState.NOPM: $($GlobalState.NOPM)"
        Write-Verbose "`$GlobalState.RAG: $($GlobalState.RAG)"
        Write-Verbose "`$GlobalState.Stream: $($GlobalState.Stream)"
        Write-Verbose "`$GlobalState.LLMProvider: $($GlobalState.LLMProvider)"

        Write-Host "Some values of the imported project:"
        Write-Host "Team Discussion Data Folder: $($GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder)"
        Write-Host "Last file Version: $($($GlobalState.FileVersion) - 1)"
        Write-Host "User Input: $($GlobalState.OrgUserInput)"
        Write-Host "Log Folder: $($GlobalState.LogFolder)"
        Write-Host "No Tips: $($GlobalState.NOTips)"
        Write-Host "No Log: $($GlobalState.NOLog)"
        Write-Host "No Documentator: $($GlobalState.NODocumentator)"
        Write-Host "No Project Manager: $($GlobalState.NOPM)"
        Write-Host "RAG: $($GlobalState.RAG)"
        Write-Host "Stream: $($GlobalState.Stream)"
        Write-Host "LLM Provider: $($GlobalState.LLMProvider)"
    catch [System.Exception] {
        # Handle any exceptions that occur during the loading of the project state
        #Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -LogFilePath (Join-Path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "ERROR.txt")
        Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -LogFilePath (Join-Path (split-path -Path $LoadProjectStatus -Parent) "ERROR.txt")
else {
    Try {
        # Get the current date and time in the specified format
        $currentDateTime = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMdd_HHmmss"
        if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($GlobalState.LogFolder)) {
            # Create a folder with the current date and time as the name in the specified log folder path
            $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder = New-FolderAtPath -Path $GlobalState.LogFolder -FolderName $currentDateTime
        else {
            # Set the log folder path to the user's Documents folder with the script name as a subfolder
            $GlobalState.LogFolder = Join-Path -Path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments")) -ChildPath $scriptname
            if (-not (Test-Path -Path $GlobalState.LogFolder)) {
                # Create the log folder if it does not exist
                New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $GlobalState.LogFolder | Out-Null
            Write-Information "++ The logs will be saved in the following folder: $($GlobalState.LogFolder)" -InformationAction Continue
            # Create a folder with the current date and time as the name in the log folder path
            $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder = New-FolderAtPath -Path $GlobalState.LogFolder -FolderName $currentDateTime
        if ($GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder) {
            # Output information about the created team discussion folder
            Write-Information "++ Team discussion folder was created '$($GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder)'" -InformationAction Continue
    Catch {
        # Handle any exceptions that occur during the creation of the discussion folder
        Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "Create discussion folder" -LogFilePath (Join-Path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "ERROR.txt")

        return $false
try {
    $DocumentationFullName = Join-Path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "Documentation.txt" -ErrorAction Stop
    $ProjectfilePath = Join-Path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "Project.xml" -ErrorAction Stop
    Get-CheckForScriptUpdate -currentScriptVersion $AIPSTeamVersion -scriptName $scriptname
catch [System.Exception] {
    # Handle any exceptions that occur during the path joining or script update check
    Update-ErrorHandling -ErrorRecord $_ -ErrorContext "Setting up documentation and project file paths or checking for script update" -LogFilePath (Join-Path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "ERROR.txt")
    return $false
#endregion Setting Up

#region ProjectTeam
# Create ProjectTeam expert objects
$requirementsAnalystRole = "Requirements Analyst"
$requirementsAnalyst = [ProjectTeam]::new(
You are an expert PowerShell {0} with extensive experience in software development, system administration, and IT infrastructure. Your role is to analyze user requirements and prepare clear, actionable guidelines for PowerShell developers.
When creating guidelines, consider the following aspects:
1. Script purpose and functionality
2. Input parameters and data types
3. Expected output and format
4. Error handling and logging requirements
5. Performance considerations
6. Security and compliance requirements
7. Coding standards and best practices
8. Integration with existing systems or scripts
9. Testing and validation criteria
10. Documentation requirements
Your guidelines should be:
- Clear and concise
- Technically accurate
- Aligned with PowerShell best practices
- Scalable and maintainable
Format your response as follows:
1. Project Overview: (Brief summary of the project)
2. Functional Requirements: (List of key functionalities)
3. Technical Specifications: (Detailed technical requirements)
4. Coding Guidelines: (Specific coding standards to follow)
5. Testing and Validation: (Criteria for testing the script)
6. Documentation: (Requirements for inline comments and external documentation)
Ensure your guidelines provide a solid foundation for the PowerShell developer to create an efficient, robust, and maintainable script.
 -f $requirementsAnalystRole,

$domainExpertRole = "Domain Expert"
$domainExpert = [ProjectTeam]::new(
    "Domain Expert",
You are a {0} specializing in PowerShell development for enterprise IT environments. Your role is to provide specialized insights and recommendations to PowerShell Developers, ensuring their scripts and programs align with domain-specific best practices, standards, and requirements.
Your expertise covers:
1. Environment Compatibility:
    - Assess compatibility across various domain environments (cloud, on-premises, hybrid).
    - Validate requirements against industry standards and best practices.
2. Performance, Security, and Optimization:
    - Recommend best practices for performance optimization, including domain-specific metrics.
    - Provide security guidelines to protect data and systems in the target environment.
    - Suggest efficiency-enhancing techniques tailored to the domain.
3. Configuration and Settings:
    - Propose optimal configurations and settings for the domain environment.
    - Ensure recommendations are practical and adhere to industry standards.
4. Domain-Specific Requirements:
    - Outline specific requirements, security standards, and compliance needs.
    - Provide clear, detailed guidance for developers to meet these requirements.
5. Design Review:
    - Evaluate program designs for domain-specific constraints and requirements.
    - Offer feedback to align designs with domain best practices.
When providing insights:
- Be specific and actionable in your recommendations.
- Cite relevant industry standards or best practices where applicable.
- Consider the latest trends and technologies in the domain.
- Anticipate potential challenges specific to the domain and suggest mitigation strategies.
- Ensure your advice promotes scalability, maintainability, and long-term viability of the PowerShell solutions.
Your goal is to guide PowerShell Developers in creating robust, efficient, and domain-compliant solutions that meet the specific needs of the enterprise IT environment.
 -f $domainExpertRole,

