
function New-AdcChange {
        Create a new change object.
        Create a new change object.
        Used for test results in cases where no specialized change objects are intended.
        Mostly used from the internal Compare-Property command.
    .PARAMETER Property
        The property being updated
    .PARAMETER OldValue
        The previous value the property had
    .PARAMETER NewValue
        The new value the property should receive
    .PARAMETER Identity
        Identity of the object being updated
        The object/component type of the object being changed
        Additional data to include in the change object.
        Will ignore keys named "Property", "Old", "New" or "Identity"
    .PARAMETER ToString
        Scriptblock that determines, how the change is being displayed when a property itself.
        Defaults to '<property> -> <newvalue>'
        Use $this to refer to the object being displayed.
        PS C:\> New-Change -Property Path -OldValue $adObject.DistinguishedName -NewValue $path -Identity $adObject -Type Object
        Creates a new change object for the path of an object

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]



        $Type = 'Unknown',

        $Data = @{ },

        $ToString = { '{0} -> {1}' -f $this.Property, $this.New }

    $changeHash = @{
        PSTypeName = "ADMF.$Type.Change"
        Property   = $Property
        Old        = $OldValue
        New        = $NewValue
        Identity   = $Identity
    foreach ($pair in $Data.GetEnumerator()) {
        if ($pair.Key -in $changeHash.Keys) { continue }
        $changeHash[$pair.Key] = $pair.Value

    $change = [PSCustomObject]$changeHash
    Add-Member -InputObject $change -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name ToString -Value $ToString -Force -PassThru