Function Get-3LLogonEventAccountName { #requires -RunAsAdministrator #requires -Modules PSScriptTools <# .SYNOPSIS Get all logon events (Success and Failure) and extract some logon details .SYNOPSIS Get all authenticate events that are used to authenticate. Logon attempts are retrieved from events in the security eventlog with eventid 4624 and 4625. Each computer is queried as a separate job. The output of all jobs is merged in the end. .EXAMPLE Get-3LLogonEventAccountName -InformationAction Continue Get all logon events on the local machine and displays status messages. .EXAMPLE Get-3LLogonEventAccountName -afterDate (Get-Date).addDays(-14) Get all logon events on the local machine in the last 14 days .EXAMPLE Get-3LLogonEventAccountName -afterDate (Get-Date).addHours(-1) Get all logon events on the local machine in the hour .EXAMPLE Get-3LLogonEventAccountName -computerName SVR1, SVR2 -Progress Get all logon events on the specified computers. During analyzing the Security log Events, a progressbar is displayed. .EXAMPLE Get-3LLogonEventAccountName -InformationVariable info $info | Where Tags -eq 'Success' The first command collect all logon events on the local computer. Messages from the Information stream are collected in the info variable The second command shows all Information messages tagged as 'Success' .NOTES Author: Frits van Drie (3-Link.nl) Date : 2021-10-20 #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [string[]]$computerName, [datetime]$afterDate = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1), [switch]$progress ) Begin { Function Write--JobProgress { <# .NOTES Date: 2021-10-19 #> param($job) # Make sure the first child job exists if($job.ChildJobs[0].Progress -ne $null) { # Extract the latest progress of the job and write the progress $jobProgressHistory = $job.ChildJobs[0].Progress $latestProgress = $jobProgressHistory[$jobProgressHistory.Count - 1] $latestPercentComplete = $latestProgress | Select -expand PercentComplete $latestActivity = $latestProgress | Select -expand Activity $latestStatus = $latestProgress | Select -expand StatusDescription # a unique ID per ProgressBar if ( $latestProgress.PercentComplete -ge 0 ) { Write-Progress -Id $job.Id -Activity $latestActivity -Status $latestStatus -PercentComplete $latestPercentComplete } } } # module PSScriptTools required try { $module = 'PSScriptTools' Import-Module $module -ErrorAction Stop Write-Information "SUCCESS: Imported Module: $module" $function_ConvertEventLogRecord = "Function Convert-EventLogRecord {" + (Get-Item function:Convert-EventLogRecord).ScriptBlock + " }" } catch { Write-Information "FAILURE: Could not import required Module: $module" Write-Error $_ Break } if ( ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -notcontains 'computerName') -or ($computerName -eq 'localhost') ) { $computerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME } $msec = ((Get-Date)- $afterDate).TotalMilliseconds $xml = @" <QueryList> <Query Id="0" Path="Security"> <Select Path="Security">*[System[(Level=2 or Level=4 or Level=0) and (EventID=4624 or EventID=4625) and (TimeCreated[timediff(@SystemTime) `<= $msec])]]</Select> </Query> </QueryList> "@ # xmlFilter [array]$startedJobs = @() } # end Begin{} Process { foreach ( $computer in $computerName ) { $jobName = "LogonEvents-$computer" Write-Information "STATUS : Running Job $jobName" -Tags 'Status' $job = Start-Job -Name $jobName -ArgumentList $xml, $computer, $progress, $function_ConvertEventLogRecord { param($xml, $computer, $progress, $function_ConvertEventLogRecord) Write-Information "STATUS : Setting up session to computer $computer" -Tags 'Status' try { New-PSSession -ComputerName $computer -ErrorAction Stop Write-Information "SUCCESS: Connected to computer $computer" -Tags 'Success' } # try New-PSSession catch { Write-Information "FAILURE: Session to computer $computer failed" -Tags 'Failure' continue } if ( $session = Get-PSSession -ComputerName $computer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { Write-Information "STATUS : Starting Invoke-Command to computer $computer" -Tags 'Status' $outputInvoke = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ArgumentList $xml, $progress, $activity, $function_ConvertEventLogRecord { param($xml, $progress, $activity, $function_ConvertEventLogRecord) iex $function_ConvertEventLogRecord # load function: Convert-EventLogRecord $computer = $env:COMPUTERNAME $splatParam = @{} $splatParam.add('FilterXml', $xml) $splatParam.add('ComputerName', $computer) try { Write-Information "STATUS : Reading events from computer $computer" -Tags 'Status' $events = Get-WinEvent @splatParam -ErrorAction Stop $total = $events.Count } catch { Write-Information "INFO : $($_.tostring())" Write-Error $_ return } $activity = "Analyzing $total Events from computer $computer" Write-Information "STATUS : $activity" -Tags 'Status' $done = 0 $returnInvoke = @() foreach ($event in $events) { $obj = Convert-EventLogRecord $event $returnInvoke += $obj if ( $progress ) { $done++ Write-Progress -Activity $activity -Status "$done\$total" -PercentComplete ($done/$total*100) } } # end foreach event if ( $progress ) { Write-Progress -Activity $activity -Status "$done\$total" -PercentComplete ($done/$total*100) #Write-Progress -Activity $activity -Completed } return $returnInvoke } # end Invoke-Command Get-PSSession -ComputerName $computer | Remove-PSSession return $outputInvoke } # end if Get-PSSession } # end Start-Job [array]$startedJobs += $job } # end foreach computer Write-Information "" } # end Process{} End { # while ( $jobs = (Get-Job -Name '*-LogonEvents') ) { Write-Information "STATUS : Waiting for jobs to finish`n" while ( $startedJobs ) { # foreach ( $job in $jobs ) { foreach ( $job in $startedJobs ) { $jobState = $job.State # to prevent status changes during processing if ($jobState -eq 'Completed' ) { Write--JobProgress -job $job Write-Information "STATUS : Importing results from job: $(($job).Name)" -Tags 'Status' $receivedJob = Receive-Job $job $job | Remove-Job $startedJobs = $startedJobs | Where {$_ -ne $job} if ($receivedJob.length -gt 1) { # remove the first item which is the job [array]$outputJob += $receivedJob[1..($receivedJob.length-1)] } Write-Information "SUCCESS: Job ready: $(($job).Name)`n" -Tags 'Success' } else { Write--JobProgress -job $job #sleep 1 } } # end foreach job } # end While Write-Output $outputJob } # end End{} } Function Write-3LNetworkConfigurationToFile { <# .SYNOPSIS Find text in a file .NOTES Author : Frits van Drie (3-Link.nl) Versions : 2021.09.24 .EXAMPLE SaveNetworkConfigurationToFile -openFile .EXAMPLE SaveNetworkConfigurationToFile -path 'C:\data\network.txt' #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string]$path = "$($env:USERPROFILE)\Documents\$($env:COMPUTERNAME)-$($MyInvocation.MyCommand)-$(Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd_HHmmss).txt", [string]$header, [switch]$openFile, [switch]$noFile ) [array]$result = @() $result += "=================================================================================================" $result += "Computer : $($env:COMPUTERNAME)" $result += "Date : $(Get-Date -Format 'yy-MM-dd (HH:mm:ss)')" if ($MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey('header')) { $result += "Description: $header" } $result += "=================================================================================================`n" # Gather info try { $result += "`n=================================================================================================" $result += "Get-NetAdapter" $result += "=================================================================================================`n" $result += Get-NetAdapter -ErrorAction Stop | ft -AutoSize $result += "`n=================================================================================================" $result += "Get-NetIPAddress" $result += "=================================================================================================`n" $result += Get-NetIPAddress -ErrorAction Stop | ft -AutoSize $result += "`n=================================================================================================" $result += "Get-NetRoute" $result += "=================================================================================================`n" $result += Get-NetRoute -ErrorAction Stop | ft -AutoSize $result += "`n=================================================================================================" $result += "Get-DnsClientCache" $result += "=================================================================================================`n" $result += Get-DnsClientCache -ErrorAction Stop | ft -AutoSize $result += "`n=================================================================================================" $result += "Show-DnsServerCache" $result += "=================================================================================================`n" (Get-DnsClientServerAddress -Family IPv4 | Where serveraddresses ).serveraddresses | foreach { $result += "`n====================" $result += "DNS: $_" $result += "====================`n" try { $result += Show-DnsServerCache -ComputerName $_ -ea Stop } catch { $result += "Cache of $_ could not be read" } } $result += "`n=================================================================================================" $result += "Get-NetTCPConnection" $result += "=================================================================================================`n" $result += Get-NetTCPConnection -ErrorAction Stop | ft -AutoSize $result += "`n=================================================================================================" $result += "Get-Process" $result += "=================================================================================================`n" $result += Get-Process -ErrorAction Stop | ft -AutoSize $result += "`n=================================================================================================" $result += "Get-DnsClientServerAddress" $result += "=================================================================================================`n" $result += Get-DnsClientServerAddress -ErrorAction Stop | ft -AutoSize $result += "`n=================================================================================================" $result += "Certificates" $result += "=================================================================================================`n" $result += GCI 'Cert:\LocalMachine\My' -ErrorAction Stop | ft -AutoSize $result += GCI 'Cert:\CurrentUser\My' -ErrorAction Stop | ft -AutoSize } catch { Write-Error $error[0] break } if ( $noFile ) { $openFile = $true $path = Join-Path $env:TEMP (Split-Path $path -Leaf) } try { $result | Out-File $path -Append -ErrorAction Stop -Width 200 } catch { Write-Error $error[0] break } if ($openFile) { notepad.exe $path } if ($noFile) { Write-Verbose "Network configuration saved to $path" Start-Sleep 2 Remove-Item $path -Force -ea SilentlyContinue } else { Write-Host "Network configuration saved to $path" -f Yellow } } Function Out-3LNotepad { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [String] [AllowEmptyString()] $Text ) begin { $sb = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder } process { $null = $sb.AppendLine($Text) } end { $text = $sb.ToString() $process = Start-Process notepad -PassThru $null = $process.WaitForInputIdle() $sig = ' [DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "FindWindowEx")]public static extern IntPtr FindWindowEx(IntPtr hwndParent, IntPtr hwndChildAfter, string lpszClass, string lpszWindow); [DllImport("User32.dll")]public static extern int SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int uMsg, int wParam, string lParam); ' $type = Add-Type -MemberDefinition $sig -Name APISendMessage -PassThru $hwnd = $process.MainWindowHandle [IntPtr]$child = $type::FindWindowEx($hwnd, [IntPtr]::Zero, "Edit", $null) $null = $type::SendMessage($child, 0x000C, 0, $text) } } Function Publish-3LScriptOrModule { <# .NOTES Author: Frits van Drie (3-Link.nl) Date : 2021-10-20 .SYNOPSIS Publishes a script or module to a private or online repository .DESCRIPTION Publishes a script (ps1) or module (psm1) to a private or online repository {PSGallery). Before a module is published, a manifest file is created in the same folder. By default all functions in the module are exported. If an online repository (PSGallery) is used, a NuGet apiKey is needed. .PARAMETER ScriptPath Specifying this parameter will let you publish a script (only .ps1 extensions are valid) .PARAMETER ModulePath Specifying this parameter will let you publish a module (only .psm1 extensions are valid) .PARAMETER Repository This allows you to specify a private repository instead of the default PSGallery .PARAMETER GetSavedSettings Using this parameter settings are listed from a json-file in the user profile. Settings saved in this file: ApiKey, Author, Company, Copyright, Description, Repository .PARAMETER UseSavedSettings Using this parameter some parameters and values are retrieved from json-file in the user profile. When a parameter is also specified in the command, it will override that setting. Settings saved in this file: ApiKey, Author, Company, Copyright, Description, Repository .PARAMETER SaveSettings Use this parameter to save some settings to a json-file in the user profile. Settings saved in this file: ApiKey, Author, Company, Copyright, Description, Repository .PARAMETER FunctionsToExport This parameter let you specify the FunctionsToExport in the