
# Copyright 2022 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

Function Get-AGMLibImageRange([string]$csvfile,[string]$appid,[string]$jobclass,[switch]$every,[string]$appname,[string]$clusterid,[string]$appliancename,[string]$apptype,[string]$fuzzyappname,[string]$sltname,[datetime]$consistencydate,[int]$newerlimit,[int]$olderlimit,[switch][alias("h")]$hours,[switch][alias("i")]$imported,[switch][alias("o")]$onvault) 
    Displays the range of images for an application or applications
    You will be prompted to supply either application ID, Appname or fuzzyappname. In addition or in place you can specify apptype
    If no newerlimit or olderlimit are specified then it defaults to -olderlimit 1 days
    If no consistencydate is specified todays date and time is assumed
    Get-AGMLibImageRange -appid 4771
    Get all snapshot created in the last day for appid 4771
    Get-AGMLibImageRange -appid 4771 -o
    Get all snapshot and OnVault images created in the last day for appid 4771
    Only unique OnVault images will be shown, meaning if a snapshot and an OnVault image have the same consistencydate only the snapshot will be shown
    Get-AGMLibImageRange -appname smalldb
    Get all snapshot created in the last day for any app with app name smalldb
    Get-AGMLibImageRange -fuzzyappname smalldb
    Get all snapshot created in the last day for any app with an app name like smalldb
    Get-AGMLibImageRange -sltname Gold
    Get all snapshot created in the last day for any image with an SLT name like Gold
    Get-AGMLibImageRange -appid 4771 -appliancename "sa-hq"
    Get all snapshot created in the last day for appid 4771 on the appliance called sa-hq
    Get-AGMLibImageRange -appid 4771 -clusterid 1415038912
    Get all snapshot created in the last day for appid 4771 on the appliance with the specified clusterid
    Get-AGMLibImageRange -appid 4771 -jobclass OnVault
    Get all OnVault created in the last day for appid 4771
    Get-AGMLibImageRange -appid 4771 -olderlimit 4 -hours
    Get all snapshots created in the last four hours for appid 4771
    Get-AGMLibImageRange -apptype VMBackup -olderlimit 2
    Get all snapshots created in the last two days for any VMBackup
    Get-AGMLibImageRange -appid 4771 -olderlimit 4 -newerlimit 4 -consistencydate "2020-08-04 12:00"
    Get all snapshots created up to four days before or 4 days afer the date specified for the app specified
    Get-AGMLibImageRange -appid 4771 -olderlimit 4 -newerlimit 2
    Get all snapshots created between 4 days ago (from olderlimit) and 2 days ago (from newerlimit, being 2 days newer than olderlimit) for the app specified.
    Note that if you make newerlimit greater than olderlimit you will be looking into the future, meaning you will get all images created from 4 days ago until now.
    A function to find a range of images available for an application
    Building your Imagelist:
    To get a list of applications, use: Get-AGMApplication -sort "hostname:asc,appname:asc"| select id, @{N='hostname'; E={$}}, appname, apptype, @{N='clustername'; E={$}} | format-table
    To get a list of SLTNames or policynames, use: Get-AGMLibPolicies
    First we build an object that contains a list of images. For this we can use Get-AGMLibImageRange in a syntax like this, where in this example we get all images of filesystems created in the last day:
    $imagelist = Get-AGMLibImageRange -apptype FileSystem -appliancename sa-sky -olderlimit 1
    If we know that images created in the last 24 hours are all infected, we could use this (up to 3 days old but not less than 1 day old):
    $imagelist = Get-AGMLibImageRange -apptype FileSystem -appliancename sa-sky -olderlimit 3 -newerlimit 1
    We can also use the Template Name (SLT) to find our apps. This is a handy way to separate apps since you can create as many SLTs as you like and use them as a unique way to group apps.
    $imagelist = Get-AGMLibImageRange -sltname FSSnaps_RW_OV -olderlimit 3 -newerlimit 1
    Editing your Imagelist:
    You could create a CSV of images, edit it and then convert that into an object. This would let you delete all the images you don't want to recover, or create chunks to recover (say 20 images at a time)
    In this example we grab 20 days of images:
    Get-AGMLibImageRange -apptype FileSystem -appliancename sa-sky -olderlimit 20 -csvfile images.csv
    We now edit the CSV we created images.csv to remove images we don't want. We then import what is left into our $imagelist variable:
    $imagelist = Import-Csv -Path .\images.csv
    Now we have our image list, we can begin to create our recovery command.

