
## Directory Sync API functions

# NOTE: Azure AD Sync API gets redirected quite often 2-3 times per request.
# Therefore the functions need to be called recursively and use $Recursion parameter.

# Get company configuration
# Oct 11th 2018
function Get-SyncConfiguration
    Gets tenant's synchronization configuration
    Gets tenant's synchronization configuration using Azure AD Sync API.
    .Parameter AccessToken
    Access Token
    AllowedFeatures : {ObjectWriteback, , PasswordWriteback}
    AnchorAttribute : objectGUID
    ApplicationVersion : 1651564e-7ce4-4d99-88be-0a65050d8dc3
    ClientVersion : 1.1.819.0
    DirSyncClientMachine : AAD-SYNC-01
    DirSyncFeatures : 41016
    DisplayName : Company Ltd
    IsDirSyncing : true
    IsPasswordSyncing : false
    IsTrackingChanges : false
    MaxLinksSupportedAcrossBatchInProvision : 15000
    PreventAccidentalDeletion : EnabledForCount
    SynchronizationInterval : PT30M
    TenantId : 57cf9f28-1ad7-40f4-bee8-d3ab9877f0a8
    TotalConnectorSpaceObjects : 24
    TresholdCount : 500
    TresholdPercentage : 0
    UnifiedGroupContainer :
    UserContainer :

        # Accept only three loops
        if($Recursion -gt 3)
            throw "Too many recursions"

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache($AccessToken)

        # Create the body block
        <GetCompanyConfiguration xmlns="">



        $envelope = Create-SyncEnvelope -AccessToken $AccessToken -Command $Command -Message_id $Message_id -Body $body -Binary -Server $serverName
        # Call the API
        $response=Call-ADSyncAPI $envelope -Command "$Command" -Tenant_id (Read-AccessToken($AccessToken)).tid -Message_id $Message_id -Server $serverName

        # Convert binary response to XML
        $xml_doc=BinaryToXml $response

            return Get-SyncConfiguration -AccessToken $AccessToken -Recursion ($Recursion+1)
            # Create a return object


            $AllowedFeatures = @()
            foreach($feature in $res.AllowedFeatures.'#text')
                $AllowedFeatures += $feature
            $details.AllowedFeatures = $AllowedFeatures

            $details.UserContainer = $res.WriteBack.UserContainer
            $details.UnifiedGroupContainer = $res.WriteBack.UnifiedGroupContainer
            $details.DirSyncClientMachine = $res.DirSyncConfiguration.CurrentExport.DirSyncClientMachineName
            $details.TotalConnectorSpaceObjects = $res.DirSyncConfiguration.CurrentExport.TotalConnectorSpaceObjects
            $details.AnchorAttribute = $res.DirSyncConfiguration.AnchorAttribute
            $details.ApplicationVersion = $res.DirSyncConfiguration.ApplicationVersion
            $details.ClientVersion = $res.DirSyncConfiguration.ClientVersion
            $details.IsTrackingChanges = $res.DirSyncConfiguration.IsTrackingChanges
            $details.PreventAccidentalDeletion = $res.DirSyncConfiguration.PreventAccidentalDeletion.DeletionPrevention
            $details.TresholdCount = $res.DirSyncConfiguration.PreventAccidentalDeletion.ThresholdCount
            $details.TresholdPercentage = $res.DirSyncConfiguration.PreventAccidentalDeletion.ThresholdPercentage
            $details.DirSyncFeatures = $res.DirSyncFeatures
            $details.DisplayName = $res.DisplayName
            $details.IsDirSyncing = $res.IsDirSyncing
            $details.IsPasswordSyncing = $res.IsPasswordSyncing
            $details.MaxLinksSupportedAcrossBatchInProvision = $res.MaxLinksSupportedAcrossBatchInProvision2
            $details.SynchronizationInterval = $res.SynchronizationInterval
            $details.TenantId = $res.TenantId

