function Test-LdsUser { <# .SYNOPSIS Tests, whether the desired users have already been created. .DESCRIPTION Tests, whether the desired users have already been created. .PARAMETER Server The LDS Server to target. .PARAMETER Partition The Partition on the LDS Server to target. .PARAMETER Credential Credentials to use for the operation. .PARAMETER Delete Undo everything defined in configuration. Allows rolling back after deployment. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Test-LdsUser -Server -Partition 'DC=fabrikam,DC=org' Tests, whether the desired users have already been created for 'DC=fabrikam,DC=org' on #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Server, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Partition, [PSCredential] $Credential, [switch] $Delete ) begin { Update-LdsConfiguration -LdsServer $Server -LdsPartition $Partition $ldsParam = $PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable -Include Server, Partition, Credential $systemProperties = 'ObjectClass', 'Path', 'Name', 'Enabled' } process { foreach ($configurationItem in $script:content.user.Values) { if ($configurationItem.SamAccountName -and -not $configurationItem.Name) { $configurationItem.Name = $configurationItem.SamAccountName } $path = 'CN={0},{1}' -f $configurationItem.Name, ($configurationItem.Path -replace '%DomainDN%',$Partition) if ($path -notmatch ',DC=') { $path = $path, $Partition -join ',' } $resultDefaults = @{ Type = 'User' Identity = $path Configuration = $configurationItem } $failed = $null $adObject = $null try { $adObject = Get-ADUser @ldsParam -Identity $path -Properties * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable failed } catch { $failed = $_ } if ($failed -and $failed.CategoryInfo.Category -ne 'ObjectNotFound') { foreach ($failure in $failed) { Write-Error $failure } continue } #region Cases # Case: Does not Exist if (-not $adObject) { if ($Delete) { continue } New-TestResult @resultDefaults -Action Create continue } # Case: Exists $resultDefaults.ADObject = $adObject if ($Delete) { New-TestResult @resultDefaults -Action Delete continue } $changes = foreach ($pair in $configurationItem.GetEnumerator()) { if ($pair.Key -in $systemProperties) { continue } if ($pair.Value -ne $adObject.$($pair.Key)) { New-Change -Identity $path -Property $pair.Key -OldValue $adObject.$($pair.Key) -NewValue $pair.Value } } if ($changes) { New-TestResult @resultDefaults -Action Update -Change $changes } #endregion Cases } } } |