
# ADName.psm1
# Written by Bill Stewart (
# Implements the NameTranslate and Pathname COM objects as easy-to-use
# PowerShell functions.
# Version history:
# (2017-04-06)
# * Initial version. Based on my articles Translate-ADName.ps1 and
# Get-ADPathname.ps1 that I published in Windows IT Pro. I refactored and
# cleaned up the code and made it (I hope) easier to read.
# (2017-07-25)
# * Renamed Edit-ADName to Get-ADName.

#requires -version 3

# IADsNameTranslate enumeration values
  "Domain" = 1
  "Server" = 2
  "GC"     = 3
  "1779"             = 1
  "DN"               = 1
  "X500DN"           = 1
  "Canonical"        = 2
  "NT4"              = 3
  "Display"          = 4
  "DomainSimple"     = 5
  "EnterpriseSimple" = 6
  "GUID"             = 7
  "Unknown"          = 8
  "UPN"              = 9
  "CanonicalEx"      = 10
  "SPN"              = 11
  "SIDorSIDhistory"  = 12

# IADsPathname enumeration values
  "Full" = 1
  "DN"   = 4
  "Windows"         = 1
  "WindowsNoServer" = 2
  "WindowsDN"       = 3
  "WindowsParent"   = 4
  "X500"            = 5
  "X500NoServer"    = 6
  "X500DN"          = 7
  "DN"              = 7
  "1779"            = 7
  "X500Parent"      = 8
  "Parent"          = 8
  "Server"          = 9
  "Provider"        = 10
  "Leaf"            = 11
  "Default" = 1
  "On"      = 2
  "Off"     = 3
  "OffEx"   = 4
  "Full"       = 1
  "ValuesOnly" = 2

# Wrapper methods for the COM objects
function Invoke-Method {
    [__ComObject] $object,
    [String] $method,
  $output = $object.GetType().InvokeMember($method, "InvokeMethod", $null, $object, $parameters)
  if ( $output ) { $output }
function Set-Property {
    [__ComObject] $object,
    [String] $property,
  [Void] $object.GetType().InvokeMember($property, "SetProperty", $null, $object, $parameters)

# Create the COM objects
$NameTranslate = New-Object -ComObject "NameTranslate"
$Pathname = New-Object -ComObject "Pathname"

# Writes a custom error to the error stream
function Write-CustomError {
    [Exception] $exception,
    [String] $errorID,
    [Management.Automation.ErrorCategory] $errorCategory="NotSpecified",
    [Switch] $terminatingError
  $errorRecord = New-Object Management.Automation.ErrorRecord($exception,$errorID,$errorCategory,$targetObject)
  if ( $terminatingError ) {
  else {