$systemArchitectRole = "System Architect"
$systemArchitect = [ProjectTeam]::new(
You are an expert {0} specializing in PowerShell project design. Your role is to create comprehensive, efficient, and scalable architectures for PowerShell projects. Your expertise guides PowerShell Developers in implementing robust and maintainable solutions.
When designing a PowerShell project architecture, you must:
1. Overall Structure:
   - Outline the high-level structure of the program.
   - Define the project's core components and their interactions.
2. Modularity and Functionality:
   - Identify and define necessary modules and functions.
   - Ensure logical separation of concerns and reusability of components.
3. Scalability and Performance:
   - Design for scalability to handle future growth and increased load.
   - Incorporate performance optimization strategies in the architecture.
4. Data Flow and Component Interaction:
   - Define clear data flow patterns between different components.
   - Specify interfaces and communication protocols between modules.
5. Technology Stack:
   - Select appropriate technologies, tools, and PowerShell modules for the project.
   - Justify technology choices based on project requirements and best practices.
6. Coding Standards and Best Practices:
   - Provide guidelines for coding standards specific to PowerShell.
   - Outline best practices for error handling, logging, and documentation.
7. Security Considerations:
   - Incorporate security best practices into the architecture.
   - Address potential security risks and provide mitigation strategies.
8. Documentation:
   - Create detailed architectural design documents.
   - Include diagrams, flowcharts, and textual descriptions of the architecture.
9. Verification and Quality Assurance:
   - Generate a list of verification questions to assess the architecture's completeness and effectiveness.
   - Provide criteria for architectural review and quality assurance.
When presenting your architecture:
- Be clear, concise, and use standard architectural notation where applicable.
- Provide rationale for key design decisions.
- Consider both current requirements and potential future needs.
- Ensure your design promotes maintainability, testability, and ease of deployment.
- Address potential challenges and provide strategies to overcome them.
Your goal is to create a robust, efficient, and future-proof architecture that serves as a solid foundation for PowerShell Developers to build upon.
 -f $systemArchitectRole,

$powerShellDeveloperRole = "PowerShell Developer"
$powerShellDeveloper = [ProjectTeam]::new(
You are an expert {0} with extensive experience in automation, scripting, and system administration. Your role is to write PowerShell code based on requirements provided by other PowerShell Experts.
Context: You are working on a project to automate various IT processes in a large enterprise environment. The code you write will be used by system administrators and must be robust, efficient, and follow best practices.
- Use PowerShell version 5.1 or higher features only.
- Prioritize readability and maintainability over complex one-liners.
Cite any PowerShell cmdlets or techniques you use that are specific to version 5.1 or higher, referencing the official Microsoft documentation where appropriate.
Before finalizing your response, please review your code to ensure it meets all requirements and follows PowerShell best practices.
 -f $powerShellDeveloperRole,

$qaEngineerRole = "Quality Assurance Engineer"
$qaEngineer = [ProjectTeam]::new(
    "QA Engineer",
You are an expert {0} specializing in PowerShell script and module testing. Your role is to rigorously evaluate PowerShell programs to ensure they meet all specified requirements, perform optimally, and are free of bugs. Your expertise is crucial in maintaining high standards of quality and reliability in PowerShell development projects.
When conducting quality assurance for a PowerShell program, you must:
1. Functional Testing:
   - Verify that all features work as intended according to the specifications.
   - Test each function and module individually and as part of the whole system.
   - Ensure proper handling of various input scenarios, including edge cases.
2. Performance Testing:
   - Evaluate the script's execution time and resource usage under normal conditions.
   - Conduct load testing to assess performance under high-stress scenarios.
   - Identify and report any performance bottlenecks or inefficiencies.
3. Error Handling and Resilience:
   - Test error handling mechanisms and exception management.
   - Verify that the script fails gracefully and provides meaningful error messages.
   - Assess the script's ability to recover from unexpected situations.
4. Compatibility Testing:
   - Verify compatibility across different PowerShell versions (5.1, 7.x, etc.).
   - Test on various operating systems if cross-platform functionality is required.
   - Ensure compatibility with specified modules and dependencies.
5. Security Testing:
   - Assess the script for potential security vulnerabilities.
   - Verify that sensitive data is handled securely.
   - Check for proper implementation of security best practices.
6. Code Review:
   - Analyze the code for adherence to PowerShell best practices and coding standards.
   - Identify areas for potential optimization or improved readability.
7. Documentation Review:
   - Verify that all functions and modules are properly documented.
   - Ensure that usage instructions and examples are clear and accurate.
8. Regression Testing:
   - Conduct tests to ensure that new changes haven't broken existing functionality.
9. User Acceptance Testing:
   - Simulate real-world usage scenarios to validate user experience.
10. Reporting:
    - Provide a comprehensive report detailing test results, identified issues, and recommendations.
    - Include metrics on code coverage, performance benchmarks, and quality scores.
    - Generate a list of verification questions for future analysis and continuous improvement.
When presenting your findings:
- Be thorough and objective in your assessments.
- Prioritize issues based on their severity and impact.
- Provide clear steps to reproduce any identified bugs.
- Suggest specific, actionable improvements where applicable.
- Use standard QA terminology and metrics to ensure clarity.
Your goal is to ensure that the PowerShell program is robust, reliable, and ready for deployment, meeting the highest standards of quality and performance.
 -f $qaEngineerRole,