            return New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $details

# Enables or disables Password Hash Sync (PHS)
function Set-PasswordHashSyncEnabled
    Enables or disables password hash sync (PHS)
    Enables or disables password hash sync (PHS) using Azure AD Sync API.
    If dirsync is disabled, it's first enabled using Provisioning API.
    Enabling / disabling the PHS usually takes less than 10 seconds. Check the status using Get-AADIntCompanyInformation.
    .Parameter AccessToken
    Access Token
    .Parameter Enabled
    True or False
    Set-PasswordHashSyncEnabled -Enabled $true

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache($AccessToken)

        # Get the current configuration
        $CompanyConfig = Get-CompanyInformation -AccessToken $AccessToken

        # Check whether the PHS sync is already enabled
        if($Enabled -and $CompanyConfig["PasswordSynchronizationEnabled"].'#text' -eq "true")
            Write-Host "Password Hash Synchronization already enabled"
            # Check whether the dirsync is disabled
            if($CompanyConfig["DirectorySynchronizationEnabled"].'#text' -ne "true")
                # Turn dirsync on
                Set-CompanyDirSyncEnabled -AccessToken $AccessToken -EnableDirSync $true

            # Enable or disable PHS
                Set-SyncFeatures -AccessToken $AccessToken -Features 41017
                Set-SyncFeatures -AccessToken $AccessToken -Features 41016

# Set dirsync features (i.e. enable or disable password sync).
# May 8th 2019
function Set-SyncFeatures
        [Validateset("41016","41017")] # 41016 = DirSync, 41017 = DirSync + Password Hash Sync
        # Accept only three loops
        if($Recursion -gt 3)
            throw "Too many recursions"

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache($AccessToken)

        # Create the body block
        <SetCompanyDirsyncFeatures xmlns="">



        $envelope = Create-SyncEnvelope -AccessToken $AccessToken -Command $Command -Message_id $Message_id -Body $body -Binary -Server $serverName
        # Call the API
        $response=Call-ADSyncAPI $envelope -Command "$Command" -Tenant_id (Read-AccessToken($AccessToken)).tid -Message_id $Message_id -Server $serverName

        # Convert binary response to XML
        $xml_doc=BinaryToXml $response

            return Set-SyncFeatures -AccessToken $AccessToken -Features $Features -Recursion ($Recursion+1)
            # Create a return object


# Provision Azure AD Sync Object
function Set-AzureADObject
    Creates or updates Azure AD object using Azure AD Sync API
    Creates or updates Azure AD object using Azure AD Sync API
    .Parameter AccessToken
    Access Token
    .Parameter sourceAnchor
    The source anchor for the Azure AD object. Typically Base 64 encoded GUID of on-prem AD object.
    .Parameter userPrincipalName
    User Principal Name of the Azure AD object
    .Parameter surname
    The last name of the Azure AD object
    .Parameter onPremisesSamAccountName
    The on-prem AD samaccountname of the Azure AD object
    .Parameter onPremisesDistinguishedName
    The on-prem AD DN of the Azure AD object
    .Parameter onPremisesSecurityIdentifier
    The on-prem AD security identifier of the Azure AD object
    .Parameter netBiosName
    The on-prem netbiosname of the Azure AD object
    .Parameter lastPasswordChangeTimeStamp
    Timestamp when the on-prem AD object's password was changed
    .Parameter givenName
    The first name of the Azure AD object
    .Parameter dnsDomainName
    The dns domain name of the Azure AD object
    .Parameter displayName
    The display name of the Azure AD object
    .Parameter countryCode
    The country code of the Azure AD object.
    .Parameter commonName
    The common name of the Azure AD object
    .Parameter accountEnabled
    Is the Azure AD object enabled. Default is $True.
    .Parameter cloudMastered
    Is the Azure AD object editable in Azure AD. Default is $true
    .Parameter usageLocation
    Two letter country code for usage location of Azure AD object.

