# Gets ADHybridHealthService member credentials # May 26th 2021 function Get-HybridHealthServiceMemberCredentials { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets ADHybridHealthService member credentials .DESCRIPTION Creates and returns new ADHybridHealthService member credentials .Parameter AccessToken The access token used to get ADHybridHealthService members. .Parameter ServiceName Name of the ADHybridHealthService .Parameter ServiceMemberId Guid of the service member. .Example Get-AADIntHybridHealthServiceMemberCredentials -ServiceName AdFederationService-sts.company.com -MemberId 0fce7ce0-81a0-4bf7-87fb-fc787dfe13c2 lastReboot : 2021-03-16T08:17:19.0912Z lastDisabled : lastUpdated : 2021-05-06T06:04:20.6537234Z activeAlerts : 2 resolvedAlerts : 1 createdDate : 0001-01-01T00:00:00 disabled : False dimensions : additionalInformation : tenantId : 5b53828e-8e7b-42d1-a5f0-9b34bbd1844a serviceId : 50abc8f3-243a-4ac1-a3fb-712054d7334b serviceMemberId : bec07a23-dd4a-4c80-8c92-9b9dc089f75c machineId : 0cf2774f-a188-4bd3-b4b3-3a690374325d machineName : STS01 role : AdfsServer_2016 status : Error properties : installedQfes : recommendedQfes : monitoringConfigurationsComputed : monitoringConfigurationsCustomized : osVersion : 10.0.17763.0 osName : Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Standard disabledReason : 0 serverReportedMonitoringLevel : lastServerReportedMonitoringLevelChange : #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [String]$AccessToken, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [String]$ServiceName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [guid]$ServiceMemberId ) Process { # Get from cache if not provided $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache -AccessToken $AccessToken -Resource "https://management.core.windows.net/" -ClientId "d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c" # Set the headers $headers=@{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $AccessToken" } # Invoke the command $response = Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Method Get -Uri "https://management.azure.com/providers/Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/services/$ServiceName/servicemembers/$($ServiceMemberId.toString())/credentials?api-version=2014-01-01" -Headers $headers # Return credentials $creds = [ordered]@{} foreach($cred in $response) { # Decode the certificate if($cred.identifier -eq "tenant.cert") { $bCert = Convert-B64ToByteArray -B64 $cred.credentialData # Strip the header if exists if($bcert[0] -eq 0x01) { # First 4 bytes = format # Next 4 bytes = length of the string like "policykeyservice.dc.ad.msft.net" # Total header length = 4 + 4 + length $length = [bitconverter]::ToInt32($bCert[4..7],0) $bCert = $bCert[(4+4+$length)..($bcert.length)] } $creds[$cred.identifier] = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]::new([byte[]]$bCert) } else { $creds[$cred.identifier] = $cred.credentialData } } return New-Object psobject -Property $creds } } # Gets ADHybridHealthService access token # May 26th 2021 function Get-HybridHealthServiceAccessToken { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets ADHybridHealthService access token .DESCRIPTION Returns ADHybridHealthService access token .Parameter AgentKey AgentKey of the ADHybridHealthService agent .Parameter MachineID MachineID of the computer running the ADHybridHealthService agent .Parameter TenantID Tenant ID. .Example $at = Get-AADIntHybridHealthServiceAccessToken -AgentKey $agentKey -TenantId $tenantId -MachineId $machineId #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [String]$AgentKey, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [guid]$MachineId, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [guid]$TenantId ) Process { # Build a body $body=@{ "grant_type" = "client_credentials" "client_secret" = $AgentKey "client_id" = "$($TenantId.ToString())_$($MachineId.ToString())" } # Invoke the command $response = Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Method