
Function Get-AGMLibFollowJobStatus ([string]$jobname) 
    Tracks job status for a nominated job

    You will be prompted for a JobName

    Get-AGMLibFollowJobStatus Job_1234
    Tracks the progress of Job_1234 to conclusion. Tracking will stop when the job completes, is canceled or fails.

    A function to follow the progress with 5 second intervals until the job succeeds or is not longer running or queued


    if ( (!($AGMSESSIONID)) -or (!($AGMIP)) )
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Not logged in or session expired. Please login using Connect-AGM"
        $sessiontest = (Get-AGMSession).session_id
        if ($sessiontest -ne $AGMSESSIONID)
            Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Not logged in or session expired. Please login using Connect-AGM"

    if (!($jobname))
        $jobname = Read-Host "JobName"
    $done = 0
        $jobgrab = Get-AGMJobStatus -filtervalue jobname=$jobname
        if ($jobgrab.errormessage)
            $done = 1
        elseif (!($jobgrab.status)) 
            Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Failed to find $jobname"
            $done = 1
        elseif ($jobgrab.status -like "queued")
            $jobgrab | select-object jobname, status, queuedate, targethost | Format-Table
            Start-Sleep -s 5
        elseif ($jobgrab.status -like "initializing")
            $jobgrab | select-object jobname, status, queuedate, targethost | Format-Table
            Start-Sleep -s 5
        elseif ($jobgrab.status -like "running") 
            $jobgrab | select-object jobname, status, progress, queuedate, startdate, duration, targethost | Format-Table
            Start-Sleep -s 5
            $jobgrab | select-object jobname, status, message, startdate, enddate, duration, targethost
            $done = 1    
    } until ($done -eq 1)