        # Accept only three loops
        if($Recursion -gt 3)
            throw "Too many recursions"
        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache($AccessToken)

        # Create the body block
        <ProvisionAzureADSyncObjects xmlns="">
            <syncRequest xmlns:b="" xmlns:i="">
                        <b:PropertyValues xmlns:c="">

        $body_mid= Add-PropertyValue "SourceAnchor" $sourceAnchor
        $body_mid+=Add-PropertyValue "accountEnabled" $accountEnabled -Type bool
        $body_mid+=Add-PropertyValue "commonName" $commonName
        $body_mid+=Add-PropertyValue "countryCode" $countryCode -Type long
        $body_mid+=Add-PropertyValue "displayName" $displayName
        $body_mid+=Add-PropertyValue "dnsDomainName" $dnsDomainName
        $body_mid+=Add-PropertyValue "givenName" $givenName
        $body_mid+=Add-PropertyValue "lastPasswordChangeTimestamp" $lastPasswordChangeTimestamp
        $body_mid+=Add-PropertyValue "netBiosName" $netBiosName
        $body_mid+=Add-PropertyValue "onPremiseSecurityIdentifier" $onPremiseSecurityIdentifier -Type base64
        $body_mid+=Add-PropertyValue "onPremisesDistinguishedName" $onPremisesDistinguishedName
        $body_mid+=Add-PropertyValue "surname" $surname
        $body_mid+=Add-PropertyValue "userPrincipalName" $userPrincipalName
        $body_mid+=Add-PropertyValue "cloudMastered" $cloudMastered -Type bool
        $body_mid+=Add-PropertyValue "usageLocation" $usageLocation
        $body_mid+=Add-PropertyValue "CloudAnchor" $CloudAnchor




        $envelope = Create-SyncEnvelope -AccessToken $AccessToken -Command $Command -Message_id $Message_id -Body $body -Binary -Server $serverName
        # Call the API
        $response=Call-ADSyncAPI $envelope -Command "$Command" -Tenant_id (Read-AccessToken($AccessToken)).tid -Message_id $Message_id -Server $serverName
        # Convert binary response to XML
        $xml_doc=BinaryToXml $response

            return Set-AzureADObject -AccessToken $AccessToken -Recursion ($Recursion+1) -sourceAnchor $sourceAnchor -ObjectType $ObjectType -userPrincipalName $userPrincipalName -surname $surname -onPremisesSamAccountName $onPremisesSamAccountName -onPremisesDistinguishedName $onPremisesDistinguishedName -onPremiseSecurityIdentifier $onPremisesDistinguishedName -netBiosName $netBiosName -lastPasswordChangeTimestamp $lastPasswordChangeTimestamp -givenName $givenName -dnsDomainName $dnsDomainName -displayName $displayName -countryCode $countryCode -commonName $commonName -accountEnabled $accountEnabled -cloudMastered $cloudMastered -usageLocation $usageLocation -CloudAnchor $CloudAnchor
        # Return

# Removes the given Azure AD Object
function Remove-AzureADObject
    Removes Azure AD object using Azure AD Sync API
    Removes Azure AD object using Azure AD Sync API
    .Parameter AccessToken
    Access Token
    .Parameter sourceAnchor
    The source anchor for the Azure AD object. Typically Base 64 encoded GUID of on-prem AD object.