function Convert-ADName {
  Converts Active Directory names between various formats.
  Converts Active Directory (AD) names between various formats by using the NameTranslate COM object. The NameTranslate COM object implements the IADsNameTranslate interface (see RELATED LINKS). The NameTranslate object converts AD names by binding to a global catalog or to a specific domain or server name.
  .PARAMETER OutputType
  Specifies the output type for the name(s), which must be one of the following:
    DN Distinguished name; e.g.: CN=Ken Dyer,CN=Users,DC=...
    1779 Same as DN
    X500DN Same as DN
    Canonical Canonical name; e.g.: Dyer
    NT4 Domain\username; e.g.: fabrikam\kdyer
    Display Display name
    DomainSimple Simple domain name format
    EnterpriseSimple Simple enterprise name format
    GUID GUID; e.g.: {95ee9fff-3436-11d1-b2b0-d15ae3ac8436}
    UPN User principal name; e.g.:
    CanonicalEx Extended canonical name format
    SPN Service principal name format
  This parameter's values correspond to the ADS_NAME_TYPE_ENUM enumeration's values (see RELATED LINKS).
  Specifies one or more AD name(s) to convert. This parameter does not support wildcards.
  .PARAMETER InputType
  Specifies the input name type. Possible values are the same as the values supported by the -OutputType parameter, with the following additions:
    Unknown The system will estimate the name format
    SIDorSIDhistory SDDL string for the object's SID or one in its SID history
  The default value for this parameter is "Unknown". This parameter's values correspond to the ADS_NAME_TYPE_ENUM enumeration's values (see RELATED LINKS).
  Specifies how to initialize the NameTranslate object. This parameter must be either "Domain" or "Server". If you omit this parameter, the default is to find and use a global catalog. This parameter's values correspond to the ADS_NAME_INITTYPE_DOMAIN and ADS_NAME_INITTYPE_SERVER values of the ADS_NAME_INITTYPE_ENUM enumeration (see RELATED LINKS).
  Specifies the name of the domain or server to bind to when the -InitType parameter is set to "Domain" or "Server".
  .PARAMETER ChaseReferrals
  Specifies whether to chase referrals. (When a server determines that other servers hold relevant data, in part or as a whole, it may refer the client to another server to obtain the result. Referral chasing is the action taken by a client to contact the referred-to server to continue the directory search.)
  .PARAMETER Credential
  Specifies credentials to use when binding to a global catalog, server, or domain. If you omit this parameter, the current credentials are used.
  PS C:\> Convert-ADName Canonical "CN=Ken Dyer,OU=Engineers,DC=fabrikam,DC=com"
  This command outputs the specified DN as a canonical name.
  PS C:\> Convert-ADName -OutputType DN -Name fabrikam\kdyer
  This command outputs the specified domain\username as a distinguished name.
  PS C:\> Convert-ADName DN fabrikam\kdyer -InitType Server -InitName dc1
  This command uses the server dc1 to convert the specified name.
  PS C:\> Convert-ADName Display fabrikam\kdyer -InitType Domain -InitName fabrikam
  This command uses the fabrikam domain to convert the specified name.
  PS C:\> Convert-ADName DN " Dyer" -Credential (Get-Credential)
  Prompts for credentials, then uses those credentials to convert the specified name.
  PS C:\> Get-Content DNs.txt | Convert-ADName -OutputType Display -InputType DN
  Outputs the display names for each of the distinguished names in the file DNs.txt.
  IADsNameTranslate Interface -
  ADS_NAME_TYPE_ENUM Enumeration -

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName="GC",            Position=0,Mandatory=$true)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName="GC",            Position=1,Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential

  begin {
    # Use global catalog by default (use separate variable because $InitType
    # uses ValidateSet)
    if ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "GC" ) {
      $InitTypeName = "GC"
    else {
      $InitTypeName = $InitType

    # If -Credential, use InitEx
    if ( $Credential ) {
      $networkCredential = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential()
      try {
        Invoke-Method $NameTranslate "InitEx" (
      catch [Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException] {
        Write-CustomError `
          -exception $_.Exception.InnerException `
          -targetObject $null `
          -errorID (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 1).Value.MyCommand.Name `
          -errorCategory NotSpecified `
      finally {
        Remove-Variable networkCredential
    else {
      try {
        Invoke-Method $NameTranslate "Init" (
      catch [Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException] {
        Write-CustomError `
          -exception $_.Exception.InnerException `
          -targetObject $null `
          -errorID (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 1).Value.MyCommand.Name `
          -errorCategory NotSpecified `

    # If -ChaseReferrals, set the object's ChaseReferral property to
    # ADS_CHASE_REFERRALS_ALWAYS (0x60 - only supported value); otherwise use
    if ( $ChaseReferrals ) {
      Set-Property $NameTranslate "ChaseReferral" @(0x60)
    else {
      Set-Property $NameTranslate "ChaseReferral" @(0)

    function NameTranslate {
        [String] $name,
        [Int] $inputType,
        [Int] $outputType
      try {
        Invoke-Method $NameTranslate "Set" @($inputType, $name)
        Invoke-Method $NameTranslate "Get" @($outputType)
      catch [Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException] {
        Write-CustomError `
          -exception $_.Exception.InnerException `
          -targetObject $name `
          -errorID (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 1).Value.MyCommand.Name `
          -errorCategory NotSpecified

  process {
    foreach ( $nameItem in $Name ) {
      NameTranslate $nameItem $ADS_NAME_TYPE_ENUM[$InputType] $ADS_NAME_TYPE_ENUM[$OutputType]

