function Export-4BitCSS { <# .SYNOPSIS Exports 4bitCSS .DESCRIPTION Converts a color scheme into 4bitCSS and outputs a .CSS file. .EXAMPLE $palette = @{ Foreground = '#FFFFFF' Background = '#010101' Black = '#000420' Red = '#ff4422' Green = '#008100' Yellow = '#e68d00' Blue = '#4488ff' Purple = '#844284' Cyan = '#008080' White = '#efefef' BrightBlack = '#808080' BrightRed = '#e50000' BrightGreen = '#44ff22' BrightYellow = '#e6d600' BrightBlue = '#004cff' BrightPurple = '#760188' BrightCyan = '#42F4F4' BrightWhite = '#FFFFFF' } Export-4bitcss -Name 4bit @palette -OutputPath .\4bit #> [Alias('Template.CSS.4Bit','Template.4bit.css')] param( # The name of the color scheme. [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty("name")] [string] $Name, # The color for Black (ANSI0). [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('ANSI0')] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty("black")] [string] $Black, # The color for Red (ANSI 1). [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('ANSI1')] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty("red")] [string] $Red, # The color for Green (ANSI 2). [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('ANSI2')] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty("green")] [string] $Green, # The color for Yellow (ANSI 3). [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('ANSI3')] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty("yellow")] [string] $Yellow, # The color for Blue (ANSI 4). [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('ANSI4')] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty("blue")] [string] $Blue, # The color for Purple/Magneta (ANSI 5). [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('ANSI5')] [Alias('Magenta')] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty("purple")] [string] $Purple, # The color for Cyan (ANSI 6). [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('ANSI6')] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty("cyan")] [string] $Cyan, # The color for White (ANSI 7). [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('ANSI7')] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty("white")] [string] $White, # The color for Bright Black (ANSI 8). [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('ANSI8')] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty("brightBlack")] [string] $BrightBlack, # The color for Bright Red (ANSI 9). [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('ANSI9')] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty("brightRed")] [string] $BrightRed, # The color for Bright Green (ANSI 10). [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('ANSI10')] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty("brightGreen")] [string] $BrightGreen, # The color for Bright Yellow (ANSI 11). [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('ANSI11')] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty("brightYellow")] [string] $BrightYellow, # The color for Bright Blue (ANSI 12). [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('ANSI12')] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty("brightBlue")] [string] $BrightBlue, # The color for Bright Purple / Magneta (ANSI 13). [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('BrightMagenta')] [Alias('ANSI13')] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty("brightPurple")] [string] $BrightPurple, # The color for Bright Cyan (ANSI 14). [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('ANSI14')] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty("brightCyan")] [string] $BrightCyan, # The