$documentationSpecialistRole = "Documentation Specialist"
$documentationSpecialist = [ProjectTeam]::new(
You are an expert {0} focusing on PowerShell projects. Your role is to create comprehensive, clear, and user-friendly documentation that supports both end-users and developers. Your expertise ensures that PowerShell projects are well-documented, easily understood, and effectively utilized.
When creating documentation for a PowerShell project, you must produce the following:
1. User Guide:
   - Provide clear, step-by-step instructions for installation, configuration, and usage.
   - Include screenshots or diagrams where appropriate to enhance understanding.
   - Write in a user-friendly tone, avoiding overly technical jargon.
2. Developer Documentation:
   - Outline the code structure, key functions, and underlying logic.
   - Document the purpose and functionality of each module and significant function.
   - Include code comments extracted from the source files.
3. Installation Guide:
   - Detail system requirements and prerequisites.
   - Provide step-by-step installation instructions for different environments.
   - Document any necessary configuration steps post-installation.
4. Dependencies and Prerequisites:
   - List all required PowerShell modules, versions, and any external dependencies.
   - Explain how to obtain and install these dependencies.
5. Use Cases and Examples:
   - Provide real-world examples of how to use the PowerShell project.
   - Include sample code snippets and expected outputs.
6. Troubleshooting Guide:
   - Anticipate common issues and provide solutions.
   - Include error messages and their meanings.
7. FAQ Section:
   - Compile and answer frequently asked questions.
   - Cover both usage and technical aspects.
8. API Documentation (if applicable):
   - Detail all public functions, their parameters, and return values.
   - Provide usage examples for each API function.
9. Change Log:
   - Maintain a record of version changes, new features, and bug fixes.
10. Video Tutorials (optional):
    - Script short, clear video tutorials for key processes.
    - Focus on installation, basic usage, and common troubleshooting.
When creating documentation:
- Use clear, concise language appropriate for the target audience.
- Maintain a consistent style and format throughout all documents.
- Use standard documentation templates and follow industry best practices.
- Ensure all information is accurate and up-to-date.
- Include version numbers and last-updated dates on all documents.
- Organize content logically with a clear hierarchy and easy navigation.
- Use syntax highlighting for code snippets.
- Proofread thoroughly for grammar, spelling, and technical accuracy.
Your goal is to create documentation that enhances the usability and understanding of the PowerShell project, making it accessible to users of varying skill levels and providing developers with the information they need to maintain and extend the project.
 -f $documentationSpecialistRole,

$projectManagerRole = "Project Manager"
$projectManager = [ProjectTeam]::new(
You are an experienced {0} specializing in PowerShell development projects. Your role is to oversee the entire project lifecycle, coordinate between different team members, and provide comprehensive project reports. Your expertise ensures that PowerShell projects are delivered on time, within scope, and to the highest quality standards.
When summarizing a PowerShell project, you must:
1. Project Overview:
   - Provide a concise summary of the project's objectives, scope, and key stakeholders.
   - Outline the project timeline, including start date, major milestones, and completion date.
2. Requirements Analysis:
   - Summarize the key requirements documented by the Requirements Analyst.
   - Highlight any changes or refinements to the initial requirements during the project.
3. Architectural Design:
   - Present an overview of the system architecture designed by the System Architect.
   - Emphasize key design decisions and their rationale.
4. Development Summary:
   - Outline the major components and functionalities developed by the PowerShell Developer.
   - Highlight any innovative solutions or techniques employed.
5. Quality Assurance:
   - Summarize the testing process and results reported by the QA Engineer.
   - List key issues discovered and their resolutions.
   - Provide metrics on code quality, test coverage, and performance.
6. Documentation Overview:
   - Outline the documentation prepared by the Documentation Specialist.
   - Ensure all necessary documents (user guides, developer notes, etc.) are completed and accessible.
7. Key Achievements:
   - Identify and highlight significant accomplishments and innovations in the project.
   - Relate these achievements to the initial project goals and stakeholder expectations.
8. Challenges and Solutions:
   - Discuss major challenges encountered during the project and how they were overcome.
   - Provide insights into lessons learned for future projects.
9. Resource Utilization:
   - Summarize the resources used, including team members, time, and any external resources.
   - Compare planned vs. actual resource usage.
10. Stakeholder Feedback:
    - Include a summary of feedback from key stakeholders.
    - Highlight areas of satisfaction and any concerns raised.
11. Future Recommendations:
    - Provide recommendations for future enhancements or maintenance of the PowerShell project.
    - Suggest areas for potential expansion or improvement.
12. Project Metrics:
    - Present key project metrics such as on-time delivery, budget adherence, and quality indicators.
When creating the project report:
- Use clear, professional language suitable for both technical and non-technical audiences.
- Provide an executive summary at the beginning of the report.
- Use visual aids (charts, graphs, tables) to present data and progress effectively.
- Ensure all sections of the report are cohesive and tell a complete story of the project's journey.
- Be objective in your assessment, highlighting both successes and areas for improvement.
- Include appendices for detailed technical information or extended data sets.
Your goal is to provide a comprehensive, accurate, and insightful overview of the PowerShell project, demonstrating its value to stakeholders and providing a clear picture of the project's execution and outcomes.
 -f $projectManagerRole,
#endregion ProjectTeam

#region Main
$Team = @()
$Team += $requirementsAnalyst
$Team += $systemArchitect
$Team += $domainExpert
$Team += $powerShellDeveloper
$Team += $qaEngineer
$Team += $documentationSpecialist
$Team += $projectManager

foreach ($TeamMember in $Team) {
    $TeamMember.LLMProvider = $GlobalState.LLMProvider

if ($GlobalState.NOLog) {
    foreach ($TeamMember_ in $Team) {
        $TeamMember_.LogFilePath = ""

if (-not $GlobalState.NOLog) {
    foreach ($TeamMember in $Team) {
        $TeamMember.DisplayInfo(0) | Out-File -FilePath $TeamMember.LogFilePath -Append
    Write-Host "++ " -NoNewline
    Start-Transcript -Path (join-path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "TRANSCRIPT.log") -Append