Post -Uri "https://s1.adhybridhealth.azure.com/oauth2/token" -Body $body return $response.access_token } } # Gets ADHybridHealthService Blob upload key # May 26th 2021 function Get-HybridHealthServiceBlobUploadKey { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets ADHybridHealthService blob upload key .DESCRIPTION Gets ADHybridHealthService blob upload key. The key is an url used to upload events to Azure blob. Url contains pre-calcuated SAS token. .Parameter AccessToken The access token used to get ADHybridHealthService blob upload key. .Parameter ServiceID ServiceID .Example Get-HybridHealthServiceBlobUploadKey -AccessToken $at -ServiceId $serviceId https://adhsprodweuaadsynciadata.blob.core.windows.net/adfederationservice-8c11e4fb-299c-42c0-b79a-555c33964b58?sv=2018-03-28&sr=c&sig=pZ056YDtl8iK9PjiNoQED6tLHd3h0EkwDlHY%2Bxf8Znc%3D&se=2021-05-24T06%3A32%3A18Z&sp=w .Example $blobKey = Get-AADIntHybridHealthServiceBlobUploadKey -AccessToken $at -ServiceId $serviceId #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [String]$AccessToken, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [guid]$ServiceId ) Process { $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $AccessToken" } # Invoke the command $response = Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Method Get -Uri "https://s1.adhybridhealth.azure.com/providers/Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/monitoringpolicies/$($ServiceId.ToString())/keys/BlobUploadKey" -Headers $headers # Return upload key $response } } # Gets ADHybridHealthService event hub publisher key # May 29th 2021 function Get-HybridHealthServiceEventHubPublisherKey { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets ADHybridHealthService event hub publisher key .DESCRIPTION Gets ADHybridHealthService event hub publisher key. The key includes Service Bus endpoint and SharedAccessSignature. .Parameter AccessToken The access token used to get ADHybridHealthService event hub publisher key. .Parameter ServiceID ServiceID .Example Get-AADIntHybridHealthServiceEventHubPublisherKey -AccessToken $at -ServiceId $serviceId Endpoint=sb://adhsprodweuehadfsia.servicebus.windows.net/;SharedAccessSignature=SharedAccessSignature sr=sb%3a%2f%2fadhsprodweuehadfsia.servicebus.windows.net%2fadhsprodweuehadfsia%2fPublishers%2f8c77dad6-9932-4bfe-bf9e-58734ccb3e2c&sig=XRKxI%2bR7LEe4pBxe4OZt86dzFxIvSsyqs0UPmlO3hFM%3d&se=1622788339&skn=RootManageSharedAccessKey;EntityPath=adhsprodweuehadfsia;Publisher=8c77dad6-9932-4bfe-bf9e-58734ccb3e2c .Example $eventKey = Get-AADIntHybridHealthServiceEventHubPublisherKey -AccessToken $at -ServiceId $serviceId #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [String]$AccessToken, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [guid]$ServiceId ) Process { $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $AccessToken" } # Invoke the command $response = Invoke-RestMethod -UseBasicParsing -Method Get -Uri "https://s1.adhybridhealth.azure.com/providers/Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService/monitoringpolicies/$($ServiceId.ToString())/keys/EventHubPublisherKey" -Headers $headers # Return upload key $response } } # Send the signature to Azure using service bus # May 26th 2021 function Send-ADFSServiceBusMessage { [cmdletbinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [String]$EventHubPublisherKey, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [String]$BlobAbsoluteUri, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [guid]$MachineId, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [guid]$TenantId, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [guid]$ServiceId, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [datetime]$SigningTime, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [String]$HMACSignature ) Try { # Define some needed variables $keyParts = $EventHubPublisherKey.Split(";") $endpoint = $keyParts[0].Substring($keyParts[0].IndexOf("=")+1).Replace("sb:","wss:") $url = "$endPoint$`servicebus/websocket" $SAS = $keyParts[1].Substring($keyParts[1].IndexOf("=")+1) $entityPath = $keyParts[2].Substring($keyParts[2].IndexOf("=")+1) $publisher = $keyParts[3].Substring($keyParts[3].IndexOf("=")+1) $SASName = "$($endpoint.Replace("wss:","amqp:"))$entitypath/Publishers/$publisher" # Define headers for the first request $headers = @{ "Connection" = "Upgrade" "Upgrade" = "websocket" "Sec-WebSocket-Key" = [convert]::ToBase64String((New-Guid).ToByteArray()) "Sec-WebSocket-Version" = "13" "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol" = "AMQPWSB10" "User-Agent" = "" } # Create the socket $socket = New-Object System.Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocket # Add AMQPWSB10 as sub protocol $socket.Options.AddSubProtocol("AMQPWSB10") # Create the token and open the connection $token = New-Object System.Threading.CancellationToken Write-Verbose "Opening websocket: $url" $connection = $socket.ConnectAsync($url, $token) While (!$connection.IsCompleted) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100 } if($connection.IsFaulted -eq "True") { Write-Error $connection.Exception return } # Send the first AMQP message SendToSocket -Socket $socket -Token $token -Bytes @( 0x41, 0x4D, 0X51, 0X50, # AMQP 0x03, # Protocol = SASL 0x01, # Major 0x00, # Minor 0x00) # Receive response for the first AMQP message $message = Parse-BusMessage (ReadFromSocket -Socket $socket -Token $token -ArraySize 100) # Receive SASL mechanism $message = Parse-BusMessage (ReadFromSocket -Socket $socket -Token $token -ArraySize 100) # Send SASL Init (external) SendToSocket -Socket $socket -Token $token -Bytes (New-SASLInit) # Receive Welcome! $message = Parse-BusMessage (ReadFromSocket -Socket $socket -Token $token -ArraySize 100) # Send AMQP init SendToSocket -Socket $socket -Token $token -Bytes @( 0x41, 0x4D, 0X51, 0X50, # AMQP 0x00, # Protocol 0x01, # Major 0x00, # Minor 0x00) # Revision # Receive AMQP init response $message = Parse-BusMessage (ReadFromSocket -Socket $socket -Token $token -ArraySize 100) # Send AMQP Open $id = Convert-ByteArrayToHex (Get-RandomBytes -Bytes 16) SendToSocket -Socket $socket -Token $token -Bytes (New-AMQPOpen -ContainerId $id -HostName ($endpoint.Split("/")[2])) # Receive AMQP Open response $message = Parse-BusMessage (ReadFromSocket -Socket $socket -Token $token -ArraySize 100) # Send AMQP Begin SendToSocket -Socket $socket -Token $token -Bytes (New-AMQPBegin) # Receive AMQP Begin response $message = Parse-BusMessage (ReadFromSocket -Socket $socket -Token $token -ArraySize 100) # Generate the name for Attach message $targetNumber = Get-Random -Minimum 1000 -Maximum 65000 $name = "duplex$($targetNumber):$($targetNumber+2):$($targetNumber+3):" $source = '$cbs' # Send AMQP Attach (out) SendToSocket -Socket $socket -Token $token -Bytes (New-AMQPAttachADFS -Handle 0 -Direction out -Name "$($name)sender" -Target $source) # Receive AMQP Attach (out) $message = Parse-BusMessage (ReadFromSocket -Socket $socket -Token $token -ArraySize 250) # Receive AMQP Flow $message = Parse-BusMessage (ReadFromSocket -Socket $socket -Token $token -ArraySize 100) # Send AMQP Attach (in) SendToSocket -Socket $socket -Token $token -Bytes (New-AMQPAttachADFS -Handle 1 -Direction in -Name "$($name)receiver" -Target $id -Source $source) # Receive AMQP Attach (in) $message = Parse-BusMessage (ReadFromSocket -Socket $socket -Token $token -ArraySize 250) # Send AMQP Flow SendToSocket -Socket $socket -Token $token -Bytes (New-AMQPFlow) # Send SAS key SendToSocket -Socket $socket -Token $token -Bytes (New-AMQPTransferADFSSAS -Name $SASName -Handle 0 -Id $id -SharedAccessSignature $SAS) $message = Parse-BusMessage (ReadFromSocket -Socket $socket -Token $token -ArraySize 1000) # Send another attach for the insights SendToSocket -Socket $socket -Token $token -Bytes (New-AMQPAttachADFS2 -Handle 2 -Name "$((New-Guid).ToString().replace('-',''));$($targetNumber):$($targetNumber+1):$($targetNumber+6)" -Target "$entitypath/Publishers/$publisher") $message = Parse-BusMessage (ReadFromSocket -Socket $socket -Token $token -ArraySize 1000) # Send the Insights message signature SendToSocket -Socket $socket -Token $token -Bytes (New-AMQPTransferADFSInsights -Handle 2 -TenantId $TenantId -MachineId $MachineId -ServiceId $ServiceId -BlobUri $BlobAbsoluteUri -SigningTime $SigningTime -HmacSignature "$HMACSignature") # Close the channels SendToSocket -Socket $socket -Token $token -Bytes (New-AMQPDetach -Handle 0) SendToSocket -Socket $socket -Token $token -Bytes (New-AMQPDetach -Handle 1) SendToSocket -Socket $socket -Token $token -Bytes (New-AMQPDetach -Handle 2) # Close the bus SendToSocket -Socket $socket -Token $token -Bytes (New-AMQPEnd) SendToSocket -Socket $socket -Token $token -Bytes (New-AMQPClose) }Finally{ If ($socket) { Write-Verbose "Closing websocket" $socket.Dispose() } } } # Create a fake hybrid health service event # May 26th 2021 function New-HybridHealtServiceEvent { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new ADHybridHealthService event. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new ADHybridHealthService event with the given parameters. .Parameter UniqueID Unique ID of the event. Provide existing Request ID from the sign-in log to overwrite. .Parameter Server Server name of the AD FS server. .Parameter EventType Event type. Can be one of "NotSet","AppToken","FreshCredential","System","Discovery","Signout","PwdChange","DeviceReg","Resource","Config","ExtranetLockout". Defaults to AppToken. .Parameter PrimaryAuthentication The list of authentication methods. Can be a combination of "NotSet","Forms","Windows","Certificate","Device","Multifactor","Sso","Federated" Seems to always require "Sso". Defaults to "Forms","Sso" .Parameter RequiredAuthType Requires authentication type. Can be one of "NotSet","Primary","Secondary". Defaults to Primary .Parameter RelayingParty Relaying party. Defaults to "urn:federation:MicrosoftOnline" .Parameter RelyingPartyName Display Name of the relaying party. .Parameter Result Was the authentication successful or not. Defaults to $True .Parameter DeviceAuthentication Was device authentication used or not. Defaults to $False .Parameter URL Url. Defaults to "/adfs/ls" .Parameter User Some user id number. Defaults to 666 .Parameter UserId User Id. Defaults to empty. .Parameter UserIdType User Id type. Can be one of "AnchorID","UPN","WindowsAccountName","PrimarySID","NameID","Email","Name","NotSet" Defaults to AnchorID .Parameter UPN User Principal Name of the user. .Parameter Timestamp Login time. Defaults to current time. .Parameter Protocol Authentication protocol used. Can be one of "NotSet","WSFederation","WSFedSamlP","OAuth","SAMLP","WSTrust","MSAdfsPIP","MSISHTTP" Defaults to WSFederation. If OAuth is used, the client id can be provided. .Parameter NetworkLocationType Network type, can be one of "NotSet","Intranet","Extranet" Defaults to Intranet. If Extranet is used, Azure AD shows geo location. .Parameter AppTokenFailureType Reason for login failure. Can be one of "NotAFailure","UPError","LockoutError","ExpiredPassword","DisabledAccount","DeviceAuthError","UserCertAuthError","IssuanceAuthZError","MFAError","ExtranetLockoutError","LogoutError","CredentialValidationError","OtherCredentialError","IssuanceDelegationError","TokenAcceptanceError","ProtocolError","WsFedRequestFailure","InvalidRelyingPartyError","InvalidClientApplicationError","GenericError","OtherError" Defaults to NotAFailure .Parameter IPAddress Ip address of the user. .Parameter ClaimsProvider Claims provider. Defaults to empty. .Parameter OAuthClientID Client ID used in OAuth login. Defaults to empty. .Parameter OAuthTokenRetrievalMethod OAuth token retrieval method. Defaults to empty. .Parameter MFA MFA provider used to perform MFA. Defaults to empty. .Parameter MFAProviderErrorCode Error code provided by the MFA provider. Defaults to empty. .Parameter .ProxyServer Proxy server. Defaults to empty. .Parameter Endpoint AD FS