    if ( (!($AGMSESSIONID)) -or (!($AGMIP)) )
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Not logged in or session expired. Please login using Connect-AGM"
    $sessiontest = Get-AGMVersion
    if ($sessiontest.errormessage)

    if ((!($appid)) -and (!($appname)) -and (!($fuzzyappname)) -and (!($apptype)) -and (!($sltname)) -and (!($every)))
        write-host "This is a function to find a range of images available for an application"
        Write-host "We need to search either with appid, appname, fuzzyappname, apptype or sltname"
        write-host "Alternatively we can just grab every image"
        write-host ""
        write-host "Please read the help for this command carefully to determine how to use the output. Get-Help Get-AGMLibImageRange"
        write-host ""
        Write-Host "1`: Run a guided menu to help me build a command (default)"
        Write-Host "2`: Exit"
        $userchoice = ""
        $userchoice = Read-Host "Please select from this list (1-2)"
        if ($userchoice -eq 2) { return }
        $appliancegrab = Get-AGMAppliance | select-object name,clusterid | sort-object name
        if ($appliancegrab.count -eq 0)
            Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Failed to find any appliances to work with"
        if ($ -eq 1)
            $clusterid =  $appliancegrab.clusterid
            $appliancename =  $
        if ($appliancegrab.count -gt 1)
            write-host "Appliance selection menu - which Appliance will run these mounts."
            Write-host ""
            $i = 1
            foreach ($appliance in $appliancegrab)
                Write-Host -Object "$i`: $($"
            While ($true) 
                Write-host ""
                $listmax = $
                [int]$appselection = Read-Host "Please select an Appliance to mount from (1-$listmax)"
                if ($appselection -lt 1 -or $appselection -gt $listmax)
                    Write-Host -Object "Invalid selection. Please enter a number in range [1-$($listmax)]"
            $clusterid =  $appliancegrab.clusterid[($appselection - 1)]
            $appliancename =  $[($appselection - 1)]
        $userchoice = ""
        Write-host ""
        Write-host "Do you want to work with local or imported images"
        Write-host ""
        Write-Host "1`: Imported OnVault images only (default)"
        Write-Host "2`: Local images"
        $impchoice = Read-Host "Please select from this list (1-2)"
        if ($impchoice -eq "" -or $impchoice -eq "1")
            $appliancefilter = ""
            $imagefilter = ""
            foreach ($appliance in $appliancegrab)
                $appliancefilter = $appliancefilter +"&sourcecluster!" +$appliance.clusterid 
                $imagefilter = $imagefilter +"&sourceuds!" +$appliance.clusterid 
            $appliancefilter = $appliancefilter.Substring(1) 
            $imagefilter = $imagefilter.Substring(1) 
            $imported = $true
        else {
            $appliancefilter = 'sourcecluster=' +$clusterid 

        write-host ""
        Write-host "Search method"
        Write-host ""
        Write-Host "1`: appid"
        Write-Host "2`: appname"
        Write-Host "3`: apptype"
        Write-Host "4`: fuzzyappname"
        Write-Host "5`: sltname (known locally)"
        Write-Host "6`: sltname (unknown locally - this can be very slow)"
        Write-Host "7`: give me everything"
        While ($true) 
            Write-host ""
            $userchoice = Read-Host "Please select from this list (1-7)"
            if ($userchoice -lt 1 -or $userchoice -gt 7)
                Write-Host -Object "Invalid selection. Please enter a number in range [1-7]"

        if ($userchoice -eq 1) 

            $datagrab = Get-AGMApplication -filtervalue $appliancefilter -sort "hostname:asc,appname:asc,apptype:asc" 
            if ($ -eq 0)
                Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Did not find any Applications"
            $printarray = @()
            $i = 1
            foreach ($app in $datagrab)
                $printarray += [pscustomobject]@{
                    id = $i
                    appid = $
                    hostname = $
                    appname = $app.appname
                    apptype = $app.apptype
                $i += 1
            write-host "Please select an application"
            $printarray | Format-Table 
            $listmax = $printarray.appid.count
            While ($true) 
                [int]$userchoice1 = Read-Host "Please select from this list (1-$listmax)"
                if ($userchoice1 -lt 1 -or $userchoice1 -gt $listmax)
                    Write-Host -Object "Invalid selection. Please enter a number in range [1-$($listmax)]"
            $appid = $printarray.appid[$userchoice1-1]
        if ($userchoice -eq 2) 

