
Function New-AGMLibContainerMount ([string]$appid,[string]$appname,[string]$allowedips,[string]$imageid,[string]$imagename,[string]$label,[string]$volumes,[switch][alias("g")]$guided,[switch][alias("m")]$monitor,[switch][alias("w")]$wait) 
    Mounts an image to a container


    Runs a guided menu to mount an image to a container

    New-AGMLibVMExisting -imageid 54380607 -volumes "dasvol:/dev/hanavg/log;/tmp/cmounts/test1;/custmnt2,dasvol:/dev/hanavg/data;/tmp/cmounts/test2;/ss" -allowedips ","

    Mounts Image ID 54380607
    The -volumes list each moint point in the image. Each mount point is comma separated
    For each each mountpoint we need three values, that are semi-colon separated
    In this example, there are two mount points, the first one is /dev/hanavg/log.
    It is given an appliance mountpoint of /test1 and an NFS export path of /custmnt2

    The allowedips is a comma separated list of IP addresses that can connect to the appliance mountpoint.

    A function to mount images to containers


    if ( (!($AGMSESSIONID)) -or (!($AGMIP)) )
        Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Not logged in or session expired. Please login using Connect-AGM"
        $sessiontest = (Get-AGMSession).session_id
        if ($sessiontest -ne $AGMSESSIONID)
            Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Not logged in or session expired. Please login using Connect-AGM"

    if ( (!($appname)) -and (!($imagename)) -and (!($imageid)) -and (!($appid)) )
        $guided = $true
        $appname = read-host "Which appname do you want to work with"

    # if we got a VMware appname lets check it right now
    if ( ($appname) -and (!($appid)) )
        $appgrab = Get-AGMApplication -filtervalue "appname=$appname"
        if ($ -ne 1)
            Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Failed to resolve $appname to a unique valid app. Use Get-AGMLibApplicationID and try again specifying -appid."
        else {
            $appid = $

    # if the user didn't specify a target we need to ask for one now
    if (!($allowedips)) 
        [string]$allowedips = Read-Host "Allowed IP addresses (comma separated list)"

    # learn about the image if the user gave it
    if ($imagename)
        $imagegrab = Get-AGMImage -filtervalue backupname=$imagename
        if (!($imagegrab))
            Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Failed to find $imagename using: Get-AGMImage -filtervalue backupname=$imagename"
            $imageid = $

    # finally if the user gave an AppID lets check it
    if ($appid)
        $imagegrab = Get-AGMLibLatestImage $appid
        if (!($imagegrab.backupname))
            Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Failed to find snapshot for AppID using: Get-AGMLatestImage $appid"
            $imagename = $imagegrab.backupname
            $imageid = $

    # this if for guided menu
    if ($guided)
        if (!($label))
            [string]$label = Read-host "Label"

        $imagegrab = Get-AGMimage -id $imageid 
        $vollist = $imagegrab.restorableobjects 
        if (!($vollist))
            Get-AGMErrorMessage -messagetoprint "Failed to fetch any volumes"
        if ($vollist.volumeinfo.count -eq 1) 
            $uniqueid = $imagegrab.restorableobjects.volumeinfo.uniqueid
            $logicalname = $imagegrab.restorableobjects.volumeinfo.logicalname
            $appliancemountpoint = Read-Host "Appliance mount point for $logicalname"
            $mountpoint = Read-Host "NFS Export Path for $logicalname"
            if ($appliancemountpoint)
                if ($appliancemountpoint.substring(0,1) -ne "/")
                    $appliancemountpoint = "/tmp/cmounts/" + $appliancemountpoint
                else {
                    $appliancemountpoint = "/tmp/cmounts" + $appliancemountpoint
            $volumes = $uniqueid + ";" + "$appliancemountpoint" + ";" + $mountpoint
            foreach ($point in $vollist.volumeinfo)
                $uniqueid = $point.uniqueid
                $logicalname = $point.logicalname
                $appliancemountpoint = Read-Host "Appliance mount point for $logicalname"
                $mountpoint = Read-Host "NFS Export Path for $logicalname"
                write-host ""
                if ($appliancemountpoint)
                    if ($appliancemountpoint.substring(0,1) -ne "/")
                        $appliancemountpoint = "/tmp/cmounts/" + $appliancemountpoint
                    else {
                        $appliancemountpoint = "/tmp/cmounts" + $appliancemountpoint
                $volumes = $volumes + "," + $uniqueid + ";" + "$appliancemountpoint" + ";" + $mountpoint
            $volumes = $volumes.substring(1)

        Write-Host "Guided selection is complete. The values entered would result in the following command:"
        Write-Host ""
        Write-Host -nonewline "New-AGMLibVMExisting -imageid $imageid -volumes `"$volumes`""
        if ($allowedips)
            Write-Host -nonewline " -allowedips `"$allowedips`""
        Write-Host ""
        Write-Host "1`: Run the command now (default)"
        Write-Host "2`: Show the JSON used to run this command, but don't run it"
        Write-Host "3`: Exit without running the command"
        $userchoice = Read-Host "Please select from this list (1-3)"
        if ($userchoice -eq 2)
            $jsonprint = "yes"
        if ($userchoice -eq 3)

    if (!($imageid))
        [string]$imageid = Read-Host "ImageID to mount"

    $selectedobjects = @(

    if ($volumes)
        $restoreobjectmappings =@(
        foreach ($vol in $volumes.Split(","))
                'restoreobject' = $vol.split(";")[0]
                'appliancemountpoint' = $vol.split(";")[1]
                'mountpoint' = $vol.split(";")[2]

    if (!($label))
        $label = ""

    $body = [ordered]@{
        label = $label;
        container = "true";
        selectedobjects = $selectedobjects;
        restoreobjectmappings = $restoreobjectmappings

    if ($allowedips)
        $allowediplist = @(foreach ($ip in $allowedips.Split(","))
        $body = $body + [ordered]@{ allowedips = $allowediplist }

    $json = $body | ConvertTo-Json

    if ($monitor)
        $wait = "y"

    if ($jsonprint -eq "yes")
        $compressedjson = $body | ConvertTo-Json -compress
        Write-host "This is the final command:"
        Write-host ""
        Write-host "Post-AGMAPIData -endpoint /backup/$imageid/mount -body `'$compressedjson`'"

    Post-AGMAPIData  -endpoint /backup/$imageid/mount -body $json
    if ($wait)
        Start-Sleep -s 15
        $jobgrab = Get-AGMJob -filtervalue "appid=$appid&jobclasscode=5&isscheduled=false&targethost=$targethostname" -sort queuedate:desc -limit 1 
        if (!($jobgrab.jobname))
            Start-Sleep -s 15
            $jobgrab = Get-AGMJob -filtervalue "appid=$appid&jobclasscode=5&isscheduled=false&targethost=$targethostname" -sort queuedate:desc -limit 1 
            if (!($jobgrab.jobname))
            $jobgrab| select-object jobname,status,queuedate,startdate,targethost
        if (($jobgrab.jobname) -and ($monitor))
            Get-AGMFollowJobStatus $jobgrab.jobname