
# Utility functions for OneDrive native client

# OneDrive settings class
class OneDriveSettings {

# Gets the authentication cookie for OneDrive native client
# Nov 26th 2019
function Get-ODAuthenticationCookie
    Gets authentication cookie for OneDrive
    Gets authentication cookie for OneDrive native client
    .Parameter AccessToken
    AccessToken for OneDrive

        # Get the tenant url
        $tenant = ((Read-Accesstoken $AccessToken).aud.Split("/"))[2]

        $url = "https://$tenant/_api/SP.OAuth.NativeClient/Authenticate?client-request-id=$((New-Guid).toString())"
                "Authorization" = "Bearer $AccessToken"
                "Accept"= "application/json;odata=verbose"
                "User-Agent"="Microsoft SkyDriveSync 19.192.0926.0012 ship; Windows NT 10.0 (17763)"
                "X-GeoMoveOptions" = "HttpRedirection"
                "X-IDCRL_ACCEPTED" ="t"
                "X-UserScenario"= "AUO,SignIn"


        # Call the authentication API
        $response = Invoke-WebRequest -uri $url -MaximumRedirection 0 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Method Post -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -Headers $headers
        # Return the SPOIDCRL cookie


# Invokes the OD API commands
# Nov 26th
function Invoke-ODCommand
        # Set the headers
                "Accept"= $Accept
                "User-Agent"="Microsoft SkyDriveSync 19.192.0926.0012 ship; Windows NT 10.0 (17763)"
            $headers += @{ 
                    "X-UserScenario"= $Scenario 

        # Create a web session for the authentication cookie
        $session = New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession
        $webCookie = New-Object System.Net.Cookie
        $webCookie.Name = ($OneDriveSettings.AuthenticationCookie.Split("="))[0]
        $webCookie.Value = $OneDriveSettings.AuthenticationCookie.Substring($webCookie.Name.Length + 1)
        $webCookie.Domain = ($OneDriveSettings.Url.Split("/"))[2]

        # Create the url
        $url = $OneDriveSettings.Url
        $url += $Command

        # Call the API
                if($Body -ne $null)
                    $fullResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -uri $url -Method Post -Headers $headers -WebSession $session -Body $Body
                    $fullResponse = Invoke-WebRequest -uri $url -Method Get -Headers $headers -WebSession $session

                $response = [System.IO.StreamReader]::new($fullResponse.RawContentStream, [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8).ReadToEnd()
                if($ResponseHeaders -ne $null)
                    $ResponseHeaders.Value = $fullResponse.headers
                $response = Invoke-RestMethod -uri $url -Method Get -Headers $headers -WebSession $session
            if($_.Exception -like "*(501)*")
                Write-Error "Got 501 - try using a proper domain guid"
            elseif($Body -ne $null -and $_.Exception -like "*(403)*" -and $ResponseHeaders -ne $null)
                # This is part of the normal file upload flow
                $ResponseHeaders.Value = $_.Exception.Response.Headers
                Write-Error $_.Exception


        # Return

# Creates an OneDrive settings object to be used in OneDrive functions
function New-OneDriveSettings
        # Create a new settings object

        # Get AccessToken for OfficeApps
        $OAtoken=Get-AccessToken -Resource "" -ClientId "onedrive" -KerberosTicket $KerberosTicket -Domain $Domain -SAMLToken $SAMLToken -Credentials $Credentials

        # Get the connection details
        $connections = Get-UserConnections -AccessToken $OAtoken

        # Get the url
        foreach($connection in $connections)
            if($connection.EnabledCapabilities -eq 2051) # Should be OneDrive
                $url = $connection.ConnectionUrl
                # String the "/Documents" from the end of the url
                $ODSettings.Url = $url.Substring(0,$url.LastIndexOf("/"))

            # The user doesn't have onedrive :(
            $upn = (Read-Accesstoken $OAtoken).upn
            Write-Error "The user $upn doesn't have OneDrive :("

        # Get AccessToken for OneDrive
        $ODtoken=Get-AccessToken -Resource "https://$(($ODSettings.Url.Split("/"))[2])" -ClientId "onedrive" -KerberosTicket $KerberosTicket -Domain $Domain -SAMLToken $SAMLToken -Credentials $Credentials

        # Get the authentication cookie
        $ODSettings.AuthenticationCookie = Get-ODAuthenticationCookie -AccessToken $ODtoken

        # Get the document library id
        $ODSettings.DefaultDocumentLibraryId = Get-ODDefaultDocLibId -OneDriveSettings $ODSettings