module-manifest file. By default all commands in the module-file are added Specifying the parameter will override the default. .PARAMETER Force Force can only be used when publishing a script. It allows you to overwrite an existing scriptpackage with the same version .EXAMPLE Publish-3LScriptOrModule -GetSavedSettings This lists the current settings in the json-file that is stored under AppData\Local If no file exists, a new file is created. Use the saveSettings parameter to update the default values. .EXAMPLE Publish-3LScriptOrModule -author $author -company $company -copyright $copyright -description $description -SaveSettings. This command publishes a module to a private repository. Some settings will be saved in a json-file in the user profile .EXAMPLE Publish-3LScriptOrModule ` -author $author -company $company -copyright $copyright -description $description -repository 'PSGallery' -scriptPath $scriptpath -version 1.0.0 -Force This command publishes a script to the PSGallery. If the version is already present it will be overwritten (-Force). .EXAMPLE Publish-3LScriptOrModule -repository 'PSGallery' -scriptPath $scriptpath -version 1.0.0 -UseSavedSettings -verbose This command publishes a script to the PSGallery. Settings stored in json-file are used. .EXAMPLE Publish-3LScriptOrModule -saveSettings -author $author -company $company -copyright $copyright -description $description -repository $repository -apiKey $apiKey This creates a new json settingsfile in the user profile or overwrites an existing file .EXAMPLE Publish-3LScriptOrModule -saveSettings -author 'Joe Codex' This updates the json settingsfile #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="Module")] param( [parameter(ParameterSetName='Script', mandatory=$true, position=0)] [string]$scriptPath, [parameter(ParameterSetName='Module', mandatory=$true, position=0)] [string]$modulePath, [parameter(ParameterSetName='Script', mandatory=$false, position=1)] [parameter(ParameterSetName='Module', mandatory=$false, position=1)] [parameter(ParameterSetName='WriteSettings', mandatory=$false, position=1)] [string]$repository = 'PSGallery', [parameter(ParameterSetName='Script', mandatory=$false, position=2)] [parameter(ParameterSetName='Module', mandatory=$false, position=2)] [parameter(ParameterSetName='WriteSettings', mandatory=$false, position=2)] [string]$apiKey, [parameter(ParameterSetName='Script' , mandatory=$false, position=3)] [parameter(ParameterSetName='Module' , mandatory=$false, position=3)] [parameter(ParameterSetName='WriteSettings', mandatory=$false, position=3)] [string]$author, [parameter(ParameterSetName='Script', mandatory=$false, position=4)] [parameter(ParameterSetName='Module', mandatory=$false, position=4)] [parameter(ParameterSetName='WriteSettings', mandatory=$false)] [string]$description, [parameter(ParameterSetName='Script', mandatory=$false, position=5)] [parameter(ParameterSetName='Module', mandatory=$false, position=5)] [string]$version, [parameter(ParameterSetName='Script', mandatory=$false, position=6)] [parameter(ParameterSetName='Module', mandatory=$false, position=6)] [parameter(ParameterSetName='WriteSettings', mandatory=$false, position=6)] [string]$company, [parameter(ParameterSetName='Script', mandatory=$false, position=7)] [parameter(ParameterSetName='Module', mandatory=$false, position=7)] [parameter(ParameterSetName='WriteSettings', mandatory=$false, position=7)] [string]$copyright, [parameter(ParameterSetName='Module', mandatory=$false, position=8)] [array]$functionsToExport, [parameter(ParameterSetName='Script', mandatory=$false)] [Switch]$Force=$false, [parameter(ParameterSetName='ReadSettings', mandatory=$false)] [Switch]$GetSavedSettings=$false, [parameter(ParameterSetName='Script', mandatory=$false)] [parameter(ParameterSetName='Module', mandatory=$false)] [Switch]$UseSavedSettings=$false, [parameter(ParameterSetName='WriteSettings', mandatory=$false)] [Switch]$SaveSettings=$false ) # Variables $settingsName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name $settingsFolder = "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\3-Link\$settingsName" $settingsFile = "$settingsName.json" $settingsPath = "$settingsFolder\$settingsFile" Function ImportSettingsFromFile { if ( -not(Test-Path $settingsPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) ) { Write-Verbose "FAILURE: Settingsfile not found: $settingsPath" try { Write-Verbose "INFO : Creating new file: $settingsPath" $objSettings = @{} $objSettings.add('apiKey' , 'update