            $datagrab = Get-AGMApplication -filtervalue $appliancefilter -sort "hostname:asc,appname:asc,apptype:asc" 
            if ($ -eq 0)
                Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Did not find any Applications"
            $printarray = @()
            $i = 1
            foreach ($app in $datagrab)
                $printarray += [pscustomobject]@{
                    id = $i
                    appid = $
                    hostname = $
                    appname = $app.appname
                    apptype = $app.apptype
                $i += 1
            write-host "Please select an application"
            $printarray | Format-Table 
            $listmax = $printarray.appid.count
            While ($true) 
                [int]$userchoice2 = Read-Host "Please select from this list (1-$listmax)"
                if ($userchoice2 -lt 1 -or $userchoice2 -gt $listmax)
                    Write-Host -Object "Invalid selection. Please enter a number in range [1-$($listmax)]"
            $appname = $printarray.appname[$userchoice2-1]
        if ($userchoice -eq 3) 
            $datagrab = Get-AGMApplicationTypes 
            if ($datagrab.count -eq 0)
                Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Did not find any Application types"
            write-host "Please select an application type"
            $i = 1
            foreach ($type in $datagrab)
                Write-Host -Object "$i`: $type"
            $userselection = ""
            Write-host ""
            $listmax = $datagrab.count
            While ($true) 
                [int]$userselection = Read-Host "Please select an Application Type (1-$listmax)"
                if ($userselection -lt 1 -or $userselection -gt $listmax)
                    Write-Host -Object "Please select a value between 1 and $listmax"
            $apptype=$datagrab[($userselection - 1)]
        if ($userchoice -eq 4) 

            $datagrab = Get-AGMApplication -filtervalue $appliancefilter -sort "hostname:asc,appname:asc,apptype:asc" 
            if ($ -eq 0)
                Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Did not find any Applications"
            $printarray = @()
            $i = 1
            foreach ($app in $datagrab)
                $printarray += [pscustomobject]@{
                    id = $i
                    appid = $
                    hostname = $
                    appname = $app.appname
                    apptype = $app.apptype
                $i += 1
            write-host "Please examine the app names to determine a good fuzzy appname"
            $printarray | Format-Table 
            $listmax = $printarray.appid.count
            While ($true) 
                [string]$fuzzyappname = Read-Host "Please enter a fuzzy app name"
                if ($fuzzyappname -eq "")
                    Write-Host -Object "Fuzzy appname cannot be blank"
        if ($userchoice -eq 5) 
            $datagrab = Get-AGMSLT -sort name:asc
            if ($ -eq 0)
                Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Did not find any SLTs"
            $i = 1
            foreach ($sltname in $
                Write-Host -Object "$i`: $sltname"
            $userselection = ""
            Write-host ""
            $listmax = $
            While ($true) 
                [int]$userselection = Read-Host "Please select an SLT (1-$listmax)"
                if ($userselection -lt 1 -or $userselection -gt $listmax)
                    Write-Host -Object "Please select a value between 1 and $listmax"
            $sltname =  $[($userselection - 1)]
        if ($userchoice -eq 6) 
            # learn all known SLT names and create filter list to exclude them
            $sltnamegrab = Get-AGMSLT -sort name:asc
            foreach ($slt in $sltnamegrab)
                $sltfilter = $sltfilter + "&sltname!" + $

            # chunk through all images that have unknown slt names. This can take a while but is how we learn SLT names of imported images without known SLT names.
            $sltgrab = Get-AGMImage -filtervalue $sltfilter | select-object sltname
            if ($sltgrab.sltname.count -eq 0)
                Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Did not find any SLTs"
            $datagrab = $sltgrab | sort-object sltname | Get-Unique -asstring
            $i = 1
            foreach ($name in $datagrab.sltname)
                Write-Host -Object "$i`: $name"
            $userselection = ""
            Write-host ""
            $listmax = $datagrab.sltname.count
            While ($true) 
                [int]$userselection = Read-Host "Please select an SLT (1-$listmax)"
                if ($userselection -lt 1 -or $userselection -gt $listmax)
                    Write-Host -Object "Please select a value between 1 and $listmax"
            $sltname =  $datagrab.sltname[($userselection - 1)]
        if ($userchoice -eq 7) 
            $every = $true
        Write-host "We need to determine what time period method we use to find images."
        Write-host ""
        Write-Host "1`: Search in days (default)"
        Write-Host "2`: Search in hours"
        [int]$userchoice = Read-Host "Please select from this list (1-2)"
        if ($userchoice -eq 2) { $hours = $true }
        if ($hours)
            write-host "The Olderlimit determines how far back in time we look for images. By default it is 1 hour."
            [int]$olderlimit = Read-Host "Olderlimit"
            write-host "The Newerlimit determines how close to today we look for images. If you specify 2, then no image created in the last 2 hours will be listed"
            [int]$newerlimit = Read-Host "Newerlimit"
            write-host "The Olderlimit determines how far back in time we look for images. By default it is 1 day."
            [int]$olderlimit = Read-Host "Olderlimit"
            write-host "The Newerlimit determines how close to today we look for images. If you specify 2, then no image created in the last 2 days will be listed"
            [int]$newerlimit = Read-Host "Newerlimit"

