function Test-LdsSchemaAttribute { <# .SYNOPSIS Tests, whether the intended schema attributes have been applied. .DESCRIPTION Tests, whether the intended schema attributes have been applied. .PARAMETER Server The LDS Server to target. .PARAMETER Partition The Partition on the LDS Server to target. .PARAMETER Credential Credentials to use for the operation. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Test-LdsSchemaAttribute -Server -Partition 'DC=fabrikam,DC=org' Tests, whether the intended schema attributes have been applied to 'DC=fabrikam,DC=org' on #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Server, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] $Partition, [PSCredential] $Credential ) begin { Update-LdsConfiguration -LdsServer $Server -LdsPartition $Partition $ldsParam = $PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable -Include Server, Partition, Credential $ldsParamLight = $ldsParam | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable -Exclude Partition $systemProperties = 'ObjectClass', 'AttributeID', 'IsDeleted', 'Optional', 'MayContain' $rootDSE = Get-ADRootDSE @ldsParamLight $classes = Get-ADObject @ldsParamLight -SearchBase $rootDSE.schemaNamingContext -LDAPFilter '(objectClass=classSchema)' -Properties mayContain, adminDisplayName } process { foreach ($schemaSetting in $script:content.SchemaAttribute.Values) { $schemaObject = $null $schemaObject = Get-ADObject @ldsParamLight -LDAPFilter "(attributeID=$($schemaSetting.AttributeID))" -SearchBase $rootDSE.schemaNamingContext -ErrorAction Ignore -Properties * $resultDefaults = @{ Type = 'SchemaAttribute' Identity = $schemaSetting.AdminDisplayName Configuration = $schemaSetting } if (-not $schemaObject) { # If we already want to disable the attribute, no need to create it if ($schemaSetting.IsDeleted) { continue } if ($schemaSetting.Optional) { continue } New-TestResult @resultDefaults -Action Create foreach ($entry in $schemaSetting.MayContain) { if ($classes.AdminDisplayName -notcontains $entry) { continue } New-TestResult @resultDefaults -Action Add -Change @( New-Change -Identity $schemaSetting.AdminDisplayName -Property MayContain -NewValue $entry -Data ($classes | Where-Object AdminDisplayName -EQ $entry) ) } continue } $resultDefaults.ADObject = $schemaObject if ($schemaSetting.IsDeleted -and -not $schemaObject.isDeleted) { New-TestResult @resultDefaults -Action Delete -Change @( New-Change -Identity $schemaSetting.AdminDisplayName -Property IsDeleted -OldValue $false -NewValue $true ) } if ($schemaSetting.Name -and $schemaSetting.Name -cne $schemaObject.Name) { New-TestResult @resultDefaults -Action Rename -Change @( New-Change -Identity $schemaSetting.AdminDisplayName -Property Name -OldValue $schemaObject.Name -NewValue $schemaSetting.Name ) } $changes = foreach ($pair in $schemaSetting.GetEnumerator()) { if ($pair.Key -in $systemProperties) { continue } if ($pair.Value -cne $schemaObject.$($pair.Key)) { New-Change -Identity $schemaSetting.AdminDisplayName -Property $pair.Key -OldValue $schemaObject.$($pair.Key) -NewValue $pair.Value } } if ($changes) { New-TestResult @resultDefaults -Action Update -Change $changes } $mayBeContainedIn = $schemaSetting.MayContain if ($schemaSetting.IsDeleted) { $mayBeContainedIn = @() } $classesMatch = $classes | Where-Object mayContain -Contains $schemaObject.LdapDisplayName foreach ($matchingclass in $classesMatch) { if ($matchingclass.AdminDisplayName -in $mayBeContainedIn) { continue } New-TestResult @resultDefaults -Action Remove -Change @( New-Change -Identity $schemaSetting.AdminDisplayName -Property MayContain -OldValue $matchingclass.AdminDisplayName -DisplayStyle RemoveValue -Data $matchingClass ) } foreach ($allowedClass in $mayBeContainedIn) { if ($classesMatch.AdminDisplayName -contains $allowedClass) { continue } New-TestResult @resultDefaults -Action Add -Change @( New-Change -Identity $schemaSetting.AdminDisplayName -Property MayContain -NewValue $allowedClass -Data ($classes | Where-Object AdminDisplayName -EQ $allowedClass) ) } } } } |