this') $objSettings.add('author' , 'update this') $objSettings.add('company' , 'update this') $objSettings.add('copyright' , 'update this') $objSettings.add('description', 'update this') $objSettings.add('repository' , 'PSGallery') New-Item (Split-Path $settingsPath -Parent) -ItemType Directory -Force $objSettings | ConvertTo-Json -ErrorAction Stop | Out-File $settingsPath -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose "SUCCESS: Created new file: $settingsPath" } catch { Write-Error $_ break } #end try\catch } # end If Write-Verbose "SUCCESS: $settingsPath found" Write-Verbose "INFO : Importing Settings from $settingsPath" $settings = Get-Content $settingsPath | ConvertFrom-Json Write-Verbose "SUCCESS: Settings imported" return $settings } # Import Settings if ( $UseSavedSettings -or $GetSavedSettings ) { $settings = ImportSettingsFromFile if ( $GetSavedSettings ) { return $settings } if ( $PSBoundParameters.Keys -notcontains 'apiKey' ) { $apiKey = $settings.apiKey } if ( $PSBoundParameters.Keys -notcontains 'author' ) { $author = $settings.author } if ( $PSBoundParameters.Keys -notcontains 'company' ) { $company = $settings.company } if ( $PSBoundParameters.Keys -notcontains 'copyright' ) { $copyright = $settings.copyright } if ( $PSBoundParameters.Keys -notcontains 'description' ) { $description = $settings.description } if ( $PSBoundParameters.Keys -notcontains 'repository' ) { $repository = $settings.repository } } # Save Settings if ( $SaveSettings ) { $settings = ImportSettingsFromFile if ( $PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'apiKey' ) { $settings.apiKey = $apiKey } if ( $PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'author' ) { $settings.author = $author } if ( $PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'company' ) { $settings.company = $company } if ( $PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'copyright' ) { $settings.copyright = $copyright } if ( $PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'description' ) { $settings.description = $description } if ( $PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'repository' ) { $settings.repository = $repository } # Save settings try { Write-Verbose "INFO : Creating folder: $settingsFolder" $null = New-Item -Path $settingsFolder -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose "SUCCESS: Created folder: $settingsFolder" Write-Verbose "INFO : Saving settings to $settingsPath" $settings | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File $settingsPath -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose "SUCCESS: Saved settings to $settingsPath" return $settings } catch { Write-Error $_ return } } # end SaveSettings # FilePath if ( $PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'scriptPath') { $filePath = $scriptPath } elseif ( $PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'modulePath') { $filePath = $modulePath } try { if ( -not (Test-Path $filePath -ErrorAction Stop) ) { Throw } else { Write-Verbose "SUCCESS: File exists" } } catch { Write-Error "$filePath is not a valid file" return } # end try\catch # Repository if ( $repository -in (Get-PSRepository).Name ) { Write-Verbose "SUCCESS: $repository exists" # Repo trusted if ( (Get-PSRepository -Name $repository).InstallationPolicy -ne 'Trusted' ) { Write-Error "$repository is not a trusted repository" return } else { Write-Verbose "SUCCESS: $repository is trusted" } } else { Write-Error "$repository is not a valid repository" return } # PowerShellGet Write-Verbose "TEST : Test PowerShellGet version" if ( (Get-Module -Name PowerShellGet -ListAvailable).Version -lt 2.2.5 ) { Write-Error "PowerShellGet version 2.2.5 is required" break } Write-Verbose "SUCCESS: PowerShellGet requirements confirmed" # TLS 12 Write-Verbose "TEST : TLS version min. Tls12 " if ( ([System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol).value__ -lt 3072 ) { #Get-ItemProperty 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols' Write-Error "Tls12 or newer is required. Use `'[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12`' to enable Tls12" break } Write-Verbose "SUCCESS: TLS requirements confirmed" # script or module Write-Verbose "TEST : File extension" if ( $PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'ScriptPath') { if ( (Get-Item $filePath).Extension -eq '.ps1' ){ $scriptName = (Split-Path $filePath -Leaf).Split('.')