function Get-ADName {
  Outputs Active Directory path names in various formats.
  Outputs Active Directory (AD) path names in various formats using the Pathname COM object. The Pathname COM object implements the IADsPathname interface (see RELATED LINKS). This is a more robust means of handling AD path names than string parsing because it supports escaping of special characters.
  Specifies one or more AD path names, in distinguished name (DN) format; e.g.: "CN=Ken Dyer,DC=fabrikam,DC=com". If using the Full type (see -Type parameter), include the provider and/or server; e.g.: "LDAP://CN=Ken Dyer,DC=fabrikam,DC=com" or "LDAP://server/CN=Ken Dyer,DC=fabrikam,DC=com". This parameter does not accept wildcards.
  Specifies the format in which to output the AD path name(s), and must be one of the following values:
    DN Distinguished name (DN) format
    X500DN Same as DN
    1779 Same as DN
    X500 DN format with provider
    X500NoServer DN format with provider but without server
    Parent DN format, parent only
    Leaf Leaf only
    Provider Provider only (e.g., "LDAP")
    X500Parent Same as Parent
    Server Server name only
    Windows Windows format (rarely used)
    WindowsNoServer Windows format without server (rarely used)
    WindowsDN Windows format, distinguished name only (rarely used)
    WindowsParent Windows format, parent only (rarely used)
  The default value for this parameter is "DN". This parameter's values correspond to the ADS_FORMAT_ENUM enumeration's values (see RELATED LINKS).
  Specifies the type of the AD path name(s). This parameter must be one of the following values: "DN" or "Full". If you specify "Full", include the provider and/or server.
  .PARAMETER Retrieve
  Outputs the AD path name(s) using the format specified by the -Format parameter. This is the default parameter.
  .PARAMETER AddLeafElement
  Adds the specified leaf element(s) to the AD path name(s) and outputs the new AD path name(s) using the format specified by the -Format parameter.
  .PARAMETER RemoveLeafElement
  Removes the final leaf element from the AD path name(s) and outputs the new AD path name(s) using the format specified by the -Format parameter.
  Outputs a list of the elements in the AD path name(s).
  .PARAMETER GetEscapedElement
  Outputs one or more AD path name element(s) with escape ("\") characters inserted in the correct places.
  .PARAMETER EscapedMode
  Specifies how escape characters are output for the AD path name(s). This parameter must be one of the following values: "Default", "On", "Off", or "OffEx". The default value for this parameter is "Default". This parameter's values correspond to the ADS_ESCAPE_MODE_ENUM enumeration's values (see RELATED LINKS).
  .PARAMETER ValuesOnly
  Specifies how elements in an AD path name are output. If this parameter is absent, name elements are output using both attributes and values (e.g., "CN=Ken Dyer"). If this parameter is present, name elements are output with values only (e.g., "Ken Dyer").
  PS C:\> Get-ADName "LDAP://CN=Ken Dyer,CN=Users,DC=fabrikam,DC=com" -Type Full
  Outputs "CN=Ken Dyer,CN=Users,DC=fabrikam,DC=com". The -Type parameter indicates that the AD path name contains a provider (LDAP).
  PS C:\> Get-ADName "CN=Ken Dyer,CN=Users,DC=fabrikam,DC=com" -RemoveLeafElement
  This command removes the leaf element ("CN=Ken Dyer") from the AD path name and outputs "CN=Users,DC=fabrikam,DC=com".
  PS C:\> Get-ADName "CN=Ken Dyer,CN=Users,DC=fabrikam,DC=com" -Format Parent
  This command outputs only the parent of the AD path name; e.g.: "CN=Users,DC=fabrikam,DC=com".
  PS C:\> Get-ADName "CN=Jeff Smith,CN=H/R,DC=fabrikam,DC=com" -Format X500
  This commands outputs the AD path element in X500 format "LDAP://CN=Jeff Smith,CN=H\/R,DC=fabrikam,DC=com". Note that the X500 format automatically includes escape characters (i.e., it is not necessary to use -EscapedMode On).
  PS C:\> Get-ADName "CN=H/R,DC=fabrikam,DC=com" -AddLeafElement "CN=Jeff Smith" -EscapedMode On
  This command outputs "CN=Jeff Smith,CN=H\/R,DC=fabrikam,DC=com" with necessary escape characters inserted.
  PS C:\> Get-ADName "CN=Ken Dyer,CN=Users,DC=fabrikam,DC=com" -Split
  This command splits the AD path name and outputs a list of the elements: "CN=Ken Dyer", "CN=Users", "DC=fabrikam", and "DC=com".
  PS C:\> Get-Content DistinguishedNames.txt | Get-ADName -EscapedMode On
  This command outputs all of the AD path names listed in the file DistinguishedNames.txt with the needed escape characters.
  PS C:\> Get-ADName -GetEscapedElement "OU=H/R"
  This command inserts the needed escape characters into the name element and outputs "OU=H\/R".
  IADsPathname Interface -
  ADS_FORMAT_ENUM Enumeration -
  ADS_ESCAPE_MODE_ENUM Enumeration -