endpoint. Defaults to "/adfs/ls/" .Parameter UserAgent UserAgent. Defaults to "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.212 Safari/537.36", .Parameter DeviceID Device ID used during the login. Can be any device from Azure AD. Defaults to empty. .Parameter ErrorHitCount Number of login errors. Defaults to 0. .Parameter X509CertificateType Type of X509 Certificate. Defaults to empty. .Parameter $MFAAuthenticationType MFA authentication type. Defaults to empty. .Parameter ActivityId Activity Id of the event. Defaults to random guid. .Parameter ActivityIdAutoGenerated Is Activity Id automatically generated or not. Defaults to $False .Parameter PrimarySid The primary SID of the user. Defaults to empty. .Parameter ImmutableId Immutable Id of the user. Base 64 encoded GUID of the user's AD object. Defaults to empty. .Example PS C:\>$events = @() PS C:\>$events += (New-AADIntHybridHealtServiceEvent -Server "Server" -UPN "user@company.com" -IPAddress "") PS C:\>Send-AADIntHybridHealthServiceEventBlob -BlobKey $blobKey -TenantId $tenantId -MachineId $machineId -ServiceId $serviceId -EventPublisherKey $eventKey -Events $events #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [guid]$UniqueID = (New-Guid), [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [String]$Server, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateSet("NotSet","AppToken","FreshCredential","System","Discovery","Signout","PwdChange","DeviceReg","Resource","Config","ExtranetLockout")] [String]$EventType = "AppToken", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateSet("NotSet","Forms","Windows","Certificate","Device","Multifactor","Sso","Federated")] [String[]]$PrimaryAuthentication = @("Forms","Sso"), [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateSet("NotSet","Primary","Secondary")] [String]$RequiredAuthType = "Primary", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [String]$RelyingParty = "urn:federation:MicrosoftOnline", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [String]$RelyingPartyName = "", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [bool]$Result = $True, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [bool]$DeviceAuthentication = $False, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [String]$URL = "/adfs/ls", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [int]$User = 666, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [String]$UserId, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateSet("AnchorID","UPN","WindowsAccountName","PrimarySID","NameID","Email","Name","NotSet")] [String]$UserIdType = "AnchorID", [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [String]$UPN, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [datetime]$Timestamp = (Get-Date), [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateSet("NotSet","WSFederation","WSFedSamlP","OAuth","SAMLP","WSTrust","MSAdfsPIP","MSISHTTP")] [String]$Protocol = "WSFederation", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateSet("NotSet","Intranet","Extranet")] [String]$NetworkLocationType = "Intranet", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateSet("NotAFailure","UPError","LockoutError","ExpiredPassword","DisabledAccount","DeviceAuthError","UserCertAuthError","IssuanceAuthZError","MFAError","ExtranetLockoutError","LogoutError","CredentialValidationError","OtherCredentialError","IssuanceDelegationError","TokenAcceptanceError","ProtocolError","WsFedRequestFailure","InvalidRelyingPartyError","InvalidClientApplicationError","GenericError","OtherError")] [String]$AppTokenFailureType = "NotAFailure", [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [String]$IPAddress, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [String]$ClaimsProvider, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [String]$OAuthClientID, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [String]$OAuthTokenRetrievalMethod, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [String]$MFA, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [String]$MFAProviderErrorCode, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [String]$ProxyServer, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [String]$Endpoint = "/adfs/ls/", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [String]$UserAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.212 Safari/537.36", [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [String]$DeviceID, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [int]$ErrorHitCount = 0, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [String]$X509CertificateType, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [String]$MFAAuthenticationType, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [guid]$ActivityId = (New-Guid), [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [bool]$ActivityIdAutoGenerated = $False, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [String]$PrimarySid, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [String]$ImmutableId ) Begin { $ADFSEventTypes = [ordered]@{ "NotSet" = 0 "AppToken" = 1 # Normal login "FreshCredential" = 2 "System" = 4 "Discovery" = 8 "Signout" = 16 "PwdChange" = 32 "DeviceReg" = 64 "Resource" = 128 "Config" = 256 "ExtranetLockout" = 512 } $ADFSAuthTypes = [ordered]@{ "NotSet" = 0 "Forms" = 1 "Windows" = 2 "Certificate" = 4 "Device" = 8 "Multifactor" = 16 "Sso" = 32 "Federated" = 64 } $ADFSRequiredAuthType = [ordered]@{ "NotSet" = 0 "Primary" = 1 "Secondary" = 2 } $UserIdTypes = [ordered]@{ "AnchorID" = 10 "UPN" = 20 "WindowsAccountName" = 30 "PrimarySID" = 40 "NameID" = 50 "Email" = 60 "Name" = 70 "NotSet" = 1000 } $ADFSProtocolTypes = [ordered]@{ "NotSet" = 0 "WSFederation" = 2 "WSFedSamlP" = 4 "OAuth" = 10 "SAMLP" = 20 "WSTrust" = 30 "MSAdfsPIP" = 40 "MSISHTTP" = 50 } $NetworkLocationTypes = [ordered]@{ "NotSet" = 0 "Intranet" = 1 "Extranet" = 2 } $ADFSFailureTypes = [ordered]@{ "NotAFailure" = 0 "UPError" = 1 "LockoutError" = 2 "ExpiredPassword" = 3 "DisabledAccount" = 4 "DeviceAuthError" = 5 "UserCertAuthError" = 10 "IssuanceAuthZError" = 20 "MFAError" = 21 "ExtranetLockoutError" = 30 "LogoutError" = 40 "CredentialValidationError" = 50 "OtherCredentialError" = 70 "IssuanceDelegationError" = 80 "TokenAcceptanceError" = 90 "ProtocolError" = 100 "WsFedRequestFailure" = 110 "InvalidRelyingPartyError" = 111 "InvalidClientApplicationError" = 112 "GenericError" = 500 "OtherError" = 1000 } } Process { # Combine authentication types if($PrimaryAuthentication.Count -eq 1) { $combinedAuthType = $ADFSAuthTypes[$PrimaryAuthentication] } else { $combinedAuthType = 0 foreach($type in $PrimaryAuthentication) { $combinedAuthType = $combinedAuthType -bor $ADFSAuthTypes[$type] } } $event = [ordered]@{ "UniqueID" = $UniqueID.ToString() "Server" = $Server "EventType" = $ADFSEventTypes[$EventType] "PrimaryAuthentication" = $combinedAuthType "RequiredAuthType" = $ADFSRequiredAuthType[$RequiredAuthType] "RelyingParty" = $RelyingParty "RelyingPartyName" = $RelyingPartyName "Result" = $Result "DeviceAuthentication" = $DeviceAuthentication "URL" = $URL "User" = $User "UserId" = $UserId "UserIdType" = $UserIdTypes[$UserIdType] "UPN" = $UPN "Timestamp" = $Timestamp.ToUniversalTime().ToString("o", [cultureinfo]::InvariantCulture) "Protocol" = $ADFSProtocolTypes[$Protocol] "NetworkLocation" = $NetworkLocationTypes[$NetworkLocationType] "AppTokenFailureType" = $ADFSFailureTypes[$AppTokenFailureType] "IPAddress" = $IPAddress "ClaimsProvider" = $ClaimsProvider "OAuthClientID" = $OAuthClientID "OAuthTokenRetrievalMethod" = $OAuthTokenRetrievalMethod "MFA" = $MFA "MFAProviderErrorCode" = $MFAProviderErrorCode "ProxyServer" = $ProxyServer "Endpoint" = $Endpoint "UserAgent" = $UserAgent "DeviceID" = $DeviceID "ErrorHitCount" = $ErrorHitCount "X509CertificateType" = $X509CertificateType "MFAAuthenticationType" = $MFAAuthenticationType "ActivityId" = $ActivityId.ToString() "ActivityIdAutoGenerated" = $ActivityIdAutoGenerated "PrimarySid" = $PrimarySid "ImmutableId" = $ImmutableId } return $event } } |