
function New-AccessRule
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseOutputTypeCorrectly", "")]
            Creates a new FileSystem AccessRule.
            Creates a new FileSystem AccessRule, which can be added to an Acl.
            Defaults to:
            - Modify Permissions
            - To Object and all children
        .PARAMETER Name
            Alias: user, username, samaccountname, alias
            The name of the user or group that is affected by the rule.
        .PARAMETER Domain
            Default: $env:USERDOMAIN
            The name of the domain that user or group belongs to.
        .PARAMETER Permission
            Options: FullControl, ReadOnly, DontTouchMyFolders, Modify
            Default: Modify
            ParSet: PreSet
            The permissions applied to the AccessRule. Choose one of several preconfigured Permission-Sets:
            - FullControl Allows any action, including changing permissions.
            - ReadOnly Allows only to read content.
            - DontTouchMyFolders Allows changing files, but not folders
            - Modify Allows changing files and folders, but not setting permissions.
            For more detailed control over permission-levels, see the "Rights" parameter.
        .PARAMETER Rights
            ParSet: Custom
            Alternatively to using a preconfigured permission-set, this parameter allows to freely assign any permission desired.
            For comfortable use of preconfigured common permissions, see the "Permission" parameter above.
        .PARAMETER Inheritance
            Options: None, Files, Folders, All
            Default: All
            Defines the kind of objects these permissions are inherited by.
        .PARAMETER ChildrenOnly
            Permissions only affect children of the target object, not the object itself.
        .PARAMETER Deny
            Creates a deny rule, instead of an allow rule.
            PS C:\> New-AccessRule "Fred"
            Creates an AccessRule that will allow the user Fred (who is of the same domain as the User executing the command) Modify permissions that are also inherited by all childitems on the item this rule is applied upon.
            PS C:\> Get-Content "C:\Users.txt" | New-AccessRule -Permission ReadOnly
            For each user in users.txt a new accessrule will be created, each of those will have ReadOnly permissions.
            PS C:\> New-AccessRule "Fred" -Permission "Modify" -ChildrenOnly
            This will create an AccessRule that will grant modify permissions to Fred, but only to the child items of the folders this rule will be applied to, not to the folders themselves (however, permissions will be granted for the child folders).
            Supported Interfaces:
            Author: Friedrich Weinmann
            Company: die netzwerker Computernetze GmbH
            Created: 18.11.2013
            LastChanged: 26.05.2014
            Version: 2.0

        DefaultParameterSetName = "PreSet",
    Param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $True, Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True)]
        [Alias('user', 'username', 'samaccountname', 'alias')]

        $Domain = $env:USERDOMAIN,

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "PreSet", Position = 1)]
        [ValidateSet("FullControl", "ReadOnly", "DontTouchMyFolders", "Modify")]
        $Permission = "Modify",

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Custom", Position = 1)]
        $Rights = [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]::Modify,

        [ValidateSet("None", "Files", "Folders", "All")]
        $Inheritance = "All",



        # Store the active Parameterset
        $ParSet = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
        foreach ($uname in $Name)
            # Set Name
            $User = $Domain + "\" + $uname

            # Set Permission Level
            switch ($ParSet)
                    # If one of the preconfigured sets was chosen
                    switch ($Permission.ToLower())
                        "fullcontrol" { $FileSystemRights = [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]::FullControl }
                        "readonly" { $FileSystemRights = [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]::ReadAndExecute }
                        "donttouchmyfolders" { $FileSystemRights = @([System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]::Write) }
                        "modify" { $FileSystemRights = [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]::Modify }
                    # If custom permissions were entered.
                    $FileSystemRights = $Rights

            # Configure Inheritance
            switch ($Inheritance.ToLower())
                "none" { $InheritanceFlags = [System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags]::None }
                "folders" { $InheritanceFlags = [System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags]::ContainerInherit }
                "files" { $InheritanceFlags = [System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags]::ObjectInherit }
                "all" { $InheritanceFlags = @([System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags]::ObjectInherit, [System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags]::ContainerInherit) }

            # Configure Propagation
            if ($ChildrenOnly) { $PropagationFlags = [System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags]::InheritOnly }
            else { $PropagationFlags = [System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags]::None }

            # Switch between allow and deny
            if ($Deny) { $AccessControlType = [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType]::Deny }
            else { $AccessControlType = [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType]::Allow }

            # Erstellt die Regel
            if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Creates a FileSystemAccessRule object to be exported")){
            $Rule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($User, $FileSystemRights, $InheritanceFlags, $PropagationFlags, $AccessControlType)