#region NeedForMoreInfoTest
if (-not $NOUserInputCheck -and -not $LoadProjectStatus) {
    # Verbose message indicating the start of the need for more information test
    Write-Verbose "Starting the Test-NeedForMoreInfo function to evaluate user input."

    do {
        # Call the Test-NeedForMoreInfo function with the provided user input
        $needMoreInfo = Test-NeedForMoreInfo -userInput $userInput

        # Add a message to inform the user about the status of the need for more information
        if ($needMoreInfo) {
            Write-Host "-- Additional information is needed to fully understand or address the user's input."
            Write-Host ">> User input: '$userInput'"

            Write-Host "| To ensure the AI Agents Team can create a comprehensive PowerShell project, please include the following elements in your description:"
            Write-Host "| 1. Project Objective: Clearly state the main goal or purpose of the project."
            Write-Host "| 2. Key Features: List the primary features or functionalities that the project should include."
            Write-Host "| 3. User Requirements: Describe the specific needs or requirements of the end-users."
            Write-Host "| 4. Technical Specifications: Provide any technical details, such as required modules, dependencies, or system configurations."
            Write-Host "| 5. Constraints: Mention any limitations or constraints that need to be considered (e.g., budget, time, resources)."
            Write-Host "| 6. Success Criteria: Define the criteria that will be used to measure the success of the project."
            Write-Host "| 7. Additional Context: Provide any other relevant information or context that could help the AI Agents Team understand the project better."

            Write-Host ">> Please provide more details in your description and context." -ForegroundColor DarkBlue
            Write-Host ">> (Type 'quit' to proceed with the current input or hit Enter to proceed with the current input as is)" -ForegroundColor DarkBlue
            Write-Host ">>" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkBlue
            $additionalInput = Read-Host " "

            # Provide detailed information about the elements that must be included in the description for the AI Agents Team to create a comprehensive PowerShell project.

            # Check if the user wants to quit providing additional input
            if ($additionalInput -in @('q', "Q", "quit")) {
                Write-Host "++ Proceeding with the current input as is."
                $needMoreInfo = $false
            elseif ($additionalInput) {
                $userInput += " " + $additionalInput
            else {
                Write-Host "++ No additional information provided. Using current input as is."
                $needMoreInfo = $false
        else {
            Write-Host "++ No additional information is needed; the user's input is clear and complete."
    } while ($needMoreInfo)

    # Verbose message indicating the end of the need for more information test
    Write-Verbose "Completed the Test-NeedForMoreInfo function."
#endregion NeedForMoreInfoTest

$RAGpromptAddon = $null
if ($GlobalState.RAG -and (-not $LoadProjectStatus)) {
    $RAGSummarizePrompt = @"
You are an expert in Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) and text analysis. Your role is to process and analyze text inputs, extracting key information relevant to a given context. Your tasks include:
1. Cleaning the input text by removing advertising elements, menus, and other non-essential content.
2. Analyzing the cleaned text in relation to a specific user-provided description or context.
3. Extracting and summarizing key information, insights, and generating relevant questions.
Your output should be concise, relevant, and insightful, focusing on the most important aspects of the text in relation to the given context.

    $RAGresponse = Invoke-RAG -userInput $userInput -prompt $RAGSummarizePrompt -RAGAgent $projectManager
    if ($RAGresponse) {
        $RAGpromptAddon = @"
###RAG data###


if (-not $LoadProjectStatus) {
    #region PM-PSDev
    $userInputOryginal = $userInput
    $GlobalState.OrgUserInput = $userInputOryginal

    $projectManagerPrompt = @"
Write detailed and concise PowerShell project name, description, objectives, deliverables, additional considerations, and success criteria based on user input and RAG data.
###User input###

    if (-not $GlobalState.NOTips) {
        $projectManagerPrompt += "`n`nNote: There is `$50 tip for this task."
    $projectManagerFeedback = $projectManager.Feedback($powerShellDeveloper, $projectManagerPrompt)
    Add-ToGlobalResponses $GlobalState $projectManagerFeedback
    $GlobalState.userInput = $projectManagerFeedback
    $powerShellDeveloperPrompt = @"
Your task is to write PowerShell code based on the following requirements and guidelines. Please follow these steps:
1. Analyze the $($projectManager.Name)'s guidelines provided below.
2. Plan the structure of your PowerShell script.
3. Write the PowerShell code that meets the requirements.
4. Add appropriate error handling and logging.
5. Include comments explaining complex parts of the code.
6. Add version notes to document the code changes.
7. Perform a self-review of your code for efficiency and adherence to best practices.
Please format your response as follows:
1. Script Purpose: (Brief description of what the script does)
2. Input Parameters: (List of input parameters, if any)
3. Output: (Description of what the script returns or produces)
4. PowerShell Code: (The actual code, properly formatted and commented)
5. Usage Example: (A brief example of how to use the script)
6. Self-Review Notes: (Any observations or potential improvements you've identified)
$($projectManager.Name) Guidelines:

    if (-not $GlobalState.NOTips) {
        $powerShellDeveloperPrompt += "`n`nNote: There is `$50 tip for this task."

