
function Get-AhsPrivilegedPrincipal {
        Retrieves all privileged accounts in a domain.
        Retrieves all privileged accounts in a domain.
        Includes nested group memberships and non-user principals.
        Note: This scan is ONLY scanning for membership in privileged groups.
        If you want to ensure no other escalation path exists, use a tool such as the
        Active Directory Management Framework ( to scan for unexpected delegations.
        List of privileged groups taken from the Protected Accounts and Groups:
        Name filter applied to the returned principals.
        Defaults to: *
    .PARAMETER Group
        Name of privileged group to consider for the result.
        Defaults to: *
    .PARAMETER ExcludeBuiltIn
        By default, the krbtgt and Administrator account are returned, irrespective of any other filtering.
        This disables that behavior.
    .PARAMETER IncludeGroups
        Include groups in the list of members of privileged groups.
        By default, groups that are members of a privileged groups are not returned, just its non-group members (recursively).
    .PARAMETER Server
        The server / domain to contact.
    .PARAMETER Credential
        The credentials to use with the request
        PS C:\> Get-AhsPrivilegedPrincipal
        Retrieves all privileged accounts in the current domain.

    param (
        $Name = '*',

        $Group = '*',




    begin {
        $privilegedGroupRids = @(
            '498' # Enterprise Read-only Domain Controllers
            '512' # Domain Admins
            '516' # Domain Controllers
            '518' # Schema Admins
            '519' # Enterprise Admins
            '521' # Read-only DOmain Controllers
        $privilegedBuiltinGroups = @(
            'S-1-5-32-544' # Administrators
            'S-1-5-32-548' # Account Operators
            'S-1-5-32-549' # Server Operators
            'S-1-5-32-550' # Print Operators
            'S-1-5-32-551' # Backup Operators
            'S-1-5-32-552' # Replicator
        $privilegedAccountRids = @(
            '500' # Administrator
            '502' # krbtgt

        $adParam = @{}
        if ($Server) { $adParam.Server = $Server }
        if ($Credential) { $adParam.Credential = $Credential }
    process {
        $domain = Get-LdapObject @adParam -LdapFilter '(objectCategory=domainDNS)'

        #region Builtin Privileged Accounts
        if (-not $ExcludeBuiltIn) {
            foreach ($rid in $privilegedAccountRids) {
                $user = Get-LdapObject @adParam -LdapFilter "(objectSID=$($domain.ObjectSID)-$rid)" -Property SamAccountName, ObjectClass, ObjectSID, DistinguishedName
                if ($user.Name -notlike $Name) { continue }

                    PSTypeName = 'ADObjectHealthScan.Privileged.GroupMember'
                    GroupName  = 'n/a'
                    GroupDN    = $null
                    GroupSID   = $null
                    MemberName = $user.SamAccountName
                    MemberType = $user.ObjectClass
                    MemberSID  = $user.ObjectSID
                    MemberDN   = $user.DistinguishedName
        #endregion Builtin Privileged Accounts
        #region Resolve Groups to check
        $groupsDefault = foreach ($rid in $privilegedGroupRids) {
            Get-LdapObject @adParam -LdapFilter "(objectSID=$($domain.ObjectSID)-$rid)" -Property SamAccountName, DistinguishedName, ObjectSID -ErrorAction Stop
        $groupsBuiltin = foreach ($sid in $privilegedBuiltinGroups) {
            Get-LdapObject @adParam -LdapFilter "(objectSID=$sid)" -Property SamAccountName, DistinguishedName, ObjectSID -ErrorAction Stop
        $relevantGroups = @($groupsDefault) + @($groupsBuiltin) | Write-Output | Where-Object { $_ -and $_.SamAccountName -like $Group }
        #endregion Resolve Groups to check

        #region Resolve privileged entities
        foreach ($relevantGroup in $relevantGroups) {
            $members = Get-LdapObject @adParam -LDAPFilter "(&(objectSID=*)(memberof:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=$($relevantGroup.DistinguishedName)))" -Properties ObjectSID, SamAccountName, ObjectClass, DistinguishedName
            foreach ($member in $members) {
                if ($member.SamAccountName -notlike $Name) { continue }
                if ($member.ObjectClass -eq 'Group' -and -not $IncludeGroups) { continue }
                    PSTypeName = 'ADObjectHealthScan.Privileged.GroupMember'
                    GroupName  = $relevantGroup.SamAccountName
                    GroupDN    = $relevantGroup.DistinguishedName
                    GroupSID   = $relevantGroup.ObjectSID
                    MemberName = $member.SamAccountName
                    MemberType = $member.ObjectClass
                    MemberSID  = $member.ObjectSID
                    MemberDN   = $member.DistinguishedName
        #endregion Resolve privileged entitie