        # Accept only three loops
        if($Recursion -gt 3)
            throw "Too many recursions"
        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache($AccessToken)

        # Create the body block
        <ProvisionAzureADSyncObjects xmlns="">
            <syncRequest xmlns:b="" xmlns:i="">
                        <b:PropertyValues xmlns:c="">

        $body_mid= Add-PropertyValue "SourceAnchor" $sourceAnchor




        $envelope = Create-SyncEnvelope -AccessToken $AccessToken -Command $Command -Message_id $Message_id -Body $body -Binary -Server $serverName
        # Call the API
        $response=Call-ADSyncAPI $envelope -Command "$Command" -Tenant_id (Read-AccessToken($AccessToken)).tid -Message_id $Message_id -Server $serverName
        # Convert binary response to XML
        $xml_doc=BinaryToXml $response

            return Remove-AzureADObject -AccessToken $AccessToken -Recursion ($Recursion+1) -sourceAnchor $sourceAnchor -ObjectType $ObjectType
        # Return

# Finalize Azure AD Sync
function Finalize-Export
        # Accept only three loops
        if($Recursion -gt 3)
            throw "Too many recursions"

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache($AccessToken)

        # Create the body block

        <FinalizeExport xmlns="">



        $envelope = Create-SyncEnvelope -AccessToken $AccessToken -Command $Command -Message_id $Message_id -Body $body -Binary -Server $serverName
        # Call the API
        $response=Call-ADSyncAPI $envelope -Command "$Command" -Tenant_id (Parse-AccessToken($AccessToken)).tid -Message_id $Message_id -Server $serverName

        # Convert binary response to XML
        $xml_doc=BinaryToXml $response
            return Finalize-Export -Count $Count -AccessToken $AccessToken -Recursion ($Recursion+1)
            return $xml_doc

# Get sync objects from Azure AD
function Get-SyncObjects
    Gets tenant's synchronized objects
    Gets tenant's synchronized objects using Azure AD Sync API
    .Parameter AccessToken
    Access Token

        # Accept only three loops
        if($Recursion -gt 3)
            throw "Too many recursions"

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache($AccessToken)

        # Create the body block
        <ReadBackAzureADSyncObjects xmlns="">
            <inputCookie i:nil="true" xmlns:i=""></inputCookie>



        $envelope = Create-SyncEnvelope -AccessToken $AccessToken -Command $Command -Message_id $Message_id -Body $body -Binary -Server $serverName
        # Call the API
        $response=Call-ADSyncAPI $envelope -Command "$Command" -Tenant_id (Read-AccessToken($AccessToken)).tid -Message_id $Message_id -Server $serverName

        # Convert binary response to XML
        $xml_doc=BinaryToXml $response

            return Get-SyncObjects -AccessToken $AccessToken -Recursion ($Recursion+1)
            # Create a return object

            # Loop through objects
            foreach($obj in $res.ResultObjects.AzureADSyncObject)

                # Loop through all key=value pairs
                foreach($kv in $obj.PropertyValues.KeyValueOfstringanyType)

                # Return
                New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $details


# Set's user's password
function Set-UserPassword
    Sets the password of the given user
    Sets the password of the given user using Azure AD Sync API. If the Result is 0, the change was successful.
    Requires that Directory Synchronization is enabled for the tenant!
    .Parameter AccessToken
    Access Token
    .Parameter SourceAnchor
    User's source anchor (ImmutableId)
    .Parameter Password
    User's new password
    .Parameter ChangeDate
    Time of the password change. Can be now or in the past.
    Set-AADIntUserPassword -SourceAnchor "Vvl6blILG0/Cr/8TWOe9pg==" -Password "MyPassword" -ChangeDate ((Get-Date).AddYears(-1))
    CloudAnchor Result SourceAnchor
    ----------- ------ ------------
    CloudAnchor 0 Vvl6blILG0/Cr/8TWOe9pg==

        # Accept only three loops
        if($Recursion -gt 3)
            throw "Too many recursions"

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache($AccessToken)

        # Create AAD hash
        $CredentialData = Create-AADHash -Password $Password

        # Create the body block
        <ProvisionCredentials xmlns="">
            <request xmlns:b="" xmlns:i="">
                        <b:CloudAnchor i:nil="true"/>
                        <b:WindowsLegacyCredentials i:nil="true"/>
                        <b:WindowsSupplementalCredentials i:nil="true"/>