    $powerShellDeveloperResponce = $powerShellDeveloper.ProcessInput($powerShellDeveloperPrompt)

    #$GlobalState.GlobalPSDevResponse += $powerShellDeveloperResponce
    Add-ToGlobalPSDevResponses $GlobalState $powerShellDeveloperResponce
    Add-ToGlobalResponses $GlobalState $powerShellDeveloperResponce
    Save-AndUpdateCode -response $powerShellDeveloperResponce -GlobalState $GlobalState
    #endregion PM-PSDev

    #region RA-PSDev
    #Invoke-ProcessFeedbackAndResponse -role $requirementsAnalyst -description $GlobalState.userInput -code $lastPSDevCode -tipAmount 100 -globalResponse ([ref]$GlobalPSDevResponse) -lastCode ([ref]$lastPSDevCode) -fileVersion ([ref]$FileVersion) -teamDiscussionDataFolder $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder
    if ($GlobalState.NOTips) {
        Invoke-ProcessFeedbackAndResponse -reviewer $requirementsAnalyst -recipient $powerShellDeveloper -GlobalState $GlobalState
    else {
        Invoke-ProcessFeedbackAndResponse -reviewer $requirementsAnalyst -recipient $powerShellDeveloper -GlobalState $GlobalState -tipAmount 100
    #endregion RA-PSDev

    #region SA-PSDev
    if ($GlobalState.NOTips) {
        Invoke-ProcessFeedbackAndResponse -reviewer $systemArchitect -recipient $powerShellDeveloper -GlobalState $GlobalState
    else {
        Invoke-ProcessFeedbackAndResponse -reviewer $systemArchitect -recipient $powerShellDeveloper -GlobalState $GlobalState -tipAmount 150

    #endregion SA-PSDev

    #region DE-PSDev
    if ($GlobalState.NOTips) {
        Invoke-ProcessFeedbackAndResponse -reviewer $domainExpert -recipient $powerShellDeveloper -GlobalState $GlobalState
    else {
        Invoke-ProcessFeedbackAndResponse -reviewer $domainExpert -recipient $powerShellDeveloper -GlobalState $GlobalState -tipAmount 200
    #endregion DE-PSDev

    #region QAE-PSDev
    if ($GlobalState.NOTips) {
        Invoke-ProcessFeedbackAndResponse -reviewer $qaEngineer -recipient $powerShellDeveloper -GlobalState $GlobalState
    else {
        Invoke-ProcessFeedbackAndResponse -reviewer $qaEngineer -recipient $powerShellDeveloper -GlobalState $GlobalState -tipAmount 300
    #endregion QAE-PSDev

    #region PSScriptAnalyzer
    Invoke-AnalyzeCodeWithPSScriptAnalyzer -InputString $($powerShellDeveloper.GetLastMemory().Response) -Role $powerShellDeveloper -GlobalState $GlobalState
    #endregion PSScriptAnalyzer

    #region Doc
    if (-not $GlobalState.NODocumentator) {
        if (-not $GlobalState.NOLog) {
            $documentationSpecialistResponce = $documentationSpecialist.ProcessInput($GlobalState.lastPSDevCode) 
            $documentationSpecialistResponce | Out-File -FilePath $DocumentationFullName
        else {
            $documentationSpecialistResponce = $documentationSpecialist.ProcessInput($GlobalState.lastPSDevCode)
        Add-ToGlobalResponses $GlobalState $documentationSpecialistResponce
    #endregion Doc

    #region PM Project report
    if (-not $GlobalState.NOPM) {
        # Example of summarizing all steps, Log final response to file
        if (-not $GlobalState.NOLog) {
            $projectManagerPrompt = "Generate project report without showing the PowerShell code.`n"
            $projectManagerPrompt += $GlobalState.GlobalResponse -join ", "
            $projectManagerResponse = $projectManager.ProcessInput($projectManagerPrompt) 
            $projectManagerResponse | Out-File -FilePath (Join-Path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "ProjectSummary.log")
        else {
            $projectManagerResponse = $projectManager.ProcessInput($GlobalState.GlobalResponse -join ", ")
        Add-ToGlobalResponses $GlobalState $projectManagerResponse
    #endregion PM Project report
#region Menu

# Define the menu prompt message
$MenuPrompt = "{0} The previous version of the code has been shared below after the feedback block.`n`n````````text`n{1}`n`````````n`nHere is previous version of the code:`n`n``````powershell`n{2}`n```````n`nThink step by step. Make sure your answer is unbiased."
$MenuPromptNoUserChanges = "{0} The previous version of the code has been shared below. The code:`n`n``````powershell`n{1}`n```````n`nThink step by step. Make sure your answer is unbiased."

# Start a loop to keep the menu running until the user chooses to quit
do {
    # Display the menu options
    Write-Output "`n`n"
    Show-Header -HeaderText "MENU"
    Write-Host "Please select an option from the menu:"
    Write-Host "1. Suggest a new feature, enhancement, or change"
    Write-Host "2. Analyze & modify with PSScriptAnalyzer"
    Write-Host "3. Analyze PSScriptAnalyzer only"
    Write-Host "4. Explain the code"
    Write-Host "5. Ask a specific question about the code"
    if (Test-Path -Path $DocumentationFullName) {
        Write-Host "6. Generate documentation (Documentation file exists: '$DocumentationFullName')"
    } else {
        Write-Host "6. Generate documentation"
    Write-Host "7. Show the code with research"
    Write-Host "8. Save Project State"
    Write-Host "9. Code Refactoring Suggestions"
    Write-Host "10. Security Audit"
    Write-Host "11. Open project folder in file explorer"
    if (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "ERROR.txt")) {
        Write-Host "(E) Display content of (e)rror.txt"
    Write-Host "(Q)uit"

    # Get the user's choice
    $userOption = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter your choice"
    Write-Output ""

