@{ ModuleVersion = '0.1.5' RootModule = '4bitcss.psm1' Description = 'CSS3 Color Schemes for 4-bit color palettes' Guid = '93e1d6ab-ce88-4751-bb14-b21fbb9f66f3' CompanyName = 'Start-Automating' Author = 'James Brundage' Copyright = '2022-2024 Start-Automating' PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ ProjectURI = 'https://github.com/2bitdesigns' LicenseURI = 'https://github.com/2bitdesigns/4bitcss/blob/main/LICENSE' ReleaseNotes = @' > Like It? [Star It](https://github.com/2bitdesigns/4bitcss) > Love It? [Support It](https://github.com/sponsors/StartAutomating) ## 0.1.5: * 336 color palettes (and counting)! * Improved functionality * Support for `<button>` (#96) * `carat-color` support (#97) * HighlightJS support (#104, #105, #107) * Added json data files and credits (#79, #80) * Adding `--Luma` and `--Contrast` to CSS (#94, #95) * 4bitcss Docker Container (#74, #75, #76, #77) * Animated Palette Example (#109, #111) * Improved documentation and examples --- Additional History in [Changelog](https://github.com/2bitdesigns/4bitcss/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md) '@ Website = @{ Url = 'https://4bitcss.com/' Platform = 'Jekyll' Root = '/docs' } } } } |