        # Get the sync policy
        $syncPolicy = Get-ODSyncPolicy -OneDriveSettings $ODSettings

        # Set the download url template
        $dlUrl = $syncPolicy.DownloadUrlTemplate
        $ODSettings.DownloadUrlTemplate = $dlUrl.Substring(0,$dlUrl.IndexOf("{"))

        # Set the ItemCoung
        $ODSettings.ItemCount = [int]$syncPolicy.ItemCount

        # return

# QuickXorHash by Microsoft
# Dec 9th 2019
$xorhash_code = @"
using System;
public class QuickXorHash : System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm
    private const int BitsInLastCell = 32;
    private const byte Shift = 11;
    private const int Threshold = 600;
    private const byte WidthInBits = 160;
    private UInt64[] _data;
    private Int64 _lengthSoFar;
    private int _shiftSoFar;
    public QuickXorHash()
    protected override void HashCore(byte[] array, int ibStart, int cbSize)
            int currentShift = this._shiftSoFar;
            // The bitvector where we'll start xoring
            int vectorArrayIndex = currentShift / 64;
            // The position within the bit vector at which we begin xoring
            int vectorOffset = currentShift % 64;
            int iterations = Math.Min(cbSize, QuickXorHash.WidthInBits);
            for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
                bool isLastCell = vectorArrayIndex == this._data.Length - 1;
                int bitsInVectorCell = isLastCell ? QuickXorHash.BitsInLastCell : 64;
                // There's at least 2 bitvectors before we reach the end of the array
                if (vectorOffset <= bitsInVectorCell - 8)
                    for (int j = ibStart + i; j < cbSize + ibStart; j += QuickXorHash.WidthInBits)
                        this._data[vectorArrayIndex] ^= (ulong)array[j] << vectorOffset;
                    int index1 = vectorArrayIndex;
                    int index2 = isLastCell ? 0 : (vectorArrayIndex + 1);
                    byte low = (byte)(bitsInVectorCell - vectorOffset);
                    byte xoredByte = 0;
                    for (int j = ibStart + i; j < cbSize + ibStart; j += QuickXorHash.WidthInBits)
                        xoredByte ^= array[j];
                    this._data[index1] ^= (ulong)xoredByte << vectorOffset;
                    this._data[index2] ^= (ulong)xoredByte >> low;
                vectorOffset += QuickXorHash.Shift;
                while (vectorOffset >= bitsInVectorCell)
                    vectorArrayIndex = isLastCell ? 0 : vectorArrayIndex + 1;
                    vectorOffset -= bitsInVectorCell;
            // Update the starting position in a circular shift pattern
            this._shiftSoFar = (this._shiftSoFar + QuickXorHash.Shift * (cbSize % QuickXorHash.WidthInBits)) % QuickXorHash.WidthInBits;
        this._lengthSoFar += cbSize;
    protected override byte[] HashFinal()
        // Create a byte array big enough to hold all our data
        byte[] rgb = new byte[(QuickXorHash.WidthInBits - 1) / 8 + 1];
        // Block copy all our bitvectors to this byte array
        for (Int32 i = 0; i < this._data.Length - 1; i++)
                BitConverter.GetBytes(this._data[i]), 0,
                rgb, i * 8,
            BitConverter.GetBytes(this._data[this._data.Length - 1]), 0,
            rgb, (this._data.Length - 1) * 8,
            rgb.Length - (this._data.Length - 1) * 8);
        // XOR the file length with the least significant bits
        // Note that GetBytes is architecture-dependent, so care should
        // be taken with porting. The expected value is 8-bytes in length in little-endian format
        var lengthBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(this._lengthSoFar);
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(lengthBytes.Length == 8);
        for (int i = 0; i < lengthBytes.Length; i++)
            rgb[(QuickXorHash.WidthInBits / 8) - lengthBytes.Length + i] ^= lengthBytes[i];
        return rgb;
    public override sealed void Initialize()
        this._data = new ulong[(QuickXorHash.WidthInBits - 1) / 64 + 1];
        this._shiftSoFar = 0;
        this._lengthSoFar = 0;
    public override int HashSize
            return QuickXorHash.WidthInBits;

Add-Type -TypeDefinition $xorhash_code -Language CSharp    
Remove-Variable $xorhash_code

# Calculates XorHash for OneDrive files
# Dec 9th 2019
function Get-XorHash
        # Get the full path..
        $fullpath = (Get-Item $FileName).FullName

        # Create a stream to read bytes
        $stream = [System.IO.FileStream]::new($fullpath,[System.IO.FileMode]::Open,[System.IO.FileAccess]::Read)

        # Create the hash object and do the magic
        $xorhash = [quickxorhash]::new()
        $hash = $xorhash.ComputeHash($stream)
        $b64Hash = [convert]::ToBase64String($hash)   

        # Return