    # Process the user's choice if it's not 'Q' or '9' (both of which mean 'quit')
    if ($userOption -ne 'Q') {
        switch ($userOption) {
            '1' {
                # Option 1: Suggest a new feature, enhancement, or change
                Show-Header -HeaderText "Suggest a new feature, enhancement, or change"
                do {
                    $userChanges = Read-Host -Prompt "Suggest a new feature, enhancement, or change for the code."
                    if (-not $userChanges) {
                        Write-Host "-- You did not write anything. Please provide a suggestion."
                } while (-not $userChanges)
                $promptMessage = "Based on the user's suggestion, incorporate a feature, enhancement, or change into the code. Show the next version of the code."
                $MenuPrompt_ = $MenuPrompt -f $promptMessage, $userChanges, $GlobalState.lastPSDevCode
                $MenuPrompt_ += "`nYou need to show all the code."
                $powerShellDeveloperResponce = $powerShellDeveloper.ProcessInput($MenuPrompt_)
                #$GlobalState.GlobalPSDevResponse += $powerShellDeveloperResponce
                Add-ToGlobalPSDevResponses $GlobalState $powerShellDeveloperResponce
                Add-ToGlobalResponses $GlobalState $powerShellDeveloperResponce
                $theCode = Export-AndWritePowerShellCodeBlocks -InputString $powerShellDeveloperResponce -StartDelimiter '```powershell' -EndDelimiter '```'
                if ($theCode) {
                    $theCode | Out-File -FilePath $(join-path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "TheCode_v$($GlobalState.FileVersion).ps1") -Append -Encoding UTF8
                    $GlobalState.FileVersion += 1
                    $GlobalState.lastPSDevCode = $theCode
            '2' {
                # Option 2: Analyze & modify with PSScriptAnalyzer
                Show-Header -HeaderText "Analyze & modify with PSScriptAnalyzer"
                try {
                    # Call the function to check the code in 'TheCode.ps1' file
                    $issues = Invoke-CodeWithPSScriptAnalyzer -ScriptBlock $GlobalState.lastPSDevCode
                    if ($issues) {
                        write-output ($issues | Select-Object line, message | format-table -AutoSize -Wrap)
                catch {
                    Write-Error "An error occurred while PSScriptAnalyzer: $_"
                if ($issues) {
                    foreach ($issue in $issues) {
                        $issueText += $issue.message + " (line: $($issue.Line); rule: $($issue.Rulename))`n"
                    $promptMessage = "Your task is to address issues found in PSScriptAnalyzer report."
                    $promptMessage += "`n`nPSScriptAnalyzer report, issues:`n``````text`n$issueText`n```````n`n"
                    $promptMessage += "The code:`n``````powershell`n" + $GlobalState.lastPSDevCode + "`n```````n`nShow the new version of the Powershell code with solved issues."
                    $issues = ""
                    $issueText = ""
                    $powerShellDeveloperResponce = $powerShellDeveloper.ProcessInput($promptMessage)
                    $GlobalPSDevResponse += $powerShellDeveloperResponce
                    Add-ToGlobalResponses $GlobalState $powerShellDeveloperResponce
                    $theCode = Export-AndWritePowerShellCodeBlocks -InputString $($powerShellDeveloper.GetLastMemory().Response) -StartDelimiter '```powershell' -EndDelimiter '```'
                    if ($theCode) {
                        $theCode | Out-File -FilePath $(join-path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "TheCode_v$($GlobalState.FileVersion).ps1") -Append -Encoding UTF8
                        $GlobalState.FileVersion += 1
                        $GlobalState.lastPSDevCode = $theCode
            '3' {
                # Option 3: Analyze PSScriptAnalyzer only
                Show-Header -HeaderText "Analyze PSScriptAnalyzer only"
                try {
                    # Call the function to check the code in 'TheCode.ps1' file
                    #$issues = Invoke-CodeWithPSScriptAnalyzer -ScriptBlock $(Export-AndWritePowerShellCodeBlocks -InputString $($powerShellDeveloper.GetLastMemory().Response) -StartDelimiter '```powershell' -EndDelimiter '```')
                    $issues = Invoke-CodeWithPSScriptAnalyzer -ScriptBlock $GlobalState.lastPSDevCode 
                    if ($issues) {
                        write-output ($issues | Select-Object line, message | format-table -AutoSize -Wrap)
                catch {
                    Write-Error "!! An error occurred while PSScriptAnalyzer: $_"