        Write-host "Optionally you can supply a consistency date in ISO format to use as the date to work with rather than the current date"
        [string]$consistencydate = Read-Host "Hit enter or type a date in format like 2021-07-28 12:00"

        Write-host "We need to determine which jobclass to display."
        Write-host ""
        Write-Host "1`: OnVault only (default)"
        Write-Host "2`: Snapshot and OnVault"
        Write-Host "3`: Snapshot only"
        [int]$userchoice = Read-Host "Please select from this list (1-3)"
        if ($userchoice -eq "") { $jobclass = "OnVault" }
        if ($userchoice -eq 1) { $jobclass = "OnVault" } 
        if ($userchoice -eq 2) { $onvault = $true }

        [string]$csvfile = Read-Host "Please supply a file name to write out a CSV file (or press enter to display to the screen)"
        Write-Host "Guided selection is complete. The values entered resulted in the following command:"
        Write-Host ""
        write-host -nonewline "Get-AGMLibImageRange"
        if ($appid) { write-host -nonewline " -appid $appid" }
        if ($appname) { write-host -nonewline " -appname $appname" }
        if ($sltname) { write-host -nonewline " -sltname $sltname" }
        if ($apptype) { write-host -nonewline " -apptype $apptype" }
        if ($olderlimit) { write-host -nonewline " -olderlimit $olderlimit" }
        if ($newerlimit) { write-host -nonewline " -newerlimit $newerlimit" }
        if ($hours) { write-host -nonewline " -hours" }
        if ($jobclass) { write-host -nonewline " -jobclass $jobclass" }
        if ($onvault) { write-host -nonewline " -onvault" }
        if ($csvfile) { write-host -nonewline " -csvfile $csvfile" }
        if ($clusterid) { write-host -nonewline " -clusterid $clusterid"}
        if ($imported) { write-host -nonewline " -imported"}
        if ($every) { write-host -nonewline " -every"}
        Write-Host ""
        Write-Host "1`: Run the command now (default)"
        Write-Host "2`: Exit without running the command"
        $appuserchoice = Read-Host "Please select from this list (1-2)"
        if ($appuserchoice -eq 2) { return }

    if ($csvfile)
        if ( Test-Path $csvfile )
            Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Filename $csvfile already exists. Please use a unique filename."
    # just to start fv off
    $fv = ""
    # normally I expect to have one of these three, but only one, not all three
    if ($appid)
        $fv = "appid=$appid"
    elseif ($appname)
        $fv = "appname=" + $appname
    elseif ($fuzzyappname)
        $fv = "appname~" + $fuzzyappname
    # what about apptype
    if ($apptype) 
        $fv = $fv + "&apptype=" + $apptype

    # search for sltname
    if ($sltname) 
        $fv = $fv + "&sltname=" + $sltname
    # if after all this the first character in fv is & we have an issue, so chop it off
    if ($fv)
        if ($fv.substring(0,1) -eq "&")

    $appfv = $fv
    # powershell is not case sensitive, but AGM jobclasses are, so this is a nice way to make sure the right case gets sent to AGM
    if ($jobclass -eq "onvault") {  $jobclass = "OnVault" }
    if ($jobclass -eq "snapshot") {  $jobclass = "snapshot" }

    if ($jobclass) 
        $fv = $fv + "&jobclass=" +$jobclass
        $fv = $fv + "&jobclass=snapshot"

    # we offer two ways to ask for onvault, either -jobclass onVault or just -onvault or even -o
    if ($onvault) 
        $fv = $fv + "&jobclass=OnVault"

    if ($appliancename)
        $clusterid = (Get-AGMAppliance -filtervalue name=$appliancename).clusterid
        if (!($clusterid))
            Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Could not convert appliancename $appliancename into a clusterid."

