@{ 'New-ADGraphExcelFile.gridViewTitleTestgroupConversion' = "Which objects shall be converted into test groups?" 'Start-ADGraph.ChooseDomain' = "Which domain should be inspected?" # 'Start-ADGraph.ChooseOptions' = "Choose options" # 'Start-ADGraph.NoInput' = "No {0} chosen, exiting" # # 'Start-ADGraph.Message9' = "Skript läuft als kompilierte EXE, Endlosschleife" # # 'Start-ADGraph.Message10' = "Skript läuft in der Konsole, keine Endlosschleife" # 'Start-ADGraph.allExistingGroupsAndUsers' = "Found {0} users and groups" 'Start-ADGraph.ChooseStartobject' = "Choose the start object" 'Start-ADGraph.CompareXobjects' = "Compare multiple objects" 'Start-ADGraph.CompareFirstObject' = "Compare two objects, choose first object" 'Start-ADGraph.CompareSecondObject' = "Compare two objects, choose second object" 'Start-ADGraph.OptionGrid.Mode-Default' = "Visualizes the membership relations of one object and creates a PDF file" 'Start-ADGraph.OptionGrid.Mode-Compare-2-Objects' = "Visualizes the membership relations of two objects and creates a PDF file with the comparison" 'Start-ADGraph.OptionGrid.Mode-Multi-Object-One-PDF' = "Creates a single PDF file for x objects" 'Start-ADGraph.OptionGrid.Mode-Multi-Object-Multi-PDF' = "Creates multiple PDF files, one for each chosen object" 'Start-ADGraph.OptionGrid.Mode-Create-Test-XLSX' = "Analyzes the hierarchie and saves it into a XLSX file" 'Start-ADGraph.OptionGrid.Option-Visualize-MemberOf-only' = "Ignores the members attribute" 'Start-ADGraph.OptionGrid.Option-Visualize-Members-only' = "Ignores the memberOf attribute" 'Start-ADGraph.OptionGrid.Option-No-User' = "Exclude user objects" } |