            '4' {
                # Option 4: Explain the code
                Show-Header -HeaderText "Explain the code"
                $promptMessage = "Explain the code only.`n`n"
                $promptMessage += "The code:`n``````powershell`n" + $GlobalState.lastPSDevCode + "`n```````n"
                try {
                    $powerShellDeveloperResponce = $powerShellDeveloper.ProcessInput($promptMessage)
                    #$GlobalState.GlobalPSDevResponse += $powerShellDeveloperResponce
                    Add-ToGlobalPSDevResponses $GlobalState $powerShellDeveloperResponce
                    Add-ToGlobalResponses $GlobalState $powerShellDeveloperResponce
                catch [System.Exception] {
                    Write-Error "!! An error occurred while processing the input: $_"
            '5' {
                # Option 5: Ask a specific question about the code
                Show-Header -HeaderText "Ask a specific question about the code"
                try {
                    $userChanges = Read-Host -Prompt "Ask a specific question about the code to seek clarification."
                    $promptMessage = "Based on the user's question for the code, provide only the answer."
                    if (Test-Path $DocumentationFullName) {
                        $promptMessage += " The documentation:`n````````text`n$(get-content -path $DocumentationFullName -raw)`n`````````n`n"
                    $promptMessage += "You must answer the user's question only. Do not show the whole code even if user asks."
                    $MenuPrompt_ = $MenuPrompt -f $promptMessage, $userChanges, $GlobalState.lastPSDevCode
                    $MenuPrompt_ += $userChanges
                    $powerShellDeveloperResponce = $powerShellDeveloper.ProcessInput($MenuPrompt_)
                    #$GlobalState.GlobalPSDevResponse += $powerShellDeveloperResponce
                    Add-ToGlobalPSDevResponses $GlobalState $powerShellDeveloperResponce
                    Add-ToGlobalResponses $GlobalState $powerShellDeveloperResponce
                catch [System.Management.Automation.PSInvalidOperationException] {
                    Write-Error "!! An invalid operation occurred: $_"
                catch [System.IO.IOException] {
                    Write-Error "!! An I/O error occurred: $_"
                catch [System.Exception] {
                    Write-Error "!! An unexpected error occurred: $_"
            '6' {
                # Option 6: Generate documentation
                Show-Header -HeaderText "Generate documentation"
                try {
                    if (Test-Path -Path $DocumentationFullName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
                        Write-Information "++ Existing documentation found at $DocumentationFullName" -InformationAction Continue
                        $userChoice = Read-Host -Prompt "Do you want to review and update the documentation based on the last version of the code? (Y/N)"
                        if ($userChoice -eq 'Y' -or $userChoice -eq 'y') {
                            $promptMessage = "Review and update the documentation based on the last version of the code.`n`n"
                            $promptMessage += "The code:`n``````powershell`n" + $GlobalState.lastPSDevCode + "`n```````n`n"
                            $promptMessage += "The old documentation:`n````````text`n" + $(get-content -path $DocumentationFullName -raw) + "`n`````````n"
                            $documentationSpecialistResponce = $documentationSpecialist.ProcessInput($promptMessage)
                            $documentationSpecialistResponce | Out-File -FilePath $DocumentationFullName -Force
                            Write-Information "++ Documentation updated and saved to $DocumentationFullName" -InformationAction Continue
                    else {
                        $documentationSpecialistResponce = $documentationSpecialist.ProcessInput($GlobalState.lastPSDevCode)
                        $documentationSpecialistResponce | Out-File -FilePath $DocumentationFullName
                        Write-Information "++ Documentation generated and saved to $DocumentationFullName" -InformationAction Continue
                catch [System.Management.Automation.PSInvalidOperationException] {
                    Write-Error "!! An invalid operation occurred: $_"
                catch [System.IO.IOException] {
                    Write-Error "!! An I/O error occurred: $_"
                catch [System.UnauthorizedAccessException] {
                    Write-Error "!! Unauthorized access: $_"
                catch [System.Exception] {
                    Write-Error "!! An unexpected error occurred: $_"
            '7' {
                # Option 7: Show the code
                Show-Header -HeaderText "Show the code with research"
                Write-Output $GlobalState.lastPSDevCode
                # Option 8: The code research
                Show-Header -HeaderText "The code research"
                # Perform source code analysis
                Write-Output "Source code analysis:"
                Get-SourceCodeAnalysis -CodeBlock $GlobalState.lastPSDevCode
                Write-Output ""                
                # Perform cyclomatic complexity analysis
                Write-Verbose "`$lastPSDevCode: $($GlobalState.lastPSDevCode)"
                Write-Output "`nCyclomatic complexity analysis:"
                if ($CyclomaticComplexity = Get-CyclomaticComplexity -CodeBlock $GlobalState.lastPSDevCode) {
                    Write-Output "
    1: The function has a single execution path with no control flow statements (e.g., if, else, while, etc.).
             This typically means the function is simple and straightforward.
    2 or 3: Functions with moderate complexity, having a few conditional paths or loops.
    4-7: These functions are more complex, with multiple decision points and/or nested control structures.
    Above 7: Indicates higher complexity, which can make the function harder to test and maintain.


            '8' {
                Show-Header -HeaderText "Save Project State"
                if (-not (Test-Path $ProjectfilePath)) {
                    try {
                        Save-ProjectState -FilePath $ProjectfilePath -GlobalState $GlobalState
                        if (Test-Path -Path $ProjectfilePath) {
                            Write-Information "++ Project state saved successfully to $ProjectfilePath" -InformationAction Continue
                        else {
                            Write-Warning "-- Project state was not saved. Please check the file path and try again."
                    catch {
                        Write-Error "!! An error occurred while saving the project state: $_"
                else {
                    $userChoice = Read-Host -Prompt "File 'Project.xml' exists. Do you want to save now? (Y/N)"
                    if ($userChoice -eq 'Y' -or $userChoice -eq 'y') {
                        Save-ProjectState -FilePath $ProjectfilePath -GlobalState $GlobalState
                        if (Test-Path -Path $ProjectfilePath) {
                            Write-Information "++ Project state saved successfully to $ProjectfilePath" -InformationAction Continue
                        else {
                            Write-Warning "-- Project state was not saved. Please check the file path and try again."
            '9' {
                # Option 9: Code Refactoring Suggestions
                Show-Header -HeaderText "Code Refactoring Suggestions"
                $promptMessage = "Provide suggestions for refactoring the code to improve readability, maintainability, and performance."
                $MenuPrompt_ = $MenuPromptNoUserChanges -f $promptMessage, $GlobalState.lastPSDevCode
                $MenuPrompt_ += "`nShow only suggestions. No code"
                $refactoringSuggestions = $powerShellDeveloper.ProcessInput($MenuPrompt_)
                $GlobalState.GlobalPSDevResponse += $refactoringSuggestions
                Add-ToGlobalResponses $GlobalState $refactoringSuggestions

                # Display the refactoring suggestions to the user
                #Show-Header -HeaderText "Refactoring Suggestions Report"
                #Write-Output $refactoringSuggestions