color for Bright White (ANSI 15). [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('ANSI15')] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty("brightWhite")] [string] $BrightWhite, # The background color. (Should be the value for Black) [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty("background")] [string] $Background, # The foreground color. (Should be the value for White) [Parameter(Mandatory,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty("foreground")] [string] $Foreground, # The cursor color. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty("cursorColor")] [string] $CursorColor, # The selection background. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingProperty("selectionBackground")] [string] $SelectionBackground, # The output path. If not specified, will output to the current directory. [string] $OutputPath, # If set, will not generate css classes for well-known streams [Alias('NoStreams','NoStreamColors')] [switch] $NoStream, # If set, will not generate css classes for each color. [Alias('NoColorNames', 'NoNamedColors')] [switch] $NoColorName, # If set, will not generate css classes for each potential fill [Alias('NoFills','NoNamedColorFill')] [switch] $NoFill, # If set, will not generate css classes for each potential stroke. [Alias('NoStrokes','NoNamedColorStroke')] [switch] $NoStroke, # If set, will not generate css classes for each background-color. [Alias('NoBackgrounColors')] [switch] $NoBackgroundColor, # If set, will not generate css classes that correspond to `$psStyle`. [Alias('NoStyles','NoPSStyle','NoPSStyles')] [switch] $NoStyle, # If set, will not include CSS for common page elements [Alias('NoElements')] [switch] $NoElement, # If set, will not generate CSS for highlight.js [Alias('NoHighlights','NoHighlightJS')] [switch] $NoHighlight, # A collection of highlight styles. # The key should be the selector for one or more highlight js classes, and the value should be a series of CSS rules. [Collections.IDictionary] $HighlightStyle = $([Ordered]@{ ".hljs" = 'display: block','overflow-x: auto','padding: 0.5em','background: var(--background)','color: var(--foreground)' ".hljs-comment, .hljs-quote, .hljs-variable, .hljs-string, .hljs-doctag" = 'color: var(--green);' ".hljs-keyword, .hljs-selector-tag, .hljs-built_in, .hljs-name, .hljs-tag" = 'color: var(--cyan);' ".hljs-title, .hljs-section, .hljs-attribute, .hljs-literal, .hljs-template-tag, .hljs-template-variable, .hljs-type, .hljs-addition" = 'color: var(--blue);' ".hljs-deletion, .hljs-selector-attr, .hljs-selector-pseudo, .hljs-meta" = 'color: var(--red);' ".hljs-attr,.hljs-symbol,.hljs-bullet,.hljs-link" = 'color: var(--purple);' ".hljs-emphasis" = 'font-style: italic;' ".hljs-strong" = 'font-weight: bold;' }), # If set, will generate minimal css (not minimized) # Implies all other -No* switches [Alias('VariablesOnly')] [switch] $Minimal ) begin { filter GetLuma { $colorString = $_ # Convert the background color to a uint32 $rgb = ($colorString -replace "#", "0x" -replace ';') -as [UInt32] # then make it into a percentage red, green, and blue. $r, $g, $b = ([float][byte](($rgb -band 0xff0000) -shr 16)/255), ([float][byte](($rgb -band 0x00ff00) -shr 8)/255), ([float][byte]($rgb -band 0x0000ff)/255) # Calculate the luma of the background color 0.2126 * $R + 0.7152 * $G + 0.0722 * $B } $myCmd = $MyInvocation.MyCommand } process { if (-not $OutputPath) { $OutputPath = if ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.Module) { $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.Module } else { $PSScriptRoot | Split-Path } } if (-not (Test-Path $OutputPath)) { $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $OutputPath } $jsonObject = [Ordered]@{} $ColorOrder = @( 'Black', 'Red', 'Green', 'Yellow', 'Blue', 'Purple', 'Cyan', 'White' ) # Walk over each parameter :nextParam foreach ($keyValue in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) { # and walk over each of it's attributes to see if it part of the payload foreach ($attr in $myCmd.Parameters[$keyValue.Key].Attributes) { # If the parameter is bound to part of the payload if ($attr -is [ComponentModel.DefaultBindingPropertyAttribute]) { # copy it into our payload dicitionary. $jsonObject[$attr.Name] = $keyValue.Value # (don't forget to turn switches into booleans) if ($jsonObject[$attr.Name] -is [switch]) { $jsonObject[$attr.Name] = [bool]$jsonObject[$attr.Name] } continue nextParam } } } $jsonObject['Luma'] = $Background | GetLuma $jsonObject['Contrast'] = [Math]::Abs(($foreground | GetLuma) - $jsonObject['Luma']) $jsonObject = [PSCustomObject]$jsonObject # and determine if it is bright or dark. $IsBright = $luma -ge .4 if ($Minimal) { $NoStream = $true $NoColorName = $true $NoFill = $true $NoElement = $true $NoStroke = $true $NoBackgroundColor = $true $NoStyle = $true $NoHighlight = $true } # Generate a CSS file name for the color scheme $cssFile = (Join-Path $OutputPath "$($name | Convert-4BitName).css") # Generate a CSS class name for the color palette # replacing space and leading digits with an underscore. $className = $Name -replace '\s' -replace '^\d', '_$0' # Generate the CSS content $cssContent = @( @" :root { $(@( foreach ($prop in $ { if ($prop.Name -eq 'Name') { "--$($prop.Name): '$($prop.Value)'" } else { "--$($prop.Name): $($prop.Value)" } }) -join (';' + [Environment]::NewLine + ' ')); --IsBright: $($IsBright -as [int]); --IsDark: $((-not $IsBright) -as [int]); } .colorSchemeName::before, .ColorSchemeName::before { content: '$($name)'; } .colorSchemeFileName::before, .ColorSchemeFileName::before { content: '$($name | Convert-4BitName).css'; } "@ # Foreground and background colors @" .foreground, .Foreground { color: var(--foreground); } .background, .Background { background-color: var(--background); } .foreground-border , .Foreground-Border { border-color: var(--foreground) } .foreground-fill , .Foreground-Fill { fill: var(--foreground) } .foreground-stroke , .Foreground-Stroke { stroke: var(--foreground) } .background-border , .Background-Border { border-color: var(--background) } .background-fill , .Background-Fill { fill: var(--background) } .background-stroke , .Background-Stroke { stroke: var(--background) } "@ # Colors for well-known "Streams" of data. if (-not $NoStream) { @" .output , .Output { color: var(--foreground) } .success , .Success { color: var(--brightGreen) } .failure , .Failure { color: var(--red) } .error , .Error { color: var(--brightRed) } .warning , .Warning { color: var(--brightYellow) } .debug , .Debug { color: var(--yellow) } .verbose , .Verbose { color: var(--brightCyan) } .progress , .Progress { color: var(--cyan) } .link , .Link { color: var(--cyan) } .error-border , .Error-Border { border-color: var(--brightRed) } .error-fill , .Error-Fill { fill: var(--brightRed) } .error-stroke , .Error-Stroke { stroke: var(--brightRed) } .success-border , .Success-Border { border-color: var(--brightGreen) } .success-fill , .Sucesss-Fill { fill: var(--brightGreen) } .sucesss-stroke , .Success-Stroke { stroke: var(--brightGreen) } .warning-border , .Warning-Border { border-color: var(--brightYellow) } .warning-fill , .Warning-Fill { fill: var(--brightYellow) } .warning-stroke , .Warning-Stroke { stroke: var(--brightYellow) } "@ } if (-not $NoColorName) { @" /* colors */ .black , .Black , .ANSI0 { color: var(--black) } .red , .Red , .ANSI1 { color: var(--red) } .green , .Green , .ANSI2 { color: var(--green) } .yellow , .Yellow , .ANSI3 { color: var(--yellow) } .blue , .Blue , .ANSI4 { color: var(--blue) } .magenta , .Magenta , .ANSI5 { color: var(--purple) } .cyan , .Cyan , .ANSI6 { color: var(--cyan) } .white , .White , .ANSI7 { color: var(--white) } .brightblack , .bright-black , .BrightBlack , .ANSI8 { color: var(--brightBlack) } .brightred , .bright-red , .BrightRed , .ANSI9 { color: var(--brightRed) } .brightgreen , .bright-green , .BrightGreen , .ANSI10 { color: var(--brightGreen) } .brightyellow , .bright-yellow , .BrightYellow , .ANSI11 { color: var(--brightYellow) } .brightblue , .bright-blue , .BrightBlue , .ANSI12 { color: var(--brightBlue) } .brightmagenta , .bright-magenta , .BrightMagenta , .ANSI13 { color: var(--brightPurple) } .brightcyan , .bright-cyan , .BrightCyan , .ANSI14 { color: var(--brightCyan) } .brightwhite , .bright-white , .BrightWhite , .ANSI15 { color: var(--brightWhite) } .purple , .Purple { color: var(--purple) } .brightpurple , .bright-purple , .BrightPurple { color: var(--brightPurple) } "@ } if (-not $NoBackgroundColor) { @" /* background colors */ .black-background, .BlackBackground, .ANSI0-Background, .ansi0-background { background-color: var(--black) } .red-background, .RedBackground, .ANSI1-Background, .ansi1-background { background-color: var(--red) } .green-background, .GreenBackground, .ANSI2-Background, .ansi2-background { background-color: var(--green) } .yellow-background, .YellowBackground, .ANSI3-Background, .ansi3-background { background-color: var(--yellow) } .blue-background, .BlueBackground, .ANSI4-Background, .ansi4-background { background-color: var(--blue) } .magenta-background, .MagentaBackground, .ANSI5-Background, .ansi5-background { background-color: var(--purple) } .cyan-background, .CyanBackground, .ANSI6-Background, .ansi6-background { background-color: var(--cyan) } .white-background, .WhiteBackground, .ANSI7-Background, .ansi7-background { background-color: var(--white) } .brightblack-background, .bright-black-background, .BrightBlackBackground, .ANSI8-Background, .ansi8-background { background-color: var(--brightBlack) } .brightred-background, .bright-red-background, .BrightRedBackground, .ANSI9-Background, .ansi9-background { background-color: var(--brightRed) } .brightgreen-background, .bright-green-background, .BrightGreenBackground, .ANSI10-Background, .ansi10-background { background-color: var(--brightGreen) } .brightyellow-background, .bright-yellow-background, .BrightYellowBackground, .ANSI11-Background, .ansi11-background { background-color: var(--brightYellow) } .brightblue-background, .bright-blue-background, .BrightBlueBackground, .ANSI12-Background, .ansi12-background { background-color: var(--brightBlue) } .brightmagenta-background, .bright-magenta-background, .BrightMagentaBackground, .ANSI13-Background, .ansi13-background { background-color: var(--brightPurple) } .brightcyan-background, .bright-cyan-background, .BrightCyanBackground, .ANSI14-Background, .ansi14-background { background-color: var(--brightCyan) } .brightwhite-background, .bright-white-background, .BrightWhiteBackground, .ANSI15-Background, .ansi15-background { background-color: var(--brightWhite) } "@ } if (-not $NoFill) { @" /* fills */ .black-fill , .BlackFill , .ANSI0-Fill, .ansi0-fill { fill: var(--black) } .red-fill , .RedFill , .ANSI1-Fill, .ansi1-fill { fill: var(--red) } .green-fill , .GreenFill , .ANSI2-Fill, .ansi2-fill { fill: var(--green) } .yellow-fill , .YellowFill , .ANSI3-Fill, .ansi3-fill { fill: var(--yellow) } .blue-fill , .BlueFill , .ANSI4-Fill, .ansi4-fill { fill: var(--blue) } .magenta-fill , .MagentaFill , .ANSI5-Fill, .ansi5-fill { fill: var(--purple) } .purple-fill, .PurpleFill { fill: var(--purple) } .cyan-fill , .CyanFill , .ANSI6-Fill, .ansi6-fill { fill: var(--cyan) } .white-fill , .WhiteFill , .ANSI7-Fill, .ansi7-fill { fill: var(--white) } .brightblack-fill , .bright-black-fill , .BrightBlackFill , .ANSI8-Fill, .ansi8-fill { fill: var(--brightBlack) } .brightred-fill , .bright-red-fill , .BrightRedFill , .ANSI9-Fill, .ansi9-fill { fill: var(--brightRed) } .brightgreen-fill , .bright-green-fill , .BrightGreenFill , .ANSI10-Fill, .ansi10-fill { fill: var(--brightGreen) } .brightyellow-fill , .bright-yellow-fill , .BrightYellowFill , .ANSI11-Fill, .ansi11-fill { fill: var(--brightYellow) } .brightblue-fill , .bright-blue-fill , .BrightBlueFill , .ANSI12-Fill, .ansi12-fill { fill: var(--brightBlue) } .brightmagneta-fill , .bright-magneta-fill , .BrightMagnetaFill , .ANSI13-Fill, .ansi13-fill { fill: var(--brightPurple) } .brightpurple-fill , .bright-purple-fill, .BrightPurpleFill { fill: var(--brightPuple) } .brightcyan-fill , .bright-cyan-fill , .BrightCyanFill , .ANSI14-Fill, .ansi14-fill { fill: var(--brightCyan) } .brightwhite-fill , .bright-white-fill , .BrightWhiteFill , .ANSI15-Fill, .ansi15-fill { fill: var(--brightWhite) } "@ } if (-not $NoStroke) { @" /* strokes */ .black-stroke , .BlackStroke , .ANSI0-Stroke, .ansi0-stroke { stroke: var(--black) } .red-stroke , .RedStroke , .ANSI1-Stroke, .ansi1-stroke { stroke: var(--red) } .green-stroke , .GreenStroke , .ANSI2-Stroke, .ansi2-stroke { stroke: var(--green) } .yellow-stroke , .YellowStroke , .ANSI3-Stroke, .ansi3-stroke { stroke: var(--yellow) } .blue-stroke , .BlueStroke , .ANSI4-Stroke, .ansi4-stroke { stroke: var(--blue) } .magenta-stroke , .MagentaStroke , .ANSI5-Stroke, .ansi5-stroke { stroke: var(--purple) } .purple-stroke, .PurpleStroke { stroke: var(--purple) } .cyan-stroke , .CyanStroke , .ANSI6-Stroke, .ansi6-stroke { stroke: var(--cyan) } .white-stroke , .WhiteStroke , .ANSI7-Stroke, .ansi7-stroke { stroke: var(--white) } .brightblack-stroke , .bright-black-stroke , .BrightBlackStroke , .ANSI8-Stroke, .ansi8-stroke { stroke: var(--brightBlack) } .brightred-stroke , .bright-red-stroke , .BrightRedStroke , .ANSI9-stroke, .ansi9-stroke { stroke: var(--brightRed) } .brightgreen-stroke , .bright-green-stroke , .BrightGreenStroke , .ANSI10-Stroke, .ansi10-stroke { stroke: var(--brightGreen) } .brightyellow-stroke , .bright-yellow-stroke , .BrightYellowStroke, .ANSI11-Stroke, .ansi11-stroke { stroke: var(--brightYellow) } .brightblue-stroke , .bright-blue-stroke , .BrightBlueStroke , .ANSI12-Stroke, .ansi12-stroke { stroke: var(--brightBlue) } .brightmagneta-stroke , .bright-magneta-stroke , .BrightMagnetaStroke , .ANSI13-Stroke, .ansi13-stroke { stroke: var(--brightPuple) } .brightpurple-stroke , .bright-purple-stroke, .BrightPurpleStroke { stroke: var(--brightPuple) } .brightcyan-stroke , .bright-cyan-stroke , .BrightCyanStroke , .ANSI14-Stroke, .ansi14-stroke { stroke: var(--brightCyan) } .brightwhite-stroke , .bright-white-stroke , .BrightWhiteStroke , .ANSI15-Stroke, .ansi15-stroke { stroke: var(--brightWhite) } "@ } if (-not $NoStyle) { @" /* psStyles */ .dim, .Dim { opacity: .5; } .hidden, .Hidden { opacity: 0; } b, bold, .bold, .Bold { font-weight: bold; } .boldOff, .BoldOff { font-weight: normal; } i, italic, .italic, .Italic { font-style: italic; } .italicOff, .ItalicOff { font-style: normal; } u, underline, .underline, .Underline { text-decoration: underline; } .underlineOff, .UnderlineOff { text-decoration: none; } s, strike, .strike, .Strike, .strikethrough, .Strikethrough { text-decoration: line-through; } .strikeOff, .StrikeOff, .strikethroughOff, .StrikethroughOff { text-decoration: none; } "@ foreach ($subproperty in 'Formatting', 'Progress') { :nextStyleProperty foreach ($styleProperty in $PSStyle.