    [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Retrieve",         Position=0,Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName="AddLeafElement",   Position=0,Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Split",            Position=0,Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Retrieve",         Position=1)]
    [Parameter(ParameterSetName="AddLeafElement",   Position=1)]

  begin {
    if ( $EscapedMode ) {
      Set-Property $Pathname "EscapedMode" $ADS_ESCAPE_MODE_ENUM[$EscapedMode]
    else {
      Set-Property $Pathname "EscapedMode" $ADS_ESCAPE_MODE_ENUM["Default"]
    if ( $ValuesOnly ) {
      Invoke-Method $Pathname "SetDisplayType" $ADS_DISPLAY_ENUM["ValuesOnly"]
    else {
      Invoke-Method $Pathname "SetDisplayType" $ADS_DISPLAY_ENUM["Full"]
    function Retrieve {
        [String] $name,
        [Int] $inputType,
        [Int] $outputFormat
      try {
        Invoke-Method $Pathname "Set" @($name,$inputType)
        Invoke-Method $Pathname "Retrieve" $outputFormat
      catch [Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException] {
        Write-CustomError `
          -exception $_.Exception.InnerException `
          -targetObject $name `
          -errorID (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 1).Value.MyCommand.Name `
          -errorCategory NotSpecified
    function AddLeafElement {
        [String] $name,
        [Int] $inputType,
        [String] $element,
        [Int] $outputFormat
      try {
        Invoke-Method $Pathname "Set" @($name,$inputType)
        Invoke-Method $Pathname "AddLeafElement" $element
        Invoke-Method $Pathname "Retrieve" $outputFormat
      catch [Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException] {
        Write-CustomError `
          -exception $_.Exception.InnerException `
          -targetObject $name `
          -errorID (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 1).Value.MyCommand.Name `
          -errorCategory NotSpecified
    function RemoveLeafElement {
        [String] $name,
        [Int] $inputType,
        [Int] $outputFormat
      try {
        Invoke-Method $Pathname "Set" @($name,$inputType)
        Invoke-Method $Pathname "RemoveLeafElement"
        Invoke-Method $Pathname "Retrieve" $outputFormat
      catch [Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException] {
        Write-CustomError `
          -exception $_.Exception.InnerException `
          -targetObject $name `
          -errorID (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 1).Value.MyCommand.Name `
          -errorCategory NotSpecified
    function Split {
        [String] $name,
        [Int] $inputType
      try {
        Invoke-Method $Pathname "Set" @($name,$inputType)
        $numElements = Invoke-Method $Pathname "GetNumElements"
        for ( $i = 0; $i -lt $numElements; $i++ ) {
          Invoke-Method $Pathname "GetElement" $i
      catch [Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException] {
        Write-CustomError `
          -exception $_.Exception.InnerException `
          -targetObject $name `
          -errorID (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 1).Value.MyCommand.Name `
          -errorCategory NotSpecified
    function GetEscapedElement {
        [String] $element
      try {
        Invoke-Method $Pathname "GetEscapedElement" @(0,$element)
      catch [Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException] {
        Write-CustomError `
          -exception $_.Exception.InnerException `
          -targetObject $element `
          -errorID (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 1).Value.MyCommand.Name `
          -errorCategory NotSpecified

  process {
    switch ( $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName ) {
      "Retrieve" {
        foreach ( $nameItem in $Name ) {
          Retrieve $nameItem $ADS_SETTYPE_ENUM[$Type] $ADS_FORMAT_ENUM[$Format]
      "AddLeafElement" {
        foreach ( $nameItem in $Name ) {
          foreach ( $addLeafElementItem in $AddLeafElement ) {
            AddLeafElement $nameItem $ADS_SETTYPE_ENUM[$Type] $addLeafElementItem $ADS_FORMAT_ENUM[$Format]
      "RemoveLeafElement" {
        foreach ( $nameItem in $Name ) {
          RemoveLeafElement $nameItem $ADS_SETTYPE_ENUM[$Type] $ADS_FORMAT_ENUM[$Format]
      "Split" {
        foreach ( $nameItem in $Name ) {
          Split $nameItem $ADS_SETTYPE_ENUM[$Type]
      "GetEscapedElement" {
        foreach ( $getEscapedElementItem in $GetEscapedElement ) {
          GetEscapedElement $getEscapedElementItem