
function Export-4BitCSS
        Exports 4bitCSS
        Converts a color scheme into 4bitCSS and outputs a .CSS file.

    # The name of the color scheme.

    # The color for Black (ANSI0).

    # The color for Red (ANSI 1).

    # The color for Green (ANSI 2).
    # The color for Yellow (ANSI 3).
    # The color for Blue (ANSI 4).

    # The color for Purple/Magneta (ANSI 5).

    # The color for Cyan (ANSI 6).

    # The color for White (ANSI 7).

    # The color for Bright Black (ANSI 8).

    # The color for Bright Red (ANSI 9).

    # The color for Bright Green (ANSI 10).

    # The color for Bright Yellow (ANSI 11).

    # The color for Bright Blue (ANSI 12).

    # The color for Bright Purple / Magneta (ANSI 13).

    # The color for Bright Cyan (ANSI 14).

    # The color for Bright White (ANSI 15).

    # The background color. (Should be the value for Black)

    # The foreground color. (Should be the value for White)

    # The cursor color.

    # The selection background.

    # The output path. If not specified, will output to the current directory.

    # If set, will not generate css classes for well-known streams

    # If set, will not generate css classes for each color.
    [Alias('NoColorNames', 'NoNamedColors')]

    # If set, will not generate css classes for each potential fill

    # If set, will not generate css classes for each potential stroke.

    # If set, will not include CSS for common page elements

    # If set, will generate minimal css (not minimized)
    # Implies all other -No* switches

    process {
        if (-not $OutputPath) {
            $OutputPath = $PSScriptRoot

        if (-not (Test-Path $OutputPath)) {
            $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $OutputPath

        # get a reference to this command
        $myCmd = $MyInvocation.MyCommand

        $jsonObject = [Ordered]@{}

        # Walk over each parameter
        :nextParam foreach ($keyValue in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) {
            # and walk over each of it's attributes to see if it part of the payload
            foreach ($attr in $myCmd.Parameters[$keyValue.Key].Attributes) {
                # If the parameter is bound to part of the payload
                if ($attr -is [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingPropertyAttribute]) {
                    # copy it into our payload dicitionary.
                    $jsonObject[$attr.Name] = $keyValue.Value
                    # (don't forget to turn switches into booleans)
                    if ($jsonObject[$attr.Name] -is [switch]) {
                        $jsonObject[$attr.Name] = [bool]$jsonObject[$attr.Name]
                    continue nextParam

        $jsonObject = [PSCustomObject]$jsonObject

        if ($Minimal) {
            $NoStream = $true
            $NoColorName = $true
            $NoFill = $true
            $NoElement = $true
            $NoStroke = $true            

        $cssFile    = (Join-Path $OutputPath "$($name -replace '\s').css")
        $className  = $Name -replace '\s' -replace '^\d', '_$0'        
        $cssContent = @(
:root {
    foreach ($prop in $jsonObject.psobject.properties) {
    "--$($prop.Name): $($prop.Value)"
    }) -join (';' + [Environment]::NewLine + ' '))

.colorSchemeName::before, .ColorSchemeName::before { content: '$($name)'; }
.colorSchemeFileName::before, .ColorSchemeFileName::before { content: '$($name -replace '\s').css'; }


# Foreground and background colors

.foreground, .Foreground { color: var(--foreground); }
.background, .Background { background-color: var(--background); }

.foreground-border , .Foreground-Border { border-color: var(--foreground) }
.foreground-fill , .Foreground-Fill { fill: var(--foreground) }
.foreground-stroke , .Foreground-Stroke { stroke: var(--foreground) }

.background-border , .Background-Border { border-color: var(--background) }
.background-fill , .Background-Fill { fill: var(--background) }
.background-stroke , .Background-Stroke { stroke: var(--background) }

# Colors for well-known "Streams" of data.
if (-not $NoStream) {
.output , .Output { color: var(--foreground) }
.success , .Success { color: var(--brightGreen) }
.failure , .Failure { color: var(--red) }
.error , .Error { color: var(--brightRed) }
.warning , .Warning { color: var(--brightYellow) }
.debug , .Debug { color: var(--yellow) }
.verbose , .Verbose { color: var(--brightCyan) }
.progress , .Progress { color: var(--cyan) }
.link , .Link { color: var(--cyan) }