[0] Write-Verbose "SUCCESS: Valid script: $filePath" } else { Write-Error "Fileformat not supported: $filePath (only .ps1 is a valid extension)" return } } # end ScriptPath if ( $PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'ModulePath') { if ( (Get-Item $filePath).Extension -eq '.psm1' ){ $moduleName = (Split-Path $filePath -Leaf).Split('.')[0] Write-Verbose "SUCCESS: Valid module: $filePath" } else { Write-Error "Fileformat not supported: $filePath (only .psm1 is a valid extension)" return } } # end ModulePath # is repository private or online Write-Verbose "TEST : Is repository Local or Online" if ( $repoIsLocal = Test-Path (Get-PSRepository $repository).sourcelocation ) { Write-Verbose "INFO : $repository is a private repository" } # local Repo else { Write-Verbose "INFO : $repository is an online repository" # Validate apiKey if ( $apiKey -notmatch "^[a-z0-9]{46}$" ) { Write-Error "Not a valid ApiKey: $apiKey" return } Write-Verbose "SUCCESS: APIKey $apiKey has a valid format" } # online Repo # Publish Script if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'ScriptPath') { $splatScript = @{} $splatScript.Add('Path', $filePath) $splatScript.Add('Repository', $repository) if ( -not($repoIsLocal) ) { $splatScript.Add('NuGetApiKey', $apiKey) } try { Write-Verbose "INFO : Publishing $filePath to $repository" Write-Verbose "INFO : Parameter Force: $Force" $publishedItem = Publish-Script @splatScript -ErrorAction Stop -Force:$Force $publishedItem = Find-Script -Name $LOCAL:scriptName -Repository $repository -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose "SUCCESS: Publishing $filePath to $repository successfull" Write-Output $publishedItem } catch { Write-Error $_ return } # end try\catch } # end publish Script # Publish Module if ($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains 'ModulePath') { if ( $PSBoundParameters.Keys -notcontains 'functionsToExport' ) { [array]$functionsToExport = (Import-Module $modulePath -PassThru).ExportedCommands.keys } try { Write-Verbose "INFO : Creating Manifest $manifestPath" $manifestPath = $filePath.replace('psm1','psd1') $manifestFile = New-ModuleManifest ` -Path $manifestPath ` -Author $author ` -CompanyName $company ` -Copyright $copyright ` -RootModule $moduleName ` -Description $description ` -ModuleVersion $version ` -FunctionsToExport $functionsToExport ` -PassThru ` -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose "SUCCESS: Manifest created" Write-Verbose "INFO : Testing Manifest $manifestPath" $null = Test-ModuleManifest ` -Path $modulePath.replace('psm1','psd1') ` -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose "SUCCESS: Manifest tested" } # try New-ModuleManifest catch { Write-Error $_ Break } # end try\catch try { Write-Verbose "INFO : Publishing $filePath to $repository" Write-Verbose "INFO : Parameter Force: $Force" $splatModule = @{} $splatModule.Add('Path' , $moduleFolder) $splatModule.Add('Repository' , $repository) $splatModule.Add('Force' , $Force) if ( $repository -eq 'PSGallery' ) { $splatModule.Add('NuGetApiKey', $apiKey) } $publishedItem = Publish-Module @splatModule -ErrorAction Stop #-WhatIf $publishedItem = Find-Module $LOCAL:moduleName -Repository $repository -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose "SUCCESS: Publishing $filePath to $repository successfull" Write-Output $publishedItem } # try Publish-Module catch { $Error[0] Write-Error $_ return } # end try\catch } # end Publish Module } Function Find-3LStringInFile { <# .SYNOPSIS Find text in a file .NOTES Author : Frits van Drie (3-Link.nl) Versions : 2021.09.23 .EXAMPLE FindStringInFile -pattern 'Project' -path "document.txt" searches document.txt in current folder for 'project' or 'Project' .EXAMPLE FindStringInFile -pattern 'Project' -path "document.txt" -caseSensitive searches document.txt in current folder for 'Project' .EXAMPLE gci "C:\Users\user\documents" -File | foreach { FindStringInFile -pattern 'project' -path $_.FullName } searches all users documents 'project' or 'Project' #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(mandatory = $true)] [string]$pattern, [parameter(mandatory = $true)] [string]$path, [parameter(mandatory = $false)] [switch]$caseSensitive ) begin { Write-Verbose "Start Function: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" } process { foreach ($file in $path) { try { $objfile = Get-item $path -ea Stop $result = $objFile | Select-String -Pattern $pattern -ea Stop -CaseSensitive:$caseSensitive Write-Output $result } catch { Write-Error "File not found: $path" } } } end { Write-Verbose "End Function: $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" } } |