

Lookup Active Directory Info/Properties and Local Computer Information such as Users, Groups, Services and Shares
* Querying:
- GC: Runs GC query if domain not specified (Ex: "MyUser" instead of "domain\MyUser")
- LDAP: Runs LDAP query when domain specified (Ex: "domain\MyUser" instead of "MyUser")
- WinNT: Runs WinNT query either in domain or on computer
Lookup Active Directory Info/Properties and Local Computer Information such as Users, Groups, Services and Shares
* Querying:
- GC: Runs GC query if domain not specified (Ex: "MyUser" instead of "domain\MyUser")
- LDAP: Runs LDAP query when domain specified (Ex: "domain\MyUser" instead of "MyUser")
- WinNT: Runs WinNT query either in domain or on computer (Ex: "ThisCanBeDomain\User", Ex: "ThisCanBeComputer\User, Ex: "ComputerName")
- UserFlags: Translates UserFlags names/values (from WinNT) if found in properties
* Dropdown: String lookup dropdown will save successfully queried values in the dropdown list
* Query CheckBoxes (below Lookup string)
- FullName - Searches cn, displayname, and name in AD for string
- LastName - Searches sn in AD for string
- Mail - Searches mail, userprincipalname, and mailnickname in AD for string
- FirstName - Searches givenname in AD for string
- EmployeeId - Searches employeenumber and employeeid in AD for string
- Alias - Searches sAMAccountName in AD for string
- "ExactMatch" - If unchecked, assume partial search and puts wild cards around string for Lookup (Ex: "MyUser" will search like "*MyUser*")
* Filters: Executes after Lookup so retains unfiltered values. Click on Filter button after Lookup to filter or blank-out filters to unfilter
- Filter on or exclude string on returned rows (works after search)
- Specify Columns: Able to specific columns for filter search (Ex: Alias,Name,Value).
- "Exact" checkbox means match entire string of cell - Unchecked adds wild cards *aroundstring* during filter
- "Case-Sens" means case sensitive filter
* Results:
- Double-Click on Cell: will either lookup that value or open a text window. It depends on the cell column and table
- Has multiple tabs returned with information Properties and User/Computer/Group (depending on user type)
- Additional ADInfo: Members, MemberOf, ManagedObjects, ManagedBy, and DirectReports
- For Local Computer information, it returns Users, Groups, Services and Shares
- Gets Manager Information
- Returns a summary of properties from AD for User, Group and Computer. These columns may differ in different domains/companies
* Checkboxes for Results
- GetProperties: Show Properties returned from LDAP, GC, WinNT, and UserFlags (from users, groups and computers)
 * Properties can get very large on multiple returns from a lookup and slow on too many
 * Shows UserFlags details in Properties list if UserFlags value is found in Properties
- "Get Extra Member Details (slower)" - Slow because it runs an additional query for each member returned from a Group, DirectReports, etc...
 * Very slow if there is a large number of members (or multiple results), because it runs an AD query for each member
- "No extra details on multiple results" - If multiple (for example) groups are returned, it does not query member details (not used if above checkbox is unchecked)
- MemberOf: Gets members from memberof
- ManagedBy: Gets members from managedby and msexchcomanagedbylink
- ManagedObjects: Gets members from managedobjects
- Members: Gets Group members from member
  * Shows group type: DL (Distribution List/Email), SG Universal, SG Global, and SG Local (Security Groups)
- DirectReports: Gets members from directreports
* "AlwaysOnTop" Checkbox puts this in the foreground on top of other applications
* "Debug" Checkbox - writes to the command prompt - functions which are executed
* -File parameter to load list for dropdown from text file

NOTE: Some Properties and columns may differ between different companies and different domains
     It is suggested to modify the columns to what you see as important
     For an example of places in the code to change columns, search for "ExampleColumnComputer" in this PowerShell script

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Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Script -Name ADLookupLDAPGCWinNTDomainLocalLanman

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More




Package Details


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
1.0 (current version) 2,962 12/31/2020