.error-border , .Error-Border { border-color: var(--brightRed) }
.error-fill , .Error-Fill { fill: var(--brightRed) }
.error-stroke , .Error-Stroke { stroke: var(--brightRed) }

.success-border , .Success-Border { border-color: var(--brightGreen) }
.success-fill , .Sucesss-Fill { fill: var(--brightGreen) }
.sucesss-stroke , .Success-Stroke { stroke: var(--brightGreen) }

.warning-border , .Warning-Border { border-color: var(--brightYellow) }
.warning-fill , .Warning-Fill { fill: var(--brightYellow) }
.warning-stroke , .Warning-Stroke { stroke: var(--brightYellow) }


if (-not $NoColorName) {
.black , .Black , .ANSI0 { color: var(--black) }
.red , .Red , .ANSI1 { color: var(--red) }
.green , .Green , .ANSI2 { color: var(--green) }
.yellow , .Yellow , .ANSI3 { color: var(--yellow) }
.blue , .Blue , .ANSI4 { color: var(--blue) }
.magenta , .Magenta , .ANSI5 { color: var(--purple) }
.cyan , .Cyan , .ANSI6 { color: var(--cyan) }
.white , .White , .ANSI7 { color: var(--white) }

.brightblack , .bright-black , .BrightBlack , .ANSI8 { color: var(--brightBlack) }
.brightred , .bright-red , .BrightRed , .ANSI9 { color: var(--brightRed) }
.brightgreen , .bright-green , .BrightGreen , .ANSI10 { color: var(--brightGreen) }
.brightyellow , .bright-yellow , .BrightYellow , .ANSI11 { color: var(--brightYellow) }
.brightblue , .bright-blue , .BrightBlue , .ANSI12 { color: var(--brightBlue) }
.brightmagenta , .bright-magenta , .BrightMagenta , .ANSI13 { color: var(--brightPurple) }
.brightcyan , .bright-cyan , .BrightCyan , .ANSI14 { color: var(--brightCyan) }
.brightwhite , .bright-white , .BrightWhite , .ANSI15 { color: var(--brightWhite) }

.purple , .Purple { color: var(--purple) }

.brightpurple , .bright-purple , .BrightPurple { color: var(--brightPurple) }


if (-not $NoFill) {
.black-fill , .BlackFill , .ANSI0-Fill, .ansi0-fill { fill: var(--black) }
.red-fill , .RedFill , .ANSI1-Fill, .ansi1-fill { fill: var(--red) }
.green-fill , .GreenFill , .ANSI2-Fill, .ansi2-fill { fill: var(--green) }
.yellow-fill , .YellowFill , .ANSI3-Fill, .ansi3-fill { fill: var(--yellow) }
.blue-fill , .BlueFill , .ANSI4-Fill, .ansi4-fill { fill: var(--blue) }
.magenta-fill , .MagentaFill , .ANSI5-Fill, .ansi5-fill { fill: var(--purple) }
.purple-fill, .PurpleFill { fill: var(--purple) }
.cyan-fill , .CyanFill , .ANSI6-Fill, .ansi6-fill { fill: var(--cyan) }
.white-fill , .WhiteFill , .ANSI7-Fill, .ansi7-fill { fill: var(--white) }
.brightblack-fill , .bright-black-fill , .BrightBlackFill , .ANSI8-Fill, .ansi8-fill { fill: var(--brightBlack) }
.brightred-fill , .bright-red-fill , .BrightRedFill , .ANSI9-Fill, .ansi9-fill { fill: var(--brightRed) }
.brightgreen-fill , .bright-green-fill , .BrightGreenFill , .ANSI10-Fill, .ansi10-fill { fill: var(--brightGreen) }
.brightyellow-fill , .bright-yellow-fill , .BrightYellowFill , .ANSI11-Fill, .ansi11-fill { fill: var(--brightYellow) }
.brightblue-fill , .bright-blue-fill , .BrightBlueFill , .ANSI12-Fill, .ansi12-fill { fill: var(--brightBlue) }
.brightmagneta-fill , .bright-magneta-fill , .BrightMagnetaFill , .ANSI13-Fill, .ansi13-fill { fill: var(--brightPuple) }
.brightpurple-fill , .bright-purple-fill, .BrightPurpleFill { fill: var(--brightPuple) }
.brightcyan-fill , .bright-cyan-fill , .BrightCyanFill , .ANSI14-Fill, .ansi14-fill { fill: var(--brightCyan) }
.brightwhite-fill , .bright-white-fill , .BrightWhiteFill , .ANSI15-Fill, .ansi15-fill { fill: var(--brightWhite) }