$ { if ($styleProperty.Value -notmatch '\e') { continue } $null = $styleProperty.Value -match '\e\[(?<n>[\d;]+)m' $styleBytes = $matches.n -split ';' -as [byte[]] $cssProperties = @( switch ($styleBytes) { 1 { 'font-weight: bold' } 3 { 'font-style: italic' } 4 { 'text-decoration: underline' } 9 { 'text-decoration: line-through' } 22 { 'font-weight: normal' } 23 { 'font-style: normal' } 24 { 'text-decoration: none' } default { if ($_ -in 30..37) { $colorName = $ColorOrder[$_ - 30] if (-not $colorName) { Write-Warning "Could not translate `$psStyle.$($subproperty).$($styleProperty.Name) to a color." continue nextStyleProperty } $colorName = $colorName.Substring(0, 1).ToLower() + $colorName.Substring(1) "color: var(--$colorName)" } elseif ($_ -in 40..47) { $colorName = $ColorOrder[$_ - 40] if (-not $colorName) { Write-Warning "Could not translate `$psStyle.$($subproperty).$($styleProperty.Name) to a color." continue nextStyleProperty } $colorName = $colorName.Substring(0, 1).ToLower() + $colorName.Substring(1) "background-color: var(--$colorName)" } elseif ($_ -eq 38) { "color: var(--foreground)" } elseif ($_ -eq 48) { "background-color: var(--background)" } elseif ($_ -in 90..97) { $colorName = "bright$($ColorOrder[$_ - 90])" if (-not $colorName) { Write-Warning "Could not translate `$psStyle.$($subproperty).$($styleProperty.Name) to a color." continue nextStyleProperty } "color: var(--$colorName)" } elseif ($_ -in 100..107) { $colorName = "bright$($ColorOrder[$_ - 100])" if (-not $colorName) { Write-Warning "Could not translate `$psStyle.$($subproperty).$($styleProperty.Name) to a color." continue nextStyleProperty } "background-color: var(--$colorName)" } } } ) $className = ".$subproperty-$($styleProperty.Name)" "$className { $($cssProperties -ne '' -join ';') }" } } } if ((-not $NoHighlight) -and $HighlightStyle.Count) { "/* highlight.js styles */" foreach ($keyValuePair in $HighlightStyle) { foreach ($key in $HighlightStyle.Keys) { $cssProperties = $HighlightStyle[$key] $cssProperties = if ($cssProperties -is [Collections.IDictionary]) { foreach ($cssKeyValue in $cssProperties.GetEnumerator()) { "$($cssKeyValue.Key): $($cssKeyValue.Value)" } } else { $cssProperties } @("$key {" " $($cssProperties -join (';' + [Environment]::NewLine + ' '))" "}") -join [Environment]::NewLine } } } if (-not $NoElement) { @" body { color: var(--foreground); background-color: var(--background); caret-color: var(--cursorColor); } a, a:visited, a:hover { color: var(--cyan); } ::selection, ::-moz-selection { color: var(--cursorColor); background-color: var(--selectionBackground); } form input[type="text"], form input[type="checkbox"], input[type="button"], button, textarea, select, option { color: var(--foreground); background-color: var(--background); } option { color: var(--foreground); background: var(--background); } form input[type="text"], textarea, select, button { border : 1px solid var(--foreground); outline: 1px solid var(--foreground); } hr { color: var(--foreground) } "@ } ) -join [Environment]::NewLine $cssContent | Set-Content -Path $cssFile Get-Item -Path $cssFile } } |