    if ($clusterid) 
        $fv = $fv + "&clusterid=$clusterid"

    if ($imported)
        $appliancegrab = Get-AGMAppliance | select-object name,clusterid | sort-object name
        foreach ($appliance in $appliancegrab)
            $fv = $fv +"&sourceuds!" +$appliance.clusterid 
    if ( (!($newerlimit)) -and (!($olderlimit)) )
        if (!($consistencydate))
            [datetime]$consistencydate = (Get-date).AddMinutes(1).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
        if ($hours)
            [datetime]$lowerrange = (Get-date).Addhours(-1).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
            [datetime]$lowerrange = (Get-date).adddays(-1).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
        $fv = $fv + "&consistencydate>$lowerrange"
    elseif ( ($newerlimit) -and (!($olderlimit)) )
        if (!($consistencydate))
            Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "A newerlimit was specified without a consistency date in the past to search forward from."
        $lowerrange = $consistencydate.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
        if ($hours)
            [datetime]$upperrange = ($consistencydate).Addhours($newerlimit).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
            [datetime]$upperrange = ($consistencydate).adddays($newerlimit).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
        $fv = $fv + "&consistencydate>$lowerrange&consistencydate<$upperrange"
    elseif ( (!($newerlimit)) -and ($olderlimit) )
        if (!($consistencydate))
            [datetime]$consistencydate = (Get-date).AddMinutes(1).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
        $upperrange = $consistencydate.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
        if ($hours)
            [datetime]$lowerrange = ($consistencydate).Addhours(-$olderlimit).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
            [datetime]$lowerrange = ($consistencydate).adddays(-$olderlimit).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
        $fv = $fv + "&consistencydate>$lowerrange&consistencydate<$upperrange"
        if ($consistencydate)
            if ($hours)
                [datetime]$upperrange = ($consistencydate).Addhours($newerlimit).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
                [datetime]$lowerrange = ($consistencydate).Addhours(-$olderlimit).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
                [datetime]$upperrange = ($consistencydate).adddays($newerlimit).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
                [datetime]$lowerrange = ($consistencydate).adddays(-$olderlimit).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
            if ($hours)
                [datetime]$lowerrange = (Get-date).Addhours(-$olderlimit).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
                [datetime]$upperrange = ($lowerrange ).Addhours($newerlimit).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
                [datetime]$lowerrange = (Get-date).adddays(-$olderlimit).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
                [datetime]$upperrange = ($lowerrange).adddays($newerlimit).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
        $fv = $fv + "&consistencydate>$lowerrange&consistencydate<$upperrange"

      # if after all this the first character in fv is & we have an issue, so chop it off
      if ($fv)
          if ($fv.substring(0,1) -eq "&")

    $imagegrab = Get-AGMImage -filtervalue "$fv" -sort ConsistencyDate:desc
    $applicationgrab = Get-AGMApplication -filtervalue "$appfv"
    if ($
        $AGMArray = @()

        Foreach ($id in $imagegrab)
            $id | Add-Member -NotePropertyName appid -NotePropertyValue $
            $ostype = ($applicationgrab |  where-object {$ -eq $} | select-object host).host.ostype
            $id | Add-Member -NotePropertyName ostype -NotePropertyValue $ostype
            $id | Add-Member -NotePropertyName appliancename -NotePropertyValue $
            $id | Add-Member -NotePropertyName hostname -NotePropertyValue $
            $AGMArray += [pscustomobject]@{
                apptype = $id.apptype
                ostype = $id.ostype
                hostname = $id.hostname
                appname = $id.appname
                appid = $id.appid
                appliancename = $id.appliancename
                jobclass = $id.jobclass
                jobclasscode = $id.jobclasscode
                backupname = $id.backupname
                id = $
                consistencydate = $id.consistencydate
                endpit = $id.endpit
                label = $id.label
                sltname = $id.sltname
        if ($onvault)
            if (!($csvfile))
                $AGMArray | Select-Object apptype, appliancename, sltname,ostype, hostname, appname, appid, jobclass, jobclasscode, backupname, id, consistencydate, endpit, label | sort-object hostname,appname,consistencydate,jobclasscode
            else {
                $AGMArray | Select-Object apptype, appliancename, sltname, ostype, hostname, appname, appid, jobclass, jobclasscode, backupname, id, consistencydate, endpit, label | sort-object hostname,appname,consistencydate,jobclasscode | Export-Csv -Path $csvfile
                write-host "Wrote" $ "images to file "$csvfile
            if (!($csvfile))
                $AGMArray | Select-Object apptype, appliancename, sltname, ostype, hostname, appname, appid, jobclass, jobclasscode, backupname, id, consistencydate, endpit, label | sort-object hostname,appname,consistencydate
            else {
                $AGMArray | Select-Object apptype, appliancename, sltname, ostype, hostname, appname, appid, jobclass, jobclasscode, backupname, id, consistencydate, endpit, label | sort-object hostname,appname,consistencydate | Export-Csv -Path $csvfile
                write-host "Wrote" $ "images to file "$csvfile
        if (!($csvfile))
        else {
            $imagegrab | Export-Csv -Path $csvfile
            write-host "Wrote" $ "images to file "$csvfile