                # Ask the user if they want to deploy the refactoring suggestions
                $deployChoice = Read-Host -Prompt "Do you want to deploy these refactoring suggestions? (Y/N)"
                if ($deployChoice -eq 'Y' -or $deployChoice -eq 'y') {
                    $deployPromptMessage = "Deploy the refactoring suggestions into the code. Show the next version of the code."
                    $DeployMenuPrompt_ = $MenuPrompt -f $deployPromptMessage, $refactoringSuggestions, $GlobalState.lastPSDevCode
                    $powerShellDeveloperResponce = $powerShellDeveloper.ProcessInput($DeployMenuPrompt_)
                    #$GlobalState.GlobalPSDevResponse += $powerShellDeveloperResponce
                    Add-ToGlobalPSDevResponses $GlobalState $powerShellDeveloperResponce
                    Add-ToGlobalResponses $GlobalState $powerShellDeveloperResponce
                    Save-AndUpdateCode -response $powerShellDeveloperResponce -GlobalState $GlobalState
                else {
                    Write-Output "Refactoring suggestions were not deployed."
            '10' {
                # Option 10: Security Audit
                Show-Header -HeaderText "Security Audit"
                $promptMessage = "Conduct a security audit of the code to identify potential vulnerabilities and ensure best security practices are followed. Show only security audit report."
                $MenuPrompt_ = $MenuPromptNoUserChanges -f $promptMessage, $GlobalState.lastPSDevCode
                $MenuPrompt_ += "`nShow only security audit report. No Code."
                $powerShellDevelopersecurityAuditReport = $powerShellDeveloper.ProcessInput($MenuPrompt_)
                $GlobalState.GlobalPSDevResponse += $powerShellDevelopersecurityAuditReport
                Add-ToGlobalResponses $GlobalState $powerShellDevelopersecurityAuditReport

                # Display the security audit report to the user
                Show-Header -HeaderText "Security Audit Report"
                Write-Output $powerShellDevelopersecurityAuditReport

                # Ask the user if they want to deploy the security improvements
                $deployChoice = Read-Host -Prompt "Do you want to deploy these security improvements? (Y/N)"
                if ($deployChoice -eq 'Y' -or $deployChoice -eq 'y') {
                    $deployPromptMessage = "Deploy the security improvements into the code. Show the next version of the code."
                    $DeployMenuPrompt_ = $MenuPrompt -f $deployPromptMessage, $powerShellDevelopersecurityAuditReport, $GlobalState.lastPSDevCode
                    $powerShellDeveloperResponce = $powerShellDeveloper.ProcessInput($DeployMenuPrompt_)
                    #$GlobalState.GlobalPSDevResponse += $powerShellDeveloperResponce
                    Add-ToGlobalPSDevResponses $GlobalState $powerShellDeveloperResponce
                    Add-ToGlobalResponses $GlobalState $powerShellDeveloperResponce
                    Save-AndUpdateCode -response $powerShellDeveloperResponce -GlobalState $GlobalState
                else {
                    Write-Output "Security improvements were not deployed."
            '11' {
                # Option 11: Open project folder in file explorer
                Show-Header -HeaderText "Open Project Folder in File Explorer"
                try {
                    if ($GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder) {
                        Start-Process explorer.exe -ArgumentList $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder
                        Write-Host "Project folder opened in File Explorer."
                    else {
                        Write-Host "-- The project folder path is not set. Please ensure the TeamDiscussionDataFolder is defined."
                catch {
                    Write-Error "-- An error occurred while trying to open the project folder: $_"
            'e' {
                if (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "ERROR.txt")) {
                    $errorContent = Get-Content -Path (Join-Path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "ERROR.txt") -Raw
                    Show-Header -HeaderText "Content of ERROR.txt"
                    Write-Output $errorContent
                else {
                    Write-Output "No error file found."
            default {
                # Handle invalid options
                Write-Information "-- Invalid option. Please try again." -InformationAction Continue
} while ($userOption -ne 'Q') # End the loop when the user chooses to quit
#endregion Menu

#region Final code
if (-not $GlobalState.NOLog) {
    # Log Developer last memory
    $TheFinalCodeFullName = Join-Path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "TheCodeF.PS1"
    $GlobalState.lastPSDevCode | Out-File -FilePath $TheFinalCodeFullName
    #Export-AndWritePowerShellCodeBlocks -InputString $(get-content $(join-path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "TheCodeF.log") -raw) -OutputFilePath $(join-path $GlobalState.TeamDiscussionDataFolder "TheCode.ps1") -StartDelimiter '```powershell' -EndDelimiter '```'
    if (Test-Path -Path $TheFinalCodeFullName) {
        # Call the function to check the code in 'TheCode.ps1' file
        Write-Information "++ The final code was exported to $TheFinalCodeFullName" -InformationAction Continue
        $issues = Invoke-CodeWithPSScriptAnalyzer -FilePath $TheFinalCodeFullName
        if ($issues) {
            write-output ($issues | Select-Object line, message | format-table -AutoSize -Wrap)
    foreach ($TeamMember in $Team) {
        $TeamMember.DisplayInfo(0) | Out-File -FilePath $TeamMember.LogFilePath -Append
    Write-Host "++ " -NoNewline
else {
    #Export-AndWritePowerShellCodeBlocks -InputString $($powerShellDeveloper.GetLastMemory().Response) -StartDelimiter '```powershell' -EndDelimiter '```' -OutputFilePath $(join-path ([System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("TEMP", "user")) "TheCodeF.ps1")
    # Call the function to check the code in 'TheCode.ps1' file
    $issues = Invoke-CodeWithPSScriptAnalyzer -ScriptBlock $GlobalState.lastPSDevCode
    if ($issues) {
        write-output ($issues | Select-Object line, message | format-table -AutoSize -Wrap)
#endregion Final code
Save-ProjectState -FilePath $ProjectfilePath -GlobalState $GlobalState
if ($ProjectfilePath) {
    Write-Host "`n`n++ Your progress on Project has been saved!`n`n"
    Write-Host "++ You can resume working on this project at any time by loading the saved state. Just run:`nAIPSTeam.ps1 -LoadProjectStatus `"$ProjectfilePath`"`n`n"

Write-Host "Exiting..."

# Ensure to reset the culture back to the original after the script execution
[void](Register-EngineEvent PowerShell.Exiting -Action { [Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = $originalCulture })

#endregion Main