        $envelope = Create-SyncEnvelope -AccessToken $AccessToken -Command $Command -Message_id $Message_id -Body $body -Binary -Server $serverName
        # Call the API
        $response=Call-ADSyncAPI $envelope -Command "$Command" -Tenant_id (Read-AccessToken($AccessToken)).tid -Message_id $Message_id -Server $serverName

        # Convert binary response to XML
        $xml_doc=BinaryToXml $response

            return Set-UserPassword -AccessToken $AccessToken -Recursion ($Recursion+1) -SourceAnchor $SourceAnchor -Password $Password -ChangeDate $ChangeDate
            # Return

            return $xml_doc.Envelope.Body.ProvisionCredentialsResponse.ProvisionCredentialsResult.Results.SyncCredentialsChangeResult



# Creates or reset service account
function Reset-ServiceAccount
    Create or reset Azure AD Connect sync service account.
    Creates a new user account for Azure AD Connect sync service OR resets existing user's password.
    The created user will have DirecotrySynchronizationAccount role.
    .Parameter AccessToken
    Access Token
    .Parameter ServiceAccount
    Name of the service account to be created.
    Reset-AADIntServiceAccount -AccessToken $at -ServiceAccount myserviceaccount
    Password UserName
    -------- --------

        # Accept only three loops
        if($Recursion -gt 3)
            throw "Too many recursions"

        # Get from cache if not provided
        $AccessToken = Get-AccessTokenFromCache($AccessToken)

       # Create the body block
        <GetServiceAccount xmlns="">



        $envelope = Create-SyncEnvelope -AccessToken $AccessToken -Command $Command -Message_id $Message_id -Body $body -Binary -Server $serverName
        # Call the API
        $response=Call-ADSyncAPI $envelope -Command "$Command" -Tenant_id (Read-AccessToken($AccessToken)).tid -Message_id $Message_id -Server $serverName

        # Convert binary response to XML
        $xml_doc=BinaryToXml $response

            return Get-ServiceAccount -AccessToken $AccessToken -Recursion ($Recursion+1) -ServiceAccount $ServiceAccount
            # Return

            $retval = $xml_doc.Envelope.Body.GetServiceAccountResponse.GetServiceAccountResult
            if($retval -eq $null)
                return $xml_doc.Envelope.Body.Fault.Reason.Text.'#text'
                # Create and return response object
                $Attributes = @{
                    UserName = $retval.UserName
                    Password = $retval.Password
                return New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $Attributes

# Enable or disable pass-through authentication
function Set-PassThroughAuthentication
    Enables or disables passthrough authentication (PTA).
    Enables or disables passthrough authentication (PTA) using api.
    .Parameter AccessToken
    Access Token.
    .Parameter Enabled
    Whether to enable or disable PTA.
    PS C:\>$cred=Get-Credential
    PS C:\>$pt=Get-AADIntAccessTokenForPTA -Credentials $cred
    PS C:\>Set-AADIntPassThroughAuthentication -AccessToken $pt -Enable $true
    IsSuccesful Enable Exists
    ----------- ------ ------
    true true true


       # Create the body block
        <PassthroughAuthenticationEnablementRequest xmlns="" xmlns:i="">
            <AuthenticationToken xmlns="">$AccessToken</AuthenticationToken>
            <UserAgent>AADConnect/1.1.882.0 PassthroughAuthenticationConnector/1.5.405.0</UserAgent>

        $tenant_id = Get-TenantId -AccessToken $AccessToken
        # Call the api
        $response=Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://$" -Method Post -ContentType "application/xml; charset=utf-8" -Body $body

        # Create and return the response object
            IsSuccesful = $response.PassthroughAuthenticationRequestResult.IsSuccessful
            Enable = $response.PassthroughAuthenticationRequestResult.Enable
            Exists = $response.PassthroughAuthenticationRequestResult.Exists
        return New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $Attributes