if (-not $NoStroke) {
.black-stroke , .BlackStroke , .ANSI0-Stroke, .ansi0-stroke { stroke: var(--black) }
.red-stroke , .RedStroke , .ANSI1-Stroke, .ansi1-stroke { stroke: var(--red) }
.green-stroke , .GreenStroke , .ANSI2-Stroke, .ansi2-stroke { stroke: var(--green) }
.yellow-stroke , .YellowStroke , .ANSI3-Stroke, .ansi3-stroke { stroke: var(--yellow) }
.blue-stroke , .BlueStroke , .ANSI4-Stroke, .ansi4-stroke { stroke: var(--blue) }
.magenta-stroke , .MagentaStroke , .ANSI5-Stroke, .ansi5-stroke { stroke: var(--purple) }
.purple-stroke, .PurpleStroke { fill: var(--purple) }
.cyan-stroke , .CyanStroke , .ANSI6-Stroke, .ansi6-stroke { stroke: var(--cyan) }
.white-stroke , .WhiteStroke , .ANSI7-Stroke, .ansi7-stroke { stroke: var(--white) }
.brightblack-stroke , .bright-black-stroke , .BrightBlackFill , .ANSI8-Fill, .ansi8-fill { stroke: var(--brightBlack) }
.brightred-stroke , .bright-red-stroke , .BrightRedFill , .ANSI9-Fill, .ansi9-fill { stroke: var(--brightRed) }
.brightgreen-stroke , .bright-green-stroke , .BrightGreenFill , .ANSI10-Fill, .ansi10-fill { stroke: var(--brightGreen) }
.brightyellow-stroke , .bright-yellow-stroke , .BrightYellowFill , .ANSI11-Fill, .ansi11-fill { stroke: var(--brightYellow) }
.brightblue-stroke , .bright-blue-stroke , .BrightBlueFill , .ANSI12-Fill, .ansi12-fill { stroke: var(--brightBlue) }
.brightmagneta-stroke , .bright-magneta-stroke , .BrightMagnetaFill , .ANSI13-Fill, .ansi13-fill { stroke: var(--brightPuple) }
.brightpurple-stroke , .bright-purple-stroke, .BrightPurpleStroke { fill: var(--brightPuple) }
.brightcyan-stroke , .bright-cyan-stroke , .BrightCyanFill , .ANSI14-Fill, .ansi14-fill { stroke: var(--brightCyan) }
.brightwhite-stroke , .bright-white-stroke , .BrightWhiteFill , .ANSI15-Fill, .ansi15-fill { stroke: var(--brightWhite) }


if (-not $NoElement) {

body {
    color: var(--foreground);
    background-color: var(--background);

a, a:visited, a:hover { color: var(--cyan); }

::selection, ::-moz-selection {
    color: var(--cursorColor);
    background-color: var(--selectionBackground);
form input[type="text"], form input[type="checkbox"], input[type="button"], textarea, select, option {
    color: var(--foreground);
    background-color: var(--background);

form input[type="text"], textarea, select {
    border : 1px solid var(--foreground);
    outline: 1px solid var(--foreground);

hr {
    color: var(--foreground)

        ) -join [Environment]::NewLine
        $cssContent | Set-Content -Path $cssFile
        Get-Item -Path $cssFile